fantastic scriptural knowledge

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Fantastic Scriptural Knowledge


Your assignment (life's work/stay) is geographical, you dont belong everywhere; there is a place you fail, there is a place that you will flourish. Your assignment is ALWAYS to a place where you will be celebrated instead of tolerated. Your assignment is the only place that God has stored your money. Money doesn't follow you, money is waiting for you in the place of your assignment. Money is anywhere God meant for you to be. Money is the scriptural verification that you have obeyed an instruction from God. Your weaknesses flourish when u r not where u belong. For me(Varsha) when I am in Pune my fear increases tremendously. Bitter Disagreement over fundamental issues is The Proof Somebody does not belong to that place. You could be wrong person but be in the right place and prosper. Geography is essential to prosperity. Geography is essential to receiving the blessings of God. Wherever somebody likes you there is a future. A favor is a divine confirmation.You never have what God gives you, you only have what you are capable of receiving.Wisdom is the ability to see difference, recognize difference in people , difference in countenance(someones facial expression), difference in right and wrong, difference in environment of a place(room), difference in an opportunity, difference in favour, difference in yourself, If u cannot tell ur difference from others u have been studying ur weakness for too long. Never study your your difference. Your difference empowers you over your weakness. Wisdom doesn't come from gray hair. In fact some of the stupidest people in the world are old people. Getting old doesn't make you smart. Wisdom doesnt come genetically. And that is good news. Why will I believe God about heaven and hell and not believe him about the blessing of the Lord.1. Fear of God. You must dialog with God. Spirit of Grace is mesmerizing. You will never respect someone you are capable of deceiving. Increase your kingness of the love of God. 2. Your decision to Stay in the field of favor. Have you identified your field of favor? Field of favour is not without correction, not without pain, its not without toil. The field of favor has a price. And it will take a price to stay in it. The entry into the field of favor costs you nothing. Remaining in it will cost you everything. Favor will require adaptation, favor will require a protocol. 3. Honor the chain of authority. Favor flows down not up. To adequately provide a "Nest without thorns will require the best of a woman". If you want favor stay under the cover. There is safety in the chain of authority. 4. Your decision to solve the problems nearest to you accurately, effectively, quickly, in a memorable way. Problem solving is the master key to all favor. Search for problems to solve. Do not say God is not paying you enough or say he is a fraud. NEVER!5. Your decision to sow favor. You are going to have to sow it. Look for chances to sow favor. A seed is anything that blesses somebody. Kindness is a seed. Recommendation is a seed. Are you sowing favor everytime you get an opportunity?6. Your Decision to reward favor. Appreciation creates energy. Never open the door wider than it was opened to you. Reward favor where you find it. Protect it, keep it. Do not receivr favor without a reaction.7. Your decision to honor the command to tithe(tie-th). It cures greed, it harness you to focus, etc. The tithe is not the payment of a Debt because we owe everything to God. The tithe is an acknowledgement of your debt. Tithe because it guarantees Gods continued favor on your life. Lack is a clue you are making mistake. Pay attention to poverty. ---------------------------------------------7 Crisis u must survive on ur way to greatness1. Crisis of ur faith. Proof of God is Change. Proof of God is the ability to change. Repetation is seed of persuasion. 99 NO's and 1 YES, makes it YES! Something you are hearing is deciding your focus. Something you are hearing is deciding your strength, energy. God speaks thru words. Faith is the obtainer of what God says he has for us. Faith is the person you send out to get what God promised and bring it back to you. Faith is the obtainer of the promise. Faith is confidence in god. 3 levels - no faith, little faith, great faith. God does not decide ur faith level. U choose. God is not a man that he should lie nor the son of man that he should repent. Honor is the proof of trust. 2. Crisis of personal motivationGratitude is the celebration of something GoodDepression is the magnifying of something SadPassion is the hidden fuel that you must protect. Identify those who diminish your energy. U must identify that in this person's presence something wrong grows in me. What motivates you today may not motivate you tomo. In different seasons of your life different things will excite you, motivate you. Ur feelings r not ur life. A feeling is a moment of given life. U can decide what u want to feel thru focus thru conversation. 