family times christchurch spring 2012

Get kids into the kitchen Having fun with food! Homework Too much? Not enough? CHRISTCHURCH ISSN 1176 7944 SPRING ISSUE 2012 A news magazine and online resource for families Find us on Facebook Is it Easy Street for kids today? How expectations have changed Win Win Win Competitions, giveaways and vouchers Kids in business Encouraging young entrepreneurs

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Family Times Christchurch Spring 2012


Page 1: Family Times Christchurch Spring 2012

Get kids into the kitchenHaving fun with food!

HomeworkToo much? Not



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4Spring iSSue 2012

A news magazine and online resource for families Find us on Facebook

Is it Easy Street for kids today?How expectations have changed

Win Win WinCompetitions, giveaways and vouchers

Kids in business

Encouraging young entrepreneurs

Page 2: Family Times Christchurch Spring 2012


Page 3: Family Times Christchurch Spring 2012


Features5 Parenting Girls How to communicate and cope with


6 Are we too easy on today’s children?

How expectations have changed over the generations

8 Tablets vs. computers Making the right choice9 Getting kids into the kitchen Encouraging healthy eating with help from

the kids11 How to talk and listen to your kids Dealing with feelings and emotions12 Fit families Getting the right balance for active kids

13 Nurture your tiny tycoons Getting kids into business14 Baby and toddler How children shape their world through play15 The homework debate Too much or not enough?16 Gardening corner New Zealand Gardener of the Year Alan Jones

discusses the benefits of having chooks.17 Healthy eating in food

courts It’s possible! Know your numbers.

Comment20 Kids’ view We ask children if they think their childhood

differs from their parents or grandparents.

Special features27 Parties Good old-fashioned birthday party games

to enjoy and decorations to make.30 Safety Choosing a bike.32 Destination Buller Explore all that the Buller District has to offer.34 Let’s go tramping! Get outdoors – family-friendly walks and huts

Contents Spring 2012

About UsPublisher

Robyn WillisDesign & Production

Moody ShokryAdvert Production

Target Press Production OfficeEditor

Vanessa O’Brien Assistant EditorRachel TaniwhaDigital Editor

Fiona SmithContributing Writers

Karen Theobald, Wayne Webb, Karyn Riley, Gill Connell, Alan Jones, Sarah Chisnall

Advertising Sales Caren Constable Shona Robb Nicky Barnett Jane Hunter Tina Barriball Katrina Wright

Office ManagerRaelyn Hay

Office AssistantJackie Pithie

Reach us at:Family Publishers (NZ)

P.O. Box 36-004, Christchurch 8146, NZPh. 03-355-9186 0800285 510

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DistributionPrinted and distributed quarterly approximately two weeks before each major school holiday. 43,431 distrib-uted through early childhood centres, primary and intermediate schools, Christchurch City Council offices, recreational facili-ties, libraries and service centres, selected medical and midwifery premises and McDonalds restaurants.The

opinions expressed in this publication are not those of the publisher unless indicated otherwise. No part of this publication may be reprinted without the expressed written permission of the publisher. Family Times is not responsible for unsolicited material. Family Times is funded and published solely through the support of its advertisers. They support us, please support them.

inside this issue

Resource information10 Help is at hand 16 School Term Dates 22 Calendar of events 23 Holiday programmes 24 Entertainment 25 After school 36 Marketplace

Look out for these icons throughout the publication for the chance to win great prizes. In this issue, you can win a MacPac Vamoose Carrier, two Mocka bikes and trips on the Interislander!





Page 4: Family Times Christchurch Spring 2012


Of all the combinations of words in the world that

have the power to irk me, these three do it best: “it’s not fair.”“Life’s not fair,” I respond pragmatically. “You might as well get used to it.”It’s not that I’m a pessimist, or trying to impart pessimism into the upcoming generation. But I think a little realism can help develop a tenacity in people – even little people - that cultivates character that won’t crumble at the first obstacle in life. I’d like to imagine that these words of wisdom are my own, but I have a sneaking suspicion creeping up on me. Are they the exact same words my mother spoke to me?On contemplation, I’m pretty sure they are. They echoed through my head every time I had to hang out the washing, do the dishes, make the lunches, ride back from the shops on my Raleigh 20 with groceries bags balanced on the handle bars, iron school shirts, vacuum the floor, or mow the lawns.Now, that’s not a comprehensive list of chores, but by today’s standards, it’s practically child slavery. And no amount of salty tears streaming down my face moved my mother. As it turns out - to the complete surprise of a 10-year-old me, quivering at the injustice of it all - I survived. Most parents I know today look back on those days as a kind of golden age – a time when kids were kids, adults were obeyed, and life was somehow simpler. There’s a general feeling that much of today’s young generation has a sense of entitlement. It’s not just kids: Generation Y is well

documented for expecting the best jobs with the best benefits, before they’ve paid their dues. But as much as we hearken to bygone values, we live in a different world. Today’s mod-cons mean that littlies aren’t bringing in the firewood or slaving over hot, soapy water, but more is expected of them in terms of achievement – in academics, sports, cultural activities and club memberships. Kids spend less time on household chores, but it hasn’t translated into more time for imagination and free play. I frequently hear the exhausted sighs of exasperated parents trying to keep up with their kids’ busy schedules. Now, every parent wants the best for their child, but the question has to be asked: are we expecting too much of parents these days, and not enough of kids? We ask the experts what they think in our main parenting article this edition. We’ve also got plenty of parenting tips, competitions and ideas to keep the whole family entertained this spring.Enjoy!Vanessa O’Brien



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Fancy a walking history tour around the city, putter and

map in hand, combined with a round of mini-golf?Take a trip to Colombo Street, Sydenham end and you will come across the first of two holes of a city-wide mini-golf course created by Gap Filler.Gap Filler is a creative urban regeneration ini-tiative started in response to the Canterbury earthquakes with the aim to temporarily acti-vate vacant sites awaiting redevelopment with projects to help liven up the city. The projects aim to connect people with their city, to exper-iment and try new ideas and make otherwise empty areas active, without big cost or major construction, to show that the city can grow in important ways. The city-wide mini-golf project starts in Syden-ham, and each hole contains information about the history of what stood on the site pre-quake. Each additional hole will be designed, built and maintained by a local group, organisa-tion, business, or school, and there are plans to design holes in suburban areas, meaning keen putters will also get to venture out further from the city to other areas affected by the earthquake. Not just creative “artsy” people are involved with the design and building of projects, says Trent Hiles of Gap Filler. Anyone can become involved. Gap Filler gives everyday people a way to contribute to the city’s regen-eration instead of waiting for the professionals to do the job. Hiles says a group of students from Athens, Georgia, USA were so impressed

with the concept they are considering develop-ing the idea in their hometown.This project aims to encourage people to explore the city once again, with paper or smartphone maps to guide them from each hole to the next. For tourists, this course will provide them with a uniquely Christchurch experience but also help them to understand, in a small way, what has happened here. And kids love it too! Putters and balls can be borrowed from various locations or you can bring your own. There are some sites still available if you’d like to design a hole, with turf and some materials provided. Contact [email protected] more information visit

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From the editor

Page 5: Family Times Christchurch Spring 2012







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“...some girls overburden themselves with the worries of their friends and relatives, and become anxious and preoccupied about their inevitable ups and downs.”

Parenting girls involves the same fundamental

parenting skills as for boys. These skills include setting up a good one-to-one relationship with your daughter; discussing with her your expectations and supporting her with her difficulties. Additionally, parents need to run a well-organised household that provides structure and routines so that your daughter is supported in her efforts to meet the demands of family, school, hobbies and sports commitments. Finally, it also involves setting clear boundaries and providing natural and logical consequences if she persists in breaking those boundaries.As well as practising these critically important parenting skills, it pays for parents to consider that the strengths of girls’ personalities can also have associated liabilities.Many girls have strongly developed empathy skills, which enables them to form close and supportive relationships with both family and friends. The downside of this is that girls can become over-involved with too many social relationships, and become overextended in trying to meet the resulting maintenance demands of these relationships. Wise parents monitor the danger signs of this and help their daughters to moderate this tendency.Associated with this tendency of having too many social contacts, some girls overburden themselves with the worries of their friends and relatives, and become anxious and

preoccupied about their inevitable ups and downs. Some girls have large friendship groups in which all the girls are endlessly preoccupied with yet another problem of one of the members, and these constant worries affect the mental outlook of all the girls involved in the group.Including in this mix of relationships is the tendency of some younger girls to become intensely involved with one particular friend with which they share their most intimate and personal secrets. Sometimes these friendships can blossom into enduring adult friendships which bring great happiness and support for both girls. However, they can also end into catastrophic breakups which unleash intense feelings of grief, betrayal and anger. At times these feelings are shared and amplified by the wider friendship groups of both girls, and then a longstanding social vendetta involving rumours and slander can go back and forth between the ex-friends and their friends, causing a great deal of hurt and misery to the girls involved. Wise parents and teachers then should intervene, and should invest time and counsel the two girls into accepting the breakup of their friendship, and to insist on stopping the social vendetta.It also pays for fathers and mothers to consider their individual approaches with their daughters.

Fathers have a great influence on their daughters, and the strength of this parental relationship will delay the need for a girl to start searching for a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship. This delay is an advantage, because it will enable your daughter to embark on these kind of relationships with far greater maturity and internal stability. Fathers also need to be aware that many girls want to process their feelings by just talking things through, and that often the best thing a father can do is to lend a listening ear, without too much advice giving. Mothers too can benefit from standing back and reflecting on their relationship with their daughter. Many daughters will testify that their mothers are their best friends, and research shows that mothers support their daughters right through their adult lives. However, there can be a downside to these strong mother-daughter relationships in that the daughter is unable to extricate herself from her parent, and is not able to ever become a truly independent and autonomous

person in her own right. A mother therefore needs to be careful to foster the independence of her daughter.Before girls embark on their teenage years, it pays for parents to lay a strong foundation of instilling safe self-management practices. Teenage years are exhilarating and at times difficult, but the best parents manage to negotiate and/or insist on safety first. Research shows that those parents who have developed and maintained strong, caring and mutually respectful relationships with their daughters manage to get their girls through the difficult adolescent times, and witness them blossoming into strong and wonderful young women. All this takes steady self-reflection; the determination to be the best parent you can be; the wisdom and love to engage with your daughter as she encounters difficulties and the courage to intervene when she requires your boundaries, support and guidance.By Joseph Driessen, education consultantDriessen speaks to parent and teacher groups about education. Email [email protected].

Parenting Girls

Page 6: Family Times Christchurch Spring 2012


“When I was your age…” Those

few words have resonated throughout generations of families worldwide. Today’s parents heard it from their parents, and undoubtedly today’s children hear it from their parents. Is it just a case of the older generation ranting and raving about the difficulties of life without today’s mod-cons, or was life really different in bygone days in terms of values and expectations? The stories are endless; walking to school in the snow, chopping wood for the fire, washing clothes by hand. Kids playing on the streets and walking to school were once a frequent sight, but not in today’s world. While the older generation may be quick to point the finger at today’s parents for making life too easy for their kids, and potentially raising a nation of overly dependent, lazy children, experts that Family Times spoke with said that it was not a cut-and-dried case. Parental expectations are still there, but they are different from bygone generations. While today’s kids are not necessarily shovelling snow, that doesn’t always mean that their lives are a cake walk, or that parents have lost control of parenting.

Who’s the boss?Family therapist and parenting coach Diane Levy thinks it is much more difficult for today’s parents to raise children than it was a

generation ago. “When our parents asked their children to do something they did it without hesitation.” Parents felt absolutely entitled to ask children to do something without worrying about whether they were being positive enough or phrasing it the right way. “They certainly never felt obliged to offer us incentives for ordinary household chores or our homework obligations.” She says that with the influence of the many parenting experts these days (and admits she is one of them) and their varying opinions on how to raise children, it is no wonder that parents hesitate at each step of the parenting journey. “The effect is that it is quite hard to tell who is in charge – parent or child.”

Are we too soft?Maybe it’s a safety conscious society, or overprotective parents, but the sight of children playing in the streets and making their own fun, which was once common, is no longer the norm. The Parenting Place creative director John Cowan says his parents were “delightfully neglectful”. As a child he would dawdle from school, go to his mates’ places or play on the railway lines and by the creek. The only time he had to phone was if he wasn’t going to be home for tea. He does say however, child accident rates then were four times higher than they are today, so the vigilance of today’s parents is not all neurotic overprotection. “Walking to school and catching public transport is probably as safe as it always has been.”

Eldercare Canterbury co-ordinator Valda Reveley, who discussed the issue of expectations of today’s children compared to previous generations with a member of an Elder Care Canterbury Consumer Group, said perhaps parents today were too protective. Children needed to be encouraged and shown how to become independent. “If you make things “too safe” they won’t cope when they get older. Be logical but don’t make our children fearful, dependent and less able to become independent thinkers and problem solvers, compromising their ability to parent well themselves.”

On the other hand, parents do need to educate children about scenarios that could put them at risk. Technology today has changed the whole game-plan in that regard, with the widespread use of cell phones and social media.

