fecu-rit- y statenyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7hdr2p669k/data/0383.pdflt.& adit.-idu-: s.rf--of thr...

$$$$$$ $ rjiMENup ly the fubferiber, Ui A,SiC8eD to the MUSES. &) A. Woodford county at the head of ' j . $$$$$$$'$$$'$$ c TheD YINCS WAIN. SHouId'ft thou, Polly! slight my And take Damon for thy spouse, 1 fliall sill thee with affright, And still haunt thse day and night. Th: reply. .ALL yourthreatnings are'difpif d Damon by the good is priz'd. Since I in his vows delight, He will guard ra day and night. Awl, whilst real bliss we hoaft, Shall I tremble at a ghojl ? Ceaie then, fpeclre! to affright me; rfefh and blood canmoredelight in. Dying swains to maids discover,, Each" should seek a lively lover. i A' N E . C D O T E. White man meeting an Indian asked him, "whose Indian are you ?" To which the copper-face- d genius replied, "I am' God Almighty's Indian, whose Indian are you?" large-compan- will Jet out form the Falls of Ohio to the Illinois on the loth Z7 tha y J "J ' . j flt vita lf." . Tons of driving Jtock to that country a- - lout thattiine ate defircd to meet at they time and place mentioned' and it iscxf- - pc&edthoje people who wijh to go thin will endeavour to cone well armed. Main, 1 791. uj PAPER MILL CRAIG, PARKERS and COM- PANY ARE now erecting a PAPER at George Town, Woodford county j. and as the pub- lic are deeply interefled in the efta-blifhi- so useful a branch of bufi-nef- sr we flatter ourselves they will save all their Pags, for which wc will give three pence per pound for those of a fineness above 700, two pence for all between 500 and Soo, and for all under 500 a penny, penny. The above prices will be given in Lexington by MefTrs.. Alexander and James Parker and a plan adopted 10 procure thsm in the different parts of the district lhortly. Is we are not disappointed in getting Rags, we expect to be able to furnifb the district with pa- per the ensuing winter, " CRAICi PARKERS & Co N. B. The Rags must be clean! ' April 16, 1792 Ul. A CAUTION!,!! rHEREAS R'alph Morgan hfr obtained from the fubferiber, three forty pound bonds, dated the 7th d$ 6( April lafP, I hereby fore- warn all persons from taking any As- - fignment on said bondsr as I will not' pay them, unless compelled by law, ,as. he has not complied with his contract . John Jackson June 4, 1792. i.cip. B L-- w NKS. Of all kinds may be ha'd at this.' Office. e ear creek a ban mare i hands and Jr.. a half high. 10 years dd, a large white in her face, and both feet white above the soot locks, no brand perceivable J Appraised to 5 10. Elijha Haddeit. Feb. a 1, 1792. TAKEN up by the fuhferiker it County, an Cooper's Jrrttn, a . marked in black heifer, three years old, each ear with a fwallowfotk. Appraised to 2 - 10. Peter Vor dinars. Jan. 24, 1792. I TAKEN up by the fubferiber in County, in Pope's creek, a branch of the Rolling fork, on the Cumberland Trace leading to Danville, y&a Sort el mare, 3 yearsold laflfp'iug, about 14 bands b'igh, a large blaze in her face and her under lip white, aljo At ajmau wmte jpot unaer her ja-i- on her lyelend. three whrtr feet. nnhrynA .J,, ' ,,' -- - perceivable trots and gallops. Jp- - pratiea to 9. George Watts. fenxary, 1793. ' JUS T I M P O R T ED;, And now opening FOR SAL STORES of ELLIOT & WTL L IAAfS In LEXINGTON and DANVILLE, a very large A S SO R T ME N T of M E. R! C H A N D 1 Z E,. Amongst which aie SCARLET, blue,, greeen, brown, Superfine broadcloths. Second and a variety of low priced do. Orive, bufr, black criinfon, and figur- ed velvets and velverets. Durants.,. moreen, vildbores &Josrs fpinnin;; of all 'alours. Nankeen Tannets c"(c. Low priced dark and light chintz. Callicoes and cottons. m Checks, gauzes, shawls, kwn, ribbsnds muzlins &c. Silk, cotton, and linen handkerchief. Cotton and thread hose. Tin ware aflbrted. Pewtet, cartings, Iron and fleel. Smiths, carpenter joiners-tool- , Bar and pig lead. Powder and shot.. Cottoi and wool cards; 6i, 8d and icd nails. Window glass, &c cVc. With many other articles too tedi- ous to be enumerated in thiradvertife- - ment. The fbfcriber would wMh to acj quaint their friends and (he publicthat they meantofell on themoftiefonable terms for cash and pr'oduce,ihat they will give the highefi prices for thelat- - ter, particularly corn, and cou ntiy li - nen ; that they mean to pay th e sir list - est attention to their purchafinn the lest and cheapest goods, that their supplies in suture wilrbe more fieqnent and extensive and consequently better calculated for the immediate use of the planters than heretofore that every to merit the cuflom and give geneial fatisfacticn to the publick, will be. put in praflice. . ELLIOT and WILLIAMS,. Salt for (ale at their Store in Lexington. . AIl kinds of Blank-Book- s, for Merchants, Clerks, &c. made and ruled " so any 'pattern : Also ojd Book3 new bound at this Office. HTMEN up bi the fubfir&tr bt .) jL Danville, a bay hotfe five years iv . . . - . r i i - . i eld. about fourteen hanas men-- , boa hind feet white, a far and slip and a ftriall Jlreak between, with some gray hairs, in his tail, no brand perceivable ; Appraised to .9. Salter E. Strong. May 11, 1792. THE CONSTITU- TION OR FORM or GOVERNMENT TOR THE STATE of K ,E N T Is C K r, F O' R SALE At this Office. STrayedfrsm James Fringle en Cane" (sears, the proper- - n'll.'