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Ime i prezime: Ustanova: Adresa: Grad: Broj licence: TEST 3 Bacterial Metabolism and Biofilm Formation 1. Which of these are considered emergent properties of biofilms? a) Cell-cell signaling b) Cell division (binary fission) c) Complex architecture (e.g. Towers, mushrooms etc) d) Altruism 2. On which of the following surfaces can biofilms form? a) animal biotic surfaces b) plant biotic surfaces c) abiotic surfaces d) A and B e) A, B and C 3. Initial attachment of microorganisms often involves a) flagella and is reversible b) flagella and is irreversible c) exopolymers and is reversible d) exopolymers and is irreversible e) either flagella or exopolymers and is irreversible 4. Which of the following gradients can form in a biofilm? a) oxygen gradient b) nutrient gradient Conference Secretariat ARIA.ONE Conference & Consulting – PCO Partner Dr Petra Markovića 12, 11080 Belgrade, Serbia Phone number: +381 60 3160 546, 60 3160 536, 60 3160 526 Website: https://fems2020belgrade.com E-mail: [email protected]

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Ime i prezime: Ustanova:Adresa: Grad: Broj licence:


Bacterial Metabolism and Biofilm Formation

1. Which of these are considered emergent properties of biofilms?

☐ a) Cell-cell signaling ☐ b) Cell division (binary fission)

☐ c) Complex architecture (e.g. Towers, mushrooms etc)☐ d) Altruism

2. On which of the following surfaces can biofilms form?☐ a) animal biotic surfaces

☐ b) plant biotic surfaces☐ c) abiotic surfaces☐ d) A and B

☐ e) A, B and C

3. Initial attachment of microorganisms often involves

☐ a) flagella and is reversible ☐ b) flagella and is irreversible

☐ c) exopolymers and is reversible☐ d) exopolymers and is irreversible

☐ e) either flagella or exopolymers and is irreversible

4. Which of the following gradients can form in a biofilm?

☐ a) oxygen gradient ☐ b) nutrient gradient

☐ c) pH gradient☐ d) A and B

☐ e) A, B and C

5. The same biofilm may consist of cellulose-degrading bacteria, anaerobic and aerobic bacteria:

☐ a) TrueConference Secretariat ARIA.ONE Conference & Consulting – PCO Partner Dr Petra Markovića 12, 11080 Belgrade, Serbia Phone number: +381 60 3160 546, 60 3160 536, 60 3160 526Website: https://fems2020belgrade.com E-mail: [email protected]

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☐ b) False

6. Biofilm formation begins with:

☐ a) Cells maturing ☐ b) A sugary matrix

☐ c) Extracellular polymeric substances☐ d) Free-floating cells attaching on a surface

7. Biofilms can be found benefiting our bodies

☐ a) In the intestinal system ☐ b) In the mouth

☐ c) On contact lenses☐ d) In replacement joints

8. Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disease that causes mucus to build up in the lungs. Most patients die from an infection caused by a Gram-negative bacilli. This bacteria forms a biofilm that protects it from phagocytes and antibiotics. What is the most likely etiologic agent causing the fatal infections?

☐ a) Pseudomonas aeruginosa ☐ b) Borrelia burgdorferi

☐ c) Corynebacterium diphtheriae☐ d) Listeria monocytogenes

9. Dental plaque is one of the best known examples of a biofilm. What Gram-positive cocci is known to be involved with the formation of dental plaques?

☐ a) Bacillus cereus ☐ b) Streptococcus mutans

☐ c) Actinomyces neuii☐ d) Neissria subflava

10. Quorum sensing is used by bacterial cells to determine which of the following?

☐ a) the size of the population ☐ b) the availability of nutrients

☐ c) the speed of water flow☐ d) the density of the population

11. Which of the following statements about autoinducers is incorrect?

☐ a) They bind directly to DNA to activate transcription ☐ b) They can activate the cell that secreted them

☐ c) N-acylated homoserine lactones are autoinducers in gram-negative cells☐ d) Autoinducers may stimulate the production of virulence factors.

Conference Secretariat ARIA.ONE Conference & Consulting – PCO Partner Dr Petra Markovića 12, 11080 Belgrade, Serbia Phone number: +381 60 3160 546, 60 3160 536, 60 3160 526Website: https://fems2020belgrade.com E-mail: [email protected]

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12. An inoculated thioglycolate medium culture tube shows dense growth at the surface and turbidity throughout the rest of the tube. What is your conclusion?

☐ a) The organisms die in the presence of oxygen ☐ b) The organisms are facultative anaerobes

☐ c) The organisms should be grown in an anaerobic chamber☐ d) The organisms are obligate aerobes

13. An inoculated thioglycolate medium culture tube is clear throughout the tube except for dense growth at the bottom of the tube. What is your conclusion?

☐ a) The organisms are obligate anaerobes ☐ b) The organisms are facultative anaerobes

☐ c) The organisms are aerotolerant☐ d) The organisms are obligate aerobes

14. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a common pathogen that infects the airways of patients with cystic fibrosis. It does not grow in the absence of oxygen. The bacterium is probably which of the following?

