fantasia apocalypticaknuth/fant-program.pdffantasia apocalyptica january 10, 2018 composed...

Fantasia Apocalyptica January 10, 2018 Composed 2012–2017 by Donald E. Knuth Performed by Jan Overduin World premi ` ere at Studio Acusticum and Lule ˚ a University of Technology on the occasion of the composer’s 80th birthday Pite ˚ a, Sweden

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Page 1: Fantasia Apocalypticaknuth/fant-program.pdfFantasia Apocalyptica January 10, 2018 Composed 2012–2017 by Donald E. Knuth Performed by Jan Overduin World premiere at Studio Acusticum`

Fantasia ApocalypticaJanuary 10, 2018

Composed 2012–2017 by Donald E. KnuthPerformed by Jan Overduin

World premiere at Studio Acusticum

and Lulea University of Technology

on the occasion of the composer’s 80th birthday

Pitea, Sweden

Page 2: Fantasia Apocalypticaknuth/fant-program.pdfFantasia Apocalyptica January 10, 2018 Composed 2012–2017 by Donald E. Knuth Performed by Jan Overduin World premiere at Studio Acusticum`
Page 3: Fantasia Apocalypticaknuth/fant-program.pdfFantasia Apocalyptica January 10, 2018 Composed 2012–2017 by Donald E. Knuth Performed by Jan Overduin World premiere at Studio Acusticum`

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Page 4: Fantasia Apocalypticaknuth/fant-program.pdfFantasia Apocalyptica January 10, 2018 Composed 2012–2017 by Donald E. Knuth Performed by Jan Overduin World premiere at Studio Acusticum`

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Page 5: Fantasia Apocalypticaknuth/fant-program.pdfFantasia Apocalyptica January 10, 2018 Composed 2012–2017 by Donald E. Knuth Performed by Jan Overduin World premiere at Studio Acusticum`

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Page 6: Fantasia Apocalypticaknuth/fant-program.pdfFantasia Apocalyptica January 10, 2018 Composed 2012–2017 by Donald E. Knuth Performed by Jan Overduin World premiere at Studio Acusticum`

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Page 7: Fantasia Apocalypticaknuth/fant-program.pdfFantasia Apocalyptica January 10, 2018 Composed 2012–2017 by Donald E. Knuth Performed by Jan Overduin World premiere at Studio Acusticum`

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Page 8: Fantasia Apocalypticaknuth/fant-program.pdfFantasia Apocalyptica January 10, 2018 Composed 2012–2017 by Donald E. Knuth Performed by Jan Overduin World premiere at Studio Acusticum`

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