fe‘ “fek-sia - nys historic...

n«rt«|ssioii for aa ®powwinsrtli^-'t®3 c» ■ sforgeBeraLpiu^,, »t,.exceeawg Three; le heeealaryfoaattp. Iter for foe eitfo- rihe lii^le fo ^ 4. f swa m&mc eac^ Hey, M #ir*as WfcVhij ee«T. .' . , a foat foe ^rosteee foe paying ance not exceeSihg ne'oC the Bfoe^vali^- SfS?SS^^ ppo1nt>^ii»Jp!BctQ?« • jowc-Tsand dotaes* t'foe Trusteed hive t ef foeCoUfeptor otl if ChaT^I^'iRdref* of said'Village. Wt foe TnisteealiaTes jctibe.foe speea.of upon any dta^very iin saidii^iilage.' * 13 . dw-SO; s of Mehitable Hid- of Bethany, in, foet rsuance of an orcee- arrogate of (J'enesee riven to all persona ^ litable Hadley, late o f lid County, deceased* shibit the same, with' foarles S. Cone, sole-, ence in the tow® f Genesee, 'Sew Yofo* »f February n e x t 1 dSy of July,1863. c 3 of Carlisle Adams, Stafford in the pounty «f an order made by ^ o f Genesee, Nctjpo rsons having claisaa lat€ of foe town oj seeased. that foey-ara ne, with foe youohert tdministratcix, athei^ afford, in foe coun^ the sixteenth d'ay o t ' tgnst 14th,1863. I.MS, , > Adminis- LLETT, 5 tratorai 1 of Jerome Patterson, ha, in the County of f an order made by of foe Gonn^otC^i n to all persons hay^ ite of Jerome Patfor- ba in said County, de^ ,nired to exhibit foe .reof to Dnant i*atteri ence in the town of icsee, on or before foi )ated Oct 12 th, 186^ OLDS. rs of Charles P. Pai- a of Batavia, in foe rsuance of an order arrogate of the county jby given to all per- il the estate of Gfaatleai vn of Batavia in said ey are required to exr yoaohers thereof to iatratrix, at her rtsi-, k PARSOjra. Administratjx. TNEW S., ENDERi , ,L ’S mu >ERATIOir f ST££KF. W STOCK 0 P| 3ST STYLES WHICH I WILL SBE24 « * Bargai^v 5 ' Main street, nparly. business where LwiH NUHACTURED ler- house in WesieiA AMA.mm r le Nmnher, et, Bataviay T A SHOE s r o k B , (EEWEET. aving purchased fou lohse forinerty dwnd^ hy strict Atteiitioiitct sr,al patronage so lon^ jrietor. BOYLE-AS^THv to recoramendfoene-tg (ifideuce and patroug^ fhe experience o f l®'- ained and enhapcfidJ?^ ELI H.flSfi. c j&ap{# t : V ioi saleaJwge amptmt in .qaantlties t<f ;fld»| .V. J 2 th„1863 , ' " * iBOOSH^ :i..; he Genesee Brewer®. i- 1 UOB 3 , go to, srB®3tiOTOiifieSi Orangey Bfei f yen Wi^fc tmed articles, or any* iine*ina SScg^r|»n.,.!£ Main Streep n^c •»i/v ^ j r. Bui \il 5 C 7CS tend t:;> ytrii 'V’tuJl; 3 "i ! ‘‘ u ,'TOi-'t y,'t? jj.if-rr i‘ t:/; ,11 Itv'A-n r^/' V srI xuve^y InJit ^ ' ki pj iiaviae m' i cM i M t c<h «il 5 SJtt- 3AW "i..* triiji'frif iK:^i Btsrji iXt'j ■n - ii r A ’na s'siiiii ai oijisifj « 3 >I % W-iS:-; oj?*.r cq| e-Ai ",irasnij5 J, o ca I'nnixrxs >P, -c'-mitit 13kll ’■ ’ ■ •’ ■ ' -■■ !*c« Kf-,.••! '• ■r.S .-' ?0 . 1 ^-' r--.' '-H =i=T= 1 *11 . 1 . •t;i- i 1.1.. , j 1 ~ -.r>v -n:» fflinM e .-f^ it. -• < i I AT EATATIA,. oa»»'ia; 0 ide«dOnlifiBrfcMkdch,Ti^^ CCfeBa|£3i>'XDCB«- k 3 Eh'V«ffiIt^^Si3 Sr<^r hniAiao do ■fe‘“fek-sia do » « .. a oa do - 4-; *-r a='75 7d»f( dfc ,do ,8 “ ,.6 00 |- C |0 ^.;}2s. ■«., ,, i Twoiiqr.Tweeh.. ? do» ’ T :mo* *;j^;A ,00 I do S " “ .. 4 00 I ^do^' JJS&AI^iifOTK®&iWdtit«8-reqair^^^ ii!.-»)iVi,,.wn L . . . AI ■ f’ i!^wB'0ii thfi lilfer/'EaterA^of Arn^wtioieoool%Wm ' l«; t-'ff )fe*- * i.^- S»- j.’tSte'JS: ,'dj 3 kC ->5 t.’ i.ldlOOj. ::il9 Hf. Col. 1 wefeh^':d Od do---- ^l:monfo-*8 00 g I - • , . .-J2( Off w sT-B .-Tr-^-rr-i > 6 .*20 ho. Joyoljrdfems, flohllng iio. ■ lh,R < 380.<?o . wor^. dq 12 ^ f !32 W Isseefi- Sbrongh' ^he - casements]; whose duW tone ©otY^’efeii cpol hight wmcij fe' ihe qrangstgroyes 3u,^§lj, Ij,. ,. ^ . ... «, do 6 «i.. 35 00 ?. do' li " foiiaifoBi^haif ofrdiwiar T«t&for*dve^^ .foe percent, in addition to regular rates. hlM ^ S S BIBICTOBY. ■, .. :\M Wi:. hetot ,. -■ AWptfpy^ad Connqe|lw^trI.qm^^ tPeaoe and Notary Publjc] willatjfeni^to Law hnstnosB in sdl f o e Courts,.drB^ theedeand' alt otter jffriting?; tate achnowjedgments qpd, «dBcavits; procure Botmtyjmd back' pay for ^^^yes of deceased ipWierl; Pfy fox«s pn westefnlan,ds and redeem Ijindsaold for taxes, Alt colleeuons-attended to .promptly. Hy SS^KSi2a5i«eS8,’^ '* ^ MTBOJ? q . PE 05 , Attorney apd Connselfor-at-Law, Batavia, N. T . Office in old American'Slock; second fldor Batavia, N. Y. f le ^ ; he . jr. E i s s i i ^ ' ■ , M ^f^oforer an^ de^ec in, Saddles, HjairnpBseji Whips, Trunks, and Carpet Eags, Spnfo sTde Hai Astreet', neatly opposlfe Mechanic;' Alsd^ j^gOntfontlie. « Buckeye Mower.” - 22, l^oightii a d i fain ladies *^atpod son the Jjalr Qome*,^ Soft '^vrOrds wern spoken,£ tender' vo^s ' were "madil; while the qjilet hfofs looked down on many a blushing cheek pnd downbast ilye.' * > From one of these gay manudni A eair- elieii ^uDOpjfged, apd*; hastily desoaidiog to the watef-eide, sprang into a Iigbf gbndola, which darfod a w y tljrodgh: the starlit: = '0 .n ifcwpat,;»j»id d.rPQpidg hpJigb.a pad fragrant flowers, slunabering in the soft tpoonii^ht, that fell so’ brightly on 'the Qodi^fenance of b i ^ who looked iwsiidly pt the quipt PY^^g. ^hp end pqble facp, with ppthingnf th.eltqii^ in it,; sapa4bqdark]^ lustrous Byea, apd the r.aren h^i# tie* night wind flung so flerdely backi. . Whilp tjbo unadothesd and simple dreBf,fo!|d, thit, ihongb. brpve and true, a humble fortune; must be his. Meantime, the light boat sped along by lighted palaces add mbonlit g;ardens, till the high, dark walls tha dopypn.t of St. CiLr-^rrr- rose, b ^ f o him . - The feint. EBWIit OQ^; Win?B,,e|C;^in Bottles.. QHi|im,ES HENSKAW, Attornpy^pd Oqansellor^atrLsWt-Offipe : W e ! b BEN^T. BLiSS, Attoriiey and CounscHoriatita'w, secohd ffoqr, Amts:icaa.Bloslq:Bafavis„N.'Yi. Iffeiociistea B, & E. Ml McOQRMieK, ' DaMers fn Hats And'cf»p#, Bnflhlb and. Wolf l^be% Fan Qfali Banda and'Yarieties, andi jsrticles in our Jjne.of business of ,i^e lat^t; j^sanditetestmake. ^ ^^ ^22 I-. dER 0 MB A. mxkSdfi '• Pealer fa WatpheA VTaeW. Jewelry. and'Cold and Bilvet Ware; alsostvariety of rich Fancy: ArtLclesAdapteff lojiUL^tMtes and jawnufac-r tnred for every .Ornamental and Jacfol -ptfppOse. B a ta v ^ J r .T , _ *28 , Lfoary.Stahle;—iStaWes in- r e « of An^ioaif drfwsraaentiifreqil&ea. - I; t 1,22 *7 . , ^ESTBRiy MOfELi HM^Stoeiji Bajavia, Yvlg. NoBjrqn, Yso- repntatlon fsr-an4 WMe..' *Ith*i rteeqtiy been sUblingat^hcdf^^e omnibus fQ^nJl,Jjr^m .#Ia»^-*dd 'F:.efry*v-'...: ’ ‘ b';; ‘•— V ■ '■ . ;;Offigp H o a r s ,; .: ; ; A .M j a d d 2^ 4Mi - the running time heiag 20 minates fasthf foaa- TiUagetlnie;--^----- I- . . Htesmboat Express'..UV.....; d 2(f AM-’ fayErlight..,,...:.!; ......... 2 10'PM vAjtaiYB..‘ msemtfY-'^ *’» . 3 ®:A, t o 1 ). T . .T .'i .htwip u "Y-'OO 4 -.|t' '■ 2 c- 4 1.*Tiri <,V ' ■■'I'* irfive. *ii8T. DeparL^ t ; MaH. ^ 8 h>; iP,*y.v;; ^ ,„ fibepaiisV., 'fvi ......... , _lis^ >'fopaw|nJ%. n ^ n e p ta ^ with foeAfoma fof po6hpojp:au^|agara ,v..|;*r#lioiC'jr -1 ,Cor,e»tail;-W A. c,' .tc-ilc; ,. ^ U N jq bT?A <L Y -JfVfL ,:>Xt ; »'i 'll! I* s-n-t| -j-H 1 c».n1 m.v.^A irwiitL ? >1 ;'*>»V .' tl ■■■■"" -* ^ i 4 /Y L-lroa ' - . i l 3 'M.n:^ 2 r an ■ .rr ji 1 ''' t o 'Y jjAYfel " ^ m t PA. 7 .A ' V .4 l.v: A>-.' '; J-. 11;.M . <|r’ -'-t' J . . , ' . « .-tii t. ' IT, ,■/■'■?..I.t “ '.; ’* •'“ ' I t AI I. . ; ■Cdriaplete-.'irij']^Aiiih>e>r.:. ’ •' j'' i h C '< h iii4> ! ."i’j am ;ii;, > --.li H'AI ,■'.'1 *r lun-arnrur ueani;uxiouugaimii{urHw.pfaror.i ds|hy;4^mf‘F4rf‘9,9h<J,-9-ft''fP^^ 0 ; 5 ,i .ri" iiwfcjif 8fl % Mpsea|i 'n ^feTKy fetfaer,py'0a'la ago5 .!wbeffhe^'Wa6 'J*B-i.-<fo?* ^RiA/ito gpy^ndYPHBgil tfoed.i^od twopnh simple u: r^P^i V: low*chant of the evening prayer r<»e soft- ly on |he quiet <u‘r, ' and m, the soleiqd fo ||d o f tho holy music ceqsed, the gop- dola glided into the dark shadow of th.q walk. 4 moment more, and it was nidpted benhitb a eolilary casement, while in alp'W aWept voice,, t^sa^ ivotds were aimg:— . •The snmmer wind is sighing ACross'foe rodohlit sea, And bears my bark, dear lady, Thro.ngh whispering waves to th*e, / .; tayitsx* andl foe-wave, ;B§heeti«g,ftl)nght.ha|-^9. ; As tbe'sOngceased^ the chtemetft opened and a light fonfole' form ~ appeared on- the haicony, where the-moonlight revealed a yorihgaqdlovely lady. Itw asa hun Y fOr the' silken fobfewhs Claspetf with jewels, Ifld AiP elite Yell'bid tbe.b'rigbt looks tbhi' fell so softly round the fair, young face, ais, bending from t|ie b|leqny, l|je ^ajd; ' “ Ab, Ferdinand, why hast 'thou ven- tured fbrthMomight; I They will miis-th&e at.tbqnpa.laee. apd^ll m ? ,'b “ Pardon, dearest Alice, f could not jre8t till T ha^ told^ thee* 'whpt 1 thisF<|ay Ream- ed. TP-m0rroW*lhou wilt Ie|ye.’the con- vOni Where, till now, thy life Mflowpd 4^gl^neath a ^ world thou’wilt enter is tod fml of sin and sorrow for one so pnre and gentfo as thou art. ^dlh AliceJ my heart is fiired with sad foreb^ing for ^ee 1”^ ; Y‘‘ J^ajj ^hy fear feq Ae, de^.FerdinaDd! Ak^d’ tpe"#!