☐ a) an aerotolerant anaerobe ☐ b) an obligate aerobe

☐ c) an obligate anaerobe☐ d) a facultative anaerobe

15. Streptococcus mutans is a major cause of cavities. It resides in the gum pockets, does not have catalase activity, and can be grown outside of an anaerobic chamber. The bacterium is probably which of the following?

☐ a) a facultative anaerobe ☐ b) an obligate aerobe

☐ c) an obligate anaerobe☐ d) an aerotolerant anaerobe

16. Why do the instructions for the growth of Neisseria gonorrhoeae recommend a CO2-enriched atmosphere?

☐ a) It uses CO2 as a final electron acceptor in respiration ☐ b) It is an obligate anaerobe

☐ c) It is a capnophile☐ d) It fixes CO2 through photosynthesis

17. Bacteria that grow in mine drainage at pH 1–2 are probably which of the following?

☐ a) Alkaliphiles ☐ b) Acidophiles

☐ c) Neutrophiles☐ d) Obligate anaerobes

Conference Secretariat ARIA.ONE Conference & Consulting – PCO Partner Dr Petra Markovića 12, 11080 Belgrade, Serbia Phone number: +381 60 3160 546, 60 3160 536, 60 3160 526Website: https://fems2020belgrade.com E-mail: [email protected]

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18. Bacteria isolated from Lake Natron, where the water pH is close to 10, are which of the following?

☐ a) Alkaliphiles ☐ b) facultative anaerobes

☐ c) neutrophiles☐ d) obligate anaerobes

19. In which environment are you most likely to encounter an acidophile?

☐ a) human blood at pH 7.2 ☐ b) a hot vent at pH 1.5

☐ c) human intestine at pH 8.5☐ d) milk at pH 6.5

20. A soup container was forgotten in the refrigerator and shows contamination. The contaminants are probably which of the following?

☐ a) Thermophiles ☐ b) Acidophiles

☐ c) Mesophiles☐ d) Psychrophiles

21. Bacteria isolated from a hot tub at 39 °C are probably which of the following?

☐ a) Thermophiles ☐ b) Psychrophiles

☐ c) Mesophiles☐ d) Hyperthermophiles

22. In which environment are you most likely to encounter a hyperthermophile?

☐ a) Hot tub ☐ b) Warm ocean water in Florida

☐ c) hydrothermal vent at the bottom of the ocean☐ d) human body

23. Which of the following environments would harbor psychrophiles?

☐ a) mountain lake with a water temperature of 12 °C ☐ b) contaminated plates left in a 35 °C incubator

☐ c) yogurt cultured at room temperature☐ d) salt pond in the desert with a daytime temperature of 34 °C

24. Which of the following is the reason jams and dried meats often do not require refrigeration to prevent spoilage?Conference Secretariat ARIA.ONE Conference & Consulting – PCO Partner Dr Petra Markovića 12, 11080 Belgrade, Serbia Phone number: +381 60 3160 546, 60 3160 536, 60 3160 526Website: https://fems2020belgrade.com E-mail: [email protected]

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☐ a) Low pH ☐ b) Toxic alkaline chemicals

☐ c) naturally occurring antibiotics☐ d) low water activity

25. Bacteria living in salt marshes are most likely which of the following?

☐ a) acidophiles ☐ b) barophiles

☐ c) halotolerant☐ d) thermophiles

26. EMB agar is a medium used in the identification and isolation of pathogenic bacteria. It contains digested meat proteins as a source of organic nutrients. Two indicator dyes, eosin and methylene blue, inhibit the growth of gram-positive bacteria and distinguish between lactose fermenting and nonlactose fermenting organisms. Lactose fermenters form metallic green or deep purple colonies, whereas the nonlactose fermenters form completely colorless colonies. EMB agar is an example of which of the following?

☐ a) a selective medium only ☐ b) a differential medium only

☐ c) a selective medium and a chemically defined medium☐ d) a selective medium, a differential medium, and a complex medium

27. Haemophilus influenzae must be grown on chocolate agar, which is blood agar treated with heat to release growth factors in the medium. H. influenzae is described as:

☐ a) An acidophile ☐ b) A thermophile

☐ c) An obligate anaerobe☐ d) fastidious

28. If yeast, sugar and water are mixed together, the yeast will metabolize the sugar using the process of fermentation. If this process takes place in a sealed container, the bubbles produced during fermentation will be trapped. What substance are these bubbles made of?

☐ a) oxygen ☐ b) methane

☐ c) carbon dioxide ☐ d) lactic acid

☐ e) ethanol

Conference Secretariat ARIA.ONE Conference & Consulting – PCO Partner Dr Petra Markovića 12, 11080 Belgrade, Serbia Phone number: +381 60 3160 546, 60 3160 536, 60 3160 526Website: https://fems2020belgrade.com E-mail: [email protected]

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29. The formation of ATP from ADP would be considered...