Entitlement and the changing face of the familyFamily dynamics have certainly changed from previous generations: the average age of first-time mothers has risen, the number of children in the “average” family has dropped, and there are more single parents and combined families. The cost of living has increased, but so has

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feature story

Page 7: Family Times Christchurch Spring 2012


relative income. More children are in childcare to enable both parents to work and receive a double income. Given the economic changes and greater focus on consumer goods, Levy says today’s parents feel more obliged to come up with good explanations and justifications for why their children cannot have everything they want. “Our parents were better at simply saying “no”.”

ExpectationsChildren in previous generations were undoubtedly expected to assist with more household chores. With today’s heat pumps, dishwashers, packaged and processed foods, microwaves and combined washer/dryers, children are largely spared these domestic duties. Cowan says he was the indulged baby of the family and suspects he got off lightly in terms

of chores. However, his own children, who are now young adults, all helped with household duties. “I am convinced that has contributed to their independence. Chores teach life skills, they help kids feel competent and it teaches them to work. They learn that that a family mucks in together to get things done.” However, clinical psychologist Dr Fran Vertue said that in most cases, expectations of children around the home were greater 25 years ago when educational options were broader and there was far less academic competition. “While some parents may put less emphasis on their children being in paid work or doing chores around the house, they have much higher expectations in terms of their children’s achievements.” There are definite bonuses to having high hopes - Levy says children can learn to be productive if parents raise their expectations. “If we raise our expectations of how they contribute to the family and that we expect them to contribute well at school and take full advantage of the educational opportunities offered to them, our children are likely to meet these expectations.” Furthermore, Levy says that today there is more variety available for children in school subjects and after school activities, but far less time to play and find ways of entertaining themselves. Dr Vertue says one of the struggles she has is with parents who insist that their children are constantly busy after school and on weekends with activities that are meant to extend them in some way. “Children seemed to have more free time than they do now.”

The influence of parentsSo, although expectations of today’s children in the home are not as high as in previous generations, children have less free time and more planned activities. But ultimately, parents hold the key to finding that balance, and

shaping their children to become productive adults and independent decision makers in an ever-changing world.Dr Vertue says parents need to find the equilibrium (which shifts constantly as children develop) between pushing them out into the world and holding them in a safe, nurturing way. “Some parents expect their children to understand issues that are way beyond their capacity – the children are treated like short adults – with the result that the children are constantly disappointing their parents. Sometimes, children just get exhausted from their parents’ demands.”Of course there are parents at the other end of the spectrum who make so few demands that their children are developmentally delayed in terms of independence, says Dr Vertue.Cowan says that not only are children less independent than before, they are staying

dependent longer. According to an Australian expert on boys, Ian Lillico, the median age for boys to leave home is 26 years and climbing. So, are today’s parents doing a good job in a consumer society that expects less in the home, but demands more in terms of achievement? Levy says that from a parenting perspective, it’s more difficult to raise children to be whole and healthy contributing people, but there is a “splendid opportunity to tailor-make our parenting toward raising our children in a direction that will be good for them and good for the community.”“Most importantly, if we are going to raise our children well, we need to find a way of giving them a community to belong to and contribute to and as parents. We need to find a way of sticking together,” she says. By Rachel Taniwha

Key points of “our parents versus us”

• Our parents felt absolutely entitled to ask children to do something without worrying about whether they were being positive enough or phrasing it the right way – parents of this generation feel more obliged to offer incentives.

• Children need to be encouraged and shown how to become independent. If things are made too safe, it will be hard to cope when they’re older.

• Be logical but don’t make your children fearful, dependent and less able to become independent thinkers and problem solvers, compromising their ability to parent well themselves.

• Today’s parents feel more obliged to

come up with good explanations and justifications for why their children cannot have everything they want. Our parents were better at simply saying no.

• Household chores help contribute to independence.

• Parents these days tend to expect more from their child(ren) in terms of achievement.

• Children are not short adults! Don’t expect them to understand issues beyond them.

• Children are staying at home longer than previous generations.

• Give them a sense of community to belong to and contribute to.

feature story

Page 8: Family Times Christchurch Spring 2012


Tablets Vs. Computers?As with most modern

purchases, the personal details of your own situation will determine which device is right for you. It’s very easy to get caught up in the very popular rush for tablets, or to easily dismiss this as a fad. Understanding what your circumstances dictate and what your options are is the way to find the best solution.Definitions:Tablets are by definition and description computers, but with a specific size and interface. Generally a tablet is a rectangular screen with no attached keyboard that operates mainly by touch screen input. You can easily distinguish a tablet by some easy characteristics:• It’s bigger than a mobile phone, but smaller

than a full screen computer or laptop. • No physical keyboard• Operates by touch• Is portable • Is called a tablet, phablet, pad, slate or book (The phablet is a new term that describes that interim step between a large mobile phone and a small tablet.)The personal computer (PC) on the other hand is generally a machine that sits on a desk with keyboard, processor box, mouse and screen. In the case of a laptop, it has all of these features built into a single device and can be opted to be portable and run on battery power or be plugged into an electrical outlet.

Differences:There are advantages and disadvantages to both types of computer. PC’s (or Macs) are generally much more powerful and capable of a lot more than a tablet, but also weigh much more and are less portable. Even the lightest laptop finds it hard to compete with the lighter, smaller tablets. Operating systems and programmes available for computers are currently more capable than tablets, but not by much and the tablet software market grows literally every minute with new applications and software being written and released much faster than computer software. Touchscreen technology is very intuitive but also cumbersome when typing large amounts.

What about my situation?It really depends on what you need. If you can only afford to invest in one technology first then the best solution is the one that suits the most of your needs. The biggest consideration is often price and capability. Most people will probably end up with both devices in their homes or office as time progresses. Devices are getting smarter, cheaper and more usable every day so the future is more devices, and more connectivity.

What about for children or families?This is a personal choice, because each device can provide different levels of security. Portable devices are great because kids pick them up and learn them incredibly fast. But they are portable, so easily lost, stolen or bullied away from them. And with a 3G capable tablet your child is always connected to the Internet, which is both useful and risky depending on the age of your child. A desktop never leaves your house, is easier for you to manage and can be secured however you like,

very easily. For older children and teenagers the tablet is almost the modern equivalent of what a car used to represent – freedom and independence. Parents should make their decision based on what their situation suggests and what the age and responsibility of their children is. The best thing to do is be informed and not just jump on the bandwagon of which device is coolest or looks the nicest. If you are very worried about security then set limits and actively monitor usage and content regardless of the device being used. By Wayne Webb Wayne Webb is a community services manager for SmallWorlds - an online gaming site that caters to a 13 plus age range - an avid technology fiend and the

father of two children who also love “screen things”.

TabletsAdvantages Disadvantages

Portable Less Powerful

Cheap Some software not available

New Software all the time 3G charges very expensive in NZ

Can connect anywhere Hard to type large amounts of text on

Wi Fi network Harder to monitor for parents

Games, music and movies friendly

Freedom and independence

Personal ComputersAdvantages Disadvantages

Powerful Less Portable

More software available Internet connection based on location

Better for large amounts of typing No 3G charges (in most cases)

Better for intricate work and detail Heavy and tied to one or limited locations.

Network hard connection OR Wi Fi. More expensive than tablets (generally)

Games, music and movies friendly

Easier to secure and monitor

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Page 9: Family Times Christchurch Spring 2012


It’s official; the best nutrition and education brains in

the country have made a recommendation* that parents are advised to involve their kids in food shopping and cooking family meals. Wow - what a trump card for parents. It is not just you nagging to get your kids to help – evidence from the experts actually backs you up. Your kids are likelier to be healthier if they help. Why? Because study after study shows that a child who has practical food skills makes better food choices.Okay, so this is good in theory, but how do you do it? I ran some focus groups with kids aged 9 - 15 years to find the sort of things parents could do to encourage cooking. What I found out was seriously enlightening, somewhat amusing and really helpful. These eight key points could verge on being precocious – but it certainly helps us if we know what they are thinking.In their words, this is what parents should do:1. Let me choose what I cook – “Simple – if I

don’t like it, I’m not going to want to cook it.”2. Get me a recipe with decent instructions

that work – “If I go to the effort of cooking I want it to work. I don’t want to have to keep running to you to ask what to do next.”

3. Have all the ingredients – “Don’t expect me to be able to substitute ingredients when I am just starting off on this cooking lark!”

4. Stay out of the kitchen – “Don’t be a helicopter hovering around. Give me some space to work things out – but stick around in case I need to ask.”

5. Resist “you should have” comments – “If I want to know, I’ll ask.”

6. Be impressed – “If you expect me to do this again you need to be impressed, so you might have to “fake it ‘til I make it.” And don’t go telling all your friends if I burn something or do something stupid. Don’t make me look like a fool.”

7. Don’t nag – “If I take a bit longer than you do or I don’t clean up exactly like you do, cut me some slack – I have just cooked you a meal!”

8. Cut me a deal! – “If you expect me to buy into this “cook a meal once a week idea” there has to be something in it for me. This “skills for a lifetime” doesn’t really flick my switch – but money for the movies or that new dress does. You are probably going to buy me new stuff at some stage anyway, so you may as well make me think I have earned it.”

Other recommendations from the Ministry of Health include eating together as a family, eating from the four food groups daily and ensuring food safety. Other guidelines look at physical activity, because food cannot be considered in isolation if you want a healthy child.However, whilst juggling the demands of work, school and family many of us struggle with the practical reality of making it happen. Well I have a plan for that too…My teen daughter and I have developed an online cooking program to really engage children to become food savvy and prepare

family meals. This programme, which runs 2-4 October, gets your children cooking your dinner, in your home, using your food. It harnesses the power of role models by using a teen to inspire children. Your children learn to cook while they hang out with other kids online. It’s not just cooking: we slip in all sorts of other foodie things such as making food choices, reading labels and kitchen safety. Plus they gain confidence both in the kitchen and on the computer. Activities and competitions encourage the children to share, contribute, be creative, create an occasion to eat together and do something nice for other people. So here is a clear action plan - enrol your kids in the It’s My Turn to Cook Tonight Bosch School Holiday Programme at and sit back while they have fun, learn food skills, and you get your dinner cooked! * On 6 August The Ministry of Health released

Food and Nutrition Guidelines for Healthy Children and Young People (aged 2-18 years). Details at Glenda Gourley, Food Savvy Kids

Food and nutrition guidelines for kids - loaded with common sense

Page 10: Family Times Christchurch Spring 2012


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ToughloveRaising teenagers is difficult. Whether you just want some help to deal with a disrespectful or defiant teenager, or have more serious issues, TOUGHLOVE can help.The TOUGHLOVE programme offers parents the tools and support to make positive changes when their young person’s behaviour is unacceptable and disruptive.The aim of TOUGHLOVE is not to punish young people, but to support parents to come up with caring solutions that help their teenager take responsibility for their actions. The parent support group meets weekly and parents can join anytime.Contact TOUGHLOVE on 03-337-9452, email [email protected] or check out the website at

Page 11: Family Times Christchurch Spring 2012


“When children feel they’re acknowledged, listened to, and loved unconditionally they generally behave better.”

“You don’t understand!” “You never let me…”

“It’s not fair!” “I hate you!” These and other hurtful words are often heard by parents from angry, upset children, resulting in retaliation, shouting and angry escalation in both adults and children. Parent well-being educator and author Karyn Riley shares some simple, practical ways to improve family communication and enjoy a more pleasant, calm family environment.

Dealing with feelings and emotionsWhen children lash out verbally or physically, there’s usually a reason behind the behaviour. Many children, especially young children and teenagers, have difficulty dealing with their emotions. They can feel frustrated and end up losing control as a result of overwhelming emotions or the sense that they’re not being fully listened to.As parents, we’re often given ways to manage children’s behaviour e.g. time-out, consequences, punishment or withdrawal

of privileges. Unfortunately, despite good intentions, many parents find these often lead to a negative spiral of undesirable behaviours, with anger, blame and resentment on both sides.It’s important to deal with children’s feelings first before jumping in to fix or sort things out, allow an emotionally-charged situation to “cool down”, then talk through desired or appropriate behaviour techniques. When children feel they’re acknowledged, listened to, and loved unconditionally they generally behave better.Start by sitting down and fully listening to them. Try not to interrupt or offer advice, suggestions or solutions. Acknowledge what they’re saying and that you’re actively listening with one-word sounds e.g. “I see.”, “Mmm.”, “Ah ha.” Let them get everything off their chest first, then together look for positive outcomes or better ways of dealing with things next time.If they’re too wound up, frustrated or angry to physically sit down and talk, depersonalise

the situation and acknowledge their feelings by putting a name to what they’re feeling. For example, instead of saying “Don’t speak to me like that!” try saying “I see you’re feeling angry/hurt/upset. Do you want to talk about

it, do you need some space, or would a cuddle help?” This gives children choice and a sense of control when they’re often feeling very much out of control and looking to us for guidance, support and reassurance. It’s also important to deal with our feelings and emotions, too. Try not to respond to undesirable behaviours with anger, passive-aggressive behaviours e.g. threats, blame, criticism or revenge. These will only inflame the situation and can result in long-term repercussions due to things said or done in the heat-of-the-moment. If necessary, take time-out yourself until you’re calm, ready to listen and talk rationally.

