federal register/vol. andregulations · 76.no.april25,andregulations ¯h) ¯epa t a m h) i() epa...

22814 Federal Register/Vol. 76. Nu. 7,4/M(mday, April 25, 201!/Rules and Regulations call;gory td aclior•s that do nut inclividuMlv or c:umulativ+.;h' have a significant t.;ff(x:l on the human envir()nmtu'tl. This ruh: is (:alegtwi(:ally ex(:lu(h;d, under t'igun: 2-1. paragraph U:14)(g). of lhe Instruclion. This ruh; involves establishmmlt of a le, mpora•, sail;iv zone. An ,,.nvir(mmenhd wla]vsis cht;cklisl and a calegoric:al t;xclusion d,;h'rminali•,n are availab], in the d+,ckcl whert: indicah;d under ADDRESSES. List of Subjects in 33 CFR Part 165 Harbors. Marine safety. Navigalitm {waler). R(,l)tlrling and ,'e(:tJrdket.'ping rtlquir(;meills, Sct:uril\' m(,'asul-e,4, VVllll;rI, va\rs. For the n;asons discussed in lht; prt;anlble, the (]\;,list (;ultrd {lint;i-iris ::13 CI"R part 165 its f.ll-ws: PART 165--REGULATED NAVIGATION AREAS AND LIMITED ACCESS AREAS ¯ 1, The, aulhorily citation liw par1165 (:•mlinut,s to rt.'ad as follows: Authority: 33 [J.,S'.('. 1226. 1231 ; 46 I I.S.C. (:hal)ter 701,3306, :i7,)3:50 tJ.S.(:. 1!'11, 195: 33 C]:R 1.05-1, (.;.(I-4-1.6.04-6. and 161).5; Pub. L. 107-2!15, 116 Stat. 20,.;4: I lepartment [)t" I Iotueland Security l)eh•gation No. O170.1. ¯ 2. Add § 1115.'1'11--405 h, read as t; ,]hlws: § 165.Tll-405 Salety zone; Sea World Fireworks; Mission Bay, San Diego, CA. (a) Location. 'l'ht.' saft,'tv z(,ne will include the area within I';0l) feel <ff the l'iruw,,rks I,argt, in approximah; I)•,siliun 32"4fi'03" N. 11 7"1:3"11 " W. [b) Er•forcem(.,nt Period. This st:el{on will onh, ht; t;ntbrc:t;d t'rom 8:45 p.m. 1,7 1 I):15 p.rn. on t:venings wilh a th'vwtn'ks sh,)w. Fireworks shows are currently scht;duh;d f<)r lhe fldh+wing tlales iv] 21111: April 2.9.16 and 2::1. May 28, 29 and 30, Tun(,' 4 anti 5.11 and 12. nighlly from ]utle 1 li through Augusl 21. August 26.27. and 28. September 3.4. and 5. N•wt:mher 18. Decembt-.,r 9 and 31. If Ihis s(:ht•duh: changes Ihe (:•msI (;uard will announce Ihal fact via Broadcast Not{c\.' to Marint;rs no h;ss than 24 hours bef(.)rt,' Ihe event. If the evenl t:(.rmluth;s iiri(lr t,, Iht; s(:ht,'duh;d h;rminalion time, th(: Caphdn t,l' Ihe P.rl will cease (;rfforcumt;J]l of this safeh, zone anti will anrn,ufl(:(,' that fact via Brua(h:asl Notict; h, Mariners. {c) Dt,finilions. The fi •l h)wi ng definilion applies hi this seclicul: dt'si.gntllod l'Ot•t•St•lll(zlivt• mt.'uns any (:,mmlissi,med, warranl, t,r pelly ,,ffict.,r uf lhe Coast (;uard on board Coast Cuard. (hmsl (;uard Auxiliary. h,:al. stale. \Jr l'e(h;ral law untbrc,.;nu:nl vassals \vh<3 have, been aulh(,rized to act r)n lhe hehall', d'lht: Caiihdn •d'th+.; ])Hrl. ((I) Rt,guh+lions. (1) In ac(:(,rdant:t; with g(meral regulalions in 33 (:I,'I.I Part 165. Subparl C, e.ntry" into, tralasil through ,:w an(:horing wilhin this safely z(.ne is Im•hibil,;d t, nh.'ss authorized by Ihe Caplain [)f Ihe Pc)i'l ,,f ,qan Diegu or his desigrmted n.;prt;sentaliv(;. (2) Mariners rt:qut;sling permission 1o lransil lhrough the safely zone. may r('.quest autht)rJzalitm to (Io sfJ I'rt)i• tht.' &:chic San Die.g+• C+)mmand C.ent(:r. The (',lUllfllltnd (:tt[lh;r may lie t:onht(:h:d on VHF-FM (:harm(.'{ 16. (3) All persons and vessels shall (:omply with the inslruclions of tht: (:(msl (;uard Caphtin o1 the Port ()r his dt;signate<l rt;pr(;st;ntative,. (4) [l[)•m ht+ing haih;d hv (l.S. C()ast Cuurd patrol pursonnt;l h.•: siren, rudio, t]ashing lighl, •r [flh(.'r means, the opt:rator of a vesse.l shall procu0d its d irectt.'d. (5) The Coasl (;uartl may bc assish;d hv -lhe.r federal, slah;, or h)t:a] agent:i(.'s. I)dhu|: ..\pri] l. 2,)11. T.H. Farris, ()rtptrHn. I '.S. ()ott,•t (;uard, (:o[*lain of lh+• I%rI San I)ie.qo. IFR I)oc. 2011-9893 HJed 4-22-11:U:45 toni B,LUNG CODE 9110--04-P ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 40 CFR Part 52 [EPA-R03-OAR-2010-0882; FRL-9298-1] Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Virginia; Adoption of the Revised Lead Standards and Related Reference Conditions and Update of Appendices AGENCY: En\,ironmenhd Prolo(:lion Ag(.mcy (EP,'\). ACTION: Final ruh,'. SUMMARY: EPA is aplu'<.ving a ,qlab.,' hnph;mt;ntali.ul I'hm (SIP) rt:vision suhnlilh;<l I)\, Ihe (:[imm<mwt!allh (d' Virginia. The r(:visions add the. primary and se.corularv h;ad standards ()f 0.15 mit:rogt'ams i)t.r (:ubic meier (pg/ma), rehth:d referent:e (:(mtlili(,ns. and ul•d;th; the lisl •,f apl)t;ndict.,s under "Dot:umt.'p_ts lnctlrporat(:d 1)\, Reference.'" Virginia's SIP revisi[ms t'iir the Nati,mal Ambient Air Quality Shmdards (NAAQS) tor h;u(I are consishml wilh the Federal lead standards. This action is bt;ing lak(;n un(h,r lhe Clean Air A(:I (CA,,\). DATES: EJ'jbcliv+: Dule: This final rule is effe(ztiv0 Oll Ma\' 25,2011. ADDRESSES: EPA has ushd)lishe<l ;( d,..)ckut for Ihis uctitm under Docket ID Numh,:r EI)A-I(II3-I)Al{-2011)-0882. All d•,t:un]enls in Ihe (i()c:k•:l are lish+(I in the httt•:!iwww.+z,,gul.lions..Rov Web silt;. ;\llh+•ugh listed in the eh.:ch'oni(: dockt;t, some information is rmt l)ublicly avaihtbh+, i.e., c:•mfich;nlial husiness inf+)rmalion (('.Fill ()I" ,llher inf•)rmalitin wht,s,: clisch,surt; is resh'i(:h;(I l)v slaluh;. Certairx -ther material, su(:h us c(qLvrighl(:d mah:rial, is sol i)la(:(.,d un lhp Inh.,n]el and will lit: pul)li(:ly avi,ih,l)le <,nly in hanl t:(Jl) 3' tl,rtn. Puhli(:h' +wailal)lu ch)ck(:t maleriuls are available uitht,+r ele¢:trtmically through Ifftp:!iu'ww.rt,'guh•tions.gov or in hard copy for pul)lic inspe.ction (luring u(.)rnlal busirmss hHtlrs ;1t Ihe Air Pr,,te(:ti(m Division, t I.S. Envir(,nmenlal I-'rtd(;cli(m Ag('.ncy. R0ginn II[, 1fi50 Ar(:h Slrt;ul. })hiladelphia, Penns\,lwmia 19103. Copies (.)f the Stale submilhfl are a\'ailahh: al lhe Virginia Deparlmenl of Envinmmental Qualily, li2t.I Easl Main Slrceh Ric:hmurul. Virgin{, 2::1219. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Irene Shan(lruk. (215) 814-2161i, or bv u-maiJ al shandruk.irenc.@ot)..gov. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: I. Background ()n January 2(.;. 21111 (71i I"R 457!1). EPA pulllish'ed +, n()li(:e uf llnqn)st.41 rulemaking (NPR] for th0 C,,mm, mwe, llh •ff Virginia. 'rh•: NPR i)rol)t,sed al)pr•wa] •,1' Virginia's SIP r,'.\.isit,n i)t:rlaining t(, the NAAQS tl)r lead and r.dah,I rel't.:rtm(:t; (:,,n(lili<,ns. The (]:\A spc('ifics Ihal EI'A musl re- e\,aluah.; lht; apprrq•riateness (,f Ihe NAAQS evt:rv five \'ears. As parl of the prc)(:css. EPA ruvi(,wt,d lh(: lah:sl rt;search and deh;rmint;d that revis(;d slandards for lead 1,vcrc iI(.(.:essar\. tO i)r+.h;t:t pul)lic hea]lh and welfare. E]'A revisud thu h,vt,I of Ihu prirnat T h;ad shmdard h, a h,wel uf0.15 •g/m .• Io lU'm'ide increased protection for chihlrm• and olher "al risk" pOlmlali<ms. "['ht) s(;t.'ondarv stltndard was alsu revis,:d I. a hlv,:l of I). 1 5 ,ug/m Io a ffrn'd increased IWOh.'ction l'•,r tht: environment. EPA Im,mulgah:d lh,: m+,n: slringenl primary anti s(:c(mdary NAAQS ft)I" h:ad on N()v,;ml.:r 12.2[)()11 (7::1 1,'1(li(191i4). One a(]\,(-,q'se c[)111111enJ was suhmilh;d ()11 EPA's January 26. 2011 NI)R (76 I"R 457[.I). A summary •t' Iht: (:[m•rnenl and EPA's respt,nsu is l)r•,vided in s•;clion IV t)t" this (h,(:umunl. II. Summary of SIP Revision ()n Se.[)h:ml)m" 27, 201 0, the Cumm<,nwealth of Virginia submith;d a tlwmi, I revisi(,n t() {Is SIP. The. SIP rt:visit)n c+)nsisls rlf an amt;il(].ment which in(:lu(h;s lhe revis,;d primal." and st.;t:undurv NAAQS lbr h;ad un(l rt;la{ed rt;l'ert.4ac:t: cc,nditirms. Virginia's r0\,ision in(:, )rl. wales lh++. Feti+:ral le, d standards

