fayetteville observer. (fayetteville, tenn.) 1878-04-11 [p ]. · 2017. 12. 17. · ii....

LOOK USE! LOOK HERE! If you' want to -- 'make ; your wile happy go' and buy her . a nice ncry calico dress, 16 yards i'or one dollar from Murray & Morgan. It you want to make your son say you are the best father in the world, buy him a good suit of clothing at cost, from Murray & Morgan. If you want to make your "wife proud of you when she goes to church, buy yourself a new euit of clothing at cost from Murray & Morgan. If you want to make ycur old grandmother pray for and bless you, buy her 4 pounds of that real good old cofl'ee for oue dollar from Murray & Morgan. If you want make your little girl happy and joyful for the whole car, buy some calico remnants at 5 cents a yard from Murray & Morgan. If you .want to make all the family hcal:hy,buv the standard strew bo-- ts and shoes for them, warranted not to rip or leak, from Murray & Morgan. .If you want goods at cash )i iccs and have no money, bring your barter and get the highest market price for it from Murk ay & Morgan. As the senior partner is now in the L:istv:rn markets, buying tt spring etock, and having to make room for them, you can buy your goods now at your own prices from . Murray & Morgan. Oliver Chilled Plows, A 1 size at $60 per dozen, or 5.50 at retail, other ifumbers at factory prices at T. J. Gray & Son, Xcar the Depot. 3 Oliver Chilled Flows, Land Piaster, fresh Hungarian Seed at 7 T. J.Gray & Son, ' - "Xear the Depot. . l3 Tom. ShackleforDjOu w'st fiik of Public Square, at Ditnock's old stand, will keep on hand a stock of tobacco, ci- gars, books, stationery, maga- zines, papers, candies, nuts and notions. Itlieumati&m Quickly Cured. "Itnrnm'1 Kheutuatic Itemedy." the great Medicine, will positively cni-- any case lit KtiMUinatiam nu the face of the" earth, l'rice V boil I c si IhilUui'. 5. Sold by all Wholesale uuJ Kalait Druxvii-ts- . lon"tf;iil to fend lor circular to lelivntiu X r.cullt-v- , Druggists, Washing-ton- , 1.C . oct. 18 6m JJ V" - TT vrm wrmt 10 nnnnds of sn- - .i i F: nt Pitts & Co"s. Blow Your Own Horn! ' For nobody else will blow for you; besides, our lean, gaunt, hungry looking editors have got to bo supported, and some one has got to be humbugged. Lumpkin wants to do his part of it in the next sixty days. If you don't believe it, call and price his hand-mad- e boots, clothing, shawls, jeans, hats, blankets, over-shoe- s, at prices lower than ever before offered in this'markct. They have got to be sold, and at prices that will humbug somebody; if its Lumpkin alone. You will lose a bargain if yon don't come 60on. The goods will bo sold out to make room for a spring ctock. Don't forget that Lump-lii- n will sell you Furniture cheaper than any one. Some will say this is big blowing; but you come to the blowing. Lumpkin says it won't cost you anything, and he writes this of his own knowledge, too. cof"fee. If you want4 pounds choice coffee for 1, call at Pitts & Co s. (COSin TO TlJLU OBSERVER OFFICE - ' KOR TIIE BEST PRINTING AT THE LOWEST PKICES! , . SALT. . If you want a shel bar- rel of salt for 2.f0, call at Pitts & Co's. To Farmers and Mechanics. Returning many thanks for their patronage and having en- deavored to treat air alike, and having sold at fair prices, we ask for a continuance, and will ecll as low as any in the county, for we have and will keep a full stock of hardware, iron, shoes nnd nails. Also wagons, thresh ers, .champion reapers, limber-jac- k harrows, sulky rakes, double shovels, scythes and era dies, and such things as farm ers nnd mechanics need, which you can find at R. II. Ogilvie & Co s, north side ol tlie oqnare at Bruce s old stand, of the best quality; R. IL Ogilvie. K. Benedict. WHISKY. i If you want old whisky, cheap for cash, by retail or jwiioicsaio, caU at ' 1'ITTS itU)S. EST IVc well ecll the Massil-lo- n (Iiussell) Thresher the coin- - irjr'ecEson. T. J. Gray & Sttk. Fayetteville r. . .. Observer - Thttrsday, April 11, 1878. Election ; Tuesday, Xov. 5, 1878. COKGTESS. . 03T We are authorize ! to ennounee Hon. John M. ISrig-U- t a candidate for re- election to Congress, fioiu this, the 6th, congressional district. EEKATE. tCT We are authorized to announce Jno. Y. Gil!, tsQ., of Fyiteville, a candidate for State Senator far the a anto-ri- at district composed of Linroin, Frank-ti- n, Marshall and the factions taken from Lincoln and Franklin to form the county of Moore. Election: Thursday, Aug. 1,'78 CHAXOEI LOR. We are authorized to announce Hon. A. S. Marks, of Winchester, a candidate for to. the office of Chancellor of the Fourth Chancery Division. roa cmcciT jri!OE. fiS?" We are authorized to announce Mr. Win. 15. Martin, of Fayetteville, a caudidito for Judge of the Circuit Couits of the Sixth Judicial C.rcuif, composing the counties of Lincoln, Mono, Franklin, Coffee, Warren, Grundy and Van Bui en. 3y We are auihorieed to announce W. E. 13. Jones of Mcllinnrille n a candidate forjudge of ihc Sixth Judicial Circuit, in jection nest August. 5?Wo are authorized to announce lion. J. J. "Williams, present Circuit Judge, as a candidate for election to that office by the pcojjle, on the 1st Thurs lay in Atiu3t text. ATTOBNET-GEJCE-A- t. JST" We are au:h rizd to announce S W. Cannack, L'sq.. a candi-tat- for Atto- rney-General of the Sixth Judicial Cir cuit, composed or the counties of Lincoln. II ooi e. Fiank'm, Coffee, "Warren, (Jrumly and Van Buren, at the i ext t lection. We are authori7c-t-l to aunonr.ee AV. E. Frauds, Ksq , of Winehe er, can- didate for Attorr.ey-CeneVa- l of the Sixth Judicial Circuit, composed of the countier of Lincoln, Moore, l ianklin, CoJIVe, War- ren, Grundy and Van P.uren, at the next election. 'T We are authorized to announce A. R. Woodard, Esq., of Fayetteville, a candidate for Attoney-Gener- al of the Sixth Judicial Circuit, composed of the counties of Lincoln, Franklin, lloore, Cof- fee, OVundy and .Van Buren, at th i.ext election. ?otxtt jrrciE C3?" We are authorized to announce X. P. Carter, Esq., a candidate for to the office of County Judee of Liu-co- in county, at the next e'ection. We are autho.ized to announce Win. lSuntlcy, Esq., of Nonis Cnek, a candidate for Judge of the County Court of Lincoln county, at the next eleciion. 07 We arc authorized to announce Mr J. C Bright a cmdida'e fur Judge of the County Court of Lincoln county, at the next election. We are autho:ized to announrc F P. Fulton, Esq., a candidate for County Court Judgf, at the next election. ICP We are auihorizcd to announce XV. J. Iliiuiiltoii, Lfq , of reteibliiirg, a can- didate for County Judge of Lincoln coun- ty, at the next election. V.'e are authorized to announce Mr. J. K. Moorcs, of the 13 h district, a can- didate for County Judge of Lincoln county, at the next election. PHEniFF. Ar We are authorized to announce Mr. James Stiles, of the 2oth district, a can didate for SlierilT of Lincoln county, at the next election. . We are authorized to announce Mr. Jus. I. Morgan a candidate for Sheriff of Lincoln count', at the next election. (7 We are authorized to announce Mr. It. T. Holland, of Boonviile, a candidate for Sheriff of Lincoln county at the nest election. 5y We are authorized to announce Mr. O. D.Kvans, of Fayetteville, a candidate for bhentt of Lincoln county, at the next election. We are luthoiized to announce Mr. John L. Wasliburr. a candida'e fr Sheriff of Lincoln county at the August election. TRHSTF.E. 07" We are authorized to annoncc Hen ry Henderson, Esq., a candidate for re- election to the office cf Trustee of Lincoln county at the next election. CIRCUIT COURT Ct.F.RK. We are authorized to announce 31. II. t'onanay, Esq., a .candidate for Cir cuit Court Clerk of Lincoln county, at the next election. SF We are authorized to announce Mr. C. C Janics a candidate for Circuit Court Clerk of Lincoln countj, at the next election. ESS We are authorized to annoiii Ve Mr. W. C. Morgan a candidate for Circuit Court Clerk of Lincoln county, at (lie 'next election. . . SO? We are authorized to announce C. A. French, Esq., a candidato for Circuit Court Clerk of Lincoln county, at this next election. S3F We are authorized to announce W. M. Beckett, Esq., of the 23rd district, a candidate for Circuit Court CJork tf Lic-co- ln county, at the next election. ; . COVKTT COURT CLEliK. We ate authorized to announce Mr. P. IJ. Boyce a candidate fur reelectivn to the office of County Court Cleik vf. Lin coln county, at the next election. IC71 v e are authorized to Announce Mr. W. A. Millard a candidate for Coun- ty Court Clerk of Lincoln county, at the next electi n. Q3 We are authorized to announce W. F.Cole, Esq., of Oak II ill, a candidate for County Court Cleik of Lincoln county, at the next election. 