fatigue behavior of resistance spot-welded unequal sheet ... · fatigue behavior of resistance...

www.ccsenet.org/mas Modern Applied Science Vol. 6, No. 5; May 2012 ISSN 1913-1844 E-ISSN 1913-1852 34 Fatigue Behavior of Resistance Spot-Welded Unequal Sheet Thickness Austenitic Stainless Steel Triyono 1 , Jamasri 2 , M. N. Ilman 2 & R. Soekrisno 2 1 Mechanical Engineering Department, Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia 2 Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia Correspondence: Triyono, Mechanical Engineering Department, Sebelas Maret University, Jl. Ir. Sutami 36A Surakarta, Indonesia. Tel: 62-27-163-2163. E-mail: [email protected] Received: December 5, 2011 Accepted: April 7, 2012 Online Published: May 1, 2012 doi:10.5539/mas.v6n5p34 URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/mas.v6n5p34 The research is financed by the Ministry of Research and Technology of Indonesia and Indonesian Railway Industry Abstract This paper presents a comparative study on the fatigue strength of resistance spot-welded unequal and equal sheet thickness austenitic stainless steel. Lap joints of 3.0-1.0 mm and 1.0-1.0 mm thick austenitic stainless steel were made using the same resistance spot welding schedule with current, weld time and electrode force of 4.7 kA, 20 cycles and 6 kN respectively. The sinusoidal wave form with a constant stress amplitude was selected in the fatigue tests whereas the stress ratio and frequency used were 0.1 and 8 Hz respectively. Fatigue strength and tensile-shear load bearing capacity of 3.0-1.0 mm joint were higher than that of 1.0-1.0 mm joint, although its nugget diameter was smaller. The joint stiffness was the controlling factor of the fatigue strength of resistance spot-welded unequal sheet thickness austenitic stainless steel. Keywords: resistance spot welding, unequal sheet thickness, fatigue, austenitic stainless steel 1. Introduction Austenitic stainless steels are used for a very broad range of applications especially in automotive, railway vehicle, ship body, and airplane structures when an excellent combination of strength and corrosion resistance in aqueous solutions at ambient temperature is required. Stiffened thin plate construction where the thinner plate is reinforced by thicker plate called a frame, is generally applied to the structures. Gean et al. (1999) have claimed that it is a cost-effective way of achieving a high-performance vehicle structure because it remains suited to low-volume manufacture. This structure is typically joined by the resistance spot welding (RSW) process. The advantages of using RSW are that it is a quicker joining technique, suitable for automation, no filler material is required, and that the low heat input implies less risk for altered dimensions during welding. Many standards and recommendations are developed by individual companies, such as Ford Motor Company and General Motors. Professional organizations such as the American Welding Society (AWS), Society of Automotive Engineering (SAE), the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), and International Organization for Standardization (ISO) also contribute to a significant portion of the standards. Because of the drastic differences in design, understanding and perception of weld quality, automobile manufacturers and others tend to have very different requirements on weld quality. Zhang and Hongyan (2006) have concluded that in general, spot weld size is enveloped between 3√ ݐand 6√ ݐ(t is the thickness of the sheets in millimeters). This recommendation is very useful in finding good weld schedules for equal sheet thickness welding. However, in automotive body application, the majority of welds are between two dissimilar thicknesses. In this case, schedules for welding unequal sheet thickness are generally developed by and practiced within individual manufacturers. Some researchers also have proposed the spot welding unequal sheet thickness researches to evaluate these recommendations. The joint of unequal thickness of the same metal may produce a strength problem due to the heat unbalance (Hasanbasoglu & Kacar, 2007) and have the unique failure mechanism (Pouranvari & Marashi, 2010). Despite various applications of spot welded unequal thickness in automotive body, reports in the literature dealing with its mechanical behaviors, especially the fatigue behaviors are limited. In fact, Gean et al. (1999)

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Page 1: Fatigue Behavior of Resistance Spot-Welded Unequal Sheet ... · Fatigue Behavior of Resistance Spot-Welded Unequal Sheet Thickness Austenitic Stainless Steel Triyono 1, Jamasri2,

www.ccsenet.org/mas Modern Applied Science Vol. 6, No. 5; May 2012

ISSN 1913-1844 E-ISSN 1913-1852 34

Fatigue Behavior of Resistance Spot-Welded Unequal Sheet Thickness Austenitic Stainless Steel

