fantastic voyage

OGR: Fantastic Voyage Catriona Barber CAA Year 1

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Post on 24-Dec-2015




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OGR: Fantastic Voyage

Catriona Barber CAA Year 1

Life Cycle of the Hookworm

My chosen subject for the animation is the hookworm life cycle. The main reason why I chose this subject is because out of all the topics to choose from, hookworm was the only one I completely understood. My knowledge of biology is nothing I can be confident with, so I chose the easiest subject for me. From watching the previous films I felt that the most important thing about this animation is that the audience understands clearly about what it’s explaining, and I felt I wouldn’t have been able to achieve that had I chosen one of the other life cycles.

Target Audience

The audience I’d like to aim for are school children. From my own personal experience, I didn’t really enjoy science lessons at school, as most of it was copying what was written on the board. Most of what I know about science and nature is from TV documentaries. To be specific I’d like to focus on senior school students. So that would be teenagers and children, from eleven years to sixteen. I would like my animation to be informative but also funny and memorable.

Visual Influences

Thumbnails and Artwork