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Page 1: Federal Register/Vol. andRegulations · 76.No.April25,andRegulations ¯h) ¯EPA t a m h) I() EPA Federal (ff),:• April ¯ • *• EPA..... * * * * ** * * EPA

22814 Federal Register/Vol. 76. Nu. 7,4/M(mday, April 25, 201!/Rules and Regulations

call;gory td aclior•s that do nutinclividuMlv or c:umulativ+.;h' have asignificant t.;ff(x:l on the humanenvir()nmtu'tl. This ruh: is (:alegtwi(:allyex(:lu(h;d, under t'igun: 2-1. paragraphU:14)(g). of lhe Instruclion. This ruh;involves establishmmlt of a le,mpora•,sail;iv zone. An ,,.nvir(mmenhd wla]vsischt;cklisl and a calegoric:al t;xclusiond,;h'rminali•,n are availab], in thed+,ckcl whert: indicah;d underADDRESSES.

List of Subjects in 33 CFR Part 165

Harbors. Marine safety. Navigalitm{waler). R(,l)tlrling and ,'e(:tJrdket.'pingrtlquir(;meills, Sct:uril\' m(,'asul-e,4,


For the n;asons discussed in lht;prt;anlble, the (]\;,list (;ultrd {lint;i-iris ::13CI"R part 165 its f.ll-ws:


¯ 1, The, aulhorily citation liw par1165(:•mlinut,s to rt.'ad as follows:

Authority: 33 [J.,S'.('. 1226. 1231 ; 46 I I.S.C.(:hal)ter 701,3306, :i7,)3:50 tJ.S.(:. 1!'11, 195:33 C]:R 1.05-1, (.;.(I-4-1.6.04-6. and 161).5;Pub. L. 107-2!15, 116 Stat. 20,.;4: I lepartment[)t" I Iotueland Security l)eh•gation No. O170.1.

¯ 2. Add § 1115.'1'11--405 h, read ast; ,]hlws:

§ 165.Tll-405 Salety zone; Sea WorldFireworks; Mission Bay, San Diego, CA.

(a) Location. 'l'ht.' saft,'tv z(,ne willinclude the area within I';0l) feel <ff thel'iruw,,rks I,argt, in approximah; I)•,siliun32"4fi'03" N. 11 7"1:3"11 " W.

[b) Er•forcem(.,nt Period. This st:el{on

will onh, ht; t;ntbrc:t;d t'rom 8:45 p.m. 1,7

1 I):15 p.rn. on t:venings wilh a th'vwtn'kssh,)w. Fireworks shows are currentlyscht;duh;d f<)r lhe fldh+wing tlales iv]

21111: April 2.9.16 and 2::1. May 28, 29and 30, Tun(,' 4 anti 5.11 and 12. nighllyfrom ]utle 1 li through Augusl 21. August26.27. and 28. September 3.4. and 5.N•wt:mher 18. Decembt-.,r 9 and 31. If Ihiss(:ht•duh: changes Ihe (:•msI (;uard willannounce Ihal fact via Broadcast Not{c\.'to Marint;rs no h;ss than 24 hours bef(.)rt,'Ihe event. If the evenl t:(.rmluth;s iiri(lrt,, Iht; s(:ht,'duh;d h;rminalion time, th(:Caphdn t,l' Ihe P.rl will cease(;rfforcumt;J]l of this safeh, zone anti willanrn,ufl(:(,' that fact via Brua(h:asl Notict;h, Mariners.