Triyono1, Jamasri2, M. N. Ilman2 & R. Soekrisno2 1 Mechanical Engineering Department, Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia 2 Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia

Correspondence: Triyono, Mechanical Engineering Department, Sebelas Maret University, Jl. Ir. Sutami 36A Surakarta, Indonesia. Tel: 62-27-163-2163. E-mail: [email protected]

Received: December 5, 2011 Accepted: April 7, 2012 Online Published: May 1, 2012

doi:10.5539/mas.v6n5p34 URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/mas.v6n5p34

The research is financed by the Ministry of Research and Technology of Indonesia and Indonesian Railway Industry


This paper presents a comparative study on the fatigue strength of resistance spot-welded unequal and equal sheet thickness austenitic stainless steel. Lap joints of 3.0-1.0 mm and 1.0-1.0 mm thick austenitic stainless steel were made using the same resistance spot welding schedule with current, weld time and electrode force of 4.7 kA, 20 cycles and 6 kN respectively. The sinusoidal wave form with a constant stress amplitude was selected in the fatigue tests whereas the stress ratio and frequency used were 0.1 and 8 Hz respectively. Fatigue strength and tensile-shear load bearing capacity of 3.0-1.0 mm joint were higher than that of 1.0-1.0 mm joint, although its nugget diameter was smaller. The joint stiffness was the controlling factor of the fatigue strength of resistance spot-welded unequal sheet thickness austenitic stainless steel.

Keywords: resistance spot welding, unequal sheet thickness, fatigue, austenitic stainless steel

1. Introduction

Austenitic stainless steels are used for a very broad range of applications especially in automotive, railway vehicle, ship body, and airplane structures when an excellent combination of strength and corrosion resistance in aqueous solutions at ambient temperature is required. Stiffened thin plate construction where the thinner plate is reinforced by thicker plate called a frame, is generally applied to the structures. Gean et al. (1999) have claimed that it is a cost-effective way of achieving a high-performance vehicle structure because it remains suited to low-volume manufacture. This structure is typically joined by the resistance spot welding (RSW) process. The advantages of using RSW are that it is a quicker joining technique, suitable for automation, no filler material is required, and that the low heat input implies less risk for altered dimensions during welding.

Many standards and recommendations are developed by individual companies, such as Ford Motor Company and General Motors. Professional organizations such as the American Welding Society (AWS), Society of Automotive Engineering (SAE), the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), and International Organization for Standardization (ISO) also contribute to a significant portion of the standards. Because of the drastic differences in design, understanding and perception of weld quality, automobile manufacturers and others tend to have very different requirements on weld quality. Zhang and Hongyan (2006) have concluded that in general, spot weld size is enveloped between 3√ and 6√ (t is the thickness of the sheets in millimeters). This recommendation is very useful in finding good weld schedules for equal sheet thickness welding. However, in automotive body application, the majority of welds are between two dissimilar thicknesses. In this case, schedules for welding unequal sheet thickness are generally developed by and practiced within individual manufacturers. Some researchers also have proposed the spot welding unequal sheet thickness researches to evaluate these recommendations. The joint of unequal thickness of the same metal may produce a strength problem due to the heat unbalance (Hasanbasoglu & Kacar, 2007) and have the unique failure mechanism (Pouranvari & Marashi, 2010).

Despite various applications of spot welded unequal thickness in automotive body, reports in the literature dealing with its mechanical behaviors, especially the fatigue behaviors are limited. In fact, Gean et al. (1999)

Page 2: Fatigue Behavior of Resistance Spot-Welded Unequal Sheet ... · Fatigue Behavior of Resistance Spot-Welded Unequal Sheet Thickness Austenitic Stainless Steel Triyono 1, Jamasri2,



have foand thuthe preweldin

2. Exp

2.1 Ma

Two ty3.0-1.0resistanin Tabl

Table 1



Table 2



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1. The chemica

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304 0,0

2. The mechan

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mined welding were 4.7 kA, 2ual conditions

etallography an

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ickers microhatallographic sp

nsile-Shear Tes

ensile test of hydraulic SHI

men are illustrat

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spot welded joicks are easily ito investigate ainless steel.


Welding Process

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076 8,183

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. Dimension o

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uipment producm and a curv

r was selectedeld nugget sizeh in the 3.0-1.he test samplevely. FortunateIndustry.