^^^^^ ^ir^Cptihe world my ^ | S p ? i s l a | ‘^ |h ^ r br^g^t |iream: »,ove^ dearest ” jBofew, ■ arid shafe the 'g||e^'L bring Ihy igentle h^aff.' Thy failief' hiss betrpihed thee ’id ;Pdant Antopidfadaf by solelajp; vo.we hath hdand himself td 'Wp^ thee oply hntp:him; thefheir.6^ thc^e rfeh-EngUsh iakdahe-eo long bath' coveted. I knew not of this till ft was igo late to claim the hari^Vhere I bed won the heart, f c'^not :::::i ;::3l: led.a *vie\iip to ihe ’alts/, ahd’1t, aiiiid*ftib' a ^ d f my iifo^'feiV he^^Svili seefe for ' ' ' ♦>■ aha the in that noble heart. . ‘^Bqwpan I free myself from this un- .hptyVmaiViage?’’^ ’ 'eaid tha t gentle girl. whtfe the'bright learf fell like sam'mer i*fo.r A‘ i.<Sinno| give giy 'di*°d where my ^ heaifc/ead; npjfer foUoWj, ' A h l Aave oaoi; aa, can-' neYer1 dyAr'piieade|^ Catt- h o l win m^Attif/hard^asTb^^task^tday'b^ wd:fouit thaoh hht;b««ft» id'ihiire the iot-. •i'a AW . 1 --M - *U Ju/.f >n i.;.. row fldidy,' and beOApdfe; -siYl-qill; ,no reihrn btll ed^tahey* add ' truth. 'She knew.n6t that her bumble lover’;wa8 a rich *»pd.P9.ble liwghfc»“i E o ■ypw.ed tOvloYp.m»d fWed her and she boUeve.i^b^^^ days baseedi and then she waYleft to sigh in loteJw sorrowi wasyweddedxttS a fi‘ p id T htiafi:;arJgh(/pAnd.i Bllblypu ~^ive; yeur daugh^f^, hapd-jy(|i% Jsgipg- in a .-» g'*.' ■? .■ '* ' rd .and comforfethde !’>■ .‘i-Famweljl’i wW t.hpawtfpingikdy, P If jveimiist pari^r may ypujflnd .A heart ^as true and tender as thq ope flow aorrow- iflg.for’kiheq, iia thfif prsy.eri of thy poor Alicer’' , -\f , ,, . ,. The b o a tw ^ gone, the balcony desOrtodi and |he:4p.ppn]s'soft light ffall only on the bright waves.rippling befoiw. , w . . ' f I ' e 'i":i . ■•• 'I iThft 0,Qunt J3o. Adejon was a proud.and highberp IialijaD, wedded in bis youth to a lovely English lady, who bad borne him one foir child, and then, Uke>tbe sweet bu|; ■ ibort-livod southern;, flowexs'*, that bloomed mound her, ’faded geptly away, and wsks.borne to the tomb of the proud De..4delpnf. m ' .1* Years went by, and the mother’# phild found a y?llm #nd happy^home among the gentle naps o.f St. C -rr—>— and grew up among the holy , pisterhood lovely as a poet’s dream, pure ah.dgeotle as the sarnls she worshipped rfilb such peous leye' A, fether’e tenderness and care she had never knowm; ‘ for bp had brought aobther. bride to his stately home, and, afeid, the many joys that rank and wealth, eap bring, fofgt^t the gentle child yrho was, growing into womanhoom and beauty in the, diifl oldi conyent, At length poverty stole into lya luxp rions home;, for years of careiess splendor, had brought the proud Count’s fortune low. ■ Then, while pandering through the stately ■halls where no trace of the coming ruin was yet seen, he reipetpbered Jbat a lovely daughter, ‘yet unknown to the gay world, dwelt w:ithin the, gloomy convent. She might wed noma’ lord, whose wealth wQiild Well repay-the* honor done him by the noble house of Adelon. He sought the*daughter he had so fong neglected and witb wonderiog delight, be- held a form and face that well might grape: lM|)roudest hpnje in Italy. Teader memories rose in.his <»id heart, and with kind and loving woi^s be. Wombis daugh- ter’s. lore,' and from time to time-had taken her to his splendid home, that others might sea iba loveliness, of faisfai child.' « ’T.was there ahe bad ■eoo and learned to love Ferdinand De Vere. Young-, brave and- Yiph (in many virtUM, he’soon. wpn the heart he longed for,^ and amid the proud aud high born guestsvwha-tbrpngod her fethet’s halls; the English’ Mrsinger wasrtha-only.icue whos^; image did-not fadnlike a;- bright, dream, wheD-.In.f4.be- silent convent;she. forgot the ga]qvcenes that had. passed before, her. And thus ere long tifo loving hearts were joined, and the.i>rigfat--waves tippling by St. C ----- —^ borne on their bosom the happy lo\%r to tbe little cell where ail hls.4arihiy happi- ness w#8 found;: ' ' -i*-'J : > . Liltle dreaming of the tendeir acenes the moop.Jooked down tbrongb.foose;long^ sumAm--nights; thevCount De Adeldnl , was winning fqt his child the hand of pnest Will cotinsel thee. N6w ^0, and .Count: lAnfoniq, ,an. Italian noble, whose- may ,thi^ last^ped repay thee'for thoff^el unbounded ’weahh would build up' the i sin this .wrongful .heart hath donO thee, broKoo foctimes bf tbe.BrwJn’a fathel. And at length the young lord, won by the daughter’s beauty and the father’s yank, besought the Count’s leavd to bripg her from t& convent to his own noble palace, at; his wife.. That leave wak given and the lover’s .'happy dre'sntl wa^ broken by the summons of the gentle Alice home. the bitter hobi of agbny and grief 1 ydwed ,a, fiorpe'foYonge^ " ' ^*;That ‘vow 1 kept. Yearr rolledaway, •and b was ,wedded to a wild: mountain rob- ber, qnd spught J.n, the stirring scenpa pf a wandpipg life to still the voice tha.t w his pered .of forgivness; but an evil demon drove me on, and 'my vow was at length’ fulfilled. Thy father’s life bad been a loUg, clem; 4feani,of happiness and Jove; wealth such as feyr .posses# wes his, and_Twas all gathered up for thee. Thou wert a fair, unconscious child,-'and often did I wander toothy homei to look upon -thy mother bendjpg pyer theOj and with sU her heart’s loyje bfossing thpe aas mothers only ean,-^ Her life aeeined #11 bound up in thine, and I bated for possessing the' joy I could not win. “ At length thy father died. Thou canst not re,member tiby mother’s grief, nof her wondqr and alarm When no will was found-^and thus all the wealth so boarded up for thee pesfe'd tp iby kinp mkh, Count ADtoflp* Thou wert left fatherless and poon “ My revenge was gained. I had siolen’ the'will that left all to thee, and tbpu and iby mother were penniless, Death tbok her hence, and thou hast made thyself loved and honored for thy nohleness and truth,' My Cruel work was ditipe, and for years I wandered oyer the eartb| a sinfa), sorrowing outcast. ' “ Think ppt, young map, I called thee hither to learn this sad -and slroplp story for po purpose. I can give thw now thy fether’ 's wealth. My life is well n^h spent, and X would perforna one good deed ere T depart. My Pbild, brfdg hither the ivory casket; thou kuowest tbe secret hidrag .pfece/’ ' ; The weeping girl stole out, and a dhep silepce foIjPWrd/ F .gather up such Bopn’dless.wealth as Count utdfaTP brings-ifly chifdl * ^^Tis ai Tpolisb The setting: sun stole wLlb a: softened yay through the eurtains of a humbly the bitter sbrrbw^of *a hopalese loVe. IflWlap broke the2 deep«sUen.oe,abd Mprykhi hRillodf MyiOgi» 4‘Sfgnpri a afraogsr waits below* en.- iteptlngyc9 |lf.to.h 6r| .^all I admit.her?” .Ber.lo.Bi, I can sep.irto .sManger; nowb Yef, ifr she:*? pMr,dor. in sorrow, it were Offlel to refuiB. i Xwilliee her, who^ ever it bO .i” A light ttep tojihded on the atair, a y^oBiQg girl stood, before bjin wrappedin a jdaLk IPMtfei buWhAYeilAO jeloiely .folded; id concealed th 9 <latk ’eyes and elpsforing 't* - "• *-* /?:Qignorj Yoo«e on a strange ertandr” said sbei “ bpt jtq me . a i.sad ope l . My mother lies ppoitiher death bed, audi esn- hqt dip ifl ;pe 4 cp.till ihp ba| rhYealed UBtft theo aaperot, wbichiwiU bring thee wealth ‘and ihorfo^ ‘WHt tb<^i trust me ap.ahy guide, and fplfow.qultdtlyir '■ . 4 ‘• ’Tis ,a strao^ isumnjopsr? [said, the yqpng, ^ can. I, a atranger hero, ;bejkpiowjflit<? thy, mothexJ . Kay;,- do- uo.t.wjBos^ poor .child;.; I will follow ;thee, ift tPY eafl.briflg.poiafort $b a ^uf- iforip'g pphiM’i’i 4 K; ■-Jj t, ^-. : % -i .<u -I j#|h.-hisiUnkndwfl[gu.ido -hap Ipyq,-th.e'wfoifcatffletf«>; - ?,.i' 'i-- '--7 ; .