.i..,JH.,li;. ..: r..M JU ,, .... .. J jennaf, one rea wnn a white face, one . , white with rmall d fms f ; ,, ene Tldflear without horns, one red Heat the whole are branded thus a3 on the near cufBion and C on the horn; any ferfon giving notice of such Heirs either to Mr. Ktan, in the CsntrtttHori flore Lexington or Mr. George brown, n George Town, or James Pringle on Cant run ball have one dollar reward for each; James Prifigtf. STRAY-Et- ) from Lexington and' thereof, a number of Korfes chiefly branded E W. With a number of dears branded E W as above atid C on th horn, who- ever secures any of the above shall receive a generous compensation, all reasonable char- ges paid by dslivering them at Lex-ingt- on t& Wm. KEAN.. V Hereas my wise Mary hag )lest her usual abode, (which'Was witfr tne) theiefore I do forewarn all per-fo- irs from giving her credit on my ac- count, as I. will not pay any such con- tracts unless a wiiten ordei from ras. JOHNM'LEAN. May 20, 17:9a; f, I have FOR' SALE j2 E XC.E. LL EN T C G TTON tither with op without the seed. William Lea VY. Lexington rf an. 27, 1792. ' A. T C O x T & Co. Stores in Lexington and yrxP - itis, have now on 1 hand ahand- - some of DRY GOODS groceries,.lron mongeryS anH ware which tbey will for Bear, otter, beaver Racoon and 1' ox skins, country made linen and Sugar. TAKEN tip by the fubfcriltr, near of Hickman, a red Qbrinile Cow 4. years a fl-a- r in her Vfuehead, her belly, feet, hind legs and tail white, marked with a Jmall crop in the lest ear, had a iht latter part of laj summer, which is now with her; to j 6. a black fleer, rlftng yMM io, marxes with a half crop in the right ear, his belly, end tf his tail, lest soot and leg white; Appralf, td to s. 3 6. ' Hegan. r W thu 1 will sell ifc IHreby'natifiy of land via. tsa thoufatfd acres on the Kentucky river at the -- mouth of Severn creek j fiva thousand actes on Gunpowder cteek; within a sew miles of the and fifteen thousand acres on th, waters of Licking within about ten ot twelve miles of Fort Washington, oa the mofr leafonable teims, togethar orjn parcels as may suit the purchaf- - ers, I Will take in payment cam, ne- groes, cattle, fherp, or horses and mares, and will give a reasonable cra-d- it for one half the purchafc money on'receivingbond and approved fecu-rit- y 1 will alfoiifpofeof two thou- fand acres of land on the terms above mentioned fituatcd op the dividing ridge between the north fork of Elk-hor- n dnd'Eagle creek which may with propriety ba immediately fetled, any perjon inclinable to may bs fhewn the land by applying to ths John Crlttsndsrj. March r2 3792. Fifty dollars reward. jfLferted'from Fort-St'CIa- ir, the following soldiers, viz. Corporal Benoni Morrill, aged twenty one years, a stout well made man, six-- feet high his complexion light, fhott fan-- d hair, blue eyes, and has s laig sear in his sorehead he was born in Eppirrg in the state of New-Hamfiii- re, but his last place of residence was in War- ren enlisted by enfignt Turner in Boston the ad of Au-Siif- r. 1 79.1. - John Smith, a short dirtyj clownifn looking fellow, aged twenty fijc years, his complexi- on- swarthy, brown hair, large blue eyes, ha-s- fc3r on his lest wriftand- sorehead, about five feet six inches high 'he was born in1 Gloucester in1 Rhode-lilan- d, and his last place of resi- dence wasjn Warwick in Maffa-- " chufetu, and enlisted at Spring--fie- ld on the 13th" of September Luther Stutfcn- - aged' twenty-on- years, complexiHy!vlight fardy hair and blue eyes is five seven inches, high, was bom-i- Maffachufetts and ha? follow- ed the sea, in Boston. th ijof Aigusl: 1 791. Benjamin AiKins, aged' twen- ty three years, flout and well made, five feet nine inches high, the lefo side of his neck- - he was born in the-tow- n of Wal- - lingsfords in. the state of Con- - ., nedticut. enlisted by capt. Shay '4 lor the 7th of May 1701. Thomas - 'ciiuiiiy, agea atw years, , about hv teet six inche high, dark complexion, short black bushy hair , born in New-Fairfte- ld in the state of Connec- ticut, and enlisted in Middleton-in.th- e state of Maflachufettf June 22d 1791. Whoever apprehends and se- cures the above mention defer-te- rs, in any of the goals of states, or delivers them to any United States office- r,sfhall receive the above re- ward with all reasonable charges or ten dollars with aH;reafonable expences for any one. of them. tit rviichael M'Donough, Lt.& Adit.-idu- : S.Rf- - OF thr grottth of Cumberland, by . his complexion light, co-t- he largs or frnall quantity, and loured hair, has a sear 01 A affortment queens old, ' 'calf Appraifcd Also 3 hind Jmts purchase fubferiber. neaily feet enlisted sandy and Fort WaCbingtonAfy 34, 1.79a. $

