fermilab-pub-10-436-t interpreting dark matter direct ... · uci-hep-tr-2010-26...

UCI-HEP-TR-2010-26 FERMILAB-PUB-10-436-T Interpreting Dark Matter Direct Detection Independently of the Local Velocity and Density Distribution Patrick J. Fox, 1, 2 Graham D. Kribs, 1, 3 and Tim M.P. Tait 4 1 Theoretical Physics Department, Fermilab, Batavia, IL 60510 2 School of Natural Sciences, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ 08540 3 Department of Physics, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403 4 Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of California, Irvine, CA 92697 We demonstrate precisely what particle physics information can be extracted from a single direct detection observation of dark matter while making absolutely no assumptions about the local velocity distribution and local density of dark matter. Our central conclusions follow from a very simple observation: the velocity distribution of dark matter is positive definite, f (v) 0. We demonstrate the utility of this result in several ways. First, we show a falling deconvoluted recoil spectrum (deconvoluted of the nuclear form factor), such as from ordinary elastic scattering, can be “mocked up” by any mass of dark matter above a kinematic minimum. As an example, we show that dark matter much heavier than previously considered can explain the CoGeNT excess. Specifically, mχ <mGe can be in just as good agreement as light dark matter, while mχ >mGe depends on understanding the sensitivity of Xenon to dark matter at very low recoil energies, ER . 6 keVnr. Second, we show that any rise in the deconvoluted recoil spectrum represents distinct particle physics information that cannot be faked by an arbitrary f (v). As examples of resulting non-trivial particle physics, we show that inelastic dark matter and dark matter with a form factor can both yield such a rise. I. INTRODUCTION What particle physics information can be extracted from a detection of events at a dark matter direct de- tection experiment? This seemingly innocuous question is riddled with subtleties and uncertainties. The main ex- perimental uncertainties relate to separating signal from background, and translating observed energy in a de- tector to nuclear recoil energy. The main astrophysical uncertainties are the local properties of dark matter for which direct detection is sensitive: the local velocity dis- tribution and the local density. The average density of dark matter at a galactic ra- dius equal to the Sun is reasonably well known based on galactic kinematics (for a recent discussion, see [1]). The local density could be quite different; simulations that try to quantify the likelihood that the local density dif- fers from the average density have been done, e.g., [2]. The simulations suggest the local dark matter density is within one to several orders of magnitude from the canon- ical value of 0.3 GeV/cm 3 , with more uncertainty on the lower bound than on the upper bound, depending on the likelihood one is willing to tolerate. This implies a min- imum uncertainty of one to several orders of magnitude on the direct detection cross section. (As we will see, there remain several additional sources of uncertainty.) The velocity distribution is even more subtle. A pri- ori not much is known about the velocity distribution, although there has been substantial work to estimate its form using N -body simulations [3–8]. These simulations are generally excellent tracers of the average properties of the velocity distribution for a galaxy that is like the Milky Way. They do not, however, have the level of reso- lution needed to determine the local velocity distribution. Moreover, while most simulations do not incorporate the feedback effects of matter, those that do find interest- ing “dark disk” structure [9–12]. As has been recently emphasized in [13], even isotropic spherically symmetric velocity distributions derived from equilibrium distribu- tions of dark matter density result in departures from the Maxwellian distribution. Local effects on the den- sity and velocity distribution by solar and gravitational capture have also been considered in [14]. Direct astronomical observations of the local stellar neighborhood can be inferred to give information on local properties of dark matter. The RAVE survey has con- strained the local galactic escape speed [15]. The values lie in a fairly large range, from 460 . v esc . 640 km/s, depending on the parameterization of the distribution of stellar velocities. Observations have also shed light on non-equilibrium local stellar motion, such as the pos- sibility of “streams” of stars relatively nearby to the Sun. Tidal streams can arise from a disrupting satellite dwarf galaxy or star cluster. There has been evidence of streams in the solar neighborhood for some time [16– 18]. More recent work with newer stellar surveys, in- cluding RAVE, SDSS, etc., suggest streams are present [19–21] (although other work does not find evidence for local streams oriented along the direction perpendicu- lar to the galactic disk [22]). If a tidal stream of stars provides a good tracer of dark matter, this or other lo- cal structure could significantly affect dark matter direct detection measurements [10, 23–33]. Generally speak- ing, however, prior work has considered streams or other non-Maxwellian structure as perturbations on top of a (quasi-)Maxwellian distribution. Our conclusion is that while the average density and average velocity distribution at the Sun’s galactic radius do seem to be determined reasonably well from both ob- servations and N -body simulations, the local dark mat- arXiv:1011.1910v1 [hep-ph] 8 Nov 2010

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Page 1: FERMILAB-PUB-10-436-T Interpreting Dark Matter Direct ... · UCI-HEP-TR-2010-26 FERMILAB-PUB-10-436-T Interpreting Dark Matter Direct Detection Independently of the Local Velocity


Interpreting Dark Matter Direct DetectionIndependently of the Local Velocity and Density Distribution

Patrick J. Fox,1, 2 Graham D. Kribs,1, 3 and Tim M.P. Tait4

1Theoretical Physics Department, Fermilab, Batavia, IL 605102School of Natural Sciences, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ 08540

3Department of Physics, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 974034Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of California, Irvine, CA 92697

We demonstrate precisely what particle physics information can be extracted from a single directdetection observation of dark matter while making absolutely no assumptions about the local velocitydistribution and local density of dark matter. Our central conclusions follow from a very simpleobservation: the velocity distribution of dark matter is positive definite, f(v) ≥ 0. We demonstratethe utility of this result in several ways. First, we show a falling deconvoluted recoil spectrum(deconvoluted of the nuclear form factor), such as from ordinary elastic scattering, can be “mockedup” by any mass of dark matter above a kinematic minimum. As an example, we show thatdark matter much heavier than previously considered can explain the CoGeNT excess. Specifically,mχ < mGe can be in just as good agreement as light dark matter, while mχ > mGe depends onunderstanding the sensitivity of Xenon to dark matter at very low recoil energies, ER . 6 keVnr.Second, we show that any rise in the deconvoluted recoil spectrum represents distinct particle physicsinformation that cannot be faked by an arbitrary f(v). As examples of resulting non-trivial particlephysics, we show that inelastic dark matter and dark matter with a form factor can both yield sucha rise.


