farm machinery used in pakistan for ploughing and cultivation

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Post on 18-Oct-2014




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Farm machinery used in Pakistan for ploughing and cultivation


Agriculture Farm Implements


Speaker:Engr. Muhammad NazimAssistant Agriculture Officer(Internship)Department Of Agriculture Extension, Rahim Yar Khan

Agriculture Farm Implements

THE UNIVERSITY OF POONCH RAWALAKOT4/14/20142Dr.Muqarrab Ali(PhD, Agronomy) AustraliaDeputy District Officer Rahim Yar KhanTILLAGE SYSTEMS AND IMPLEMENTSTillage: refer to the field operation needed to improve the Physical conditions of the soil for satisfactory plant growth.4/14/20143TILLAGE SYSTEMSThe various tillage operations mey be categorized:SeasonalOff-SeasonalSpecial purpose4/14/201441.Seasonal Tillage:

Tillage operations performed for raising the seasonal(Rabi/Kharif) crops are called seasonal tillages.

They may bePreparatory TillageInter-tillage4/14/20145Preparatory Tillage: It refer to tillage operation required for the preparation of good seed-bed for a normal crop stand. Two types of preparatory tillage operationsare:Primary Tillage Secondary4/14/20146Primary Tillage:

It is usully the intial major soil working(Ploughs) operational break and pulverize the soil after the harvest of the previous crop. The purpose is loosening of the soil and burial of weeds. Stubble and remains of the previous crops. The Depth of ploughing mey range from 10-30cm.The traditional bullocks ploughs (Desi and Mesion ploughs) have been used for Primary tillage since long. the new tractor-drwn primery tillage implements have been designed for specific operations.These are :Mould board Plough,Disc Plough, Chisel plough, Sub Soiler and Rotavator.4/14/20147Secondary Tillage:It refers to field operations after Ploughing (Primary Tillage) to prepare the seed-bed for planting. In this operation soil is not inverted but instead stirred and conditioned by breaking clouds and crusts, uprooting and removing weeds, stubbles and rootstocks.The conventional local secondary tillage implement is called SOHAGA used for land leveling after the final ploughing. Its new improved version is knownas land planner. Some other common secondary tillage implements are ;Disc Harrow, Cultivator(Also called tiller) and Roller or Surface Bcker.4/14/201482.Inter-Tillage:It refers to tillage operations after Seeding and before harvesting of the crop. This is also known as inter-cultivation.Hoeing: is the removal of Weeds by hands tools

Harrowing: is the use of harrows

Earthing Up: refers to the practice of covering the plants with soil in order to facilitate their firm establishment in the field. 4/14/20149OFF-SEASNAL TILLAGE:Tillage operations required for soil conditioning, but not for immediate seeding of crop are said to be Off-S easnal tillages. These are done in the off season period for leveling the soil,for leaching to remove salts, and for reducing the population of harmful flora and fauna in the soil. Off-Seasonal tillages mey be Post Harvest, Summer,Winter and fallow tillage.Post-harvest TillageSummer TillageWinter Tillage Fallow Tillage

4/14/201410 Special Tillage Purpose:

Tillage operations done for specific Purposes are said to be special purpose tillages.They mey be: Sub-soiling Leveling Blind tillage Clean Tillage Mulch Tillage,Contour Tillage,Wet Tillage Minimum Tillage Systems.

4/14/201411TILLAGE IMPLEMENTS / MACHINERYA Wide variety of tillage implements and machinery are used for various tillage operation. These include both the traditional bullocks ploughs (Desi and Mesion ploughs) and the tractor-drawn modern machinery.

DESI HAL / WOODEN PLOUGH:It is made of wood with an iron share to cut the soil surface. It can not penetrate deep in the dry, hard soil, particularly in summer. So it is used when the soil is in workable(water) condition. A drill tube (Pora) can be attached to its wooden handle for drilling and seeding.4/14/2014124/14/201413

2.MESION PLOUGH: It is consist of a long wooden beam and an iron body with a shear having moldboard on its leftside. It can be used for both primary and secondary tillage operation, particularly on light soil found in many parts of country. Mesion plough is better than ordinary Desi hal because it cuts a rectangular furrow and leaves no uncut land between contiguous furrows. Both Desi and Mesion are used by small farmers for cultivation drilling and covering the seed.4/14/201414 3.MOULDBOARD PLOUGH:

It is the most popular and frequently.Used primary tillage implement in modern farming.It is designed to cut a narrow strip of soil( furrow slice)The soil upto a depth of 20 to 30 cm.It usually consists of a Main frame, Plough, Bottoms, coulters, Axiles and wheels.4/14/201415 4.DIDC PLOUGH:It is a heavy duty plough used for hard soil, particularly in tropical counties.Heavy steel concave disc of about 60-70cm diameterRotate and cut the soil to make the furrow sliceThe number of disc may varies from 3to 6.Disc plough is different than Moldboard plough.


Disc plough



Popular primary tillage implement in row crop farming areas.Multi-tines heavy duty field cultivatorsOperate at soil depth ranging from 15 to 46 cm.Tines are upto 60cm length bolted to strong steel frame.Implements with only 9 tines, working width of about 3mBreak plough pan or hard pan.4/14/2014194/14/201420

Chisel plough214/14/201422

6.SUB-SOILER:Used to break the compact deep layer of the soil.One and more tines, depth of 50cm or more.Like chisel ploughSub-soiler shaters the soil Does not invert, pulverize and bring it to the surface4/14/2014234/14/201424

7.ROTAVATOR / ROTARY PLOUGH:Primary and secondary tillage operationA set of L-shaped tinesRotate round a horizontal shaft, set at right angles to the direction of travelShaft is driven from the PTO(power take off) the tractorDirectly mounted to the tree-point linkage of the tractor.It is useful for hard,sticky,clay soil Preparation of fine seed-bedRice, Wheat and Vegetables growing areas4/14/201425

Proper land preparationRotavator26 8.HARROWS:Harrow are secondary tillage implement level the soil, break up clods and destroy weeds

Different types of harrows used in different Agro-Climatic Zone

Disc HarrowsSpike-Tooth HarrowSpring-Tined Harrow

4/14/201427Disc Harrows:Concave disc bladesShare dgessDisc blades with a diameter of 40 to 60cmb. Spike-Tooth Harrow:25-35 teeth(Spikes) arranged in 5 rows.Depth 5 cmLeveling the soilc. Spring-Tined Harrow:Field cultivator is just like spring-tined harrowUsed for Inter-culturing &Fertilizer mixing


Disc ratooner294/14/201430


Ridger with fertilize bow


Inter-row cultivator33

Disc plough34

Disc ratooner35

Disc harrow36

Disc plough37

Chisel plough38

Sub soiler39

Ridger with fertilize bow40


Inter-row cultivator42

Disc ratooner434/14/201444