07" We are authorized to announce Newton Whi taker, Esq.. of Mullerry. a candidato for County Court Clerk of Lin- coln count, at the next election. J5aF We are authorized to announce Mr. W. A. Rhodes (Eph) a candidate fur Coun'y Court Clerk of Lincoln county, at the next election. f .. . EEGIBTER. .7 ". . --'. IC7 We are authorized to announce Mr. B. B. Thompson a candidate foi reelec- tion to the office of Register of Lincoln county, at the next election. ICP We are authoiized to announce Mr. Frank Ingle, a candidate for Rcpferof Lincoln county, at the next election. IjOCkIs. G. W. WOODARD Has now and intends to keep on hand hind quarters as well as fore quarters for all his custom- ers.' And none need to fear f getting the best meat that has been in this market, as Uncle Jim knows how to dress and cut meat. Fire Insurance Agency. James W. Goodwlx re pre Kcnts first-cla- ss Fire Insurance Companies. Call on him and have your policies written be fore the season for fires set 6 in. Then you will sleep sounder. . GSir Mr. Frank Weaver, for merly of Fayetteville, is report ed very sick' in Mnrfreesboro with abscess of the liver. "It is thought he cannot recover. j UST" An effort is being made to employ Rev. John II. Bry-so- n as paster of the Presbyte- rian Churcli in this place. ! Methodist Conference. The Fayetteville District Conference helirits eiglitli bcs-sio- n at Pleasant Plains, Lincoln county, Tennessee, commencing Thursday, March 28th, 1878, Rev. Jas. E: Orraan, P. II, in the chair, and Bev. J. 11. Aber-nath- y, sec. Reports of tlie spiritual con- dition of the various churches were made, and they showed, a3 a whole, a healthy condition. " On motion, the subject of the District Parsonage was referred to a committee of one from each charge. Twenty-fou- r Sunday schools were reported, most of them in flourishing condition, as follows: Fayetteville, 1; Mulberry and Lyuhburg circuits, 3; Marble Plains, 7, 300 pupils in atten- dance; Pleasant Plains, 1; Cor-nersvi- lle station, 1, 98 pupils; .Lawisburg circuit, 1; Winches- ter station, 1: Salem circuit, o, 125 pupils,' 150 volumes in li brary; Flintville circuit, 2;: Pal- metto mission, 2, 10 scholars. On motion, the following pcr-sn- s were appointed a District Piirsonngc finance and build- ing committee, viz: J. Y. Gill, chai rma n, "W. J. ' St egall S. Vaughn, I. T. Rodcs and J3. M. Hitchcr. A resolution was offered by Rev. G. P. Jackson, and adopt- ed, that the Trustces of the Dis- trict Parsonage of the Fayette- ville District Conference, loca- ted in the town of Fayetteville, be left perfectly free and unre- stricted to adopt such plans and measures as they may deem best fur raisins: money and means for furnishing the building. " The 4th question was then ta- ken up, which requires the pas- tors of the various charges to report "As to their financial systems, their contributions to church purposes, and the condi tion of church houses and par sonages. Mulberry and Lynchbur sretr- - cuit, W. J. Collier, pastor, re-pDrt- cd 5 churches valued at 6,- - 5X), other property valued at $230, total $0,750. Fayetteville station, G. P. Jackson, P. C. Xo parsonage, takes penny collections to defray incidental expenses, pastor's sal- ary in charge of the stewards. Conference, collections taken publicly. One church house in good condition. Marble Plains circuit, M. R. Tucker, P. C. Pastors salary collected on the pre rata plan, five pretty good church houses, tw-- o not so good. Pleasant Plains circuit, TV. B. Lowery, P. C. The church con ference takes charge of all the conference collections; raised for different church purposes, about $125. One parsonage in rrnrwl rii rll t irvi ' ,irir1c 1 1 n or acres laud deeded to parson age, 2i clmi-c- h houses. ;. : Elkiont Springs pircuit, D. G. Ray, P. C- - Two church houses in tolerably good condi- tion. ' - 'J Cornersville station, A. R. Farris, pastor.- - Collections in the hands of church conference, takes penny collections to de- fray incidental, expenses, t one church house in good condition. Lewisburg circuit, Thos. A. Kerley, P.. C.,, follows the law of the church iii taking collec- - tions for church purposes; four church houses not'entircly com pleted. Winchester station, R. A. Reagan, T C. . Book of "disci- pline foll6yed in taking the col- lections; church house in good condition. - Salem circuit, S. M. Parks, P. C, 5 church houses, one good; 1,400 ready to be appropriated to building church houses. . Flintville circuit, W. II. An- thony, P. C.,4 church houses in tolerably good condition; book of discipline followed in taking the collections for defraying the expenses of the church. Rich Valley circuit, B. J. Gaston, P. C, 4i church hous- es, 2 in good condition, rest in comfortable, condition; follows the plan laid down in the book of discipline in taking collec- tions, i Palmetto mission, T..L, Dar- nell, P. C, 3 church houses; col- lections taken according to law of the church. Petersburg circuit, F. P. Pa- gan, ' P. C, one parsonage; 5 church houses in tolerablygood j condition. Fayetteville circuit, W. T. GiH, P,.Oj 3 houses hvtokra good cohdilion?disclplinary plan followed in taking collections. If. was voted that the next session of the District Confer ence be held in Fayetteville, the time .to be fixed by the P. E. The committee on the Parson- age reported that the sum of 823.20 has been collected and expended on the house and lot; that debts to the amount of 576.04: have been contracted, that $390.80 is yet needed to complete the building for occu pancy, making the sum of 9GG, 81 to be raised. The following brethren were elected delegates to the Tennes- see Annual Conference, viz: T. D. Griffis, TV. A. Gill, J. Y. .Gill and F. G. Buchanan; re- serves, J. J. Cost on and J. J. S. Gill. Resolutions of thanks were offered and adopted To Drs. J. B. McFerrin and R. A. Youmf for their presence, wise counsels and faithful preaching; to the people of Pleasant Plains and vicinity for their many hospitalities; to the P. E. for the able, and. satisfac- tory, mannerjn'w Inch he presi- ded; and to the Secretary and his assistant' for the faithfulness and promptness with which they have performed 1 heir work. , Alter which, Conference ad- journed, v; ' ' , . I51ii.lie. - For the Fayetteville Observer. ; '; Let us have another confer-- ci cc about the fourth of July. A fair delegation of candidates will, be guaranteed! ' Z. J. Gold, who has for Eomc time been connected with the Bj'ers galleiy, will leave soon for Elkton, Giles county.' AVe commend him to the good peo- ple of that county as a gentle- man in every sense of the word, and is quite master of the pro- fession. : - - The Limestone county, Ala- bama, correspondent paid us a friendly visit a few days since. Wc were glad to sec him. Farmers are progressing with their crops very well; planting corn is the principal work just now. heat is doing well. Short. New Ail vert isements. WThi!aker & Co. announce their agency for some of the best, agricultural machinery ev er oflercd to the'pcoplc of Lin- coln county. They sold the same manu acturo last year, and the articles gave, it is under stood, universal satisfaction. Caitri lges. Saw Mill Men. Sanford's Liver Regulator. Co- - O pe ra live AT e w pa pe rs. We are glad to note that the busrncesof the Book, Statione- ry and Periodical House on the west side of . the Square is in- creasing. Additions arc made to the stock weekly, and Tom Shackleford is always " on hand to serve customers, at reduced prices. ' . W. M. Beckett, Eq., of the 23rd district, is a candidate for Circuit Court Clerk. We have known him many years. - He is a quiet, unassuming, deserving gentleman, who would fill with satisfaction any position to which he might be called. ' u - The announcement of Jno. Y. Gill, Esq., for the State Sen- ate appears in this