3. Crisis of change.Change is part of every divine cycle. When God talks, you make the change. There will be a crisis in change. You will hear a voice behind you saying. "This is the way. Walk you thein the way." Change is end of comfort. Discomfort is the seed for more. For improvement. The purpose of change is to increase our pleasure. Thats why we r willing to pursue changes. To stop the pain and increase our pleasure. 4. Crisis of trust. God uses dissapointment to birth relationship with him. God uses dissapointment as a correction of focus, correction of energy, correction of value and God allows dissapointment with people thru someone we trusted. God uses painful crisis in Trust to get us back into his presence for a new instruction from him. 5. Crisis in relationshipStrife is the proof that somebody does not belong there. Strife is the entry for every evil work. Confusion is the product of strife. We were not made to succeed alone. Humility is the willingness to reach. Every relationship has a different purpose and a different fruit. Every person in your life produces a different emotion. Identify the emotion. Hatred for meaningless conversation. Words without having a purpose is intolerable. You must identify who puts a value on the relationship with you. There r people in your life who will pay any price to access you, to protect you, to sow into you and there r others who will not move there little thing to bring improvement into your life. Dont ever think that every person has same value into ur life. Those who belonged in your past may not qualify for your future. There is a time for separation from wrong relationships. YOU CANNOT BUILD ON ANY DECEPTIVE RELATIONSHIP. YOU Cannot build where there is distrust of loyalty. You cannot develop a relationship where there is dishonor. You cannot have relationship with your son/daughter until you honor. Blood doesn't keep you close. Blood is never enough to keep you close. Honor can make you close than blood can. There is always a learner and a teacher in every relationship. There is a listener and a speaker. When there is exposure of dishonesty there is loss of relationship. When there is exposure of deception there is loss in relationship. U cannot have a relationship with someone who places no value on integrity. It is important that you know the weakness of a relationship and the God purpose of a relationship. 6. Crisis in your love walk.The ability to love is your spirit's trait. It is the fruit of the spirit. Everything comes out of love. Our only assignment is to love and because we love, we do everything else we do. My assignment is to love and because I love I speak I protect I correct I encourage. Love is the tree and what we do is the fruit in that tree.7. Crisis in Personal Failure. Failure is the seed for change. Almost all significant miracles and blessings come out of failure. Failure is not a destination. It is a moment. It is a moment you realize God's greatness is needed. The moment there is failure there is the possibility of a future. I will not stay at the place of my failure. Failure is the seed for learning. Learning is the seed for change. I will not stay at the place of my failure. I am a receiver of every good thing. You have not understood something until it is working in your life. So keep reading/hearing/speaking about it repeatedly when u get chance. Prosperity is Having enough of God's provision to complete his assignment for your life. Your provision is created for your vision. What you keep hearing you begin to understand. ------------------------------------------------------7 business secrets of JesusSuccess is the ability to obtain a worthy Goal. 1. Jesus attracted attention. He did it thru questions through his differences. You have no business future unless people know you are there. 2. Jesus knew the needs of his customers. He knew the difference in his customers. Excellence in a product/service is more important than price because quality is remembered longer than a good deal. 3. Jesus stayed in the center of his expertise. A good salesman is rarely a great business owner. A business owner may not be a great salesman. DISC - D is for dominant, driving. I as influencing. S can be called steadiness or supportive. C is compliance - attention to details. Friendly, warm, outgoing persons usually miss out the details in any work. There will always be a portion of your business that is the seed of discomfort that creates the reward of change. 4. Jesus clearly defined to others the problems he could solve for them. You have to know your difference and convey it adequately, sufficiently, continuously to others. Every one of you who wants to succeed have to know the art of teaching. You have to teach your employee, teach your family, kids. You must teach a customer. You must teach your clients what is difference about your business. You are responsible for showing your customers the difference of your business. 5. Jesus mentored his salesmen. How do you train. a) by example. b) by handbook of job description and policy and protocol. 