fem ppt swapnil

FINITE ELEMENT ANA Siddhartha Ghosh* and * Assistant Professor, ** Res * Assistant Professor, ** Res Department of C Department of C Indian Institute of Te Indian Institute of Te ALYSIS IN ABAQUS Swapnil B. Kharmale** search Scholar (PhD Student ) search Scholar (PhD Student ) Civil Engineering Civil Engineering echnology, Bombay echnology, Bombay

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Page 1: Fem Ppt Swapnil


Siddhartha Ghosh* and * Assistant Professor, ** Research Scholar (PhD Student )* Assistant Professor, ** Research Scholar (PhD Student )

Department of Civil EngineeringDepartment of Civil EngineeringIndian Institute of Technology, BombayIndian Institute of Technology, Bombay


Siddhartha Ghosh* and Swapnil B. Kharmale** * Assistant Professor, ** Research Scholar (PhD Student )* Assistant Professor, ** Research Scholar (PhD Student )

Department of Civil EngineeringDepartment of Civil EngineeringIndian Institute of Technology, BombayIndian Institute of Technology, Bombay

Page 2: Fem Ppt Swapnil

ABAQUS : General

ABAQUS is a highly sophisticated, generaldesigned primarily to model the behaviorexternally applied loading.

�Salient features of ABAQUS

�Capabilities for both static and dynamic

�The ability to account all types of nonlinearities

and geometric non-linearity

�A very extensive element library, including

beam elements, shell and plate elements

�A sophisticated capability to model contact

�Capabilities to model a number of

vibrations, coupled fluid/structure interactions,

and so on.

(From:www.abaqus.comand and www.engin.brown.edu/courses/en

ABAQUS : General

general purpose finite element program,behavior of solids and structures under

dynamic problems

nonlinearities viz. material non-linearity

including a full set of continuum elements,


contact between solids

of phenomena of interest, including

interactions, acoustics, buckling problems,


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ABAQUS : General

The ABAQUS suite consists of three core products:

• ABAQUS/Standard,

For traditional implicit finite element

thermal, all powered with the widest range


• ABAQUS/Explicit

For transient dynamics and quasi-staticFor transient dynamics and quasi-static

appropriate in many applications such

manufacturing processes.


• ABAQUS/CAE (Complete Abaqus Environment)

It provides a complete modelling and visualization

analysis products. It has direct access

and visualization

ABAQUS : General

The ABAQUS suite consists of three core products:

analyses such as static, dynamics,

range of contact and nonlinear material

static analyses using an explicit approachstatic analyses using an explicit approach

such as drop test, crushing and many


visualization environment for ABAQUS

access to CAD models, advanced meshing

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ABAQUS : GeneralHere we focus on ABAQUS/Standard

Command Line

Solver Structure


Now we will model and analysis a single storyABAQUS/CAE

(Note that it could be possible to create thediscussed later)

ABAQUS : General


Solver Structure


story Steel Plate Shear Wall (SPSW1) through

the model through command line which will be

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Title bar

Context bar

Tool bar

You can start ABAQUS CAE from the STARTabaqus cae in a Command window. Following figure

Message area

Canvas& Drawing

areaToolbox Area


Menu bar

Tool bar

START menu or with a command line by typingfigure shows how an ABAQUS/CAE looks

View port

Message area

Prompt area

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ABAQUS CAE modules


• Part – Create individual parts

• Property – Create and assign material properties

• Assembly – Create and place all parts instances

• Step – Define all analysis steps and the results you want

• Interaction – Define any contact information• Interaction – Define any contact information

• Load- Define and place all loads and boundary conditions

• Mesh – Define your nodes and elements


• Job – Submit your job for analysis


• Visualization- View your results

ABAQUS CAE modules

Create and assign material properties

Create and place all parts instances

Define all analysis steps and the results you want

Define any contact informationDefine any contact information

Define and place all loads and boundary conditions

Define your nodes and elements

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3-Dimensional FEM Problem(Pushover Analysis of SPSW)

