
Friday, November 03, 2006 Paper 2 - SHORT STORY Writing a Mini Short Story FCE Task Type Overview The FCE short story task probably poses two major problems. For some students who believe they lack creativity to invent stories, it is perhaps difficult to decide what to write about. For others, it is difficult to tell a story within the word limit. To begin with, let’s de-mystify the task. You are not expected to write a story with full development of setting, plot and characters. You should remember that the purpose of the text is to entertain the reader. You may imagine you are taking part in a writing context or that your story will be published in a magazine. An anecdote dealing with just one episode worth telling will do. Let’s see some guidelines What is the expected language here? It is important to have a good handling of tenses for the reader to follow the sequence of events. Try to vary your structures, you can use reported speech or quote some words from the characters to make it more vivid. Sentence length and punctuation require some thought, too. Possible start & finish lines: The instructions for this task usually include a start or finishing line for your story. You must not alter it. This line could be in the first or third person. Look at these past paper example: You have decided to enter a short story competition. The competition rules say that the story must begin with the following words: I will never forget my first day at... Write your story for the competition. 1

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Friday, November 03, 2006


Writing a Mini Short Story

FCE Task Type OverviewThe FCE short story task probably poses two major problems. For some students who believe they lack creativity to invent stories, it is perhaps difficult to decide what to write about. For others, it is difficult to tell a story within the word limit.

To begin with, let’s de-mystify the task. You are not expected to write a story with full development of setting, plot and characters. You should remember that the purpose of the text is to entertain the reader. You may imagine you are taking part in a writing context or that your story will be published in a magazine. An anecdote dealing with just one episode worth telling will do.

Let’s see some guidelines

What is the expected language here?It is important to have a good handling of tenses for the reader to follow the sequence of events. Try to vary your structures, you can use reported speech or quote some words from the characters to make it more vivid. Sentence length and punctuation require some thought, too.

Possible start & finish lines:The instructions for this task usually include a start or finishing line for your story. You must not alter it. This line could be in the first or third person. Look at these past paper example:

You have decided to enter a short story competition. The competition rules say that the story must begin with the following words:I will never forget my first day at...Write your story for the competition.

Source: Cambridge First Certificate in English 4. Examination Papers from the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate. CUP, 2000 p. 41.

How many words can I write?Between 120 to 180 words. Let’s say that 201 is too much!

To keep within the range of the word limit, you will probably have to focus on some of the many things involved in writing a story. How much to say about the place, time, characters and action are decisions you make at the planning stage. Choose what is more important to clearly picture the episode you want to narrate.


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Here is the task analysis and writing guide from Cambridge ESOL. You will find rubric examples from past examinations together with the questions you need to ask yourself before planning your story. There are also some questions to help you structure your plan. It might be a good idea to print it and keep it at hand until you learn the writing steps.http://www.cambridgeesol.org/teach/fce/writing/aboutthepaper/part2/short.htm

In this second link, there are evaluation questions for the revision of your draft. They will help you to make adjustments to your story while keeping language and reader in mind!http://www.cambridgeesol.org/teach/fce/writing/aboutthepaper/part2/short_checklist.htm

Remember that you will not be tested on creativity. You should be able to clearly put forward a mini short story that can create interest and entertain. I know, I know, it is not so simple.

A Sample Answer

To end this post here is a sample answer from one of my FCE students. The author tells me this story is fictional and not based on any true happening.

Your language school is running a short story competition. The story must begin or end with the following words:I had never been so angry in my whole life.Write your story in 120-180 words.

Source: Haines, S and Stewart, B. First Certificate Masterclass Student’s Book. OUP 2004, p. 84.

Author: AliciaNote: I am transcribing the task as it was submitted to me without any of the language corrections.

I’d never been so angry in my whole life. 2005’s New Year reminds the worst evening I’ve ever spent.

I was flying to Rio de Janeiro to receive the new millennium and spend my holidays with my dear father, as I usually did since my parents had divorced in 1992. The journey began well. The flight was very quiet, I could enjoy watching a romantic film called ‘Shakespeare in Love’ and before getting anxious the airplane had landed.

