february 22, 2015€¦ · judas iscariot, went to the chief priests and said, ‘what will you give...

Southminster Presbyterian Church 2245 South Holland Avenue Springfield, Missouri 65807 Phone: (417) 881-3762 Southminster Presbyterian Church of Springfield, Missouri, is called by God to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ, to minister in love to the needs of members of the congregation and residents of the community, and to promote peace and justice in the world. February 22, 2015

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    Presbyterian Church

    2245 South Holland Avenue Springfield, Missouri 65807 Phone: (417) 881-3762

    Southminster Presbyterian Church of Springfield, Missouri, is called by God to proclaim the good news of

    Jesus Christ, to minister in love to the needs of members of the congregation and residents of the

    community, and to promote peace and justice in the world.

    February 22, 2015

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    Service for the Lord’s Day First Sunday in Lent February 22, 2015 9:30 a.m.

    *Please stand if you are able. Please contact the head usher if you are in need of child care.


    Enter Sanctuary

    Welcome & Announcements Brenda Stone, Liturgist (All are invited to sign in the Friendship Register)

    Prelude ‘Kyrie’ Couperin

    Call to Worship: One: Our Lenten journey has begun. All: Let us follow the example of Jesus who... One: listened for the voice of God in the wilderness, All: followed the leading of the Holy Spirit One: and resisted temptation. All: Jesus is the Bread of Life. Let us feast on him during this Lenten season.

    *Opening Hymn № 81 ‘Lord, Who Throughout These Forty Days’

    Call to Confession One: Lent is a time of reflection, preparation and repentance. As we fix our gaze

    upon Christ’s great sacrifice, let us examine ourselves and confess our sin before God and one another. Let us pray.

    Prayer of Confession All: God of the depths, searcher of hearts, you know the tumult of our lives - a

    busyness that bruises those nearest, a loneliness that claws at the soul, a fearfulness that leads to distrust and cynicism. You know our longing for a more centered life - time for reflection in prayer; gracious, unhurried times with friends and family; renewing rest and exercise; growing moments to deepen our faith and witness. God of our days and our wishes, lead us into this holy time of Lent so we can let go of that which pulls us from our path. Give us the courage to persist in prayer, excel in kindness and walk gently on the earth. Heal the wounds we carry, forgive the errors we commit and lead us to new life. In the name of Jesus. Amen.

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    Declaration of Forgiveness One: God’s love is never ending. God is always present with and for us. As we

    journey through the days of Lent, may we come to know even more completely the depth and breadth of God’s love. Praise God. Amen!

    All: Thanks be to God. The Peace One: May the peace of Christ be with you. All: And also with you.

    Congregational Response: Hymn 333 ‘Seek Ye First’

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    The Word Prayer of Illumination

    One: We gather, humbly, O God, to hear your Word read and proclaimed. Settle our minds and calm our fidgets so we do not distract ourselves. Open both our ears and hearts and fill us with longing to hear with both body and soul.

    All: Amen.

    Scripture Reading: 2 Corinthians 5:11-21

    Anthem Choir

    Sermon ‘The Season of Reconciliation’ Rev. Julie Mercer-Kidd

    *Hymn № 306 ‘Fairest Lord Jesus’

    *Affirmation of Faith (from A Brief Statement of Faith)

    We trust in Jesus Christ, fully human, fully God. Jesus proclaimed the reign of God: preaching good news to the poor and release to the captives, teaching by word and deed and blessing the children, healing the sick and binding up the brokenhearted, eating with outcasts, forgiving sinners, and calling all to repent and believe the gospel. Unjustly condemned for blasphemy and sedition, Jesus was crucified, suffering the depths of human pain and giving his life for the sins of the world. God raised Jesus from the dead, vindicating his sinless life, breaking the power of sin and evil, delivering us from death to life eternal.

    Prayers of the People and the Lord’s Prayer

    Congregational Response: Hymn 2013 ‘Bless the Lord’

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    Responding with Thanks

    Call for Offering

    One: God has blessed us with both spiritual and material gifts. As God has been

    generous with us, let us be generous and joyful givers.

    Offertory ‘The God of Abraham Praise’ Lowe

    *Doxology № 592 ‘Praise God, From Whom All Blessings Flow’

    *Prayer of Dedication

    All: Giving God, teach us to be more generous with the abundant gifts you have

    given us so we will be rich in serving you. Use these offerings as earthly

    reminders of your love for all. Through Jesus Christ we pray. amen


    *Closing Hymn № 388 ‘O Jesus, I Have Promised’ (Vv. 1, 2, 3) *Charge and Benediction Rev. Julie Mercer-Kidd *Congregational Response № 388 ‘O Jesus, I Have Promised’ (V. 4)

    As we leave worship,

    we are called to carry with us the light of Christ and share it with the world.

    Postlude Postlude on Hymn Tune ‘Darwall’ Lowe We warmly welcome visitors and invite you to consider membership in our

    community of faith if you do not have a church home. For more information about

    the church, please contact the office (417) 881-3762.

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    Blue Out Sunday The first Sunday in Lent has been designated “Wear your blue t-shirt to church Sunday” as a testament of one of the ways One Great Hour of Sharing makes a difference. King David sang, “You have turned my mourning into dancing; you have taken off my sackcloth and clothed me with joy…” (Psalm 30:11) Thousands of volunteers each year put on a blue t-shirt that says “Out of chaos, Hope.” They bear not only ladders and drywall for rebuilding, but also the love of God. Many disaster survivors

    who see the love of God evident in the lives of these servants are able to take off their cloak of mourning and begin to find joy.