Effective problem solvingFor some children, especially younger kids, try simply distracting them or change the subject by saying “I wish I could eat lollies every day/go to bed late/do whatever I wanted too… let’s draw a picture/write down a wish list of all the things we’d like to do in our “ideal world”.” You could even use these ideas to look for a solution or compromise.For adolescents, try to involve them in problem-solving and finding a solution acceptable to both parties, once emotions have

settled down. One of the best ways to deal with undesirable behaviour is to keep ownership of the problem or situation with the child (age-appropriate). Explain the desired behaviour then ask what can they do to make amends/solve the problem/clean-up. Ask open questions to explore options and possibilities.By listening fully, speaking nicely and staying calm, we’re role-modelling desirable behaviours for our children for effective problem solving, conflict resolution, providing essential life skills for adulthood and an enjoyable family environment.By Karyn RileyKaryn Riley helps busy women find balance, rediscover their identity and have time for their priorities. For more information, visit

How to talk and listen to your kids

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Page 12: Family Times Christchurch Spring 2012


fit families

Getting your kids involved in sport at an early age leads

to a lifetime of good health and habits. It is often hard to know how much physical activity is right and what to do if they get injured.The main focus for kids participating in sport is that they are having fun whilst learning the ABC’s of athleticism – agility, balance, coordination and speed as well as developing leadership and communication skills.

Sports can be divided into four stages. Stage one (FUNdamental) includes the ages from 6-10-years-old and is where kids are learning movement patterns that will progress through their athletic participation. Kids in this stage should be encouraged to participate in a variety of sports. Stage two (The training to train) includes the ages from 10 – 13-years-old. At this stage they are learning how to train and learn the basic skills of a specific sport. During this stage the young athletes should participate in training 75 per cent of the time and competition 25% of the time. This stage of training addresses the critical period of physical and skill development. It is thought that young athletes who miss this stage through an overemphasis on competition may never reach their true athletic ability.Stage three (The training to compete stage) includes the ages from 13-18-years-old. This stage builds upon the skills learnt in the “training

to train” stage. The focus on training moves to a 50:50 split of training and competition. High intensity training is performed during this stage. Stage four (Training to win stage) includes the ages from 18 plus and is the final stage of competitive athletic performance.Many kids can be injured playing sport and how we manage these injuries can expedite their return to normal activity.Most frequently young athletes will suffer from soft tissue injuries such as bumps and bruises. These can be managed with ice, rest and compression. It is important that young athletes have the right protective equipment that fits them when they are constantly growing such as shin pads and footwear. Mouth guards should be replaced each season. A thorough warm-up should take place, a cool-down at the end of the activity, and stretches should take place at the end of the session. The young athlete’s hydration should be monitored – a way to see how much fluid they should consume is to weigh them before and after the session. For every kilogram lost they should replace it with a litre of fluid. The athlete should be taught good technique when squatting and jumping to help prevent knee and ankle injuries.The key to effective management of young athletes’ injuries is to have good communication with your coach, doctor and physiotherapist to ensure accurate diagnosis of injuries and management of return to sports. By Dr Yaso Kathiravel, sports doctor, and Elaine Schou, sports physiotherapist

Getting the right balance and keeping kids healthy

It’s time to take the layers off and head outside to exercise. Here are a few events you can participate in as a family.22 September -22 DecemberPT in the Park. Fit for Free, group exercise session taken by REPs registered personal trainers. North Hagley Park, corner Harper Avenue/Bealey Avenue. Saturdays at 12 noon, rain or shine. Children eight years plus welcome. Email [email protected] for details.

30 September Orienteering. Walk or run orienteering courses suited to all abilities, from preschoolers to keen teens. Start times from 10.30am to 1pm and pay only the junior fee. Meet in the car park at the end of Bower Avenue, Bottle Lake Forest. Visit for details and future events.

7 OctoberPegasus Fun Run and Walk. Join the scenic walk or run, 2.5km, 5km or 10km from Pegasus Town. Open to all ages and fitness levels, entry fee applies. Visit

10, 17 and 24 October Papanui Toc H 5k Series. Fun running or walking around South Hagley Park, near old Blenheim Road roundabout. Distances suitable for children and adults. From 6pm, entry fee applies, visit for more details.

28 OctoberSri Chinmoy Runs. Try a children’s 2.5km, 5km or 10km running event at Sumner EsplanadeChristchurch. To enter, visit or phone 03-377-1327.Compiled by Karen Theobald

Kaia Jorgensen and Nana Kath orienteer at McLeans Island as part of a Peninsula and Plains Orienteers’ event.

Family physical activity

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Page 13: Family Times Christchurch Spring 2012



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certainty in uncertain times

Some kids are always looking for ways to make money.

It’s not unusual to spot tiny tycoons at local markets flogging their wares, slipping a note in the letterbox offering their dog walking or grass cutting services, or out and about on their leaflet drop.With a bit of guidance from an adult, kids’ first steps towards making their own money can teach them important financial lessons that can set them up for a profitable future. One of the harshest lessons for young entrepre-neurs is that going into business involves set-up costs that can’t be avoided. To bake cupcakes for sale, there’s the cost of ingredients; mowing lawns requires a lawnmower and petrol.These costs needn’t discourage young money makers. Negotiate them with your child. It’s about striking a balance between nurturing business nous and using the venture as an op-portunity to demonstrate the realities of busi-ness in a way that won’t squash their initiative.Explain to your child that, when deciding on the price of the goods they’re selling, they need to do more than cover the costs of production in order for them to make a profit. Setting the price at double the cost of ingredients is a good rule of thumb to start with. Make sure the costs include other business expenses like hir-

ing a stand at the local fair or market.Buying and selling gives your child real life ex-perience dealing with cash – something they may not be familiar with given the prolific use of EFTPOS in New Zealand. Many children think that money comes from a hole in the wall (an ATM) rather than being something that is earned through working. Handling cash allows them to understand what money actually buys and how much things actually cost. They will also quickly learn how much they need to sell and how long they have to work to earn $5, $10 and $100.Once your child has cash from their sales, talk to them about saving and spending. Encourage them to set a goal when it comes to their hard-earned money. Setting a goal to buy something they really want like an iPad or an Xbox game teaches them about saving and that money can earn interest. Starting their own business is a wonderful op-portunity for children to follow their passion or profit from their special skills. As well as learning how to handle money and develop a work ethic, they will also experience first-hand the excitement, sense of achievement and risks that go along with starting a business.Nurturing a child’s entrepreneurial spirit is about encouraging and supporting them while teaching them about what it takes to run a business. If your child has a burning enthusi-asm for something and it’s paired with knowl-edge about how to run a business, it could plant the seed for a successful financial future. The money lessons they learn now will set them up for life.

This column was provided by independent money guide Sorted. Through its website, booklets and seminars, Sorted provides free,

independent and impartial information, calcula-tors and tools to help New Zealanders to become financially sorted.

Nurture your tiny tycoons

In Step FootwearIn Step Footwear is Christchurch’s leading children’s shoe specialist. In Step has been based in Bishopdale for the last 40 years and has long held a great reputation for quality and service. But it has outgrown its store and has decided to commit to Christchurch and give its customers what they have all long called for; a larger, more accessible, specialist store. The new store is located at 115 Main South

Road, Upper Riccarton (next to King’s Swim School). It has great road profile and comes with five dedicated car parks at the door, and a funky monster play area for children. The space and the fun will make shoe shopping a whole new adventure in a pleasant environment.In Step Footwear has a large stock range, with a lot of choice on offer in school, toddler, casual, fashion and sports styles. Come and visit soon and look out for the In Step Monsters at the gate!

45 Randall St, Richmond (close to Palms)


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Page 14: Family Times Christchurch Spring 2012


baby & toddler

Miniature toys such as dolls, action figures, toy

vehicles, animals, dinosaurs, aliens, and the like are powerful tools in the hands of little ones. And for good reason: this kind of play shrinks the world down into manageable, kid-sized experiences for working out complex, emotional and social concepts.

Power play If you think about it, when you’re little, it’s easy to confuse size with power. After all, grown-ups are big and seem to think they can tell children what to do. So when children play with miniatures they naturally take on the power role, trying on what it feels like to be big, to have the ultimate say and to control events. And through that power, like Spiderman, children naturally learn how to take on responsibility.You see, children aspire to the hero they see in us everyday – the one who responds to their

needs – the responsible, reliable, “go to”. The desire to be like us is often reflected in this kind of play: feeding your baby doll, gassing up your Tonka truck, defeating the bad guys or kissing the frog to turn him into a prince. Even “smash and bash” play, such as an all out Hot Wheels demolition derby in the living room, is about controlling events -smashing things up, putting it all back together, then smashing them up again!In short, miniatures let children figure out how to make everything right with the world according to their own world view.

Separating the boys from the girls About the time children start exploring these play patterns you may begin to notice differences between what boys and girls choose to play with. Often, this seems to come out of nowhere. I’ve had many parents swear to me that they provide a balanced, non-gender selection of toys, don’t allow television or computer time, yet still their sons choose

trucks and army guys, and their daughters choose dolls and tea sets.There has always been a nature/nurture debate about whether or not these play choices are part of a child’s organic wiring or if it’s due to what they are assimilating from their environment. Here’s what I believe:

There is no difference In these early years, a child’s play choices have little – and maybe even nothing – to do with his/her gender and everything to do with what he/she needs to experiment with and solve emotionally and socially. And because miniatures give all the power to the child, they are ideal for this kind of internal exploration of self. Any “meaning” ascribed to a child’s choice of doll or action figure, magic wand or light saber, princess carriage or Batmobile, is an adult filter that misses the point.So often, boys and girls play the exact same way; to tend to, fix, take care of, nourish, rescue, solve, defend and restore. In short, to make the lives of others better.And in my view, when children are reaching for these values this early in life, something really right is going on with their upbringing, no matter what they pick out of the toy box.

By Gill Connell Gill Connell is founder of Moving Smart, co-author of Moving to Learn, and a child development expert with a focus on the natural development of children’s cognitive, emotional, social, and physical development through movement. Visit or

“...miniatures let children figure out how to make everything right with the world according to their own world view.”

Cornerstone Christian Early Learning Centre

Cornerstone Christian Early Learning Centre now has two preschools operating, one in Papanui and one in Aidanfield. Each centre is dedicated to creating a loving Christian, stimulating environment, which is open and caring towards children and their families. Personal virtues such as patience, kindness, love and respect are developed. The curriculum offers age-appropriate programmes that cater for individual and group learning. Biblical truths permeate all learning experiences. For further information or to plan a visit, please refer to the advertisement on this page.

How children shape their world through play

Lindisfarne is anindependent

nursery school.The teachers provide a programme that promotes independent thinking, social com-petence and skill development. The aim is to have happy, settled children who enjoy an environment that fosters a love of learning, a respect for all people, and a sense of con-fidence and self-worth.Information is available at Lindisfarne encourages you to visit the nursery school for a full information booklet. Its friendly staff would be delighted to meet you and your child, and welcome you to Lindisfarne.

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Page 15: Family Times Christchurch Spring 2012


Homework can be a controversial topic. Is

it necessary after a six-hour day school day? Are children getting enough, or too much? The amount of homework can vary from school to school and teacher to teacher. The role of parents in encouraging - or in some cases actually doing their children’s homework - is also a factor.Educational psychologist Rose Blackett does not recommend a certain timeframe for daily homework, but rather “taming the homework monster” to suit the child and family needs. “If homework is ending in fights, arguments, or negative behaviour (from the child or parent) then things need to be reviewed quickly and adjusted.” Blackett says that whole class generic home-work programmes will possibly suit the middle group in a class but will likely be far too easy (and boring) for the top end and far too chal-lenging and time consuming for the children ex-periencing academic difficulties. Individualised homework programmes linked to classroom programmes and with an element of choice are suggested if homework is given. Blackett also says that for some children getting through the school day and completing classroom tasks alone can take huge amounts of physical and cognitive energy. By the time they get home they need a snack and some down time rather than more “work” in the form of homework. She has worked with

families and negotiated with schools to have more individualised homework options. “Not everything should have to be written. Doing something creative can lead to the same or better learning experiences for children.”Instead of formalised homework as such, Blackett recommends daily reading for children in the junior years. “Most new entrant/reception teachers will report higher reading levels for children whose parents read with them and share their reading books for homework. If homework is done in a relaxed manner and is a positive experience for the child (and parent) then this can support what is happening at school and lead to positive learning outcomes.” On the flipside, she says that if a parent puts a child under pressure to complete work that is too hard or unable to be completed independently, it can be detrimental. “If a child dislikes reading because it is too difficult for them, then making them do work they cannot do every night makes them go from disliking reading to hating it with a vengeance. We are setting them up to fail every day. Parents and children going into battle over homework every night is not conducive to positive parent-child relationships nor does it lead to positive academic outcomes for the child.” Blackett further says that homework, if given, should be able to be completed independently by the child. In the early years, however, a parent might play a bigger role. “It can be challenging for busy, working parents to juggle homework with their other tasks each day. I suggest having a routine to suit your family after school helps.

“If your child finds reading difficult for example, let them come home and have a snack and a break. Exercise and getting outside for some active boys is a must before they are ready to do any homework.” Blackett also suggests talking to teachers if homework is an issue. “Be honest if things have become negative and work with the teacher and your child to negoti-ate a more workable option for homework.” As to the argument of not doing homework? Blackett says that not doing homework can be detrimental, particularly in the early years. “Reading experience and exposure is impor-tant. If a child is able to read their book to mum or dad, grandparents, or even the family cat, then they build up what is known as read-ing mileage. They develop skills and learn the

language of “literacy”. “But homework must be fun and engaging. When my children were little we had reading picnics outside under a tree, read in the bath (bubbles included) or used puppets and silly voices to make it enjoyable. Simply changing the environment changes the task.”By Rachel Taniwha

Homework – too much or not enough?

