february 2016 mem newsletter


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Page 1: February 2016 MeM Newsletter

SUMMARY It’s happening right here!

Transition to Kindergarten 2Reaching parents in a business setting 3Avenir d’Enfant and the 2015 Forum All in for the kids 4

Did you know ?Allowing our children to pick themselves up again alone5Food security: feeding and educating 6

Info & linksWorld of Mouth: 7Gala Reconnaissance 2016: 7How to communicate with your clients: 7And if this a part of the solution : 7


Bulletin des Partenaires


Memphré en Mouvement 1011, rue SherbrookeMagog J1X 2T2Tél. : 819 847 3034Tél. : 819 446 5005

Isabelle Denis Twitter : @MemenMouvement Facebook

Site Internet


Denis Delbois agent de liaison et de communication Isabelle Mercieca coordonatrice MeM

ÉDITORIAL : What’s the parents’ role in all this?

As a partners’ group, we’re committed to sharing the best practices, offering the best advice and, most importantly, modifying trends and statistics.

Because our work brings us face to face with reality, and because our organizations have visions of change, we can be called upon to provide either expertise or assistance.However, as leaders, shouldn’t we consider the parents the real experts?

The modern era brought with it concerns about the health of infants, followed by all sorts of trends in infant care. And over the ages, some of these practices contradicted one another.It wasn’t until the arrival of psychoanalysis, and such well-known names as Françoise Dolto and René Spitz, that the concept of stimulating a child’s development emerged.The marketing world was quick to see an opportunity in the baby boom and in parents’ pursuit of the best for their children.This led to some excesses, such as the right to own and the phasing-out of traditional education markers, thus creating child kings. Today, as a result of the knowledge we’ve gained and of evolving trends in education, voices are calling for the right balance, thus pointing to the fact that a well-equipped parent is the expert when it comes to his or her child’s education.One way in which to restore parents’ trust in their own abilities is to help them become aware of what to expect from their child with regard to motor development so they can act accordingly instead of trying to meet unrealistic expectations. Another way is to let parents know that a simple thing like playing outside helps children to socialize and to adapt to their environment.Moreover, for anyone in search of meaning and direction, we recommend François Cardinal’s book, «Perdu sans la nature». It’s a good place to start. And be sure to pass it along.In our capacity as leaders, beyond setting a good example, perhaps we should overcome our natural tendency to showcase our expertise in favour of providing a vision for education, one that has for basis a child’s skills and an environment that enhances learning while respecting each child’s own pace and safety...










Partners Newsletter

Page 2: February 2016 MeM Newsletter

It’s happening right here!Transition to Kindergarten

With the approach of the school registration period, it’s time to think about 4-year-olds (and their parents) who are preparing to take that big step into the academic world next August. In order to offer better support during this transition period, new initiatives have been introduced this year that are carefully designed and consistent with actions that have been in place in the MRC for many years.

-At the time of registration, some schools will provide parents with a communication sheet that lists the steps between now and kindergarten entry. The goal is to supply families with information that will reassure them and make it easier for them to get ready for school entry.

-In addition, we’ve provided organizations with a document that shows the differences between the daycare setting and the school setting. The goal is to raise awareness annually, among the players, about the importance of the changes that come with the transition to school for children and their parents. That way, they will be able to adjust their expectations.

As well, ‘4-year-old’ kindergartens will soon provide the Profile Tool for 3-year-olds in order to support them during this transition period, which is also an important step in a child’s life.

In conclusion, I’d like to share some comments from parents who, along with their child, enjoyed an activity with the child’s future teacher. This type of activity has been in place for two years in a few schools in the MRC. It’s geared toward children who have difficulty adapting. Parents and their child meet with the child’s future teacher at school and enjoy a fun activity together.

The comments received from parents following their child’s kindergarten entry were very positive and demonstrate the relevance of this action: For a child who has difficulty with transitions, this meeting really allowed my child to get a concrete sense of what to expect in kindergarten.

It was for us, as parents, and for our child, a tremendous relief, and it gave us confidence to cope with kindergarten entry.

This meeting also allowed me to feel confident about the beginning of the school year, and enabled me to convey that feeling to my daughter.

Continue to pinpoint those youngsters who are anxious and insecure... Your taking the time to welcome them and prepare them had a tremendous effect on our child (and his parents!!).


It’s happening right herePa


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Page 3: February 2016 MeM Newsletter

Reaching parents in a business setting

How can we balance work and family and manage to feel happy and fulfilled? Now there’s a challenge! Our personal life can demand a lot of time and energy, which can make it difficult to balance it with the demands of our work life. Think of the parents who have to provide for their children every day and who wish to spend more quality time with them. Inevitably, the conditions and environment at work have an impact on the availability (physical, psychological and emotional) of parents both at home and at work.

Therefore, businesses would do well to offer parents working conditions that are adapted to their personal needs and changing realities. They can do this by making employees a focus of concern and by conveying human values (e.g. respect, confidence, appreciation, openness, communication, empathy, etc.), but also by adopting measures that allow parents to reconcile family and work (e.g. working from home, flexible schedule, leaves for family reasons, etc.).

Focussing on such conditions offers many benefits to businesses, such as a reduction of stress and turnover in their organization, greater employee workplace satisfaction and commitment, etc. For employees, the benefits are also many: less fatigue and stress, greater family availability, better interpersonal relationships, and enhanced quality of life at work, etc.

