fbi moor investigation

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  • 8/4/2019 FBI Moor Investigation





    AMRRTCA-- .. - - - - - . . . . . - . . . ~ - - - - - . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . --..

    PART80F8BUFILE: 25-371604

  • 8/4/2019 FBI Moor Investigation


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  • 8/4/2019 FBI Moor Investigation


  • 8/4/2019 FBI Moor Investigation


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    _k:L./.1--;.i--:Officers of organization state tb.ey entered into an agreei,!9ntwith an official of the Defense Department and the SelectiveService System whePeby members of t he o rg an iz at io n c o m i n gup for L~duction should cl&lm to be Conscientious Objectorsin order to delay their induction and permit their case toI pass to the "National level" where "each member fS case couldbe individually handled and justice done". One hundred suchcases, according to the Officers. are to be expected in thenear future of which p08sibly only four or five are genuine-C on sc ie nt io us O bj ec to rs .. \ . ; , . v a . i \ r t,

    . " t _ l

    SYNOPSIS OF " " C ' f W :

    i.e . , \ ' - RUe -AT BALTIH)RE, MARYLAND

    ('\DETAILS:The infornation set out in this report we of an investigation entitled:and c ha ra ct er iz ed S el ec ti vetanandScithese men toBUr-6iLU -Chicago (61...93)(1 USA, Chicago)' ..Baltimore (25-18253)

    ..... MAY 18 1953~. -. '

    'IOI'UlY OF fBI-nus co .FIDEIT1 .\ l IErol, tiD IT1COITUT. AlE LOAIEDTO YOUII TIlEfll AID AlE lO T TO BE U18TI I iUTtO OUTIID,suey TO ' ff HI CM LOAIED . .. ... .. __ I" ..--.

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    BA - 25-18253

    vised that be -sh Scienoe Templeue in Chicago #

    continued by saying that the dominantorgan1zation was to teach members of thecolored race who joined the Temple that the1r true national-ity was Hoorish-American, their true race, the ASiatic race-and their type religion, as set forth in the Holy Koran.He explained this further by saying that there are only~~_ _ _ r. ~h"" 'ti'" ,. ~h-r,.h -rC! 'i~h+: e " ' . . , . , . .:1""V". UQ " ' ~ _ f " . , t I f Y j l ' Q , U,_~II;f ,a1l.Ar,.l. v..t-'' '"'ta..I.~ - "" ""~ ..., ............. 4 ..5"...... I IIIA~.&,..&i..._ ...and the A siatic race which 1s 4ark skinned. The darkskinned people who were brought over to the North A mericancontinent as slaves in t~e 15 th Century were actuallyNears from l:orocco, A frica and were drawn from two tribes,the EL tribe and the Bey tribe. A fter being sold intocaptivity, the Moors were separated, the family groupsbroken up, their tribal names taken away and their captor'snames forced upon the~. The Moors also lost their religionand had the ChristIan relig10n forced upon them. w~en aman joins the Moorish Science Temple, the Divine Ministerdetermines whether he c~e trom the EL tribe or the Beyly and g~S true name , thusbecomes EL since his an-, f the EL r. r igion wh1ch is drawnfrom the Holy Koran. is likewise restored to hlm.

    IIIIIIIIEL.~~i~. th~t 1~ ~egistering for ~he dr!f~, an~ 1n..ser~ ll1t~"l nne Armea r'or-ce s, some memcer-s 01" "tine Hoor~snScience Temple had. been "classified" a.s n egroes. This wnsnot only incorrect since the men so described were actually}.foor1sh"'Americans but also wrong morlilly since the word"Negro" means slave and does not describe a man Is n at io na li ty

