fcm newsletter 2009_v2 (apr-jun 09)

1 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” (John 15:13) What exactly is this love which subsumes all loves? February 9, 2009 saw the first gospel rally of NTU/NIE being held in many years. The message was “Love Divine, All Loves Excelling” by Preacher Lek Aik Wee of Calvary Pandan BPC, in line with the week of Valentine’s Day for us to share the meaning of agape love to those outside God’s kingdom – sacrificial, unconditional and unfailing. It also served as a timely reminder for the FCMers to reflect on this, “And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour.” (Eph 5:2) Being an NTU alumnus, Pr Lek shared a testimony of his second year in the then- NTI (Nanyang Technological Institute). From being an agnostic who believed in ecumenism, Pr Lek came to receive Christ as his personal Lord and Saviour. It was truly encouraging to hear of how the Lord mightily used his then- girlfriend, backslidden roommate, hall neighbours, and lecturer as vessels to bring him to Christ. Indeed, “For with God nothing shall be impossible.” (Luke 1:37) Pr Lek then exhorted on 1 John 4:7-18. To connect better with our Chinese friend Pei Cong, Pr Lek drew the Chinese character , which is made up of the characters (lamb) and (me). He then linked the ‘lamb covering over me’ concept to 1 John 4:10, preaching that God sent His Son, the Lamb of God, to mend the broken relationship between God and man. “And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his 2009/2 FCM Newsletter Apr – Jun 2009 FCM NTU/NIE GOSPEL RALLY TEXT TEO JUN ZI PHOTOS JONATHAN LEE

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"FCM NTU/NIE Gospel Rally" by Teo Jun Zi"FCM NUS Gospel Rally" by Joy Ng"FCM Poly Openhouse Excursion" by Samuel Goh"FCM Annual Report 2008" by Jason Liew"Graduation Testimonies" by James Tan & Ko LingkangNews and Notes"Listening to God's Still Small Voice" by Rev Tan Kian Sing



“Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” (John 15:13) What exactly is this love which subsumes all loves?

February 9, 2009 saw the first gospel rally of NTU/NIE being held in many years. The message was “Love Divine, All Loves Excelling” by Preacher Lek Aik Wee of Calvary Pandan BPC, in line with the week of Valentine’s Day for us to share the meaning of agape love to those outside God’s kingdom – sacrificial, unconditional and unfailing. It also served as a timely reminder for the FCMers to reflect on this, “And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour.” (Eph 5:2)

Being an NTU alumnus, Pr Lek shared a testimony of his second year in the then-

NTI (Nanyang Technological Institute). From being an agnostic who believed in ecumenism, Pr Lek came to receive Christ as his personal Lord and Saviour. It was truly encouraging to hear of how the Lord mightily used his then-girlfriend, backslidden roommate, hall neighbours, and lecturer as vessels to bring him to Christ. Indeed, “For with God nothing shall be impossible.” (Luke 1:37)

Pr Lek then exhorted on 1 John 4:7-18. To connect better with our Chinese friend Pei Cong, Pr Lek drew the Chinese character 義, which is made up of the characters 羊 (lamb) and 我 (me). He then linked the ‘lamb covering over me’ concept to 1 John 4:10, preaching that God sent His Son, the Lamb of God, to mend the broken relationship between God and man. “And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his

2009/2 FCM Newsletter Apr – Jun 2009



glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.” (John 1:14) Being fully man and fully God, Jesus is fully qualified to be the mediator of man, and be the appeasement for our sins. Having the Lamb of God to cover us, we can then attain righteousness.

This gospel rally not only allowed us reach out to our unsaved friends on campus, but also helped us to rekindle our first love for God, and “Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works” (Rev 2:5a). It is only when our service is fuelled by a sincere love for God and a strong desire to do what is pleasing in His sight, will it then bless the lives of others and strengthen our walk with Jesus.

For many of us, we were reminded again to “look unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith” (Heb 12:2). Disappointment and doubt had inevitably crept in when our invitations to friends were rejected, and we

were left with no new friend initially. However, after last-minute tracting around the vicinity, we managed to invite a Bioengineering PhD student Pei Cong who heard the Gospel for the first time that night. Thank God for two more students who had expressed sincere interest in attending our gospel rally, but could not make it due to prior appointments. The solving of other glitches like the booking of the venue as well as printing of invitation cards only served to reinforce our faith. “For we walk by faith, not by sight.” (II Cor 5:7)

It was only by the grace of God that the event ran smoothly eventually – the bringing of our new friend Pei Cong, the effective chairing by Sharon, the impactful presentation of the Gospel by Pr Lek, the designing of the programme booklets by Hui Min, the purchasing of refreshments by Cindy, and the song presentation by the FCMers. We also had a blessed time of fellowship and bonding after Pei Cong left, as we got to know the new FCMers like Cheryl and Eunice better.