3 By what you permit. You train them on what represents you. You as the top of the hierarchy should have the highest level of excellence. Years of service does not decide promotion. Passion to please through excellence decides promotion. 6. Jesus mastered the art of listening. You must develop the ability to converse effectively. Talking to others on whats in their mind and listening to their response. Even listen to your enemies carefully so you can use them as examples to protegy. Cultivate and obsession to converse effectively. You marry somebody because they have something that you do not have. 7. Jesus always stayed truthful about his products. Talk about pleasure of it, pain of it. Blessing of it and burden of it. There are 2 things that create credibility. 1 Trustworthiness and 2. Expertise. Build the credibility of your business. Build it through trustworthiness. Make things right at any cost. --------------------------------------------------Decisions create circumstances, decisions schedule changes. Decisions decide a chapter I would enter or leave in my life. 12 major dominant differences in people. The weakness they are willing to overcome.The enemy they are willing to confront.The offense they are willing to ignore. The future they are willing to train for. Your future will require what the present does not require. We have qualified for our present. We have not qualified for our future. If you are ready for palace you will be able to stay in the prison. The hand of God moves you by qualification. God schedules your life around qualification. Not your need, not your pain, not your tears, not even your tiethe. Everything good requires qualification. The greater the future, the longer the training. When you are blessed rejoice. In the days of adversity consider. Never be afraid to confront difficult times.Poor folks doesnt have real friends. When u r poor nobody wants your opinion, nobody wants your advice. When the rich talk...the poor listenwhen the poor talk...nobody listens1. Scrutinize and analyze every part of your financial life. Associations decide the longevity of your success of your failure. Your question will reveal the wrong character in a person. Charisma without clarity and understanding is worthless. Confusion is the proof a deceiver is present. Don't be afraid to challenge a deceiver. Become meticulous in looking at ur financial life. 1. Recognize and be willing to examine your financial world. 2. Identify 3 decisions that you have made that should have been different. Let Pain increase your honesty. Dont try to cover up a mistake that you made. First class means you go as quality as you presently can. A Good Idea is not necessarily a God Idea. Something you want to do does not mean God wants you to do that. Desire and even Passion is not a confirmation that God has told you to do something. 3. Pursue with passion under proven financial mentors who have survived crisis seasons. You have to make the decisions that work it out. God always talks through money. He expresses his favor through money. He expresses his disfavor through the loss of it. Loss is the seed for gratitude! The young trust and the wise test. 4. Perform at your highest level of excellence. Excellence is a seed. Excellence is a mirror of your character. Excellence is a door to another season. If your boss has to tell you something twice, you should be getting half of the salary he gives you. And if he had to come back for 3rd and 4th time, you need to realize that that thing have gone up before the lord. 5. Identify any financial advice that you have rejected. Poverty is not a mystery neither is wealth. Money is not a miracle neither is favor. Check what counsel have you ignored or disregarded or refused to follow?6. Examine the reactions of my inner circle to my financial crisis and dilemma. Mark those who feel your pain. They are part of your solution. 7. Look for the hidden wisdom that comes out of the fire. God with talk to you out of the fire. Its the fire, that validates your distinctive difference from everyone else. The way u walk thru your fire sends a message. God uses the fire to expose unworthy relationships. God uses the fire to verify the loyal close to you. God uses the financial fire to wake up the difference in your giftings and in you skills, god uses the fire to bring focus to your life, to wake up creativities, to wake up ideas. God is talking in your fire. Can u hear it. God gave us a mouth to create radical change in our life. Nothing created in this world is without purpose -not even a grain of sand. Each one of us is a solution to somebody, somewhere at sometime. Adam had a problem. So, God created Eve. You are a solution to somebody. You are a reward to someone. Somebody needs you. Somebody wants you. You are necessary to somebody, were created for a specific and very special solve a specific problem on earth.That is the assignment. It is essential that you discover your assignment and give yourself totally to it.