{c) Dt,finilions. The fi •l h)wi ngdefinilion applies hi this seclicul:dt'si.gntllod l'Ot•t•St•lll(zlivt• mt.'uns any(:,mmlissi,med, warranl, t,r pelly ,,ffict.,ruf lhe Coast (;uard on board CoastCuard. (hmsl (;uard Auxiliary. h,:al.stale. \Jr l'e(h;ral law untbrc,.;nu:nl vassals\vh<3 have, been aulh(,rized to act r)n lhehehall', d'lht: Caiihdn •d'th+.; ])Hrl.

((I) Rt,guh+lions. (1) In ac(:(,rdant:t;with g(meral regulalions in 33 (:I,'I.I Part165. Subparl C, e.ntry" into, tralasilthrough ,:w an(:horing wilhin this safelyz(.ne is Im•hibil,;d t, nh.'ss authorized byIhe Caplain [)f Ihe Pc)i'l ,,f ,qan Diegu orhis desigrmted n.;prt;sentaliv(;.

(2) Mariners rt:qut;sling permission 1olransil lhrough the safely zone. may

r('.quest autht)rJzalitm to (Io sfJ I'rt)i• tht.'&:chic San Die.g+• C+)mmand C.ent(:r. The(',lUllfllltnd (:tt[lh;r may lie t:onht(:h:d onVHF-FM (:harm(.'{ 16.

(3) All persons and vessels shall(:omply with the inslruclions of tht:(:(msl (;uard Caphtin o1 the Port ()r hisdt;signate<l rt;pr(;st;ntative,.

(4) [l[)•m ht+ing haih;d hv (l.S. C()ast

Cuurd patrol pursonnt;l h.•: siren, rudio,t]ashing lighl, •r [flh(.'r means, theopt:rator of a vesse.l shall procu0d its

d irectt.'d.(5) The Coasl (;uartl may bc assish;d

hv -lhe.r federal, slah;, or h)t:a] agent:i(.'s.I)dhu|: ..\pri] l. 2,)11.

T.H. Farris,

()rtptrHn. I '.S. ()ott,•t (;uard, (:o[*lain of lh+•I%rI San I)ie.qo.IFR I)oc. 2011-9893 HJed 4-22-11:U:45 toniB,LUNG CODE 9110--04-P


40 CFR Part 52

[EPA-R03-OAR-2010-0882; FRL-9298-1]

Approval and Promulgation of AirQuality Implementation Plans; Virginia;Adoption of the Revised LeadStandards and Related ReferenceConditions and Update of Appendices

AGENCY: En\,ironmenhd Prolo(:lion

Ag(.mcy (EP,'\).ACTION: Final ruh,'.

SUMMARY: EPA is aplu'<.ving a ,qlab.,'

hnph;mt;ntali.ul I'hm (SIP) rt:visionsuhnlilh;<l I)\, Ihe (:[imm<mwt!allh (d'

Virginia. The r(:visions add the. primaryand se.corularv h;ad standards ()f 0.15mit:rogt'ams i)t.r (:ubic meier (pg/ma),rehth:d referent:e (:(mtlili(,ns. and ul•d;th;the lisl •,f apl)t;ndict.,s under "Dot:umt.'p_ts

lnctlrporat(:d 1)\, Reference.'" Virginia'sSIP revisi[ms t'iir the Nati,mal AmbientAir Quality Shmdards (NAAQS) tor h;u(Iare consishml wilh the Federal leadstandards. This action is bt;ing lak(;nun(h,r lhe Clean Air A(:I (CA,,\).DATES: EJ'jbcliv+: Dule: This final rule iseffe(ztiv0 Oll Ma\' 25,2011.

ADDRESSES: EPA has ushd)lishe<l ;(

d,..)ckut for Ihis uctitm under Docket IDNumh,:r EI)A-I(II3-I)Al{-2011)-0882. Alld•,t:un]enls in Ihe (i()c:k•:l are lish+(I in

the httt•:!iwww.+z,,gul.lions..Rov Websilt;. ;\llh+•ugh listed in the eh.:ch'oni(:dockt;t, some information is rmt l)ubliclyavaihtbh+, i.e., c:•mfich;nlial husinessinf+)rmalion (('.Fill ()I" ,llher inf•)rmalitinwht,s,: clisch,surt; is resh'i(:h;(I l)v slaluh;.

Certairx -ther material, su(:h usc(qLvrighl(:d mah:rial, is sol i)la(:(.,d unlhp Inh.,n]el and will lit: pul)li(:lyavi,ih,l)le <,nly in hanl t:(Jl)3' tl,rtn.Puhli(:h' +wailal)lu ch)ck(:t maleriuls areavailable uitht,+r ele¢:trtmically throughIfftp:!iu'ww.rt,'guh•tions.gov or in hardcopy for pul)lic inspe.ction (luringu(.)rnlal busirmss hHtlrs ;1t Ihe AirPr,,te(:ti(m Division, t I.S. Envir(,nmenlalI-'rtd(;cli(m Ag('.ncy. R0ginn II[, 1fi50Ar(:h Slrt;ul. })hiladelphia, Penns\,lwmia19103. Copies (.)f the Stale submilhfl area\'ailahh: al lhe Virginia Deparlmenl ofEnvinmmental Qualily, li2t.I Easl MainSlrceh Ric:hmurul. Virgin{, 2::1219.FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:Irene Shan(lruk. (215) 814-2161i, or bvu-maiJ al shandruk.irenc.@ot)..gov.SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:

I. Background()n January 2(.;. 21111 (71i I"R 457!1).

EPA pulllish'ed +, n()li(:e uf llnqn)st.41rulemaking (NPR] for th0C,,mm, mwe, llh •ff Virginia. 'rh•: NPRi)rol)t,sed al)pr•wa] •,1' Virginia's SIPr,'.\.isit,n i)t:rlaining t(, the NAAQS tl)r

lead and r.dah,I rel't.:rtm(:t; (:,,n(lili<,ns.The (]:\A spc('ifics Ihal EI'A musl re-e\,aluah.; lht; apprrq•riateness (,f IheNAAQS evt:rv five \'ears. As parl of theprc)(:css. EPA ruvi(,wt,d lh(: lah:slrt;search and deh;rmint;d that revis(;dslandards for lead 1,vcrc iI(.(.:essar\. tOi)r+.h;t:t pul)lic hea]lh and welfare. E]'Arevisud thu h,vt,I of Ihu prirnatT h;adshmdard h, a h,wel uf0.15 •g/m .• Io

lU'm'ide increased protection forchihlrm• and olher "al risk" pOlmlali<ms."['ht) s(;t.'ondarv stltndard was alsurevis,:d I. a hlv,:l ofI). 1 5 ,ug/m • Io a ffrn'd increasedIWOh.'ction l'•,r tht: environment. EPAIm,mulgah:d lh,: m+,n: slringenl primaryanti s(:c(mdary NAAQS ft)I" h:ad onN()v,;ml.:r 12.2[)()11 (7::1 1,'1(li(191i4). Onea(]\,(-,q'se c[)111111enJ was suhmilh;d ()11

EPA's January 26. 2011 NI)R (76 I"R457[.I). A summary •t' Iht: (:[m•rnenl andEPA's respt,nsu is l)r•,vided in s•;clion IVt)t" this (h,(:umunl.