May we heed the call to “Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.” (I Tim 6:12) And may we also continue to work towards being a good Christian testimony to those around us, so that we may be able to bring friends to future gospel rallies.

Teo Jun Zi is the Student Coordinator of FCM NTU/NIE and worships at Mount Carmel Bible-Presbyterian Church.


Praise God for the blessed opportunity to hold a gospel rally in campus on March 18, 2009. This comes two years after the last and was on the theme “If God is all powerful and loving, why is there suffering in the world?" by Preacher Dennis Kabingue of Gethsemane BPC. The message was based on Proverbs 1.

One might have expected to hear how a loving God could allow physical suffering such as starvation in the world, be it from natural disasters, wars or diseases, that evening. By the Spirit’s enabling, the topic was

brought closer to home in that we were reminded of the constant mental affliction of the lost, for those who have not heard or rejected the gospel. As Proverbs 1:7 reads, “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.” Many have chosen not to fear the Lord, refusing counsel and despising reproof; instead of God’s peace, they experience fear, distress and anguish (Proverbs 1:27-30). They suffer from societal pressures of studies and work in these moments of calamity and fear (vs 26) because their sufficiency is of themselves, not God. What a contrast to Christ’s reassuring promise in Proverbs 1:33, “But whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil”!

During the meeting, Bro Lingkang led in songs on our mighty God (“How Great Thou Art”) who in all His power and glory could be mindful of sinners such as us (“Does Jesus Care”) and who lovingly charts the lives of those who trust in Him (“Destiny”) so that we may no longer chase after things temporal



(“Illusive Dream”) but things eternal (“Amazing Grace”).

Brother Jonathan Tay also gave his testimony how it was and continues to be only by God’s unfailing grace that he was rebuked of former waywardness and led back to the fold of God. He shared with us the following two verses, emphasising the need to turn to Christ: Isaiah 50:11 “Behold, all ye that kindle a fire, that compass yourselves about with sparks: walk in the light of your fire, and in the sparks that ye have kindled. This shall ye have of mine hand; ye shall lie down in sorrow.” and John 3:7-8 “Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again. The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit.”

The Lord was gracious in enabling Julia’s friend to attend the meeting and join us for fellowship afterwards. It was admittedly discouraging initially that no one else we had invited over three tracting sessions on campus and earnestly prayed for were able to come. But as Romans 11:33b reads, “how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out!” Perhaps there was one who was convicted of his sin and took Christ as personal Lord and Saviour. We only need remember to remain faithful and steadfast in prayer.

This gospel rally was possible only by God’s grace and provision - may all praise and glory be unto Him.

Joy Ng is the Student Coordinator of FCM NUS and a member of Calvary Pandan Bible-Presbyterian Church.


On January 10, 2009, the FCM Poly Bible Study Group had our inaugural Open House excursion to Singapore and Ngee Ann Polytechnics.

The gathering time was at 9:30am at Dover MRT station but everyone came late. After Brother Jason Liew opened us with a word of prayer, the group took off to Singapore Polytechnic at about 10:10am.

Those who attended were:

• Charmian Loei (True Life) • Joel Chang (Truth) • Samuel Chia (Pandan) • Karen Chia (Pandan) • Constance Siew (Pandan) • Daryl (Pandan) • Jason Liew (Pandan) • Samuel Goh (True Life) • Juo Wi (Gethsemane)

And those who came for the 2nd half at NP:

• Grace Tan Shu’en (Berean)

• Carmen Yeo (Pandan)

Over at Singapore Polytechnic (SP), the tour was led by Jason Liew, a Business IT graduate of the school. He introduced us to the school and brought us to visit a few faculties, facilities and food places (e.g. cafeterias) apart from course-booths and goodie-bag counters. Jason also gave a brief on how the academic system in SP works as we toured the place.

Besides getting to know some of the courses which the younger members have an interest in, we also got to know one another



better as we motivated one another to continue walking and rushing at times as the distance from certain places to another were rather long. We had our lunch together at McDonald’s in one of SP’s canteen.

Following which, we gathered for a photo-taking session before we took off to Ngee Ann Polytechnic (NP) by public bus.

Since I had to leave for True Life YPF Exco meeting upon arrival at NP, we had a photo-taking sesson with Carmen and Grace first before passing the time over to Grace and Juo Wi who led the tour around the school.

The course booths were located at the NP Auditorium and the two of them brought the group around eating popcorn. Some of us spent quite some time trying to find out what each course have to offer.

All in all, we thank God for a blessed time of fellowship and that we were able to better help some of the juniors discern God’s Will and decide if they should enter polytechnic or junior college as well as introduce the FCM Poly ministry to them. It is our prayer that more will come to join us next year.

