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Danielle Eadens, Ph.D. & Daniel Eadens, M.Ed., ABD Bringing it all together: best practices in behavior management Accessed from comics.com FCEC 2010

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Danielle Eadens, Ph.D. & Daniel Eadens, M.Ed., ABD

Bringing it all together: best practices in behavior






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Is it the academics or the behavior?All school faculty need to complete an assessment of

the curriculum and instruction along with a functional analysis of behavior to determine if curriculum changes or other modifications in the environment may eliminate the undesirable behavior in the school, class, or individual

Fundamental Concept: Can’t or Won’t?

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Positive Behavior Support (PBS) School-wide, Class-wide,


(ABC)Prevent-Teach-Reinforce (PTR)

Cognitive Behavior Management (CBM)

General Behavior Reduction Strategies

Bringing it all togetherRecommended Resources

Presentation Outline

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What is it?Any systematic plan to encourage positive

student behavior and learning

Positive Behavior Support (PBS)

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School-wide PBS (SWPBS)3-5 school-wide expectations, students

are reinforced by all faculty & staff for following expectationsE.g. “kilts” at DHMS

Positive Behavior Support

David Lassman / The Post-Standard

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Class-wide PBS (CWPBS)Teach classroom

expectations and reinforce students meeting those expectations

Have well-prepared, interesting, & effective lessons

Decide what you are reinforcing and do so while giving them the best possible learning environment E.g. CMP like CHAMPs, token

economy system, mission statement, marble jar, positive framing, community building, etc.

Positive Behavior Support

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1. Lack of structure yields irresponsible behavior (classroom organization impacts student behavior)

2. Do not assume students know what is right (overtly teach how to behave responsibly)

3. What you pay attention to is what will flourish (acknowledge the responsible behavior)

4. Do not REACT, RESPOND (preplan responses to misbehavior)

CHAMPS Basic Principles

Sprick, R. (2009). CHAMPS: A Proactive and Positive Approach to Classroom Management (2nd Ed.)


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Conversation (Can they talk? Noise level?) Help (How do they get it?) Activity (objective, end product) Movement (Can they move? Bathroom?) Participation (What does it look like?)

CHAMPS Basic Principles



you more time to teach (and make you

go home happier in the


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Class/Individual Combination Example:

PBS/Token EconomyOoh! The secret student just worked through that problem by themselves using

the steps on the board!

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Complete functional analysis of behavior, review student needs, strengths, motivators, etc.Examples: ABC, FBA/BIP, PTR, Behavior

contract, social skills instruction, point sheet (with reinforcement for criterion being met), etc.

Individualized Positive Behavior Support

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Is the behavior causing physical harm to other students?

Example: Biting other students

Five Questionsto select challenging/inappropriatebehaviors to target for correction

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Is the behavior disruptive to the

student’s learning or the learning

of others?

Example: Yelling out curse

words during lecture

Five Questions

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Does the behavior appear to be triggering additional problem behaviors or emotional reactions in the student or others?

Example: Name calling of other students

Five Questions

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Is the behavior causing the student

to be socially excluded?

Example: Picking nose ->

other kids think is gross

Five Questions

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Is the behavior related to a medical


Five Questions

Examples: inner ear infections side effects of medication genetic conditions:

Prader-Willi syndrome

Fragile X syndrome

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ABCs of Behavior




It works!Do it again!

Antecedent: happens right before the behavior (ex. instigator)

Behavior: problematic behavior

(described objectively & measurably)

Consequence: (reinforcing) outcome of the behavior -NOTE: NOT a

punishment, but what child gets as a result of the behavior

e.g. Teacher gives student academic task

e.g. Student publicly disrespects teacher

e.g. Student gets out of academic task & gains reinforcing attention from peers

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1. Behavior Hypotheses - Behavior’s purpose

2. Prevention Strategies – make settings, events, etc., less triggering for child orgroup (P)

Prevent-Teach-Reinforce (PTR):Elements of a PTR Plan

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1. Inform students of what is expected by them. (CHAMPS)

2. Establish a positive 3. learning climate.4. Provide meaningful learning

experiences.5. Avoid threats.6. Demonstrate fairness.