II. Summary of SIP Revision()n Se.[)h:ml)m" 27, 201 0, the

Cumm<,nwealth of Virginia submith;d atlwmi, I revisi(,n t() {Is SIP. The. SIPrt:visit)n c+)nsisls rlf an amt;il(].mentwhich in(:lu(h;s lhe revis,;d primal." andst.;t:undurv NAAQS lbr h;ad un(l rt;la{edrt;l'ert.4ac:t: cc,nditirms. Virginia's r0\,isionin(:, )rl. wales lh++. Feti+:ral le, d standards

Page 2: Federal Register/Vol. andRegulations · 76.No.April25,andRegulations ¯h) ¯EPA t a m h) I() EPA Federal (ff),:• April ¯ • *• EPA..... * * * * ** * * EPA

Federal Register/Vol. 76, No. 7.q/Mon(kty, April 25, 2(111/Rules and Regulations 9.2815

inh) lh(; C()de of Virgini:t (!W,.\C5Chaptur 30). In addiliot), lilt, lisl ()I"

UlJp0ndict;s to 40 Ci+'R Part 51 wasl,.ip(Jalt,ql flit(Jr;l" ":D()('Unl,tH11s

lnt:()rporat(:(I by I{ef(:run(:t:" (9VA(:5-20-21}.

'l'he l'•)]lowing ar(: Ih(,' sl),;(:it'it: set-li()ns

lh;ll arl! I)ehlg m()(Jil'h!(I ()r amt)nlcJed:¯ (.}VA{:5-20-21: Documtalls

In(:(,ri), )l';t I {.l(] hv R{.'ferent:t: (m,)difi •:(1)¯ (1VAC5-..-31)-15: I{eibrent:e

(]on(lilh)ns (m()di fh:(I)¯ (.}VA(:5-:'}I)-4•i): L(:a(I (;inlml(h;(I)

III. General Information Pertaining toSIP Submittals From theCommonwealth of Virginia

In 1!1!)5, Virginia adopit,d h.'gishtti,naIhal i)r{)vi(ies, su|)i•;(:l h) (:erhiin(:on(iilit)ns. for im t)n\,ir()nmenhtlassessn}enl [a udil) "privile,gff' fl )r

volunlarv (:()mpliancc evaluali(ms

perll)rmtid hv a rl:gulate(I t)ntilv. Theh;gislalion furlhcr athlrt,'sscs flat.' rehitivl;I.)ur(.lt;n of proof for parties t;itherasst;rling lhu l)rivih;gu ur su(;kingdis(:l• )surf; nf d,i:um(:nls fl)r which {ht:

p,'ivih;g,: ix t:laimcd. Virginia'sh•gisl;dilm also im)vith:s, suhi(:(:l h)

t:+.:rlain t:on(liti(ms, for a pi;nally waiv.rfor viohtlions of en\.iro[lmcntal lawswhen a rc.R,ulated entity (lis(:(,vurs such\,i(daliul}S pursuanl h) r.l volurihtrv(:()mplilm(:c t)v;llulilioi-i ;in(I v()lunhu'ilv

(lisclos(;s such violalinns to the(]()t1]t11(i11\,\.'(.'itllh ;tilt] htkcs l)roi111)l andal)pr(,i)riah, mt;usurt;s h) remedy tht }

vi(4ali()ns. Virginia's V()lunhlrv..Enviror]menhtl ,.'\sscssmm31 Privih;gt•Law. Vii. (:(.J(le .'g(;c. 10.1-11(.18, pr()vidt;s;i privih:ge lh:-tl pr()lecIs I'rnm (lls(:hisure(hJcumt:rHs and irfl'()rmalicm aboul Ih(:(:(mh;nl ()f Ih()se (hJ(:umenls lhal are lh0lirt)tiucl �)1" it voluil(.g.n'v. {}llvir()flnlt}[li.:tl;lsst;SSrllt.,rll. 'I'h(; I)rivih,ge Law (l()cs notexhm(I 1o (l()(:um(mls (w informatinn (1)Thul re't: gum:rah:d or tluvuh)pu(l h(:ll )r(:

the (:ornmen(:emenl (d" a v()lunhtr\:()llVirtJnmt!nh.tl ass()ssm(}lll: {2) thai areIWelmrt,(I in(icl)endenllv of lheasst,,s,•nle.nl pr()(:ess: (3) th,t dum,)nslrale

a (:i(}ar, imminenl and suhslanlial(I;mgcr to thu pul)li(: hcallh {)r

environmt:nh (w (4) Ihal at(; required [)3'law.

()n ]anuary 12, 1998. theC.mm()nwe;dlh (ff Virginia Office ()1' Iht;AIh)rrtt:v (;t;i-lcral pr.vi(ied u legal()l)ini(m thai statt;s thai the.> Pri\,ihwc]•-lW. Va. (]�)(t(: ,"qt;c. 10.1 ,....1 1 !IlL II]'lt;c]udesgranlillg It i)rivi]¢ge h) th)(;L]mcrlls im(I

i n J'{ )l'nl;t i i l )1'1 "roqu i rt#(J [).V ] ;t%.V ,"in(:Jutling (l()(.'Ullli;n|s and inl'. tin iti( n"required I)v Federal law Ic) rmtinlainprogram (hfh,gali(m authorization nrappr, wal," since Virginia must ".nil )rt:u

l,'t;(h:rally aulhoriz(,d •:,]vir,)nmcnial

twograms in a m;lflll0r thai is n() lossslringt;nl than Iheir l"edm'al t;,mnlerl)ai'ls

* * *." The (,pinh)n c()n(:lu(les thai"l"l(;°arding § 1 (I.1-11 (.Ill, lher(}f()re,docum,.:nts or ,Jtht;r informatiurt neededI'()r civil ()r criminal mlfiw(:cmenl unth;r(in0 of Ihcst; pt'()gra[llS (:(mid n()t bt;

privih;geil |)e(:ause su(:h thJt:uments andinf•)rmalion are essential I{) pursuing(;fll'()['c0nlenl in ;t manner rcquir,:d hvi,'()dt•raI law h) maintain pr,)gramd(;h)gali()n, aulhc)rizali{m ()r al)l)r()val."

Virginia's Immunih. law. Va. (]()(h;,%(;(:. 1{).1--1 1!1(.I. i)r()\.'i(h:s lhat "lilf)lhet,'xh;lll (:()Ilsish;Ill wilh l'(,'qtlir(,qnl,q]lsimp-s(:d by. Fc(h:ral htw." any. [)0rs()rlmaking a vii]untarv disclosurt.' -finJ'ornlalicm h, a shth; :-tgt;ncy regardinga violation t)J" ;in environinenlal statult;,

r,gt, lali{)n, in;rmil. ,)r a(Iministrativu-r(lt;r is granted immunity l'r-madminislralive ()r ('ivil i)mlally. The.,\1 h ,rm:y Cm•eral's January 12, 1 .()(`)l{

()pini(),• slal(:.'s Ihal lilt ([ut:)h.:(I ]anguttgcrt;nd(;rs thin shtlule inappli(:ah]e hJenfol'cmnonl of any F(.;derallv authorizedl)rogranls, since "rh) immunilv t:()ul(I I)('aff()rded ii'.m administrative• civil, ()r

t:riminal pvnullic's hct:aust: granliqgsuch immunil\, wnultl not be consislt;nt,.viii') l't;th;ral law, whi(:h ix ()n{: •)f I]'mcrih:riu for immurlilv." 'l'hertffort:. EPAhas dvtcrmint;d that Viroinia's l'rivileocan(I Immunilv shlluh,'s will ruff prt;(:hHh:lhc C(•mmonvveallh from on forcing itsprogram (:tmsish;nl with Ih(: ]fl:(leral

rcquh-t:nlcnls, hl •-t11\' (1%,1;i11. [)tlc{-ttlS(,'.