Samuel Goh is the Student Coordinator of FCM RP and a member of True Life Bible-Presbyterian Church.

Editor’s Note: Some students have found

the FCM Poly Open House Excursion helpful in

deciding which poly/course to enter and knowing that

there are other brothers and sisters in Christ from our

B-P churches in the various polytechnics.

We thank God that they have come to join FCM Poly

as well as the addition of Eleanor Ee and Lek Xuan to co-labour with Samuel Goh

as Student Coordinators. Indeed it is by His grace and

mercies that has brought about the revival and renewal

of FCM Poly.


Originally published in Calvary Tengah ACM Report 2009, Item 6.3, pp 27-30

Formally known as the Fundamental Christian Fellowship (FCF), the FCM was founded in 1986 by Dr SH Tow as a “truly evangelical, separated and uncompromised Christian witness” (Bible-Presbyterian Banner, Vol 12 No 3, Jul-Sep 1986, p1) in obedience to God’s clear command to “be ye separate” (2 Corinthians 6:17) from ecumenism, neo-evangelicalism, charismatism and all other false modern “isms” which plague and predominate many Christian student organizations in tertiary institutions today.

We thank the Lord for seeing FCM through her 22nd year in 2008 where tertiary students from like-minded Bible-Presbyterian Churches are still able to gather for good Christian fellowship, sing spiritual songs, be rooted and grounded in the most holy faith and being able to bear one another’s burdens through prayer and supplication during our

weekly Bible Study as well as via the other activities listed below. Truly, “It is of the LORD’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness” (Lamentations 3:22-23).

FCM comes under the supervision of the Overall FCM Coordinator: Elder Dr Boaz Boon, and is assisted by an Assistant Advisor: Dn Peter Phoa, who are both Session Members of Calvary Tengah BPC, which FCM is a ministry of, and hence a non para-church organization.

Passing On The Mantle

Unlike other church ministries, a campus ministry like FCM will experience a “high turnover rate” as students graduate every 3-4 years. Therefore, it is of paramount importance to heed Apostle Paul’s command



in 2 Timothy 2:2 to commit the ministry to faithful men and women who are loyal to the divinely inspired, inerrant, infallible and perfectly preserved Word of God in these last days of great apostasy and falling away. The new Student Coordinators who took over in 2008 are Jason Liew (Overall), Joy Ng (FCM NUS), Teo Jun Zi (FCM NTU/NIE) and Samuel Goh (FCM Poly). We also welcome Joshua Yong, DipTh, BRE, MDiv (candidate), as he joins us as FCM SMU’s new Bible Study Leader.

Bible Study Groups

There are 5 different Bible Study groups – 3 in the universities (NUS, NTU/NIE & SMU) and 2 in the polytechnics (NP & RP). FCM NUS, having merged the Science and Arts/Engineering groups in mid-2007 due to Rev Ronny Khoo’s unavailability as he had to undergo an eye operation, is under the charge of Ko Lingkang, BTh (candidate), studying the Book of Isaiah.

Rev Wee Eng Moh, BTh, MRE, continues as the longest serving Bible Study Leader leading FCM NTU/NIE through the Acts of the Apostles in NTU Hall 13 where Elder Dr Sim Siang Kok and wife Rina reside. Together with Aunty Helen, the 3 of them facilitate the discussion groups. Thank God for the many freshies who joined FCM NUS & NTU/NIE. FCM SMU was studying Church History under Joshua Yong in the homes of FCMers fortnightly. FCM Poly meets in NP and RP where Lim Jun Sheng, BEng, CertRK, and James Tan, BTh (candidate), lead the groups. There were times when only one person turned up. Even though it was just the BS Leader and Student Coordinator, God blesses those who serve Him faithfully. Please pray for FCM Poly. Unlike previous years, the individual groups did not organise any gospel rallies as 2008 was a year of transition and consolidation of strength on the “home front” and we had several cottage meetings for this purpose.

Combined Meetings

There were two combined meetings held on 29 February and 19 September. Rev Dr Prabhudas Koshy was the Lord’s messenger for the first meeting. He spoke on a rousing topic, “Onward Christian Soldiers”. The second focused on “Victory in Christ: Rising from Spiritual Defeat” by Brother Paul Ferguson, a ThD candidate at FEBC. Both were held at Calvary Pandan BPC.

CD Production

An audio CD entitled, “Onward Christian Soldiers” was released on 29 February in conjunction with the first combined meeting. It was jointly produced with Bible Witness Web Radio and contains



20 tracks. The CD was distributed to like-minded BPCs and was well-received with God’s people testifying that they have been blessed and uplifted

by the songs. We praise God for all FCMers who rallied their voices to sing unto the Lord.