The Barrington Medical Centre The Barrington Medical Centre is very proud of its free dedicated child health clinics.The clinics provide registered children with childhood immunisations, progress checks, growth and developmental assessments, breastfeeding and dietary advice. They can also help with routine child management, sleep problems and general support in parenting.If any problems are found during these checks, then you will be referred to your GP for further advice.Registered children under six years receive free GP care. To register your family, please phone 03-332-3069.

University of Canterbury early child careCalling all parents of young children from 0 to 5-years-old: we welcome you and your children to join us at the University of Canterbury! Three high-quality early care and education centres located on University grounds in Ilam and Dovedale provide supportive and safe environments for learning, development and healthy growth. Our programmes follow and extend your children’s interests, and value your languages, cultures and practices. We aim to enable your children to develop a healthy curiosity, a sense of contribution and form strong bonds with peers and teachers. Our teachers present fun, friendly and stimulating activities on spacious grounds to cater to your children’s individual needs within a group. Teachers provide a supportive environment in which you and your children are able to contribute and feel part of the learning journey.Come journey with us!For more information, visit or phone 03-364-2821.

Page 16: Family Times Christchurch Spring 2012


The main reason to keep chooks is the fabulous eggs of course, but what fun they are and so useful! They will eat all household scraps, love all the gone-to-seed and unwanted greens from the vegetable gardens and then make wonderful organic material to put in the compost. Chook poos are high in potash and potassium, which is essential for the production of fruit and flowers.

Gardening with chooks is almost as daft as gardening with a goat so a proper run or fence is needed. A house and run can be a simple moveable A-frame with a small run. This is fine for two-to-four hens but after that a larger permanent structure might be better.

An area of ground they can make a dust bath in is very important. A good trick if you have a small moveable run (no netting on base) in the veggie garden is to let them dig over that part of the garden for you then move them onto a fresh patch.

Barley straw is best for the nest boxes because it does not get damp and bugs don’t like to live in it. Household scraps are all good except salted

meats, which can make them very ill, and no one likes orange peel! Wheat and hen layer pellets are sold in most supermarkets to complete their diet. It takes a lot of water to make an egg so clean fresh water is essential.

The best fence for your veggie garden is just a simple wire netting with hardwood tomato stakes as posts. Chooks like to fly up and land on the fence top then fly back down, so keep the fence wire light with no wood. I paint my netting dark green or brown then the fence becomes almost invisible so the garden area still looks good.

Buy the Brown Shaver breed, which are bred to lay consistently, will not go clucky and are very gentle natured and great with kids. There are some beautiful heritage breeds that make a fun hobby to keep as well as being useful.

Alan Jones (Jonesy) is the 2010 New Zealand Gardener of the Year. He looks after Leeston Consolidated School’s veggie gardens and keeps school parents up-to-date with tips for home gardens.

2012/2013 primary and intermediate school term datesTerm 4, 2012Monday 15 October to no later than Thursday 20 December

Term 1, 2013Between Monday 28 January and Thursday 7 February to 19 April

Term 2, 2013Monday 6 May to Friday 12 July

Term 3, 2013Monday 29 July to Friday 27 September

2012/2013 secondary and composite school term datesTerm 4, 2012Tuesday 15 October to no later than Friday 14 December

Term 1, 2013Between Monday 28 January and Thursday 7 February to 19 April

Term 2, 2013Monday 6 May to Friday 12 July

Term 3, 2013Monday 29 July to Friday 27 September

2012 public holidays remainingLabour Day - 22 October (Monday) Christmas Day - 25 December Boxing Day - 26 December




Holiday programmes






School Term Dates





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ecabor molor mos apictusdae mintius

erum nobis dolorero eum sundi reri rat

pelloreium, od enducid moluptiorrum

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verunt expercia consed et quaspidi dem

vernatur sint pelessimendi quo cus et

quame nobite parum quia nat ulliquis

dolores sundisqui idus

WIN, WIN, WIN!Aximusam qui bearum quod excepta ecabor molor mos apictusdae mintius erum nobis do-

lorero eum sundi reri rat pelloreium

enducid moluptiorrum aci velignis atquatem. IpsumExerit, inimus ad quam, tem qui sunte volupta verunt expercia consed et quaspidi dem vernatur sint pelessimendi quo cus et quame nobite parum quia nat ulliquis dolores sundis-qui idus

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Chooks in the backyard

gardening corner

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• Does your little princess dream of a fai-rytale bed as you read her a bedtime story? • Can you imagine the excitement on your little one’s face as you tell your car-crazy son that he can have his very own car bed that comes with flashing headlights? • How about letting him take off on an adven-

ture with his friends in a make-believe world of Formula One racing, pirates and sailors? • Do you know of any self- respecting six-year-old who wouldn’t want his very own pi-rate bed with a tent and a tower attached to it? Enter the enchanting world of fun, fantasy and fairytale furniture at Windmill Kids Furniture

located at 145 Blenheim Road, Christchurch.At Windmill Kids Furniture we help you turn your child’s fantasy into reality by indulging them with fairytale bedroom furniture in a range of brilliant colours, designs, storage ideas, accessories and other designer furniture to match.

Fun, fantasy and fairytale furniture

Page 17: Family Times Christchurch Spring 2012


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On the Heart Foundation website “Know Your

Numbers,” you can answer a few questions about your key numbers like your blood pressure and cholesterol and get a good assessment of what your heart health is.Key numbers play a big part in many walks of life. You can actually put a number on the food and drink you consume, which will give you an excellent guide to help you and your family have a healthy weight and avoid diabetes. The number system is called glycaemic load (GL) but for simplicity’s sake we will call it glucose number. It gives guidelines numerically for the amount of glucose you need for energy from your different meals and snacks. The excess will be stored as fat if you exceed your quota. Long-term excesses lead to diabetes and obesity.Suggested numbers for any meal are 0 -10 low, 11-19 medium and 20 plus high, and about half this for snacks. In an average day, with three main meals and two snacks, the recommended total GL range before coming too high would be 44 - 76. Most importantly, young children, depending on their weight and age need much less.Let’s have a look at some of the daily traps we need to negotiate when we visit the local food court. Remember, it’s only carbohydrate that makes the glucose. Food courts have a wide range of healthy food options with only a few, high glucose traps you need to avoid, such as:• The average hamburger bun, six inch sub

and other white bread products like baps and foccaccia, with an average weight of about 100g and a glucose number of 30.

• Rice portions are often 150g plus, which has a number of 45.

• Muffins, scones, slices and cakes average about 120g and an average number of 30.

• Each sushi roll is on average 17.What do all these fast-digesting foods have in common? They are generally soft and squishy and full of simple carbohydrate. If your eight-year-old consumes one of these items they are getting their whole day’s glucose all in one big hit. Add in a lightweight cereal for breakfast, a fizzy or juice drink or two and a big helping of chips with their tea, and their number could climb to a total of between 80 and 90. This is nearly three times their recommended daily total of about 35: a certain recipe for stor-ing glucose excesses as fat. This bad news is easily remedied if people have some idea of where these problems lie. The

food court is actually full of healthy, balanced options like quiches, kebabs, chicken salads, thin crust pizza, Subway, grilled chicken wraps, bacon and egg pie and so on.The trick is to recognise the big glucose pro-ducers and eat small portions of these in com-bination with more sustaining food. e.g. • Limit the number of sushi rolls and combine

with a little pot of nuts or a milkshake• Eat half the Subway or hamburger bun• Share a muffin and eat with a piece of

quicheCheck out for lots of different tips and ideas for maintaining your blood-sugar levels and having a healthy weight and life.

Know your numbers

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Page 18: Family Times Christchurch Spring 2012


top reads

The Birthday Cake MysteryThe Thong-KhingGecko PressHardback $34.99There are no words in this book, but there’s plenty of action and a mystery to solve with multiple story lines flowing through the quirkily illustrated pages. Follow your favourite character, see the multiple problems the birthday cake maker has getting the cake made, and the present-making and wrapping action. Many ages will enjoy poring over the pages of this entertaining book. Age four plus.

The Frank Show By David Mackintosh HarperCollins Hardback, $29.99Granddad Frank’s grandson doesn’t appreciate how special his grandfather is until he has to do a talk at school and Frank is the only person available. When Frank comes to school and talks to the class they are captivated by his quirky stories and life experience. This brings a new appreciation for the perspective of the elderly, along with their words of wisdom like “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” Illustrated with a wonderful array of wacky drawings and mixed media.

Blue GnuBy Kyle MewburnIllustrated by Daron PartonScholasticPaperback $20Boo is a blue gnu - the one and only. He really loves being an individual, until one day another blue gnu comes along who is delighted to have found another the same. Boo is not happy and tries all sorts of techniques to change the situation. A hilarious tongue-twisting story about individuality captured in digital and mixed media illustrations that show the true individuality of these fabulous creatures. Ages 3-8.

Diary of a Bat By Sally SuttonIllustrated by Dave GunsonScholasticPaperback $16.50This is about the life of a young bat, written as

a diary. Being nocturnal creatures, many things are reversed (including some upside-down text) - they go to school at night and say good morning when they go to bed. Lots of information about bats is included in the details of the story and the characters are fun and not unlike the family and friends we know ourselves. Pen and ink illustrations add to the fun. A great early read.

The Great Piratical Rumbustification

By Margaret MahyIllustrated by Quentin BlakeOrion BooksPaperback $12.99Everyone was sad to hear that Margaret Mahy died recently, but we can still enjoy her

fantastical stories including this timeless cracker first published in 1978, but out of print for many years. When Mr and Mrs Terrapin go out leaving Orpheus Clinker to babysit he has other plans – a special party – a Piratical Rumbustification! Wonderful language matched with loose, sketchy illustrations. Read-aloud or for beginning readers 6-10.

Cloud Tea MonkeysBy Mal Peet & Elspeth GrahamIllustrated by Juan Wijngaard Walker Books 2011 Paperback $37

This book is based on an ancient legend and richly illustrated with beautiful paintings that make the characters and the mountain environment alive. Tashi’s mother is a tea picker but becomes ill. Tashi has to pick tea so they will have money for the doctor. Tashi is too short to reach the best leaves at the top of the plants, but then a clever solution comes along. A lengthy illustrated story for older children 6-10.

Make with Maisy: Wonderful things to Make and DoBy Lucy CousinsWalker BooksHardback $27.99A bright and robust book packed with things to make and do with easily accessible materials, and using the bold colours Maisy is known for. With a little bit of help, small hands will be able to get excellent results. There are straightforward instructions, photographs combined with illustrations, and the pages can be wiped clean afterwards too. My favourite is the rainbow tiger with disposable forks for claws. Ages four plus.

The Universe Rocks By Raman PrinjaQED PublishingHardback $21This terrific book all about the universe provides a vast amount of astro-photography, blended with illustration and information written in an easily understood way with useful headings and fact boxes. It also includes things you can make and do to help you understand things like just how huge and how old the universe is. There is a useful glossary and index at the back to help you find your way too.

This Way of LifeBy Sumner BurstynPhotographs Thomas Burstyn & Norbert GuentherHarperCollins Paperback $34.95An intimate portrait of a family of seven children being brought up by their parents in the midst of nature, learning about horses, hunting and fishing, and taking care of each other. Written in an easy conversational style, not shying away from the harsher aspects of life, and full of photographs capturing the family and their beautiful environment. The story has earlier been told in the 2009 award winning documentary film of the same name.

Red RocksBy Rachael KingRandom HousePaperback $19.99While his dad works, Jake goes exploring and finds a sealskin in a little cave by the sea, which he takes and hides in his room. When a strange red-haired woman makes friends with his father, strange things start happening, and when he meets an old man and his granddaughter living near the cave who befriend him, Jake starts to learn what danger he has started by stealing the skin. Folklore, ocean adventure and intriguing characters. Ages 10-14.

WonderBy R.J. PalacioRandom HousePaperback $24.99August (10) is starting school for the first time. He’s been homeschooled previously because he has a facial disfigurement that has always drawn stares and comments. All he wants is to be an ordinary kid, but he knows that’s never going to happen. This story is told from the points of view of Auggie himself and other friends and family. We discover the true nature of the boy and those around him; brave and honest. Highly recommended.

The Queen and the Nobody Boy: A Tale of FontainiaBy Barbara ElseGecko PressPaperback $24.99Sequel to award-winning The Travelling Restaurant (which you might like to read first). Hodie is unpaid odd-job boy at the Grand Palace. He is fed up and decides to head south for a better life, only to find little Queen Sibilla, in disguise, has followed along. They become caught up in a giant adventure involving a greedy king, his surprising daughter, missing parents, strange technology and perhaps just a little bit of magic when it matters. Enthralling!

Junior Fiction Intermediate Fiction

Crissi Blair lives with her family in west Auckland and spends her time reading and writing, mostly about children’s books. Crissi organised the Storylines Festival of New Zealand Children’s Writers and Illustrators for three years and publishes the useful guide New Zealand Children’s Books in Print which is updated every year. Visit for more information.