EPA hlts also deh:rmi,wd {hal a start;

au(iil privi],@.; and immt, nil\, law ci|rl

affect (rely stalc: enforce.nlcn{ and c:annolhart: an\' inapac:l on I,'ech;ralenJilt'(:ernelll aulh.rille,s. EPA ma\' •-tlany lime inv()ke ils aulhi)rilv untier lheCz•..\. in(:lu(ling, fi)r exarnlfli.', se(:li,ns

11 3, 167, 2115, 211 ()r 213, h)(;nJ'Ol'CO there(luiremenls ()r pr(,hil)itions ,,flhe state

I)hm. inth,pt',nd(,rflly nf any st;de

i,wil'(ir(:l.lm,,;i]l erfurt. In n(tditit,n, (:itiztmt;nforc0n]cnl under sc(:licm 304 ()f theCAA is lik(:wisc unalT(;(:h;(I I)y this. t)r

an\., s|;t|t; audit privih;g(; or immunity

law. ()1 ht:r Slmci t'ic l'equ ir(;m0nls andthe ralionah; f()r EPA's l)rop()seil at:ti(m

aro exl)lainod in lh(; NI)R ;m(I will notI:,e r(!stah;tl here. As n()te(I t)t:h,w. EPArct:civt;(l (itl{., (:omment ()n the NPR antiil was n()l ot!rlTIittlt;.

IV. Summary of Public Comments andEPA Responses

Comment: A small i)usim;ss ownert;xprt;sscd t:onc0rn ftbou[ havingaddili-nal (:(,sis imposed uptm

individuals who vv,.wk on luml paint-(:t)nlainin•2, h(m•es built [)t:ft)rt: l(.)7tl. Tht)

comnaenter staled that the businessc]inll-tl!l c•.lnllol supporl all(flhQ.rrugu hd i( ,n ill]( i fiX l)rt,'ssu(] t :( )nt:• •rt• al)()ut

heing al)lu t() remain in busin()ss wilhIhe, a(h)l)li()n ()fthis rule.

l•t:st)()nst,: This t:olllnlt}nl is notrt)lt;\anl h) lt3 ix ru]t;m;,ki ng m:l it,n. Thut:()mmenh:r discusses h,atl as it rt:lales b)

]t;ml-t:ollhiining p,qinls and Ihurc(luiremcnl fur ils rolTItJVit] in h()m(;s

l)uill iwhw I•) 1(.17tt. 'l'his :.t(:lion imp-msn() l't!tJuh't,q'lltHllS with rest)ecl h, lhert)m()v;i] ()f ]ea(I-c()nhtiriing painl fromh()mus huill I)rh)r I() 1978. This •+tc;li()n

is c•itl(-vrnt!d wilh ih•; ad(.)pti/)ri ()f lht)

2q)0tl lead NAAQS by Ihc(h)mrn()nwe,allh .>f Virgini,. inl,., theCommonwc;allh's SIP.

V, Final A(;tion

EI'A is ;tl)l)l'()\,ing Virginia's SIPrl:visi(m for ihe h;a(I NAAQS and r,;htlotlrt)f(:rt:[l(:t) (:tmclili()qs. Its wt:ll as li•t,'

up(lah!d Iisi (if upl)t;ndict:s h) 4() (]FR

lmrl .51 undor documcnis incorl)oralodby.' r(;I;)roncl',.

VI. Statutory and Executive OrderReviews

A. (h'nerul lk•luiromenls[Imh.:r lhe CAA. lhe Atlminislrator is

rt;quiru(l Ill ill)l)rt)ve a Nil' submissionIh;tl t:.ml)lies wilh Ihe provisit)ns of Ihe(:AA mad al)pli(:at)h.; F,;(Im'al rl)gulali, ,ns.

42 I.!.S.(_]. 7410(k)- 40 CI,'R 52.()2[it).Thus. in revi(;wing SIP st,bmissiorts.

EPA's rnlu is I() apl•rnve slate t:h()i(:es.

pr(vci(le(I Ihai lhw,, m(u:l lhe. (:rih;ria {)f

lhe CAA. '\((x) "d{ng]y, lhis actionm(:re]y al)l)r()v(.'s shilo, law iis m(;p.lillgFt:de, ral requirements :-tnd dot;S tlt)l

illlp(.)Se a(ldition•,l roquircm(;nls bm,(mdIh(,s(; iml)()s(;d by shih: law. F()r ll-llilreason, this a(:li()n:

¯ IS nol a "significanl rogulalorya('li()n" sul)je(:l i•) rm:it:w I)v Ihe ()ffi(:t)()f Management and Budget und(:r

Exoculiw.'. ()r(h)r 121111(i (511 I"R 51 735.()t:tc)l)t;r 4, 1(.}(.13);

¯ Does i'lol impose an infr)rmali()n(:ullct:ii()n i)ur(h.'n un(h.'r lhe provisi(,ns(-if lh0 ]):-il)et'w{)rk R()(iucti()[1 AcI (44ll.,'q.(:. 3501 •;t seq.)"

¯ Is t:(,'rlil]ed its nol i•ilVi,lg ii

signifi(:anl (;co{It)nil(" imt)a(:l ill1 II

substantial numlmr .t'small •:ntitie,sunder Ihc Rt'gulalory I.'h:xibility Acl (.5[ J.,q,(]. G01 el soq.):

¯ D(,t.,s not (:ontain any unfundedmltn(lltl() ()r s gllil](:anlly ()r Ulli(lu(:ly;tfft,(:l small go\'(:rnmenls, as th;scribt)(liq Ihe [ rnt'undt,,d Mandah:s Ref()rm Act(if 1{1(.15 {Pub. L. 1{14--4};

¯ Does ni)l hay(,' I:(.'(hwalism

inlp]icatio,lS as sp(;cifi-(I in Executive()r(l(;r 1 ;11 ::12 [64 I"R 4:1255. Au,gusl 1 I).