Another highlight of the year was the FCM Camp 2008 held from 26-31 May at Calvary Pandan BPC. Pr Dennis Kabingue of Gethsemane BPC spoke on “Overcoming the Snares of the World”. Night messages by Elder William Seah, Dn Peter Phoa and Joshua Yong dealt with “The Life of Contentment” with regards to “Trials”, “Finances” and “Relationships” respectively. An evangelism workshop themed “Reaching Out to Individuals in Society” was also conducted by Rev Wee Eng Moh to equip the FCMers before tracting. As one sister testified, dorm fellowship was a time of heart-to-heart sharing and “weeping for sins.”

Newsletter Publication

By God’s grace, FCM continues to publish a quarterly newsletter for internal circulation within our BPCs and also amongst the different BS groups. It serves to update

FCMers, friends and alumni on the latest happenings in FCM and deals with many issues close to our hearts. Some have even used it as a tool to invite their classmates to FCM. We have increased the production number with every new issue and yet it is not enough. We pray that the Lord will use these newsletters mightily for His glory and to work in the hearts of the readers that they may grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.


It has been 5 years since FCM organised a retreat. The last FCM Retreat was held in Calvary Tengah BPC during 26-27 December 2003 where Rev Quek Suan Yew spoke on “Biblical Courtship”. Now, for the first time ever, FCM Retreat 2008 was a back-to-back event with the second combined meeting. It was held at Calvary Pandan BPC on 20 September. Brother Paul Ferguson delivered the message, “Vessels for Christ: Meet for the Master’s Use”. Thank God for all who made the decision to come and were spiritually refreshed.


An alumni gathering was held at the home of Jun Sheng & Jeanette Lim on 16 February. This couple, both formal student


coordinators, treated the many familiar faces who turned up to a sumptuous spread of home-cooked meal and it was a time of catching up and renewing the friendships forged in FCM. After lunch, a video on their trip to the Holy Land was screened. Lim Jun Sheng continues to serve in the FCM as Treasurer and BS Leader for FCM Poly. Other than organised meetings and informal gatherings, the alumnus also meets when wedding bells ring. We thank God for the following ex-FCMers & friends who were united in Holy Matrimony: Benson Ang & Felicia Ong (6 Sep), Herbert Goh & Ye Zuyi (22 Nov), Haw Shuen Siang & Karen Sim (6 Dec) and David Poon & Cindy Yeo (13 Dec).

Prayer Requests

As FCM celebrates her 23rd anniversary in 2009, we earnestly covet your prayers. When you come across FCM in your church prayer list, please do not skip it. FCM is a difficult ministry. Parents, we need your help. If you are a parent of a child studying in

a local university or polytechnic, encourage him or her to attend FCM. Would you rather want your sons and daughters to participate in Campus Crusade for Christ, The Navigators, etc which use the NIV and imbibe in their ecumenical / neo-evangelical / charismatic / modernistic “poison” (which once destroyed the B-P Synod twenty years ago in 1988) and bring it back to your church? Or if they seem to have no spiritual appetite at all and all they care about are the endless pursuits of first class honours and summa cum laudes, eating/drinking/partying like it was in “The Days of Noah” (Matthew 24:37-38), encourage them to attend FCM, before you lose them to the world. God’s work must be supported by God’s people and for God’s glory!

In retrospect, 2008 has been a blessed year for FCM. We thank God for this ministry and pray that more students from our BPCs and other churches will participate and be blessed as well. SOLI DEO GLORIA!

Jason Liew is the Overall Student Coordinator of FCM and a member of Calvary Pandan Bible-Presbyterian Church.

“Not called!” did you say? “Not heard the call,” I think you should say. Put your ear

down to the Bible, and hear him bid you go and pull sinners out of the fire of sin. Put

your ear down to the burdened, agonized heart of humanity, and listen to its pitiful wail

for help. Go stand by the gates of hell, and hear the damned entreat you to go to their

father’s house and bid their brothers and sisters, and servants and masters not to come

there. And then look Christ in the face, whose mercy you have professed to obey, and

tell him whether you will join heart and soul and body and circumstances in the march

to publish his mercy to the world.

~ William Booth


James Tan BTh Far Eastern Bible College

Most universities and colleges often name their graduation or convocation ceremonies as a “commencement ceremony”, and it is a well coined term that describes the turning of a page, into a new chapter of life, when one graduates.

The four years in college, was a time of preparation. A Bible college is often seen as a place of learning, a place where the Word of God is taught. However, besides learning, it is a place of unlearning also. It is a place, where one’s worldly principles are taken away, and one’s life has to be changed in order to serve, just like how Rev. Tow often likens it to

SAFTI, or the army, it is a place where one loses the civilian mindset, and trains to serve the country.