-iTHhight shadows *werq.de.epeqmg*^ap4 ihe soft--light-had faded away, as tto ijopng girl Btbb^d'*Hrefofa*J| ruined gate; ?*» * Lr_4l x.f * * t^ % c ^ hnd M s ill bjR m;^‘ and^'ho^sUbeyHe thed-^, thee Mjihy heart’s tenderneii d ^ r ^ i p r .............. gi»,-ieaaejmK::.taiiwa aa#:.!W!woerjwiwa;aw:: tHMr'foh-ttWh.lidfeM^ r.l r«::l 'o.M «‘ Ahr» saidlth«^3^P|?l0i^^^ fc?lli;lhe brilliant stdr^f^Wb^slf-elli flashing foUamdp-afteifatbe^foiBJLdfl^mmHnu of jMs^onilhteentptllfctotSWs rlHs ‘Yfodild.’i’” Itfdd daW-heha^ X Will-bla 1 m!'j»ydbiide!'’'i! 4» *.:•« ji 1 va 4fld ^ithar^i-pud ttiumphanlismile] bei vaini ’Tis aAtrange;ivow*’X ^haife^made; apught^^hS' npme, ^ |o » _ , .f * rAutonio. /|•caq4«#h^^1e* J®”* ' ®i uflfobitiou 8 %atY^h|^S^?%i^^tf wish 4or, whep, jbe'stm 'df the Earl #Deyerepx, With a llL h ^ P ^ j^ ^ ^ f r y o hie o\^h ‘feif^fortutiet ia'thd%appy husband fear; FIJ thinki6fiitmd more.-”' ,'3 i-f rowing heart fliat bqat so sadly in the bosom of his Sbfrowhig c^ild. The three days ‘were nearly spen't, and well had the’ old piest done bis work.*— The wUuesses had come, all was proved, and Ferdinand De Yere was lord of the English wealth. Count Antohio had yielded all his gen- erous rival would accept, and secretly left Italy. . ^ The morning. of the third day came, and proudly went the Cojjnt De ^^delon through his lordly home;| for that night would the barter of bis faiij young daugh- ter bring all thejwealth he coveted. As thus, he mused, a paper was placed in bja hands; it was the writing of Count Antonio, and tbps ran: “ My lordj-i-l-This night, according"to my promise ypur daughter shall wed the heir of Lord Devereux’s unbounded wealih..-rr- Pardon whatever mystery may appear when ne#t we meet. Ask nothing and all shall be explained when the dere'mSny is over.” “ Some romantic folly,” thought the count; “ I care not what. Me shall have flo cause to chide me, for . not a word will I speak till all is over; now to Alice— she must know of this new whim.” :-And be passed on to where his daugh- ter sat, pale, and still striving to banish the tender tbpaghfe as they rose in her sor- rowing heart. vqicff sonndid through the long hall Cbtint /isPj kP^?yMrend le% Mtdy ;, and. flow 1-01u,u*p 4 Sf-“ 0* 1 ^ oifU I claim, Ibis hapd, dearer than pqgbt the .earth qan giye---r-for-, with it pprnes, a hahfo wealth could not buy, nor titles tempt.— Kindjind-generous friends,” .continued be, turning gaily to those knights who gather- ed warmly rqnnd him, “ my best wish is that you may gain as fair a fortune and as true a bride, as I have, wop by this MASKEP MARRIAGE!” » s m & A SOMQ OF ORKBNBACEtS.*’ M Alittle nonsense htiw Shd foep, f.- %relishqd. J>vfoe, ■wisest.men,". . J^T t is .pFfeetly'truV ffierp'|| bult one paj: in Catalonia. nmfligoing to. sleep in a field is e to ?‘li,e QP the. face of nature.”- jSP^ Every step dowflivsrdv iti the roa^ ofiinfamy renders' the de.feenflhe'ea|ier. i^'iPeo^lq .who always tell thntruih ar^ guickgr, to discgrflTalseboo^ ‘ip ethPTf. iJSiP "When a servant-maid is blown up it ^ usually tbtougfa her owp 1 fWgb m sheuld hot bormw—Hoflbje pud a npws- •papfr* ' ^ .......... . J§ ir Why .ehonld a thirsty man aiway# carry a watch?Because- thete’a a spring/ insjide qf . - " . * & good knowledge of the laws of jlih, will make yoq beUar abje to kee|i Gondolh after gondola; swept op to the marble steps, and deposited their light- hearted occupants to swejl the brillianl that filled the stately ha}IS of the Count De Adelon. ' , Plumes* and gay hearts fluttered, rich N9 words tian tell the wonder, joy, jind jewels and bright feyes flashed, soft words wore spoken, fonder glances given, and jests went , round. Mflighta and ladies, elves and pages; kings and Jower-girls, all ipingled gaily ifa the dance—sweet voices and rich melody filled the air—and So with iiiirxh nnd mnsfo the masqaerade weptop, ; , ■ . . t-i. lia Mender grief the dying woman^s tale had ^ fibred wjihm the breast of tbe young - listener, Tbbpgbtf of'Alice, goldamdrea^ qf 'Wealth and' happiness, aPd sad foomo- ries of the moAer -Who had to deeply Suf fored for the sips of the wild,” revengeful vomah Wh|>‘ now, long years after,'fey dyitig before himr-^thqse came Crowding fo'hfs’mind like b troubled dfeam,'i|ll'the sifonce was bjroken by the ralqtp of ']%£■ lie, bearing'the casket. “ tibclasp it, 4bye,” said yhe dying* womsnl' faihily;'' ‘fimy strengib foils‘ial; and idy work 18 vet undone; Thes'e papers’ wiUjiibve tby_‘"right, to all thWfath^V wealth, Would it .could buy ibis%opi' sddl ife pardon and forgiveness.'. * ^ “ KdW ferewell l f ’cqjnuqt’ d^jo in* peace widb afoee 'so like thy/father’s bending over me. Xhavl told.^alJ.’^ This-good sin this WtOngfui heart hath done Inee,^ Majr j3oB W 0 h 'thee m fr% [ do. :jmd granjt* th ee' peace/*’ wbi8|ieTed the young map; and With a few words*to the ofd priest, he stole Softly Out Ipto the 'V"' ' DayB'h'Sd passed-^the"djsad Was' bunad, and Robile in a '^rfe homio. Loflg‘and anmouB wefo th,e counsels ot theprie|t and ypiing De^Yere; the strango discov^y had' brougbt:mahy ,diffi(:n;liie|;^tbo 80 whq wit-‘ n^teed th«t.will were to be found. After ^ Idngknd cafefuf Beafcli^ they w4re' at 4(flld*Rll ijb^ie' wearworoe p tio s, ofie thought Btiy cheered‘ tbp h«5py* 0° —-thopght of the hour Wheq he m/ghl cfejOi'Alice as h\s Own 1 aud 11^8 he could not hopw to do'until his |ri|ihl't6 all ih* English Wealth Was clear'. ' ^ SO he feagerly hurried'on tha’work, and thus the weeks rolled On, when lidiogs reached hfft'that in three days the nup- tials of fho tiount AQtonid were to take place. Then ip the wildest haste he sought the briest for comfort' and pdvice. •“ My 88td the old 'man, t‘ there is but one Way lefo ihCe. • Qo' td -ijie Tady’s fatbCr' and ask hOr hand. Thop pajit virtue andhn hoflorkhfe name# She loves thee, and?if he bear*'father’s heart Wiihip his breast, ho*wiH beyer seirher for^ffieMobut bis dau 1SV0 '< whehhb Ihalflearb Iblt, life fortube he So- coVefod\feMthihb''> V' " ;lffe'We’nl ahd’pleaded Ills love’ With all his heart's deep deYOitoti-^bu^ in 'vaifl.V ' coubl; Had- set hw'.wbrdl^ ''ML dkbghier Is thS liist 6? W fioble name, anli 'Whoso wi&Vlfe'r'handmuSt'-po«' sess the wisalth kbd'rank bediling such an hoDor;” was opened by an -old - Seifyaot,'who'4aidi:' ‘I Th|rYiigm.d)6?ptai8dd, you are not ioq|lM0|r pdrtl5^jeklyitMis the ■prfest/L-Y /■! 1 PPrAJi8hififrSiW»dWAM«:te legt, •5it0f were ho J k | jPfftidof.ber atood a grey whose^only Omeshajl be to ;D6fi)fO ---- - who stood heside him. “ Lovely she has ever been/hat Xo oight- h'ei? beauty is be* yond aught that ! have ever seen,” - “ Her dfose is well efaoseq,” , replied his gay cpinpanioD, that the .bridal rqbe is but a token 'of the One sbo will shortly tyear^for Count Antbnio daiins herhand, and If I do not erjr, the next time^we tfead the,sa balls it will ife tp dance a t the sweet , (But joqk^ jQtidercpmei tjhe 'Oobnt Antonio, I kbow him, fn spite' ofhfs priisk, by the star of Devereux on his hreast.’’ . ' -j.- i ; : “ Me, tor is attired as for a bridal,” said, thesanae knight; “ but never did I see him bear oo nobly, jDid you mark that whisper, ns he offered Lady ATfep yon ^hita rose she Seems SOWery proud off” ThatT did,” answered tbedady,' wish all knights grew, go strflngely graceful aad gallant whpp a fair Ipdy gmiles oo; their suit. I must ask ^iic^ for the charm she has used to change the awkWard, rude Antonio into yon graceful Cavalier in the whim Y4Y.8i .doublet, Thd musio'sounds, doypuHan,c§?”g, ; And knight flnd lady passed away thro’ the flower-deckqd, halls, . . Many were the ' wottd8#!|ag remarkr at the bridal dress 0f Alice abd her loveri and pre JoRg.it ?sf«whispered through the; crowd .that the prqud pount Me Adelon bad drawn ’Jlhem hither tp, cel^rate the nuptials of his fair daughter With the young lord so many hejarts had’ tried' to win; not for his bravery or love, biibfor the name and fortupe be possessed. And when at length the priest appeared.» low murmur passed Ihlough the crowd. Then the Cbubt De Adelon stepped pro«dly:forwArd aayjqgi » ' ’ - " My frieflds^ pardon this little plot,but I desired to shojv., all poxipt jp .the nobfo cdutit who this night weds foy chdd-«-and where -can they fobre filly pledge iheir faith than here, amid fostfvity and joy, surrpunded by happy hearfe Abd lovings but a murmur of 8gtODisUmj®*'t was heard when ihe'bridegrnqm took his place—for the mask he bad *8o’ carefully worn was hot reropved, bftd wpfldored wi the poge b«t AJice had h e spoken.'r'k I QtherS: hehad'6arefo1l/*y4^^^^^ ^ ■-Gdriolify’ in d tbflder^'-^m'Wt their , _ , , . , . . beigbbbutTwptfiti^slTJMft# tu r^ d * q ,^ : flptil thq foJemu W9>;4.