Finally, we invite you to visit the portal on work-life balance launched by the CIME (Centre d’Intégration au Marché de l’Emploi) on February 5! -LINK-


It’s happening right herePa


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Page 4: February 2016 MeM Newsletter

Avenir d’Enfant and the 2015 Forum All in for the kids

Last fall, I took part in All in for the kids, a forum on early childhood organized by Avenir d’enfants, and I’d like to share what I learned. Three main themes were discussed:

1.Taking action during pregnancy and throughout early childhood: Michel Boivin confirmed to us that the development path of infants is established very early. But what really struck me was how important programs and policies are when it comes to impacting the development of children who are at risk... An example is the implementation of universal daycare as a protective factor! I remember this sentence: in Québec, with the implementation of a parent support system, we recognize that our children are a collective responsibility.

2.Reaching out to families who are living in poverty: We were all very impressed by Carl Lacharité’s speech! I especially remember a few promising ideas:

- A healthy society is measured by the health of its youngest members. What kind of care and attention do we give our littlest ones, the most fragile members of our society, those in greatest need?

-Parents in a vulnerable situation face a greater challenge in terms of performing their parental duties, because their child is at greater risk of «injury». Parents too are at greater risk, as is the child’s whole «ecosystem»...Therefore, the challenge lies in providing a positive parenting experience...

-The limited capacity to act of a person living in poverty also has an impact on stakeholders, who must constantly come up with solutions and adapt. It requires considerable effort on their part just to feel competent.

3.Remaining mobilized in support of early childhood: Tom Wolff shared his experience and principles for achieving sustainability. I’ve been telling you about his work since early fall. But I’d like to mention one thing he insisted on: the importance of «engaging» those who are most affected by the issues in question and supporting them in developing their capacity to act.

Details of these interventions can be found on: http://www.avenirdenfants.org/le-parc/tous-pour-eux.aspx

A brief summary by a coordinator is available at: http://avenirdenfants.org/media/364734/Retour-forum-Tous-pour-eux_MGeorget2016.pdf











It’s happening right here

Page 5: February 2016 MeM Newsletter

Did you know ?

Allowing our children to pick themselves up again alone

Given the early childhood network’s new framework, Gazelle et Potiron, I’d like to talk to you once again about motor development...

Why is it so important? Because a child’s body is his or her first tool for exploring the world! His/her motor development will serve as a foundation for much future learning, in particular academic, and will help build confidence. It’s also the basis for a physically active lifestyle in the future. This isn’t about turning all our youngsters into super athletes or sportstars. It’s about helping them to feel good in their own bodies and in their own skin... in order to make their life easier...

How do we do it? By allowing our children to pick themselves up again alone! This principle can be applied at every stage of development. Children have the ability to develop their own motor skills.

However, for this to work, three rules apply:

-Never put a child in a position he/she didn’t achieve on his/her own; to each his/her own pace

-Make sure the child is in a safe environment for his/her age

-Provide the child with a wide variety of stimulating situations.

These principles also apply to children without developmental problems, handicaps or other major difficulties!

If you wish to further your reflection, take a look at these short videos:














Did you know ?

Page 6: February 2016 MeM Newsletter

Food security: feeding and educating

Here are a few local initiatives pertaining to food security and nutrition education.

For nearly a year now, the Memphremagog Food Bank (BAM) has been delivering between 13 and14 baskets a month to Stanstead, benefitting some 19 children. Starting in April, beneficiaries of the Stanstead Food Bank may ask to receive their monthly basket in their own city! This project has been made possible by a partnership between the City of Stanstead, the Bouchée Double Community Kitchen and the Memphremagog Health and Social Services Centre (CSSSM). Since November, our territory has also benefitted from Moisson Estrie’s meat recovery programme, via the Memphremagog Food Bank. Families receive frozen meat, which enhances their food baskets. This project will see further development in the coming months with the addition of a transformation component in order to maximize food use.

Every month, parents in the Parent’ Aise programme (through the CSSSM) take part in a cooking workshop with the Bouchée Double Community Kitchen. It allows them to acquire cooking skills and also learn about home economics! Everyone leaves with the recipe and the ingredients necessary to repeat the experience at home. At Ecole Des Deux Soleils, families can take part in a healthy dinner every month. After signing up, parents and children cook together in a group and prepare a meal for $1 per person. The activity takes place at school, in the evening.Every month, at the Villa Pierrot, children also have the opportunity to develop their taste and cooking skills. The host of the Bouchée Double Community Kitchen helps children prepare a snack, after which they leave with the recipe and ingredients for making the snack again at home with their mother!

And let’s not forget the many workshops (cooking, nutrition, gardening, etc.) taking place in schools, all to ensure that the next generation develops healthy eating habits!











Did you know ?

Page 7: February 2016 MeM Newsletter

Info & linksWorld of Mouth:Recently, we have expanded the functions of our website; news are coming for you but also for your partner clients :https://www.memphreenmouvement.org

Gala Reconnaissance 2016: There is certainly good reason for you to participate in the Gala. Here is the link for your nomination :www.bougerjenmange.ca

How to communicate with your clients:You try to find a miracle solution to reach your client? Have you ever think to Pinterest? So first subscribe to our account : https://www.pinterest.com/MeMplaisir/

And if this a part of the solution :A discovery on the web that I find interesting to share; good discovery!http://www.bonheurautravail.org


Info & links