paper. He is; liked wherever known, and tUcCperson who! runs against him will have a formidable com- petitor. He is an active, affa- ble, friendlygentleman, and. if elected will go to the' Legisla- ture to correctly , represent his constituents; and he will work, not "spout.". ' :. Non-reside- nt notice. Fayetteville has the reputation of being one of the most musical and refined towns inthcvsouth. That this repu- tation is just, was proven to the satisfaction of the most skeptical on. last Wednesday night, at the entertainment for the benefit of the Good Temp- lars given by the Literary So- ciety. Mrs. Dr. Evans and Mrs. Ed. Cooper, of Shelby- ville, assisted our own fascinat- ing ladies, and added materially to the attractiveness of the en- tertainment. The net receipts were about 40. " JIT Madame Tardiff is ab- sent from Fayetteville, having gone to purchase a stock of goods suited to the spring and summer seasons. She desires her lady customers not to sup ply themselves but to wait for her return, when she will offer them the very latest and most attractive Tt vies for dress and ornamentation. - jfA ire w pump lor he court house well wns-expectedrt- o reach here jjr sUrd iyven'm, Projected Line of Tele graph from Fayette- ville via: Lynch- burg to Shelby-vill- e. Mr. C. R. Wallace visited our town last week and put on foot, among our business men, a pro- ject for building a line of tel- egraph from Fayetteville via Lynchburg to Shelbyville. The route will be along the turnpikes connecting these points. The line can be put up at a cost of 1,300. Contrib- utors to the fund for the erec- tion of the line will be permit- ted to take out the amount of their subscriptions in telegrams and be allowed five years to do so. Wc do think if ever Fayette- ville expects to connect herself with the commercial world by telegraphic lines of communi cation, this is the plan to do so. Wc hope our business men will take hold of the plan with promptness and energy. We are closely allied with. Lynch- burg by commercial and other ties. With operators at Fay- etteville, Lynchburg .and , Shel- byville, thc,;linc can be kept in repair as readily as if it were along the line of the Winches ter and Alabama Railroad. Mr. Wallace exhibited a letter from one of the Superintendents of the ''Western Union'' Compa- ny," on whom our business men here for a year or two born re- lying for the erection of a line from. Fayetteville to'" Decherd, in which that Company defi- nitely abandons all intention of doing anything in the matter. This leaves the field open for the enterprise referred to in this article. The amount required from Fayetteville is only 1,000. We arc satisfied that our peo- ple, in the single item of wheat alone, could save more than that amount of money in a single season, with a line "of tele- graph to our town. If avc act promptly, Mr. Wallace will have the line in operation by the first day of August. Real Estate Transfers. The following transfers of real estate have been acknowledge! since cur last, in the County Court Clerk's ofiice: E.W. andWr. F. Moore to II. and W. White, 10$ acres in 5th dis, $161.50. A. W. Baxter to Clarissa Shelton, 4 acres in 24th dis, 1G. W. A. Millard, sheriff, to Edmund Cooper, 27G acres in 4lh dis, 50 R.'L. McGehee and wife to Jarred S Taylor, 111 acres in 4th dis, $1,332. Bettie Reagor to Jarred S. Taylor, interest in 140 acres ;n 4th dis, 250. A. M. Sc J. B. McLaughlin to Jarred S. Taylor, interest in 140 acres in 4th dis, 750. John M. Wright and Nancy D. Harper to T. M. Harper, 204 acres in dis, 1,380. Ct Rev. John II. Bryson preached on Sunday night in the Presbyterian church to a crowded house. It was an able discourse. . , - . .'; On Monday night he lectured at the same place, for the bene fit of the church, describing his recent travels through Europe and the Holy Land. Being an unusually pleasing speaker, he had no difficulty , in enlisting fhe attention and' sympathy of his audience, all of-who- were in terested an.d profited by the re hearsal of what he had seen and experienced. Qceky: "Why will men pmoke common tobacco, when they can buy Marburg Kros. 'Seal of 2iorth Carolina f t the same price jan. 3I-- ly In our issue of last week there was uneasiness expressed as to the growing -- wheat crop. There were considerable fears of damage by lice. But since th!tt time 'some of our best in- formed and close watching farm- ing friends teli us that the last few days has shown a marked improvement. Wc sincerely hope that the threatened danger is. passing away, and that we will be blessed with another bountiful crop. CST A strong gale prevailed all of Monday night. It fin- ished unroofing the old factory building, and, wc arc told, pros- trated some buildings about Winchester. Fayetteville Produce Market. German millet, ?22.25. Hams, C6lc. toother changes to note. The lightning rod on the court-lxms- e was parted by fbc"Wri-aifwY3!y- 3 "ago. 10 is o i m 1 Yo t e . Hon. John W. -- Burton, of Mnrfreesboro, called on Thurs- day last. His friends will pre- sent his name forSupreracJudge. Judge A. S. Marks favored us with" a call on Thursday eve- ning, at the close of Court. He will be reelected without oppo- sition, it is thought, to the posi- tion he now so ably fills. Col. E.S.N. Bobo was in town a few days ago. Our long-tim- e friend Esq. J ohn Roach dropped in on Monday. We are always glad to see him. He says that ms subscription began in 18a2, and we know that his rule is, as now, to pay in advance. Miv and Mrs. Phil. T. Mm ray have returned to their home and to the congratulations of their friends. A Gccd Paper for Nothing! J3 Tlie Southern Industries bi-wee- third volume, 8 large quarto pages, 4 columns to the page, is an excellent paper, filled with truthful descriptions of the Southern countrv, its resources, capabilities, society, etc. It mirrors the true sentiments of both the North and South. It occupies a field distinct from any other paper.. Wc have made such arrangements as enable us to offer the Observer and Southern Industries both one year for two dollars, cash in ad- vance;- Subscriptions niay be- gin any week.' : tf On Saturday last, we re- ceived, a letter from Alabama stating that two issues of the Observer- - had failed to reach the writer and asking for dupli- cates. When copies of our pa- per are lost in the mails, we al- ways endeavor to replace them, if notified in a reasonable time. But during the past few weeks new subscribers have left us without any surplus copies. Our corresponding friends will, therefore, if their requests are without avail, know the reason. Tortures that Need not be Endured People suffer a great deal of pain unnrc-Hfsaril- j'. Among tortures that need not be tndured arc those inflicted by rheumaiism uid pout, since the acrid eKnient in the blood which produces them by contact with the sensitive coverings of the muscles and joints may be eliminated by the use of that matchless depnrent, Hostettcr's Stomach Bittt rs, before the iiiflaminati ry symptoms ue derelcped to any gteat extent. When t is considered what excrucia'ing tortures iheumaiism inflicts, and what a tendency it has, when fu'ly developed, to altark Un- heal t, the advisability of an rally use o: such a reliable antidote beconn s at once apparent. 