My father was there. He seemed to have changed since the last time I had seen him. Although he was in his sixties, he kept on being an attractive man. We were just arriving at home when he gave me a marvellous piece of news. 'I'm engaged with a charming woman and I can't wait you meet her'.


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I was still shocked when a very young lady appeared with a big smile to receive us. She was his girlfriend. I couldn’t believe my eyes and I shouted: ‘Is it a joke? She is on her thirties; she can be your daughter?’ You can imagine the dinner.

As the song says: ‘The time goes by...', and fortunately my father recovered his common sense and that love story finished in a few months.

Some comments

Although a bit wordy (209), this is an interesting realisation of the task. It is quite challenging for a student to remember being angry and express it with clear and correct language. There are a few grammar mistakes, which do not interfere with communication at all. The writer has given enough details about the context to understand her own feelings and, at the same time, she has used varied structures and sentence length to keep the reader engaged. Paragraphs are well balanced and the story gets to a smooth ending.

Anyway, love is love, isn’t it? Just a thought.

Disclaimer: The story presented in this posting is property of its author and has been reproduced with permission. Surnames have been avoided for the sake of privacy.

Note: Would you like to read other sample stories by FCE students? Here is a selection of love stories by Italian students.http://www.britishcouncil.it/students/rome/FCEStories.htm

If you think you have written a story worth publishing, email it to me!

Related Post: English Grammar



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Name: Paula Cajal Mariñosa

Midday of the hottest summer day ever. A coke and a boring western on TV. Someone rang the door's bell {1} and I had to get {***} {2} and look outside to see if there was anyone {3}. It was the postman, of course, he always arrives at midday. I oppened the door slowly, without any feeling of being fast{4}. I was given a letter from a friend, a friend that I hadn't seen for ages. My face turned white and my heart stopped its movements for about four seconds. I couldn't believe he had written{5} me.

When the papers of the letter came out I saw that there was a huge amount{6} of sentences, the letter was long.

He was telling me, with his heart in the hands{7}, that he loved me with all of his heart. We had been going out{8} together for about two years... However, I hadn't had any notice {9} from him since our last meeting, in 1998, two years ago.

I read it twice, three times. I couldn't believe it, it was unreal. I took the phone and without any idea I called him.

"Hello, this is Paula"

"Hello Paula, I suppose you've received my letter, we must meet now"

And we met, and he asked me to marry{10}. Of course, I wasn't sure at the begining, but he soon made me feel as {11} the best woman ever.

We are now a happy family, with two young chlidren. I can say, that letter chanched my life, and I still have it in my secrets box


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What a lovely story this is, Paula! I really enjoyed reading it. You create the atmosphere very well and make a good effort to describe your emotions during key points of the story.

Some language areas to watch are spelling - make sure you proofread your work in the exam - and punctuation, where you need a full stop or a semi-colon instead of a comma. Your grammatical control, especially tenses, is good.

All the best for the FCE exam!

Fiona Joseph27.02.01

Name: Danielle

School: 'Cultura Inglesa' (English Culture)

I had never felt so nervous before as in {1} the day I was chosen by my teacher to explain something. The simple idea of talking in front of all my friends scared me. And I still had to write something in order to {***} {2}my collegues take notes.

Actually Maths wasn't a pain in the neck for me. I always preffered it to biology. In addiction {3}, being a good {***} {4} in it never demanded more than one hour per day. But this would only be true in my bedroom or in any place where it would have only few people.

Being picked on to answer a question in {5} the blackboard was always one of my biggest fears. Have {6} to face it was the other one.At that very moment I had to forget that I was a shy girl and that all my classmates were there watching me.

So I breathed deeply. Let all my expectancies {7} behind and got up. Right or wrong what I would write in that moment wouldn't make me better or worse. The pride that I always have feeded {8} with my shyness could cause me more trouble than any mistake done {9}.


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In the end my answer was right, although while writing I was told that there was something that I couldn't had{10} done. I wasn't ashamed. I didn't regret my mistake. This opportunity, finally, made me discover something that I'd only realise without someone's help. By this dreadful situation I found out the real meaning of being in a classroom : share experiences.


What an interesting story, Danielle. You successfully create a good atmosphere as you narrate the events. I liked, in particular, the way you experiment with short and more lengthy sentences.