�To start learning ABAQUS CAEsingle story Steel Plate Shearincludes geometric nonlinearityduring fabrication). The specimenload (Non-linear static pushover analysis)

�Problem Statement

To find the ultimate load carrying

story steel plate shear wall (SPSW


Dimensional FEM Problem(Pushover Analysis of SPSW)

we will work through modelling aWall (SPSW1) specimen which(initial out-of-plane deformationsis subjected to monotonic lateral


carrying capacity (Lateral load) of single

(SPSW1) by non-linear static push over

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Details of SPSWDetails of SPSW1

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Lateral Force- Deformation Deformation Behavior of SPSW

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Selection of Element for Modelling SPSW

Infill Panel Element

Boundary Element By using

Selection of Element for Modelling SPSW1

By using 3-Dimensional Shell

By using 3-Dimensional Beam Element

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PART MODULE− Create a new part as Infill_Panel

� 3-D planar

� Type : Deformable

� Basic feature: shell

� Approximate size: 6x6(Note :- ABAQUS follows consistent unit so be specificto keep same unit. Here we kept SI units i.e. m for length

N for force etc)


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Part:- Infill_Panel

The following picture shows how a Part Infill_Panel


Infill_Panel look

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− Create another new part as Boundary_Element

� 3-D planar

� Type : Deformable

� Basic feature: wire

� Approximate size: 6 x6


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Infill_Panel and Boundary_ElementABAQUS/CAE

Boundary_Element Parts in ABAQUS/CAE

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� We will add the material Steel and give it valuesStress = 2.0E+08N/m2,Plastic strain=0 (Note thatsteel)

� We will create section called ShellsectionShell/Homogenous and assign a thickness of 0.0025

� Assign material to this section

Property Modulevalues E= 2.0E+11N/m2 Poisson's ratio ν= 0.3, Yieldthat elastically-perfectly plastic relationship is used for

Shellsection and give it category of Shell ,Continuous0025m with thickness integration point 5

Property Module

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� Also create section called Boundarysection_colBoundarysection_bea and give it category of Beam

� Create profile namely Columns and Beamsshaped cross section

� Assign same material to this section also

Property Module (Continued)

I-Section profile for Columns I-Section profile for Beams

Boundarysection_col andBeam

using I-

Section profile for Beams


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� Assign Shellsection to part named Infill_Panel

� Assign Boundarysection_col and Boundarysection_bea

to part named Bounary_Element

Property Module (Continued)

Assembly Module

�Now we will create two independent instances using parts Infill_Panel and Boundary_Element

�Its easy to mesh the assembly as a whole using

independent instances


Boundarysection_bea with Columns and Beams profile

Property Module (Continued)

Assembly Module

Now we will create two independent instances using Boundary_Element

Its easy to mesh the assembly as a whole using

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Step Module�By default there is a Initial Step in Abaqus (i.e.Boundary Conditions

�We will add a step after system made initial step

�The procedure type is General and type is

nonlinearity is on to account for large deformations

�Keep the Output Request as preselected (By Default)

Step Module. System made step) which is used to define the

called Transverse load

is Static. The nlgeom=Yes means geometric



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Step Module (Continued)

After step called Transverse Load create a next

The procedure type is General and type isgeometric nonlineaarity is on to account for large

Step Module (Continued)

next analysis step Lateral Load

is Static Riks . Again nlgeom=Yes meanslarge deformations

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Interaction Module

�In this module we will define the contact between two independent part namelyand Boundary_Element

�Create surface Infill_Panel_Master in part Infill_Panel

Interaction Module

In this module we will define the contact between two independent part namely Infill_Panel


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�Similarly create surface Boundary_Element_Slave

�Once these surfaces are created we can provide contact between them through Interaction module

Selection of Master surface

Boundary_Element_Slave in part Boundary_Element

Once these surfaces are created we can provide contact between them through

Selection of Master surface

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Selection of Slave surfaceSelection of Slave surface