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0,031 0,38

Elongation (%


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89 0,209

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Page 3: Fatigue Behavior of Resistance Spot-Welded Unequal Sheet ... · Fatigue Behavior of Resistance Spot-Welded Unequal Sheet Thickness Austenitic Stainless Steel Triyono 1, Jamasri2,



These samplesregion at the corder to provid

2.4 Fatigue Te

The fatigue teSHIMADZU spot-welded te

These sampleto provide symends of the spratio and frequuntil fracture Applied force

3. Results and

The weld prof

Figure 3. W

It can be seenBecause of thgenerated in t


s were similar center of the asde a tensile-sh


ests were perfotesting machinest samples we

s were similarmmetry and topecimen. A sinuency used weoccurred or torange and num

d Discussion

file of 3.0-1.0 m

Weld profile of

n from Figure he unbalanced the thicker pla

to the samplessembly represhear loading co

formed at roomne with a softwere made accor

Figure 2. Dim

r to the sampleo prevent a monusoidal waveere 0.1 and 8 H

o a maximum 2mber of cycles

mm joint is sh

f 3.0-1.0 mm th

3(a) that the heat resulting

ate (Hasanbaso

Modern Appli

s used in a wosents the nuggeondition, 38 mm

m temperature ware package srding to the Fr

mension of fat

es used in a wooment being ape input with a Hz respectivel2x106 cycles. Ss to failure wer

hown in Figure

hick joints (a)

nugget is asymg from unequaloglu & Kacar,

ied Science

ork which was et. The overlapm long shims w

in laboratory specifically desrench standard

tigue test speci

ork which waspplied at the wconstant load

ly. Specimens Specimens thare recorded and

e 3.

macrograph (b

mmetric wherel thickness of 2007). Heat l


carried out byp is equal to thwere attached

conditions ussigned for runn

d A03-405 as sh

imens (in mm)

s carried out byweld, 60mm lo

amplitude wawere exposed

at survived 2x1d S-N curves f

b) nugget corn

e its centre leathe joined maloss in thicker

Vol. 6, No.

SSN 1913-1844

y Gean et al. (1he width of theat both ends o

sing a 40 kN sning fatigue tehown in Figure


y Gean et al. (ong shims weras selected whd to a constant 106 cycles are for the joints w

ner (c) nugget (

ans to the thicaterials, more tr plate is smal

5; May 2012

E-ISSN 1913-185

1999). The dare metal sheet. Iof the specimen

servo-hydrauliests. The double 2.

(1999). In ordere glued at bothereas the stres

load amplitudcalled run out

were obtained.

(d) interface

cker workpiecethermal will bller than that i


rk In n.

ic le

er th ss de s.

e. be in

Page 4: Fatigue Behavior of Resistance Spot-Welded Unequal Sheet ... · Fatigue Behavior of Resistance Spot-Welded Unequal Sheet Thickness Austenitic Stainless Steel Triyono 1, Jamasri2,



thinnerplate. Fsurfacethickne(Wang be elonnon-un3(d) shaffecte

Differespot wseparatinterfac


In addimm joiwere aprimarimateriathickne

The ha



hed by Canadian

r plate. This coFurther evaluae indentation wess causes theet al., 2010). T

ngated paralleniform manner hows interfaced zone (HAZ)

ent from the melded equal shtion, nugget mce of nugget an

ure 4. Weld pro

ition, accordinints were spotlso the same, hily attributed tals were foundess (Zhang & H

ardness profiles

ure 5. Microhar

n Center of Scien

ondition causesation of Figurewas very sligh

e edge of sheeThe microstruel to irregularr from all the se microstructu.

microstructure heet thickness

microstructure nd base metal

ofile of 1.0-1.0

ng to the macrot welded usinghowever that ato the asymmetd to be much hHongyan, 2006

s of weld nugg

rdness distribu


nce and Educati

s penetration ie 3(a) shows tht. The asymmets warp to thecture of weld nr direction as ides of the sur

ure where the

of spot weldeaustenitic staihas regular diras seen in Figu

0 mm thick joi

oscopic examing the same weat the joint inttry nugget of 3higher than a m6). Therefore,

get, HAZ (heat

ution of the spo

rn Applied Scien


s almost 100%that separationmetry of tempe thinner sheenugget has a cshown in Fig

rrounding solidbase metal an

d unequal sheinless steel shorection and wure 4.