1(.)(.)(.I):¯ IS 11ol :411 econollli('alh" si•nific•ltlt

rt;!gLtlah)ry a(:li{)n based ,)rl ht;allh ()r

S:.l[',:h: risks sul)je(:l it) Ex(.)(:ulivv Orth)r

13045 (62 I"R 1(.:1885. April 2::1, 1 .(:1(,)7}:¯ Ix [l()l it signifit:ar}l ruguhil()r_v action

su[)i(:(:l h)Ex()('ulive Order 1 :}211 (66 FR211::155, Ma\. 22, 2{){1"1 };

Page 3: Federal Register/Vol. andRegulations · 76.No.April25,andRegulations ¯h) ¯EPA t a m h) I() EPA Federal (ff),:• April ¯ • *• EPA..... * * * * ** * * EPA

22816 Federal Register/Vol. 76. No. 7,q/Monday. April 25, 2011/Rule,s and Regulations

¯ Is I1ol subjoct h) rl;quiremenls ofScl:tion 12(d)ul'lh(, Natium, l'l'cchntdogy Transfc.r and AdvancumentAct •fl" 11.F.I5 (1 5 [T.,q.(]. 272 niflo)btt(,'ilUS•,application clf thoso requh'elnmlts wnulcthn incmlsistenl wilh the CAA: and

¯ Dot,'s m)t pro\,idc EPA wilh Ihl)disl:r,.•ti(marv aulh(,ritv h) alhln•ss, asap propri at e, d islwOl)()rti onalt.' humanht,alth or OllvirulllllOllhi] c fret:is, usingpracticabh,' and h.•gally I)ermissihh:methods, undor Ext:cuti\,c ()rdcr 12tt98(59 FR 7629. I"nhruar\' 16.19.04).

In addition, this ru]u does nut havetriha] implications as specifi,..'d byExea:uliw, Orlh:r 13175 (65 FR I"i7249,N))\umL)(:r 9. 2000), bco'aus,.: tho SIP isn,)l al)im)vt;d It) apply in Indian (:()untr\"

h)cated in tilt; stah), and EllA n(-)h•.s lhal-it will not imp(isc suhstantial [lir(:cl�:()sls tm tribal govt:rnm!'.nls (ir pr,.;l:mt)!h'ilml hlw.

H. Hut)mission to C, on£,ress •md the:Comt)h'oller (h,nend

'l'hc (k)ngrl,'SSi(mal Rc\,im•. Acl, .5t I.S.C. 801 el seq.. as added hv the SmallJ• I.ISi n(:ss Regu hlh )rl., gn 11 )]'(:eme n tFairness Ac;t ()I" l!)f)6. gon(:ral]y pr(.)vidusthai bef(,r(: a ruh.; may lake ()ff(.,c:t, lh(:agency l)r()mu Igat ing lh(: ru h: m ustsubmil a ru]u rul.)c)rt, which includ,.,s a(:()i)3.' (if'the ru](;, h) each H()tlS(; of lhe

(\ingress and I() Ihe (]()mptrolh)r (;t)nt:ral()f Ih,.' Llnih,'(l Slah)s. EPA will suhmil arulmrt containing this al:tinn and otherrequired inf(irmati())l h)Ihu I I.S. S(male.

the l I.S. Hous(: (if R(:pres(:n htl ivcs. andlhu C()mlllr,)lh:r {]eneral ()f the [Inih)ll

Shlh:s pri()r h) puh] it:rill(Ill (If lhe ,'uh: inlhe Federal Register. A major rulecann()t take el'fl,'l:l until 60 (tavs itl'[t.;l" itis puhlisht;d in th(: Federal Register.This ;l(:li))ll is 11))1 H "maj()r rule" ;is

c]()fincd I)\' 5 I.T.S.C. 80412).

C. Petitions fin" ]udiciul Hr>vh•wI Ind,;r s(.'cliun 307(h)(1 ) of Ih(; CAA.

petitions for judicial n;view of thisaction must he fih.'d in Ihl.' l lnih,(I .<,lah,s

Cuurl ,)I' Appeals fi)r Ille ilplm,lirial,.•circuil lit, tune 24. 2011. li'iling ai)utitiori ]br reconsideration bv thoAllministrahlr u)f this final ruJe does nnlul]'u(st th(; finalil\' of this action f(,r thei)url•()s(.•s nf judi'l:ial rt:vi,:w nor d()es itcxh:nd lhe lilm: wilhin which a imlilionfro" judicial n:\,iew may be filed, andshall nol pl)Sll)Ont: the.'(;ffectiv•:nt:ss (ff

such rule or actinn. This actionp(:rhlining I, ) Virgin h,'s adupl i• m , )I' lhert)vis(;d h:all shmdarlls ()t' 0.15 •glm :•

and rn]al(;ll r()J'or(llIce l:,)n(litions ma\'lliJl h(l (:halh;ng(:(l hlh:r in l)r•)(:c!:(lings t,)

enforl:(.' ils re(iuh'cmuills. [St)t) section3t)7(h)(2).)

List of Subje(.•s in 40 CFR Part 52

l]n\.ir()nnlenhil [)r()tt;(:li(in, Air[iolluli()ll (:()lllriil, In(:(irl)t)l'litit)n I)\'l'()f(;r(:(Ic):, l,)';t(l. R(:l)()rlhlg iiiidrc(:urdkeel)hlg requirements.

I )uh'd: April 6..2011.W.(:. Early,A,.tin,g Hq,.ional Administrutor. Hc,.ion Ill.

40 CFR l)arl 52 is afnund(..'d as f(,lh.)ws:


¯ 1. The aulhorily i:ihilh)n Ii11" 40 CFRparl 52 c,)ntinu(:s t()rt.>ud its t},lh,ws:

Authority: 42 l.l.S.(]. 7401 •'1 scq.

Subpart VV•Virginia

¯ 2. In § 52.2420, Ihe htl)lcin paragraph((:1 is amended hy r(.'\,ising Ihe e.ntrit:sfcir ,•,t,(:l i( ills 5-30-1 5 iilld 5-?ltl-|t('l. Theiallic ii'l paragral)h (el is amen(h;d hva(hling an (.>nlr\. for "D(icumt;rlts

hll:q)rp()rah:(I hv Rt;furt;n(:l;" iifh;r theninth uxisting entr.\, for "L)ocumonlsIncorpcmlh.,d Ill Refe,'(:nt:u. • Tht.'amendments r(.'ult as flflh:,ws:

§ 52.2420 Identification of plan.

[C) * • *


State Explanation [formerState citation Title/subject effective EPA approval date SIP citation]date

9 VAC 5, Chapter 30 Ambienl Air Quality Standards [Pall III]

5-30-15 ................................... Reference conditions ............................... 6/24/09 .................... 4/25111 [Insert page Revised section.number where thedocument begins].

5-30-80 ................................... Lead ......................................................... 6/24/09 .................... 4/25/11 [Insert pagenumber where thedocument begins].

Amended paragraphsA, and B.; addedparagraph C.

* * * * * (e) * * *

State AdditionalName of non-regulatory SIP revision Applicable submittal EPA approval dategeographic area date explanation

Documents Incorporated by Reference (9 VAC 5-20-21, Sec-tions E.1 .a.(1)(q)and E.l.a.(1 )(r)).

Statewide ................ 9/27/10 4/25/11 [Insert page Revised sections.number where thedocument begins].

Page 4: Federal Register/Vol. andRegulations · 76.No.April25,andRegulations ¯h) ¯EPA t a m h) I() EPA Federal (ff),:• April ¯ • *• EPA..... * * * * ** * * EPA

Federal Register/Vol. 7ti, No. 7.q/Monday, April 25, 2(111/Rules and Regulations 22817

II"R 11o('. 2(li I--')l'i!17 I"]l(.•J 4-22-1 I: 8:45 toniBILUNG CODE 6560-50-P


40 CFR Part 52

[SC-200906; FRL--9286-2]

Approval and Promulgation of AirQuality Implementation Plans; SouthCarolina; Update to MaterialsIncorporated by Reference

AGENCY: Efl\'i r, Jn mt,•ntaJ J>r+ )h:cl i( )n

.".gin u :y (EPA).ACTION: Final rul+,•: rmlict; +ffadmirlislralive, change.

