fdm f a i t h f o c u s - faith dimensions

FDM F A I T H F A I T H F O C U S F O C U S NOVEMBER NOVEMBER 2020 2020 2020 THE YEAR OF 2020 THE YEAR OF ADVANCEMENT ADVANCEMENT * Pastors Corner * Winning Financially * Kids corner * Lockdown diaries

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* Pastors Corner* Winning Financially * Kids corner* Lockdown diaries

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Come & Fellowship With Us Faith Dimensions Ministries 63 Stratford Road Wolverton MK12 5LT

Tel: 01908 221381

Service Times

Sundays: 11am church and online on our Facebook page

Wednesdays: 8pm church and online on our Facebook page



www.facebook.com/home.php#!/faithdimensionsministries Pastor Glen & First Lady Lu Ferguson

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Pastor’s CornerHistory Makers

Text: Acts 17:6 “And when they found them not, they drew Jason and certain brethren unto the rulers of the city crying; these that have turned the world upside down are come hither also”! Revelation 7 speaks about the time known as the “Tribulations Period” which will usher in the worst days ever known to humanity!That time will be so terrible that one-fourth of the earth’s population will be destroyed by war, famine, pestilence, hunger and starvation!It will be so bad that the Bible calls those days “Death and Hell” (Revelation 6:8)! This however will only be the beginning of the end, ultimately life on the earth will be so intolerable that it is described as “The great Tribulation”!Verse 14b speaks of those believers who have been delivered from that period, it says “…These are they which came out of great tribulation and have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the lamb”!If we are not in tribulation period yet, there is no doubting that fact that we are very close to it, as we dai-ly hear the trauma and crisis all around us and around the world, we have to seriously as ourselves, two questions! 1. Where is this all heading? 2. How much longer do we have?For us who believe and are serving Jesus today, we do not deny the fact that we have been through diffi-cult times and these are indeed perilous times!We do not deny the fact that we have experienced much pain and cried many tears!But one thing is for sure, we have no intention of going back or quitting, our hands are on the gospel plough and our faces are as flint and our hope is in the Lord Jesus Christ!We are here to make a difference while we still can and we are here to rewrite history!We have come to put sin and the devil to flight, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, who is ultimately the only hope for humanity!

We have come, just like our brothers before us, to “Turn our world upside down” through the awesome power of the Holy Ghost!Philippians 3:3 “For we are the circumcision which worship God in the Spirit and rejoice in Christ Jesus and have no confidence in the flesh”!We actually believe that “We can do all things through Christ who is our strength”! (Phil. 3:13)! We are History makers and Destiny changers!

God bless,Pastor G Ferguson.

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The Faithfulness of God

When I was asked to write an article as always, I ask the Lord…... “what do I say, write that will be a blessing to your children” – then wait. All that kept resounding in my mind and heart was “The Faithfulness of God” oh my where do I begin, where do I end, for this is a thought that I love. Why? Simply because I personally know of, as I believe you too know of the Faithfulness of God.

Let me begin by saying this will be nothing that you have not heard before BUT as children of God we often need and must be reminded of His word, His promises. His Faithfulness.

My friend let me start by asking something simple, what makes you think if the Lord has taken you through the many junctures of your life, your journey, seen you through the many ups and downs (and my word has there been a ton of those) what makes you think that He’s about to turn away now?

We have so many beautiful assurances from the Lord in His word that He has promised to be with us even unto the end of the age “Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen” Matt 28:20. He tells us that He is our hiding place “Thou art my hiding place; thou shalt preserve me from trouble; thou shalt compass me about with songs of deliverance. Selah”. Psa 32:7. He assures us that WHEN, here that word WHEN which simply means that you will at some point pass through some things, be tested but look at the Faithfulness, the dependability, the reliability of our God He has given us His assurance that it will not overthrow us, we will not get burnt or destroyed “When thou passest through the waters, I will be

with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee”. Isa 43:2 Today, I don’t know where you are in the grand scheme of things, what the events of your life may be, the challenges that you are currently facing but one thing I can categorically tell you is that He is Faithful. He is Dependable. He is Reliable and He is with you. He is totally aware of every issue; every incident and it will not destroy you. Draw strength today from the knowledge that as a child of God that He has and still is orchestrating your every step. Whatever, is being plotted know that if it is not diverted and you have to go through, as we do sometimes – The Lord remains our Faithful Shepherd and as the natural shepherd herd his sheep to green pastures, to safety, to rest my friend KNOW that the Good Shepherd is leading the way.