ints: (a) macro

nation (Figureelding scheduleerface were 8.3.0-1.0 mm joiminimum nuggthe weld nugg

t affected zone

ot welded equa


% on the thicken of the sheetsperature field det and makes tcolumnar strucgure 3(c). It d, in both the end the nugget

eet thicknessesows that the nuide heat affect

ograph (b) nugg

e 3 and Figuree, the nugget .3 mm and 8.9int. The measuget diameter o

get sizes of all

e), and the base

al and unequal


er plate and vers is about 20 distribution inthe sheet sepature in which tshows that so

electrode and sare separated

, the microstruugget is symmted zone (HAZ

get corner (c) n

4) when the 3diameter at ce

9 mm respectivured weld nuggof the 3-6 timewelded materi

e metal are sho

thickness aust

l. 6, No. 5; May

ry slight on themm (Figure 3

n spot welded aration is highthe grains are olidification osheet directionsd by very narr

ucture investigmetry, there is Z) band appea

nugget (d) inte

.0-1.0 mm andenter of total thvely. This diffeget sizes for ales the root of tials were accep

own in Figure

tenitic stainles

y 2012


e thinner 3(b)) and

unequal h enough found to

occurs in s. Figure row heat

gation of no sheet

ars at the


d 1.0-1.0 hickness erence is l welded the sheet ptable.


ss steel

Page 5: Fatigue Behavior of Resistance Spot-Welded Unequal Sheet ... · Fatigue Behavior of Resistance Spot-Welded Unequal Sheet Thickness Austenitic Stainless Steel Triyono 1, Jamasri2,




The hardness The highest hHowever, hardjoint because ocarbon, mangathe carbon conbeen used in hardness of thmicrostructure

Interesting phhardness comhardness. ThisHardness prof

In order to destudy, the tenstainless steel

As can be see1.0-1.0 mm joThis result difOzyurek (200welded joint.

It seems that stiffness. As krotation of the

Figure 7. Defo

When there w


of nugget for bhardness value dness of the nuof the chemicaanese that affentent exceeds this study had

he thinner sheee.

henomenon occmpared to base

s could be attrfile of thin she

etermine the lonsile shear loaare compared


en from Figureoint even thouffers from the

08). They foun

the enhancemknown when te joint. Figure

ormation mech

was certain amo

both 3.0-1.0 mof weld nugg

ugget of 3.0-1al compositionects the hardenabout 0.08% (d less than thet of the 3.0-1.

curs in a thin se metal unlessributed to the et was more in

oad range on thad bearing ca and results ar

e 6. Tensile she

e 6, the tensileugh its nugget results obtaine

nd that increas

ment in tensile tensile load wa7 shows the de

hanism of lap j

ount of rotation

Modern Appli

mm and 1.0-1.0gets was over 2.0 mm joint di

n of base metalnability. Spot w(AWS, 1982; O

hat of percent 0 mm joint co

sheet of the 3.s the nugget easymmetric nu

nfluenced by st

he fatigue testapacity of spoe given graphi

ear load bearin

e shear load bediameter at th

ed from a woring of the nug

shearing load as applied in aeformation me

joint during loload distributi

n, the tensile s

ied Science

0 mm joint was250 HV 0.5 wid not show mls in which the

welds in thin shOzyurek, 2008carbon. In ad

ompared to bas

0-1.0 mm joinedge in whichugget that occtrain hardening

ts, the strengthot welded equically in Figure

ng capacity of

earing capacityhe joint interfark which was cgget diameter

bearing capaca lap joint, theechanism of lap

ading, (a) low on in a lap join

stress called pe


s found to be hwhich was obs

many differenceere is not so muheet can have r8). As seen in ddition, there wse metal becau

nt where there h its hardness curred on the ug due to electr

h of weldmentual and uneque 6.

spot welded m

y of 3.0-1.0 mface is smaller carried out by increased tens

city of 3.0-1.0e eccentricity op joint during

load level, (b)nt

eeling stress (i

Vol. 6, No.

SSN 1913-1844

higher than thaerved on the e

es compared touch alloying elrelatively highTable 1, base was no signifiuse there was n

was no signifvalue was sim

unequal sheet rode indentatio

t was also deteual sheet thick


mm joint is highand it fail onVural and Ak

sile-shear stren

0 mm joint is aof the load paloading.