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    BA - 2 5 - 1 8 2 5 3

    -correct1y but only indicates his condition. The word "Negron1s also used inthe Armed Forces and Selective ServiceSystem in some places to describe a man's race. This alsois wrong since there are only two races, the European and 'the A siatic. .Due to the situations which arose during world War II andlater concerning incorrect National and raciAl "classifl-cations" of members of the Moorish Science Temple, frequentdiscussions took place as to the proper handli of the_ns as they arose. InEL had discussions witht to General HERSnEY,and discussions with JA !~ C. EVMTS, AssletLht Secretaryof Defense, the latter having his office in the pentagonBUildinlMShington, D.C. In these discussions, accord-Ing to EL, it was decided that, pend fng the passing _of a 1 t'locld conpel the Selective Service and theArmed Forces to correctly "classify" members of the Hoor-ish Science Temple as Moorish-A mericans and ASiatiCS,r-nther- t_"lU~1 !:ecroes, the raer-ber-s Ylho wer-e coming up forindue tion - _ clare the:-lselas to be c orrsc ient iousobjectors. said that this decision W2S reachedas the b es since it would delny tne inductionof men and thus give more time for the Defense Dep ar-tcierrtand the Selective Service System "to pass laws" so thatmembers of the Temple could be correctly described as torace and nntion~lity. rt would also pass the case up tothe "National level" at Washington, D.C. where, " it wasbetter understood". F

    IIIIIIIJEL pointed out that certain sections of the HolyKoran, the Bible of the members of the Temple, has passagesin it which would give authenticity to the members claimof being conscientious objectors. The passages referredto are from the teachings or~e of the Prophets,which teachL~gs, according t ~L say, in essence,tha.t &11 men contnin the spir d _arm yourfellow man is to do wrong against God. EL showedtoe writer some printed matter which he s.,. to be anL~tr.ct_from the Holy Koran and part or the teachings ot - -- 3 -

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    ( (BA .. 2 5 - 1 8 2 5 3

    Jesus. This said~ "It is cnuelty that makes the world a w r r .when men have learned that when they harm a living thing,tney harm themselves, they surely will not kill, nor causea thing that Allah has made to Burrer pain."tIIIIIIlEL said that the claim by members of the Moorish~ Temple to be conscientious objectors was merelya device to delay their induction. that members of theTenple are not pacifists and if correctly described asHoorish-Americnns would be glad to serve in the A rmed Forces.IIIIIIIlEL was asked by the writer how he could reconcile~cifist tenchings of the Prophet Jesus with the allegedwillingness of the members of the Moorish Science Temple toserve in the A rmed ForM'correc tly" de s igna.ted as tonationalIty and race. EL replied that "Jesus meansJUstice" and that 1f ere done and the men "Rightlyclassified" as Noorish-A mericans and A si ..tiLce , the teachingsof Jesus would be "satisfied" and the men could serve.

    the alle_ement bet\-1ee~EL and_and betwee EL and Hr. E~meet1ng~t Char:J.bero. orish Science Temple was held at12 2 1 Hyrtle street on January 4~1952. Three o:f the four"Head n Ie were present, th.eonly one absentbeing In that meeting the A dept Chamber,which he "Heads of' orish Science Temple".assented to the 'agreement" and was told tonotify the young men coming up ctlon to put in aclaim as conscientious objectors.Chamber,_and :r-tr.~thus confirm-_

    nb the above meeEL sent letterw toforth the resultsing t he l ig re em en t" .IIIIIIIIIIIIIILEL rec.l1ed~ in further reference to this~hat on A pril 2 3 , 195 2 , be had a telephoneconversation with Mr. EVA NS concerning proper descriptionof the members of the Temple so far as race and nationalitywere concerned. ~. EVA NS said, "Dontt you think the men

    --4 -,. - .~'..- . . . . .~ . . . . .. ~ ... ~

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    ( (BA - 25-18253

    . would make b~me if they applied as conscientiousobjectors?" IIIIIIItELthen reminaed b~ that they had-already come ~o vn~ conclusion through di~cussiofi andMSreplied that he did recall it and had -at hand"'EL's letter setting forth the results of the January, meeting of the A dept Chamber at the Temple._EL explained Mr. EVANS t r enark "ro a.ke etter time"by sayinG that pending the passing of a law which would..................l"'....+-u..Lv n,., o