We are living in a time never known or seen before. We attend Church with masks, unable to embrace our brothers and sisters. Have to sit with a degree of distancing between us yet with all these restrictions Our God is still good to us. Indulge me, for a moment let us take a walk down memory lane…… look at the time you may have lost a business, your home, your job, a loved one. That car accident. That sickness which was designed to take your life. The financial challenges that seemed unending, like a runaway train. Your child who due to influences, associations, circumstances, became a child you did not recognise and the list goes on – IF my friend, was there during the crisis of life what makes you think He will not be there

NOW. A song I heard says “even when you don’t see Him, He’s working. Even when you don’t feel Him, He’s working He never stops working. My friend He is on it trust me. Our God is Faithful. It is not about our feelings; Lord knows they change like the weather but it is and must be based on the solid fact and assurance that the word of God is true and is everlasting. Today, having done all STAND on His never-failing word.

What a journey it has been:Your red sea – partedYour Jordan – crossedSurrounded – there is more with you than with the adversariesYour lion’s den – He shut their mouthsYour pit – He drained itFiery darts – quenchedLack – daily provision

Need I go on, my God of Heaven!!! We must learn this; it is crucial to our survival. Trust Him. He has NEVER FAILED YOU. He has and IS a Faithful God.

Be encouraged. God bless you.Lu Ferguson


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We never thought that we would have been in that situation, where we had to choose a handful of family & friends to attend our wedding. In January we were ready for the 22nd May, we had it planned to the very last detail, probably detail that you think wouldn’t need planning.Our God doesn’t give us more than we can bare!

We were first told only two can attend the ceremony, which would have been in October and they will be our witnesses, we chose our mothers. I contacted the registry office again mid July and begged to have our Photographer, Ankrah Photography, by Brother Kyrus Daniels; we were given the opportunity to have 12 guests. With five weeks to go, we turned our big wedding into an intimate wedding. Ask and it shall be given, seek and you shall find. Knock and the door will be open. Due to what we went through I’ve been able to help many couples through making tough decisions for their wedding.

Overall, our day was blessed. Our day was in the middle of two rainy days. Our marriage is blessed and our home is blessed.

Thank you for your prayers, love and support. We want to thank Bishop Glen not only for the lessons but for working with us with the quick turnaround.

Wedding Diaries

Mica Whyte

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Hello Everyone.

During this pandemic we have been presented with unique challenges that many of us have never experienced before. These novel challenges can impact our mental health mildly or in some cases more profoundly. Over recent years, there has been an increase in: • The visibility of those with mental health issues • Accessibility to resources being promoted in mainstream media • Advancements in the treatment and management repertoire available for those suffering from mental health conditions.

Despite this amazing advancements in mental health, the stigma that is associated with mental health problems, unfortunately remains.

When we speak of mental illness, we are merely speaking of the breakdown of an individuals mental health. Mental illness transcends race, gender, age, sexual orientation, cultural identity, religious beliefs and practices. It is universal. It is also nothing to be ashamed, secretive or embarrassed about. Instead, armed with the necessary tools, medication or other therapeutic techniques, individuals can live fulfilling and triumphant lives, free from stigma.

Unfortunately often within religious culture, mental illness has been characterised as demon possession, a curse, or the manifestation of juju or obeah (dependant on your cultural background). However in my work as a mental health professional and as a mental health educator, I proactively endeavour to debunk myths and ignorant thoughts surrounding mental health and humanise the already human reality of mental health struggles.

We have become increasingly more health conscious; eating a more balanced diet, participating in regular exercise. However, we are less diligent in maintaining good mental health or even sensitive to potential changes in our mental health. We are holistic beings and neglecting any aspect of our multifaceted selves can adversely affect mental health.

Mental Health is a part of the interconnected components that make up an individual. We are physical, emotional, spiritual, social and society beings, each area of which requiring maintenance in order to maintain good mental health.

Mental Health is a state of well being in which individuals realise their own abilities and can cope with the normal

stresses of life. They can work productively and fruitfully and make a contribution to their own community.

Mental illnesses are basically conditions that cause a change in the emotion, thinking or behaviour or a combination of these. (World Health Organisation). There are 5 categories of mental illnesses: Anxiety disorders, Psychotic disorders, Mood disorders, Dementia and Eating disorders.

During lockdown almost a quarter of UK adults have been reported as feeling lonely because of the pandemic. During the lockdown depression, anxiety and self harm rates increased. Therefore, it is incredibly important for us to strive to look after ourselves holistically to offset some of the negative impacts of lockdown.