1 hi rheumatic virus is expelled I'lom the b'ood by the increased action of the kidneys which act as strainers pro- duced by the Litters, and the mlVeror will find, if he nses this supreme defensive n that he will be protected against a return of the agonizing compb.int. Dys- pepsia, fever and ague, liver and bowel com- plaints and other maladies', are also cured by this sdmii able remedy. A Problem. Mr. Editor As you arc sup- posed to know almost every thing, will you please answer the following: Sold three-quarte- rs of a yard of cloth for two dollars more than two-thir- ds of a yard cost, and thereby gained ten per cent.of the cost price. At what rate per yard did I sell it? Yours, Dealer. . ' p3 At the meeting of the Fire Company last Saturday night, four new members were received and their names or- dered to be . registered. IX. II. Bell was elected 'Assistant 1st Nozzleman. ' A called meet- ing will be held next Saturday night, at which time there will be a public drill. "4 All mem- bers arc notified to be present. - tylr Last Sunday the pas- tors of the Fayetteville Cum- berland and Methodist church? es exchanged pulpits mani- festing thereby a christian fel- lowship and charity that will have a salutary influence not on- ly upon their flocks, but with what is known as the "outside world." There will be a school exhibition at Hopewell Acade- my, Lincoln, on Friday, 19th inst., to which all arc invited. Wc acknowledge the receipt of a special invitation. Few are aware of the importance of checking a cough or commvn cold in its fiist stage. That which in th begini.ing would yield to a mild remedy, if neglected, soon preys upon the Lungs. lXt- - Cull's Cough Sji'u'p atford3 iDstant relief. Trice, 23 cents. jlf Pbof. Lang givc3 a Hop at Bright Hall cn to-m- or row night, (Fiiday), which the j lauies ana lamincs arc invncu to attend. SufTerin? will eih bit its pre-senc- e by (he ciiesof the baby, and should be remoTtd by the prompt use of that highly rcom-mond- ed remedy, Dr. Bull's B by Syrup. It is free from Opium. Pi ice 23 cts. At a . meeting ol the Jail Commissioners, held last Saturday night,Mr. Jack Blake more Was elected Gliartl Of tllC Work-IIous- c hand. Thanks. Editor Observer .The follow- - ing resolutions were reques ted by St. .John lodge I. O. G. T., to be published in the city papers: Eesolved, That we tender our heartfelt than s to the Presi- dent and members of the Fay- etteville Literary Society for their kindness in giving an en- tertainment for the benefit of St. John Lodge, and that we recognize in the efforts of the Society to elevate the minds and hearts of the peop, real and substantial aid to the temper- ance cause. Resolved, That we congratu late tho efficient President of the Society on the successful carrying out of her lengthy and interesting programme, and on securing the services of the string band and of Mr. Frank Carter, of the United Friends of Temperance Lodge. Eesolvcdf That our thanks arc due Mrs. O. P. Bruce for the use of her. pianoforte on the nisrht of the entertainment. W m. Russell, Green P. Jackson, g Jno. M. Brig fit, Jr., J - Obif Mr. John II. Cummins, of this place, we are sorry to say, fellfrcm Mr. K. L. Bright's new house y, and was considerably hurt. We earnest ly hope that his injuries may prove to be sligjit. tC2 Jas. B. Wilson, on Col- lege street, has the largest stock of Furniture that he has ever had. It is good, and as cheap as can be sold. Call 'and sec. ' In County Court, Thnrs-la- y, the 4th, M. M. Deair, Cor oner, elect, appeared and gave bond as required by law. HSf3 It is said that there are at this time 8,000 candidates for office in Tennessee, and more coming. . Oif People are quietly set tling down to the belief that there will not be a war between England and Russia. it liville, Ten ii. Dtnter medium to good, 15; fancv, 20. Bulk Meat clear sides, Cc; shoulders, 4c; hams, 9.V4C Cotton ordinary, g"od orama ry.S'g'; low middling, l),1; middling, 10; ;oou middling, lUfj. Coffee Kio, common to choice. -- 0.U ., V k; Laguyra.12; Java, G3 28. Candles 13,'ic for full weij-l.t- . Corn shelled and facked, 42.'oT0. Dried Fiu.it apples. 3c; peaches, quar ter, 2.c; halves. So; blickter ies, be. rotatocs l(g2.cO per Larul. Cabbage 7 (5 8c per head. Eggs 0(290, p doz. Flour fancy, V bbl, G.L0; choice family, f6.CO; superfine, 4.50. Feathers prune tocuoicc, VJ. Lard S.'OO. Peanuts, WJc per bushel. l'oultry hens, 13(3V:0 c; young chiekens, 1012s'c. Sirups N. O. molasses, doiaiuc; gomen sirup K575c. Yv ool un washed, 1 1 Gf -- U; wasneu fces no Wheat i 1.00 115. tttanti, Gcorsl. Reported icceklyforike Observer, hy 71 T. fax iC JJro.. 1'roil'tce Mercnanis. Corn white. G33Gi : Tellow, ... Wheat white,$1.20 1.25; ied,1.15(3$1.20 . . Oats, 43(3 45 . . Hay, ' O.0 1 1 . . Flourfar-- T ?0.?C6.7ii rimtly. TC C0fcC.25; extra, $550(5 5.75 Meal.G361c;. . .Lard, cans, Feathers, 38340c... Onions, 2.CO3.00.... Irish Totatoes, $l.0iZl 75 Uutter. choice 2Q:ct'f2; Eggs.-BiS- O Apples. $4 5C$G.0P; I'.ac.n shoulders, tarns, side', JYcic Advertisements. - j ' a WEST SIDE PUBLIC SQCATIK, ', DlMOirS OLD STiXD FAYETTEVILLE.1 STATIONERY, School and Miscellaneous D3 OO IC H , LEADING PERIODICALS, FISHING TACKLE, Cigars, Tobacco ARE SPECIALTIES. Notions, Candies and Nuts. TOM SHACK LKFOr.P, Sale nun. april 11-l- fo Lieeuyes have been issued to tha follow- - ing parties aince our lact triiiTr.. J. M. 11. Crowley and Lucy .Shfppard. cot.mtr.n. llai ry V.hitaker and Moll l'.uibanan I Id this rountr. on Swan. i uTt r of Ptomaeh and how- - els. Mr, WILLIAM SMITH, 5Sl about. I ft ' y.,r. Ac w Jlducrl is em cn Is. IAM prepared to do all work in my line style. St rsfViu guakanti:i:i. pril U C A. KINGS LEV. ZD fflnngff. f". by II I II DEALERS INT FARMING IMPLEMENTS AND AGISTS FOB THS BUCKEYE HESPEE 4V MOWER AND Sweesstakes Thresher AND omiorlriElnes College St., Fayctterille, Under Trade Palace. WE want every fanner in Lincoln wanting a Mower. Reaper, llarvea-- . ler or Thresher, with Horse or Steam Pow er to call and examine the above machines, a we aie contident we can make it to your a Wantage tt deal with us. All Machines Warranted. We will send by mail an. illnstrated catalogue to any person wanting a machine that will furnish 113 his ad-dr- es . For terms, Ac, apply to us as above. a; ril 1 l-- "m o n - v. 1 c--j i innr Awards I'jSftt prht tt Centnmiid E.p"iA)B for ,; an I urWteica and iV A. mdtr of kwik; wl jti-w- inj. Tm hwi ob Tr Kidek A oir blira rip tnvls-mil- t b tiowlj Hsitsni ei f::ft T T '. that J'irUom'i ht la ca rrrrr T.tn--r. S 4I f ffll i1jIf-- x En4 fnr Krb lrr, ii C. A. Jjii:c J & Cj., UCs., l'uais, Y. FO WLEK & FULTOX, - V CENKRAt AGENTS roa Tul Unitetl States Cartridge Co.. siAsrrACTi a::xs or Tin . , Sporting, Central lira C A It T It 1 1) G E S ! Also Rim Fire Ammunition for TiitoU nt TC i -- tic. Cnrtriiige ( nwii. t! (frK and Ju Ued Bl-rrime- rs. Tt"l. ... 4c. S4 lor illnsf rnt- - Catalogue. IfOO Htondwaf, Xevr lr!i Vktj, iriUl-4- w !S Tilt. I- - JIE. If yon neei a (ro't kaw-liiiaiin- ir or taw.Tih 1 11' Siva ye, write U J. W. Jl I VIIK fyilX It VUV TOOl, . (Agent Wan- - ie1.) TE.nPI.tTOX, MAS "7. iro ii t kTjo o on f a ltfTt h hub .MCaT UK KtPT IN ORDElti 4ttV!G0Rtf Oti Vf L wn tl aauKiiaainjaTf BILWJSUSa, aOY3PE?SlA.t' Fur Dk. SAroD, New V.ifc rJ01is Co-Opcrativ- o Ithuthra a"rtl tlintoii half of nil bi.tarr piid Uy New York ivlvertMr for alvrrt:inf urn'. ule oi' thnt rity gutw to tlie Co orr.a.TiVK Nt trn- - If tbi ttitcmcnt trn thr! i nn occ.i.iiti that puDjineit pSjr whkb ar tlll charging war i lr lor Hflvrrimmir fel rdilfrln.-o- u to aluiw a with wbirh thor And tm m- - e'.vt uni.b e to waintsin a eompvtitioii. full partiruUr nhout the I o oreraiira Krwj-pii- e tieetln-- r vrt'.h rHrnlrgne nl lrrrtl:n r itr mtiieii fiw on appliruitun to UK ALS TKR.oii l A? t AMt.KiC4 Xawsrri: I' mom. 41 rrk ICpw. N. V . 1k'Ilitd nrU, wuli n:une. IOrt. (rent "outit lUc. I. JUN1.;s1Ui.,.Njmj,.. V. fj D O 1 IJMiillrTilK0l7l04. PIASIS 1 II U rt II Q prim "iilv i. real barriiii.-- . ZZIZZZ SiATX7, TuU2jta. V. J. O . Kanry fur-i- s ini j'i in S" 11 or 10 ( hrxnn.. 'vriii numj, M cts. .Si4ii tarl.i. .Vj.ii, X. . ran make money fatrr ' ork for n than t U nytlnn? elf t'api'nlpot rcrlirrl : hc wiil start vou. 12 pr day at hni made I it tli Jlen. womrn. bfv ami girl at t 1 eerywhfr to work fur i. Jfnir i ih t;i. i -- t'y outfit sr.'! fire. Addresn Th( r. 1 o. Arftutu, iUinv. marvh Slate of Tenncser, Lincoln Comity. Soloionn Mo.irrs and if? r. A. .1. riid-die- s, adin , do bom's nou, and T. f. Spencer. OXn.otion ofrr nij laiiinr-t'- s roueolan I it to ihy saiis.'upiinn tl tl t. Clerk f oni romplainant' I ill. wbii h it i sniui lo, that ilvn n 'ant X. ! Sprntrr i- - lion-rrt- rni ci me m T-- i in J'.-- that the ordinary proo.-- of w rai i:oe b. jji rte.I upon her It is, Ihcn Yu oid-e- l that publii-atio- bo mule in Hi? Ftvi:iT- - vu.j.r Oa'mvnr fpaiicr piir'ihit in th town of Faveiti'Tille, f.r riir rot'.'t.'fii live wiek. for said norwsiderit 1T ndrti.t to arp ar betore tiebonoial 1 Coin.lr rm t uf Linroin f ty t he In 11 on th 1irt Iiiiitlay he. May, l S7H.au I answer rr!rnit.r l rur j)a'iian''. bill. ,r lilt? s.iirn will b' t.ik?n. Iir y'M " t et for li,r. ii j ri parif a-- i to hit- - l I. HOICK, ani.ll. ! (fnrriiftn J i iior fu. ci.Tti :P.tnM.i4.

