fbads workbook


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Post on 07-Aug-2015




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What We Will Cover in this Workshop:!!Thank you for registering for the upcoming Facebook VIDEO Advertising Workshop! This accompanying .PDF will help you to get the most out of the training and content so you can put it into action fast! So you know exactly WHAT you signed up for, here is a short list of the major topics we’ll discuss on the upcoming class...!!!

The PROVEN 7-Step Process for Creating Profitable Facebook Advertising Campaigns that CONVERT!!THE SECRET INGREDIENT: How to Use FB Targeting to Keep Costs

Down and Profit More!!!How I use simple, 40-second videos to get better results on Facebook!!How to write ads that get attention and get results!!!AND MORE!!!!PLUS: Free Giveaway for All Webinar Attendees (see next page!)!!!

Or...in a Nutshell: How to AUTOMATE Traffic & Sales on Facebook!!!

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Who is This Training Actually For:!!For the past five years, I have taught YouTube & Video Marketing to hundreds of thousands of people all over the World. I don’t focus my training on people who are opportunity-seekers, or aspiring YouTube Superstars (sorry!), but rather Small Business Owners and Entrepreneurs who are looking to build a platform online and reach more customers with less effort!!!

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Who is James Wedmore:!!Armed with a Film Degree from one of the Top Film Schools in the Country, James Wedmore made his very first sale on the Internet back in 2008 when a customer stumbled upon a video they found of his on YouTube.com.!!Since then, James has become obsessed with Reverse-Engineering YouTube to get it to work for you in your business. In 2010, he launched a Relationship-Advice Business, which continues to generate 6-Figures per year...the ONLY traffic (and lead) source: YouTube.com. !!In 2011, James launched Video Traffic Academy to teach other business owners how he does what he does on YouTube. To date, over 7,000 students have enrolled and joined!!!James has been featured on Entrepreneur, CreativeLIVE (3 times!), Social Media Examiner, and many more! !!His Strength is teaching. His passion is video. On this call, he will show you how to blend powerful marketing strategies with creative video execution to build a stronger brand and become THE Authority in your industry!!!

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!FREE GIFT for Webinar Attendees!!Make Sure to attend the call LIVE so you can get your hands on our FREE GIFT: a Complete Case Study of HOW I used Facebook Advertising in a multiple, six-figure launch!!

!!How to Make Sure You Are ON the Call:!!You are already registered for the upcoming workshop! (Woohoo!) All you need to do is check your email inbox (with the email you registered for) for THREE very important elements:!!I. The DATE of the Workshop!!II. The TIME of the Workshop (note: this has been adjusted to YOUR time zone)!!III. Your UNIQUE LINK to Join!

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!What to Do RIGHT NOW:!!

Make sure to Save the DATE & TIME in Your Calendar so you REMEMBER to Show up a Few Minutes Early!!

PRINT Out the Following-Pages of this Workbook so You Can Take NOTES!!!!!!See ya on the call!!!Cheers,!!!James Wedmore Founder, Reel Marketing Insider!!!!

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!!!1. The 7-Step Facebook Advertising Process!!! Step 1.___________________________!!! Step 2.___________________________!!! Step 3.___________________________!!! Step 4. ___________________________!!! Step 5. ___________________________!!! Step 6. ___________________________!!! Step 7.___________________________!!

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!2. A Funnel is The PROCESS that Takes Your Prospects !!from ___________ to _____________!!!3. The 3 most important funnel fundamentals are!!! 1.___________________________!!! 2. ___________________________!!! 3. ___________________________!!!!4. The automated webinar software my business ! !uses and recommends is ____________!!!5. The BETTER your _________ performs, the LESS you spend with Facebook and the MORE you MAKE.!!!6. A.B.S. Stands For______________________________!!!

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!7. The 2-Parts of a Facebook Post Are:!! !! a. ___________________________!! !! b. ___________________________!!8. The 5 Secrets to Better Copy are!! !! 1. ___________________________!! !! 2. ___________________________!! !! 3. ___________________________!! !! 4. ___________________________!! !! 5.___________________________!!!!10. Who you ___________ will determine your success!!!!!!!

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!!11. The 6 Types of Demographics you Can Target Are:!! !! a. ___________________________!! !! b. ___________________________!! !! c. ___________________________!! !! d. ___________________________!! !! e. ___________________________!! !! f. ___________________________!!!12. The 3 Super Advanced Targeting Methods are:!!! 1. ___________________________!! !! 2. ___________________________!! !! 3. ___________________________!!!!!

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14. Don’t spend a DIME on Advertising until you know !!HOW you can get ___________________________!!!!!What to Do AFTER the Workshop Has Ended:!!First off, I want to THANK YOU so much for being apart of this workshop! I absolutely LOVE teaching marketing that makes an impact!!!But that’s not all...I can’t POSSIBLY teach everything I’ve learned to grow my six-figure business in one hour. I encourage you to keep an eye on your inbox for future emails, updates and training to keep you moving along your path to becoming a more effective marketer while you grow your business!!!Here’s to Your Success!!!!

!!Cheers,!!!James Wedmore Founder, Reel Marketing Insider