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Page 1: fecu-rit- y STATEnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7hdr2p669k/data/0383.pdfLt.& Adit.-idu-: S.Rf--OF thr grottth of Cumberland, by. his complexion light, co-t-he largs or frnall quantity, and loured

$$$$$$ $ rjiMENup ly the fubferiber, Ui

A,SiC8eD to the MUSES. &) A. Woodford county at the head of' j.$$$$$$$'$$$'$$c TheD YINCS WAIN.

SHouId'ft thou, Polly! slight my

And take Damon for thy spouse,1 fliall sill thee with affright,And still haunt thse day and night.

Th: reply.

.ALL yourthreatnings are'difpif d

Damon by the good is priz'd.Since I in his vows delight,He will guard ra day and night.Awl, whilst real bliss we hoaft,Shall I tremble at a ghojl ?

Ceaie then, fpeclre! to affright me;rfefh and blood canmoredelight in.Dying swains to maids discover,,Each" should seek a lively lover.


A' N E . C D O T E.

White man meeting anIndian asked him, "whose

Indian are you ?" To which thecopper-face-d genius replied, "Iam' God Almighty's Indian,whose Indian are you?"

large-compan- will Jet out form theFalls of Ohio to the Illinois on the loth


y J "J ' . j flt vita lf." .

Tons of driving Jtock to that country a- -

lout thattiine ate defircd to meet at theytime and place mentioned' and it iscxf- -

pc&edthoje people who wijh to go thinwill endeavour to cone well armed.

Main, 1 791. uj



ARE now erecting a PAPERat George Town,

Woodford county j. and as the pub-

lic are deeply interefled in the efta-blifhi-

so useful a branch of bufi-nef- sr

we flatter ourselves they willsave all their Pags, for which wcwill give three pence per poundfor those of a fineness above 700,two pence for all between 500 and

Soo, and for all under 500 a penny,penny. The above prices will

be given in Lexington by MefTrs..Alexander and James Parker anda plan adopted 10 procure thsm inthe different parts of the districtlhortly. Is we are not disappointedin getting Rags, we expect to beable to furnifb the district with pa-per the ensuing winter, "

CRAICi PARKERS & CoN. B. The Rags must be clean! '

April 16, 1792Ul.

