feng shui book 2


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Life is full of challenges.

At work, at home and in dealing with our own personal development we often make

huge efforts and invest a lot of our time and energy to get where we want to be. We

are taught that change requires sacrifice, involves lots of hard work and is generally a

stressful experience.

More often than not, it is overly difficult because most people apply a strategy to

change that is counter-productive. Instead of focusing on the solution, we tend to

concentrate on the problem, and instead of creating powerful change from within,

most of the time we are simply reacting to influences from without.

This is also the reason why we so often feel we are going “against the current” and are

struggling through life.

I help people change by teaching them about energy, both internal and external.

Internal energy begins with your thoughts and external energy can be changed

through feng shui. By changing your internal and external energy, you can live the life

you have always envisioned.

This book is written for you, to provide you with the tools that will help you to implement

change in a much easier and smoother way. It teaches you about the amazing

powers of Feng Shui and its impact on environmental energy, and talks about your

very own personal energy, which is largely controlled by your thoughts. Learn how to

use positive energy to your advantage - how it works, how it affects you and how you

can apply your knowledge to successfully create the life of your dreams.

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Find out what causes the roadblocks that prevent you from achieving what you want.

Learn through Feng Shui how you can ensure that your environmental energy supports

your goals and efforts. Understand the incredible power available within yourself and

how to put it to work, and discover the true passion and purpose in your life!

You can do it. Take the first step and start changing your life today!

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Table of Contents

Life is full of challenges. .................................................................................................................. 2

What is energy and how does it affect us? ..................................................................................... 5

How can being aware of energy help change your life? ................................................................. 6

The power of thought ..................................................................................................................... 7

Start looking at your life and your experiences from an energetic point of view .......................... 8

Create a harmonious environment ................................................................................................. 9

The principles of Feng Shui ........................................................................................................... 10

How to get started ........................................................................................................................ 11

The Five elements ......................................................................................................................... 12

The Bagua chart ............................................................................................................................ 14

Feng Shui Colors ............................................................................................................................ 18

Start the Transformation ......................................................................................................................... 23

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What is energy and how does it affect us?

Energy is part of our lives and it is all around us.

Physical energy, made up of electromagnetic

waves and static, is the energy present in our

environment. There is also our spiritual energy,

often called aura, spirit or soul, which are just

words used to describe our personal energy or


Our personal energy and the physical energy

around us influence how we think, feel and act.

Once our spiritual and environmental energies

are in harmony, we feel complete and

balanced. Negative and unpleasant feelings

and situations are very often caused by

disturbances in the energy flow.

Did you know how you dress, style your hair and update your wardrobe are all

reflections of the energy inside of you? A happy smile for example gives off so much

positive energy that the person you smile at nearly automatically smiles back. The

same concept is at work when you are worried and think of problems. Those thoughts

send out “stay away messages” to people who are feeling good and unfortunately

attract people who are worrying into our lives. It makes sense to consciously start

thinking about the effect your thoughts are having on your goals. Ask yourself, “is this

thought attracting what I want in life”?

You are an energetic being and your thoughts are the most effective way you vibrate

and send energy into the universe. Change your thoughts and you change your life.

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If you want to be successful and attract better jobs, more money and happier

relationships, you need to look at your own personal energy. Be aware of the

energetic vibrations you are sending out to the universe, and especially to those

around you.

How can being aware of energy help change your life? Once you understand how energy works, you can learn how to influence and control


Our thoughts are a powerful source of energy. While most people don’t realize this,

thoughts create vibrations. What you think and how strongly you feel about your

thoughts is reflected in the energy that is being sent out to the universe and that will

return to you in similar form.

You can control your thoughts and begin to focus on

what you want in life rather than continue focusing on

all that is wrong. Are your thoughts creating

unwanted outcomes in your life? If so, you need to

understand you can focus your thoughts in a way that

bring about positive change in your life. You have the

power and ability to create the life you want, rather

than live a life that is determined and influenced by

factors you assumed were not in your control.

Many people live life by reacting to what they observe in their environment as well as

other people’s requests and demands. As they observe an unwanted situation, they

absorb the negative thought and energy that accompanies it. What happens as a

result is you attract more unwanted experiences.

Ask yourself, what do I think about 51% of the time or more? Are they happy, eager,

enthusiastic, joyous thoughts and feelings? Or are they better described as desperate

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thoughts, worries, concerns, disappointments and fears? There is a good chance you

are not thinking of what you like or focusing on what you want, but concentrating on

what you DON’T want. Consequently, these are the vibrations you are sending out

and what you are attracting.