SUMMARY: EllA is puhlishing lhis a(:li,ln

lu i)r()vith: Iht.' publi(: wilh noli(:t,' ()f Ih{,'

ui•tlahi h) lhe St)uth Can 4ina •l;+.lt•

[mph',me.nlali(nI ]'lan (SIP) (:(imlfihllhm.In partit:ular, materials suhmitlu(I hr.S,)uth Carolina thal Hr, i in(:,Wl)(wah;tl l)\"n,q't,'rtln(:t! {IBR} inhl Ihl.• S,)ulh (]al',)lh]a

•il ) are b(;ing u[idah?.d t() rt;rlt:(:l EI'A-af)in'(w(,'(I rt;\'isi(ins Io •,lulh (:ar()lina's

SIP thai havu oc(:urrud sinct; lhe, ]asl

up(late. In Ibis at:lion. I,:PA is alsonldifyhl.g Ihc' lluhlh: •Jl' Ihc' (:,)rrt:t:li()l] (l[

ct,'rl;lill lylmgraphical t:rr(ws.

DATES: This action is t}ff0(.:li%t! ,.\l)ri[ 25,21) l l.

ADDRESSES: ,•1] ) mah;rials which art:

int:<lT[l,)nHl:(t [)v rt!fl:t',ml:e, hIlo 40 C,)d(!

()l' l,'et]t,'ral Rt;.•u dh(.)Z'lS (CI"R) [)art 52 ureavailahh.' tiw inspu(:tion +it lhe. t',flhmingIt •(:;-II i( IllS: Ell++ ' Jr( )11 fill[tile[ I ])l'l )hx:i ion"\gtm(:\', Region 4. (il l"•lrsvlh •tTth;l.

S\V.. Allanla. (;A 303(}3: lhe Air andRa(lialit,n D()(:kcl and Inl'(,rmalh,!

Cunter. EPA Hea(|(luarh,'rs Library.Inl'()l•:rra R(), )m (l,h.)m Numhcr :|!1341,['.:PA \•iesl Bui]tJh'lg. ] 301 (](nlslituli()rl

Av,:., NW.. Washington. D(] 204G0, andIhe N;.llJ(nl+t] AT(:hivi•s alld l,h+.{:,wds

Admirlistralic, rl. If \'•,u wish t+),4)laiflmalt;rials rrom ;t th)t:kel in llm El),,\

H+:a(hluarhiTS Lillrar\,. l•ltiam• (;all Ih(',

()ffi(:c' of Air and Rail[at[on {()AR}L)+)(:k+il/'['lil,q)h(pn,} numl)eT: {21121 5G(i-

1742. For hll't)rinalit•n un 1he a\'ailahilitv()f lhis mah,'rial ;11 NARA. (:all 2112-741--lil)30, {)r ?(• lo: httt•:iiwww.urchiv¢'s.•ovifi'd•'r, ll-r¢'•isl¢n'/{:]•'/ihr-lo¢'+sti<ms.html.FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ms.N;+tc¢lst;+l (]. W;lr(J •.tl lht: al)t we Region 4;.l(h',.'ss (ir :+11 (4114} 51i2-(.1140. Ms. VV;II'(i

may ;list, I)u (:onhtchnl via t}h:(:ln)ni(:

mail at: n'urd.nu('ostu@e/)u.qov.SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: I".at:h statehas ;1 SI] ) Cl)llhlirlill.• lhu (:•)ntr()l

lllt,';t,"4Lll't)S +lilt| sh'ate,git]s used Io itiluin;mtl maintain the nail(real aml)i,.,nl air(tualily slanllal'(Is {N;\AQS}. The, SIP is

t,'xh,'llfiivtL t;()nhlillillg such t;h,qll01llS iL',;

aiT ptl]luli• m (:onl ml i'e.gulal iUl]S,umissi(}n invuntorius, monitc)rino

nel w. ,rks, all ;ti t] [ll,:llt (J {,'[I'll )IIM l';t[ h ins.

and tllltl II't:llll'lt;lll m(n:hanlslns,

Each stah; must formally ;idOl,)l the(;(mlr(,l [llU;isurl,'s +lfl(I slrah;gios ill Iht;

SIP al'h:r tht: iluhli(: has had an{llllmrlunilv l(i t:()mmenl on th0m i.ln(I

thun submit thu SIP it.) EPA. [.)net; the'so(:t)nlr()] nlt:;tSLlrt;s ;tll(I sln.de,git;s art)

al)lm)VUd hv EPA, afh',T llolit:e •llldc:onain011i. I]'lc'v art; in(:orl)(Wah,+d inh} thuI'u(iurally alqmlv{,'(I SiP mM an.'

i(h.,nlifie.(l in lUU'l 52 •Aplmlval antiI)romulgati,)n of hnlih}menhdicm Plans."Tilh: 40 td' Ihe CFR (411 Cl"l<t purl 52)."l'hu full h;\t t,t' the stahl rt.,gul.:Hiorlal)lmWe(l 1)x' El>:\ is Iltil I'O, IIriliIUCPAJ ill[IS q;f)liro.l\, ill 40 (]l"]'• [)url 52. i)ui is"inc( PI'lit)l';lltl(l by rt:lbn,,nt:u." This [ntmrls

lhal E])A has appT(Wetl a gi\'en slit|t;

rt,Nulaliorl wilh a st)t!(:ifi(: (d'f•;<:live (hth:.

'rhu i}ubii(: is re, fc'rrud hi Ihe Io(:aliun •1'lhe full hlxl vPrsil,n sh•ulll thin., 'w;ml h}

knt.,,v which muasurt;s are c()ntilint:d in11 givcql SIP. Th. inf(,rmutit,n iIrtlvi(h;(lMh)ws EI'A and Ihl.' publi(" h, rn{ulit{lr

tht! extent h) which a slate implements*l SIP h)alhtil] and mui,+hli,a lhe NAAQSand h) lake t}rlf.)r(:(•murll re:lion ifn t;c(,'ss;i r\:.

The SI'P is a living d()(:umunl whi<:h[hit •;|:.tlt; C;ll] rt;vist; ;is ll(,•c(;ssHI3,: 1•addruss the uniqut: ;tir p(.llluti(.•nprl)l)lums in the slab;. "l'here, fure, EPAfn)m lira,; I(• lim•,' musl lake ;n:li(m 1111

Nil ) l'llViSi(}lIS C()litahlirlg ll(IW anti/or]'t;\,ist)(t r,;gulali(,ns ;is hcing part (,l Ihr}

SIP. (In Ma\' 22, 1(.t97 {62 FR 27t.lG14).EPA re\'ist:d lhe pr+)(:(;(tur0s fi)r

ill(:()l'[)(•Taling [)y rt!li:n't}nc:t}, inh+ tht!(:I,'R. malt;rials suhmiltt,'d hv shtlt++s illIho, ir EIL,\-alIpr{}v•.'(I SiP l'+wisi()ns. 'l'ht,'st:

(:hal'lgt•.s r0'vise,d the format for tht:identifit:alit)n i)f the, SIP in 4(1CFR [)art52, stTt;arnline(t the mechanisms fi,Tanilouncing E1)A appr(wal ()f Te.\,isi(ms