A CAUTION!,!!rHEREAS R'alph Morgan hfr

obtained from the fubferiber,three forty pound bonds, dated the7th d$ 6( April lafP, I hereby fore-warn all persons from taking any As--

fignment on said bondsr as I will not'pay them, unless compelled by law, ,as.he has not complied with his contract

. John JacksonJune 4, 1792. i.cip.

B L-- w NKS.Of all kinds may be ha'd at this.'


e ear creek a ban mare i hands and Jr..a half high. 10 years dd, a large whitein herface, and bothfeet white abovethesoot locks, no brand perceivable J

Appraised to 5 10.Elijha Haddeit.

Feb. a 1, 1792.

TAKEN up by the fuhferiker itCounty, an Cooper's

Jrrttn, a. marked in

black heifer, three years old,each ear with a fwallowfotk.

Appraised to 2 - 10.Peter Vor dinars.

Jan. 24, 1792. I

TAKEN up by the fubferiber inCounty, in Pope's creek,

a branch of the Rolling fork, on theCumberland Trace leading to Danville,

y&a Sort el mare, 3 yearsold laflfp'iug,about 14 bands b'igh, a large blaze inher face and her under lip white, aljo


ajmau wmte jpot unaer her ja-i- on

her lyelend. three whrtr feet. nnhrynA.J,, ' ,,' -- -perceivable trots and gallops. Jp- -pratiea to 9.

George Watts.fenxary, 1793.


JUS T I M P O R T ED;,And now opening




a very large A S SO R T ME N T of

M E. R! C H A N D 1 Z E,.Amongst which aie

SCARLET, blue,, greeen, brown,Superfine broadcloths.

Second and a variety of low priced do.Orive, bufr, black criinfon, and figur-

ed velvets and velverets.Durants.,. moreen, vildbores &Josrs

fpinnin;; of all 'alours.Nankeen Tannets c"(c.

Low priced dark and light chintz.Callicoes and cottons. m

Checks, gauzes, shawls, kwn, ribbsndsmuzlins &c.

Silk, cotton, and linen handkerchief.Cotton and thread hose.Tin ware aflbrted.Pewtet, cartings, Iron and fleel.Smiths, carpenter joiners-tool- ,

Bar and pig lead.Powder and shot..Cottoi and wool cards;6i, 8d and icd nails.Window glass, &c cVc.

With many other articles too tedi-

ous to be enumerated in thiradvertife- -

ment.The fbfcriber would wMh to acj

quaint their friends and (he publicthatthey meantofell on themoftiefonableterms for cash and pr'oduce,ihat theywill give the highefi prices for thelat- -

ter, particularly corn, and cou ntiy li-nen ; that they mean to pay th e sir list -est attention to their purchafinn thelest and cheapest goods, that theirsupplies in suture wilrbe more fieqnentand extensive and consequently bettercalculated for the immediate use of theplanters than heretofore that every

to merit the cuflom and givegeneial fatisfacticn to the publick, willbe. put in praflice.

. ELLIOT and WILLIAMS,.Salt for (ale at their Store in


. AIl kinds of Blank-Book- s, forMerchants, Clerks, &c. made andruled " so any 'pattern : Also ojdBook3 new bound at this Office.

HTMEN up bi the fubfir&tr bt

.) jL Danville, a bay hotfe five yearsiv . . . - . r i i - . i

eld. about fourteen hanas men-- , boahind feet white, a far and slip and aftriall Jlreak between, with some grayhairs, in his tail, no brand perceivable ;Appraised to .9.

Salter E. Strong.May 11, 1792.





K ,E N T Is C K r,F O' R SALE

At this Office.

STrayedfrsm James Fringle en Cane"

(sears, the proper- -

n'll.'.i..,JH.,li;. ..: r..MJU ,, .... .. Jjennaf, one rea wnn a white face, one

.,white with rmall d fms f ; ,,ene Tldflear without horns, one red Heatthe whole are branded thus a3 on thenear cufBion and C on the horn; anyferfon giving notice of such Heirs eitherto Mr. Ktan, in the CsntrtttHori floreLexington or Mr. George brown, nGeorge Town, or James Pringle on Cantrun ball have one dollar reward for each;

James Prifigtf.

STRAY-Et-) from Lexington and'

thereof, a number ofKorfes chiefly branded E W. Witha number of dears branded E Was above atid C on th horn, who-ever secures any of the above

shall receive a generouscompensation, all reasonable char-ges paid by dslivering them at Lex-ingt- on

t&Wm. KEAN..