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Interaction between two parts namelyInteraction between two parts namely Infill_Panel and Boundary_Element

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Creating Boundary Conditions in Initial Step

�Create boundary conditions in Initial step (System made step)

�There are two type of Boundary conditions for this problem namely

�Bottom extreme nodes are fixed (U1=U2=U3

�Edges are restrained in z-direction (U3=0)

Creating Boundary Conditions in Initial Step

Create boundary conditions in Initial step (System made step)

There are two type of Boundary conditions for this problem namely


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Bottom extreme nodes are fixed (U1=U=U2=U3=UR1=UR2=UR3=0 i.e. Encastre)

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Edges are restrained in zEdges are restrained in z-direction (U3=0)

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Mesh Module�Now we will mesh the assembly

�Before that we will assign the shell element to Infill_Panel

�Also assign the beam element to Boundary_Element

Mesh Module

Infill_Panel part. The shell element is S4R

Boundary_Element part. The beam element is B31

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Assigning S4R Element R Element to Infill_Panel part

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Assigning B31 Element toto Boundary_Element part

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Mesh Module (Continued)

�After assigning proper element to each of part next�Here we are using mesh of 20x20 for Infill_Panelelement into 20 parts. So for whole assembly mesh

Mesh Module (Continued)

next step is seeding.Infill_Panel part and we will discritize each boundary

mesh density will be 20x20.

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Meshing of whole Assembly of SPSWMeshing of whole Assembly of SPSW1

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Load Module STEP:- Transverse Load :- Apply a concentrated load (named as node in negative z-direction (i.e. Along 3-axis)

Load Module Apply a concentrated load (named as CFORCE-1)of 2N at middle

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Load Module (Continue)�STEP:- Lateral Load :- Apply a concentrated load (named as TOPNODES in positive x-direction (i.e. Along 1-axis). �Remember here we kept the displacement controas load control during initial part of analysis

Load Module (Continue) Apply a concentrated load (named as CFORCE-2)of 1000N at the

axis). trol thus load magnitude mentioned above is used

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Job Module

�We will create a job called SPSW1

�Once this has been created just submit the job.

�The analysis should only take a couple of minutes.

Job Module

Once this has been created just submit the job.

The analysis should only take a couple of minutes.

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Here you have an option toselect analysis viz Fullanalysis or Explicit analysisor Restart

Submitting job after elapsedtime

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Visualization Module (Post processing)− Once your analysis is complete we want to

− First we will see the deformed shape(Remember this step is created to have initial outdeformed shape is somewhat similar to buckling of

Visualization Module (Post processing) to see the results.

shape of SPSW1 in Step Transverse Load.out-of plane deformation (due to fabrications). So theof plate )

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− Now we will see the deformed shape(This step is static push over . Here out of plane deformationsload, and the buckling along the compression diagonalshape of SPSW1 at the end of analysis)

Visualization Module (Continued)shape of SPSW1 in Step Lateral Load.

deformations start increasing with increase in lateraldiagonal can be very clearly seen from the deformed

Visualization Module (Continued)

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Visualization Module (Continued)− If we look at Von Mises stress distribution

Visualization Module (Continued) stress distribution we see

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Visualization Module (Continued)

�Here we will create X-Y plot�First plot is of Horizontal component of Totalincrement

Creating X

Visualization Module (Continued)

Force developed at bottom extreme node vs

Creating X-Y data

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Visualization Module (Continued)

Selection of bottom extreme nodes to create X

Visualization Module (Continued)

Selection of bottom extreme nodes to create X-Y data

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Visualization Module (Continued)Visualization Module (Continued)

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Similarly create plot of Horizontal displacement (U1) of top node

Visualization Module (Continued)

Horizontal displacement (U1) of top node vs increment

Visualization Module (Continued)

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− Now we will create a plot of Base shear (whichforce developed at extreme bottom nodesdisplacement of Top node

Visualization Module (Continued)(which is sum of horizontal component of totalnodes (which are fixed support)) and lateral

Visualization Module (Continued)

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About ABAQUS Command line use (Input file creation )


�All models are called input files.

