featuring the voices of nurses & midwives at the un commission …€¦ · crical health issues...

Apprecia(ng the Suppor(ng Chapters of the Sigma Theta Tau Interna(onal Honor Society of Nursing • STTI Upsilon Chapter at NYU Kappa Gamma Chapter at Stony Brook University Lamba Delta Chapter at Monmouth University plus Maimonides Medical Center Nigh(ngale Ini(a(ve for Global Health — NIGH visit us @ www.TheWorldNursesWant.net and @ www.NIGH(ngaleDeclara(on.net You are Invited to Par(cipate in Four Events at the UN CSW! Featuring the Voices of Nurses & Midwives at the UN Commission on the Status of Women UN CSW March 9 th to 17 th , 2015… For the first 1me in the 59‐year history of the UN Commission on the Status of Women — o>en called UN CSW — the voices of nurses and midwives will be featured in official UN 'Parallel Events' in New York City. The UN CSW reflects major global advocacy to advance the concerns of women & girls worldwide. In March, every year, people working on these concerns come to the UN CSW to aSend and present at a mul1tude of 'Parallel Events.’ This year, four such Events — featuring leading nurses & midwives — are available for you to aSend! Photo Credit: Wikimedia: Posted in 2004 by Mar1n Swart, used with the Crea1ve Commons ASribu1on‐Share Alike 2.0 Generic License. Monday March 9th, 2015 A Gala RecepAon to Celebrate! • 4‐6 pm at The World Bar • 825 UN Plaza First Avenue (between East 47 th & 48 th Streets) NYC • 10017 This Gala will provide you with the opportunity to meet & greet Dr. Judith Shamian, RN, PhD, DSc (Hon), LLD (Hon), FAAN — the current President of the Interna1onal Council of Nurses (ICN) . You will also be able to meet & greet nurse leaders in global health and those represen1ng nurses at the United Na1ons. Gala Admission $40 — includes Hors D'Oeuvres, Wine, Beer & So> Drinks. For this event, please RSVP ASAP Space is limited! Contact: [email protected] Dr. Holly Shaw, Director, United Na1ons DPI‐NGO Execu1ve CommiSee Tuesday March 10th — Empowering Women through EducaAon • 6:15 pm at the Armenian Conven1on Center • Guild Hall 630 2nd Avenue • NYC • 10017 Top global nursing leaders will share nursing’s perspec4ves on the UN Millennium Development Goals # 2 — Achieve Universal Primary Educa4on and # 3 — Promote Gender Equality & Empower Women. Co‐Sponsored by the Interna1onal Council of Nurses (ICN), Johns Hopkins School of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau Interna1onal (STTI) & Felican College. Thursday March 12th — CreaAve IntervenAons Addressing CriAcal Health Issues in the Post‐2015 Agenda • 10:30 am at the Salva1on Army Auditorium 221 East 52nd Street (between 2nd & 3rd Avenues) NYC • 10017 Highligh4ng the collabora4on of global nursing and midwifery leaders with grassroots nurses, midwives and healthcare workers engaged in innova4ve interven4on programs worldwide! Co‐Sponsored by Nigh1ngale Ini1a1ve for Global Health (NIGH), The NGO Health CommiSee, Sigma Theta Tau Interna1onal (STTI) & The Albert Schweitzer Ins1tute. Tuesday March 17th — Future DirecAons to Ensure Health & Mental Health for Girls & Women • 10:30 am at the UN Church Center 777 UN Plaza (at the corner of 44th Street & First Avenue) • NYC • 10017 With Mental Health a cri4cal topic for all girls and women of all ages, this event will highlight key global insights into today’s problems and offer tomorrow’s solu4ons. Co‐Sponsored by The NGO CommiSee on Mental Health, Sigma Theta Tau Interna1onal, Sorop1mist Interna1onal, the Communica1ons Coordina1on CommiSee of the UN, Interna1onal Council of Women & Rozaria Memorial Trust. These three UN CSW 'Parallel Events' are FREE — subject to available sea1ng. You will not need a UN Pass to aSend!

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Page 1: Featuring the Voices of Nurses & Midwives at the UN Commission …€¦ · Crical Health Issues in the Post‐2015 Agenda • 10:30 am at the Salvaon Army Auditorium 221 East 52nd



Nigh(ngaleIni(a(veforGlobalHealth—NIGH [email protected]@www.NIGH(ngaleDeclara(on.net












Contact:[email protected],Director,UnitedNa1onsDPI‐NGOExecu1veCommiSee