How an ordinary street kid, one who roams the neighbourhood, with no higher ambition than to enjoy life to the fullest in its worldliest capacity, would end up in Bible college, is none other than the Lord’s mysterious working itself. Being brought to church, and receiving Christ as my Lord and saviour at the age of 13, turned my life about. However, it was not long after that I fell back fast into the world, becoming the weekly day-and-a-half Christian. Accepting Elder Boon’s invitation to a mission trip, my first ever, during my junior college days, I went to Chiang Mai during the early days of Robert and Dara Peh’s early ministry. It opened a whole new world to my sin and world allured eyes, God’s first step in turning my life back to him, step by step, a little by a little.

Realising that there was more to life than my own ambitions, of heading into the arts, of doing the things that I so loved and wanted in the world, I started seeking out the Lord’s will. Throughout the remaining days in junior college, and my years in the army, it was a never ending struggle in the heart. More than often, the heart would so clamour its wishes, but on the other hand, the Spirit



would give no rest, until I committed my life to God for the ministry. I knew I would never enjoy a day of peace if I was to be studying, or working elsewhere. That was not my place.

Starting out in college was a time of much excitement, knowing that God has opened the door, and that much learning was ahead. As a stone is made smooth, the initial grinding and scaling is always the toughest. Putting my very much unacademically-tuned mind to work was a lesson on God’s grace, and trust. At times the very Singaporean heart tends to compare, and wonder, why one keeps receiving a consistently mediocre grade. However, it was one of the most humbling lessons learnt, where I realised that it was a good balance God kept me at, where I thankfully did not fail (much, or often), but never reaching high enough to allow pride to sink in. It kept my focus towards the end goal, that it was a preparation of the soul for service, where transcripts are never a measure of one’s soul. At the same time, it was often a very careful balance of doing our human responsibility to the utmost, and trusting Divine sovereignty. As one of Rev Tow’s maxims would go “Self help with God’s help, is the best help”, it often became a motto that would drive us on.

Besides the knowledge, and spiritual learning, one cannot deny the college’s vital practical training, where the constant duties was God’s way of teaching very practical lessons on time management, discipline, patience, endurance, as well as nifty household tricks. It was a place to apply the

classroom lessons, where for example, we learnt of the example of humility in class, we had to practice it in living. Whether it was kitchen work, toilet cleaning, or accommodating to room mates, everywhere, every moment, every day was a test from God. It is a place where one’s worldly principles are unlearned, and substituted for Biblical ones. It is place where as one gains knowledge of the Word, one learns to examine oneself in light of it, and realizes the depth of depravity one has, and realizing the limitless height of God’s love, grace and mercy. It is a place, when one learns to start fighting the darkest of sins within daily with the sword of the Word, while holding the plough in the other.

These four years, were the proverbial first few steps in the journey of a thousand (or however much the Lord gives...). As Rev Quek often reminds us, it is impossible for one to learn every book, or every doctrine fully in college, but it is a place of equipping, where one learns how to use the basic tools, for the path of lifelong learning and serving. It is a place where one is equipped, basically, and turned to the right path ahead. The journey commences, and now, one can only trust, and pray for the faith to walk each step, day by day, in the Lord’s will, on the straight and narrow way.

Indeed, it is a page turned now, a new chapter. It was four years of gracious mercy, and one can only pray, that this infinite grace, and mercy would follow, as the pages slowly turn.

James Tan is the Bible Study Leader of FCM Poly and a member of Calvary Tengah Bible-Presbyterian Church.


Ko Lingkang BTh (cum laude) Far Eastern Bible College

Be a Bible student? Serve the Lord full-time? Five years ago, that thought would never have entered my mind. But by God’s sovereign providence, And never through my own confidence, I now write to you this testimony, Of God’s wondrous leading through this four-year journey.

Looking back at these four years, Memories surface ever so clear, Of a young army boy ready to plunge into the world, Who was somehow restrained by promptings from the Word. “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Well eventually, I realized, answer the call, I must!

And so to the Far Eastern Bible College I went And four short years of study I spent. “Time flies, when you’re having fun” And so before I knew it, I was done! I can truly say, that there are no regrets at all, That I had answered God’s delightful call.

Sure there were struggles, yes there were pains But all those I counted to the Lord as gains. For with each trial that I had to face, I experienced the wonders of His grace. Valuable lessons learnt each time, Practical applications so sublime.


Blessings abounded as I studied the Word, So many treasures, to be learnt and to be heard. We did theology, soteriology, anthropology and Bible geography, Church history, book studies, cults and eschatology We did contemporary theology, Hebrew and Greek, IT for ministry, Westminster standards, and evangelism on the street!