•An input file has two sections; Model and

•The Model section contains all the information

the history section.

•The History section is what you do to the•The History section is what you do to the

•Input files have a .inp extension and can be

Now we will discuss how to create thefile and then we will run it throughthrough ABAQUS CAE

About ABAQUS Command line use (Input file creation )


information about the model and comes before

model. You work on the model in Steps.model. You work on the model in Steps.

be created in any ASCII (text) editor.

the model SPSW1 through an inputthrough windows command prompt or

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Simple Input File (Model Section)**The lines starting with ** (2 asterisks)

**ABAQUS solver. Other lines beginning with




*Preprint, echo=YES, model=YES, history=YES,


**The *PREPRINT key controls what information

**SPSWl.dat. Here, we have asked ABAQUS

**SPSWl.dat file is rather large as a consequence

**you can set all the options to NO to reduce


** (Creating geometry of model)



*Part, name=PART-1-1

******************************************************************************** (Defining the control node coordinate)



1, 0., 0., 0.

21, 3, 0. 0.

*NGEN, nset=bottom

1, 21, 1

********************************************************************************(nset=bottom is a node set which contains

**interval of 1)



0, 3, 0

Simple Input File (Model Section) asterisks) commented and are ignored ** by the

with a single * denotes an ABAQUS keyword.


history=YES, contact=YES


information is printed to the file named

to print out absolutely everything. The

consequence. Once the input file is correct,

reduce the size of the file.)





******************************************************************************contains node started from 1 to 21 with an


SET=bottom, SHIFT, new set=top

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bottom, top, 20, 21

*Element, type=S4R

1, 1, 2, 23, 22

21, 22, 23, 44, 43

********************************************************************************(Generating the intermediate shell elements


*ELGEN, elset=bottom

1, 20, 1, 1


21, 20, 1, 1, 19, 21, 20

******************************************************************************** (Creating master elements by using *Element


*Element, type=B31*Element, type=B31

500, 1, 2

1000, 421, 422

1500, 1, 22

2000, 21, 42

*ELGEN, elset=beam

500, 20, 1

1000, 20, 1

1500, 20, 21

2000, 20, 21

********************************************************************************(By using *Elset command one can made

**will be helpful while assigning material



******************************************************************************elements in increment through *ELGEN command)


*******************************************************************************Element command.)


******************************************************************************different set or group of element which

material properties,boundary conditions,loading


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*Elset, elset=BEAM

500, 501, 502, 503, 504, 505, 506,

513, 514, 515

516, 517, 518, 519, 1000, 1001, 1002

1009, 1010, 1011

1012, 1013, 1014, 1015, 1016, 1017, 1018

1505, 1506, 1507

1508, 1509, 1510, 1511, 1512, 1513, 1514

2001, 2002, 2003

2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010

2017, 2018, 2019

*Nset, nset=_PICKEDSET2, internal, generate

1, 441, 1

*Elset, elset=_I1, internal, generate

1, 400, 1

*Elset, elset=_I5, internal, generate

500, 519, 1500, 519, 1

*Elset, elset=_I2, internal, generate

1000, 1019, 1

*Elset, elset=_I3, internal, generate

1500, 1519, 1

*Elset, elset=_I4, internal, generate

2000, 2019, 1

** Region: (Section-1-_I1:Picked)

*Elset, elset=_I1, internal, generate

1, 400, 1

** Section: Section-1-_I1

*Shell Section, elset=_I1, material=Steel

0.0025, 5********************************************************************************(*Shell section command will create shell

no. of integration point)


, 507, 508, 509, 510, 511, 512,

1002, 1003, 1004, 1005, 1006, 1007, 1008,

1018, 1019, 1500, 1501, 1502, 1503, 1504,

1514, 1515, 1516, 1517, 1518, 1519, 2000,

2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016,


******************************************************************************section having thickness =0.0025m with 5


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** Region: (Section-2-_I5:Picked), (Beam