*.Wh*:®]Vpo)tesi;. TLen ,n .Mladly I im fm Sing a song of Greenbatkg, Pockets full qf trash. Over head and ears in debt, • And-o'ut of ready cash;' Heaps to Tax Collectors', As bqsy as a bee, Aint -we in a pretty fix. With gold at fifty-three, Abe in the White House, PrQclamalibns writing; Meade on the Bapidan Afraid to do the fighting; Beward in tfie Cabinet, Snrronnded by his spies; Ma:leck with his telegraph Busy forging lies, . Chase in the Treasury, ’ Making worth!ess notes; Cnrtia at Harrisburg, Makinjr shgddy coats; Gilmore at Charleston, Lost in a fog; Forney under Abe’s chair, Barking like a dog, Spbeqck down at Baltimore, . poing dirtywork? Bntler at Norfolk. As savage as a Turk; Bprague i.h Bhode Island, Eating apple sass; Evdrettat Get|yBburg, Talkingiike aq Ass. Banks out in Texas, Trying to cut a figure^ Beecher in Brooklyn, Howling for the nigger; Lots of Abolftibnists Kicking up nyel), _ . In comes Parson Bro'wnJnw, And sends them all to hell, Burnside at Knoxville, In a kind of fix; Eahlgreen at Snmter. Ponndinffhl the -bricks; Grant at Chattanooga, Trying Bragg to thrash; it any, won^qr The Union’s gone to smash? Squire C- in bis old age ugly ido when al took to. himself a young and enterprising wife, ,w.boJipm^fet^ly after betag install- ed as mistress pf the household, set herself to adComplIsh the Mefoufeati‘task b f“ put- U'ng‘ thitigs to Yiglitl/” Old C^- ___ wah Absenliduring Sie scouting process, And 00 bjs mturn^u^jf of hja dismay upon dis- covecpg that his lovely reformey had eras- ed fiom the walls all his “ book accounts,” wheto-lhey hdd Leeh'-ciphefed ln Ohalk for yearsipasL. ' ^ e r spridaafcher great'aehieve- mo.nt Wfl§ f,therefore .aomewhat dampened by hJs pelamatfoq^vthat she bad ruined him’, for those were h.is charges against bis ,cu8 lomer8 . SheencoWaged him-however to attempt loTecommit lhem to the walls from« bja memory. After his long and laborious jask wa# ebmplefod, evidently with great satisfaction to himself, she venr lured to ask him if he thought he had got them all down. Ho replied, very nlowly and dflliberately; “ Mo, X don't think I have quite aJJ; hut then I think I have got them against, better folks 1” - extraordinary haitue has just' takeo pkfifl in theaewers of Parts. TakiDg advaptagq pf, the fi-iost* wh'^h drives this particular game into covert, the owner in- vited a Oh'rBtmas party to partake of the sport of rat killingl* ' a U the great sewers Were driven in one direction till millions hf rats, which foufht arapng themselves like tigers .as they were hunted along, were oolleeted In the large drain by the bridge of A^flierec. Forty dogs were then let down into the sewers, and after a fight which lastedi forty-five hours, and in whiph four dogf were killed and some blinded, no less than 110,000 rats were dispatched, 4 t a recent fomperancQ meeting in Scotland A convert got pp to speak.—r “ My friendsj” ^skid he, “ three months ago’i ^gned the- pledge. ^Sheers.] - In a taocih afterward, roy friends, I had a , r . . , V -* , ifl m 8 JhfoS f oaver Mfore theprfosi ; had be/pre^ . cbeers-T- i;In another he ifah civil faw. •^ever get trusted because you tb|hk an easier time for payment will come, P^y as you go. The person who is all the time confeMing biff sin'8, is eith.er a great sinnerj or |a great byp'oorite. ' '' .g^ “ I am Pfl the iraU of a ffecy” m the 'follow said when heatepped-flfl flBe ftf the female street-sweepers. \JI^ The fellow who stole a pin, for the sake of stealing it, was eventudlly ebu| pp in jprison for robbing a hank, It is a little singnlar where all the ly looking men and women COm§ frgm, all the babies are so pretty. \g^ You can form a very correct esti- mate of character from the’ style of a feljlow’s hat and the Way he wears it. ' A piece of gold is worth jnst as m^b, dug from your own doorygrd, as if “orted from the mines of California, ’ Many regard themselves as- p.atr and are ever fretful that amid the rid they make so many poor “ fits.’’ \^ST I t is easier to stop a leak in a bujeket at first, than to repair it after the current of water has worn the bottom aWay. I I t is better to call things by .their right names, than to coin counterfeit pneij th^t they may pass more puirent with the peppfe. • ! j^ * Somebody says that “ snoring is the spontanequa escape of those malignant feelings whioh the sTeoper has not time to ve^ when awake." A- shell burst near an Irishman in the trenches, when, surveying the frag- ments he exclaimed, “ Be jabersj tfaim'a the fellows to teckle yet ear}” jjS?" There are very many diMohsofela o \p single gentlemen, timid and bashful, who, now it is Leap year, are waiting fo? softie lady to “ pop the oueBtion,” ' ----- h ,C '- « '.,a •A young gentl^ftn was /onaiing bii betrothed’s hand, “ I hope it is pot co|mterfeit,” he said. » Thq js^y te^t it is to n» 5'it,” was her reply, The men of the world aresoclipp.- edi and rubbed and polished]- that Mod’s idage and inscription is worn from them; wften He calls in his coin, Me wlll ftot take tbftro, • • “ Waiter, bring roe seme pom/ said a boarder to a green Irish servant.^ mofttn, ro'y friends, lA ad ftYPod epaton my hacTr, a: thing: T^’neVer hadtefOre-.-^^— [Gbeers much louder.] A forloight after. *h8% I bopght a coflin, bft- waul one]” I^No Ch’eers.j^ Pfii,T,-«W€!b»yft.«Qfoe Qsrrpftfl/rieflds ^RYe^tiqB, prayets-lhe used fo-repeaVin heTchildhood,' s ftay Iwk .00 Lbc jbkfikp of Ahie w m ajoar suroroefe. was quietly ^oiDg>hroti|;h Tilt CYeofeg dOfOtFoni, he J a ^ f l »qd pi|y 9 || %l?W«hmaur ' sFHajiN A coaotiY foefttidns She ^ ^&.Sw iten tc l^ed th 1*®* fon a 1 “ Mey?” said Paddy, leaning down -to catch the accent. “ Mo, no—corn/” r§- the guest. A green ’un who bad never before seen a steamboat, going oh board of one of Ithem, feil^to tbe hold, and being un>- hujrt exclaimed, ‘f^Wnl| ef the dartied thing ain't holler I’’ When !yon bear a person proclaim- ing his great ayeinloD to having bja namo mpe^r in print,” yon may be prptjty ceftain that fte fe the very one who woujd grow fat op e “ puff, ” : J ^ “ If yonr husband chews, thank God that he don’t smoke. I f he Loth cbewa smokes thank God that he don't taka snftift If'he does all three, thank G5d t he’ll not Jive long,, JSP!” At a concert, recently, at thp .con- ision o!t a well-known song, “ Thet^p )d Time Coming,” a country farmej* up and exclaimed, MsBter you couldn’t the dajLe, could you]” Wfth fl .oewspaper in our hands hold the enda of « myriad invisihla efectric cenduetpr^ along which tremble iftp<»I8riioftoW8, wrongs; tbriumphii,hopei :d despairs of pur rpeft everywhere, “ Did’nt you tell mft you* ftoftld hoW piW f” Skid a farmer .to i t f ‘Irislifniin his big foiken oft friaL “ iBe 4 ^ , hdw]?^ saM Pft, “ How the dlwl’^buld I Bold it aa* tifo horse? pullin' It awftyT list itp|i tBa crjBthnia apd Bff hbuldiftt for yei.*' ‘ '' r •* ' * ' Ii p r J.dp jpol wohjer that yirginfe^fe jtolate, fo?if ,yoit could have leen rtha ^ the l^,Td??apfiftto ca^ ay.ejthought thaLlJpofo Sam was racn|njt kaw mdl fot ui- ©ihoftsea, fetuses, fiftally a ptotty pew ohureh, which if tpftd. do a-groyt »i- the fept iOf .Oedar Monnb^^^ -mm torttdft^ft, 0 # fiftor|,*fin^pir^ atfdfYerythmgi^at Wff .<ff ftoy possible use cQnlftUAiiftn of iftir hoRsee, .WHfJ/ >... ■ , Arrab, ftiY’AaHIfttj’’ hrled ^ m le Mplanfeafi to aweethtori, ...... . . f h d h^?a gfeefi hFM hpppM^^^ suddenly* ‘elecfofft^ed ahd- MtoniShed h ie -ftWeriM^e* refoflrlU flflri% ’• tftro hoari* pioife mothliv hy/eYd«iimDg-lVft Ma*'whyt r i ^ rd^ _ - ------- , ..“ --Shttre, . A p iti be#ttie theflfoi ^ed, is it!? e' :^ e blushing"Bridget, * '“ faith end a he|v Mf >'t<smate’> '%%an thit,' toa«QttrijM»i~ lacillf lhalt is one. of Tf. X ' I

