feasts of jehovah adult bible class 28 th july 2013

Feasts of Jehovah Adult Bible Class 28 th July 2013

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Feasts of JehovahAdult Bible Class

28th July 2013

Page 2: Feasts of Jehovah Adult Bible Class 28 th July 2013

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• First two for individuals

• Next two for the Church

• Next two for the Nation

• Last for the whole world.

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Feast of Pentecost. Lv 23:15-22

• Feast of weeks – 7 weeks after the feast of F/F• ‘Pentecost’ Gk. = 50th – 50 days after F/F

• Passover Death of Christ• Unleavened bread Life of Christ • First Fruits Resurrection of Christ• Pentecost Descent of the Holy Spirit

• Linked to the F/F – Resurrection, Ascension.

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Feast of Pentecost

• Lv 23:16 New meal offering unto the Lord• Idea of freshness

• 3 months later – Holy Spirit’s coming was something new and fresh

• V.17,18 Unto the Lord - for His glory.• Priest presets to Jehovah as a sin offering and

a sweet savor offering.

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Feast of Pentecost

• Meal offering – • V.17 Habitations – something prepared at home• V.18 - 2 wave loaves of fine flour baked with

leaven. Duality : fine flour/leaven• Believer: Christ –like nature and working of sin.• Perfection of Christ and imperfection of sin.

• Law of meal offering – Lv 6:17• Eph 2: 13-18

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Feast of Pentecost

Passover, First fruits – fulfilled in the never to be repeated events of Death, Resurrection of Christ.Feast of weeks – Also fulfilled in the never to be repeated event of the Day of Pentecost – Acts 2

Two events associated with Pentecost1.Ascend of Christ to heaven – Lk 24:51, Ac 1:9

2.Descent of the Holy Spirit – Ac 1:5, 2:1-5

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Feast of PentecostDescent of the Holy Spirit

1.In relation to IsraelForetold by prophets

Anticipation took place on the Day of PentecostUltimate fulfillment in the kingdom

In the O.T. they rejected GodIn the Gospels they rejected Christ

In the Acts they rejected the Holy Spirit8Feasts of Jehovah ABC

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Feast of Pentecost

2. In relation to the ChurchRemnant of disciples left behind by Christ

Promise of the Comforter givenComing of Spirit is continuation of Christ’s ministry

Spirit will remain till Christ returns.Main purpose: form the church, baptize believers

Jews and Gentiles to One Body – 1 Cor 12:134 Rival groups in Acts bound in one fellowship.

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Lessons for Life

• Lev 23:22 Concern for souls outside – Eg.Ruth

• Gal 3:27 – Do you manifest the presence of the Holy Spirit in your daily walk?

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