Preventive Strategies in the Classroom

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7. Build and exhibit self-confidence (fake it ‘til you make it)

8. Recognize positive student attributes (inside characteristics)

9. Utilize positive modeling (practice what you preach)

10. Pay attention to the physical arrangement of the classroom.

11. Limit downtime.

Preventive Strategies in the Classroom

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3. Replacement Skills – Teach skills to replace the problem behavior (T) (behavior serves a function, find another way to meet that function)

Prevent-Teach-Reinforce (PTR):Elements of a PTR Plan

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REMEMBER The Fair Pair Rule: Behavior reduction strategies should always be used in conjunction with procedures that teach new behaviorsDon’t try to

eliminate it without replacing it.

Replacement Strategies

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4. Responses – Plan what adults will do when the problem behavior occurs (R) (include reinforcement for replacement and appropriate behavior)

Prevent-Teach-Reinforce (PTR):Elements of a PTR Plan

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The goal of CBM is to teach students to be their own agents of change in control of their own behavior and learning

Cognitive Behavior Management (CBM)

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CBM Assumes that individuals can and want to monitor and manage their own behaviorShaping &

changing behavior through the use of cognitive & behavioral principles

Goal is to get the student to monitor their own behavior and self-reinforce appropriately

Cognitive Behavior Management (CBM)

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Examples of CBMSelf Management

Self-monitoringe.g. Data monitoring

with vibrating timerSelf-instruction

e.g. Student: “Stay focused. You are getting distracted. Finish your essay.”

Self-evaluatione.g. Data monitoring

with vibrating timerSelf-reinforcement

Learning self-delayed gratification

Student Choice (as appropriate based on individual/class needs)Recommended video

about motivationCareer analyst Dan

Pink “Traditional rewards aren't always as effective as we think.”


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Procedures that when implemented immediately after a target behavior, reduce the future probability of the behavior occurring

General Behavior Reduction


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1. Proximity control – anticipate behavior & prevent it by body positioning, staying calm & facilitating communication

2. Injecting humor – reduces tension, makes the brain leave ‘fight/flight’

3. Instructional control – instruction on expected behaviors (examples & non-examples as appropriate)

4. Problem-solving facilitation – offer positive alternatives (Love & Logic: “Would you like to hear what other kids have tried in this situation?”)

5. Stimulus change – modify environmental stimuli

Interrupting the Behavior Chain (of inappropriate behavior)

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1. Be Consistent – enforce & reinforce to reduce confusion & increase respect

2. Avoid Reinforcing Inappropriate Behavior – avoid long lectures & extra attention

General Behavior Reduction Guidelines

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3. Deal with Inappropriate (non-ignorable) Behavior Immediately – Teaches child behavior is not acceptable with you

4. Consequences for Inappropriate Behavior – short & fair consequences -> implement immediately, do not carry over to next day if possible

5. Avoid IneffectiveProcedures– don’t yell, shout, etc.

Behavior Reduction Guidelines, Cont’d

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Delivery of reinforcement after behavior has not been exhibited

We generally use differential reinforcement to increase the rate, duration, or intensity of behaviors that students already have in their repertoire, BUT do not perform at an acceptable rate

Differential Reinforcement of Behavior

What’s the magic word?1



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Delivery of a reinforcement after a child has not exhibited a target behavior during predetermined period of time

Differential Reinforcement of Other Behaviors (DRO) - Summarized

Example: not texting while driving for 1 minute = 1 M & M

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Fixed or whole interval---not reinforced if the behavior occurs any time during the predetermined time periodExample: student does not suck his thumb

during entire 10 min. interval -> get a sticker for chart

Schedules of DRO

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Momentary---not reinforced if the behavior occurs at the time of observationEx.: At end of 5 min. interval, teacher looks at

student to see if he is sucking thumb at that moment – not sucking thumb? then, he gets sticker

Schedules of DRO

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Reset Interval---interval reset when behavior occursExample: 10 min. interval. Interval starts at

4:00, set to end at 4:10 (& student gets sticker then.) Student caught sucking thumb at 4:05. Interval restarts, student cannot be reinforced until 4:15 now – provided he doesn’t suck thumb for 10 min.

