ferdinand de saussure: the father of linguistics


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Page 1: Ferdinand de Saussure: The Father of Linguistics

Ferdiand de


Father of Linguistics

Silvia Lee

Page 2: Ferdinand de Saussure: The Father of Linguistics

Born:Geneva, Switzerland 1857

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Father:Henri Louis Frédéric de Saussure


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University of Geneva1875

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Graduate Work:University of Leipzig 1876

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l’Ecole pratique des hautes étudesTaught (11 years):• Sanskrit• Gothic• Old High German

Knight of the Legion

of Honor

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University of Geneva 1891

Professor• Sanskrit• Indo-Eurpoean

langauges• Course of

General Linguistics (1907-1911)

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Doctorate in 1880:

Dissertation on the Primitive Vowel System

in Indo-European


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What is language?

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Sign = abritary

Symbol = motivation

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Value of the Sign

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Emile Durkheim

•Father of sociology

•Social integration

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Langue Parole

(system) (put into practice)

Language in social, cultural context

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•Endlessly shifting

•Create new meanings, new social contexts

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The Arbitrary Nature of the Sign

system of relations

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Objection 1: Onomoatopeoia

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Objection 2: Interjections

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Synchrony & Diachrony

complete systemat a given time

historical development

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Synchrony:present and future

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Paradigm (pattern)&

Syntagm (syntax)

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Criticisms• Langue: complete system?

• Distinction: syntagm & paradigm

• Finite-state grammar

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Claude Levi-Strauss


•Family relations

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Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis

•Linguistic relativity

•Language determines thought