Picture Books Knowledge books

For fun experiments and experiences in SCIENCE • SPANISH • MUSIC • PHILOSOPHY • ARTIf you’d like to know what it’s like to be a Rangi girl, come and spend a day with us. Bring a girlfriend, it’ll be loads of fun!

For more information or to register phone 03 983 3700 or email [email protected] by 24 September 2012.

Year 6 girls are invited to join us for a



Page 19: Family Times Christchurch Spring 2012


Page 20: Family Times Christchurch Spring 2012


opens in NZ cinemas with Alex the Lion, Marty the Zebra, Gloria the Hippo, and Melman the Giraffe still fighting to get home to their beloved Big Apple, and of course King Julien, Maurice and the Penguins are all along for the comedic adventure. Their journey takes them through Europe where they find the perfect cover: a travelling circus, which they reinvent – Madagascar style. Family Times has 4 prize packs including family passes, circus activity backpack, silicon watch, slap on wristband and travel set as well as 8 runner-up prize packs of merchandise to give away! Check out Entries close 26th September 2012

On 20th September


MADAGASCAR 3: EUROPE’S MOST WANTED © 2012 DreamWorks Animation LLC. All Right Reserved.”

Karen Theobald from Family Times visited Hillview Christian College to talk with kids about how they think their childhood differs to that of their parents and grandparents.

Todd Ehau, age 9My Dad said there was a lot more discipline at school; he’d get the cane for arriving late. My Nana remembers the war and how different life was back then. It sounded like life was much harder. I think my life is easier; I get pocket money but I still have a list of jobs to do. Technology has made things easier - especially computers - and we carpool to school which also saves time and money.

Esther Walters, age 9My grandparents lived in England so life was quite different for them- harder, more disciplined and their language was formal.

They had less freedom and needed to help out around the home more. Today we have more free time and choices. Dishwashers,

computers and washing machines really help. I do jobs around home and need to save my pocket money to buy something

special though.

Renee White, age 10A lot has changed; life seemed stricter and harder back when my parents and grandparents were young. There was no pocket money and lots of jobs to do but they still had plenty of fun. My parents tell me about all the different board games they use to play. Modern times and technology have made our lives easier today. We drive to school and doing homework takes less time with the help of computers.

Hikari Kono, age 9My grandparents were involved

in the war and there was no television or electronic equipment. They washed clothes by hand and cooking took longer because little food was made in factories. In some ways I think my life is

easier; technology has helped but I do all the washing of clothes and dishes at home. Finding out news and weather and doing

homework is simpler with computers. We have a pocket money system that helps us save plus a jar for the family.

Experience the ultimate animal adventure at Orana Wildlife Park, New Zealand’s only open range zoo. Visitors can hand feed majestic giraffe, meet mighty rhino “face-to-face”, see lions and tigers devour their feed and pet friendly domestic animals in the farmyard. Visitors can enjoy the antics of kiwi, monkeys, meerkats, otters, cheetah and more. For the equivalent cost of just two park visits, you can purchase a membership giving unlimited admission (10am-5pm) until 30 June 2013 for the cardholder. There is something to entertain everyone for the entire day at Orana Wildlife Park. Family Times have four family passes to Orana Wildlife Park to give away!


Orana Wildlife Park




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Page 21: Family Times Christchurch Spring 2012


It’s easy to win fantastic prizes with Family Times. Just fill in the entry form and post it to us by the due date, or enter online at This month we have a fantastic line up of prizes with more great giveaways… Good luck!. Check out last issue’s lucky winners online.

Orana Wildlife Park


Tekapo Springs


To be in the draw to win, enter online at or write your name and address on the back of an envelope or postcard and send to: Christchurch Competition, P O Box 36 004, Christchurch to reach us by 12th October 2012, unless stated otherwise. Only one entry per household.



Just tick the things you want to win Spring 2012

The Family Times Design Competition

Tekapo Springs Interislander

Jessica Zhang, Auckland, age nine – 12 years

Misha Simpson, Auckland, age five – eight years

Take a breath...Soak up the view

Why not take the family to Lake Tekapo this summer? Tekapo Springs is open 10am-9pm daily and there is an activity to suit every member of the family. Enjoy soaking in one of the three outdoor hot pools that overlook the lake, skate around the outdoor rink or let gravity take you down the new summer tube park. Take a breath and relax as you dine out on the new patio overlooking Lake Tekapo. We have a family pass for two adults and up to three children (18 years) to give away.

It’s far more than a ferry service linking the North and South Islands – the Interislander’s voyage has been described as “one of the most beautiful ferry rides in the world”. We would like you and your family to see why! Family Times have two Interislander return family passes including car to give away, valued at over $600 each! The following conditions apply: Pass is valid for 12 months for two adults, vehicle and up to three children to travel on the Interislander return. Not valid over Labour Weekend 2012, not valid for travel 15 December 2012 through to 25 January 2013 and not valid over Easter 2013.

What does your whanau look like? We’d love to see a drawing of you and your whanau. Draw them for us and be in to win an amazing $50 prize pack from Crayola!Three entry age groups: preschool (age 1-4), 5-8, 9-12.Create your design on an A5 sheet or download the template and entry form Post in to PO Box 36 004, Christchurch 8146. Entries close on 12 October 2012.

Congratulations to our winter Olympic design poster competition winners from our last issue.

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Page 22: Family Times Christchurch Spring 2012


Calendar of Eventscool activities

Spring welcomes longer days to enjoy with family

and friends. This calendar of events lists everything from school fairs to the first New Zealand IceFest, and don’t forget the classic A&P Show is on its way.

FortnightlyKiddiewinks Children’s Market. Become a stall holder for the day, sell your goodies for free, and keep all the profits. From 9.30am-3pm, phone 03-352-2435 for details.

14 September-14 OctoberNZ IceFest. Science and adventure collide at Hagley Park events village for this exciting four-week event. Skate the outdoor State ice rink and participate in a wide range of family friendly activities. Visit for the full programme.

30 September Daylight saving starts. Put your clock forward one hour.

Until 1 October Canterbury Quakes: An exhibition in remembrance of these events, with a focus on the science and looking forward to the future. Visit for more details.

14 OctoberTake a Kid Fishing. This is a free fishing day for children, with a chance to catch one of Lady Isaac’s salmon. Come to The Groynes, Johns Road, from 9am-7pm. Visit for full details or phone 03-318-2762.

21 October Orton Bradley Park Spring Fair. See rhododendrons in full bloom; enjoy live music, pony rides, food and craft stalls and use of walkways. Small entrance fee applies. Visit

27 October Aidanfield Christian School Fair. Fun for all the family from 10am-2pm at 2 Nash Road. On rain or shine, phone 03-338-8153 for details.

31 OctoberCSO presents Halloween. A great alternative to trick-or-treating, this concert will provide

all the creepy, scary and bizarre you need for a successful Halloween. From 6pm at CBS Canterbury Arena. Check out for details.

2 NovemberHeathcote Valley School Gala. A Halloween-themed gala from 5.30 to 8pm in the school grounds on Bridle Path Road. Come in fancy dress and enjoy the entertainment, stalls and activities for the whole family.

14-16 NovemberCanterbury A&P Show. Country comes to town with the best of rural life combined with attractions, food and entertainment. Open 8.30am-5.30pm. Visit

18 NovemberOamaru’s Victorian Fete. Experience a jam-packed day with superb entertainment, dozens of stalls showcasing their unique and individual wares and exquisite Victorian costumes. There are competitions to test strength and skill, street performers and children’s entertainment around every corner. Visit for details.

21-22 OctoberThe Plains Railway, Ashburton

JA1260 celebrations. Enjoy a train ride behind this massive steam locomotive, view vintage machinery and more. Visit or phone 03-308-9600 for details.Compiled by Karen Theobald

Patricia Paul School

of Dance Patricia Paul A.R.A.D. (London) has been passionate about educating students in Christchurch for more than 20 years. Follow in the footsteps of international singing star Hayley Westenra and Kase Craig (Ballet de l’Opera National de Bordeaux), Marysa Dalton (ex RNZB) and Sacha Copeland (Java Dance Company choreographer). Schools are in Cashmere, Upper Riccarton, Harewood, Sumner and North New Brighton with classes in classical ballet (pre-school to advanced levels), contemporary, hip hop, jazz and piano. Dance tuition starts with children from three-years-old. Phone 03-372-9191.

Endeavour Tae Kwon Do

Fightness indoor fitness is open every Saturday for two hours. The sessions are broken down into two one-hour slots. The first hour is a mixture of high intensity cardio training and strength training, and the second optional hour is based on tae kwon do sparring.“Martial arts and boxing are some of the best ways to burn calories so we include lots of this type of training in our sessions,” says Dave, a black belt and qualified sports coach.

Page 23: Family Times Christchurch Spring 2012


Holiday programmes are a great way to grow a

child’s interest in an activity or provide quality care while parents work. This selection offers plenty of choice for the crafty child through to animal lovers.YMCA holiday programmes The YMCA believes that school holidays should be fun, safe and creative. It has an expanding range of programmes and some exciting activities lined up for the October holidays. With the week long, two day and single day programmes, there is

something for everyone. YMCA programmes are OSCAR approved and YMCA subsidies are available. Visit for more information and to view a video of the holiday programmes in action.

Go Potty ceramic studioGet creative and paint a ceramic masterpiece at Go Potty ceramic studio these holidays. Bookings essential, email [email protected] or phone 03-332-2361.

Horse riding camps at Kowhai Enrol on a multiple day camp these holidays with accommodation and meals included. Suitable for 8 to 18-year-olds with all riding levels catered for. Phone 03-312-4309 or email [email protected].

CASPA holiday programmesLet CASPA make your school holiday care easier. Programmes operate from 8am-6pm. Phone 03-349-9260 or visit for locations.

Arion Farm Park holiday programmeFeed, care and play with farm animals these holidays. From 10am-3pm daily at McLeans Island Road. Phone 021-881-279 or email [email protected] to book.

Made by Me! Holiday beading funJoin one of Made by Me’s fun beading workshops these holidays. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, visit for more information.

Patricia Paul School of DanceRAD Ballet from age three years to advanced levels. NZAMD jazz, contemporary and hip hop. Phone 03-372-9191 or email [email protected].

ASB holiday fun football Immerse your child in football fun these holidays with single or multiple day programmes at various venues for 5 to 14-year-olds. Girls’ only sessions available. Visit for details.

Strike Force at Wigram Air Force MuseumLearn endurance, agility and stealth skills to fight the alien invasion force. Various length programmes for 5 to 12-year-olds. Book on 03-343-9544 or email [email protected].

Kendal OSCAR programmesEnrolments in Kendal OSCAR school holiday programmes are open to all Christchurch families. Email [email protected] or phone 03-358-4140 for information.

Kings Swim SchoolDaily school holiday group swimming lessons for all ages. Don’t wait till, summer-enrol now. Phone 03-341-7579 or

Robotics workshopsIntroductory and advanced programming sessions using the NXT Lego Mindstorms and Robobox robotic kits on 1 and 9 October. Visit for details.Compiled by Karen Theobald

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Holiday programmescool activities

Children interact with farm animals on a holiday programme at Arion Farm Education Park

at McLeans Island, Christchurch. Children paint pottery at the Go Potty Ceramic Studio holiday programme.

Tim the Greedy Tui at Canterbury Children’s Theatre

It’s Christmas, the Pohutukawa tree is in bloom and all the native birds gather to feed from its goodness.But Tim Tui has other ideas; the tree is for him and his wife only.What happens next?Come join Wendy and Wanda Woodpigeon, Sally Sparrow and the Quail family plus many more in this unique New Zealand story.On at the Cushion Theatre at the Malthouse, 71 Colombo Street, 29 September – 14 October, Saturdays and Sundays. All tickets are $7, phone 0800 BOOKINGS.

Kowhai Residential School of Riding Ltd.

Kowhai has offered horse riding courses for more than 40 years, and has 90 well-schooled horses and ponies available. There are excellent facilities for dressage, show jumping and cross country combined with access to more than 10,000 acres of land for trekking. You can learn everything from the correct way to catch the horse to grooming, saddling up, control and position, as well as enjoying scenic farm trekking. There is on-site accommodation for 30 guests, with all meals provided. Visit


Cushion Theatre at The MalthouseWritten & directed by Nickie Wellbourn

Saturdays & Sundays29 September – 14 October

Tickets $7 • Call 0800 BOOKINGS

Page 24: Family Times Christchurch Spring 2012



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Age: 7-12 year oldsDates: 10-12 Oct, 9am-3pmVenue: Halswell Domain

Age: 4-14 year oldsDates: 1-3 Oct, 9am-3pmVenue: Avonhead Park

There’s plenty of interesting attractions

open and special activities to enjoy these holidays. Learn to cook, ride a steam train or get crafty with resin tiles.

Castle Park Castle Park is a place for the whole family to enjoy. Relax in the restaurant or take part in the activities. Bookings required, visit

Dudley Park Aquatic CentreDudley Park Aquatic Centre offers indoor heated pools for recreational swimming, and a spa pool. WaiSwim swimming lessons and aquarobics. Phone 03-311-8905 for more information.

Rock climbing for kids at The RoxxYou’ve tried Clip’N Climb, now climb on the Roxx side! Introductory belay briefing, harness and shoe hire for only $15 during the holidays. Kids must be 13-years-old to belay or an adult can be taught to assist. Phone 03-377-3000 or visit for more information.

