feeling face book

Feeling Face Book How Do You Feel Today? @ @ @ @ @ " A.ggressive Anxious Apologetic Arrogant Bashful ® ® @ , Blissful Bored Cautious Cold Confident ® ® ® ® ~ "' \ Curious Determined Disappointed Disbelieving Enraged ~~~® ~ ® I ~ ~ ~ r Envious Exhausted .Frightened Frustrated Guilty \- @ OO/~\-@>~@ ~ ~ r : Happy Horrified Ho t HUDgOVer Hurt @ ® ® @ ® ysterical Indifferent Interested Jealous Lonely @ ® ~ ® @ Lovestruck Negative Regretful Relieved Sad @ ® ® ® 0 ,_ / Satisfied Surprised Suspicious Undecided Other . .. www.ExecutiveHomemaker.com

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Post on 06-Apr-2018




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Feeling Face Book

How Do You Feel Today?

@ @ @ @ @"

A.ggressive Anxious Apologetic Arrogant Bashful

® ®@ ,

Blissful Bored Cautious Cold Confident

® ® ® ® ~"' \

Curious Determined Disappointed Disbelieving Enraged

~~~®~ ®I ~ ~

~ r

Envious Exhausted .Frightened Frustrated Guilty\-

@ OO /~ \ -@>~@~ ~ r:Happy Horrified Ho t HUDgOVer Hurt

@ ® ® @ ®ysterical Indifferent Interested Jealous Lonely

@ ® ~ ® @Lovestruck Negative Regretful Relieved Sad

@ ® ® ® 0,_/

Satisfied Surprised Suspicious Undecided Other ...


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1. Mean and unfriendly in one's actions; ready to argue or

start fights. He has a hard time getting along with others be-

cause of his aggressive nature.

2. Very bold; acting as if full of power and authority; forceful.

He has a hard time getting along with others because of his ag-

gressive nature.

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1. Feeling worried, nervous, or afraid about something uncertai i.

She was anxious as she waited to see the doctor.

2. Having a strong wish; eager. He was anxious to return home ansee his children.

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1. Having or showing too much pride; behaving asthough one is more important than others.

Winning makes some people arrogant.

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1. Shy with people; timid. Don't be bashful; come

and give your Aunt Lisa a big kiss!

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1. Extreme happiness or being content.

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1. To have nothing to do. I have a lot of toys but I don't want to

play with them. I am bored.

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1. Taking care to avoid danger or trouble; careful.

The children were cautious as they entered the

haunted house.

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I. To make tired; wear out. The long day at school exhausted

her .

2.. 1 '0 use all. of; usc up, The campers exhausted their supply of

food and had to catch fish.

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/ ' - - - - - - --:/



\ ,l



I. To cause fear in; scare. Thegrawling ,dog.l"igfu~necJthe

children ..

2. To eause to move away suddenly by eausing 'fear (_nsualfy

:FoUolved bJ nl~tay"'10rnff ' .). The , scarecrow will ..righusn

a wt{I. the CY(n.f;'S,

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f.-4.-...-4---+-~ JJI

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1..Feeling or showing guilt .. Jl.(v mom saw I1U!.SS ,. made and I

knew I made a bad decision .. . 1 looked guilty.

2. Responsible for doing som.ethiog wrong .. The police man

sent the guilty mad toJaiL

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I. FeeHngjoy or pleasure; bein2 glad: or content .. She was ve~}'

h ap py 'w ith h e r b ir th d ay g ifts

2. Lucky or fortanate .. 1 was happy myfriend and I both showed

up to the park.

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- - . - - - . - - - - -

1,. To cause feelings of horror ' in;' frig'hten, ShOIC:k

The sight oj the dead animal horrified us.

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l.Holding or givlng off' great beat. The hot soup was delicious.

2 . Causing the physical feeling of Ereat heat I t s a h o t sum merday.

3. Showing or feeling' anger or other strong emotion. He fries

hard to control his hot temper.

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\/" , - /. '. .

. \ . .'.

- -- - - -

\... " ....1-~,


1. The unpleasant aftereffects, such as head ache or

nausea, of drinking too much alcohol, usual ly '

experienced after sleep,

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. I .To cause pain, harm or' suffering tnn, Did you hurt yourselfwhen you fell of the hike?

2 , To cause painful feelings ..in. tou really hurt her with yourmean words.

3. To feel pain or suffering .. Afy head hurts.

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'I+ Causing much hlughter; wildly funny. That joke was hysteri-


2. Having or likely to have fits 4 1 1 " wild. behavior such as laugh=

ing o r crying.. She 'was hysterical after her dog -was hit by a

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l.'lv'itho lJt interest or concern; 1101 cari ng. He )illiS in -

diffe.r-ell!' to hi..'daughter ~ineedfor a warm coat.

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J . The desire to learn, know, or take part in something, The

boy WG,ij' very interested in r o ck ets .

2 Someone or semething t .h.at causes such ,n desire .. 1, r .4SCAR

is one ofmy interests.

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l. Afraid of losing snmeone's lnve or attention t : o another per-son, She became jealou.fff when her parents spent 80mucl: lime

with the new baby.

2. Feeling envy ofwhat another person has or can de, H e waL l '

jealous ofhisfriends ne·wscooter;

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'i ..

1. \\lithout company;alone. She didn't have anyone to play with

and felt lonely.

2. Empty of bumans: deserted He walked jar miles through

Ione lv woods .. .

3. Unhappy because al.one.;:kmesome .. Ifelt lonely for my

brother while he was mvay a t school.

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1,. A strong but temporary romantic attraction, He is

love-struck with a ,girl in his class .

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1. Not helpful or constructive. She made negative comments

about my singing.

2. A statement, action, or gesture showing that one refuses or

is against something. His answer was negative.

3. Saying or meaning "no". He gave a negative answer to the


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... ~~-'--~. '.~ ,.

/' ,..

, .

1. Having sorrow or remorse for a loss, an act, or a

disappointment. Th e boy' regre t ted that h e th rewthe toy down and broke it.

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1. To free from fear, worry, need, or poverty, The boy was

relieved that he did not get in trouble for spilling the apple


2. To m ake less painfu l or trou bling; ease. H o ne y w ill r elie ve

your sore throat.

3. To take over the work of. At noon, a new crew will relieve

the morning workers.

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· dSa.1

1 . Unhappy or without joy, Steve " w a . , · so sad when his friend

had to go hom e.

2,. Caeslng unhappiness ..The movie had a sad ending.

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1 . To drive ,.)WHY feelings, of doubt; c unvtnee. Siam:S excuse jor

m alting a m e ss sa tisfie d h is m om .

1. To give what is wanted or needed. The sandwich satisfiedthe little h oy S hunger.

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. ' - - - - - _ _ _

i. To catch off gu'ard'; come upon or occur to suddenly. H e

surprised his m om m y w ith a kiss.

2. 10 cause a feering of wonder i'q; amaze, V i c k Y ; ) T ability, t o- .

draw beautiful pictures surprised us.

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I, Causing q1uesUon.s or doubt The little b~y was suspicious of

why lh e older boy 1-t'asbeing so nice to him.

2. Witb out tr ust, She is a suspici ous person.

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1. Not yet decid ed . o r settled The question is undecided.

2. Not yet ahle to reach a decision; uncertatn .. The is