    Many congregations have not had an opportunity to ‘earn’ blue t-shirts through volunteer work team efforts; but you are supporting the ministry of Presbyterian Disaster Assistance through your

    financial gifts, action and prayers. You are standing in the GAP for disaster survivors. Therefore, PDA is urging all congregations to participate in a “Blue-Out.”

    Together let’s tell the story of hope out of chaos.

    The Peacemaking group is sponsoring a "Fish for Crosslines" project during Lent. Since fish is the preferred food for many during Lent, it seemed appropriate for us to collect "Fish for Crosslines" during these six weeks.

    Packaged protein, aka canned fish (tuna, mackerel, salmon, sardines) will be collected during this time. Every Sunday or any other time you are at church, bring cans of fish to help fill our "fishing boat." Actually, Crosslines has given us a big barrel to fill, so we need to be active fishermen. Don't just bring one can, but bring what you can and bring it every Sunday in Lent. This is a big challenge, but as a congregation we are up to it.

    If you aren't into fishing there will opportunities to donate money so that fish can be bought. The Annual Congregation Meeting will be held after worship today. It will begin at

    10:30 in place of Sunday School.

    Westminster has invited us for Lent services from 6:15 p.m. until 6:45 p.m. in their sanctuary from Ash Wednesday until Holy Week. For those that might want to eat before the service, a light meal will be served in their gym at 5:30 p.m. There will be a $3.50 charge for the meal (note change in amount - corrected per Westminster invitation). If you wish to enjoy the evening meal please leave your name and number at 863-1618 by each previous Monday at 9:30 a.m. Maundy Thursday will also be a joint service. More details will be coming soon!

    fish for

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    M i n i S c r o l l

    Events this week: February 22, 2015 - February 28, 2015

    9:30 AM -Worship 10:30 AM -Congregational Meeting 12:30 PM - Bethany Evangelical Church

    10:30 AM -Bible Study (Westminster) 6:00 PM - Parkcrest AA Group 7:00 PM - Bethany Evangelical Church 7:00 PM - New Beginnings Al-Anon Alateen Family Group

    6:00 PM - Overeaters Anonymous 6:30 PM - New Freedom Group 7:00 PM - Bethany Evangelical Church 7:30 PM - New Freedom Group

    Crosslines Fish Day 12:00 PM -Free Lunch, No Questions 5:00 PM - Parkcrest AA Group 5:00 PM - Bulletin Deadline March Scroll Deadline 6:30 PM - Choir

    5:30 PM - Debtor's Anonymous 7:00 PM - Bethany Evangelical Church 7:30 PM - New Freedom Group

    7:00 PM - Parkcrest AA Group 7:00 PM - New Beginnings Al-Anon Alateen Family Group

    8:00 AM - New Freedom Group 12:00 PM - Free Lunch, No Questions 12:00 PM -Overeaters Anonymous 3:00 PM - AA Fundraiser 7:00 PM -Bethany Evangelical Church

    Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

    22 23 24 25 26 27 28

    Lenten Thoughts

    Each Sunday there will be a symbol of Lent added to the draped cross. Use

    this time to remember the significance of Lent and the path to Easter.

    Bag of Coins – Matthew 26:14-16 “Then one of the twelve, who was called

    Judas Iscariot, went to the chief priests and said, ‘What will you give me if I

    betray [Jesus] to you?’ They paid him thirty pieces of silver. And from that

    moment he began to look for an opportunity to betray him.”

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    Members with ongoing concerns Lea Barcomb

    @ Home

    Mary Brunner

    @ Elfindale Manor

    Vera Goodall

    @ Sonshine Manor

    Dale McDonald

    @ Mount Vernon

    Sharol Neely

    @ Home

    Roberta Nicholson

    @ Home

    Margaret Randall

    @ James River Care


    Maxine Graves @ Home

    Friends & Family

    Charles Bess

    father of Jeff Bess

    Mike & Bonnie Crain

    Barbara Crain’s brother-in-law

    & wife

    Carolyn Fay

    mother of Felicia Whitaker

    Jerry Holt

    Brother of Don Holt

    Sherrie Burton

    Daughter of a friend of

    Rose Mary Owen

    Linda Ice; Deidre

    Sister and niece of Nancy


    Cameron Marshall

    Son of Denise Moll

    Randy Randall

    son of Margaret

    Maria Nelson’s parents

    Doug Palmer; Faith

    son and granddaughter of

    Steve & Patsy Palmer

    Jack Shuler

    grandson of Gondy

    Grant & Cece (Lumpe)


    Jan (John)

    Rich Marsh’s friend

    Louise Davis

    Denise Moll’s


    In the Service SPC Kathryn (Dawn Newton) Bayless

    342 MP CO525 MP Bn


    APO AE 09522-9998

    Sgt. Josh Bayless

    342 MP CO525 MP Bn


    APO AE 09522-9998

    Presbytery Prayer Support of the Week First Presbyterian Church of Monett, Missouri has approximately 140 members and

    are being led by Pastor Bill Vincent.

    Weekly Joys: Birthdays: February 25: John Paul Finney, February 28: Pam Newton

    Weekly Concerns: Doug Palmer, June Meyer, Margaret Randall, Jean Stokke, Carolyn

    Mitchell’s son Greg, Skeeter Harbaugh’s son Darrel, Sharon Marsh