Canterbury Museum Welcome back to your museum. Explore Christchurch’s unique Maori and early European heritage.

Open daily from 9am, visit to find out more about what’s on.

Timezone GamesRediscover family games time, the joy of competition and playing together. Awesome

prizes to be won and serious fun at Timezone Westfield Riccarton. Visit

Leighs Construction CSO Presents “Halloween”This concert is a fun family alternative to trick-or-treating, and will provide all the creepy, scary and bizarre you need for an unforgettable Halloween.More than just a little bit of music conjures up the soundtrack for the magical, spooky and fantastic and a lot of it will form the programme for the orchestra’s tribute to All Hallows’ Evening.Artists from the Loons Circus Theatre Company will perform feats of breathtaking proportions accompanied by spooky classics such as Danse Macabre and The Sorcerer’s Apprentice.Dress up in your favourite Halloween costume and enjoy a classic-of-a-spooky evening with your family.On at CBS Canterbury Arena, 31 October. Tickets $10 children, $25 - $35 through

The Plains RailwaySteam trains, tractors and much more on-site at Maronan Road, Tinwald, Ashburton. Open October to May, visit or phone 03-308-9600 for more information.

Black Cat Cruises- Akaroa See dolphins, seals, penguins and amazing scenery on the daily harbour cruises. Special family pass rates. Phone 0800-436-574 or visit for more information.

Air Force MuseumGo on a unique journey of discovery and adventure, with fully restored aircraft and interactive entertainment. Free museum entry. Visit or phone 03-343-9504.

Antarctic CentreA unique Antarctic experience for all. Snow and ice, an Antarctic storm, exciting Hagglund ride, 4D Extreme simulated cruise and the Penguin Encounter. Visit

Football for kidsMainland Football is experiencing huge interest in its holiday and after-school football programmes.ASB Holiday Football is offered by Mainland Football at ASB Football Park and by accredited clubs at Halswell Domain, Avonhead Park and Westminster Park. The programmes are aimed at children 4-14-years-old, split into appropriate groups. The renewed focus on girls’ football is also proving popular with excellent numbers in the “girls only” programme last holidays. Each session includes skill-based training so kids can learn the tricks and techniques to become better players. They play football games in a fun environment and experience

the thrill of putting those skills into practice. Fun Football Centres follow the same framework but run in primary schools, after school for one day each week. Children can sign up for a term and sessions last an hour. These programmes are also based on more time and touches on the ball, more success, more fun, more skills and more confidence, and are also proving very popular in the schools that have signed up. For those children who love to play, summer football will be coming in term four. This is a five-a-side league with games played on small pitches at ASB Football Park on Tuesday afternoons, starting 16 October. Teams can be club or school-based, or just a group of friends. There is plenty on offer – for more details visit

Entertainment cool activities

Spring arrives at Willowbank Wildlife Reserve with an Awassi lamb in the manger.

leighs constructioncso presents series

Wednesday 31st OctOber, 6pmcbs canterbury arena

david Kay conductor Featuring the Loons

Dress up in your favourite Halloween costume and enjoy a classic, spooky evening.

Featuringthe Loons

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Page 25: Family Times Christchurch Spring 2012


Made by Me! Resin tile workshops workshopsInsert a photo of Sponge Bob, Wonder Pets, or stickers into a cool glass tile. Learn a very crafty technique to share with others. Visit for details.

PHATSK8 Roller DiscosHit the roller disco at Prebbleton or Rolleston these holidays. Great value at $6 each including skates. Phone 03-349-9924 or visit to book.

Willowbank Wildlife ReserveIt’s a spring festival at Willowbank - lots of baby animals, lamb feeding, milking and fun spring farmyard activities and games. Details at

ITM Cup afternoon rugby gamesTake the kids to see our rugby heroes in action. Enjoy four afternoon ITM Cup games at AMI Stadium. Go to The Palms, or phone 0800-224-224 for tickets.

Airsoft Canterbury Group Experience Airsoft Sports and Combat Simulation. Fitness and fun for family and friends. Visit or phone 021-024-31102.

Mt HuttFree lift passes for children 10 and under. With sunny days and lots of snow it is the place to be this spring. Visit

Holiday specialsDevine Riding Centre Ride ponies and miniature horses with an obstacle course and treasure hunt. Phone 03-349-5893, 021-924-499 or visit

It’s My Turn to Cook Tonight- Bosch school holiday programmeGet your children cooking in your home, us-ing your food, with a nationwide online event, guided by Claire Gourley. From 2– 4 October, visit for information.

Ferrymead Heritage Park holiday activities Step back in time at Ferrymead Heritage Park with hands-on children’s activities these holidays. Visit or phone 03-384-1970 for more information.

Eastgate Shopping Centre Check out Eastgate’s brand new Facebook page to see what’s on for the children these school holidays at Eastgate.

Tim the Greedy Tui - Cushion TheatreEnjoy Tim the Greedy Tui, Cushion Theatre at the Malthouse these holidays, written and directed by Nickie Wellbourn. From 29 September - 14 October, for tickets phone 0800 BOOKINGS.

The Gingerbread ManThe Gingerbread Man, a completely original take on the classic story runs, from 3-13 October at The Court Theatre. Phone the box office on 03-963-0870 or visit

The Polkadots in concert. New Zealand’s premier children’s entertainers perform two shows at 10am and 2pm on 13 October at Cowles Stadium. Absolutely free. For details and tickets visit

Tothills MazesHead to Tothills for family fun in the wooden maze this spring. Open every day in school holidays. Visit for full opening hours.Compiled by Karen Theobald

After school Kendal OSCAR programmesEnrolments in Kendal OSCAR after school programmes are open to all Christchurch families. Email [email protected] or phone 03-358-4140 for information.Compiled by Karen Theobald

Rock Stars courseIs your child not a team player but needs a challenge? Clip ‘N Climb’s Rock Stars’ after school climbing programme at the Roxx Climbing Centre is the answer. It is a safe, fun introduction to basic climbing technique

and incorporates yoga stretching, goal setting and communication skills. Book for next term now. Visit, phone 03-377-3000 or email [email protected].

Patricia Paul School of DanceRAD ballet from three years to advanced levels. NZAMD jazz, contemporary and hip hop. Phone 03-372-9191 or email [email protected].

Robotics workshopsIntroductory and advanced programming sessions using the NXT Lego Mindstorms and Robobox robotic kits on 1 and 9 October. Visit for details.

“Meet The Polkadots, New Zealand’s premier children’s entertainers on tour during the October school holidays. For details visit

cool activities

Page 26: Family Times Christchurch Spring 2012


Junior cricketers register now! Many young boys and girls

throughout the city will eagerly await the start of the new cricket season over the next few weeks. If you’re a youngster seeking to have lots of fun, make new friends and grow your individual talent in a team structure, then get registered now and start practising: the cricket season starts on 20 October 2012. The cricket season breaks on December 17 for Christmas, restarts after the school holidays on Saturday 2 February 2013, and ends on Saturday 24 March. Clubs will hold registration days from late August throughout September, so check out the table below for details. Last summer the Christchurch Junior Cricket Association (CJCA) had 18 clubs and four schools under its umbrella – a total of 250 teams in the various grades, representing more than 2700 players.

Recruitment campaign CJCA is working hard to recapture budding new cricketers, as membership was hit in 2011-2012 due to earthquake related difficulties. Canterbury Cricket, Sport Canterbury and CJCA are working together with known players from the Wizards province team to visit juniors at the hardest hit clubs to encourage them to play again.

Future stars in the making Christchurch will host the annual South Island Primary School’s Cricket tournament from 7-11 January, during the midsummer break. This will be the 50th tournament and CJCA says it will be one to remember. Matches will be held at Hospital Corner and Christ’s College grounds, either side of the Hagley Oval, in Hagley Park. Come along if you want to see some future stars in the making! A social for all past players will be held on Sunday 6 January from 5.30pm at the Lone Star, Bush Inn, so please come along if you have played in this tournament before. Two further tournaments, hosted by Canterbury Country, will be played at Mandeville in January. Four Year 6 (14-17 January) and later four Year 7 (21-24 January) teams from within the CJCA Cricket Express Spring Tournament will compete in their own year-based competitions.

Grades to suit all ages and abilities CJCA has developed and designed grades to ensure full participation from every player. The softer ball grades provide action every ball with its motto being “fast, furious and fun.” These include Kiwi and Have a Go for Year 1 and 2 players; 20/20 for Year 3 and 4 players and Super 8s for Year 5 boys and girls. All these grades play with eight players per team. There are also three “girls only” grades for girls who do not wish to play in mixed teams.

Hard ball grades operate in school Years 5-8, boys and girls. More discretion is applied to the girls’ grades to ensure players feel comfortable in their grade. Divisions within each of these grades ensure teams are drawn to play against opposition that is likely to result in even encounters.

CJCA website - CJCA has a comprehensive and easy-to-traverse website for everyone to keep up-to-date with the various grade draws, results,

playing conditions and cancellations, as well as representative opportunities. It allows on-line tournament registrations, regularly updates, news items and provides vital cancellation information when there is bad weather.It is also well-used by parents and children looking for club contacts and information on how to join a club. Don’t leave your registration until the season starts - get in now! Visit Feature

Burnside West – Burnside Oval 15, 22, 29 September, 10am – 12pm Peter Burke [email protected] 021-182-1237

East Chch Shirley – Burwood Park All Saturdays in September, 10am – 12pm Dave Teale [email protected] or Henk 03-383-1888

Halswell – Halswell Domain 5 September 7 – 8pm at Oaklands Sch and 9 September 10 – 11 at Domain Tony Smail [email protected] 03-322-1377

Heathcote – Heathcote Domain 22 September 10am – 2pm Ralph Bungard [email protected] 03-384-6140

Hornby – Denton Park 5, 12, 19 September 4.30 – 6pm Kevin Hornbrook [email protected] 03-349-8757

Lancaster Park Woolston – Garrick Park 16 September 12 – 2pm and 18 September 5 – 7pm at Woolston Club, 43 Hargood Street, Robert Tibbotts [email protected] 03-337-3499

Marist Harewood – Redwood Park 1, 8, 15, 22 September 10am – 1pm Paul Case [email protected] 03-352-0489

Merivale Papanui – Edgar McIntosh Park 15, 16 September 12 – 2pm and 17 September 6 – 7pm Robert de Roo [email protected] 021-474-758

New Brighton – Rawiti Domain 1, 8 September 10 – 12pm and 6 September 5 - 7pm Kym Thompson [email protected] 03-388-7772

Old Boys Collegians – Elmwood Park20 September 5 - 6.30pm and 22 September 1 – 3pm both at Cricket Express, 210 St Asaph Street. Mandie Godliman [email protected] 03-354-5678

Parklands – Parklands Reserve7 September 6 – 7.30pm and 8 September 11 – 2pm, at Parklands Utd Sports Club, Pierre van der Merwe [email protected] 03-383-1502

Riccarton – Hagley Oval 1, 8 September 12 – 2pm Dell-Lane Millard [email protected] 03-355-8277

St Albans – Hagley Oval and Ilam Fields Sign up online – Alan Jamieson 03-359-0110 or Barry Van Beurten 03-352-6533 girls

Sydenham – Sydenham Park 9, 15 September 10am – 1pm, 12 September 6 – 8pm Libby Hickford [email protected] 03-325-7870

Upper Riccarton - Upper Ricarton Domain Please contact Desiree Adlam, 03-342-3630 or [email protected] re registrations

Junior registration dates 2012/13

Page 27: Family Times Christchurch Spring 2012


Birthday parties are a momentous occasion full

of fun and laughter, and create many happy memories for years to come. Many parents will have a favourite birthday party game they recall from their childhood: why not relive this joy time and time again? A lot of the games from yesteryear are still very popular today, require minimal planning and expense, and will guarantee lots of fun for everyone on the day. Here are some of the old classics from times past that are still delighting many at birthday parties today.

Pass the parcelThis can be played either outside or in. All you need is a pre-wrapped gift and to wrap it in

loose layers of gift wrap or newspaper, with a small treat in each layer. To play the game, sit the children in a circle, play some short snippets of music and have them pass the parcel to the next person in the circle. When the music stops, the person holding the parcel removes one layer of wrapping and gets that treat. Repeat until the last layer of wrapping has been removed, restarting and stopping the music each time. You can use different treats for each layer to add a bit of mystery and keep the children interested longer. Out of fairness to all party goers, you may like to make sure you have enough layers of wrapping to cover all the partygoers and ensure the music stops at each child so they all get a turn. Suitable for any age group (even very small toddlers can play, perhaps sitting on an adults lap and with their help unwrapping and passing the parcel).

The chocolate gameThis is a game of chance, and is a lot of fun! It is more suitable for children who are able to use

a knife and fork. All that is required is a die, an outfit such as hat gloves and jacket or large shirt, a knife and fork, and chocolate on a plate. All the kids sit around in a circle and take turns throwing a dice. When someone throws a six, they have to put the clothes on as fast as they can, then use the knife and fork to start chopping a block of chocolate and eating it square by square with the fork as fast as they can. As soon as the next person throws a six, they have to stop eating and take the costume off. The game continues until all the chocolate is finished.