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n«rt« |ssioii for aa ®powwinsrtli^-'t®3c» ■sforgeBeraLpiu^,,

»t,.exceeawg Three;le heeealaryfoaattp.Iter for foe eitfo-

rihe lii^le fo 4.

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iin saidii^iilage.' *13. ’ dw-SO;s of Mehitable Hid- of Bethany, in, foet rsuance of an orcee- arrogate of (J'enesee riven to all persona litable Hadley, late of lid County, deceased* shibit the same, with' foarles S. Cone, sole-, ence in the tow® f Genesee, 'Sew Yofo*»f February next 1 dSy of July,1863.c3 of Carlisle Adams, Stafford in the pounty «f an order made by^ of Genesee, Nctjporsons having claisaa lat€ o f foe town oj seeased. that foey-ara ne, with foe youohert tdministratcix, athei^ afford, in foe coun^ the sixteenth d'ay o t ' tgnst 14th,1863.I.MS, , > Adminis- LLETT, 5 tratorai

1 of Jerome Patterson, ha, in the County of f an order made by of foe G onn^otC ^i n to all persons hay ite of Jerome Patfor- ba in said County, de ,nired to exhibit foe‘.reof to Dnant i*atteri ence in the town of icsee, on or before foi )ated Oct 12th, 186^


rs of Charles P. Pai- a of Batavia, in foe rsuance of an order arrogate of the county jby given to all per­il the estate of Gfaatleaivn o f B atav ia in sa id ey are required to exr yoaohers th e re o f to

iatratrix, at her rtsi-,

k PARSOjra.Administratjx.

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E N D E R i ,

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5 ' Main street, nparly.business where LwiH

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A M A .m m rle Nmnher, e t , B a t a v i a yT A SHOE srokB,

( E E W E E T .aving purchased fou lohse forinerty dwnd^

hy strict Atteiitioiitctsr,al patronage so lon^ jrietor.


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c j & a p { # t :V io i saleaJwge amptmt in .qaantlties t<f ;fld»| .V. J2th„1863, ' " *iBOOSH : i . . ;he Genesee Brewer®.

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percent, in addition to regular rates.

h l M ^ S S B I B I C T O B Y .

■, . . : \ M Wi:. h e t o t , . -■AWptfpy^ad Connqe|lw trI.qm^

tPeaoe and Notary Publjc] willatjfeni^to Law hnstnosB in sdl fo e Courts,.drB^ theedeand' alt otter jffriting?; tate achnowjedgments qpd, «dBcavits; procure Botmtyjmd back' pay for ^ ^ ^ yes of deceased ipWierl; Pfy fox«s pn westefnlan,ds and redeem Ijindsaold for taxes, A lt colleeuons-attended to .promptly. Hy

S S ^ K S i2 a 5 i« e S 8 , ’^ ' * ^MTBOJ? q . P E 0 5 ,

Attorney apd Connselfor-at-Law, Batavia, N. T . Office in old American'Slock; second fldor Batavia, N. Y. f le

; he. jr. E i s s i i ^ ' ■ ,M ^f^oforer an^ de^ec in, Saddles, HjairnpBseji

Whips, Trunks, and Carpet Eags, Spnfo sTde Hai A street', neatly opposlfe Mechanic;' Alsd j^gOntfontlie. « Buckeye Mower.” - 22,

l^oightii a d i fain ladies * atpod son the Jjalr Qome*, Soft ' vrOrds wern spoken,£ tender' vo^s ' were "madil; while the qjilet hfofs looked down on many a blushing cheek pnd downbast ilye.' ■ * >

From one o f these gay manudni A eair- elieii uDOpjfged, apd*; hastily desoaidiog to the watef-eide, sprang into a Iigbf gbndola, which darfod a w y tljrodgh: the starlit:

= '0.n ifcwpat,;»j»id d.rPQpidg hpJigb.a pad fragrant flowers, slunabering in the soft tpoonii^ht, that fell so’ brightly on 'the Qodi fenance of b i^ who looked iwsiidly pt the quipt PY^^g. hp „ end pqble facp, with ppthingnf th.eltqii^ in it,; sapa4bqdark]^ lustrous Byea, apd the r.aren h^i# tie* night wind flung so flerdely backi. . Whilp tjbo unadothesd and simple dreBf,fo!|d, thit, ihongb. brpve and true, a humble fortune; must be his.

Meantime, the light boat sped along by lighted palaces add mbonlit g;ardens, till the high, dark walls tha dopypn.t of St. CiLr-^rrr- rose, b ^ f o him . - The feint.

E B W Iit O Q ^ ;

Win?B,,e|C; in Bottles..

QHi|im,ES HENSKAW, Attornpy^pd Oqansellor atrLsWt-Offipe

: W e !b B E N ^T . B L iS S ,Attoriiey and CounscHoriatita'w, secohd ffoqr,

Amts:icaa.Bloslq:Bafavis„N.'Yi. Iffeiociistea

B , & E. Ml McOQRMieK, 'DaMers fn Hats And'cf»p#, Bnflhlb and. Wolf

l^be% Fan Qfali Banda and'Yarieties, andi jsrticles in our Jjne.of business of ,i^e lat^t;

j ^ s a n d ite t e s t m a k e . ^ ^^ ^22

I-. dER0 M B A . m x k S d f i '•Pealer fa WatpheA VTaeW. Jewelry. and'Cold

and Bilvet Ware; alsostvariety of rich Fancy: ArtLclesAdapteff lojiUL^tMtes and jawnufac-r tnred for every .Ornamental and Jacfol -ptfppOse. Batav^Jr.T, _ *28 ,

Lfoary.Stahle;—iStaWes in- r e « of An^ioaif

drfwsraaentiifreqil&ea. • - I; t 1,22

*7 . , ^ESTBRiy MOfELiHM^Stoeiji Bajavia, Yvlg. NoBjrqn, Yso-

repntatlon fsr-an4 WMe..' *It h*i rteeqtiy been

sUblingat^hcdf^^e omnibus fQ nJl,Jjr m.#Ia» -*dd 'F:.efry*v-'...: ’ ‘ b';; ‘•— V ■'■.

;;Offigp H o a r s , ; . : ; ; A . M j a d d 2^ 4Mi -

the running time heiag20minates fasthf foaa- TiUagetlnie;--^-----I- . .

Htesmboat Express'..UV.....; d 2(f AM-’

fayErlight..,,...:.!;......... 2 10'PM

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. . , ' . « .-tii t. ' IT, ,■/■'■?..I.t “ '.; ’* •'“ ' I tAI I. . ; ■Cdriaplete- . ' ir i j ' ]^Aii ih>e>r .: . ’ •'j ' ' i

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'n feTKy fetfaer,py'0a'la ago5.!wbeffhe^'Wa6'J*B-i.-<fo?* ^RiA/ito gpy^ndYPHBgil tfoed.i^od twopnh simple


r ^ P ^ i V :

low* chant of the evening prayer r<»e soft­ly on |he quiet <u‘r, ' and m, the soleiqd f o | |d o f tho holy music ceqsed, the gop- dola glided into the dark shadow of th.q walk. 4 moment more, and i t was nidpted benhitb a eolilary casement, while in alp'W aWept voice,, t^sa^ ivotds were aimg:— .