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    BA - 25-18253


    ,the organization was to teach members of the colored racewh~ joined the Temple that they are Moorish-A mericans andA siatics ~nd that their t awn trom theKoran. He said that he and attendednumerous meetings in W ashin to 1952, inwhich they discussed the problem ot t he " Mo or is h- A me ri ca n"with people from the Department of Justice, Selective Serviceand Department of Defense. He specifically recalled meet-EVANS of the Defense Department andof Selec-tive Service. He reca.lled that aseements" with the two latter individualswhich were made on an individual basis with each, it wasdecided that members of the Temple who were coming up forinduction, should plead as conscientious objectors as a"means of deferr ing the ir induction". As a result of thisarrangement, each member'S case would be appealed finallyto National Headquarters of Selective Service where thesituation of the "Moorish-A merican" was understood and"justice done". He emphasized that it was expected thatLocal and sta.te A ppeal Boards would turn down the claimsof the members that they were conscientious objectors.The writer as]:ed l-lhether there wereany mer-bar-s of t fact true pac ifistsand who did not want to injure their fellow men becauseof religious training and belief and who did not want toserve i_e mad Forces either as combatant or non-com-batant. EL replied that there might be a few whotook the ga of the Prophet Jesus completely toheart and 1 - T h o did not want to serve in the Armed Forces be-cause of belief in the teachings of Jasus. He cont1nued~however, agreement entered into withEVANS and did not concern such individualsand only s who wanted to be "correctlydescribed Moorish-~ricans while serving in theA rmed Forces. He said that in Chicago, IllinOis, somemembers had succeeded in getting papers from Morocco inA frica which stated that the ancestors of these memberswere Moors. On the basis of these papers, the nen re-ceived correct classification as "Noorish-A merlcans" andsubmitted to induction into the A rmed Forces without demur. -

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    lBA - 25-18253

    .It is conclusion of thebetween and the writer,EL appe asked a questionas to how many conscientious objector cases could be ex-pected in the near fU the Temple com-ing up for induction. L said aboutone hundred could be e future of Whichpossibly only four or five were genuine conscientious ob-jectors, the rest putting in the claim mer~1rinduction. This figure was assented to bYIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEL.- RUe -

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    BA - 25-18253 .".. "'_ADUINISTRATIVE PAGE

    Chicago 1s being designated as orrice of origin in viewof the fact that Chicago 1s th e Nat ional Headqua rters otthe J.foorlshScience Tem ple of Amel"c a,. lila and in viewof the additional fact that last reports on th1s organiza-tion under similar characterizat10ns indicated Chicago tobe the office of origin.In accordance with the directions given inthe Manual ofInstructions, Part III, Section 90 F (6) (a) no activeinvestigation will be conducted by the Baltimo~e Off1ce onthis ma tter pen ding authorization by the Bureau.T he i nf or ma ti onstated,entitled:Serv

    set out in this report, as has been previouslyse of an investigationcharacterized Selectivejector,The pertinent report is by SA11 30, 1953, a t B al ti mo re .

    - 8 -


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  • 8/4/2019 FBI Moor Investigation



    I. U N . J 1 W J ) STATES IEt'AR~NT U l" "I o.~ ,,1. , ~ c _ '~"": 'K'

    , I , , 1 , . . : - - - ( ~ ~To: CCJOroNICATI~ SECTION. S/27/S'J jlaftL AD IflILTransmit the tol.low1ng message to, lAC, C I U C A O O

    1I)Dt_- - - -,..1 ko.c._- - _,.-- . . . . . . ' :. .lSI'~V (C r:." 'E "" ', j I~:i:'ri

    1W I oM t M A Y 2 , 1 9 6 31 9 5 3

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  • 8/4/2019 FBI Moor Investigation