PinataPinatas are a paper-mache or other type of light container that is decorated and filled with treats, most commonly associated with Mexico. These can be purchased or made cheaply by layering strips of newspaper glued together with a flour and water paste onto a balloon, dried and then painted. Allow a space at the top large enough to fill with treats and then hang on a tree branch or similar with strong twine or string. Each child takes turn hitting the pinata with a stick or bat until all the treats fall out. Make sure the rest of the children are a safe distance from the “hitter” as they await their turn.


Old-fashioned birthday party fun

Devine Equine Riding & Training Centre Devine Equine Riding & Training Centre is a beautifully established facility in Templeton that offers riding lessons for children and adults on a one-to-one basis, with a highly experienced instructor who can cover all aspects of horsemanship.Children’s pony parties include pony rides, cart rides, fun with miniature horses, a treasure hunt and a room for party celebrations.Learn the famous racing history of the property, enjoy a cart ride, and meet some of our miniature horses with Devine’s popular farm visits. Phone 03-349-5893 or 021-924-499,

Pony PartiesPony Parties & Their Farmyard Friends offer cute ponies and special farm animals especially for children’s entertainment. They travel to your party or event. New to Christchurch is Pony Parties’ specially designed indoor children’s party venue, which offers a hosted pony riding and farmyard party programme, fully catered with entertainment galore. Visit and check out the party feedback on Facebook. Book a party with a difference. Phone 03-329-7266 or 027-424-7768.

Ferrymead Heritage ParkMany families are picking up the offer of using Ferrymead Heritage Park as a special children’s birthday party venue.You can book and hire a tram at Ferrymead: take rides and hold your own party for up to two-and-a-half hours in your very own tram, bring your own party food for on the tram or Ferrymead can cater instead if you desire.Contact the park office or visit for more details.

Page 28: Family Times Christchurch Spring 2012



Pin the tail on the donkeyDraw an outline of a donkey on a large sheet of cardboard and place this up on a wall or corkboard at a low height. On a separate piece of card, draw a tail, or if you feel particularly creative, find a small scarf or fluffy fabric to act as the tail. Place a pin at the top of the tail (take care here). Make as many tails as there are children and put their names on these. Put a large mark on the donkey where the child needs to aim. Each child is blindfolded and has a turn one-at-a-time to place the tail where they think it should be. The closest to the actual spot is the winner (have a prize ready!).

Get physical – race ideasBurn off all the party treats with some solid physical activity. Test the children’s balance and co-ordination with an egg-and-spoon race: each child at the

start line holds a spoon with an egg on it (hard-boiled recommended!). At the start command, they move as quickly as they can to the finish line without the egg falling off the spoon. They are only allowed to hold the spoon with one hand. If the egg falls they are out of the race. The quickest to cross the line with the egg still on the spoon is the winner! Another race variation is the sack race, suitable for all ages. Children place both of their legs

inside a sack or pillow case that reaches their waist or neck and jump forward from a starting point toward a finish line. The first person to cross the finish line is the winner of the race.

Birthday fun with Funky Glass Art

Looking for something unique this birthday party? Funky Glass Art has a fantastic range of embellished birthday party kits all designed to be done within the hour and in the comfort of your own home. The kits are ready to go - no need for extra preparation, glue etc – it’s all included with step by step instructions.This is a great way for kids to get together and have fun, then take home their unique creation as a memento of your child’s special day.

Have a Divine birthdayDivine Cakes & Desserts is a Christchurch owned and operated business specialising in special occasions. It is most famous for its delicious Happy Birthday mud cakes and wide range of birthday novelty cakes. But it doesn’t stop there! If you are a home decorator, Divine Cakes & Desserts hires out novelty cake tins and has everything you need to decorate your own birthday cake. More recently Divine started cupcake and novelty cake decorating classes for parents wanting to learn how to decorate their children’s birthday cakes. These are hands-on classes and you get to take your own creation home. Visit for locations and contact details.



Fun holiday activity at Arion Farm Education

ParkArion Farm Education Park is a unique facility run by the National Trade Academy at McLeans Island, Christchurch, which allows children to see, touch and feed a variety of farm animals.Children can hand feed animals, learn about the breeds in a natural environment, enjoy a pony ride, and have fun at the picnic and play area where shelter and shade is available, for only $5 per person entry.The farm is one of the few facilities in the country where children can learn about farming history, farm animals, and their history and contribution to New Zealand’s economy.Arion Farm Education Park is an ideal venue for hosting children’s parties, and school holiday programmes are available.Arion Farm Education Park is now open every day from 1 September, 10am – 3pm. Visit or to book phone 03-360-2192, 021-881-279 or visit “arion farm education park” on Facebook.

Page 29: Family Times Christchurch Spring 2012


When it comes to creating atmosphere for birthday parties, there’s nothing more fun than decorating the house to really ‘wow’ the birthday girl or boy and the guests.Even better still, the whole family can tuck in and create some really spectacular, one-of-a-kind creations to dress up the whole house. Everyone has their own vision, so results will always be unique.Paper is easy to work with, and the perfect medium for our craft project this edition, which is a variation on paper garlands. You don’t need to be clever or a good stitcher - you just need heavy paper or light-weight card and a threaded sewing machine. Various shapes can be used to great effect such as cut out leaves, flowers, birds, cupcakes, stars, letters, etc. You can make these to hang up all year round or for a special occasion such as a birthday.

You will need:• Heavypaperorlightweightcard• Optional:plastic(Ice-creamlidweight)• Sewingmachine,threadandscissors

1. Make a template to use out of an ice-cream lid or similar weight plastic if you want all the same shape.

2. Trace template or freehand draw design onto card or paper.

3. Stitch the pieces together, letting the threads stitch together between the paper cut-outs. Make sure you leave a good length of thread at the start and end of the garland. You will need to hold the threads firm as you stitch for this part of the process between cut-outs so your machine does not jam up.

4. Tie a knot at the top of the garland threads so you have a hanging loop.

5. Tie a button to the bottom threads to give your garland a little weight to hang properly.

It’s that easy! Have fun!By Sarah Chisnall, Manager, Hands Craft Store, Christchurch. For further details, enquiries and craft blog visit their website


Castle ParkCastle Park, conveniently situated just south of Amberley on SH1, is an excellent venue, providing activities for the whole family. Laser tag, paintball, an obstacle course and a climbing wall are popular choices for birthday parties, corporate groups and school groups. Castle Park also has one of the only carousels in New Zealand, and an indoor archery range will be coming soon.Children can safely enjoy the outdoor play area or the petting farm. The animals love attention, particularly the miniature horses Molly and her daughter Princess.Castle Park Restaurant and Bar has an extensive menu, including rock-grill, and can cater for any function including children’s parties.

B4 School CheckDid you know that the best time for your child’s free B4 School Check is just after their fourth birthday? Most children are fit and healthy, so the B4 School Check is a great time to have that confirmed; however, if you do have any concerns then this is a great opportunity to discuss them with the nurse and develop a plan to get them sorted before your child starts school when they turn five. Make an appointment with your practice nurse when the postcard arrives in your letterbox or when the public health nurse phones.

Set the party scene!

Page 30: Family Times Christchurch Spring 2012



Learning to ride a bike is a huge milestone for many

children. Bicycles are an important source of exercise, transportation and recreation, and for many children in New Zealand, learning to ride a bicycle is an important part of their play and development. Cycling related injuries are however one of the top 10 causes of unintentional injury-related deaths for children, and one of the top three causes of unintentional injury related hospitalisations for children in New Zealand.“Safekids is about keeping kids free to enjoy their childhood, which includes cycling in their communities and to school, without the adverse effects of unintentional injuries,” said Safekids New Zealand director Ann Weaver.

Here are some tips to keep your child cycle-safe:Buy a bike that suits your child’s height, skills and riding experienceBuying a bike that your child will grow into is unsafe, and could cause them to have an accident. To see if a bike is too big for your child, get them to sit on the saddle - if their toes don’t touch the ground on both sides then it’s too big. Make sure they feel comfortable when seated.Visit your local bike shop for an expert opinion on finding the right bike for your child.

The best bicycle for learning onFor young or new cyclists the best bicycle to learn on should have:• A frame that can easily be straddled by the

cyclist. • a seat where the cyclist can easily reach the

ground with their feet when seated. • handlebars at seat level or above. • limited gear options. • brakes that are appropriate to the age and

ability of the cyclist. Back pedal brakes may be a better alternative to hand brakes for very young children with small hands - these are available on some tricycles and small bicycles.

Another thing to consider is buying a bike with training wheels, as this will help your child get used to balancing. A balance bike, which has no pedals and allows children to move forward using their feet, is an ideal first bike for younger children.

Choosing a helmetAll cyclists are required to wear a helmet. When selecting one for your child make sure it is the right size and shape for their head. Buying a helmet that doesn’t fit means your child’s head won’t be protected if they fall off. When buying a helmet:• Make sure the helmet is standards

approved. You can tell if it complies as there will be a standards sticker on the inside.

• For information on how to fit your child’s helmet correctly, visit the resources page at

Some important safety tips• Lead by example. Teach your child the right

road rules.• Ensure your child cycles with a supervisor if

they are under the age of 10. • Think about enrolling your child on a cyclist

skills training course, which can help them build their cycling confidence and skills.

• Maintain their cycle regularly – check their brakes, tyres and chain. If you have any doubts, its best to get their bike serviced by an expert or cycle shop.

For more information visit

Cycle safety

The International School of Music

The International School of Music is getting excited about Christmas already! The school’s 10th anniversary Christmas concert will take place in November. All students participate,

including the Jitterbugs, Beeboppers and all Pianorama students. There are limited places for beginning students available in term four of this year. The new students’ timetable is available at Make an enrolment enquiry online or contact Nicky Fryer, the school’s director, on 03-377-3778.

Mocka Balance Bike and Cruise Trike!Mocka’s wooden balance bikes (or running bikes) are designed to develop your child’s balance and co-ordination in preparation for riding their first push-bike. Six great styles to choose from, kids just love them! New to the range is the Mocka Cruise Trike which is suitable for wee ones who aren’t quite big enough for our Balance Bikes. A sturdy wooden ride-on with three wheels for added stability, the Mocka Cruise Trike helps build confidence for a smooth transition to a two wheeled running bike. Mocka and Family Times have 2 Balance Bikes or Cruise Trikes to give away (winners will be contacted to make their choice). Enter online at or write your name and address on the back of an envelope or postcard and send to: Mocka, PO Box 36 004, Christchurch, to reach us by 12 October 2012. Check out for more fantastic products.



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Page 31: Family Times Christchurch Spring 2012


Intermediate students from Opawa’s Seven Oaks School are partnering with Department of Conservation staff to restore their planned school site at Halswell to its natural, healthy state.

The 4 hectare site has three natural springs that are headwaters for the Halswell River and were once a habitat for many native plants, invertebrates and animals. After a hundred years of farming, erosion and fouling of the water is visibly evident.

With Department of Conservation (DOC) ranger Cody Frewin, students learned about the structure of a natural stream, and collected information on water quality, bank structure, plant cover and fish and insect life. Student Anna Carson was “horrified to see how muddy and smelly the spring is right now.”

Once students learn which plants are native to the Halswell area they will develop a planting plan and get underway with planting. They hope to help DOC bring the Canterbury mudfish back from its critically endangered status.

Seven Oaks is an independent school that opened three years ago in Opawa, to prepare today’s generation for the growing economic, social and environmental challenges that await them upon graduation. Chairperson Bruce McIntyre said, “We are proving that school can be all the things we wished it was for us – it can be forward thinking, it can be creative, meaningful, caring and fun. Rather than being an endurance test, school can open our children to realise their true individual brilliance.”


Kids making a real difference

Colic, reflux, and inconsolable crying


call  377  8603  or  visit  


Hope  for  a  new  

generation    Your  children’s  future  depends  upon  the  education  they  experience  today.  

Seven  Oaks  goes  beyond  traditional  education  to  grow  whole  brains  and  hearts.    


Children who attend Kip McGrath tutoring sessions not only increase their school performance, but also develop greater confidence. Students can attend to boost their confidence, to catch up with their peers or to work on extension, enrichment work.Kip McGrath Education Centres offer tuition in reading, spelling, English, and mathematics and can also offer a range of other subjects depending on demand and location. Extension work is offered and there is an increasing demand from adults wishing to improve their literacy and numeracy skills. Students attending Kip McGrath Centres are firstly given a free, comprehensive assessment and then have an individualised programme planned for them. Trained teachers, who

encourage the students to develop an “I can” attitude, deliver the 80-minute tuition sessions. Tutors work with their students to help them realise their potential.There are no “secrets to success” or “quick fix” methods. Tutors help the students develop the mental toughness to overcome their difficulties, rather than allowing them to give in.Excitement comes when the students learn to persevere, and they are rewarded with the realisation that they can succeed. The great thrill for parents is seeing the improved school performance together with the raised self-esteem and overall increased confidence shown by their children.Kip McGrath is enrolling students now - phone 0800-888-674 or look in the white pages for your nearest centre.