What particle physics information can be extractedfrom a detection of events at a dark matter direct de-tection experiment? This seemingly innocuous questionis riddled with subtleties and uncertainties. The main ex-perimental uncertainties relate to separating signal frombackground, and translating observed energy in a de-tector to nuclear recoil energy. The main astrophysicaluncertainties are the local properties of dark matter forwhich direct detection is sensitive: the local velocity dis-tribution and the local density.

The average density of dark matter at a galactic ra-dius equal to the Sun is reasonably well known based ongalactic kinematics (for a recent discussion, see [1]). Thelocal density could be quite different; simulations thattry to quantify the likelihood that the local density dif-fers from the average density have been done, e.g., [2].The simulations suggest the local dark matter density iswithin one to several orders of magnitude from the canon-ical value of 0.3 GeV/cm3, with more uncertainty on thelower bound than on the upper bound, depending on thelikelihood one is willing to tolerate. This implies a min-imum uncertainty of one to several orders of magnitudeon the direct detection cross section. (As we will see,there remain several additional sources of uncertainty.)

The velocity distribution is even more subtle. A pri-ori not much is known about the velocity distribution,although there has been substantial work to estimate itsform using N -body simulations [3–8]. These simulationsare generally excellent tracers of the average propertiesof the velocity distribution for a galaxy that is like theMilky Way. They do not, however, have the level of reso-lution needed to determine the local velocity distribution.Moreover, while most simulations do not incorporate the

feedback effects of matter, those that do find interest-ing “dark disk” structure [9–12]. As has been recentlyemphasized in [13], even isotropic spherically symmetricvelocity distributions derived from equilibrium distribu-tions of dark matter density result in departures fromthe Maxwellian distribution. Local effects on the den-sity and velocity distribution by solar and gravitationalcapture have also been considered in [14].

Direct astronomical observations of the local stellarneighborhood can be inferred to give information on localproperties of dark matter. The RAVE survey has con-strained the local galactic escape speed [15]. The valueslie in a fairly large range, from 460 . vesc . 640 km/s,depending on the parameterization of the distribution ofstellar velocities. Observations have also shed light onnon-equilibrium local stellar motion, such as the pos-sibility of “streams” of stars relatively nearby to theSun. Tidal streams can arise from a disrupting satellitedwarf galaxy or star cluster. There has been evidenceof streams in the solar neighborhood for some time [16–18]. More recent work with newer stellar surveys, in-cluding RAVE, SDSS, etc., suggest streams are present[19–21] (although other work does not find evidence forlocal streams oriented along the direction perpendicu-lar to the galactic disk [22]). If a tidal stream of starsprovides a good tracer of dark matter, this or other lo-cal structure could significantly affect dark matter directdetection measurements [10, 23–33]. Generally speak-ing, however, prior work has considered streams or othernon-Maxwellian structure as perturbations on top of a(quasi-)Maxwellian distribution.

Our conclusion is that while the average density andaverage velocity distribution at the Sun’s galactic radiusdo seem to be determined reasonably well from both ob-servations and N -body simulations, the local dark mat-





v1 [



8 N

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Page 2: FERMILAB-PUB-10-436-T Interpreting Dark Matter Direct ... · UCI-HEP-TR-2010-26 FERMILAB-PUB-10-436-T Interpreting Dark Matter Direct Detection Independently of the Local Velocity

ter density and local dark matter velocity distributionremain highly uncertain. Breaking with the vast major-ity of prior literature on dark matter direct detection, weconsider what particle physics properties can be unam-biguously extracted while making essentially no assump-tions about the density and velocity distribution of darkmatter.

We approach this subject making the following simpli-fying assumptions:

1. One direct detection experiment reports severalevents that can be interpreted as dark matter scat-tering off nuclei.

2. Nuclear recoil events are consistent with scatter-ing off only one type of nuclei. The scatteringprocess off these nuclei is dominated by either aspin-independent or spin-dependent process, butnot both.

3. No significant time variation of the rate of eventsis found, and no directional detection is observed.

Since the main purpose of this paper is point out whatcan (or cannot) be extracted from a recoil spectrum in-dependent of local density and velocity distribution, wefocus on what can be obtained from just one experiment(or, equivalently, treat several experiments’ results inde-pendently). Making the second assumption is, for manyexperiments, not an assumption at all when detectorsare made of a uniform material (e.g. Xenon100, LUX,CDMS, etc.). Even in experiments consisting of mul-tiple nuclei with very different masses (e.g. CRESST),it would require a remarkable coincidence to have theexperiment’s proportions-by-mass of different nuclei ar-ranged such that dark matter were able to scatter off sev-eral of them simultaneously with large signal over back-ground. For spin-dependent cross sections, typically onlya few isotopes dominate. Again, it would be a remarkablecoincidence to have two separate scattering processes (ei-ther both spin-dependent or one spin-dependent and onespin-independent) contributing to a nuclear recoil signalin a single experiment.