    .... .......-~ ....... ,..-.1~rn ..................O ffice M em ( 1;. tum UNITED s . , t ; , k s GOVERNMENTSUBJBCT:

    Director, FBI (62-2S8B9)SAC, Cfh#!lio (61-293)C' I'KN"~

    DATH: I t a , . 29, 19$3OFJ.OY I

    ,-fJ f

    ReBuairtel. Jlay 27, 19$).It is assumed from re Bu a1rtel that the Bureau desires theS'llIlUll8l7 "pert to be submitted bearing the above caption andto be confined to the In!'ar1Daion contained in reporMilapp.: case enti tledSSA, 1948 - CO , ch. : , . :Therefore UACB, th18 report will be submitted as abO'le indicated.

    ~1'"_ 1 R Sb . " , leo: Savannah ...


  • 8/4/2019 FBI Moor Investigation


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    to :t

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    ) J ( " .(', ": f . ; " ~ J ' : : ' : : " ' ; '~~~'.. FEDERAPBUREAUQF 'INVEST~a~TION'., ., ... ,_: AT CHICAGO ';:;;' / ' ::~i":: '~: '~i:i ,~::f::;:~:~~~

    DATIl WHDl ..-


    South Carolina, Wasfor service. He re-be CO as member oEL adv!sed heo~

    ere obtained andJ 1 ' ~ ~ ~ ~,~ }_ - . ~. ~ _ _ _ . ~ . _ -". f)'._L-"'" ~~VIvr \ ~4'DETA ILS: ~T CHICAGO, ILLINOIS

    PROI 'ERnO f FIl-nl5 .~I1At J .N _ ._ .. _ ~'~J'II",:~",,, ,, . . .. .. .. .. . .;. ._,. . .. .. .. . . . n P W " - - ~ .-....~4;jl_.~ 1~2--C.f__ ... - .-._.,~, - ' ' L . _ . _ , _ : ~ < : ! : , ; . ,. . '

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    ,_-EL~rIi1anwho elaitls to beTeople of Anerie ,ewed on :)res es a1953, byt he knewgarding .cLas sf I'LcatLon of l:oorish ocien _ ica menbar s , but he

    "E'.S ofche oP_' nothing definite had been agreed upon inthe lJ.eetings. EL was also questioned regarding the teachingsin connection . ientious objection to "Tar and he stated t::C:.tas fG~' as he vas conce.r..cd he die. not t.each anything about consct sn-'tious objection to var , ::-:eexplained that he reaC:s pas sag es fron theDivine Const1 zut.Lon and Byla'\,"s of l!oorish Anerlcans and from a bool:ca L l e c; t he =:oran, uhieh "'as "-Triten b~t the founder of the 7eo)le. ..econt.Lnued t.hat he does not e::nlain Hhat he reads but lets thE? nenbor e11st'?~ ::-.'_~:'~:~~::;"".:~ : _ ~i_~.~ o...- : n conc Ius ions ,-an;:. . .Has Lnt erv l evedboth furnished infor01~.tionstatements.


    "3/30/)'3Greelyvl11e, s . C.the follm-dnt stat enerrta Snec1al A:ent of themalre a statement wlless

    June 6, 1952 ,~h"rent to vor- lc 1n -- 2 -

  • 8/4/2019 FBI Moor Investigation




    ..' '.. . -... . _',:.( {. . . . .:i .,;'c oCG 61-2 9 3

    Baltinore. On July 23, 1952.ve then united ,rith l:oorishS...1An...&!! 'T'&!!mn1&Ii nf' Am,:o-ri ...::1 ::Int'l .Qt:t:~nr"1&!!n MP,:ot:i ntre: t:,.rl....._-- ...._- ---_: ....- -- ...------ _-- ---- ......-- .----- ... t:t- "'''''-'. \ - ,T e, 5 2our stay. these meetingsof meetLng and \ole discussed manyin the Armed Services.