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Page 1: Fayetteville observer. (Fayetteville, Tenn.) 1878-04-11 [p ]. · 2017. 12. 17. · II. t'onanay, Esq., a.candidate for Cir cuit Court Clerk of Lincoln county, at the next election

LOOK USE! LOOK HERE!If you' want to --'make ; your

wile happy go' and buy her . anice ncry calico dress, 16 yardsi'or one dollar from

Murray & Morgan.It you want to make your

son say you are the best fatherin the world, buy him a goodsuit of clothing at cost, from

Murray & Morgan.If you want to make your

"wife proud of you when shegoes to church, buy yourself anew euit of clothing at cost from

Murray & Morgan.If you want to make ycur

old grandmother pray for andbless you, buy her 4 pounds ofthat real good old cofl'ee for ouedollar from

Murray & Morgan.If you want make your

little girl happy and joyful forthe whole car, buy some calicoremnants at 5 cents a yard from

Murray & Morgan.If you .want to make all the

family hcal:hy,buv the standardstrew bo-- ts and shoes for them,warranted not to rip or leak,from Murray & Morgan.

.If you want goods at cash)i iccs and have no money, bring

your barter and get the highestmarket price for it from

Murk ay & Morgan.As the senior partner is now

in the L:istv:rn markets, buyingtt spring etock, and having tomake room for them, you canbuy your goods now at yourown prices from .

Murray & Morgan.

Oliver Chilled Plows,A 1 size at $60 per dozen, or

5.50 at retail, other ifumbersat factory prices at

T. J. Gray & Son,Xcar the Depot.

3 Oliver Chilled Flows,Land Piaster, fresh HungarianSeed at 7 T. J.Gray & Son, '


"Xear the Depot..

l3 Tom. ShackleforDjOuw'st fiik of Public Square, atDitnock's old stand, will keepon hand a stock of tobacco, ci-

gars, books, stationery, maga-zines, papers, candies, nuts andnotions.

Itlieumati&m Quickly Cured."Itnrnm'1 Kheutuatic Itemedy." the great

Medicine, will positively cni-- any caselit KtiMUinatiam nu the face of the" earth, l'rice V

boil I c si IhilUui'. 5. Sold by all Wholesale uuJKalait Druxvii-ts- . lon"tf;iil to fend lor circularto lelivntiu X r.cullt-v- , Druggists, Washing-ton- ,

1.C . oct. 18 6m

J J V" -TT vrm wrmt 10 nnnnds of sn- -

.i iF: ntPitts & Co"s.

Blow Your Own Horn!' For nobody else will blow for

you; besides, our lean, gaunt,hungry looking editors have gotto bo supported, and some onehas got to be humbugged.Lumpkin wants to do his partof it in the next sixty days.If you don't believe it, call andprice his hand-mad- e boots,clothing, shawls, jeans, hats,blankets, over-shoe- s, at priceslower than ever before offeredin this'markct. They have gotto be sold, and at prices thatwill humbug somebody; if itsLumpkin alone. You will losea bargain if yon don't come60on. The goods will bo soldout to make room for a springctock. Don't forget that Lump-lii- n

will sell you Furniturecheaper than any one. Somewill say this is big blowing;but you come to the blowing.Lumpkin says it won't cost youanything, and he writes this ofhis own knowledge, too.

cof"fee.If you want4 pounds choice

coffee for 1, call atPitts & Co s.






, . SALT.. If you want a shel bar-

rel of salt for 2.f0, call atPitts & Co's.

To Farmers and Mechanics.Returning many thanks for

their patronage and having en-

deavored to treat air alike, andhaving sold at fair prices, weask for a continuance, and willecll as low as any in the county,for we have and will keep a fullstock of hardware, iron, shoesnnd nails. Also wagons, threshers, .champion reapers, limber-jac- k

harrows, sulky rakes,double shovels, scythes and eradies, and such things as farmers nnd mechanics need, whichyou can find at R. II. Ogilvie& Co s, north side ol tlie oqnareat Bruce s old stand, of the bestquality; R. IL Ogilvie.

K. Benedict.WHISKY. i

If you want old whisky, cheapfor cash, by retail or jwiioicsaio,caU at ' 1'ITTS itU)S.

EST IVc well ecll the Massil-lo- n

(Iiussell) Thresher the coin--

irjr'ecEson.T. J. Gray & Sttk.

Fayetteviller. . ..


Thttrsday, April 11, 1878.

Election ; Tuesday, Xov. 5, 1878.

COKGTESS. .03T We are authorize ! to ennounee Hon.

John M. ISrig-U- t a candidate for re-election to Congress, fioiu this, the 6th,congressional district.

EEKATE.tCT We are authorized to announce

Jno. Y. Gil!, tsQ., of Fyiteville, acandidate for State Senator far the a anto-ri- at

district composed of Linroin, Frank-ti- n,

Marshall and the factions taken fromLincoln and Franklin to form the countyof Moore.

Election: Thursday, Aug. 1,'78CHAXOEI LOR.

We are authorized to announceHon. A. S. Marks, of Winchester, acandidate for to. the office ofChancellor of the Fourth Chancery Division.

roa cmcciT jri!OE.fiS?" We are authorized to announce

Mr. Win. 15. Martin, of Fayetteville,a caudidito for Judge of the Circuit Couitsof the Sixth Judicial C.rcuif, composingthe counties of Lincoln, Mono, Franklin,Coffee, Warren, Grundy and Van Bui en.

3y We are auihorieed to announce W.E. 13. Jones of Mcllinnrille n a candidateforjudge of ihc Sixth Judicial Circuit, injection nest August.

5?Wo are authorized to announce lion.J. J. "Williams, present Circuit Judge,as a candidate for election to that office bythe pcojjle, on the 1st Thurs lay in Atiu3ttext.


JST" We are au:h rizd to announce SW. Cannack, L'sq.. a candi-tat- for Atto-

rney-General of the Sixth Judicial Circuit, composed or the counties of Lincoln.II ooi e. Fiank'm, Coffee, "Warren, (Jrumlyand Van Buren, at the i ext t lection.

We are authori7c-t-l to aunonr.ee AV.E. Frauds, Ksq , of Winehe er, can-didate for Attorr.ey-CeneVa- l of the SixthJudicial Circuit, composed of the countierof Lincoln, Moore, l ianklin, CoJIVe, War-ren, Grundy and Van P.uren, at the nextelection.

'T We are authorized to announce A.R. Woodard, Esq., of Fayetteville, acandidate for Attoney-Gener- al of theSixth Judicial Circuit, composed of thecounties of Lincoln, Franklin, lloore, Cof-fee, OVundy and .Van Buren, at th i.extelection.

?otxtt jrrciEC3?" We are authorized to announce X.

P. Carter, Esq., a candidate forto the office of County Judee of Liu-co- in

county, at the next e'ection.We are autho.ized to announce

Win. lSuntlcy, Esq., of Nonis Cnek, acandidate for Judge of the County Courtof Lincoln county, at the next eleciion.

07 We arc authorized to announce MrJ. C Bright a cmdida'e fur Judge ofthe County Court of Lincoln county, at thenext election.

We are autho:ized to announrc FP. Fulton, Esq., a candidate for CountyCourt Judgf, at the next election.

ICP We are auihorizcd to announce XV.

J. Iliiuiiltoii, Lfq , of reteibliiirg, a can-didate for County Judge of Lincoln coun-ty, at the next election.

V.'e are authorized to announce Mr.J. K. Moorcs, of the 13 h district, a can-didate for County Judge of Lincoln county,at the next election.

PHEniFF.Ar We are authorized to announce Mr.

James Stiles, of the 2oth district, a candidate for SlierilT of Lincoln county, at thenext election.

. We are authorized to announce Mr.Jus. I. Morgan a candidate for Sheriffof Lincoln count', at the next election.

(7 We are authorized to announce Mr.It. T. Holland, of Boonviile, a candidatefor Sheriff of Lincoln county at the nestelection.

5y We are authorized to announce Mr.O. D.Kvans, of Fayetteville, a candidatefor bhentt of Lincoln county, at the nextelection.

We are luthoiized to announce Mr.John L. Wasliburr. a candida'e frSheriff of Lincoln county at the Augustelection.


07" We are authorized to annoncc Henry Henderson, Esq., a candidate for re-

election to the office cf Trustee of Lincolncounty at the next election.

CIRCUIT COURT Ct.F.RK.We are authorized to announce 31.

II. t'onanay, Esq., a .candidate for Circuit Court Clerk of Lincoln county, at thenext election.

SF We are authorized to announce Mr.C. C Janics a candidate for CircuitCourt Clerk of Lincoln countj, at the nextelection.

ESS We are authorized to annoiii Ve Mr.W. C. Morgan a candidate for CircuitCourt Clerk of Lincoln county, at (lie 'nextelection. . .

SO? We are authorized to announce C.A. French, Esq., a candidato for CircuitCourt Clerk of Lincoln county, at this nextelection.

S3F We are authorized to announce W.M. Beckett, Esq., of the 23rd district, acandidate for Circuit Court CJork tf Lic-co- ln

county, at the next election. ; .


We ate authorized to announce Mr.P. IJ. Boyce a candidate fur reelectivnto the office of County Court Cleik vf. Lincoln county, at the next election.

IC71 v e are authorized to AnnounceMr. W. A. Millard a candidate for Coun-ty Court Clerk of Lincoln county, at thenext electi n.