The third point, that we do not consider time varia-tion or directional dependence in rates, is a more seriousomission. Indeed, time variation is itself an intriguingsignal, especially given the longstanding annual modula-tion observed by DAMA [34]. However, we already haveour work cut out for us with the comparatively mundanetime-independent signal. Indeed, it is likely that convinc-ing evidence of time variation, or directional detection,will require years of exposure. Nevertheless, some workon the effect of dark matter streams on direct detectionhas already been done in e.g. [23, 25]. We expect to re-turn to this pressing issue of the purely particle physicsimplications of time variation and directional detection,independent of density or velocity distribution, in futurework.

The upshot of these assumptions is that we consider acollection of nuclear recoil events and analyze their con-

sequences. Given the strong bounds on spin-dependentscattering from collider searches [35], we will mostly con-centrate on the case of spin-independent scattering. How-ever, our formalism and philosophy applies to both typesof scattering.

We will find that some characteristics of the recoil spec-trum are highly dependent on the astrophysical inputs,while others are totally independent of it. We will, ofcourse, extract far less information than is usually pre-sented in the literature, but the information we do ex-tract is far more robust in the sense that it does not relyon any properties of the local dark matter halo. How-ever, since the only way we can unambiguously probethe dark matter velocity distribution and abundance atthe Earth’s position is through direct detection, we arguethat anything beyond what we claim here ultimately suf-fers from dependency on local astrophysical properties ofdark matter.


We assume dark matter consists of a set of uncoloredand uncharged particles χi with mass mi, velocity distri-bution fi(~vi), and density ρi. The dark matter velocitiesare taken to be in the Earth frame. This is a significantdeparture from conventional analyses. It is much moretypical to take a galactic frame velocity distribution, mo-tivated by simulations or simplifying assumptions aboutthe galactic distribution, and boost into Earth frame. Forus, since our velocity distributions f(v) are specified inEarth frame, they can be used directly for direct detec-tion scattering. However, since time-independent darkmatter scattering depends only on the magnitude of therelative velocity, there is no way to determine the magni-tude in the galactic frame outside of a kinematic range.This should be kept in mind when viewing velocity dis-tributions later in the paper.

We will mostly consider examples with just one darkmatter candidate, although the formalism we develop be-low will apply to an arbitrary set of WIMPs. For anygiven dark matter particle χ, it is useful to first considerthe kinematics of the most general direct detection recoilevent. We consider a collision between χ with mass mχ,moving with velocity ~v in the Earth’s frame, and a nu-cleus N with mass mN , that is stationary. The result ofthis collision, in the most general two-to-two case, willbe an outgoing dark-sector particle, χ′, and an outgoingvisible-sector particle, N ′. We define δχ ≡ m′χ −mχ andδN ≡ m′N − mN , and work in the approximation thatδχ/mχ, δN/mN 1, i.e., the mass differences betweenincoming and outgoing particles are small. While gener-ally the nucleus is not changed as a result of WIMP scat-tering, there are notable exceptions, such as nuclear ex-citation [36, 37] and rDM with neutron emission [38, 39].

In the center-of-momentum frame, where ~v is the rela-tive velocity of the two incoming particles, the incomingmomentum is ~p = µ~v and the outgoing momentum is ~p ′.


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Here we use the reduced mass defined with respect to theincoming particles,

µ ≡ mχmN

mχ +mN. (1)

The recoil energy of the collision is ER = q2/2m′N with

q2 = p2 + p′2 − 2p p′ cos θcom . (2)

The recoil of energy ER, velocity v and cos θlab are relatedby,



mχ′− v mχ


√2mN ′ER cos θlab


(1 +

mN ′


)+ δχ + δN

]= 0 . (3)

Define δ ≡ δχ + δN . If δ > 0, we can safely perform anexpansion in δ/m 1 to obtain

vmin =1√



+ δ

). (4)

which taking δN → 0 is the well-known result for in-elastic dark matter (iDM) [40–42]. By “safe” we meanthat our upper bound on vmin, which is in the far non-relativistic regime, automatically implies |δ| mχ,mN

to allow scattering to be kinematically possible.Up to higher order terms in δ/m, we obtain an expres-

sion for the recoil energy

E2R + 2ER


mN(δ − µv2 cos2 θlab) +



δ2 = 0 (5)

The recoil energy is unique for a given fixed scatteringrelative velocity v and nucleus recoil angle θlab and canbe solved by the usual quadratic formula,

ER =µ


[(µv2 cos2 θlab − δ


±(µv2 cos2 θlab)1/2(µv2 cos2 θlab − 2δ


This result has the well known feature that the smallestrecoil energies come from maximizing v2 cos2 θlab, corre-sponding physically to head-on collisions at the highestvelocities available.


Our basic assumptions consist of assuming the scat-tering process is off only one type of nuclei. We will,however, remain general with respect to the possibility ofmultiple WIMPs with different masses, abundances, andcross sections. One might think it requires a large coin-cidence to have several dark matter particles with crosssections large enough to produce events in an experiment.However, there are well known counterexamples where itcan be natural to have the abundance of particles to be

independent of their mass (and thus, have several candi-dates of different masses with similar abundances, usingfor example the WIMPless miracle [43]).

