fema updates april 10, 2013. 2 welcome and introductions andy mitchell division director...

FEMA Updates April 10, 2013

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FEMA Updates

April 10, 2013


Welcome and IntroductionsAndy Mitchell

Division Director

Technological Hazards Division

National Preparedness Directorate


Overview REPP Policy Update

� NUREG 0654/FEMA-REP-1, Rev. 1 Revision

� REP Program Manual

� REP-10

HAB Update IPAWS Integration NIMS/ICS


Revision of NUREG 0654/FEMA-REP-1, Rev. 1 Objective: Provide enhanced guidance for the development, review,

and evaluation of NRC nuclear power plant (NPP) offsite radiological emergency response planning and preparedness surrounding the nation’s commercial NPPs.

Public comment period:

� Oct. 30, 2012 - Jan. 31, 2013

� 31 submissions total Two public meetings:

� Kansas City, MO (Aug. 2012)

� Rockville, MD (Sept. 2012) Writing teams, consisting of NRC staff and both FEMA Hq and

Regional staff, have been formed and are slated to commence work this week.


Timeline of Revision

2013-2015• Rev. 2 Development

and Comment Adjudication

2015 • FRN for Initial

Distribution of Draft Rev. 2

2016• Draft Rev. 2


2017• Rev. 2 Issuance and




Update of REP Program Manual The REP Program Manual update entered into concurrence

process on March 25. This update contains clarified guidance and corrected

grammatical and typographical errors. In conjunction with this Manual update, REP has published

accompanying frequently asked questions. The Manual is expected to be available at the end of April.


Disposition of Proposed Changes to REP Program Manual

Clarification; 37%

Added Guidance; 28%

Updates ; 20%

No Change; 9%

Other; 5%



REP-10 Principal guidance document on Alert and Notification

� Undergoing a significant revision Re-entered into the concurrence/public comment process on

March 22 Taking REP-10 in new direction, i.e., more of an outcome-

based perspective

� Instead of prescribing technical requirements, will emphasize results

� Bottom-line: Whether the requisite objectives are achieved, regardless of the system(s) utilized


Hostile Action-Based Exercises

HAB scenario exercises are required to be performed once every 8 years.

Exercises includes new planning standards, which will allow law enforcement to communicate directly with utilities.

April 15, 2013– First scheduled HAB Exercise at Three Mile Island

FEMA has developed the HAB Best Practices Guide to assist OROs.


IPAWS Integration Objective: To facilitate the integration of IPAWS into

approved Alert and Notification Systems for both REPP and CSEPP

IPAWS is a nationwide initiative that is currently in the process of deployment nationwide

Pilot programs initiated in KY and CO IPAWS presented at all four scheduling conferences Kickoff completed in IL Joint Presentation at Regulatory Information Conference



NIMS/ICS Integration of onsite and offsite preparedness with

NIMS/ICS under a HAB scenario FEMA issue as it regards to ORO exercise activities

– OROs already use the NIMS/ICS model in their response activities as we have seen in their plans

There has been discussion regarding how can FEMA/NRC require the licensee to use NIMS/ICS in their response plans

The interface between the licensee and the ORO would be improved by requiring the licensee to adopt NIMS/ICS