Diet, adequate sleep, exercise, combating isolation, media rationing, are some simple ways to contribute to the maintenance of good mental health.

Diet: A healthy balanced diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, legumes, lean meat, oily fish, plenty of water, nuts etc. A healthy diet is integral in maintaining good physical health and provide us with the nutritional building blocks for good cognitive function. Reducing caffeine intake is advisable as it can contribute to exacerbating anxiety and depression, as well as disturb healthy sleep patterns.

Exercise: Exercise can be a great stress reliever and provide us with a welcomed endorphin, dopamine boost, which can help to prevent depression. Whether you prefer to bundling up and go on a socially distanced walk, or putting on your favourite gym gear and completing a home workout. Just keep active!

Isolation can be incredibly detrimental to the psyche. So although restrictions maybe implemented, let's use this

Sister Franklyn’s Mental Health Corner

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time to get creative about the ways we stay connected. Whether we choose to keep it old school with a call or sentimental with a handwritten letter. Or for those of us who love to engage online, Zoom, Skype, TikTok and Facebook live are all useful platforms that can be used in creative new ways to stay connected. We are all in this together and now more than ever it is important to ensure we stay connected to God and to one another.

The media has played a major role in this time often being a source of updates and the accompanying commentary. However, constant following of the news cycle can worsen feelings of anxiety or depression. So it is very important to strike the right balance between being informed and over-whelming yourself with constant updates, latest theories and the endless conflicting commentaries that exist. Disconnect from time to time and reconnect with the Word, with your neglected interests, hobbies and talents and of course your beautiful families.

Sleep is so often a neglected area of advice. Sleep is so essential to mental health, mood stability, general body recuperation. Despite its importance it is common for individuals to report of not getting enough rest. It’s advisable to ensure you are getting 7 - 9 hours each night as lack of sleep can contribute to the development of certain mental health issues.

Last but of course not least, Faith! As people of God we know the importance of prayer in and out of season. The pandemic is an example of a united experience we are all going through internationally. Now, through prayer and coming together as the Body of Christ we have the opportunity to commune and uplift one another across borderlines. We are blessed to have had continued ministration throughout the pandemic which is such a beacon to us all and a source of such encouragement. So staying connect, remaining tapped into the word of God and uplifting and spiritually supporting each other is another necessary part of triumphing in the midst of this lockdown. When in need of some uplifting, find comfort in Psalm 91 and Psalm 121

Now in closing for parents or loved ones in general that may see potential symptoms/ episodes including palpitations, sweating, panic, trembling, shortness of breath, night terrors, change in behaviour, becoming withdrawn, no longer taking joy in things they love, maybe even more acute symptoms like self harm etc.

Below is a list of a range of mental health helplines that can put you in contact with crisis lines, talk therapy and counselling, online communities of individuals that may share your experiences and be able to provide support.

Anxiety UK03444 775 774 (helpline) 07537 416 905 (text)

Big White Wallbigwhitewall.comOnline mental health community. Free in some areas through your GP, employer or university.

British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP)bacp.co.ukProfessional body for talking therapy and counselling. Provides information and a list of accredited therapists.

Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM)0800 58 58 58 (UK helpline)thecalmzone.netProvides listening services, information and support for men at risk of suicide, including a web chat.

NCT0300 330 0700nct.org.ukProvides information, support and classes for parents.

Papyrus HOPELINEUK0800 068 41 4107786 209697 (text)papyrus-uk.orgConfidential support for under-35s at risk of suicide and others who are concerned about them.

Samaritans116 123 (freephone)samaritans.orgSamaritans are open 24/7 for anyone who needs to talk.

About the author:

My name is Mrs. Theresa Franklyn. I am a Christian and my profession for the last 45+ years is nursing. I am trained in both Mental Health and Physical Health Nursing, so I am RMN and RGN trained. I have a passion for destigmatising mental health issues and using my extensive training and experience to spread awareness and debunk the pervasive mythology around mental health.

Sister Franklyn’s Mental Health Corner

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On its own, university can be a challenge, uni in lockdown even more so. I just finished my undergrad degree at the University of Nottingham with no official graduation ceremony and my certificate, still yet to come, in the post. Whilst being at home has been pretty good on my pockets, it made the final year experience very different to what I had envisioned.