The event rate of dark matter scattering [44], differen-tial in ER, is determined by



NT ρχi


∫ vmax


d3~vi fi(~vi(t))d σi|~vi|dER

, (7)

where the sum is over different species of WIMPs, mN 'Amp is the nucleus mass with mp the proton mass andA the atomic number. The recoil energy depends on thekinematics of the collision, as described above. Givenour assumption of no significant time variation in therate, f(~vi(t)) → f(~vi), and thus we are effectively ne-glecting the Earth’s motion around the Sun. This is areasonable approximation so long we are probing veloci-ties larger than Earth’s velocity in the Sun’s frame, i.e.,vmax & 30 km/s. Typically the maximum speed is takento be vmax = vearth + vesc, the galactic escape velocityboosted into the Earth frame. However, vmax is ulti-mately determined by the (unknown) details of the darkmatter velocity distribution in Earth frame.

Given our assumption of no direction dependent signal,we can carry out the angular integral in Eq. (7), reduc-ing it to a one dimensional integral where we introducethe quantity1 f1(v) =

∫dΩf(~v). The differential rate




NT ρχimN


F 2N (ER)

×∫ vmax


dvi vifi1(vi)σi(vi, ER) , (8)

where we have written


= F 2N (ER)



σi(vi, ER) (9)

in terms of the nuclear form factor F 2N (ER). There are

several possible forms for the scattering cross sectionσi(v,ER), depending on the interaction,

σi(v,ER) =



(ER)σi0(v)F 2



. (10)

The different forms for σ correspond to functional formsof known dark matter scattering that contain velocityand/or recoil energy dependence. The first possibility,a constant independent of v and ER is the well-knownisotropic (s-wave) cross section that results at lowestorder in the non-relativistic expansion from many darkmatter models.

1 The velocity distribution is normalized such that∫d3vf(v) = 1.


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The second possibility contains a dark matter form fac-tor Fχi

(following the standard normalization conventionFχi

(ER = 0) = 1) and commonly occurs in models ofcomposite dark matter [45–47]. Our formalism will han-dle the factorizable forms, i.e., the first three of Eq. (10),which incorporates the vast bulk of what has been consid-ered in the literature. We will not, however, consider thecross sections that contain completely arbitrary nonfac-torizable velocity and recoil energy dependence [c.f., themost general form written on the fourth line of Eq. (10)].

We now turn to the question of what can be inferredfrom a signal in direct detection experiments using (8)without making any assumptions about f1 or the darkmatter scattering cross section σ0. We will however,make an assumption about the maximum dark matterspeed, vmax, and we will demonstrate how the deriveddark matter properties depend on this assumption.


Since the scattering rate (8) in any given direct de-tection experiment is proportional to the nuclear formfactor, we first factor it out. This leads to a definition ofa new quantity, R, that we call the “deconvoluted scat-

tering rate” – deconvoluted of the nuclear form factor,

R ≡ 1

F 2N (ER)





∫ vmax


dvi vifi1(vi)σi(vi, ER). (11)

Some overall factors have been buried into a normaliza-tion factor, Ni = NT ρχi/(µ

2imχi). While there are im-

portant uncertainties in the determination of dark mat-ter nuclear form factors from nuclear data [48], this isnot our concern. Errors on the deconvoluted scatteringrate ought to take into account nuclear form factor un-certainties.

Next, taking a derivative with respect to ER we find




(∫ vmax


dvivifi1(vi)dσi(vi, ER)



dERfi1(vi,min)σ(vi,min, ER)

). (12)

For arbitrary 2 → 2 kinematics (elastic or inelastic), wecan replace



2R − µ2

i δ2i



. (13)

This is as far as we can go with a general signal from anensemble of WIMPs with arbitrary cross sections.

For a single WIMP with a factorizable cross section,Eq. (11) can be used to solve for f1(v) (see also [49–52]):

f1(vmin(ER)) = − 4µ2E2R


2R − µ2δ2


Nσ0(vmin(ER))F 2χ(ER)


−R 1

F 2χ(ER)

dF 2χ(ER)


). (14)

This result allows us to gain information on the velocitydistribution of dark matter evaluated at the minimumvelocity to scatter for a given recoil energy ER. Withscattering data over the range Emin

R < ER < EmaxR , we

obtain information on the velocity distribution f(v) overa range of v: vmin(Emin

R ) < v < vmin(EmaxR ).

For an ensemble of WIMPs, χi, without dark matterform factors, the inversion result can be written as



wi(v,ER)fi1(v) , (15)

where the velocity distributions of the WIMPs are“weighted” by the factors

wi(v,ER) = −1




− δ2i


)Niσi0(v) (16)

For an ensemble of WIMPs with form factors, no simpleclosed form can be written.


There is valuable information that can be extractedfrom Eqs. (14) and (15). We know the velocity distribu-tion of dark matter must be positive for all v,

f(v) ≥ 0 , (17)

which we call the “f -condition”. Using this condition,the right-hand side of Eq. (14) must be positive. Simi-larly the f -condition also places constraints on the termsappearing in Eq. (15).

Consider the case of single WIMP with standard elas-tic scattering without a dark matter form factor, δ = 0and F 2

χ(ER) = 1. From Eq. (14) we conclude that the de-convoluted scattering rate is always a decreasing functionof ER.

A more striking consequence is reached if a rising de-convoluted scattering rate is ever observed. Should therebe a range of data where the deconvoluted scattering rate


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satisfies dR/dER > 0, this would signal the presence ofeither an inelastic threshold for scattering or a dark mat-ter form factor (or both). This can be seen most easilyby classifying which terms in Eq. (14) can be positive ornegative.