    "Sonetine on Sunday afternoons :SlvioL.1_l6.isit '..ith us and. V Ie discu~,~sed the s oldus ~ . r : ! 1 . G n we regi stered for the Local Draft Board to say we,rere a co ns ci en si ou s o bj ec to r due to being a member 0: ther:oorisl1Scrence Teoole. Ee didn't sav this wouId }:ee1Jusout. But according-to the laws of the l:oorish Ten~le-it says'..re can r t f i. ~l ;_ tn d n ot supposed to 1d11.UT'~henve then.eftBaltiI:1ore,-::a,n charge of our organ1zatio~- ve meetin:;s: ~e nov 1:2.i.1'er:eetin:s t'.~Lcshone. '.'e ifNi te och er' ~"eo':le ::'n to tl:...~ectin:s 1,Ter-ead the ::oly:orc...-r:. and::oori s:-:;. 11_ s > : : . > ' ~ t.ure ~!6.. e;:-:-lai.ns tl: .e ::oo1'ish cue stLonnaf r-e,- . : 8 also practice singing.- "le do not as yet have any nevnembe r s , Thi s connection '-rith the r:oori sh Te!J,:,le nerr:l tsus to go to Church anywher-e we want to. --..S~r.CE' we pot h

    t\~ice, Onhi s las t tri p he_nnaire ,-rhen I got ituhat to ~~~ldiefs ~~al

    s b~;ento S? us'.to fill out myL.B. Ee also toldo tell the t . B . aboutexanineG."I have e.lready registered \-11th the. B. in~~ngston and cla1ned to be a C.O."The above is true and correct to the best of rlYnecory.

    /s/ -l.. . -

  • 8/4/2019 FBI Moor Investigation


    c "r. '" -:~",-. - . ' - - . ~ ; , , ~ , " - . ~ , ~ . j . - ' - . " ' - ' - - - " : ~ - - -- , -,cc.::,.-,,-,,-~:: -:('- _..;, - _

    "Greeleyville, S.C.-April 17, 1953the following volun-' -ThornI lm ov to be a

    ~ (( \t , , , ,IJ0 ,


    Special Agent of eats or Dronises havebeep made to me to get th~s 1n:ormat1on. -"~., "::lore on June 7, 1952 ,.rith-an a ,,'orl~. kvhile in Bal tim~ne - un 'n~ Science Tem"Jle and attended~eeti:r:bs"there three tines a week. "!e"three returned to

    Gre21:rville, tmidc:le of Septenber, 1952. 1tlliilee '\-lOrdtiEln added to hi 5f" Pnn.,.-f < : i n C:,-.i AnI"'':> ' 1 ' . : > . - , , , . , ' t: >. . . . . : , " ' _ v _ .i_ , .....;.__ ..I had "Bey" added t o my

    "\.'hi Ie in Bal tir1o!'eof l:oorish Science Tem~le, tvhct to do ~.-rher:_e hc.d to resister f'or the Selective Se~rLce._8 : ? . :_ - ~ ( to us to put dovn our full nane , national , t~r, t: race,~ _ < : - : - : a(~_,r~ our - .oor ls JTler,.--."1 to na ....e e; t~~eT'11-;-:'111 or "Bev" e. r < ..I.. _ ~... __ _ _., _ l..l...........:.Ii -l)......L ..sai c. co noth:_ne further until 'He pa ssed the phvs l ca.L e.rarain-ation arid then to state we vrer-e Conscientious ob.iectorsbecause the Bible states II t l:::ilP'. -Hhen we re-turne~ from Baltimore we got to cornewith us. Hecane and stayed a couple of LocalBoard at r~arming and talked about He a ~ ~ ~ F a o ~ i ; W ~ ~ s E ~ ~ e : ~ ~ : ' w t l lintenQ to reg~ for the Seleand corr-Lv with instructions ofhome.monthabove is true

    have ueetings two t1n:.es p e r l-Jk nov atr e a d sthe Holy Koran to us. \ :e p ay 5going to send the money to the tenule. Theand correct to the best of my recoilection./5/ Bey

    urT lrr:.S S ZI' : -SA, FBISavannah , Ga."