Real change will be much easier once you become aware of the remarkable power

within all of us and within you: The power of thought.

The power of thought Thoughts are created in your mind and are usually based on your life experiences and

the things you were taught. Your thoughts reflect your personal view and assessment

of a situation. That’s why what we consider “reality” or “facts” is truly only a belief or

thought we kept thinking long enough for it to become ingrained. Our perception of

reality is our own very individual perception of things, based on the influences we are

exposed to in our individual lives.

This, however, also means that we

have the power to choose whether

we view an experience as positive or

negative. We can even transform an

experience from negative to positive

with the power of thought. It is your

decision whether to view a glass of

water as half full or half empty,

whether you think about a rainy day as grey and frustrating, or cozy and beautiful,

and whether you allow someone else’s comments or behavior to frustrate you or not.

You can learn how to turn unhappy and bad thoughts into positive and good

thoughts by focusing on a different outcome. It is similar to watching T.V. or listening to

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the radio, if you don’t like the program you simply switch the station. You can literally

do the same with your thoughts!

Understanding the connection between your vibrations, which is the energy you are

giving off, and your experiences is the key to change. If you are not sure about your

next step, be still and listen. Your feelings are the surest indicator of your energy

vibration, as they will always and instantly let you know whether you feel good or bad

about something.

That does not mean you always have to give in to your immediate emotion, but you

can purposefully influence your thought process and what’s going on in your mind. If

you are unhappy about something, focus on positive, uplifting thoughts. They will help

you generate the vibrations you need to convey in order to attract what you want

into your life. It requires a little practice in the beginning, but with time it will become

easier and easier.

By the way, energy is not only restricted to individuals - communities, neighborhoods

and workplaces all have energy that is unique to them. This is why you sometimes

walk into a room or situation and you immediately feel at home, comfortable and

welcome. Other times your instinct is to flee!

Start looking at your life and your experiences from an energetic point of view Have you ever asked yourself “Why did that just happen?” after

a sudden unexpected quarrel with someone? It very likely came

about because of a scenario like this: You met a person whose

day at work was filled with negative energy and he or she

absorbed it all day long. At the time you met, you were thinking

about something unwanted or negative as well. Both your

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energies collided and you found yourselves in an unpleasant situation.

Why do you feel bad? You only feel bad when you think negative thoughts. Feelings

and emotions are always a result of your thoughts. Have you ever felt terrific when

thinking a horrible thought? No! That is because your emotions are directly linked to

your thoughts. You can influence your emotions and your energy through your


Sometimes negative energy comes from or is in your environment, and while you can

control most energy, you cannot control it all. However, even in such a case you are

not without power. Over time, with determination and effort, you will be able to

influence your thoughts and beliefs to the point of strengthening your energy, so that it

acts as a protective shield.

In order to live a life of happiness, you need to align and balance your energy in all

areas of your life.

Many people have managed to create harmony in some areas of their lives but not in

others. They have a great relationship but feel unfulfilled in their work, or they have a

thriving career but feel unhappy about the lack of love and intimacy in their lives.

To feel good and whole, humans need balance in all aspect of their lives. If something

is lacking, they feel a strong urge to take action to satisfy that need. If they cannot

close the gap, they unfortunately often turn to drugs, alcohol, verbal or physical

abuse, overeating and other measures they feel will help ease their pain.

Create a harmonious environment Bringing balance and good energy into your life is the key to the secret of happiness

and success. But how do you start? By laying the foundation to create a supportive


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As energy seeks and attracts like energy, a clean, spacious and well-lit environment

invites positive energy. Unfavorable conditions such as clutter, dirt and chaos open the

door to invite negative energy. This principle applies in your home as well as at the

office. By simply getting rid of clutter, you shift the energy of a space and that sets in

motion the positive flow of new energy in your environment. Try it out and see for

yourself. Sit down to a clean, clear office desk and suddenly the work load does not

seem that overwhelming anymore, or get rid of the clutter in your living room and

notice how something feels different and better when you enter.

The principles of Feng Shui A powerful tool to help you create positive energy in your environment is Feng Shui

(pronounced “Fung Shway”). It’s the ancient Chinese art of bringing balance,

harmony and comfort into your life. Through a number of techniques and approaches

it examines the placement of things and objects in your direct surroundings and looks

at how they interact with and influence your personal energy flow.

In traditional Chinese culture, all things and creatures are seen as part of a natural

order in a universe that is alive and constantly moving and changing, and each

creature and thing in this environment is equally alive as it holds and gives off energy.