) plastic hinges

.e. the normal

5; May 2012

E-ISSN 1913-185

at of base metaedge of nuggeo that of 1.0-1.lements such a

h hardness whemetals that haicant change ino change in it

ficant change imilar to nuggethickness join


ermined. In thikness austeniti

her than that on the thin sheekkus (2004) anngth of the spo

attributed to itath resulted in

s, (c) schemati

stress acting i


al. et. .0 as en ad in ts

in et


is ic

of et. nd ot

ts a



Page 6: Fatigue Behavior of Resistance Spot-Welded Unequal Sheet ... · Fatigue Behavior of Resistance Spot-Welded Unequal Sheet Thickness Austenitic Stainless Steel Triyono 1, Jamasri2,



the throdeformat the peeling

Since ltest (Nbearing

The S-N


All datfatiguethan 1.was 0.7

Nordbehave bcalcula

where range-chigher


hed by Canadian

ough-thicknesmation in sheet

nugget circumg stress of 3.0-

Figure 8. The

load bearing cNordberg, 2006g capacity than

N curves, the r

Figure 9. Comp

ta points belone life of the spe0-1.0 mm join7 kN.

erg (2006) hasbeen analyzed.ated as follows

t1 > t2. The Scycle relation and increasing

n Center of Scien

ss direction of thickness dire

mference (Nor1.0 mm joint w

(a) fracture mode

capacity of spo6) this mechan 1.0-1.0 mm j

results of fatig

parison of fatig

nged to a meanecimens increants. The endur

s proposed a l Line load is


S-N curve in as seen in Fig

g to much high


nce and Educati

the joint, expection. Increasrdberg, 2006).was smaller th

e of tensile she

ot welds undernism can expoint.

ue test of the s

gue strength of

n value of threeases as expecteance limit of 3

line load meththe load divid

e (

Figure 9 wilgure 10. At hiher at lower loa

rn Applied Scien


ressed as P sining of the join. Due to the an that of 1.0-

ear test sample

r coach-peel teplain why 3.0-

spot welded jo

f 3.0-1.0 mm a

e tests. As showed. The 3.0-1.03.0-1.0 mm joi

hod when fatigded by the wi

3214 t 3 )

ll has slightlyigh loads fatigads than that o


n θ) formed arnt rotation incrhigher stiffne1.0 mm joint a

s: (a) 3.0-1.0 m

est is much lo-1.0 mm joint

ints are presen

and 1.0-1.0 mm

wn in Figure 90 mm joints exints was 2.9 kN

gue data of disidth of the joi





y different patgue strength oof the 1.0-1.0 m


round the nugeased peeling ss, joint rotatias shown in Fi

(b) mm joint (b) 1

ower than that t has a higher

nted in Figure 9

m joint based o

9, while the loaxhibited much hN whereas tha

scontinuous joint, and the w

ttern if it is dof the 3.0-1.0 mmm joint.

l. 6, No. 5; May

gget and causestress that led ion and consegure 8.

.0-1.0 mm join

of under tensr tensile shear


on the load ran

ad range decrehigher fatigue

at of 1.0-1.0 m

oints like spot width of the jo

displayed in lmm joint was

y 2012


d plastic necking



ile-shear ring load


eases, the strength

mm joints

welding int, e, is


ine load s slightly

Page 7: Fatigue Behavior of Resistance Spot-Welded Unequal Sheet ... · Fatigue Behavior of Resistance Spot-Welded Unequal Sheet Thickness Austenitic Stainless Steel Triyono 1, Jamasri2,



Figure 10.

Similar to tenalso attributed3.0-1.0 mm jooccurred just Consequently,initiated on bostarted in the b

After initiatiopropagating thin Figure 12(acircumferencebehavior is siKhanna, 2007



Comparison o

nsile shearing ld to its stiffnesoint can be uson thin sheet

, crack of 3.0-oth sheet side base metal adj


Figure 1

on, the crack hrough the wida). Different fre due to high imilar to fractu7).

ure 12. The frac

of fatigue stren

load bearing css. The explansed to explaint and it was s-1.0 mm joint as shown in Facent to the HA

1. Initial crack

propagation dth of the thin rom fracture of

peel stress anure of coach p

(a) cture mode of

Modern Appli

ngth of 3.0-1.0

capacity, the enation of the e that in fatigusmaller than tinitiated just

igure 11. For bAZ area.