One of the biggest challenges I faced was definitely working out how to adjust. Within the space of a few days I went from living in a flat with my girls, to being back at home… not with my girls. From having to finish my dissertation and other deadlines remotely, to paying rent for a room I wasn’t even sleeping in, it was a very weird and uncertain time. Fortunately for me, I had a job that allowed me to work from home and so was still able to keep my income. However, writing a 10,000 word essay at home is just different to doing it at the uni library. My parents were really supportive of me and did what they could to give me a good, quiet study space, but I soon realised that space and the need for independence wasn’t really the problem - demotivation and stress was. I had already experienced quite a few issues with my dissertation supervisor and moving 2 hours away from campus only seemed to make matters worse. In addition to that, I knew of a lot of people who were losing family members in the peak of the coronavirus outbreak and with all the news that was circulating, it was an overwhelming and mentally challenging time. There were days, or more accurately, weeks where I completely forgot that I was a student and couldn’t find the drive to do any work. I think there’s just something more thrilling about watching Netflix when you have 4 deadlines due in a week (if you know, you know).

One thing I will say, though, is that even with all the difficulties, this was the season within which I was really able to mature as a young Christian and build a stronger relationship with God. Despite everything, I did, by the grace of God, manage to finish all assessments in time and graduate well. My amazing friends also threw a surprise mini graduation party, so I got to have that experience.

I turned 21, had the most amazing birthday month and secured a full-time grad role (all glory be to God – literally!!) I know this seemingly never-ending time has been hard for everyone for different reasons, but one thing I have really learnt is the importance of slowing down and being still for a while. In those moments, I’ve achieved the most and felt the best. Even when I was convinced I’d never finish this degree, somehow God got me through and I’m much greater now than I was before I started.

Written by Arinade Bademosi

Lockdown as a Final Year Student

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Lockdown as a family has come with its success stories and unfortunate dramas; in the end it made our lockdown unique. The beginning gave the Siaw family a new adventure to embark on with everyone being in the house for the first time in a very long time. Personally, I thought that I was going back to university in the first couple of weeks but here we are 6 months later. I can assure you we are all alive and well (barely…hehe joking) and we are as close as ever. Due to myself and my brother being away at university, having our personal space was essential. Coming into lockdown meant people walking in during your precious sleep time, Mom and Dad calling you to pick up the remote which is right next to them and washing up days becoming too much of a hassle. To be honest, it was a challenging experience because everyone didn’t know what to do with themselves. Sometimes you find yourself doing the same routine day in day out and all you want to do is run outside, see friends and have a new environment. But no, I was waking up to the same white curtains, the same green reservoir and the same Boris Johnson saying the next rule we all had to follow. The lockdown brought a sense of militancy within our household with every move being monitored by the mother hen; “wash your hands! Sanitize! Wear your face mask! Stop touching your face! Did I not tell you to wash your hands for 20 seconds?”. It was a lot, but it was all love and for our safety.

Lockdown has brought us as a family together and to respect each other’s space. I have seen different sides to each individual within my family; what makes them happy and knowing when they’re upset. We have spent time playing games, watching movies and cooking some ‘exotic’ foods. We have learnt new recipes (Eitan has finally mastered cornmeal porridge) and started and finished projects within the house. We all appreciate one another just that little bit more. We have gone on walks together, sat outside and soaked up the rays and had sessions of Dad barely playing the guitar saying “don’t you guys know I am playing good music” (Aunty Norma, I think I have a candidate for the worship team). More importantly we have delved into the Word of God with discussions ranging from

the books of Genesis all the way to Revelation. We have all discovered the meaning of depending on God in whatever we do not only because of the climate we are in, but because of who He is. My brothers and I have had talks lasting into the night about Jesus and our lives and how it should align with his Word. We talked about our generation and the need for the righteousness of God to fall on us. There is so much more to talk about…you would have to wait till part two. Our own journeys and our own stories have been shaped by the one we choose to serve; Jesus Christ.

Lockdown was something that I dreaded in the first weeks, but I soon realized that it is what you make it. Life is truly about choices; we chose to do something with it. We, as a family, have a point within our journey with a tick next to it because we set out to be proactive during this testing time. The tools that we have now, the lessons we have learnt and the experiences we have gone through are steppingstones to the next. Watch our family become stronger and stronger in Jesus name! And the church says AMEN !

