february/march call to order

1 Greetings FBLA members and advisers! The National Parliamentarian’s Council is pleased to present the January/ February Edition of the Call to Order. As conference season approaches, we hope this newsletter will serve as a valuable resource for preparing for Parlia- mentary Procedure competitions. Inside this edition are many insightful articles on topics such as parliamentary procedure for beginners, how to reconsider a motion, and advice for holding online meetings. The council wishes you the best of luck on your local and state competitions and we hope to see you in Nashville! Lastly, please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions or suggestions. I can be reached at [email protected]. The entire council would be glad to an- swer any questions about Parliamentary Procedure or competing in FBLA. As always, remember to share this newsletter with members of your state and lo- cal chapters. Best Regards, Adam Nissinoff FBLA National Parliamentarian JANUARY&FEBRUARY NEWSLETTER Letter from the National Parliamentarian...

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Page 1: February/March Call to Order


Greetings FBLA members and advisers!

The National Parliamentarian’s Council is pleased to present the January/

February Edition of the Call to Order. As conference season approaches, we

hope this newsletter will serve as a valuable resource for preparing for Parlia-

mentary Procedure competitions.

Inside this edition are many insightful articles on topics such as parliamentary

procedure for beginners, how to reconsider a motion, and advice for holding

online meetings. The council wishes you the best of luck on your local and

state competitions and we hope to see you in Nashville!

Lastly, please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions or suggestions. I

can be reached at [email protected]. The entire council would be glad to an-

swer any questions about Parliamentary Procedure or competing in FBLA. As

always, remember to share this newsletter with members of your state and lo-

cal chapters.

Best Regards,

Adam Nissinoff

FBLA National Parliamentarian


Letter from the National Parliamentarian...

Page 2: February/March Call to Order


Table of Contents

Do you know a parliamentarian that has contributed greatly to

your chapter?

Email :

National Executive Parliamentarian Rani Mavram at

[email protected] by

March 17, 2014

Want to be featured in the next issue?

Letter from the National Parliamentarian 1

Tips for Beginners 3

Bringing a Question before the Assembly 4

Letter from the Counil 4

How YOU Can Get Involved 5

Upcoming dates and Reminders 5


Page 3: February/March Call to Order


Tips for beginners 1. BE PREPARED

It is crucial to prepare ahead of time for meetings. Make sure that the

Secretary has an agenda prepared to keep the meeting running in or-

der. It is also a good idea to send a tentative agenda to all members

ahead of time so they can come prepared. Be sure that all committee

chairpersons know their responsibility, and let them know ahead of time if

they need to give a report.


Making a motion is very easy. To make a motion you must first address the

chair "Mr./Madam President" once you have been acknowledged you

may make your motion. When making a motion you must always start

with the phrase "I move that/to...".


During meetings things can get out of order. Don't worry! There are many

ways to fix this problem. If the chair calls something in the agenda out of

order, a member can simply stand and state "I call for the orders of the

day". During a motion if a member notices that something is being done

wrong or if they feel that their rights are not being enforced they can call

for a "point of order!" The chair will then ask the member to state their

point. If you are unsure of how something is supposed to be done you

can stand and ask for a parliamentary inquiry.


The motion to amend is one of the most commonly used motions. If

somebody makes a motion and someone else has an idea to make the

motion even better they can amend it before it is voted on. Amend-

ments must be germane to the question at hand, meaning they need to

be relevant to the motion being considered. An amendment to an

amendment can be made, but only one amendment to an amendment

can be considered at a time. Amendments require a majority vote.

Something that has previously been adopted can be amended as well.

These motions require a two-thirds vote without previous notice or a ma-

jority vote with notice. All other rules to amend something previously

adopted are generally the same as a regular amendment.


The chairman plays an important role in meetings. Anyone who wants to

speak has to first be recognized by the chair. The chair should always re-

main impartial during meetings, this is why the chairman typically does

not enter into debate or vote. The only time the chair should vote is if his/

her vote will affect the outcome or if the vote is by ballot. If the chair feels

strongly on a topic and would like to make a motion or vote then he/she

should turn the chair over to someone else. The chairman should be fa-

miliar with all committee reports, have a good idea of what kind of busi-

ness is to come up, and know how to handle different scenarios.

Page 4: February/March Call to Order



LETTER FROM THE COUNCIL 2014 is in full swing and all of FBLA is preparing for the State

Leadership Conferences in March and April and the National

Leadership Conference held in Nashville, Tennessee at the end

of June. The National Parliamentarian’s Council has been hard

at work thinking of new ways to create and publish resources

to be available to every member and chapter in FBLA. We’re

all super excited for FBLA Week Feb. 9-15!

Please share pictures of your chapter activities during FBLA

week with us through Facebook or email; we always enjoy

hearing from you! We wish everyone the best of luck in their

competitions and are incredibly grateful for the opportunity to

serve you this year.

Thank you for all of your support, and please do not hesitate to

contact us with any questions, concerns, or ideas you have for

the NPC. We work to meet your expectations to the best of our

ability and help you reach your goals. Don't forget to partici-

pate in the third portion of the chapter challenge, Action

Awareness, and show how your chapter embodies Excellence

in Action!

A vote doesn't go according to plan. Someone wants to

change their vote. Another person thinks more information has

been introduced and that the motion should be void. These

are all common issues. The second any of these happen, I hear

a disorganized chime of, “revote”. Spoiler alert, this is wrong.

A revote is called a motion to reconsider. The only member

who can motion to reconsider is a member who voted on the

prevailing side of that motion: a person who wants to change

their vote. This is a two step process where the first vote is to

bring the original motion back to the floor, and the second

vote being the actual revote.

Another alternative to reconsidering is to rescind a motion. To

rescind means to cancel out the effects. It requires a ⅔ vote.

However, if previous notice is given on the call or a previous

meeting, then the motion only requires a majority vote.

Next time members yell, “REVOTE!” chuckle a little, for you

know more than them. I challenge you to use your new found

parliamentary knowledge at least twice by NLC!

Page 5: February/March Call to Order




Like the National Parliamentarian page on Facebook

Connect with other parliamentarians by e-

mailing [email protected] and joining our Facebook group

Join us on Twitter with @NatFBLAParli

Stay connected with the National Association of Parliamentari-

ans on Facebook, a provider of resources and support for par-

liamentary procedure in FBLA

Get studying! Order a copy of Roberts Rules of Order Newly Re-

vised 11th edition for your chapter

Checkout study resources like 300questions.org or the NAP reg-

istration exam study guide

Always feel free to ask questions by email-

ing [email protected]

Deadlines for Business Achievement Awards (BAAs) and

Community Service Awards (CSAs)

March 1st- Future, Business, and Leader levels

April 25th- America level

Webinars and Topics (All times are Eastern)

FBLA Competitive Events

March 5–6:00 p.m.

NLC Nashville

April 23–6:00 p.m.

Part 3 of the Chapter Challenge: Active Awareness

January 15 to March 1

Although Chapter Challenge is a three-part program, chapters are

not required to complete all three sections. Your chapter can choose

to participate in one or more of the activities, but we strongly encour-

age participation in all three components. If your chapter does com-

plete all three parts of Chapter Challenge, you will receive a pin for

every member present at the NLC.