fantastic voyage - script

Tales from under the skin THE HOOKWORM NARRATOR Those who travel through the woods Speak of many things more foul than good. But have you yet heard of a creature so vile Its name alone send shivers down the spine? Whether you have scales, feathers or horns, The Hookworm is afoot, be warned! You’ll find its eggs concealed in the feculence of men and beasts. When the time comes, larvae burst out to creep unseen into the soil of the earth. There, under dirt and in shadow, they wait for an unfortunate soul to come along. Through skin the beastlings then burrow and into the veins of their victim. Led by crimson currents, they swim far and wide in hope to reach the windy uplands of the lungs. With a cough or a sneeze, they’re whirled up the bronchial tree into the wet cavity of the mouth. A swallow sends them back – but this time, down the gastric swamp, fetid and dark. Diving deep, the larvae settle in the entrails snug, where, sharpening their terrible teeth, from gore make feast! And as they gorge on innocent blood, their body grows from infant grub to conquering wyrm. But then to other appetites must their notice turn; their nasty spawn, their sole concern… But listen, this tale here does not conclude, As when the infants from the body are cleared, The story begins anew. Whether you have scales, feathers or horns, The Hookworm is afoot, be warned!

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Post on 14-Nov-2015




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  • Tales from under the skin



    Those who travel through the woods Speak of many things more foul than good. But have you yet heard of a creature so vile Its name alone send shivers down the spine? Whether you have scales, feathers or horns, The Hookworm is afoot, be warned! Youll find its eggs concealed in the feculence of men and beasts. When the time comes, larvae burst out to creep unseen into the soil of the earth. There, under dirt and in shadow, they wait for an unfortunate soul to come along. Through skin the beastlings then burrow and into the veins of their victim. Led by crimson currents, they swim far and wide in hope to reach the windy uplands of the lungs. With a cough or a sneeze, theyre whirled up the bronchial tree into the wet cavity of the mouth. A swallow sends them back but this time, down the gastric swamp, fetid and dark. Diving deep, the larvae settle in the entrails snug, where, sharpening their terrible teeth, from gore make feast! And as they gorge on innocent blood, their body grows from infant grub to conquering wyrm. But then to other appetites must their notice turn; their nasty spawn, their sole concern But listen, this tale here does not conclude, As when the infants from the body are cleared, The story begins anew. Whether you have scales, feathers or horns, The Hookworm is afoot, be warned! !