This general characteristic of the shape of the nuclearrecoil distribution can thus be used to provide an exper-imental signal of non-standard dark matter interactions,independent of the local velocity distribution and localdensity of dark matter. This observation is one of mainconclusions of our paper.

Eq. (14) illustrates how the introduction of non-trivialparticle physics can allow for structure in the recoil spec-trum while still satisfying Eq. (17), through either an in-elastic cross section or one with a non-trivial dark matterform factor. One smoking gun for inelastic dark matteris a rise and fall of the (deconvoluted) dark matter scat-tering rate. Yet, Eq. (14) makes clear that a dark matterform factor whose functional form has positive powers ofER over a range of ER within the experimental sensitiv-ity also can lead to a rise and fall of the deconvolutedscattering rate. Since no direct detection experimentcan probe F 2

χ(ER = 0), the functional form of a dark

matter form factor is essentially unconstrained.2 Indeed,Ref. [53, 54] demonstrated that specific models of whatthey called “form factor dark matter” can reproduce arising deconvoluted scattering rate, dR/dER > 0, likeinelastic dark matter. It is interesting to consider simplefunctional forms for the form factor F 2

χ(ER), and whetherthey can (or cannot) fake inelastic dark matter given anarbitrary velocity distribution. We carry out this studyin Sec. VI D.

The f -condition also allows us to see that there is acomplete degeneracy between σ(v) and f1(v). No one ex-periment can separate a velocity-dependent dark matterscattering cross section from astrophysical structure inthe velocity distribution. To the extent that multiple ex-periments do not have the same σ(v) for different nuclei,it should be possible to break the degeneracy throughmultiple observations.

It is instructive to consider several possible forms off1(v) and how they map into distributions of energies. Asa simple starting point, consider a velocity distributionthat can be approximated by a delta function,

f1(v) = δ(v − v0) . (18)

This could correspond physically to a local density ofdark matter that is contained within a stream movingwith speed v0 in the Earth’s frame, or a scattering crosssection with a resonant feature [39]. From Eq. (11),the deconvoluted spectrum will be a constant providedvmin ≤ v0 and zero otherwise. In terms of ER, the rate

2 We are not aware of a way to obtain F 2χ(ER) ∝ EnR for n < −2

from a microscopic theory. However, since this does not lead todR/dER > 0, this limitation is not of much concern.

is constant provided ER is below a certain threshold de-termined by v0, and zero above it. This result is showngraphically for elastic scattering off xenon in the top pan-els of Figure 1.

One can build a discretized version of any f1(v) bycombining a suitable number of delta functions. Ev-ery delta function contributes to the energies below itsthreshold ER, and zero above it. In the case of elas-tic scattering, the result is a deconvoluted distributionwhich falls off at larger energies. Two other simple cases,f1(v) = constant for some range of v and f1(v) fallinglinearly in v are also shown in Fig. 1.

Several further comments are in order. If we imaginea spectrum of several delta functions, the lowest velocitycontributions may result in recoil energies below an ex-periment’s detection threshold, and therefore obviouslycannot be observed. Given that the weights of thesedelta functions are also undetermined, this means thatthe normalization of the velocity distribution cannot beexperimentally determined.

Experiments may also be limited in sensitivity at forsome recoil energy ER > Eexp,max

R . Contributions tothe velocity distribution at very high velocities that con-tribute to the recoil spectrum in this range would alsonot be fully probed by an experiment. This is anothersource of uncertainty regarding the normalization of thevelocity distribution.

The upshot of this is that there is both astrophysics aswell as fundamental experimental sensitivity limitationsin interpreting the overall normalization of a given recoilspectrum as arising from a given cross section. This lim-itation is fundamental – for an arbitrarily large fractionof dark matter moving slowly enough in Earth frame, noexperiment will be sensitive to such nuclear recoils, andthus, no experiment can measure a cross section indepen-dently of astrophysics. However the results we find hereare based on the shape of the recoil spectrum and not thenormalization, and thus can be determined independentof astrophysics.


We now consider several examples of what can, andcannot, be determined from a nuclear recoil spectrum ofa single dark matter detection experiment. Given thediscussion above, in all cases the normalization of f1(v)(and thus the cross section) is completely arbitrary.

A. Elastic Dark Matter

For the case of elastic dark matter (eDM), defined asstandard elastic scattering (δ = 0) with no dark mat-ter form factor (F 2

χ(ER) = 1), we can determine a lowerbound on mχ provided one has knowledge of the maxi-mum possible velocity, vmax. From Eq. (5), we can solvefor µ as a function of ER and the other parameters. For


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0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700

v @kmsD


0 20 40 60 80 100



0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700

v @kmsD


0 20 40 60 80 100



0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700

v @kmsD


0 20 40 60 80 100



FIG. 1. Some examples of the relationship between velocity distribution (LH plots) and observed recoil spectrum, dR/dER,(red dashed in RH plots) and deconvoluted spectrum, R, (blue solid in RH plots). The dark matter mass is taken to be 100GeV with elastic scattering off xenon.

elastic scattering, the result is particularly simple,

µmin =



, (19)

demonstrating that the strongest lower bound on thedark matter mass comes from the highest recoil energyevents at the maximum dark matter velocity (in Earthframe). We illustrate this bound in Fig. 2, by showingthe bound on mmin

χ as a function of vmax for four possiblevalues of the maximum recoil energy from a distributionof events where dark matter scatters off xenon. In thenext section, we will see that the analogous constraintson mmin

χ for inelastic dark matter depends on the inelas-tic threshold.