k location: (a)

of 3.0-1.0 mmsheet. Finally

f 3.0-1.0 mm jnd led to the peel samples

fatigue test sam

ied Science

mm and 1.0-1

enhancement inenhancement inue strength. Duthat of 1.0-1.0on the thin shboth 3.0-1.0 m


3.0-1.0 mm jo

m joint occury, this mechanioint, cracks ofpull out fractuat high load t

mples: (a) 3.0-


.0 mm joint ba

n fatigue strenn tensile shearue to the high0 mm joint wheet side wher

mm and 1.0-1.0

oint (b) 1.0-1.0

rred through tism led to the tf 1.0-1.0 mm jure mode as that reported i

(b)-1.0 mm joint

Vol. 6, No.

SSN 1913-1844

ased on the lin

ngth of 3.0-1.0ring load bear

her stiffness, rwhich rotated oreas that of 1.0 mm joint spe

mm joint

the thickness tearing fracturoint propagateshown in Figuin a previous

(b) 1.0-1.0 mm

5; May 2012

E-ISSN 1913-185

ne load range

0 mm joint waring capacity orotation of joinon both sheet0-1.0 mm joinecimens, crack

and continuere mode as seeed at the nuggeure 12(b). Thistudy (Long &

m joint


as of nt s. nt ks

ed en et is &

Page 8: Fatigue Behavior of Resistance Spot-Welded Unequal Sheet ... · Fatigue Behavior of Resistance Spot-Welded Unequal Sheet Thickness Austenitic Stainless Steel Triyono 1, Jamasri2,

www.ccsenet.org/mas Modern Applied Science Vol. 6, No. 5; May 2012

Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education 41

Given SEM views in Figure 13 and Figure 14 are the comparison of the last fracture surfaces of the 3.0-1.0 mm and 1.0-1.0 mm joint specimens which were subjected to same load of 3.4 kN. As seen in Figure 13(a), crack of 3.0-1.0 mm joint initiated on the inside of thin sheet. On the more half of thickness, it propagated slowly due to low peel stress and induced ductile fracture characterized by intergranular cracking. Ductile fracture changed to brittle fracture characterized by transgranular cracking on the remaining thickness due to increased peel stress. The embrittlement of stainless steel was attributed to strain-induced martensite forming during the fatigue tests (Vural et al., 2006). Different view was given by fracture surface of 1.0-1.0 mm joint specimen as shown in Figure 13(b). It displayed brittle fracture characterized by transgranular cracking on the entire thickness due to high peel stress.

(a) (b) Figure 13. Initial crack of fatigue test samples: (a) 3.0-1.0 mm joint (b) 1.0-1.0 mm joint

(a) (b) Figure 14. Crack propagation zone: (a) 3.0-1.0 mm joint (b) 1.0-1.0 mm joint

On the crack propagation zone, brittle fracture characterized by transgranular cracking was observed on both 3.0-1.0 mm and 1.0-1.0 mm joint specimens. They displayed wave of plastic deformation as shown in Figure 14. However, plastic deformation intensity of 1.0-1.0 mm joint was higher than that of 3.0-1.0 mm joint. It was indicated by the number of waves in the same observation area as seen in Figure 14.

4. Conclusions

Fatigue of resistance spot welded unequal sheet thickness austenitic stainless steel has been studied. Due to significant thickness difference, the asymmetric weld nugget, high microhardness on the edge of nugget and tearing fatigue fracture mode were observed. The fatigue strength of 3.0-1.0 mm joint was higher than that of 1.0-1.0 mm joint, although its nugget diameter was smaller. The endurance limit of 3.0-1.0 mm and 1.0-1.0 mm joint were 2.9 kN and 0.7 kN respectively. Ductile and brittle fractures were observed on 3.0-1.0 mm fatigue specimens whereas 1.0-1.0 mm fatigue specimens failed to fully brittle fracture mode. The joint stiffness was the controlling factor of the fatigue strength of resistance spot-welded unequal sheet thickness austenitic stainless

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ISSN 1913-1844 E-ISSN 1913-1852 42


5. Acknowledgments

The authors would like to express their sincere gratitude for the financial support of the Ministry of Research and Technology of Indonesia and Indonesian Railway Industry.


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