Chapel hours, morning devotions, lectures everyday Oh what joy, to study God’s Word day by day. We grew closer to Jesus, the true and living Word, As the Holy Spirit filled us, his blessings conferred. It was indeed a time to draw closer to the Lord, But also a time, where the Devil would attack us with his hoard.

Whilst blessings abounded, sin also confounded, As struggles without and within surrounded. My sinful heart puffed up with pride, And often times neglected, in the Lord to abide. Sloth and slumber often prevailed, Whilst my battles with procrastination often failed.

Yet despite my sin, the Lord showed mercy, To use me despite my inadequacy, Joys of studies were compounded with joys of service Opportunities came, but boy was I nervous! To stand before men, to address a crowd, To interpret God’s word, and preach it out loud.

Fellowship groups, Bible studies, FCM each week, To preach the Word, to cause fellow men, upon the Lord to seek. To fight for the souls of men, is no mean feat, A spiritual battle, which we cannot afford defeat! So we trust in the Lord and rely on his grace, And only then, can we, these battles face.

What have I learnt, in these past your years? What have I gained, in shedding all those tears? Well simply put, I have grown in His Word, And that in every trial, I must look God-ward. These four years, are just a beginning, Of a lifetime of service, that can afford no waning.



Thus as I consider what lies ahead, I pray that the Lord will guide each step that I tread. Not my will but Thine be done, And help me never, to hardship shun. Wherever He leads, please help me to go, To earnestly contend for the faith, and in His grace to grow.

Ko Lingkang is the Bible Study Leader of FCM NUS and a member of Calvary Pandan Bible-Presbyterian Church.

The FCM NTU/NIE Gospel Rally for AY08/09S2 was held on February 9, 2009. Pr Lek Aik Wee spoke on “Love Divine, All Loves Excelling.” We thank God that a PRC student heard the Gospel for the first time.

The first ever FCM SMU Gospel Rally was held on February 13, 2009. Dn Paul Cheng spoke on “The Greatest Love of All.”

The first FCM Combined Meeting 2009 was held at Calvary Pandan Bible-Presbyterian Church on February 20, 2009 with FCM SMU organising. The Rev Dr Prabhudas Koshy spoke on “Boy Meets Girl: Confronting Christian Courtship & Celibacy.” An exciting Q&A ensued. The first annual Student Coordinators’ Pledge-taking and Bible Study Leaders’ Dean Burgon Oath were also instituted to safeguard the Biblical integrity of those who serve in FCM.

The FCM NTU/NIE Gospel Rally for AY08/09S2 was held on March 18, 2009. Pr Dennis Kabingue preached on “If God is All Powerful and Loving, Why is there Suffering in the World?” There were two new faces.

Congratulations to Sharon Ng, FCM Poly Student Coordinator (2002-2004), and Preacher Dominino de la Cruz, Jr (Pastor, Gethsemane Bible-Presbyterian Mission Church, Bogo) who were united in Holy Matrimony on March 21, 2009 in the Philippines. The wedding was officiated by the Rev Reggor Galarpe.

FCM NUS @ Bukit Timah held its inaugural meeting on March 27, 2009 with the appointment of Bro Paul Ferguson as Bible Study Leader and Ko Lingting as Student Coordinator.

FCM Poly organised a Cottage Meeting to Elder Boon’s Place on April 11, 2009.

Congratulations to Ko Lingkang and James Tan, Bible Study Leaders of FCM NUS@KR and FCM Poly, who were conferred the Bachelor of Theology (BTh) degree at the Far Eeastern Bible College 34th Graduation Service on May 10, 2009. Dr Paul Ferguson, FCM NUS@BT Bible Study Leader, was also conferred in absentia the Doctor of Religious Education (DRE) by Foundations Bible College, Dunn, NC on the same day.

FCM NTU/NIE organised a FCM Outing & Games Day to the newly opened Marina Barrage on May 15, 2009. Jason Liew spoke on “To Know Christ and to Make Him Known”.


Originally published in Berean B-P Church Weekly, Issue 18/2008, dated 4 May 2008

Text: 1 Kings 19:1-18

The prophet Elijah had just won a tremendous victory over the false prophets of Baal. But threatened by Jezebel, he had to flee Israel to escape Jezebel’s wrath. As Jezebel was determined to kill him, Elijah did not stop running until reached Beer-sheba in Judah. He then headed out into the wilderness to pray to die in the hand of God instead.

Yes, Elijah was out in a trackless desert, feeling lost, confused, weak and hopeless. Exhausted and dispirited he finally fell asleep beneath a solitary shrub that was not even fit to give decent shade. It was an odd place for Elijah to be and an unexpected experience since it came right on the heels of Elijah’s greatest success.

He was feeling sorry for himself. He was discouraged because he felt the Israelites were all turned away from God and he was the only righteous one left.