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    - r .. ":",~ ' . I, .: : " ,'~>CG 61-2 93

    wa s i nt er vi el -T edb~r SA, on l:ay 4, 1953 andtion "Thichvas reduced to the following signad statement:"Creelyvl11e, S.C.l1ay 4 , 1 9 5 3

    "1, thefollO'l.'ring vol 'Thom Ilrnov to be a Special A gent of the. s orpromises have been mw~e to me in order to get this informa-tion. I amaware that this information can be used in aCourt of Lav or an official hearing concerning me."I am~yrs. of age,- I now I1ve-r! Greelyvl11e, S.C.

    ~aillsburg County Training School at Greelyville, S.C.stered u nd er t hw ct iv el ll fdng, S.C. on 50 asA t that time d notnln I!IY Later I got cy questionnaIre, I ex-ecuted it and said nothing about ny objecti::m to "!a"_~

    ,the~1.25. I at~ended services at the tem~lein Baltinore. I returned to Grec1yville, S. C. in Sept.1952. The teachings in the t~mple were to the effect thatue wer-enot members of the negro race, but of the Asiaticrace, further that if wewez-eAsiatics ue vou'l.dget raoerights as a Citizen than if we were classed as being of thenegro race. Wewere also taught from the temple's Biblewhich is the Holy l:oran ''ihich teaches love, trutp, peace,freedon and justice, also the 40th chapter of the I:oly Koransays men and birds, beast or the like made flesh idea thatyou kill anything. --5-

    .'.'. __ .~._". ....,._~",""." , ......._._:~~_ ..c.-~~-- . -

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    CG 61-293


    ("ROt.~ instructedthe menoer ;i1~had regrste to registerfo:, the Selective Service ana. training act to be e::a:minec:.anC: then u)on receiving a lA classification card to then file

    lJith the Local Board a claim of being a Consc1entious Objector.on the grounds of the teachlng of the Holy Koran."llhen I received my 1A classification card fronLB -:~14at !~anninf" S.C. I then vent to the LB and told theman in c21aree thL:t I came to na}:e an appeal on being aConscientious Objector. He said he '\"Toule: furnish me a fornto r.a::e ray clair::. He a.id and I submi tted it..

    has visited me once since I';Jith ne r.J.;l Selective Serviceeft Ik.ltir:a-:,ter.the "If the Local Board classecL me as a oember ofhave to discuss the matter ,;i thEL before I could Ciec::.c.ehat todo.

    "1:7 only objection to gOing into the ArmedService is on the g:rou~'!ds of th:e teaching of the Eoly Y.oran.TITher:_uestioill1aire of the ~:o2.yl:orE.l''' f'uz-ni she sar.s' -e2'S for ne!.:b:,~s of the l:oorish Science Ter:nle to ive~hen as~ed about the Asiatic race.

    EL has discussed "lith ne and"rilen intervieHed or c:uestionedSer-rice mat er s , It is r:7 under-s tandd.ng inbeine a ner.ber 0: the l-loorish Scf.ence ':i'eorle of A6ericathat I can not ma.;e a cLecision on the Selective Servicer:at'cer until I receive instructions fron the te::1lJle. ?hisis not a p~rt of the teaching but a p&rt of cy agreenentl~cn I joined up.I "Since I returned to Greelyville, S.C. I havel~e2~:ly !lacJ. 2 nce t.Lngs at Dy hone of the terr.:._Jleand usedthe :;::oly Koran. I also Lr.struc t prospective member-s whoaone tiraes attend that we are not mer.:.bcrs of the r~e_,-:ro.-ace , but ar e menbcr s of the As::atlc race. I furt::~e:,ellt~ec that we would get more benefit as a Citizen in being -