Q3 We are authorized to announce W.F.Cole, Esq., of Oak II ill, a candidate forCounty Court Cleik of Lincoln county, atthe next election.

07" We are authorized to announceNewton Whi taker, Esq.. of Mullerry.a candidato for County Court Clerk of Lin-coln count, at the next election.

J5aF We are authorized to announce Mr.W. A. Rhodes (Eph) a candidate furCoun'y Court Clerk of Lincoln county, atthe next election.f .. . EEGIBTER. .7 ". . --'.

IC7 We are authorized to announce Mr.B. B. Thompson a candidate foi reelec-tion to the office of Register of Lincolncounty, at the next election.

ICP We are authoiized to announce Mr.Frank Ingle, a candidate for RcpferofLincoln county, at the next election.


G. W. WOODARDHas now and intends to keepon hand hind quarters as well asfore quarters for all his custom-ers.' And none need to fear fgetting the best meat that hasbeen in this market, as UncleJim knows how to dress andcut meat.

Fire Insurance Agency.James W. Goodwlx repre

Kcnts first-cla- ss Fire InsuranceCompanies. Call on him andhave your policies written before the season for fires set 6 in.Then you will sleep sounder.

. GSir Mr. Frank Weaver, formerly of Fayetteville, is reported very sick' in Mnrfreesborowith abscess of the liver. "It isthought he cannot recover.

j UST" An effort is being madeto employ Rev. John II. Bry-so- n

as paster of the Presbyte-rian Churcli in this place.

! Methodist Conference.The Fayetteville District

Conference helirits eiglitli bcs-sio- n

at Pleasant Plains, Lincolncounty, Tennessee, commencingThursday, March 28th, 1878,Rev. Jas. E: Orraan, P. II, inthe chair, and Bev. J. 11. Aber-nath- y,

sec.Reports of tlie spiritual con-

dition of the various churcheswere made, and they showed, a3a whole, a healthy condition. "

On motion, the subject of theDistrict Parsonage was referredto a committee of one from eachcharge.

Twenty-fou- r Sunday schoolswere reported, most of them inflourishing condition, as follows:Fayetteville, 1; Mulberry andLyuhburg circuits, 3; MarblePlains, 7, 300 pupils in atten-dance; Pleasant Plains, 1; Cor-nersvi- lle

station, 1, 98 pupils;.Lawisburg circuit, 1; Winches-ter station, 1: Salem circuit, o,125 pupils,' 150 volumes in library; Flintville circuit, 2;: Pal-

metto mission, 2, 10 scholars.On motion, the following pcr-sn- s

were appointed a DistrictPiirsonngc finance and build-ing committee, viz: J. Y. Gill,chai rma n, "W. J. ' St egall S.Vaughn, I. T. Rodcs and J3. M.Hitchcr.

A resolution was offered byRev. G. P. Jackson, and adopt-ed, that the Trustces of the Dis-

trict Parsonage of the Fayette-ville District Conference, loca-

ted in the town of Fayetteville,be left perfectly free and unre-stricted to adopt such plans andmeasures as they may deem bestfur raisins: money and meansfor furnishing the building. "

The 4th question was then ta-

ken up, which requires the pas-

tors of the various charges toreport "As to their financialsystems, their contributions tochurch purposes, and the condition of church houses and parsonages.

Mulberry and Lynchbur sretr- -cuit, W. J. Collier, pastor, re-pDrt- cd

5 churches valued at 6,--5X), other property valued at$230, total $0,750.

Fayetteville station, G. P.Jackson, P. C. Xo parsonage,takes penny collections to defrayincidental expenses, pastor's sal-

ary in charge of the stewards.Conference, collections takenpublicly. One church house ingood condition.

Marble Plains circuit, M. R.Tucker, P. C. Pastors salarycollected on the pre rata plan,five pretty good church houses,tw--o not so good.

Pleasant Plains circuit, TV. B.Lowery, P. C. The church conference takes charge of all theconference collections; raisedfor different church purposes,about $125. One parsonage inrrnrwl rii rll t irvi ' ,irir1c 1 1 n or

acres laud deeded to parsonage, 2i clmi-c-h houses. ;.


Elkiont Springs pircuit, D.G. Ray, P. C- - Two churchhouses in tolerably good condi-

tion. '

- 'JCornersville station, A. R.

Farris, pastor.- - Collections inthe hands of church conference,takes penny collections to de-

fray incidental, expenses, t onechurch house in good condition.

Lewisburg circuit, Thos. A.Kerley, P.. C.,, follows the lawof the church iii taking collec--

tions for church purposes; fourchurch houses not'entircly com

pleted.Winchester station, R. A.

Reagan, T C. . Book of "disci-

pline foll6yed in taking the col-

lections; church house in goodcondition. -

Salem circuit, S. M. Parks, P.C, 5 church houses, one good;

1,400 ready to be appropriatedto building church houses. .

Flintville circuit, W. II. An-

thony, P. C.,4 church houses intolerably good condition; bookof discipline followed in takingthe collections for defraying theexpenses of the church.

Rich Valley circuit, B. J.Gaston, P. C, 4i church hous-

es, 2 in good condition, rest incomfortable, condition; follows

the plan laid down in the bookof discipline in taking collec-

tions, i

Palmetto mission, T..L, Dar-

nell, P. C, 3 church houses; col-

lections taken according to lawof the church.

Petersburg circuit, F. P. Pa-

gan, ' P. C, one parsonage; 5

church houses in tolerablygood j

condition.Fayetteville circuit, W. T.

GiH, P,.Oj 3 houses hvtokra

good cohdilion?disclplinary planfollowed in taking collections.

If. was voted that the nextsession of the District Conference be held in Fayetteville, thetime .to be fixed by the P. E.

The committee on the Parson-age reported that the sum of823.20 has been collected and

expended on the house and lot;that debts to the amount of

576.04: have been contracted,that $390.80 is yet needed tocomplete the building for occupancy, making the sum of 9GG,

81 to be raised.The following brethren were

elected delegates to the Tennes-see Annual Conference, viz: T.D. Griffis, TV. A. Gill, J. Y..Gill and F. G. Buchanan; re-

serves, J. J. Cost on and J. J. S.Gill.

Resolutions of thanks wereoffered and adopted

To Drs. J. B. McFerrin andR. A. Youmf for their presence,wise counsels and faithfulpreaching; to the people ofPleasant Plains and vicinity fortheir many hospitalities; to theP. E. for the able, and. satisfac-tory, mannerjn'w Inch he presi-ded; and to the Secretary andhis assistant' for the faithfulnessand promptness with which theyhave performed 1 heir work. ,

Alter which, Conference ad-

journed, v; ' ', .


For the Fayetteville Observer. ; ';

Let us have another confer-- ci

cc about the fourth of July.A fair delegation of candidateswill, be guaranteed! '

Z. J. Gold, who has for Eomctime been connected with theBj'ers galleiy, will leave soonfor Elkton, Giles county.' AVe

commend him to the good peo-

ple of that county as a gentle-man in every sense of the word,and is quite master of the pro-

fession. : - -

The Limestone county, Ala-

bama, correspondent paid us afriendly visit a few days since.Wc were glad to sec him.

Farmers are progressing withtheir crops very well; plantingcorn is the principal work justnow. heat is doing well.


New Ail vert isements.WThi!aker & Co. announce

their agency for some of thebest, agricultural machinery ever oflercd to the'pcoplc of Lin-coln county. They sold thesame manu acturo last year, andthe articles gave, it is understood, universal satisfaction.

Caitri lges.Saw Mill Men.Sanford's Liver Regulator.Co-- Ope ra live AT e w pa pe rs.We are glad to note that the

busrncesof the Book, Statione-ry and Periodical House on thewest side of . the Square is in-

creasing. Additions arc madeto the stock weekly, and TomShackleford is always


on handto serve customers, at reducedprices. '


W. M. Beckett, Eq., of the23rd district, is a candidate forCircuit Court Clerk. We haveknown him many years. - He isa quiet, unassuming, deservinggentleman, who would fill withsatisfaction any position towhich he might be called. 'u -

The announcement of Jno.Y. Gill, Esq., for the State Sen-

ate appears in this paper. Heis; liked wherever known, andtUcCperson who! runs againsthim will have a formidable com-petitor. He is an active, affa-

ble, friendlygentleman, and. ifelected will go to the' Legisla-ture to correctly , represent hisconstituents; and he will work,not "spout.". ' :.

Non-reside- nt notice.

Fayetteville has thereputation of being one of themost musical and refined townsinthcvsouth. That this repu-

tation is just, was proven tothe satisfaction of the mostskeptical on. last Wednesdaynight, at the entertainment forthe benefit of the Good Temp-

lars given by the Literary So-

ciety. Mrs. Dr. Evans andMrs. Ed. Cooper, of Shelby-ville, assisted our own fascinat-ing ladies, and added materiallyto the attractiveness of the en-

tertainment. The net receiptswere about 40. "

JIT Madame Tardiff is ab-

sent from Fayetteville, havinggone to purchase a stock ofgoods suited to the spring andsummer seasons. She desiresher lady customers not to supply themselves but to wait forher return, when she will offerthem the very latest and mostattractive Tt vies for dress andornamentation.