But God told him to stand on the mountain. God wanted Elijah to rise up out of his discouragement and to get his mind and heart focused back on Him.

He pointed out to Elijah that there were 7,000 people who still worshipped God. He told Elijah the things that he wanted him to be doing (vv. 15-18).

He did not give any chance for Elijah to continue wallowing in self-pity. He had things for Elijah to be doing and they were not getting done while Elijah was moping up his tears of self pity.

Notice how God taught Elijah a great lesson concerning focusing upon Him. 1 Kings 19:11-12 – “And he said, Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the LORD. And behold, the LORD passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the LORD; but the LORD was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but the LORD was not in the earthquake: And after the earthquake a fire; but the LORD was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice.”

God showed Elijah some things that many people feel the way God would speak – in power. Did not God demonstrate His power in delivering the children of Israel by dividing the Red sea with a strong win? It would not be surprising then to have God speak as a great and strong wind that could split mountains and break boulders in pieces.



How about the Lord speaking in an earthquake? Did not God manifest His greatness and power many times by sending great earthquake to shake the earth, for example, during the Lord’s crucifixion and His resurrection? Even when the Lord returns, it will be accompanies with great earthquake!

How about in a raging fire? Does not the Bible tell us that God is a consuming fire and in flaming fire the Lord will come to bring judgment upon the unbelieving world?

But God was not in the wind, earthquake nor fire. Instead, He spoke in a still small voice after the wind, the earthquake and the fire had settled down.

Many of us are like Elijah, straining to hear the voice of God over the whirlwinds, earthquakes and fiery experiences of our lives.

But, like what God was trying to demonstrate to Elijah, we ought not to focus on the noisy surrounding as to miss the presence of the Lord. God was already speaking to Elijah (v. 9). But he was still in lamentation and hiding in the cave (v. 10). It was then that God told him to stand upon Mount Horeb and taught him a lesson that in the midst of all his troubles, God was there behind the scenes, if Elijah would just listen intently, patiently and expectantly.

Oftentimes we fail to see God’s will in all our troubles, turmoil, and busyness in life. It is because we are not listening expectantly and long enough for God’s still small voice. We concentrate so much on the threatening wind, earthquake and fire and are overcome by them. As a result we miss the still small voice that speaks in the blessed quietness when the storm is all over. We may even give such excuse that in the business of the world, there seems to be too few moments when we are alone with our thoughts, much less to have the time to patiently listen to God’s still small voice.

Think of the everyday cares of our life. Are we not overwhelmed with the noisy and frenzied activity of temptations and unwanted worldly thoughts? Do the cares of this world, the phone ringing, the television noise, the bills that need to be paid, the money that needs to be made, the newspaper that needs to be perused, and the rest of the day-to-day living drowning out the still small voice of God speaking to you?

Do you realise that there are many times the Lord is in fact leading us beside the still waters and restoring our soul in the midst of turmoil? If you are walking close with God, reading His word and are spiritually discerned,


you will know that the Lord is always speaking to you in a still small voice that comes from within and without.

A writer has this illustration: Two men were walking along a crowded sidewalk in a downtown business area. Suddenly once exclaimed: “Listen to the lovely sound of that cricket!” But the other could not hear it. He asked his companion how he could detect the sound of a cricket amid the din of people and traffic. The first man, who was a zoologist, had trained himself to listen to the voices of nature. He did not explain, he simply took a coin out of his pocket and dropped it to the sidewalk, whereupon a dozen people began to look about them. “We hear,” he said, “what we listen for!” The first man had trained himself to listen to the voices of nature above the roar of traffic.

Similarly, when we read God’s Word we must train ourselves to listen to the voice of God above the seductive voices of the world. As we spend time with the Word of God, be sensitive to hear the prompting of the Holy Spirit, that still small voice of God, inside you. Also, be alert to hear God speaking through His providence in our life. Is your heart attuned to hearing God’s voices through all these means? Yes, He is communicating with you. He has things to say

to you. He has things He wants you to be doing. He is speaking to you in a still small voice coming from His word, through His Holy Spirit and by His providence. Are you choosing to listen to God’s still small voice amid the noise of the world?

You who are God’s sheep and listening to His voice always know that by so doing the threatening volume of voices of the world outside becomes subdued. It fails to penetrate and disturb the harmony and peace of God’s Spirit within us. So learn how to listen to God in the midst of every situation. Do not only hear the noise around you and miss out that still small voice.

You know, there is a place of calmness in every hurricane. It is the eye, right in the centre. The eye is the calmest part of a hurricane with the air still. Surrounding the eye is the eye wall, which is the most violent part of a hurricane. The eye wall is almost a complete ring of thunderstorms and contains the strongest winds in the hurricane.