The deconvoluted scattering rate, Eq. (14), takes onthe simple form in eDM,

f1(v) = − 4ERm2NN σ0(v)


. (20)

The positivity of f(v) (and σ0(v)) means that for elasticscattering the spectrum of recoil events must be a mono-tonically decreasing function of energy. If this is not ob-served, we can immediately rule out elastic scattering,completely independently of any assumptions about howit couples to nuclei or how it is distributed in our galaxy.

We now discuss what can be determined if indeed afalling spectrum is observed. As a surrogate for experi-mental data, and to demonstrate our technique, we gen-erate pseudo-data for a 100 GeV WIMP elastically scat-


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200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 10000










200 (






= 60 keVrE = 45 keVrE = 30 keVrE = 15 keVrE

FIG. 2. The kinematic bound on the dark matter mass, as-suming elastic scattering off xenon. Different curves are plot-ted for different assumptions about what events are assumedto be the highest energy nuclear recoils from dark matter.The yellow band corresponds to the typically largest relativevelocity arising from summing vesc + vearth . 800 km/s.

tering off xenon, assuming the standard Maxwellian dis-tribution for the dark matter velocity in galactic frame.Specifically, our input contains a distribution with char-acteristic speed, v0 = 220 km/s (in galactic frame), withan escape speed of vesc = 500 km/s (in galactic frame).Since we do not consider time-dependent signals, we takethe Earth’s velocity to be a constant, vearth = 230 km/s(in galactic frame). We consider the lower threshold ofour pseudo-experiment to be recoil energies of 5 keV andthe upper threshold we take to be 80 keV (the latterhappens to be below the first zero of the nuclear formfactor of xenon). These specifications are a reasonableapproximation of the capabilities of the Xenon100 ex-periment [55]. We ignore detector effects such as energyresolution and efficiency and assume that these are suffi-ciently well known that the recoil energy distribution ofEq. (7) can be determined from the data.

Next, we invert this “data” using Eq. (20) and assumethe dark matter is scattering elastically. For simplicity,we use the same scattering cross section used to generatethe data. This only affects the normalization of f1(v)and does not alter any of our arguments. In Fig. 3 weshow the derived velocity distributions f1(v) for variouschoices of dark matter mass. As expected, for the correctchoice of dark matter mass the derived velocity distribu-tion agrees with that used to generate the data. However,since data is only taken over a finite range of recoil ener-gies the velocity distribution is only known over a finiterange of velocities, corresponding to the vmin associated

100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800105






v @kmsD


FIG. 3. Velocity distributions derived from pseudo-data, with5 keV ≤ ER ≤ 80 keV, generated for a 100 GeV WIMP elas-tically scattering of xenon. The data is generated assuming aMaxwellian distribution for the dark matter, dashed red line.For mχ = 40, 100, 500 GeV (thick line segments, from bottomto top) the derived velocity distributions, f1(v), are shown.

with the ER, Eq. (4).As was discussed in Sec. II it is possible to place a lower

bound on the dark matter mass by assuming a maximumspeed for dark matter in our halo, the highest energy re-coil events, taken to be 80 keV in the above, then de-termine a minimum mass through Eq. (4). However, ascan be seen from Fig. 3 no such upper bound can bemade. For all assumed masses used in Fig. 3 the result-ing velocity distributions appear a priori to be perfectlyreasonable: f1(v) is positive and finite. Without furthermodel-dependent assumptions, or additional experimen-tal results (either from another experiment or from rais-ing the upper threshold at the first experiment), all darkmatter masses, mχ ≥ mmin

χ , give a reasonable fit to data.Using Eqs. (4) and (20) in the limit of very heavy darkmatter, the derived velocity distribution becomes inde-pendent of the dark matter mass and only depends onthe target.

B. Elastic Dark Matter: CoGeNT

A further interesting example of elastic dark matteris the recent observation of an excess of low energy re-coil events by CoGeNT [56]. The CoGeNT collaborationdemonstrated that this is consistent with light dark mat-ter, 7-10 GeV, where the mass was determined by takingthe standard Maxwellian velocity distribution.

Following our procedure above, we have taken a fit tothe low recoil energy excess at CoGeNT [57] and reverse-engineered the distribution to determine the needed ve-locity distribution for (much) larger dark matter massesin Fig. 4. It is easy to understand the shift in the veloc-ity distributions. For light dark matter, mχ < mGe, themaximum recoil energy is Emax

R ' m2χv

2max/mGe. Once


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200 400 600 800105





v @kmsD


FIG. 4. Velocity distributions derived from the CoGeNTdata. The dashed red line is the ordinary Maxwellian ve-locity distribution for an elastically scattering dark matterparticle that fits the CoGeNT excess with a mass of 8 GeV.The derived velocity distributions, f1(v), are shown for mχ =8, 20, 100, 500 GeV (thick line segments, from bottom to top).

the dark matter mass is larger than about mGe, the maxi-mum recoil energy asymptotes to Emax

R ' mGev2max. The

shift in vmax from mχ ' 7 GeV to mχ mGe is thusa factor of ' 10. Indeed, from Fig. 4 we see that thelargest minimum velocity shifts from about 500 km/s toabout 60 km/s as the mass is increased from 8 GeV to500 GeV.

By itself, the CoGeNT data can thus be fit by any darkmatter candidate above the kinematic minimum, whichfor vmax ∼ 800 km/s is about 6 GeV. The conclusionthat CoGeNT implies “light dark matter” is thus notwarranted if the local dark matter density and velocitydistributions can be freely adjusted.