V Hereas my wise Mary hag)lest her usual abode, (which'Was witfrtne) theiefore I do forewarn all per-fo- irs

from giving her credit on my ac-

count, as I. will not pay any such con-tracts unless a wiiten ordei from ras.

JOHNM'LEAN.May 20, 17:9a; f,

I have FOR' SALEj2 E XC.E. LL EN T

C G TTONtither with op without the seed.

William Lea VY.Lexingtonrfan. 27, 1792. '

A. T C O x T & Co.Stores in Lexington and

yrxP -itis, have now on 1hand ahand- -

some of DRY GOODSgroceries,.lron mongeryS anH

ware which tbey willfor Bear, otter, beaver Racoon

and 1' ox skins, country made linen andSugar.

TAKEN tip by the fubfcriltr, nearof Hickman, a red

Qbrinile Cow 4. years a fl-a- r in herVfuehead, her belly, feet, hind legs and

tail white, marked with a Jmall cropin the lest ear, had a iht latterpart of laj summer, which is now withher; to j 6.

a black fleer, rlftng yMMio, marxes with a half crop in the

right ear, his belly, end tf his tail,lest soot and leg white; Appralf,td to s. 3 6. '



thu 1 will sell ifcIHreby'natifiyof land via. tsa

thoufatfd acres on the Kentucky riverat the -- mouth of Severn creek j fivathousand actes on Gunpowder cteek;within a sew miles of the

and fifteen thousand acres on th,waters of Licking within about ten ottwelve miles of Fort Washington, oathe mofr leafonable teims, togetharorjn parcels as may suit the purchaf--ers, I Will take in payment cam, ne-

groes, cattle, fherp, or horses andmares, and will give a reasonable cra-d- it

for one half the purchafc moneyon'receivingbond and approved fecu-rit- y

1 will alfoiifpofeof two thou-fand acres of land on the terms abovementioned fituatcd op the dividingridge between the north fork of Elk-hor- n

dnd'Eagle creek which may withpropriety ba immediately fetled, anyperjon inclinable to may bsfhewn the land by applying to ths

John Crlttsndsrj.March r2 3792.

Fifty dollars reward.jfLferted'from Fort-St'CIa- ir,

the following soldiers, viz.Corporal Benoni Morrill, agedtwenty one years, a stout wellmade man, six-- feet highhis complexion light, fhott fan-- d

hair, blue eyes, and has slaig sear in his sorehead hewas born in Eppirrg in the stateof New-Hamfiii- re, but his lastplace of residence was in War-ren enlisted by enfigntTurner in Boston the ad of Au-Siif- r.

1 79.1. -

John Smith, a short dirtyjclownifn looking fellow, agedtwenty fijc years, his complexi-on- swarthy, brown hair, largeblue eyes, ha-s- fc3r on his lestwriftand- sorehead, about fivefeet six inches high 'he wasborn in1 Gloucester in1 Rhode-lilan- d,

and his last place of resi-

dence wasjn Warwick in Maffa--"chufetu, and enlisted at Spring--fie- ld

on the 13th" of September

Luther Stutfcn- - aged' twenty-on-

years, complexiHy!vlightfardy hair and blue eyes is five

seven inches, high, was bom-i-Maffachufetts and ha? follow-

ed the sea, in Boston. thijof Aigusl: 1 791.

Benjamin AiKins, aged' twen-ty three years, flout and wellmade, five feet nine inches high,

the lefo side of his neck- - hewas born in the-tow- n of Wal- -lingsfords in. the state of Con--

., nedticut. enlisted by capt. Shay'4 lor the 7th of May 1701.

Thomas- 'ciiuiiiy, agea atwyears, , about hv teet six inchehigh, dark complexion, shortblack bushy hair , born in New-Fairfte- ld

in the state of Connec-ticut, and enlisted in Middleton-in.th- e

state of MaflachufettfJune 22d 1791.

Whoever apprehends and se-

cures the above mention defer-te- rs,

in any of the goals ofstates, or delivers

them to any United States office-

r,sfhall receive the above re-

ward with all reasonable chargesor ten dollars with aH;reafonableexpences for any one. of them.

titrviichael M'Donough,

Lt.& Adit.-idu- : S.Rf--

OF thr grottth of Cumberland, by . his complexion light, co-t- he

largs or frnall quantity, and loured hair, has a sear 01






AppraifcdAlso 3









Fort WaCbingtonAfy 34, 1.79a.