☐ a) catabolism ☐ b) anabolism

☐ c) cannibalism ☐ d) decomposition

30. Where does electron transport of cellular respiration happen within the cell of a bacterium?

☐ a) plasma membrane ☐ b) cytoplasm

☐ c) nucleus ☐ d) mitochondria

☐ e) chloroplast

31. Glycolysis is the breakdown of what?☐ a) ATP

☐ b) ADP ☐ c) protein ☐ d) sugar

☐ e) lipids

32. Which parts of aerobic cellular respiration generate the carbon dioxide that we breathe out?

☐ a) glycolysis & synthesis of acetyl CoA ☐ b) synthesis of acetyl CoA & Kreb's cycle

☐ c) Kreb's cycle & electron transport☐ d) glycolysis & electron transport

☐ e) synthesis of acetyl CoA & electron transport33. Anaerobic respiration differs from aerobic respiration in that...

☐ a) in anaerobic respiration oxygen is not the final electron acceptor at the end of the electron transport chain.

☐ b) anaerobic respiration can only produce 2 ATP.☐ c) anaerobic respiration only includes the metabolic pathway of glycolysis.☐ d) anaerobic respiration is an anabolic reaction type.

34. Molecular oxygen is vital to the process of cellular respiration. It allows aerobic organisms to derive a great deal more energy from glucose than anaerobic organisms are able to. What is the vital role that oxygen plays in cellular respiration?

☐ a) It is a reactant in glycolysis, necessary for the breakdown of glucose into pyruvic acid.

☐ b) O2 is a waste product of Kreb's cycle.☐ c) O2 is required to build the acetyl-co-A molecule.☐ d) O2 is the final electron acceptor in the electron transport chain.

35. Anabolic reactions are when:

Conference Secretariat ARIA.ONE Conference & Consulting – PCO Partner Dr Petra Markovića 12, 11080 Belgrade, Serbia Phone number: +381 60 3160 546, 60 3160 536, 60 3160 526Website: https://fems2020belgrade.com E-mail: [email protected]

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☐ a) smaller molecules result from the breakdown of larger molecules ☐ b) larger molecules are synthesized from smaller molecules

☐ c) one molecule transfers a monomer to another☐ d) people eat each other

36. In an oxidation-reduction reaction, if a substance is oxidized it...

☐ a) gains oxygen ☐ b) gains protons

☐ c) gains electrons ☐ d) loses electrons

37. The differential aspect of MacConkey's agar (MAC) reveals what about the metabolic capabilities of the organism that grows there?

☐ a) whether the bacteria is Gram + or Gram - ☐ b) if the organism ferments mannitol

☐ c) if the organism ferments lactose☐ d) if the organism produces hemolytic enzymes that can lyse erythroctes

☐ e) if the organism is acid-fast

38. What provides energy and building blocks for anabolism?

☐ a) Catabolism ☐ b) metabolism

☐ c) Breaking down of enzymes

39. Catabolism provides what for anabolism?

☐ a) Building blocks and enzymes ☐ b) Enzymes and protien synthesis

☐ c) Building blocks and energy

40. Oxidoreductase Oxidation

☐ a) Transfer fuctional groups ☐ b) Reduction reactions

☐ c) Synthesis nucleic acids

41. Transferase

☐ a) Rearrangement of atoms ☐ b) Hydrolysis

☐ c) Transfer functional groups

42. Hyrdolase

☐ a) Joining of molecules, uses ATP ☐ b) Removal of atoms without hydrolysisConference Secretariat ARIA.ONE Conference & Consulting – PCO Partner Dr Petra Markovića 12, 11080 Belgrade, Serbia Phone number: +381 60 3160 546, 60 3160 536, 60 3160 526Website: https://fems2020belgrade.com E-mail: [email protected]

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☐ c) Hydrolysis

43. Each bacterial species has an optimal temperature.

☐ a) True ☐ b) False

44. In biological systems, the electrons are often associated with oxygen atoms, biological oxidations are often dehyrogentions

☐ a) True ☐ b) False

45. What is the purpose of the Krebs Cycle?

☐ a) Generate ATP ☐ b) Break down of sugars

☐ c) Grabbing electrons

46. Energy released can be used to produce ATP by...

☐ a) Chemiosmosis ☐ b) NADH

☐ c) ADP

47. Where does Glycolysis happen in a Eukaryote and Prokaryote

☐ a) Cytoplasm for both ☐ b) Cytoplasm, cell wall

☐ c) Cytoplasm and plama membrane

48. Where does the reaction occur for Krebs cycle in Euka and Proka

☐ a) Cytoplasm for both ☐ b) Mitochondria and cytoplasm

☐ c) Mitochondrial matrix and cytoplasm

49. This releases energy from oxidation of organic molecules, uses an organic molecule as the final electron and produces small amounts of ATP

☐ a) Chemiosmosis ☐ b) ETC

☐ c) Fermentation

50. What uses light energy

☐ a) Autotroph ☐ b) Phototroph

☐ c) Chemotroph

Conference Secretariat ARIA.ONE Conference & Consulting – PCO Partner Dr Petra Markovića 12, 11080 Belgrade, Serbia Phone number: +381 60 3160 546, 60 3160 536, 60 3160 526Website: https://fems2020belgrade.com E-mail: [email protected]