Feng Shui (feng is the word for wind, and shui the word for water) is the Chinese term

used to describe the two natural elements present everywhere on earth and

fundamental to our survival. Ever since the dawn of mankind, the qualities and flow of

wind and water have influenced our climate, food supply, lifestyle, health and energy.

This is why the essence of these pivotal elements is described in Chinese as “chi”, or

“life force” and is also often translated with “energy flow”.

By applying Feng Shui, you create a sense of harmony and positive energy in your

environment, which helps you improve your physical and mental health and invites

abundance and with it prosperity into your life.

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It also assists you in avoiding or blocking off negative energy that might otherwise

have bad effects. A free and unobstructed circulation of “chi” in your environment

can truly make an amazing difference in your life.

Once you understand the principals, even as a Feng Shui beginner, you can

implement simple changes that are really effective in transforming the “feeling” and

energy of your space and in creating a more stress free environment.

If energy flows gently and smoothly through the space that you live, sleep, relax and

work in, you have an environment that supports you, that is balanced and harmonious

and that provides the ideal foundation for a life with considerably less stress and

obstacles. As a result you can focus on your happiness and life goals and transform

your life.

How to get started A true understanding of Feng Shui comes from experimenting and trying out the

different principles and letting the results speak for themselves.

Feng Shui is not meant for you to blindly follow a set

of rules, or to listen to lectures and believe

everything that has been said. It is however a

powerful method of becoming more aware of your

environment, to pay attention, and to see what

impact certain changes have on your life and the

way you feel and act. Feng Shui is based on simple,

practical techniques that help you attract more

favorable circumstances into your life.

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To get started, just follow the five Feng Shui tips below:

Open your mind to new possibilities and enjoy a different way of looking at


Get clear on your intentions and focus on what you want

Refresh the energy around you by getting rid of everything you don’t use or


Clean, declutter and organize your home.

Take your time and purposefully start making adjustments – one after the other.

The Five elements

As within many other Chinese teachings and arts, Feng Shui also uses the five

elements. They are Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal and, used in that same

sequence, are believed to increase the flow of energy:

Water is necessary to grow plants, and the largest plants are trees, which create

Wood that is needed to feed

Fire that turns to ash and becomes

Earth that, over time, gets harder and harder and turns into

Metal that promotes condensation and produces


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It is recommended to use all the elements in a space. Make sure you don’t have too

much of one element, but combine the elements to increase the flow of energy in a


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The Bagua chart The traditional Bagua chart is an essential tool of Feng Shui. It is used for reading the

different areas in your home – which all correspond to certain aspects of your life – to

determine the areas that are lacking balance and chi, good energy flow, and to

show where there are spaces or areas that need improvements because they are

blocking or inviting negative energy.

The following map is a very simple and basic Bagua chart.

To use it, simply lay out your floor plan and place the chart over it. Align the bottom

edge so that it can be read assuming you are standing at your front door and looking

in. Depending on where your front door is actually located, this could mean that the

entrance is either located in the knowledge, career or helpful people section.

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For offices or individual rooms, align the bottom of the chart as described above and

then work out which areas of your room correspond with which areas of your life.

Identify which areas you want to change and then implement the appropriate

physical changes to your space.

There are nine individual areas on the Bagua chart that relate to different aspects of your life.

Career and Journey

As the name already implies, this area of your home or room relates to your

career path and your life journey. If you feel stuck or limited, it is time to

enhance this section of your living space. Close to the front entrance, this is an

area that should be free of clutter, so that energy can flow freely though it, and

with it your life can move more easily in its desired direction. A water image or a

water fountain in this area will help, as clean, clear water supports success and

a healthy cash flow in your life.

Helpful People and Travel

This area, located in the energetic section of your home, supports and attracts

help and assistance. It’s a special area that should be treated with love and

attention and might be the ideal location for a small “shrine” decorated with

beautiful objects that are meaningful to you. If the “helpful people” area has no

positive energy or is blocked, you will feel lonely and unsupported. This area also

relates to travel and places you want to travel to - it assists during travel and

ensures everything goes smoothly.

Creativity And Children

By enhancing this area, you can improve your creativity and your relationship

with children. It supports pregnancy, your wish of conceiving a baby and

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improves your interaction with children. It helps you experience more joy,

overcome creative blocks and deter the aging process. Enhancements for this

area are items that are playful, creative and colorful – objects that ignite

creativity or awaken “the child within you”.