•The snmmer wind is sighing ACross'foe rodohlit sea,

And bears my bark, dear lady,Thro.ngh whispering waves to th*e, /

.; tayitsx* andl foe-wave, ;B§heeti«g,ftl)nght.ha|-^9. ;

As tbe'sOngceased the chtemetft opened and a light fonfole' form ~ appeared on- the haicony, where the-moonlight revealed a yorihgaqdlovely lady. Itwasa hun Y fOr the' silken fobfewhs Claspetf with jewels, Ifld AiP elite Yell'bid tbe.b'rigbt looks tbhi' fell so softly round the fair, young face, ais, bending from t|ie b|leqny, l|je ^ajd; '

“ Ab, Ferdinand, why hast 'thou ven­tured fbrthMomight; I They will miis-th&e at.tbqnpa.laee. apd^ll m ? , 'b

“ Pardon, dearest Alice, f could not jre8t till T ha^ told thee* 'whpt 1 thisF<|ay Ream­ed. TP-m0rroW*lhou wilt Ie|ye.’the con- vOni Where, till now, thy life Mflowpd 4 ^ g l^ n ea th a ^ world thou’wilt enter is tod fml of sin and sorrow for one so pnre and gentfo as thou art. ^dlh Alice J my heart is fiired with sad foreb^ing for ^ee 1” ’

; Y‘‘ J^ajj ^ h y fear feq Ae, de^.FerdinaDd! Ak^d’ tpe"#!^^^^^ ^ ir^C ptihe world my

^ | S p ? i s l a |‘ |h ^ r br^g^t |iream: »,ove^ dearest ”

jBofew, ■ arid shafe the 'g||e^'L bring Ihyigentle h^aff.' Thy failief' hiss betrpihedthee ’id ;Pdant Antopidfadaf by solelajp; vo.we hath hdand himself td 'Wp thee oply hntp:him; thefheir.6^ thc^e rfeh-EngUsh iakdahe-eo long bath' coveted. I knew not of this till ft was igo late to claim the hari^Vhere I bed won the heart, f c'^not

:::::i ; : : 3 l :led.a *vie\iip to ihe ’alts/, ahd’1t, aiiiid*ftib'a ^ d f my iifo 'feiV he^^Svili seefe for

' ' ' ♦>■aha the

in that noble heart.. ‘ Bqw pan I free myself from this un-

.hptyVmaiViage?’’ ’ 'eaid tha t gentle girl.whtfe the'bright learf fell like sam'meri*fo.r A‘ i.<Sinno| give giy 'di*°d where m y heaifc/ead; npjfer foUoWj, ' A h l Aave oaoi;

aa, can-'neYer1dyA r'piieade|^ Catt-

h o l win m^Attif/hard^asTb^^task^tday'b^wd:fouit thaoh hht;b««ft» id'ihiire the iot-.

•i'a AW.1--M- *U J u / . f > n i.;..row fldidy,' andb e O A p d f e ;


,no reihrn btll ed tahey* add ' truth. 'She knew.n6t that her bumble lover’;wa8 a rich

*»pd.P9.ble liwghfc»“i E o ■ypw.ed tOvloYp.m»d fWed her and she boUeve.i^b^^ days baseedi and then she waYleft to sigh in loteJw sorrowi wasyweddedxttS a

fi‘ p idT htiafi:;arJgh(/pAnd.i Bllblypu ~ ive; yeur daugh^f^, hapd-jy(|i% Jsgipg-


a .-» g'*.' ■?.■• ■ '* 'rd .and comforfethde !’>■

.‘i-Famweljl’i wW t.hpawtfpingikdy,P If jveimiist pari^r may ypujflnd .A heart as true and tender as thq ope flow aorrow- iflg.for’kiheq, iia thfif prsy.eri of thy poor Alicer’ ' , -\f , ,, .,. The boatw ^ gone, the balcony desOrtodi and |he:4p.ppn]s'soft light ffall only on the bright waves.rippling befoiw. , w . .

' f I ' e 'i":i . ■•• ' IiThft 0,Qunt J3o. Adejon was a proud.and

highberp IialijaD, wedded in bis youth to a lovely English lady, who bad borne him one foir child, and then, Uke>tbe sweet bu|; ■ ibort-livod southern;, flowexs'*, that bloomed mound her, ’faded geptly away, and wsks.borne to the tomb of the proud De..4delpnf. m ' .1*

Years went by, and the mother’# phild found a y?llm #nd happy^home among the gentle naps o.f St. C-rr—>— and grew up among the holy , pisterhood lovely as a poet’s dream, pure ah.dgeotle as the sarnls she worshipped rfilb such peous leye'

A, fether’e tenderness and care she had never knowm; ‘ for bp had brought aobther. bride to his stately home, and, afeid, the many joys that rank and wealth, eap bring, fofgt t the gentle child yrho was, growing into womanhoom and beauty in the, diifl oldi conyent, •

At length poverty stole into lya luxp rions home;, for years of careiess splendor, had brought the proud Count’s fortune low. ■ Then, while pandering through the stately ■halls where no trace of the coming ruin was yet seen, he reipetpbered Jbat a lovely daughter, ‘yet unknown to the gay world, dwelt w:ithin the, gloomy convent.She might wed noma’ lord, whose wealth wQiild Well repay-the* honor done him by the noble house of Adelon.

He sought the* daughter he had so fong neglected and witb wonderiog delight, be­held a form and face that well might grape: lM|)roudest hpnje in Italy. Teader memories rose in.his <»id heart, and with kind and loving woi^s be. Wombis daugh­ter’s. lore,' and from time to time-had taken her to his splendid home, that others might sea iba loveliness, of faisfai child.'« ’T.was there ahe bad ■eoo and learned

to love Ferdinand De Vere. Young-, brave and- Yiph (in many virtUM, he’soon. wpn the heart he longed for, and amid the proud aud high born guestsvwha-tbrpngod her fethet’s halls; the English’ Mrsinger wasrtha-only.icue whos^; image did-not fadnlike a;- bright, dream, wheD-.In.f4.be- silent convent;she. forgot the ga]qvcenes that had. passed before, her. And thus ere long tifo loving hearts were joined, andthe.i>rigfat--waves tippling by St. C----- —borne on their bosom the happy lo\%r to tbe little cell where ail hls.4arihiy happi­ness w#8 found;: ' ' -i*-'J : > .

Liltle dreaming of the tendeir acenes the moop.Jooked down tbrongb.foose;long^sum Am--nights; thevCount De Adeldnl ,was winning fqt his child the hand of pnest Will cotinsel thee. N6w ^0, and .Count: lAnfoniq, ,an. Italian noble, whose- may ,thi last^ped repay thee'for thoff^el unbounded ’weahh would build up' t h e i sin this .wrongful .heart hath donO thee,broKoo foctimes bf tbe.BrwJn’a fathel.

And at length the young lord, won by the daughter’s beauty and the father’s yank, besought the Count’s leavd to bripg her from t& convent to his own noble palace, at; his wife.. That leave wak given and the lover’s .'happy dre'sntl wa broken by the summons of the gentle Alice home.

the bitter hobi of agbny and grief 1 ydwed ,a, fiorpe'foYonge " '

^*;That ‘vow 1 kept. Yearr rolledaway, •and b was ,wedded to a wild: mountain rob­ber, qnd spught J.n, the stirring scenpa pf a wandpipg life to still the voice tha.t w his pered .of forgivness; but an evil demon drove me on, and 'my vow was at length’ fulfilled. Thy father’s life bad been a loUg, clem; 4feani,of happiness and Jove; wealth such as feyr .posses# wes his, and_Twas all gathered up for thee. Thou wert a fair, unconscious child,-'and often did I wander too thy homei to look upon -thy mother bend jpg pyer theOj and with sU her heart’s loyje bfossing thpe aas mothers only ean,-^ Her life aeeined #11 bound up in thine, and I bated for possessing the' joy I could not win.

“ At length thy father died. Thoucanst not re,member tiby mother’s grief, nof her wondqr and alarm When no will was found-^and thus all the wealth so boarded up for thee pesfe'd tp iby kinp mkh, Count ADtoflp* Thou wert left fatherless and poon

“ My revenge was gained. I had siolen’ the'will that left all to thee, and tbpu and iby mother were penniless, Death tbok her hence, and thou hast made thyself loved and honored for thy nohleness and truth,' My Cruel work was ditipe, and for years I wandered oyer the eartb| a sinfa), sorrowing outcast. ' ‘

“ Think ppt, young map, I called thee hither to learn this sad -and slroplp story for po purpose. I can give thw now thy fether’'s wealth. My life is well n^h spent, and X would perforna one good deed ere T depart. My Pbild, brfdg hither the ivory casket; thou kuowest tbe secret hidrag .pfece/’ ' ; ’

The weeping girl stole out, and a dhep silepce foIjPWrd/ • F

.gather up such Bopn’dless.wealth as Count utdfaTP brings-ifly chifdl * ^^Tis ai Tpolisb

The setting: sun stole wLlb a: softened yay through the eurtains of a humbly

the bitter sbrrbw^of *a hopalese loVe.IflW lap broke the2deep«sUen.oe,abd

Mprykhi hRillodf MyiOgi»4‘Sfgnpri a afraogsr waits below* en.-

iteptlngyc9|lf.to.h6r | .^all I admit.her?” .Ber.lo.Bi, I can sep.irto .sManger;

nowb Yef, ifr she:*? pMr,dor. in sorrow, it were Offlel to refuiB. i Xwilliee her, who ever it bO.i”

A light ttep tojihded on the atair, ay oBiQg girl stood, before bjin wrappedin ajdaLk IPMtfei buWhAYeilAO jeloiely .folded; id concealed th9 <latk ’eyes andelpsforing 't* - ‘ ’ "• *-*

/?:Qignorj Yoo«e on a strange ertandr” said sbei “ bpt jtq me . a i.sad ope l . My mother lies ppoitiher death bed, audi esn- hqt dip ifl ;pe4cp.till ihp ba| rhYealed UBtfttheo aaperot, wbichiwiU bring thee wealth ‘and ihorfo ‘WHt tb<^i trust me ap.ahyguide, and fplfow.qultdtlyir '■ . 4

‘• ’Tis ,a strao^ isumnjopsr? [said, the yqpng, ^ can. I, a atrangerhero, ;bejkpiowjflit<? thy, mothexJ . Kay;,- do- uo.t.wjBos poor .child;.; I will follow ;thee, ift tPY eafl.briflg.poiafort $b a uf-iforip'g pphiM’i’i 4K; ■ -Jj t, -. : % -i .< u -I

j#|h.-hisiUnkndwfl[gu.ido -hap Ipyq,-th.e'wfoifcatffletf«>; - ■ ?,.i' 'i-- '--7 ■; .-iTHhight shadows * werq.de.epeqmg*^ap4 ihe soft--light-had faded away, as tto ijopng girl Btbb^d'*Hrefofa*J| ruined gate;