Kip McGrathConfidence breeds success

Have you lived through these heart-wrenching behaviours? Are you living them now? If so, our children need your voice. It is estimated that 20 per cent of newborns suffer from the unnecessary behaviour of so-called colic alone, worldwide. With live births in New Zealand recorded at 62,600 over a 12-month period, that’s 12,520 newborns and parents experiencing this diabolical start to life each year. Yet the overall statistical information on this growing problem is minimal. You can help others by taking part in a survey that strives to: •Gain a wider perspective of what is really

happening for New Zealand whanau•Collate information to be used to heighten


•Glean specific information about cer-tain methods

•Create a space for voice •Magnify the necessary points for change

of some practices• Bring about further possibilities of research • Become a “nation of one” on the subject• Enhance conducive solutions that work

for all newbornsPlease take time to evoke further understanding, and thus potential change for our young. Help collate solid national statistics while going into a fabulous prize draw. Visit to take part in this survey. The survey begins August and runs until the start of December.

Page 32: Family Times Christchurch Spring 2012


destination buller


TRS 1756

CHC - GREYMOUTH - CHC*Special conditions apply. Limited seats available. See website for details.

There’s never been a better time to book the perfect family getaway aboard the TranzAlpine. Take the kids across patchwork fi elds, over the soaring Southern Alps and down through ancient beech forests to Greymouth. Enjoy the historic seaside town, then sleep it all off on the relaxing ride home.

BOOK NOW at or call 0800 TRAINS (872 467)FAMILY FARE RETURN(for 2 adults & up to 2 children)


The Buller is a family-friendly destination, with all of its natural features at close proximity to each other. There’s also a wide range of accommodation and services to cater for all needs. There’s heritage and West Coast charm, wilderness adventure, two national parks, New Zealand’s largest conservation park, spectacular drives, and modern sports and entertainment facilities. There are four distinct areas in Buller; Karamea, Westport, Reefton and Punakaiki. Here are some great family activities in each region.

In the Karamea area you can easily:• Visit the impressive Oparara Arches – the

southern hemisphere’s largest limestone arch!

• Walk part of the Heaphy Track through the Nikaus to Scott’s Beach picnic area.

• Relax at Flagstaff – the whitest West Coast beach.

• Tour the Karamea estuary walk, which is abundant with bird watching. You can also

fish or surf here.

In the Westport area you can:• Get a taste of the old mining days with the

Denniston experience.• Learn to surf a wild West Coast beach

with personal lessons.• Visit Mitchell’s Gully Goldmine where you

can pan for gold and see an original water-driven stamping battery in action.

• Go underworld rafting and float on tubes through glow worm-lit grottos.

• Take a short walk to see New Zealand’s most accessible seal colony. This track is suitable for wheelchairs and leads you to viewing platforms that overlook the colony.

• Take the rainforest train into the Nile River Canyon.

The Reefton area boasts the following:• The fabulously rich rock goldfields of

Quartzopolis in the Victoria Ranges.

• Globe Mine Tours, where you are kitted out like a gold miner and taken on a tour of how this new age gold mine operates.

• The Bearded Miners are nestled in the central area of Reefton and are based in a replica miners hut. Have a cuppa with them in front of the fire and learn how the miners lived in the 19th century.

• Awesome rafting experiences for the whole family, where you discover the Gentle Annie Gorge and leap into the river

from Jump Cliff.• Mountain biking tracks in all directions and

for all abilities.

Finally, in Punakaiki you can enjoy full-on action or chill out and relax:• Visit the Pancake Rocks and blowholes.• Go horse trekking along the beach or up

the valley, and cross the river to explore

Buller District – top of the West CoastBuller, conveniently located on the South Island’s main touring

routes, is packed with spectacular scenery and adventure. It’s home to the famous Pancake Rocks and blowholes and the Oparara Arches, two national parks, spectacular coastline, lush subtropical rainforest and friendly people. Simply said, Buller has the best of the West Coast, but without the crowds.

Page 33: Family Times Christchurch Spring 2012


destination buller

Volunteers are the backbone of society. Volunteers of all ages shape society and make our communities stronger, and a greater place to live in. Volunteering comes in so many shapes and forms, from individual to team volunteering, one off or ongoing, project or skills based - the limits are endless.Volunteering gives you an opportunity to learn new skills and life experience, practise your skills in your chosen area/field of interest, network/meet new people and gain lifelong relationships, connect to your community and make a real difference, brighten your day and engage in something you are passionate about.New Zealanders contribute 270 million hours of formal, unpaid work for non-profit organisations annually.It is evident that the majority of volunteers are older. It’s not often that the work of young volunteers is mentioned, nor the benefits they receive from it, yet they have a profound impact upon the future of the society we

live in. Younger children who volunteer are taught important life skills and positive healthy lifestyles; it improves the community; young children reap rewards as they are curious to achieve higher and seek challenges, and finally it encourages a life-long ethic to help others that is vital in today’s world. Volunteering New Zealand suggests to anyone who wants to actively get involved in volunteering to either fill in a form at or head to the nearest volunteer centre and they will align yours or your child’s needs to an appropriate organisation. There are 18 centres across New Zealand in all major cities Visit for more details.

Kids helping in the community

the Punakaiki valley. • Go canoeing and be mesmerised by the

dramatic scenery whilst paddling up a heavily forested river canyon rimmed by towering limestone cliffs and Nikau palms.

• Drive the famous Coast Road – described

as one of the top 10 drives in the world according to Lonely Planet. Wild seascapes, delightful bays and coves, and lush rainforests. Allow more than two hours to really make the most of it.

Advertising feature

The TranzAlpine is truly one of the world’s great scenic train trips. It traverses through a dramatic contrast of dry beech forests and tussock land on one side of the Alps and lush green landscapes on the other. It is a fantastic way to travel for the whole family. Family Times and KiwiRail Scenic have two family passes (two adults and two children) for the TranzAlpine to giveaway! Enter online at or write your name and address on the back of an envelope or postcard and send to: TranzAlpine, PO Box 36 004, Christchurch, to reach us by 12 October 2012. Check out our website for more fantastic competitions.

KiwiRail - TranzAlpine


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Summer ISSue 2010

Are we imagining it


Are our kids growing

up too quickly?

Win Win Win


giveaways and vouchers

Yummy Christmas


Have fun baking with

the kids

Partners as well as


Tips for a harmonious



Win Win WinCompetitions, giveaways and


Kia Kaha ChristchurchEight-page supplement on “the new normal”

Optimum sleepMaximise your child’s learning potential

Childhood trauma

Helping kids bounce back

Winter issue 2011

Page 34: Family Times Christchurch Spring 2012


Taking your children into the outdoors is a great

way to spend time with your family, have fun and discover new things. And an overnight stay in a backcountry hut is a great adventure. The very idea of venturing into the wilds with children can seem daunting; but it’s easier than you think, and there are plenty of options not too far from home.

How far can you go on your first tramp?Further than you think! The average 3-year old should be able to walk a couple of kilometres. Be prepared to let toddlers walk some and be carried some. Older children of course should be able to go much further but to start off, pick destinations within three hours walking time. Allow plenty of time for discovery along the way.

Let them pack and carry their own gear Most kids really want to carry a pack, but a toy and a small bottle of water are enough for littlies to start with. Be prepared to carry it for them later if they get tired. Older ones can carry their own warm top and snacks, torch and survival blanket. They don’t need special tramping boots, but well-fitting sneakers with good tread are essential. Watch out for blisters as children don’t always notice they are forming.

Keep them interested Visit places that offer something for everyone - a quiet forest may not appeal to an 8-year-old in the same way as it does to you! Share your adventures with other families with children of similar ages - the kids will feed off each other and keep each other energised.Keep them fed and wateredYoung people need frequent top-ups when walking. Take high energy snacks like barley sugars and Milo in a thermos to warm up cold insides. A sheet of plastic folds up small to fit into a daypack, and provides a dry place to sit.

Keep them warm Layers of clothing are the key. You can be warm while walking, but cool down quickly when you stop. Wool, polypropylene or polar fleece are best as they keep you warm even when wet. Take a warm hat, mittens and spare woolly socks, and a waterproof jacket. If you’re carrying a toddler in a backpack check often that hands, feet and head are still warm.

Keep them safeChildren like to run ahead but be aware: bush and forest can be risky. It’s impossible to fence off every steep drop or stream so keep them close and in sight.

Checklist of what to take:• Take a comfort toy if your child has one –

it’s hard to sleep in a strange place!• You need to be completely self-sufficient

with a sleeping bag for everyone, cooking stove and pots, plates, cups and cutlery.

• Carry a map and compass, first aid and survival kits, water bottle and plenty of high-energy food.

• Carry a tent or fly as huts can fill up at any time.

• Hire a 406MHz personal locator beacon,

mountain radio, or satellite phone for backup. Mobile phones rarely work in the mountains.

Sign of the Packhorse Hut The historic Sign of the Packhorse Hut perched on a sheltered saddle on the Port Hills has amazing views into Lyttelton Harbour. Built of local volcanic stone in 1916, it has two bunk rooms, a water tank and wood burner for heating. Children love rock-hopping on the nearby outcrops, and exploring the bush remnant.It’s pretty much steadily uphill all the way but you can also reach it via a slightly longer track from Gebbies Pass.!Time: 2 hours one wayDistance: 4 kmGrade: easy tramping trackNote: track closed during lambing season (August to October).

Getting there:Approx 45 minutes drive from Christchurch, Kaituna Valley is off the Christchurch - Akaroa Road (SH75) at Ataahua. Travel 6 km along the

Valley Road, then turn left onto Parkinson’s Road. The track is well-signposted.

Woolshed Creek Hut This trip in Mt Somers Conservation Area offers a challenge to young walkers, with the reward of a modern hut to stay in and lots of fun places to explore.This track climbs steeply along the hand-built jig that used to transport coal from the old Blackburn Mine to railway wagons waiting below. Beyond this, the track rises up to a trig at 934 m with superb views of the surrounding country, before dropping to the 26-bunk Woolshed Creek Hut.Distance: 5 kmTime: 3 hours one wayGrade: easy tramping track

Getting there:About 1.5 hrs drive south and west from Christchurch; from Mount Somers township on SH 72, follow Ashburton Gorge Road for 10 km before turning right onto Jig Road, then 3.5 km to Woolshed Creek picnic area.By Sarah Mankelow, Department of Conservation

Let’s go tramping!

Macpac VamooseMacpac’s Vamoose goes off the beaten track and is fully featured to ensure comfort and security for both parent and child. Proven Macpac load-carry technology combined with ultimate child comfort means the whole family can have hassle-free adventures together. Features include variable child seat-depth which can be adjusted as your child grows, Explorer harness designed for ease of use, balance and comfort, a generous 25lt base pocket for gear storage and the Sombrero sunshade and Rainbow rain cover included. The Vamoose is the perfect child carrier to get the whole family out and about. To win a Macpac Vamoose valued at $449.95 enter online at or write your name and address on the back of an envelope or postcard and send to: Macpac Vamoose, PO Box 36 004,

Christchurch, to reach us by 12 October 2012. WIN!


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Page 36: Family Times Christchurch Spring 2012


Families are well catered for on every Interislander voyage.Nurseries provide cot and baby-changing facilities. Playgrounds of varying sizes, for a range of ages ensure that our youngest passengers can play and meet new friends. If they can be convinced to leave the playground, magicians and clowns perform on many school holiday sailings.And, of course Interislander looks after families with a range of great value fare options.

Enjoy some Family Time

market place

Family Getaways

Page 37: Family Times Christchurch Spring 2012


market place


Free day lift passes for kids

10 years and under at Mt Hutt*

*$20 admin fee to issue a 10 and under season pass.







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Summer ISSue 2010

Are we imagining it


Are our kids growing

up too quickly?

Win Win Win


giveaways and vouchers

Yummy Christmas


Have fun baking with

the kids

Partners as well as


Tips for a harmonious



Win Win WinCompetitions, giveaways and


Kia Kaha ChristchurchEight-page supplement on “the new normal”

Optimum sleepMaximise your child’s learning potential

Childhood trauma

Helping kids bounce back

Winter issue 2011

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Kiwi Flyer - The first Kiwi family movie in 27 years

When 12-year-old Ben sets out to win the local trolley derby in the memory of his father, he learns what matters in life.He is forced to battle an Aussie family who will stop at nothing to win the trophy, the school loan sharks and a mother who has banned him from the race.The story is filmed entirely in the beautiful city of Nelson, and based around the annual trolley derby that has been run on and off for the last 60 years. Kiwi Flyer is a story that comes from the heart of being a Kiwi. At its core are ideas that inspire all New Zealanders: dream big, Kiwi’s can do! This gem of a film is guaranteed to enthral and entertain families from Kaitaia to Bluff and back again.Kiwi flyer features an ensemble of true-blue Kiwi talent with a cast including Tandi Wright (Nothing Trivial, Out of the Blue), comedian Dai Henwood (7 Days), Vince Martin (Beaurepaires) and introducing to the big screen Edward Hall and Tikkirau Hathaway. Don’t miss the rousing soundtrack from the inimitable Don McGlashan (The Mutton Birds). Kiwi Flyer was produced by Tim Sanders (Whale Rider, The Lord of the Rings – Fellowship of the Ring, Frighteners) and directed by Tony Simpson.Kiwi flyer will be in a cinema near you from 27 September, in time for the September school holidays. Check out the trailer at it’s Kiwi’s vs. Aussies, there can only be one winner!

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Page 40: Family Times Christchurch Spring 2012


Feels Good



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Ice Age Continental Drift™ & © 2012 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation.

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Show Times: Mon 8th - Fri 12th October

11am & 1pm DailyMeet and greet 12 noon