DRO Schedules, Cont’d

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Increased Interval or DRO-Fading – interval increases over time in relation to progressEx.: After three successful 10 min. interval,

interval for reinforcement increases to 20… If not successful, interval stays at 10 min. – NOTE: okay to increase quality of reinforcer as intervals increase

DRO Schedules, Cont’d

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Reinforcement of a more appropriate form of a targeted inappropriate behaviorExample: Raising hand vs. calling out (student

gets teacher’s attention either way)

Differential Reinforcement of Alternate Behaviors (DRA)

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Reinforcement of behaviors that are topographically incompatible with the targeted behaviorExamples:

If you are on-task, you cannot be off-taskHand at side to prevent poking other students in


Differential Reinforcement of Incompatible Behaviors (DRI)

Targeted Behavior Reinforced Behavior Reinforcement

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Reinforcement of small decreases in the rate of the target behavior (compared to baseline)Use with high rate of occurrence problem

behaviors or with appropriate behaviors that have become a problem due to a high rate of occurrence (ex. Repeatedly asking to use RR)

Differential Reinforcement of Lower Rates of Behavior (DRL)

Day 1 Day 2


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Two Forms: Rate and IntervalRate: reinforcement provided if lower rate of

occurrence during specified intervalExample: Student only asked 3 times in 1 hour to use

RR, allowed to use RR at end of that 1 hr interval.Interval: reinforcement provided if interval

since last occurrence has passedExample: It has been 1 hr since last asked to use RR,

student gets to go

Effective DRL depends on solid baseline behavior data

DRL Cont’d

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AKA Changing Criterion DesignReinforcement of increases in the rate of a

target behavior compare to the baseline rateUsed to increase behaviors student knows, just

does not use enough (ex. Saying please)Purpose is to INCREASE target behavior

Ex. Increasing frequency of saying please, student reinforced at all three stages:

Differential Reinforcement of Higher Rates of Behavior (DRH)

25%50% 100%

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Procedure for gradually reducing the frequency and/or intensity of a target behavior by withholding reinforcement from a previously reinforced behavior

Ignore a behavior that would normally be reinforced. Ex. Tantrum where the function isattention


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Extinction is ONLY effective with behaviors that are maintained by attention

Extinction IS NOT effective with behaviors that are intrinsically reinforcing

Consistency is critical!


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Once behavior is no longer reinforced, student will temporarily intensify behavior to get reinforcerDon’t misjudge extinction program as

ineffective based on extinction burstsDecide whether extinction burst phase is

ignore-able before implementing extinction

Extinction Bursts

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4



n Bur





Day 5

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Systematic Removal of reinforcers contingent on inappropriate behaviorOften (mis)used in conjunction with a token economy

system as reinforcement system & consequences should be separate

E.g. red/yellow/green, loss of computer time

Response Cost





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Restitution or simple correction – return environment to its previous conditionEx. Clean desk they wrote on

Restitutional Overcorrection – return environment into dramatically better conditionEx. Throws a piece of paper on ground, must pick

up all pieces of paper on ground in classroomPositive Practice Overcorrection – practicing

an appropriate behavior repeatedly as punishment for inappropriate behaviorEx. Student does not fold paper per teacher

directions, must fold 10 pieces of paper in correct format

Restitution, Positive Practice, and Overcorrection

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Recognize the need for PBS (A systematic plan to encourage positive student behavior and learning)Have a plan that: reinforces good behavior &

does NOT reinforce unwanted behaviors

Bringing it all together, 1 of 2

Accessed from comics.com

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For a mild/moderate classroom:Use CHAMPs classroom management system to

ensure expectations are understood for every lesson

Practice functional analysis (ABC) so it becomes automatic for every misbehavior witnessed

Use a combination of PTR/PBS across the school, class, & for individualsE.g. Schoolwide: Prevent at lunchtime via assigned

seating; Classwide: removing triggering stimuli; Individual: provide choices in place of directives

Use CBM to get individual students (or a small class) realize they can become agents of change in their own behavior

Implement general behavior reduction techniques as appropriate/needed

Bringing it all together, 2 of 2

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Dunlap, G, Lovannone, R., & English, C. (2009). Prevent-Teach-Reinforce: The School-Based Model of Individualized Positive Behavior Support. ISBN: 1-598-57015-3

FLDOE. (1999). Facilitator’s Guide to Positive Behavior Support. Access free from: http://www.apbs.org/files/PBSwhole.pdf

Lemov, D. (2010). Teach Like A Champion: 49 Techniques that put Students on the Path to College. ISBN: 978-0-470-55047-2

Mueller, T.G., & Brewer, R.D. (2010). Strategies at Hand: Quick and Handy Positive Behavior Support Strategies. ISBN: 978-1-934-57564-2

Sprick, R. (2009). CHAMPS: A Proactive and Positive Approach to Classroom Management (2nd Ed). ISBN: 978-1-59909-030-6

For recommendation to parents: Latham, G. I. (2006). The Power of Positive Parenting. ISBN: 1-56713-175-1

Recommended Resources