Phoebe Siaw

Lockdown as a Family

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Jesus’ miracles

1. Jesus cured many people who suffered from ________________, a highly contagious skin disease (Luke 5). 2. During his forty days in the desert, the devil asked Jesus to turn _______________ in to ________________ to prove he was the son of God (Luke 8). 3. _____________________ was the name of the blind man of whom Jesus restored his sight (Mark 10). 4. Jesus told many ________________, or stories, to teach his followers lessons (Mark 5. The Centurion’s servant was cured because of his master’s _______________ in Jesus (Luke 7). 6. As the disciples witnessed when caught in a storm, even the ________________ and the ________________ obeyed Jesus (Mark 4). 7. The leader of the synagogue was angry because Jesus healed a woman on the ________________, the holiest day of the week (Luke 13). 8. Jesus raised ________________ from the dead, much to his sisters’ delight (John 1)9. ________________ asked Jesus to perform his first miracle of turning water into wine (John 2). 10. On the Mount of Olives, when Jesus was arrested, one of the disciples cuts off a servant’s _____________ (Luke 22). 11. Because of her faith, a sick woman had only to touch Jesus’ ________________ to be healed( Mark 5). 12. The greatest _________________________ is to love God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength (Mark 12). 13. Jesus fed thousands of people with only a few _______________ and ____________ (Mathew 14). 14. Out of the ten lepers Jesus healed, only ________________ came back to thank him (Luke 17). 15. The ____________ ____________________ is where Jesus first consecrated the body and blood (Mark 14).

One Fishes /loaves Lazarus Cloak Faith Ear Sabbath Bartimaeus Wind/Water Mary Parables Leprosy Stone/Bread Commandment Last supper

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My dream"About the Rapture"2 Thessalonians 1:5‐10

My family and I were in the car,when suddenly the sky started getting grey and the strong wind was blowing the trees. Immediately car started to drive by itself. Then these sweets appeared with each of our names on it, we had to eat the ones that had our name. As soon as we ate those sweets we vanished up to heaven were everything was so beautiful and everyone was loving,caring and kind. And some people in a church were crying because some of their loved ones went up to heaven while they were left behind on earth. Just like Grandpa Glen said in one of his messages, we need to get our hearts right because the return of our Lord Jesus is very near. As much as we still want to enjoy many things here on earth, we need to focus our hearts and minds on Jesus.

By Joelle Fabamifobee

Meet FDM’s new addition in 2020


Jesse JoeBorn: 28th January 2020Weight: 7.65 pounds

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Whether you are Poor, Working Class, Middle Class or Rich Your No1 Goal when it comes to your Finances should be to become an excellent Money Manager!There is currently a lot of noise with the coronavirus crisis and NOW recession, which has resulted in millions of jobs losses, salary reductions, demotions, and lifestyle changes. Besides being safe from the virus, surviving the covid-recession and being financially stable is a lot of people’s main concern.Winning in this recession is achievable, but it will require you to become an Excellent Money Manager, if you are not already. What does it mean to become an Excellent Money Managers? Knowing your Net Worth! What do you own and what do you owe? How much does it costs to be you on a monthly basis? Knowing where your money is going and why?Constantly checking your bank account is not enough, the information Is limited and can often bring up feelings of anxiety. It’s so important to know on a monthly basis how much you spend on food shopping or entertainment for example. For many financial literacy was not taught in school so it’s so important to educate yourself financially. Here are some TIPS on how you can become an Excellent Money Manager?

1. Identify Where you are FinanciallyWhat are your debts? How much do you have in Savings? What are your Assets and what are your Liabilities? OWN IT, NO JUDGEMENT. 2. Make a Note of your Financials Goals How much is your financial goals,? Be specific. If your goal is to purchase a Home - find out how much you need to purchase the home you want? What are all the fees associated? If your goal is to go on a family Holiday - find out how much is the family holiday costs? If your goal is to clear debt - How much is your total debt?3. Track your Money! They say what you track, you control. Write it down on paper, use an excel spreadsheet or use an App to record your money, put it into categories. Category examples: - Household Bills - Shopping - Travel - Loans and Repayments (Debt/s) - Entertainment - Miscellaneous Once you have done the above you will be able to identify if your habits are in alignment with your goals? If not, look into making changes that support your goals.

Top Tip: If you have savings sitting in an account with No or very little interest. Research & Consider putting your money into a Saving Bonds Account. Interest rates are typically better. God will provide for your needs.Declaration: My Finances are Healed!Scripture: Wealth and Riches shall be in my house and his righteousness endureth for ever. (Psalms 112:3)MoneyHeave is a Financial Coaching service, with over 10 years worth of experience in the world of Finance, which helps Time poor and Stressed out professionals to Repair & Replant their Finances. Information has been provided for Guidance Only.If you are someone who feels anxious, lost or overwhelmed when it comes to your finances, you need not worry. You may want to change where you are financially or you may No longer want to manage your personal finances by yourself. This is where MoneyHeave comes in. We will work with you to achieve your Financial Goals, getting you on Track to feeling positive about your finances whilst gaining control. Allowing you to focus on activities you enjoy the most.