The obvious objection to the large dark matter, smallvelocity distribution dark matter interpretation of theCoGeNT data is that other direct detection experimentsshould be sensitive to larger masses, and potentially ruleit out. We can test this assertion by translating the Co-GeNT observed energies into nuclear recoil energies (fol-lowing [58]), and then compute the predicted spectrumat an experiment using xenon. This assumes, of course,that whatever scattering process is occurring in germa-nium also occurs in xenon.

In Fig. 5 we show the predicted recoil spectrum ata xenon experiment, for each of the velocity distribu-tions show in Fig. 4. In each case, the prediction is largenumbers of recoil events below 6 keVnr. This may ormay not be allowed by existing data from Xenon10 [59]and Xenon100 [55]. The principle difficulty is determin-ing the sensitivity of these experiments to very low re-coil energies, specifically the conversion factor Leff(ER).There has been a spirited discussion on this point [60–66]. Clearly, masses much heavier than considered byCoGeNT are allowed, while arbitrarily large masses (rep-resented by 500 GeV) may be constrained by this existing

0 2 4 6 8 100




ER @keVD

dR dER






FIG. 5. Predicted recoil spectra at a Xenon experiment forthe velocity distributions that fit the CoGeNT excess shownin Fig. 4. The lines correspond to mχ = 8, 20, 100, 500 fromleft to right. Notice that the normalization corresponds tothousands of events at Xenon10 or Xenon100.

or future xenon data. In any case, our central conclusionis that qualitatively larger dark matter masses can fit theCoGeNT data if the velocity distribution is adjusted aswe illustrated above.

C. Inelastic Dark Matter

Due to the splitting of inelastic dark matter, vmin isnot monotonic in ER, which means that the highest en-ergy recoil events may not give the strongest bound onthe dark matter parameters. The expression for vmin,Eq. (4), has a minimum, and correspondingly the decon-voluted recoil spectrum, R, has a peak at

EpeakR =

mχ +mNδ , (21)

the observed spectrum, dR/dER, typically has a peak ata lower energy due to the nuclear form factor. Whetherthe highest or lowest energy bins of an experiment placethe strongest constraints on mχ and δ depends on wherethis peak falls.

If EpeakR is large enough there may even be an observ-

able gap between an experiment’s lower threshold and thefirst recoil events – this bump-like spectrum aids in fit-ting the energy spectrum of the DAMA modulation data.

On the other hand, if EpeakR is below the lower threshold

it is not possible to distinguish iDM from conventionalelastic dark matter. In Fig. 6 we illustrate these pointsfor the case of a xenon experiment which records dataover the range 5 keV ≤ ER ≤ 80 keV.

Unlike eDM, where the recoil spectrum must be mono-tonically decreasing, the mass splitting of iDM allows for

the spectrum to be a rising function for ER < EpeakR .

This cannot be mimicked by elastic scattering without


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0 100 200 300 400 5000








mΧ @GeVD

∆ @keVDER=5 keV

ER=80 keV

0 100 200 300 400 5000








mΧ @GeVD

∆ @keVDER=5 keV

ER=80 keV

FIG. 6. The astrophysics independent allowed region of iDM parameter space (unshaded region) for a recoil spectrum withevents, in a xenon detector assuming a maximal speed for dark matter of 500 km/s (LH plot) and 800 km/s (RH plot) in theEarth’s frame. In both plots the two curves assume events observed with 5 and 80 keV. The lower (red shaded) region ismodel independent and is the region in which the peak, Eq. (21), in the deconvoluted recoil spectrum lies below 5 keV andiDM cannot be distinguished from eDM. With reliable knowledge of f1(v) this region extends further upwards.

a dark matter form factor, no matter what (physicallyallowed) form the velocity distribution takes. Further-

more, at EpeakR the denominator in (14) has a zero but

since f1(v) must be finite the recoil spectrum must havea maximum at this same energy so the numerator goesto zero as well. Thus the observation of a maximum inthe recoil spectrum determines Epeak

R and reduces the 3dimensional iDM parameter space by one dimension, re-lating mχ and δ, independent of knowledge of the darkmatter velocity distribution.

D. Form Factor versus Inelastic

Although the spectrum of iDM cannot be faked by sim-ple elastically scattering DM, regardless of what physicalvelocity distribution is used, it may be faked by elasti-cally scattering dark matter that has a non-trivial formfactor. Due to the unique kinematics of iDM, inducedby the splitting of the states, a deconvoluted iDM spec-trum has a gap in the low energy spectrum with no recoilevents. The size of this gap, and thus the position of thefirst events is

EgapR =



v2max −




max −δ



− δ2



(22)This can be obtained directly from Eq. (7) by calcu-lating the lowest recoil energy for the highest velocity(v = vmax) for a head-on collision (cos θlab = 1). The

spectrum then increases to EpeakR , Eq. (21), before again

decreasing. Near the peak, the spectrum is well fit by apower law but away from the peak the spectrum becomesmore exponential in nature. This increase in R between

EgapR and Epeak

R would require an unphysical f1(v) < 0 ifthe dark matter has no form factor. However, it is pos-sible that a non-trivial Fχ(ER) could “overpower” thisincrease and allow iDM spectra to be fit by eDM with aform factor, albeit for a non-Maxwellian velocity distribu-tion. We demonstrate this below for the simple exampleof a form factor that is a single power in ER, Fχ ∼ EnR,for a sufficiently high n the resulting f1(v) will be sensi-ble.

