"family practice emr software" - 7 best features to consider

1 7 Best Family Practice EMR Software Features for Every Family Physician

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Post on 27-May-2015



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"Family Practice EMR" - by @RevenueXL. Our PrognoCIS EHR for Family Practice is easy to implement. Free implementation. If you are looking to replace your current Family Practice EHR, contact us today. For more details, visit http://www.revenuexl.com/family-practice-emr. As a family physician, it's important for you to function as a sort of "jack of all trades". In addition to offering your patients physical exams, you also frequently pull from various specialties in treating their conditions. For that reason, it's important for you to have family practice electronic health records system, instead of a generic EMR that doesn't provide you with every feature you need. The best value Electronic Health Records Software from RevenueXL is the most comprehensive, leading EHR Software with a full suite of features that are essential to running your practice efficiently. We make it easy for healthcare providers to create, store, track and share digital patient data through a comprehensive, certified EHR solution. For a free demo on our award winning and certified EHR Software: www.revenuexl.com/emr-demo To read more about this, please check out our blog: http://bit.ly/128DeKk Find us on the web here: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/revenuexl Twitter: https://twitter.com/RevenueXL Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/105555160002049412682/posts


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2. Family Practice EMR Software As a family physician, it's important for you to function as a sort of "jack of all trades". It's important for you to have family practice electronic health records system, instead of a generic EMR that doesn't provide you with every feature you need.2 3. Specific Templates Because you're expected to treat a variety of illnesses and medical conditions, specific templates are an absolute must. Family practice electronic health records systems have ready-made templates that are already customized according to your needs.3 4. Billing and Coding ICD-10 is going to change billing and coding tremendously once it becomes mandatory for practices to begin using the new billing codes. With family practice electronic health records, you'll find billing and coding to be simple for your staff, alerting them to any mistakes, and resulting in quicker reimbursement for you.4 5. Easy Test Integration One of the concerns many family physicians have about using EMR is being able to easily integrate the system to read the various tests they have to order throughout the course of a day.Your family practice electronic health records system should quickly provide you with the test results you need, as soon as the tests have been completed.5 6. Laboratory Interface Patients appreciate convenience, and when your EMR is able to communicate with local laboratories to order tests, it makes life much easier for you and your patients. With just a few clicks of the mouse, you'll be able to send out blood test orders, and you won't have to worry about your patients losing their paperwork.6 7. Patient Portal An important part of Stage 2 Meaningful Use is providing your patients with a way to access their medical records through your EMR. With a patient portal, you'll be able to easily educate your patients on how important and simple it is to access their records, and even make their own appointments.7 8. E-Prescriptions Another convenient feature your patients will appreciate is e-prescribing. With just a few clicks, your patients' prescriptions will be at the pharmacy, making it easy for them to pick them up on their way home.8 9. Achieve Meaningful Use A family practice EMR should guide you every step of the way, giving you the information you need to adjust the way you use the system, and bring you closer to achieving Meaningful Use.9 10. Lets Discuss If you already have a family practice electronic health records system, perhaps you're afraid that you've made the wrong choice. We're confident that we can provide you with a great EMR solution for your family practice. For more information, contact us today!10 11. Thank You To request a customized EMR Demo please click the button below. Demo RevenueXL Inc. Headquarters (Silicon Valley, California) 19925, Stevens Creek Blvd. Cupertino, CA 95014, USA Telephone: (408) 625-7254 Facsimile: (408) 493-464811