*Elset, elset=_I5, internal, generate

500, 519, 1

** Section: Section-2-_I5 Profile: Profile


** (*Beam section command will create beam


*Beam Section, elset=_I5, material=Steel,

0.0381, 0.0762, 0.059182, 0.059182, 0.006604


** Region: (Section-3-_I2:Picked), (Beam

*Elset, elset=_I2, internal, generate

1000, 1019, 1

** Section: Section-3-_I2 Profile: Profile

*Beam Section, elset=_I2, material=Steel,*Beam Section, elset=_I2, material=Steel,

0.0381, 0.0762, 0.059182, 0.059182, 0.006604


** Region: (Section-4-_I3:Picked), (Beam

*Elset, elset=_I3, internal, generate

1500, 1519, 1

** Section: Section-4-_I3 Profile: Profile

*Beam Section, elset=_I3, material=Steel,

0.0381, 0.0762, 0.059182, 0.059182, 0.006604


** Region: (Section-5-_I4:Picked), (Beam

*Elset, elset=_I4, internal, generate

2000, 2019, 1

(Beam Orientation:Picked)



beam of I-cross section)


material=Steel, temperature=GRADIENTS, section=I

006604, 0.006604, 0.004318

(Beam Orientation:Picked)


material=Steel, temperature=GRADIENTS, section=Imaterial=Steel, temperature=GRADIENTS, section=I

006604, 0.006604, 0.004318

(Beam Orientation:Picked)


material=Steel, temperature=GRADIENTS, section=I

006604, 0.006604, 0.004318

(Beam Orientation:Picked)

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** Section: Section-5-_I4 Profile: Profile

*Beam Section, elset=_I4, material=Steel,

0.0381, 0.0762, 0.059182, 0.059182, 0.006604


*End Part

******************************************************************************** (Used to assemble the different individual

part is used.)



*Assembly, name=Assembly

*Instance, name=PART-1-1, part=PART-1-1

*End Instance


*Nset, nset=topnode, instance=PART-1-1


*Nset, nset=_PICKEDSET11, internal, instance=PART

421, 422, 423, 424, 425, 426, 427, 428


*Nset, nset=_PICKEDSET13, internal, instance=PART


*Nset, nset=_PickedSet8, internal, instance=PART

1, 21

*Nset, nset=_PickedSet9, internal, instance=PART

2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

18, 19, 20, 22, 42, 43, 63, 64,

168, 169, 189, 190, 210, 211, 231, 232,

336, 337, 357, 358, 378, 379, 399, 400,

428, 429, 430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435,


material=Steel, temperature=GRADIENTS, section=I

006604, 0.006604, 0.004318

******************************************************************************individual parts here in current problem only one



428, 434, 435, 436, 437, 438, 439, 440,




10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17

84, 85, 105, 106, 126, 127, 147, 148

252, 253, 273, 274, 294, 295, 315, 316

420, 421, 422, 423, 424, 425, 426, 427

436, 437, 438, 439, 440, 441

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*Nset, nset=_PickedSet10, internal, instance=PART

2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

18, 19, 20, 421, 422, 423, 424, 425, 426

434, 435, 436, 437, 438, 439, 440, 441

*End Assembly

******************************************************************************** (With this Geometry of model ends)




** (*Material command is used to define

**different component of model It include



*Material, name=Steel


2.0e+11, 0.32.0e+11, 0.3


2.50+08, 0.



******************************************************************************** (*Boundary command is used to create appropriate


** Name: Disp-BC-1 Type: Symmetry/Antisymmetry/Encastre


_PickedSet8, ENCASTRE

** Name: Disp-BC-2 Type: Displacement/Rotation


_PickedSet9, 3, 3


_PickedSet10, 2, 2


10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17

426, 427, 428, 429, 430, 431, 432, 433




define material which has been used to

include all engineering properties of



******************************************************************************appropriate boundary **conditions)




Page 51: Fem Ppt Swapnil

** STEP: Transverse load


** (*Step command is used to create

**General, Static Riks, Dynamic, Dynamic

one can define corresponding loading on model)


*Step, name="Transverse load ", nlgeom=YES


**(nlgeom=YES means geometric nonlinearity




1., 1., 1e-05, 1.