    -6-y < \ _. _ '_ " . ;, :_ . ~l_ ' _

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    . .c r.CG 61-293

    IAsle.tics than in being neGroes. These berief'I ts "Tould be thattr-!e Cover-nnerrt ,,:ould r ecognt ze the ,eople of theC01:2:try Houle: r-ecogni ze us nor e , Lso said fnat ifHe cla imed ou rsel ves to be Asiati keen uS'from~:aving. to fight in the war, where if \-re claimed to be anegr-ovrewou'ld have to fight. HMlttd wewere Asiaticsve wcul.d not have to go to "rar. old us to "Tea rour jeHelr:.~ (ring-button & Fez in os) to ahov we\~e!,eAsiatics and not negr-oe s ,

    "As to llhetherservices Iadvice fromBoard doeto ac.visethe te~l~l

    I object to joining the at-nedthis question until I get so~eL. Everything th~t the Localgistration I have instructionsL. I get my instructions fro~e to nake oy own decision."The above 5 and :!,)ort1on paC8s have be:m read byme. l)he, Lnf'ormatl on is true and coz-i-ec t to the best of r'~Yrecol:!..ec".:,ion.

    /s/ .,,.:J"::i,a.

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    CG 61-293

    RZFEi-1EI ~cs:

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    Letter frotl SReport of SAChicago.ReT)ortofSavannah.Renort 0Savannah.Bureau Airte1 to Chicago


    .. \;.'

    v' _imore dated !:arch 24, 19;3.- ,I),dated April 14, 1953, at '?~f)V~_,) . :dated April 30, 1953, at, ( .1 ; ,: : _ \ .'

    ,- "" \',,\.,' Il .dated Nay 8, 1953, at ..y,:''',,''. . . . . . . . . ,dated Eay 27, 1953. u'- i1i~(.-,' j

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    - .sm rrION

    . fh1e refers t.o 7W% ' _mor&Ddum o r July 29" 1.9S3 requeetWan opinion_ trOll this Division u to whether prosecution o r tbe abo,.-' 6.;_IR!bject.s will. be authorised or whether ~ther 1nTeat1gatiOll 1e des1rA}t ~J- -!be 1nvest1gatiY8 reporta which 70u 8'I1b1111ttedhave beenreviewed and it is the opinion of this Diruion that prosecutioD ro r

    YiolAtlon o r the Universal Hll1tary training and Service Act 1a DOtarranted at this t,1me. Tb1;; apL-'iiaobbu=d CD t.~ ract ~}\at theeubjecte while 1Detructing members of the )tooruh Science !cpaofAJueriea, Inc. to claia to be conscient.ioue objectors did not counsel.t.hem1;0 evade eerrlce other t.h&n by- the exercise o r right crante4under t.he prov1s10M of tb:1.e:.let. hither does itapp-.r that t.beN;has been a Yiolation of the .edition statutes, c.nce .ubjeet.t act.in-t.ies vere not directed toward .ambers of the .uitary or naTal. torcelof the United St.atea, ae defined b, y the statute


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    (FBIDate: 3/29/68

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    i. marked changed to reflect true D of.e:

    are 11 copies of an L!!!! suit-Iissemination.

    A copy of thi.Secret Service, Chicago,I ll io oi b , JLBM i. beias furnisbed to USA, Chic_eo,aDd Resion 1, l13th III Group, KV&natoD,

    The confidential sourc. 18

    . . . . _ .iC,-2f i

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    (( . . . . . ,. . . .ux ITED STATES DEPARTM E ~T 0.1-' jl'STJ CEIn Reply, P__ RefK 10ru No. 1 5 7 - 2 3 7 7