Io a SIlL and slrtm.nllill0d Iht:rn+;(:hanisms t'()r EPA's updating cff theIBR infcw[nali(m t:()nhlin,:tl f(w eat:h SIPin 411 (:FR t)arl 52. "l'hu re.visedI u', Ic:t:(I u r,:s als,, t:al h,'(I I'( H" EPA I(•

maintain "SIP Compilations" Ihaic•mlain ihu I;,'(h,'rall.v itt)lll'(.\'l:(Ire,guhtlilms arm suurc:e, Sl}(;(:it](: permitssul)naith•tl I)\, ua(:h stale ag+:nt:y. "l'htise.SIP Ct)ml)ilalitms ill't} t:,lllhlillotl il1:l-ring I)in(it.=rs ell'i(| +lrt• Lll+•+lah.'dl)rim+u'ily, m an annual bnsis. I In(hn" |hi;

revise.d iwocedures. EPA is ll.Jll+:ri{.lit:al]y I)uhlish an inl'(wlnali•+nalth)t:umenl in the: rules s,;(:tion of lhuFederal Re•ister when ul}tlatus ;trt•

madt', h) a SIP C,lmpilalitln fur aparti(:u]•,r slate. Et)A's 1•1!t7 revisedt)l'l)(:(;durt.• wurt• fc)rmallv al)plicd t()

South Car+,lina (m July ], IH()7 iS2 FR:}5441 ).

This a(:lit)n rt;I}l'(;st;llls EP:Vsinlbli(:ati(m oflh•.' South Carolina SIP(;om[)ilati(.m updatu, ;q)l.)uarirlg in 40(:I"R [•aI'l 5:). In ad(liti()n, n()ti(:t; islW(,vith:(l [ilr thu f()lh)winglyp{)grat)hica] (:orrc+(:ti(ins hi 'l'ahh,'s ((:).(d). ancl [(.:)iif paragraph 52.2120, as(h.•s(:ribt:d [)eluw:

1. Corre+:ling Ix't)()gral)hi(:al err,)rs lisle(t inpanlgrallhs 52.21"0(,:). (d}, ,roll {el rl!lll(PJillgall periods ,filer llle Federal Register noli(:e


2. Revising It,e, dale I',)rlrl+ll lis|ed inp,mtgrai}hs 52." 1"(}[,:). {d), and {el. Revist• Ihed,lh' I'l.rlnill ill Ih.• ".'-,I.llt• eff,•(:li\',' ,],ll.t," and"I]]L'\ ,tiqwoval ,t,de." (:,)lullHiS t'{w

I:()llgiSIl•ril:\'. I }•llt?S tlrl• ilillll|•ril:;-I] Ill¢)l|Jtl/(]ily/\,'iir wililoill <Mdil iOllill Zi',ro,•,

3. Resh)rhlg all missil+g entrh•s in fable (el.4. h, l,aragral)h (c), lhe fi)llowing revisi,ms:

a. t :,lpihdizi ng t lle word "sl d)ic, t:t'" in t lw.t;o]Imux he.a(ler "'Tith:/Su!)jt:ct:"

b. t J n derli n i ng I he words "t.',,d,,.,,r" and"'lhNiut•r" arid +:.,pitalizinl4 lhe h.llt'r "r" in lhvword "r•gister" ill Iht• t;ohllnn t;llt ilh'at"'Federal Register ]l+)li(:l•" t•)r {;(msistt'm¢:y\\.ithirl lhe i+ar,tgraph i-|lid lllt• FederalRegister rulemaki rigs,

(:. Revising Ihe f()rll,+lt ,if i)arilgral)h ((:) h\"rt•lllt)ving Ihl'l .qP,(:(|H(i i•nlry o["Re•gulalhul Ni(i.

1i2.1 lh;I]nilil}ns and I ;-e:TIt•r•-II R.,•qliirl'.llll+.nls",in,I t:relilil,g rliw.,-; for all I)+irl• (;i)nhiilit;d inR,•gul,llhln li').5, Nhln<larll Nt). 5, V'()hllih.

()rg,iiiil: ( "l n,illt)iiiu i:<, ",+'.; oi .I i{ni l----f ;i,iit•r, ilI)r(rvi,,.;iOll•" lind "Nt'P(ili()n I[--I)ri)".'isi(lli.":, fllr.',;ln:(:i fh: • t il lr(.:i•,•."

tt. hi.•l;rtilig lilt' "L";hih? efft'(.liw.' (llih!," "'EPA,illtirov+il dale." ,in(I "Federal R•ister nt)lit:t¢"

citalion to read in l|ie t:oIToc:! cirlh]lnll• forRl,<•iil+,lit)n No. (i".2 "'Protiil)ithln of ()penIhirlii fig."

e. (;orrl.,:ling Ilie "Tillei,•ut)ie•:l" illiderRt,gul,tli,ln ii'.5 I't)r:

i. Nland,lr(I No. 1, ".'-;t•(:lh)n [I--I},irli{:lil,ile

Mailer t':liiissio nP4:"ii. Nhtnll;ir{I N{i. 5. ",Se(li(in ll--Pr(wisinns

fi)r ,qlm(.i fi•: ,•o[Ir(:t?s'"

I. l)arl C--.%Ma(:," ¢:,)aling (d |)altar. Vhlyl.and I.',d)ri+:

2. P(irl l'l--Surl]-t(:t• (:,)aling (•f Metal|.'urnihin:, and I,•lrge Aliplian¢:l•

3. i),irl l.'--,•tirl]i+:t• (]ll, ilililJ, of,Mis(:t,llanc•ui• Mt;hll i'),+lrts +ind I)rt)dut:Is: ''

f {:orn,cting the '+•i,il0 ,•ffe<:tive dah¢+ for:i. Ri,guhilitln 1i".3 "Ne(:lion II--I']ini•,si,ln

Rtqhit:litnl Rt•,tl] i r('lllt'llt :';;"ii. I+.l,gullilhln 1i2.5..qhindlir(I N(i. I-..

]']iiiis•i•iis Ir{)lil I"uel llurriing ()iler<ilhmsI. "Ne{;li()n II--lJ,trli(;ulale Malh,r

l".mi s.•h ms"2. "Ne(:ti(),l [V--OI)a+:ity I',,h)nit(wing

I'•+.,( i i.li rt, i ] i ill i t ,'.,"

?L "Se(:lit+[i V--l.:x•mptions:"iii. Regulati(m I:,2.5..<'+:,,,re,lard Nil. 4 ..

]:mis.,.i,,ns from l)rtlc+•s.'+. hnhmlrie..'+;

I. %;e(:li(,n l--C;eneral"2. +.";,x:li(+n l[--,";tdfuri,: ..\cid

Manlila(.tlnri rig"3. "S,.+:li(m lll---Kr4fl Pulll and Pal•t'r

1%1(11111 fdt'h lrill• I)l+lnls ''

4. "Ntu;li()n IV. --Ih)rlhin<l ('+l•liit•nl

M iit i u f,.t(.t i.iri ng"5. =Ne(:lh)n VI--I hd Mix ,.\:,;l•h,ill

M anil|,il';liirhi•"6. %+";t'(:li(m VII--Mehtl RPt]ilhlg:"