- jfA ire w pump lor he courthouse well wns-expectedrt- o reachhere jjr sUrd iyven'm,

Projected Line of Telegraph from Fayette-

ville via: Lynch-burg to Shelby-vill- e.

Mr. C. R. Wallace visited ourtown last week and put on foot,among our business men, a pro-

ject for building a line of tel-

egraph from Fayetteville viaLynchburg to Shelbyville.

The route will be along theturnpikes connecting thesepoints. The line can be put upat a cost of 1,300. Contrib-utors to the fund for the erec-

tion of the line will be permit-ted to take out the amount oftheir subscriptions in telegramsand be allowed five years to do so.

Wc do think if ever Fayette-ville expects to connect herselfwith the commercial world bytelegraphic lines of communication, this is the plan to do so.Wc hope our business men willtake hold of the plan withpromptness and energy. Weare closely allied with. Lynch-burg by commercial and otherties. With operators at Fay-

etteville, Lynchburg .and , Shel-

byville, thc,;linc can be kept inrepair as readily as if it werealong the line of the Winchester and Alabama Railroad. Mr.Wallace exhibited a letter fromone of the Superintendents ofthe ''Western Union'' Compa-ny," on whom our business menhere for a year or two born re-

lying for the erection of a linefrom. Fayetteville to'" Decherd,in which that Company defi-

nitely abandons all intention ofdoing anything in the matter.This leaves the field open forthe enterprise referred to in thisarticle. The amount requiredfrom Fayetteville is only 1,000.We arc satisfied that our peo-ple, in the single item of wheatalone, could save more than thatamount of money in a singleseason, with a line "of tele-

graph to our town. If avc actpromptly, Mr. Wallace willhave the line in operation by thefirst day of August.

Real Estate Transfers.The following transfers of real

estate have been acknowledge!since cur last, in the County CourtClerk's ofiice:

E.W. andWr. F. Moore toII. and W. White, 10$ acres in5th dis, $161.50.

A. W. Baxter to ClarissaShelton, 4 acres in 24th dis, 1G.

W. A. Millard, sheriff, toEdmund Cooper, 27G acres in4lh dis, 50

R.'L. McGehee and wife toJarred S Taylor, 111 acres in4th dis, $1,332.

Bettie Reagor to Jarred S.Taylor, interest in 140 acres ;n4th dis, 250.

A. M. Sc J. B. McLaughlin toJarred S. Taylor, interest in140 acres in 4th dis, 750.

John M. Wright and NancyD. Harper to T. M. Harper,204 acres in dis, 1,380.

Ct Rev. John II. Brysonpreached on Sunday night inthe Presbyterian church to acrowded house. It was an ablediscourse. . , - .

.'; On Monday night he lecturedat the same place, for the benefit of the church, describing hisrecent travels through Europeand the Holy Land. Being anunusually pleasing speaker, hehad no difficulty , in enlisting fhe

attention and' sympathy of hisaudience, all of-who- were interested an.d profited by the rehearsal of what he had seen andexperienced.

Qceky: "Why will men pmoke commontobacco, when they can buy Marburg Kros.'Seal of 2iorth Carolina f t the sameprice jan. 3I-- ly

In our issue of last weekthere was uneasiness expressedas to the growing -- wheat crop.There were considerable fearsof damage by lice. But sinceth!tt time 'some of our best in-

formed and close watching farm-

ing friends teli us that the lastfew days has shown a markedimprovement. Wc sincerelyhope that the threatened dangeris. passing away, and that wewill be blessed with anotherbountiful crop.

CST A strong gale prevailedall of Monday night. It fin-

ished unroofing the old factorybuilding, and, wc arc told, pros-

trated some buildings aboutWinchester.

Fayetteville Produce Market.German millet, ?22.25.Hams, C6lc.toother changes to note.

The lightning rod onthe court-lxms- e was parted byfbc"Wri-aifwY3!y- 3 "ago.

10iso im 1 Yo te .Hon. John W. -- Burton, of

Mnrfreesboro, called on Thurs-day last. His friends will pre-

sent his name forSupreracJudge.Judge A. S. Marks favored

us with" a call on Thursday eve-

ning, at the close of Court. Hewill be reelected without oppo-

sition, it is thought, to the posi-tion he now so ably fills.

Col. E.S.N. Bobo was in towna few days ago.

Our long-tim- e friend Esq. JohnRoach dropped in on Monday.We are always glad to see him.He says that ms subscriptionbegan in 18a2, and we knowthat his rule is, as now, to payin advance.

Miv and Mrs. Phil. T. Mmray have returned to their homeand to the congratulations oftheir friends.

A Gccd Paper for Nothing!

J3 Tlie Southern Industriesbi-wee- third volume, 8 largequarto pages, 4 columns to thepage, is an excellent paper, filledwith truthful descriptions of theSouthern countrv, its resources,capabilities, society, etc. Itmirrors the true sentiments ofboth the North and South. Itoccupies a field distinct from anyother paper.. Wc have madesuch arrangements as enable usto offer the Observer andSouthern Industries both oneyear for two dollars, cash in ad-

vance;- Subscriptions niay be-

gin any week.' : tf

On Saturday last, we re-

ceived, a letter from Alabamastating that two issues of theObserver-- had failed to reachthe writer and asking for dupli-cates. When copies of our pa-

per are lost in the mails, we al-

ways endeavor to replace them,if notified in a reasonable time.But during the past few weeksnew subscribers have left uswithout any surplus copies.Our corresponding friends will,therefore, if their requests arewithout avail, know the reason.

Tortures that Need not be EnduredPeople suffer a great deal of pain unnrc-Hfsaril- j'.

Among tortures that need not betndured arc those inflicted by rheumaiismuid pout, since the acrid eKnient in theblood which produces them by contact withthe sensitive coverings of the muscles andjoints may be eliminated by the use of thatmatchless depnrent, Hostettcr's StomachBittt rs, before the iiiflaminati ry symptomsue derelcped to any gteat extent. Whent is considered what excrucia'ing torturesiheumaiism inflicts, and what a tendency ithas, when fu'ly developed, to altark Un-

heal t, the advisability of an rally use o:

such a reliable antidote beconn s at onceapparent. 1 hi rheumatic virus is expelledI'lom the b'ood by the increased action ofthe kidneys which act as strainers pro-

duced by the Litters, and the mlVeror willfind, if he nses this supreme defensive n

that he will be protected against areturn of the agonizing compb.int. Dys-pepsia, fever and ague, liver and bowel com-

plaints and other maladies', are also curedby this sdmii able remedy.

A Problem.Mr. Editor As you arc sup-

posed to know almost everything, will you please answerthe following: Sold three-quarte- rs

of a yard of cloth for twodollars more than two-thir- ds ofa yard cost, and thereby gainedten per cent.of the cost price. Atwhat rate per yard did I sell it?

Yours, Dealer.. 'p3 At the meeting of the

Fire Company last Saturdaynight, four new members werereceived and their names or-

dered to be . registered. IX.

II. Bell was elected 'Assistant1st Nozzleman. ' A called meet-

ing will be held next Saturdaynight, at which time there willbe a public drill. "4 All mem-bers arc notified to be present.


tylr Last Sunday the pas-

tors of the Fayetteville Cum-

berland and Methodist church?es exchanged pulpits mani-

festing thereby a christian fel-

lowship and charity that will

have a salutary influence not on-

ly upon their flocks, but withwhat is known as the "outsideworld."

There will be a schoolexhibition at Hopewell Acade-

my, Lincoln, on Friday, 19thinst., to which all arc invited.Wc acknowledge the receipt ofa special invitation.

Few are aware of the importance ofchecking a cough or commvn cold in its fiiststage. That which in th begini.ing wouldyield to a mild remedy, if neglected, soonpreys upon the Lungs. lXt- - Cull's CoughSji'u'p atford3 iDstant relief. Trice, 23 cents.

jlf Pbof. Lang givc3 a

Hop at Bright Hall cn to-m- or

row night, (Fiiday), which the j

lauies ana lamincs arc invncuto attend.

SufTerin? will eih bit its pre-senc- e by (heciiesof the baby, and should be remoTtdby the prompt use of that highly rcom-mond- ed

remedy, Dr. Bull's B by Syrup. Itis free from Opium. Pi ice 23 cts.

At a . meeting ol theJail Commissioners, held lastSaturday night,Mr. Jack Blakemore Was elected Gliartl Of tllCWork-IIous- c hand.


Editor Observer .The follow- -ing resolutions were requested by St. .John lodge I. O. G.T., to be published in the citypapers:

Eesolved, That we tender ourheartfelt than s to the Presi-dent and members of the Fay-etteville Literary Society fortheir kindness in giving an en-

tertainment for the benefit ofSt. John Lodge, and that werecognize in the efforts of theSociety to elevate the minds andhearts of the peop, real andsubstantial aid to the temper-ance cause.