In terms of language, you need to be careful about prepostions and verb forms, but really there are not too many serious errors in your writing.

Good luck in the Writing Paper!

Fiona Joseph4.12.01


Rosana Marinozzi

School: Britannia School, Argentina

Nowadays, young people are prone to be less healthiier than they were twenty years ago and also to suffer from a lot of illnesses. These problems are mainly caused by the busy way of life we live {1}.

Twenty years ago, young people were healthier since, although they did not look after their health conciously {2}, they did it by eating food without additives, because they lived more


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quiet {3}, they spent much time in touch with nature as well as, despite not doing sports, they did more phisycal {4} activities by working than young people do now{5}.

In contrast, nowadays a lot of people give more importance to their appearance rather {***} {6} to their health. Added to this most of the time they eat fast food and also some of them are not fond of practising{7} sports so, they lead a sedentary life. All of these problems make them to be {8} unfit and unhealthy.

To conclude, young people today can{9} look after their health since there are a lot of medical treatment for curing and preventing illnesses as wel, as there is more information available than years ago. However, the responsabilities {10}, stress and the lack of time lead us to leave aside the care of our health.

Name: Nahla Karrar

The advantages and disadvantages of learning English abroad compared to learning in your own country

Learning English is very important in studying, doing business, or even in visiting foreign countries.

Learning English abroad, especially in {***} {1} UK, has a great advantage as you have to speak the language all the time whether during classes or in daily activities such as shopping, asking for directions, and watching TV. It will certainly improve my{2} accent and make me used to think in English - not in my native language. Not anyone {3} can afford studying English abroad as it is very expensive. On the other hand{4}, some people cannot get along with a different culture and suffer homesick {5}.

Learning English in my own country has its pros and cons. Being with students speaking the same language and have {6} the same problems make {7} studying a {8} fun, and sometimes competition urge students to work harder. At the same time using the native language in class limit the ability of speaking English fluently{9}.

Taking in {10} consideration the high expenses of learning abroad, I prefer to study in my own country and make efforts to improve my English by making friendships with English native-speakers who live {***} {11}or visit my country.…….

Name: Ivan Zhivkov Zhekov

School: Foreign-Language School "Ivan Vazov" Plovdiv/Bulgaria

The English language is one of the most popular and used {1} languages in the world.


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Some people claim that studying English in your own country is better. They think that when you are studying English in your own country {2} you will understand the word definitions clearly. I think that they are wrong. If you want to know English well you have to know the meaning of the word in {***} {3} English-English translation.

In my opinion studying English abroad is a good opportunity, because you will be in {***} {4} English environment. You won't be able to speak your native language and will feel on you the real English influence. You will have the chance to learn the way of speaking the English language{***} {5}.

In my view a disadvantage of studying English in your own country is that sometimes there are English teachers, {6} who have been graduated {7} "somewhere" and their English is awful. You will have to learn more in your country, especially of your native language has nothing to do with the English{8}.

To sum up, the most appropriate way to learn English is to study abroad in a certain English-speaking country.


School: "George Calinescu" Highschool, Constanza, Romania

Nowadays, most of the people{1} have their own car. In a survey that was made {2} {***} here in Romania, most of those who were questioned said that they couldn't live without a car. It would be too difficult for them to go somewhere {3} because of the madding crowd.

It's true that cars are a must in people's life, but in {4} the same time they are a major factor of pollution. What people haven't thought about is that 1 car pollute less the air {5} than 20 cars. So, it's more convinient to use public transport instead of your own car, if you do think about the {6} nature and the air you breath {7} every second.

Another problem are the frequent traffic jams that happen mostly because of careless drivers or because of the rush hours. No one would like to be in the centre of Bucharest at hours like {8} 7 a.m. or 4 p.m. because it would be like throwing yourself into a labyrinth you could hardly manage to get out of.{9}

People should use more public transport {10} than their own car, first of all because it would be cheaper, second of all {11} because it would reduce {***} pollution rate by aproximately 80% and the city it would be also less noisy. All these improvements would make our life much easier, because an unpolluted air{12} makes our bodies healthier and we can do as much physical effort as usual, but with less energy consumed.