features of web hosting


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Page 1: Features of Web Hosting


Page 2: Features of Web Hosting

The internet is a worldwide system of interrelated computer networks to serve billions of users globally. It is a network of networks that consists of million of privileged, public, educational, business, and government networks, that are connected with a wide range of electronic, wireless and optical networking technologies.

Before knowing what is web hosting, you need to understand about the Internet?

Page 3: Features of Web Hosting

Web Hosting is the process or activity of providing storage space and access to websites on the internet. Web hosting service makes your website available to your users. Web hosting services work by storing your website files on high-powered computers, also called web servers, connected to a very fast network. All websites are intended to be viewed by others on the internet. For this you need to ensure that your website is running on a server which is on the internet 24/7/365. This is where the significance of web hosting comes.

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There are three types of web hosting. They are;

Shared Hosting

Virtual Private Server

Dedicated Server

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Shared web hosting is the most common type of web hosting. Shared hosting is a service where one server is shared between many customers to host the websites.

Advantages Disadvantages

- Cheap and easy to operate

- Maintained and protected by hosting supplier

- Technical Support delivered by the provider

- Shared resources, therefore if one site becomes busy, it slows down the whole server

- Less flexibility and options compared to other hosting servers

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A Virtual Private Server is a hosting environment that combines the benefits of shared hosting and dedicated servers. VPS customers share the physical server hardware with other VPS customers, but each customer will have its own dedicated resources and can be configured almost like a full dedicated server.

Advantages Disadvantages

- Price efficient compared to dedicated hosting

- Setup times are quicker

- Easily upgradeable

- Needs technical understanding

- Technical support from the supplier is slower

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In a dedicated hosting environment you will get your own server and all its resources, devoted to your use and no one else.

Advantages Disadvantages

- Price efficient compared to dedicated hosting

- Setup times are quicker

- Easily upgradeable

- Huge quantity of disk space and bandwidth

- Completely flexible to your requirements

- Dedicated IP address

- Absolute administration access


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Things to consider before selecting a hosting server.

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Location : Opt a hosting that's situated in the same country as your targeted users. This will offer you SEO benefits and will load quicker.

Support : Ensure that they provide sufficient support through live chat, email, etc.

Resources : Check the resources you are getting like disk space, bandwidth, e-mail accounts, databases, etc.

Control Panel : Make sure the control panel they are offering is easy to use. This is very important to manage your hosting and website.

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Backups : Select a web host which will help you to backup your data frequently.

Price : Choose a host which will be affordable to you and also which will be perfect for your website. Take into consideration the resources you need.

Extra offers : Look for extras such as SimpleScripts Installer, free domain name, anytime money back guarantee, etc.

Terms & Conditions : Always make sure that you have completely read and understood all the terms and conditions put forward by the host.

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Virpus.com is a leading provider of Virtual Private Servers. Virpus.com provides reliable and trustworthy service at an affordable cost. Virpus.com is constantly restructured with the latest technologies. Uninterrupted hosting service is guaranteed here.