Relationships and Love

Enhance this area if you want to get over your fear of commitment, attract the

ideal partner, contemplate marriage or want to have more harmonious

relationships with friends, relatives or co-workers. Place images and symbols of

happy couples or groups of people in this section and avoid objects of

individual people or things. Fresh flowers, symbols of romantic experiences,

candles, mirrors and sensual sounds help you become open-hearted and

attract loving harmonious relationships into your life.

Fame and Reputation

Self-worth, self-expression and how others perceive you are reflected in this area

of the Bagua map. Here is where your core values are reflected, your honesty

and integrity. This is the spot to enhance if you are looking to improve your

business and your reputation, and receive acknowledgement and recognition.

To strengthen this aspect of your life, embellish this area or room with lots of

natural light, accomplishments like diplomas and awards, and symbols of your

goals. Color, especially red, is a great way to express intensity and passion.

Abundance and Prosperity

This area presents material wealth and prosperity, but also peace, happiness

and gratitude, good fortune and blessings - abundance in every aspect. This is

a good place for water features, to put an aquarium with fish, ornaments, or

images and objects that convey quality and valuable possessions. This is a great

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area to use rich, abundant colors like purple, gold, green and red to attract

good fortune and to manifest wealth.

Family and Elders

The family area influences your health, your relationship with your family, your

parents, ancestors, heritage and the foundations of your life. If you need to

improve family relationships, want to enhance your physical and mental health,

and increase your vitality and strength to deal with challenges, or you want to

transform your life, this is a great place to add wood and water elements. Water

elements will help you release everything that does not support your goals and

wood elements add flexibility, intuition and expansion. This is the ideal space for

plants and images presenting nature, and happy and healthy people.

Skills and Knowledge

This is the area for skills, learning, attracting new opportunities, creativity, inner

guidance and for finding your strength. It is a good place for gray tones

reflecting earth energy and to have images of mountains, symbols of stillness

and resourcefulness, and photos of yourself. This section of your house or room is

an ideal library or study.

Health Center

This is the center of everything and the place where all areas of your life come

together. It is the most important section of the Bagua map and the place to

bring balance and well-being into your life. By enhancing this area you will see

improvement in all other aspects of your life. The health center should be a

space that is peaceful, clean and clutter free, and would be a perfect place to


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Feng Shui Colors One of the easiest ways to

create balance and harmony

is the use of color and as such

it also plays an important role in

Feng Shui. Color influences and

affects our emotions, our mood

and state of mind. It transforms

the energy of a space or room

and can be either uplifting,

support relaxation, healing and

stress reduction, or it can be used to create the opposite – vibration, energy and

excitement. Clever use of color can make a small room feel more spacious and a

large room cozier.

Experimenting with color is fun and it is also very personal and individual. When

deciding for a particular color, it is best to follow your intuition. Consider the purpose of

the room and the particular atmosphere and mood you want to create and choose

the color that achieves the desired results and that resonates most with your personal


Choose colors that support the place you live. If you live in a cold country, you will

probably feel most comfortable with warm, comforting colors, and if you live in a hot

Mediterranean country you are probably longing for cool, refreshing colors. Light is

also an important factor in creating an uplifting atmosphere.

In Feng Shui each color is an expression of one of the five Feng Shui Elements.

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They are:

Red, strong yellow, orange, purple and pink for Fire

Light yellow, sandy, light brown for Earth

White and gray for Metal

Blue and black for Water

Green and brown for Wood


Red is the color that stands for energy, excitement, vitality and dominance. It is an

emotionally intense color that stimulates and is related to fire, power and passion. Red

motivates, conveys activity and gets you going in achieving a goal. Red reduces the

size of rooms and increases the size of objects. It is not a good color for a room you use

to relax or to rest in, but a great color for an exercise or work room.


Yellow is the color nearest to light and sun, and the color that is always noticed first by

the human eye. It leaves a satisfying, warming and stimulating impression. It is

associated with optimism, creativity, praise, sincerity and harmony, and stands for

enlightenment and happiness. It is good for concentration and clarity of thought and

therefore an excellent color to use in an office. It is a great color to use in any room or

area you use to welcome people and make them feel comfortable and uplifted.


The color green affects us mentally and physically in providing a relaxing, soothing

and harmonious environment. It is associated with that which is restful and refreshing,

and stimulates feelings of hope, growth, balance, and healing. Especially in nature it

reminds of abundance and new beginnings. As it is a symbol of purification and

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renewal a bright light green makes a great color for a bathroom or as an uplifting

color in a winter garden or a treatment room.