God is there deep in our difficult situation. At the surface, we may seem to be in trouble and struggling under our circumstance. But God is speaking in a still small voice though we may be going through some horrible fearful experience with the fierce wind, the powerful earthquake and the flaming fire.

We need to be still and to listen. Like Isaac who “went out to meditate in the field at eventide” (Gen. 24:63), and David spent many nights in quiet contemplation: “My mouth shall praise thee with joyful lips: when I remember thee upon my bed, and meditate on thee in the night watches” (Ps. 63:5-6). Our Lord Himself, “went out into the mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God” (Lk. 6:12). On another occasion


Jesus rose up in the early hours of the morning, “and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed” (Mk. 1:35).

Let us endeavour to set aside time to meditate whether we choose to rise early in the morning as Christ did, walk in the field at eventide like Isaac, or meditate in the night watches like David. The time spent listening to the still small voice is of great spiritual value. We need to physically withdraw from the hustle and bustle and quietly contemplate the goodness and mercy that God has shown to us. He is there to speak peace, comfort,

guidance, love, and all the other things you need. Wait upon Him patiently and quietly. He will be speaking! He is there and He is not silent.

Elijah received his strength in the loneliness of the desert and heard the still small voice as he remained still before the Lord. God is always present in our daily busy lifestyle, but to hear the assuring voice of God, above the noise, anxiety and excitement of the world, it is necessary to be quiet in spirit and “be still and know that I AM [is] God” (Ps 46:10).

Rev Tan Kian Sing is the Pastor of Berean Bible-Presbyterian Church and Lecturer in New Testament and Pastoral Ministry at the Far Eastern Bible College.

“Calm Assurance” Great peace have they, and quiet, calm assurance,

Who love God’s law, and on it daily feed; They have a strength, a power and an endurance Which strangely nerves them in the hour of need.

Deep peace have they whose whole imagination, Whose mind and thought on God are constant stayed;

How free are they from fevered agitation, And nothing seems to make their soul afraid.

God’s peace it is--which passeth understanding-- Keeps heart and mind where lives are lived in prayer; And troubles which comfort, howe’er commanding,

Drive not the soul thus to kept to dire despair.

And so--in troubled days may this assurance, This calm assurance, keep your heart and mine; We need no power of special, strong endurance, Enough--His peace--His wondrous peace divine.

Author Unknown


Overall Student Coordinator Jason Liew (Calvary Pandan B-P Church) 9017 8213 [email protected]

Overall FCM Coordinator Eld Dr Boaz Boon (Calvary Tengah B-P Church) 9824 7681 [email protected]

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The FCM Family Contact Information & Bible Study Groups AY 08/09

Bible Study Leader Rev Wee Eng Moh, BTh, MRE (Berith B-P Church) [email protected]

Student Coordinator Teo Jun Zi 9299 9501 [email protected]

Venue & Time Blk 63, NTU Hall of Residence 13 (Eld Sim’s Home) 32 Nanyang Crescent, #03-1255, Singapore 637658 Every Monday, 6.30pm / Dinner @ 5.30pm

FCM NTU/NIE Bible Study Leader Joshua Yong, DipTh, BRE, MDiv cand (Truth B-P Church) [email protected]

Student Coordinator Carol Leong 9876 3151 [email protected]

Venue & Time School of Economics, SMU (Seminar Room 4.3) 90 Stamford Road, Singapore 178903 Selected Fridays, 2.00pm


Bible Study Leader James Tan, BTh cand (Calvary Tengah B-P Church) [email protected]

Student Coordinator Eleanor Ee 9298 1643 [email protected]

Venue & Time School of DMIT, SP (Level 3 Tutorial Room) 500 Dover Road, Singapore 139651 Every Wednesday, 6pm

FCM SP & NP Bible Study Leader Lim Jun Sheng, BEng, CertRK (Calvary Tengah B-P Church) [email protected]

Student Coordinator Samuel Goh 9181 7471 [email protected]

Venue & Time Main Library, RP (Study Area) 9 Woodlands Avenue 9, Singapore 738964 Every Wednesday, 6pm


Bible Study Leader Ko Lingkang, BTh cand (Calvary Pandan B-P Church) [email protected]

Student Coordinator Joy Ng 9112 1760 [email protected]

Venue & Time Faculty of Science, NUS (Seminar Room 13) 6 Science Drive 2, Singapore 117546 Every Wednesday, 5.15pm / Dinner @ 7.30pm

FCM NUS @ Kent Ridge

Newsletter Advisor | Eld Dr Boaz Boon Editor | Jason Liew

Bible Study Leader Dr Paul Ferguson, DRE, ThD cand (Calvary Pandan BPC) [email protected]

Student Coordinator Ko Lingting 9663 0246 [email protected]

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FCM NUS @ Bukit Timah