faster cures for all

Faster Cures For All Geoffrey H. Siwo Co-Founder Fit2Cure Lurie Medical Research Center Northwestern University, Chicago, IL

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Post on 05-Dec-2014




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Faster Cures For All

Geoffrey H. SiwoCo-Founder Fit2CureLurie Medical Research Center

Northwestern University, Chicago, IL

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A century of exponential progress in Health

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In 100 years, Life expectancy increased 100%

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93% reduction in child mortality

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Time from bench to bedside much shorter

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~200 years since discovery of scurvy-lemon juice association to implementation

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Faster time to clinic, last 100 years

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7 million children die before age of 5

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Bench to bedside still takes too long

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$1 Billion 90% Failure

17 years

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>10,000 Monogenic diseases

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We don’t even have data for most of these diseases

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Cystic Fibrosis

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>95% of diseases have no cures

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Most medicines don’t work in most people

Allen Roses, GSK VP Genetics

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Human Genetic Diversity is Massive

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Current system can’t cope

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We must empower millions to be part of discovery

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Can we really?What if we do?

Are we ready for it?Is our policy ready for it?

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Can we?

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~3 billion people online by end of this year

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What if each computer/ mobile was a lab?

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Yes, it’s possible…

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2003: Undergraduate in Africa doing computational modeling of HIV on a pay-to-go computer

… in Africa

2003 to 2005: organized Bioinformatics training for fellow students

2010: Students in 2003 group organize First Virtual Bioinformatics Conference in Africa

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…in USA

• 15 year old Jack Andraka develops pancreatic cancer test: 100 times more sensitive and 28 times cheaper

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Even more complex experiments will be possible

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Virtual Physiological Human

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Virtual Heart- Cardiod project

• Near-cellular resolution Real-time simulation of the electrophysiology of the human heart

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Virtual Brain

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These complex experiments will come to your computer

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628,000 members2.5 million devices796,000 years of computing

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Something from the Nobel prize in Chemistry 2013

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>Half a billion people play computer/ video games for

at least 1 hour a day

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Why not solve science problems in games?

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Fit2CureA lab and a scientist on

every computer

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Computers are incredibly fast, accurate and stupid. Human beings are incredibly slow, inaccurate and brilliant. Together they are powerful beyond imagination

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With Co-Founders Ian Sander and Victoria Lam

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FILE NDA: FDA approval (2-3yrs)

Identify disease

Isolate protein involved in disease (2-5yrs) Foldit

Find a drug effective against disease protein (2-5yrs)

Preclinical Testing (1-3yrs)

Formulation & Scale-up

FILE IND: Human clinical trials (2-10yrs)


Drug discovery pipeline

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Game interface

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Competition! + Social Impact

Compete with friends!

In the future:For our top scoring players, we will be donating (real) money to an approved research center or rare & neglected disease institute of your choosing, and in your name.

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Emergent patterns in play trace

• Expectation-maximization (EM) based mining of player data

-user interface design - novel scientific insights

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e (M


HIV-1 Protease

Players can do real science!

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Drug discovery


Binding simulation

modelsI.P. of integrating

human cognition


gaming sessions

New InsightsNew Drugs

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Design your medicine in future

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Connecting Fit2Cure to Your Genetics: Fit2CureMyDisease

• Fit2Cure links personal genome data from the company 23andMe

• Fit2Cure can alert you when you are playing with a protein in which you have mutations or allergic drug reactions

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Print your own medicine

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Or send to robot scientists online to make it and mail it

to you

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Remote controlled chemistry lab

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Hypothesis generating and testing robot scientists

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Adam- The Robot Scientist

• Adam designed hypotheses, experiments and tested them to discover function of novel yeast genes

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Who owns the discoveries?

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Who decides which disease should be studied first?

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Should players be compensated?

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What if players design dangerous chemical from game?

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Discoveries are going to happen faster than policy

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What are the challenges?

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• Fast discovery will outpace our ability to build policy

• Policy must anticipate, there will be no time

• Central regulation will be extremely difficult since tools will be available to many

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What are the opportunities?

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• Allow millions to engage in experimentation in what affects them

• Democratized and rapid discovery

• Realistic simulations of your own health (Personalized medicine)

• Preparing the world for an unknown pandemic

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Charles Edison Fund


Fit2Cure Players