Right next to green, blue is overwhelmingly the favorite of all colors. It is the color of

boundless skies and endless oceans and is therefore perceived as a constant in our

lives. It conveys stability, calmness and serenity. Blue is a cool color and linked with

peacefulness, contemplation, gentleness and patience. It evokes spirituality and

stimulates you to seek inner truth. Not all shades of blue are ideal, if overused some of

them might come across as uncaring and cold. A warm, light blue is good for a

meditation area, bed- and treatment rooms. It is a good color to make spaces seem



Purple is the uplifting combination of blue’s calm and red’s stimulation. It calms the

mind and nerves and encourages creativity. It is very often found to be the favorite

color of eccentric persons and is associated with passion, excitement, and motivation.

Purple stimulates our spiritual perspective and intuition. A strong, vibrant purple can

easily become overpowering, but the lighter lavender or lilac tone is excellent in rooms

that are used for meditation or as treatment rooms.


Bright pink is linked to youthfulness, lightheartedness and excitement, and rich vibrant

pinks to sensuality and passion. Like the color red it stimulates, encourages action and

confidence, and is associated with happiness and romance.

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Orange is a powerful and cheerful color that invites social gatherings and gets people

stimulated and communicating. It is an uplifting, happy color that spreads

cheerfulness, optimism and confidence. It inspires change, motivation and risk-taking.

It is a great color to support rejuvenation and to increase energy. Orange radiates

warmth and frees the spirit and is therefore a great color for a room where people

gather to socialize, have fun and be creative, and it is great for spaces and offices

where new projects are planned and carried out.


Brown conveys stability, structure and support. It’s an earthy color that relates to

support, safety and a sense of belonging. It is a color for simplicity, practicality and

quality and is a good color to be used in studies. Overusing brown or using a very

intense brown can also be dull, heavy and boring.


White is the color of perfection, as it reflects purity, innocence and wholeness. It invites

new beginnings, awakens creativity and growth and stands for cleanliness and

freshness. Depending on how it is used, it can also create a cold and sterile

atmosphere that feels uninviting and unfriendly. White stands for clinical and clean

and gives the impression of efficiency and competence. It is a great color for kitchens

and bathrooms, but not a good color for children’s rooms and bedrooms.


Black is secretive and mysterious and the color of the unknown. Black hides and is the

absence of light. If reflects on the inner world, and protects from external emotional

stress. Black is a powerful color that intimidates, masks fear and insecurities and

creates barriers. Black absorbs negative energy, but too much of it can also cause

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depression and mood swings, and a room with predominantly black colors can also

create a negative environment. Teenagers often choose black as their preferred

color, as it assists them in their transition from childhood to adulthood. It offers them a

way to hide from the world, while they find their own unique identity. Black also stands

for strengths and control, beginnings and endings.

These are the basic colors, but of course the Feng Shui color chart represents much

more. The intensity and the lighter or darker shade of a color can make a huge

difference in the way you feel and perceive colors in a room. To find the right match, it

helps to sit down quietly in a room, feel the atmosphere and energy in it and envision

what impact a certain color would have. The Feng Shui chart is a helpful tool to finding

the perfect color.

Walls are not the only way to invite color in your environment. Crystals or prisms are

another possibility to introduce the magic of color into your life. Place them in a sunny

window or glass door and enjoy the rainbow of colors that radiate in the light. Another

great way to add color to your space is by draping fabrics with bright, rich colors over

furniture or even across a wall, or by decorating with colored glass in different places

for an accent.

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Now that you have prepared your environment for change and positive energy, start the transformation!

Remember that:

What you think affects the energy inside and around you, so think good thoughts

that support your goals.

Our minds are like tools. You can use your mind to create the life you want.

Your feelings indicate whether you are on the right track with your thoughts

If you are not sure about something, listen to your inner voice.

It will let you know whether it feels “right” or “wrong”. If your thoughts trigger bad

feelings because of experiences you had in the past, you don’t have to give in;; you

are able to transform the thought and feeling.

Your environment matters – ensure it supports positive energy flow

Prepare the foundation for change and create an environment that supports your

goals and plans. De-clutter, clean, get rid of everything that blocks your energy and

holds you back. Go ahead and start a new, exciting life.

Let go of the past.

Let go of any situation, past or present, that cannot be undone or changed and look

forward to your future. Let the universe know that you are ready for change and to live

the life that you always dreamed of.

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Focus on what you want, articulate it in detail and envision it as if you are already


Visualize your dreams, feel like you have already accomplished your goals and you

will send powerful messages and energetic vibrations to the universe that will

attract the assistance and support you need to manifest your new life.

Let the law of attraction work for you and change your life – Today!

For more tools to successful change, visit Lynn’s Life Essentials at