Resolved, That we congratulate tho efficient President ofthe Society on the successfulcarrying out of her lengthyand interesting programme, andon securing the services of thestring band and of Mr. FrankCarter, of the United Friendsof Temperance Lodge.

Eesolvcdf That our thanksarc due Mrs. O. P. Bruce for theuse of her. pianoforte on thenisrht of the entertainment.

W m. Russell,Green P. Jackson, gJno. M. Brig fit, Jr., J

- Obif Mr. John II. Cummins,of this place, we are sorry tosay, fellfrcm Mr. K. L. Bright'snew house y, and wasconsiderably hurt. W e earnestly hope that his injuries mayprove to be sligjit.

tC2 Jas. B. Wilson, on Col-

lege street, has the largest stockof Furniture that he has everhad. It is good, and as cheapas can be sold. Call 'and sec.

' In County Court, Thnrs-la- y,

the 4th, M. M. Deair, Coroner, elect, appeared and gavebond as required by law.

HSf3 It is said that there areat this time 8,000 candidates foroffice in Tennessee, and morecoming. .

Oif People are quietly settling down to the belief thatthere will not be a war betweenEngland and Russia.

it liville, Ten ii.Dtnter medium to good, 15; fancv, 20.Bulk Meat clear sides, Cc; shoulders, 4c;

hams, 9.V4CCotton ordinary, g"od orama

ry.S'g'; low middling, l),1; middling, 10;;oou middling, lUfj.

Coffee Kio, common to choice.-- 0.U ., V k; Laguyra.12; Java, G3 28.

Candles 13,'ic for full weij-l.t- .

Corn shelled and facked, 42.'oT0.Dried Fiu.it apples. 3c; peaches, quar

ter, 2.c; halves. So; blickter ies, be.rotatocs l(g2.cO per Larul.Cabbage 7 (5 8c per head.Eggs 0(290, p doz.Flour fancy, V bbl, G.L0; choice family,

f6.CO; superfine, 4.50.Feathers prune tocuoicc, VJ.Lard S.'OO.Peanuts, WJc per bushel.l'oultry hens, 13(3V:0 c; young chiekens,

1012s'c.Sirups N. O. molasses, doiaiuc; gomen

sirup K575c.Yv ool un washed, 1 1 Gf -- U; wasneu fces no

Wheat i 1.00 115.

tttanti, Gcorsl.Reported icceklyforike Observer, hy 71

T. fax iC JJro.. 1'roil'tce Mercnanis.Corn white. G33Gi : Tellow, . . .

Wheat white,$1.20 1.25; ied,1.15(3$1.20. . Oats, 43(3 45 . . Hay, ' O.0 1 1 . . Flourfar-- T

?0.?C6.7ii rimtly. TC C0fcC.25; extra,$550(5 5.75 Meal.G361c;. . .Lard, cans,

Feathers, 38340c... Onions,2.CO3.00.... Irish Totatoes, $l.0iZl 75

Uutter. choice 2Q:ct'f2; Eggs.-BiS-O

Apples. $4 5C$G.0P; I'.ac.nshoulders, tarns, side',

JYcic Advertisements.

-j ' a





School and Miscellaneous

D3 O O IC H ,




Notions, Candies and Nuts.

TOM SHACK LKFOr.P, Sale nun.april 11-l- fo

Lieeuyes have been issued to tha follow- -

ing parties aince our lact


J. M. 11. Crowley and Lucy .Shfppard.cot.mtr.n.

llai ry V.hitaker and Moll l'.uibanan

I Id this rountr. on Swan.i uTt r of Ptomaeh and how- -els. Mr, WILLIAM SMITH, 5Sl about. I ft


Ac w Jlducrl is em cn Is.

IAM prepared to do all work in my linestyle. St rsfViu

guakanti:i:i.pril U C A. KINGS LEV.


fflnngff. f". by






Sweesstakes ThresherAND

omiorlriElnesCollege St., Fayctterille,

Under Trade Palace.

WE want every fanner in Lincolnwanting a Mower. Reaper, llarvea-- .

ler or Thresher, with Horse or Steam Power to call and examine the above machines,a we aie contident we can make it to youra Wantage tt deal with us. All MachinesWarranted. We will send by mail an.illnstrated catalogue to any person wantinga machine that will furnish 113 his ad-dr- es

. For terms, Ac, apply to us as above.a; ril 1 l-- "m o

n - v. 1 c--j i innr

Awards I'jSftt prht tt Centnmiid E.p"iA)B for,; an I urWteica and iV A.mdtr of kwik; wl jti-w- inj. Tm hwi obTr Kidek A oir blira rip tnvls-mil- t b tiowlj

Hsitsni ei f::ft T T '. that J'irUom'i ht laca rrrrr T.tn--r. S 4 I f ffll i1jIf-- x En4 fnr Krblrr, ii C. A. Jjii:c J & Cj., UCs., l'uais, Y.


Unitetl States Cartridge Co..siAsrrACTi a::xs or Tin . ,

Sporting, Central liraC A It T It 1 1) G E S !

Also Rim Fire Ammunition for TiitoU nt TC i --

tic. Cnrtriiige ( nwii. t! (frK and Ju Ued Bl-rrime- rs.

Tt"l. ... 4c. S4lor illnsf rnt- - Catalogue. IfOO Htondwaf,Xevr lr!i Vktj, iriUl-4- w

!S Tilt. I- - JIE. If yon neei a (ro'tkaw-liiiaiin- ir or taw.Tih

1 11' Siva ye, write U J. W. Jl I VIIKfyilX It VUV TOOl, . (Agent Wan- -ie1.) TE.nPI.tTOX, MAS"7. iro ii t kTjo o o n f a ltfTt h hub.MCaT UK KtPT IN ORDElti

4ttV!G0RtfOtiVfL wn tlaauKiiaainjaTf


Fur Dk. SAroD, New V.ifc

rJ01is Co-Opcrativ- o

Ithuthra a"rtl tlintoii half of nil bi.tarrpiid Uy New York ivlvertMr for alvrrt:inf urn'.ule oi' thnt rity gutw to tlie Co orr.a.TiVK Nt trn- -

If tbi ttitcmcnt trn thr! i nn occ.i.iitithat puDjineit pSjr whkb ar tlll

charging war i lr lor Hflvrrimmir fel rdilfrln.-o- u

to aluiw a with wbirh thor And tm m- -e'.vt uni.b e to waintsin a eompvtitioii.full partiruUr nhout the I o oreraiira Krwj-pii- e

tieetln-- r vrt'.h rHrnlrgne nl lrrrtl:nr itr mtiieii fiw on appliruitun to UK ALSTKR.oii l A? t AMt.KiC4 Xawsrri: I' mom.41 rrk ICpw. N. V .

1k'Ilitd nrU, wuli n:une. IOrt. (rent"outit lUc. I. JUN1.;s1Ui.,.Njmj,.. V.

fj D O 1 IJMiillrTilK0l7l04. PIASIS1 II U rt II Q prim "iilv i. real barriiii.--.ZZIZZZ SiATX7, TuU2jta. V. J.

O . Kanry fur-i- s ini j'i in S" 11 or 10 ( hrxnn..'vriii numj, M cts. .Si4ii tarl.i. .Vj.ii,

X. .

ran make money fatrr ' ork for n than tU nytlnn? elf t'api'nlpot rcrlirrl : hc wiil

start vou. 12 pr day at hni made I it tliJlen. womrn. bfv ami girl at t 1

eerywhfr to work fur i. Jfnir i ih t;i.i -- t'y outfit sr.'! fire. Addresn Th( r. 1 o .Arftutu, iUinv. marvh

Slate of Tenncser, LincolnComity.

Soloionn Mo.irrs and if? r. A. .1. riid-die- s,

adin , do bom's nou, and T. f.Spencer.

OXn.otion ofrr nij laiiinr-t'- s roueolan I itto ihy saiis.'upiinn tl tl t.

Clerk f oni romplainant' I ill. wbii h iti sniui lo, that ilvn n 'ant X. ! Sprntrr i- -

lion-rrt- rni ci me m T-- i in J'.--

that the ordinary proo.-- of w rai i:oe b.jji rte.I upon her It is, Ihcn Yu oid-e- l

that publii-atio- bo mule in Hi? Ftvi:iT- -vu.j.r Oa'mvnr fpaiicr piir'ihit inth town of Faveiti'Tille, f.r riir rot'.'t.'fiilive wiek. for said norwsiderit 1T ndrti.tto arp ar betore tiebonoial 1 Coin.lr rm tuf Linroin f ty t he In 11 on th 1irtIiiiitlay he. May, l S7H.au I

answer rr!rnit.r l rur j)a'iian''. bill. ,rlilt? s.iirn will b' t.ik?n. Iir y'M " tet for li,r. iij ri parif a-- i to hit- -

l I. HOICK,ani.ll.

! (fnrriiftn J i iior fu. ci.Tti:P.tnM.i4.