    FEDERAL BUREAU 01-' Il'IVESTIGAT[O~Chicago, IllinoislIarch 2 9 , 19 68

    . 1 i I o , " ' ~ , . 't


    . . . . _~

    C harle~irk n Bey. Supreme Grand Adviser, andModerat,or, M ooriSh Science Temp1.-e- of A merica (MSTA), ..MH,2-"North FranKl.f_~_~St]"e~J, formerly ~located 1104 North Sedgwick"and 10 3 2 North vrleans,S_9jcago..' ""as interviewed on February 6,19 5 7 . Kjrk~~" ~~y stated be is the leader of the MST A , areligious group; also that the MST A is a religious corporat1onincorporated on July 2 0, 19 2 8, in Illinois, and is a religioussociety and sect, adhering to and deriving its authority and"power from ~Great Koran of Mohammed and teaching andpropagating that faith and extending the learning and thetruth of the Great Prophet A li in A merica, appointing andconsecrating missionaries of the Prophet and establishingthe faith of Mohammed 1n A merica. He stated the C onstitutionof the National organization of the MSTA provides that itsmembers shall comply with the laws of the United States. Herelated that this organization has branches throughout theU nited States, each one chartered in the state where located,which adhere to the same beliefs. -This document contains neither recommendations norconclusions of the FBI. It is the property of theFBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contentsare not to be distributed outside your agency.

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    MOORISH SCIENCE TEMPLEOF AMERICA;HENRY ANDERSONThe following agencies are being furnished a copyof t h e , _e m o ra n d u~ :United States A ttorney, Chicago, Illinois.United States Secret Service, Chicago, Illinois.Region I, lI3 th Military Intelligence Group,Evanston, Illinois.A characterization of the Nation of Islam is attached .an appendix bereto.


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  • 8/4/2019 FBI Moor Investigation



    ((1. ,APPENDIXKA TIOH OF ISLA M. For.erly referred toas the Muslim cUlt of Islam, also knownas Mubammad's Temples of Islam

    In January, 19 57 , a source advised ELIJA H KUHAMMAD haadescribed bis organization on a nation.ide basis &S the "lfatienof Islam" and "lIuba_ad' s TemA 'les of Isla itOn Kay 5 , 1967. a second source advised ELIJA H MUHA MMA Dis the national leader of the Wation of Isla.(~~I); Kuha.mad'sTemple of Islam No.2 , 5 3 3 5 South Greenwood A venue, Chicago,Illinois, is the national headquarters 01 the MOJ; and in .4d-1960MUHA MMA D and other NOI officials, when referring to MUHA MMA D'.organ1za!1.on on a nationwide baSiS, commenced using ei ther .tJlosqueor HTeiiiple" wheD iiientioning one of ttltuhammad' aThe NOI is an all-Negro organization which was orieinall,organized in 193 0 in Detroit, Kichigan. MUHA MMA D claims to bave

    been selected by A llah. the SUpreme Being. to lead the so-calledNegro race out o f ala very in the wilderness of Morth A .erica byestablishing an independent black natioD in the United States.Members following MUHAMMAD's teachings and b is i nt er pr et at io n otthe " )[ or a n" b e li e ve there is ,," such thing as a Negro; that theso-called Negroes are alaves o~ the white race, referred to as"wbite devils," in the United States; and tbat the white race,because of 1ts expioitation of the so-called Negroes, must andwill be destroyed in the approaching "War of A rm ;.g ed do n. "In the past, off1cials and members of the NOI,includlngIIUHA VMA D, have refused to register under the provision.s of theSelective Service A cts and have declared that members owe noallegiance to the United States.On May 5,1958, the first source advised MUHA MMA D had.upon advice of legal counsel. tempered his personal statementsand instructions to his ministers concerning the principles ofbis organization in order to avoid possible prosecution by tbeUnited States government; however, he did Dot indicate anyfundamental changes in the teachings of his organization.On Kay 2 , 19 66, a third source advised MUHA MMA D had,eariy in Juiy, i95 8,decided to de-emphasize the religious aspectsof the teachings of Islam and to stress the economic benefits tobe derived by those Negroes who joined the NOI. This policychange, according to IlUHAKMAD. would help bim acquire additional

    followers and create IIOrQ i nterest in bis programs. -- 5* -