Simple Input File (History Section)


** Name: CFORCE-1 Type: Concentrated force

********************************************************************************(*Cload command is used for concentrated

node i.e._PICKEDSET13 in negative z-direction

plate )



_PICKEDSET13, 3, -2.



*Restart, write, frequency=0

********************************************************************************(*Restart command in ABAQUS allows multi

**frequency=n that means saving the output

**directly give output at end of step without

**frequency=0 means to save output for each interval)



different analysis step like Static

Explicit etc. In each analysis **step





nonlinearity is on to account for large


Simple Input File (History Section)


******************************************************************************load. A load of 2N is applied at middle

direction to initiate initial imperfection in


******************************************************************************multi step analysis. Here one can use

after n interval,frequency =overlay means

without saving intermediate increment result,



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** FIELD OUTPUT: F-Output-1

*Output, field

*Node Output


** FIELD OUTPUT: F-Output-2

*Element Output, directions=YES



*Output, history, variable=PRESELECT

*End Step


** STEP: Lateral load

*Step, name="Lateral load", nlgeom=YES,


**(In “Static Riks” step 0.1 indicate initial

**period of step 1e-10 indicate minimum**period of step 1e-10 indicate minimum

**maximum time increment allowed 20 indicates

**topnode, 1, 0.05 indicates the displacement

**x- directional displacement reached up


*Static, riks

0.1, 100., 1e-10, 1., 20., topnode, 1, 0


** Name: CFORCE-2 Type: Concentrated force


**(A load of 10000N is applied at

**positive x-direction for static pushover



_PICKEDSET11, 1, 10000.





initial time increment 100 indicate time

minimum time increment allowed 1 indicateminimum time increment allowed 1 indicate

indicates load proportionality factor,

displacement control means stop analysis when

up to 0.05m)





top edge nodes i.e._PICKEDSET11 in

pushover analysis.)


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*Restart, write, frequency=0

** FIELD OUTPUT: F-Output-3

*Output, field

*Node Output


** FIELD OUTPUT: F-Output-4


** (Field output will give the selected


*Element Output, directions=YES



*Output, history, variable=PRESELECT

*End Step

To run ABAQUS Input File on Command Prompt

• At the command lineabaqus job=filename int (say SPSW)


selected output)



ABAQUS Input File on Command Prompt

(say SPSW)

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Output Files created during running an Analysis

Following files were created during runningC:\Temp\Tutorial\SPSW1)

SPSW1.odb:-Out put database file which contains allfor given job.

�SPSW1.dat:-This file contains all kinds of informationIn particular, if ABAQUS encounters any problems duringwill be written to this file.

�SPSW1.log:- You will see some information aboutexecution. You should also see that the file ends with


�SPSW1.res:-The file named SPSW1.res is called afile contains full information about the analysis. The restartelement mesh, or contours of stress, displacement, etc

�SPSW1.sta:-This file is continuously updated by ABAQUScomputation has been completed.

�SPSW1.msg:-The file named SPSW1.msg containsused, the iterative process, and the tolerances thatsolution has converged.

�SPSW1.fil:-The file named SPSW4.fil is called a `resultsfile contains data that were specifically requested in the

Output Files created during running an Analysis

an analysis in a directory of job file (say

all requested field output and history output database

information about the computations that ABAQUS has done.during the computation, error and warning messages

about the time it took to for ABAQUS to completewith

`restart file’ (the file always has .res extension). Thisrestart file is most useful if you want to plot the finiteetc

ABAQUS as it runs, and tells you how much of the

contains much more information concerning the incrementsthat ABAQUS has applied to determine whether a

`results file’ (the file always has a .fil extension). Thisthe ABAQUS input file.

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