?*» * Lr_4l x.f * *

t ^ % c ^ hnd M sill bjR m; ‘ and 'ho^sUbeyHe thed-^,

thee Mjihy heart’s tenderneii d ^ r ^ i p r

..............gi»,-ieaaejmK::.taiiwa aa#:.!W!woerjwiwa;aw::tHMr'foh-ttWh.lidfeM^ r . l r«::l 'o .M

«‘ Ahr» saidlth«^3^P|?l0i^^^

fc?lli;lhe brilliant stdr^f^W b^slf-elli flashing

foUamdp-afteifatbe^foiBJLdfl^mmHnu of jMs^onilhteentptllfctotSWs

r lH s ‘Y fo d ild .’i ’” I t f d d daW -heha^ X Will-bla1m!'j»ydbiide!'’'i! 4» *.:•« ji 1 va

4fld ^ithar^i-pud ttiumphanlismile] bei

vaini ’Tis aAtrange;ivow*’X haife^made;

apught^^hS'npme, ^ | o » _ ,

.f * rAutonio. /|•caq4«#h^^1e* J®”*'®i uflfobitiou8% a tY ^ h |^ S ^ ? % i^ ^ tf wish

4or, whep, jbe'stm 'df the Earl #Deyerepx,With a l lL h ^ P ^ j^ ^ ^ f r y ohie o\^h ‘feif^fortutiet ia'thd%appy husband

fear; FIJ thinki6fiitmd more.-”' ,'3 i-f

rowing heart fliat bqat so sadly in thebosom of his Sbfrowhig c^ild.

The three days ‘were nearly spen't, and well had the’ old piest done bis work.*— The wUuesses had come, all was proved, and Ferdinand De Yere was lord of theEnglish wealth.

Count Antohio had yielded all his gen­erous rival would accept, and secretly left Italy. . ^

The morning. of the third day came, and proudly went the Cojjnt De ^delon through his lordly home;| for that night would the barter of bis faiij young daugh­ter bring all thejwealth he coveted.

As thus, he mused, a paper was placed in bja hands; it was the writing of Count Antonio, and tbps ran:

“ My lordj-i-l-This night, according"to my promise ypur daughter shall wed the heir of Lord Devereux’s unbounded wealih..-rr- Pardon whatever mystery may appear when ne#t we meet. Ask nothing and all shall be explained when the dere'mSny is over.”

“ Some romantic folly,” thought the count; “ I care not what. Me shall have flo cause to chide me, for . not a word will I speak till all is over; now to Alice— she must know of this new whim.”

:-And be passed on to where his daugh­ter sat, pale, and still striving to banish the tender tbpaghfe as they rose in her sor­rowing heart.

vqicff sonndid through the long hall


/isP j kP^?yMrend le% Mtdy ;, and. flow

1-01 u,u*p4Sf-“ 0*1 oifUI claim, Ibis hapd, dearer than pqgbt the .earth qan giye---r-for-, with it pprnes, a hahfo wealth could not buy, nor titles tempt.— Kindjind-generous friends,” .continued be, turning gaily to those knights who gather­ed warmly rqnnd him, “ my best wish is that you may gain as fair a fortune and as true a bride, as I have, wop by this MASKEP MARRIAGE!”


M A little nonsense htiw Shd foep, f.- %relishqd. J>v foe, ■wisest .men,".

. J ^ T t i s .pFfeetly'truV ffierp'|| bult one paj: in Catalonia.

nmfligoing to. sleep in a field is e to ?‘li,e QP the. face of nature.”-jSP^ Every step dowflivsrdv iti the roa^

ofiinfamy renders' the de.feenf lhe'ea|ier.i^ 'iP eo^lq .who always tell thntruih

ar^ guickgr, to discgrflTalseboo^ ‘ip ethPTf.iJSiP "When a servant-maid is blown up

it ^ usually tbtougfa her owp1

fWgb msheuld hot bormw—Hoflbje pud a npws-•papfr* ' ‘ ...........

J§ ir Why .ehonld a thirsty man aiway# carry a watch?Because- thete’a a spring/ insjide qf . - " . *

& good knowledge of the laws of jlih, will make yoq beUar abje to kee|i

Gondolh after gondola; swept op to the marble steps, and deposited their light­hearted occupants to swejl the brillianl that filled the stately ha}IS of the Count De Adelon. ' ,

Plumes* and gay hearts fluttered, rich N9 words tian tell the wonder, joy, jind jewels and bright feyes flashed, soft words

wore spoken, fonder glances given, and jests went , round. Mflighta and ladies, elves and pages; kings and Jower-girls, all ipingled gaily ifa the dance—sweet voices and rich melody filled the air—and So with iiiirxh nnd mnsfo the masqaerade weptop, ; , ■ . . t-i.

lia Mender grief the dying woman s tale had ■ ^ fibred wjihm the breast of tbe young - listener, Tbbpgbtf of'Alice, goldamdrea^

qf 'Wealth and' happiness, aPd sad foomo- ries of the moAer -Who had to deeply Suf fored for the sips of the wild,” revengeful vomah Wh|>‘ now, long years after,'fey dyitig before himr-^thqse came Crowding fo'hfs’mind like b troubled dfeam,'i|ll'the sifonce was bjroken by the ralqtp of ']%£■ lie, bearing'the casket.

“ tibclasp it, 4bye,” said yhe dying* womsnl' faihily;'' ‘fimy strengib foils‘ial;and idy work 18 vet undone; Thes'e papers’wiUjiibve tby_‘"right, to all thWfath^Vwealth, Would it .could buy ibis%opi' sddl ife pardon and forgiveness.'. *

“ KdW ferewell l f ’cqjnuqt’ d jo in* peace widb afoee 'so like thy/father’s bending over me. Xhavl told.^alJ.’ This-good

sin this WtOngfui heart hath done Inee,Majr j3oB W 0 h 'thee m fr% [ do.

:jmd granjt* thee' peace/*’ wbi8|ieTed the young map; and With a few words*to the ofd priest, he stole Softly Out Ipto the

'V"' 'DayB'h'Sd passed-^the"djsad Was' bunad,

and Robile in a '^rfe homio. Loflg‘and anmouB wefo th,e counsels ot theprie|t and ypiing De^Yere; the strango discov^y had' brougbt:mahy ,diffi(:n;liie|; tbo80 whq wit-‘n^teed th«t.will were to be found. After^ Idngknd cafefuf Beafcli they w4re' at

4(flld*Rll ijb^ie' wearworoe ptios, ofiethought Btiy cheered‘ tbp h«5py* 0°—-thopght of the hour Wheq he m/ghl cfejOi'Alice as h\s Own 1 aud 11 8 he could not hopw to do'until his |ri|ihl't6 all ih* English Wealth Was clear'. ' ■

SO he feagerly hurried'on tha’work, and thus the weeks rolled On, when lidiogs reached hfft'that in three days the nup­tials of fho tiount AQtonid were to take place. Then ip the wildest haste he sought the briest for comfort' and pdvice.

• “ My 88td the old 'man, t‘ there is but one Way lefo ihCe. • Qo' td -ijie Tady’s fatbCr' and ask hOr hand. Thop pajit virtue andhn hoflorkhfe name# She loves thee,and?if he bear*'father’s heart Wiihip hisbreast, ho*wiH beyer seirher for^ffieMobut

bis dau1SV0'<whehhb Ihalflearb Iblt, life fortube he So- coVefod\feMthihb''> V ' ■ " ■

;lffe'We’nl ahd’pleaded Ills love’ With all his heart's deep deYOitoti-^bu in 'vaifl.V

' coubl; Had- set hw'.wbrdl^

■ ''ML dkbghier Is thS liist 6? W fioblename, anli 'Whoso wi&Vlfe'r'handmuSt'-po«' sess the wisalth kbd'rank bediling such an hoDor;”

was opened by an -old - Seifyaot,'who'4aidi:'‘I Th|rYiigm.d)6?ptai8dd, you are not

ioq|lM0|r pdrtl5^jeklyitMis the■prfest/L-Y /■! 1

PPrA Ji8hififrSiW»dWAM«:te legt,•5it0f

were hoJ k | jPfftidof.ber atood a grey whose^only Omeshajl be to

;D6fi)fO ---- -

who stood heside him. “ Lovely she has ever been/hat Xo oight- h'ei? beauty is be* yond aught that ! have ever seen,” -

“ Her dfose is well efaoseq,” , replied his gay cpinpanioD, that the .bridal rqbe is but a token 'of the One sbo will shortly tyear^for Count Antbnio daiins herhand, and If I do not erjr, the next time^we tfead the,sa balls it will ife tp dance at the sweet

, (But joqk^ jQtidercpmei tjhe 'Oobnt Antonio, I kbow him, fn spite' ofhfs priisk, by the star of Devereux on his hreast.’’ ’ . ' -j.- i ; :

“ Me, tor is attired as for a bridal,” said, thesanae knight; “ but never did I see him bear oo nobly, jDid you markthat whisper, ns he offered Lady ATfep yon ^hita rose she Seems SOWery proud off”

ThatT did,” answered tbedady,' wish all knights grew, go strflngely graceful aad gallant whpp a fair Ipdy gmiles oo; their suit. I must ask ^iic^ for the charm she has used to change the awkWard, rude Antonio into yon graceful Cavalier in the whim Y4Y.8i .doublet, Thd musio'sounds,d o y p u H a n ,c § ? ” g , ;

And knight flnd lady passed away thro’the flower-deckqd, halls, .. Many were the ' wottd8#!|ag remarkr at

the bridal dress 0f Alice abd her loveriand pre JoRg.it ?sf« whispered through the; crowd .that the prqud pount Me Adelon bad drawn ’Jlhem hither tp, cel^rate the nuptials of his fair daughter With the young lord so many hejarts had’ tried' to win; not for his bravery or love, biibfor the name and fortupe be possessed. Andwhen at length the priest appeared.» lowmurmur passed Ihlough the crowd.