Although the increase in the recoil spectrum can be ac-commodated by elastically scattering dark matter with anon-trivial form factor, the existence of a gap with iDMcannot be faked with a simple power-law form factor.This is because the threshold to up-scatter results ina step function turn on in the spectrum, and no suchstep function results from a simple polynomial form forF 2χ(ER).To illustrate the ability of iDM to be faked by form

factor dark matter. We consider the simple case of Fχ =(qq0


with the normalization q0 = 10−3µ and we take

n ∈ [−1, 10] and investigate whether there is a physicallysensible velocity distribution that allows form factor darkmatter (with the same WIMP mass) to fake iDM withmχ = 100 GeV, with a Maxwellian velocity distribution,for various splittings δ. This region in which iDM canindeed be faked is shown as the shaded region in Figure 7and an example velocity distribution that achieves thisis shown in Fig. 8.


We have shown that certain particle physics proper-ties can be determined from the nuclear recoil spectrum


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0 20 40 60 80 100 120 1400





∆ @keVD


FIG. 7. In the shaded region elastically scattering dark matterwith a form factor Fχ ∝ q2n can fake iDM with splitting δ.The dark matter mass was taken to be 100 GeV, scatteringoff xenon, and the iDM spectrum was assumed to come froma Maxwellian distribution.

of a dark matter direct detection experiment independentof the local astrophysical density and velocity distribu-tion. These properties are most easily uncovered fromthe deconvoluted scattering rate, that we call R. Weadvocate that experiments present their recoil spectrumdata in terms of the deconvoluted spectrum, from whichthe shape of R as a function of ER can be read off inde-pendently of the nuclear form factor.

The kinematics of scattering leads to a lower boundon dark matter mass, given a maximum speed for theWIMP in the Earth’s frame, independent of the detailsof the dark matter velocity distribution. We have alsoshown that an upper bound on the mass of dark mat-ter, however, cannot be determined independently of thedensity and velocity distributions of dark matter. Thiswas demonstrated for both “fake” Xenon data, but alsofor the CoGeNT excess. Perhaps the most striking con-sequence is that we find the CoGeNT excess can be fitby dark matter with masses much heavier than has beengenerally considered. Much of this parameter space, upto mχ ' mGe, is no more strongly constrained than lightdark matter, given an appropriate choice of velocity dis-tribution. For mχ > mGe, the CoGeNT data may or maynot be allowed by existing Xenon10 and Xenon100 data,which ultimately depend on the details of Leff(ER) andQy.

Our analysis comparing different masses, as well ascomparing and contrasting inelastic dark matter withform factor dark matter, was done without any exper-imental errors. It would be interesting to carry out sim-ilar analyses with experimental errors. For example, the

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80




100 200 300 400 500 600 700105




v @kmsD


FIG. 8. Top: a recoil spectrum, at a xenon based detector,for iDM with mχ = 100 GeV and δ = 35 keV within therange 5 ≤ ER/keV ≤ 80. Bottom: the iDM Maxwellianvelocity distribution is shown as the the red dashed curve.The solid gray curve corresponds to the velocity distributionthat exactly matches the recoil spectrum shown in the topfigure, but with dark matter, of the same mass, scatteringelastically with a form factor Fχ ∝ q4.

so-called “gap” in inelastic dark matter may not be re-solvable due to experimental errors, so that it may bereproduced by a smooth dark matter form factor.

Breaking from the vast majority of past literature, wedo not impose any requirements of the velocity distri-bution of dark matter, except for assuming there is anupper bound (that might or might not be equated tovearth + vesc in Earth’s frame). In fact, our velocity dis-tributions were taken to be in Earth’s frame, and thusto compare with most other literature one would have toboost into galactic frame.

Interestingly, however, there are potential physical re-alizations of some of the more unusual velocity distri-butions found in this paper. In particular, distributionswith velocities that are smaller than the Earth’s velocityin the galactic frame (' 230 km/s) could be interpretedin at least two ways. One is dark matter that streams


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in a direction parallel to the motion of the Sun aroundthe galaxy. This could be a local stream, or could bea “dark disk”. Another interpretation is that the lowervelocities arise from dark matter that is weakly boundto the Earth/Sun/Jupiter system. In both cases, relativevelocities in the tens, rather than hundreds, of km/s arephysically realizable.

There are still many questions and many inter-esting avenues for future exploration of astrophysics-independent implications of dark matter. Time-dependence in the scattering rate is perhaps the mostimportant, given the ongoing interest in the annual mod-ulation observed by DAMA. In the future, directionaldependence will also provide an excellent way to deter-mine the nature of the dark matter velocity distributionwe find ourselves in. Understanding the particle physicsimplications of these observations is left to future work.With information about dark matter from other sources,such as mass determinations from the LHC, the approachpresented here could allow the interpretation of directdetection results as a direct measurement of the local as-

trophysical properties of dark matter. Finally, we havenot considered the implications of multiple nuclear recoilspectra from different experiments. This too is an veryinteresting and timely subject that we hope to see workon very soon [67].


We thank R. Lang, R. Fok, and L. Strigari for usefuldiscussions. We also thank the Kavli Institute of The-oretical Physics and the Aspen Center of Physics foreach providing a simulating atmosphere where part ofthis work was carried out. GDK was supported by a BenLee Fellowship from Fermilab and in part by the NSFunder contract PHY-0918108. TMPT was supported inpart by the NSF under contract PHY-0970171. Fermi-lab is operated by Fermi Research Alliance, LLC, underContract DE-AC02-07CH11359 with the United StatesDepartment of Energy.

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