Contact us on 0208 945 7733 or email [email protected] Myers

TIPS FOR JOB HUNTING DURING COVIDThe Covid-19 Pandemic has not only affected the way we interact and socialise with each other, but has also had a great impact on our jobs and the way we earn a living. When the lockdown was an-nounced, millions of employees cleared their office desks and moved their work computers back home or was simply off work. Also as a result lots of people are currently in the job market – searching for new opportunities – because of the impact that Covid-19 has had. Since the lockdown began, over 750,000 em-ployees living in the UK have lost their jobs and so job hunting has become a bit more difficult. However, with the help of the tips below, you can still land yourself a job during this coronavirus pandemic. How Do You Find A New Job?1) Take It Easy On YourselfLosing a job can be quite painful and stressful especially if you are the main earner in your household, however, it’s important to note that none of this is your fault and there are so many other people in the country facing the same challenge. Just relax a bit, spend the extra time with family and friends, find a new hobby, exercise and take care of yourself. This may even be an opportunity to start your own business!2) Work On Your Online ProfileYou need to make your online profile look professional and

appealing to prospective employers and stand out from the crowd. Most employers are likely to take a peek at your LinkedIn profile while assessing you for a job, so you have to update it – add all your skills, current work experience and research interest. 3) Connect With PeopleDon’t forget, other people in your field of work may also be searching for new opportunities and probably have a bit of spare time just like you do. This is a great opportunity for you to reach out to network with them and build great career connections. 4) Improve Your CVAn outdated CV limits your chances of getting a new job. If you’ve been out of the job market for a long time, your CV definitely needs to be worked on. You can update it by including your latest experience and any new qualification you may have gotten. 5) Create A Daily Schedule For Job HuntingJob hunting requires consistency and patience. There will be times when you’ll lack the enthusiasm to continue searching, however, you can stay focused by dedicating a certain time of your day to job hunting – a time when all you do is: go through job sites and net-work, take a break and come back to it later or the next day.

Written by Norvia Matthew

How to THRIVE and WIN Financially

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Trends for fall 2020While many of us have only been reaching for the concealer and mascara in our beauty bags recently, it might be hard to imagine getting excited to put on a full face. But whenever the mood strikes to play with makeup again, this fall trends have provided endless inspiration. From expressive eye makeup to fresh lip shades that will grab attention on Zoom calls, read on for the looks we’re expecting to see everywhere.

Liners PoppingColoured liners are here to injected us with a little colour and homage to fun and bright designs athletes wear on their sneakers. We especially love the electric blue and yellow combo for a dynamic winged-liner look

Fresh Faced This season, high-shine cheekbones are taking a backseat to fresh-faced radiance. Skin appeared naturally dewy like they just applied a 10-step skin-care routine. Try foundations from Milk cosmetics & Charlotte Tilbury to achieve this.

Rosy GlowSubtle blush is a year-round must, but this season's trendy rouge is inspired by the flush you get when there's a chill in the air. Make your cheeks pop by adding a blown out effort to the cheekbones, blending out toward your temples.

Burgundy LipBring some wine to your lips. A rich burgundy lippairs perfectly with fresh skin and your go-to mascara. Prep lips with a lip liner to keep the pigment from feathering.

And remember Make Up is about expressing YOU and showing yourself and the world your inner beauty on the outside.

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During lockdown 1.0 members from FDM launched a Private Business Networking Group to learn, support, network and provide referrals for entrepreneurs. The group started with 9 members, now the group has 37 members and continues to grow.

The network consists of our very own Roneish Myers, Sachel Grant, Mica Kabasu, PJ Ashiru, Sheree-Ann Abrahams, Kyrus Ankrah, Natasha Autumn, Amanda Ferguson, Ruby Blake, Kelita Bailey, Muyiwa Bademosi and Ade Jaiyeola

The group meet every 2 weeks on a Thursday at 7am via zoom for an hour. We are always looking for new entrepreneurs to join the community, if you would like to learn more about the group, speak to a member mentioned above and come for a taster session, you are welcome!

Private Business Networking Group

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