Then the Cbubt De Adelon stepped pro«dly:forwArd aayjqgi » ' ’ -

" My frieflds pardon this little plot,but I desired to shojv., all poxipt jp .the nobfo cdutit who this night weds foy chdd-«-andwhere -can they fobre filly pledge iheirfaith than here, amid fostfvity and joy, surrpunded by happy hearfe Abd lovings

but a murmur of 8gtODisUmj®*'t was heard when ihe'bridegrnqm took his place—for the mask he bad *8o’ carefully worn washot reropved, bftd wpfldored wi the

poge b«t AJice had h e spoken.'r'k I QtherS:hehad'6arefo1l/*y4^^^^^ ^

■-Gdriolify’ in d tbflder^'-^m'W t their , _ , , . , . . beigbbbutTwptfiti^slTJMft#

tur^d *q ,^ : flptil thq foJemu W9>;4.*.Wh*:®]Vpo)tesi;. TLen

,n .Mladly I

i m f m

Sing a song of Greenbatkg, Pockets full qf trash.

Over head and ears in debt, • And-o'ut of ready cash;'

Heaps to Tax Collectors',As bqsy as a bee,

Aint -we in a pretty fix.With gold at fifty-three,

Abe in the White House, PrQclamalibns writing;

Meade on the Bapidan Afraid to do the fighting;

Beward in tfie Cabinet, Snrronnded by his spies;

Ma:leck with his telegraph Busy forging lies, .

Chase in the Treasury, ’ Making worth!ess notes;

Cnrtia at Harrisburg,Makinjr shgddy coats;

Gilmore at Charleston,Lost in a fog;

Forney under Abe’s chair, Barking like a dog,

Spbeqck down at Baltimore, . poing dirty work?

Bntler at Norfolk.As savage as a Turk;

Bprague i.h Bhode Island, Eating apple sass;

Evdrettat Get|yBburg, Talkingiike aq Ass.

Banks out in Texas,T ry ing to cu t a figure^

Beecher in Brooklyn,Howling for the nigger;

Lots of Abolftibnists Kicking up nyel), _ .

In comes Parson Bro'wnJnw, And sends them all to hell,

Burnside at Knoxville,In a kind of fix;

Eahlgreen at Snmter.Ponndinffhl the -bricks;

Grant at Chattanooga,Trying Bragg to thrash; it any, won qrThe Union’s gone to smash?

Squire C- in bis old age

ugly ido when al

took to. himself a young and enterprising wife, ,w.boJipm^fet^ly after betag install­ed as mistress pf the household, set herself to adComplIsh the Mefoufeati‘task b f“ put-U'ng‘ thitigs to Yiglitl/” Old C^-___wah Absenliduring Sie scouting process, And 00 bjs m turn^u^jf o f hja dismay upon dis- covecpg that his lovely reformey had eras­ed fiom the walls all his “ book accounts,” wheto-lhey hdd Leeh'-ciphefed ln Ohalk for yearsipasL. '^ e r spridaafcher great'aehieve- mo.nt Wfl§ f,therefore .aomewhat dampened by hJs pelamatfoq^vthat she bad ruined him’, for those were h.is charges against bis ,cu8lomer8. SheencoW aged him-however to attempt loTecommit lhem to the walls from« bja memory. A fter his long and laborious jask wa# ebmplefod, evidently with great satisfaction to himself, she venr lured to ask him i f he thought he had got them all down. Ho replied, very nlowlyand dflliberately; “ Mo, X don't think Ihave quite aJJ; hut then I think I have got them against, better folks 1” -

extraordinary haitue has just'takeo pkfifl in theaewers of Parts. TakiDgadvaptagq pf, the fi-iost* wh'^h drives this particular game into covert, the owner in­vited a Oh'rBtmas party to partake of the sport of rat killingl* 'a U the great sewers Were driven in one direction till millions hf rats, which foufht arapng themselves like tigers .as they were hunted along, were oolleeted In the large drain by the bridge of A^flierec. Forty dogs were then let down into the sewers, and after a fight which lastedi forty-five hours, and in whiph four dogf were killed and some blinded, no less than 110,000 rats were dispatched,

4 t a recent fomperancQ meetingin Scotland A convert got pp to speak.—r “ My friendsj” skid he, “ three months ago’ i gned the- pledge. ^Sheers.] - Ina taocih afterward, roy friends, I had a

, r . . , V-* , ifl m 8 JhfoS f oaverMfore theprfosi ; had be/pre . cbeers-T- i; In another

heifah civil faw.

•^ever get trusted because you tb|hk an easier time for payment will come, P^y as you go.

The person who is all the time confeMing biff sin'8, is eith.er a great sinnerj or |a great byp'oorite. • ' ' '

. g ^ “ I am Pfl the iraU of a ffecy” m the 'follow said when heatepped-flfl flBe ftf the female street-sweepers.

\J I^ The fellow who stole a pin, for the sake of stealing it, was eventudlly ebu| pp in jprison for robbing a hank,

It is a little singnlar where all the ly looking men and women COm§ frgm,

all the babies are so pretty.\ g ^ You can form a very correct esti­

mate of character from the’ style of a feljlow’s hat and the Way he wears it. '

A piece of gold is worth jnst as m^b, dug from your own doorygrd, as if

“orted from the mines of California, ’Many regard themselves as- p.atr

and are ever fretful that amid the rid they make so many poor “ fits.’’\^ST I t is easier to stop a leak in a

bujeket at first, than to repair it after the current of water has worn the bottom aWay.

I I t is better to call things by .their right names, than to coin counterfeit pneij th^t they may pass more puirent with the peppfe.• !j^* Somebody says that “ snoring is

the spontanequa escape of those malignant feelings whioh the sTeoper has not time to ve^ when awake."

A- shell burst near an Irishman in the trenches, when, surveying the frag­ments he exclaimed, “ Be jabersj tfaim'a the fellows to teckle yet ear}”

jjS?" There are very many diMohsofela o\p single gentlemen, timid and bashful, who, now it is Leap year, are waiting fo? softie lady to “ pop the oueBtion,”

' -----h ,C'- « '.,a•A young gentl^ftn was /onaiing bii betrothed’s hand, “ I hope it is pot co|mterfeit,” he said. » Thq js^y te^t it is to n»5'it,” was her reply, ‘

The men of the world aresoclipp.- edi and rubbed and polished]- that Mod’s idage and inscription is worn from them; wften He calls in his coin, Me wlll ftot take tbftro, • •

“ Waiter, bring roe seme pom/ said a boarder to a green Irish servant.^

mofttn, ro'y friends, lAad ftYPod epatonmy hacTr, a : thing: T^’neVer hadtefOre-.-^^—[Gbeers much louder.] A forloight after. *h8% I bopght a coflin, bft-

waul one]” I No Ch’eers.j

Pfii,T,-«W€!b»yft.«Qfoe Qsrrpftfl/rieflds^RYe^tiqB,

prayets-lhe used fo-repeaVin heTchildhood,' sf ta y Iw k .00 Lbc jbkfikp of Ahie

w m a joar suroroefe. was quietly ^oiDg>hroti|;h Tilt CYeofeg dOfOtFoni, he

J a ^ f l »qd pi|y 9 | | %l?W«hmaur '

sFHajiNA coaotiY foefttidns She


iten tc l ed th

1*® *fon a 1

“ Mey?” said Paddy, leaning down -to catch the accent. “ Mo, no—corn/” r§-

the guest.A green ’un who bad never before

seen a steamboat, going oh board of one of I them, feil^to tbe hold, and being un>- hujrt exclaimed, ‘f^Wnl| ef the dartied thing ain't holler I’’

When !yon bear a person proclaim­ing his great ayeinloD to having bja namo

mpe^r in print,” yon may be prptjtyceftain that fte fe the very one who woujd grow fat op e “ puff, ”

: J ^ “ If yonr husband chews, thank Godthat he don’t smoke. If he Loth cbewa

smokes thank God that he don't taka snftift If 'he does all three, thank G5d

t he’ll not Jive long,,JSP!” At a concert, recently, at thp .con- ision o!t a well-known song, “ Thet^p )d Time Coming,” a country farmej* up and exclaimed, MsBter you couldn’t the dajLe, could you]”

Wfth fl .oewspaper in our hands hold the enda of « myriad invisihla

efectric cenduetpr^ along which trembleiftp<»I8riioftoW8, wrongs; tbriumphii,hopei

:d despairs of pur rpeft every where,“ Did’nt you tell mft you* ftoftld hoW

piW f” Skid a farmer .to i tf ‘ Irislifniin his big foiken oft friaL “iBe 4 ^ , hdw]? saM Pft, “ How the dlwl’ buld I Bold it aa* tifo horse? pullin' It awftyT list itp|i tBa crjBthnia apd Bff hbuldiftt for yei.*' ‘ ' '

r •*' * 'I i p r J . d p jpol w ohjer t h a t yirginfe^fejtolate, fo?if ,yoit could have leen rtha

the l^,Td??apfiftto ca^ ay.ejthought thaLlJpofo Sam was racn|njtkaw mdl fot ui- ©ihoftsea, fetuses,

fiftally a ptotty pew ohureh, which if tpftd.do a-groyt »i- the fept iOf .Oedar Monnb ^ -mm torttdft^ft, 0 # fiftor|,*fin^pir^atfdfYerythmgi^at Wff .<ff ftoy possibleuse cQnlftUAiiftn of iftir hoRsee, .WHfJ/

>... ■ ,Arrab, ftiY’AaHIfttj’’ hrled ^ m le

Mplanfeafi to aweethtori,. . . . . . . . f h d h ?a gfeefi hFM hpppM^^^suddenly* ‘elecfofft^ed ahd- MtoniShed h ie -ftWeriM^e* refoflrlU flflri% ’• tftro hoari*pioife m othliv hy/eYd«iimDg-lVft Ma*'whyt r i ^ r d ^_ - -------

, ..“ --Shttre,. A p it i be#ttie theflfoi ^ed, is it!?

e' :^ e blushing "Bridget, * '“ fa ith end a he|v Mf >'t<smate’>'%%an th it,' toa«QttrijM»i~l a c i l l f lh a lt is one. of


