ferrexpo | dupont safety and sustainability awards 2013

A Swiss-headquartered resource company with major operations in Ukraine, Ferrexpo Poltava Mining is principally involved in the production and export of iron ore pellets critical to the manufacture of steel. Producing approximately ten million tons of iron ore pellets annually, Ferrexpo Poltava Mining exports iron ore pellets to Central and Eastern Europe and Asia. The company’s main asset comprises one of the largest iron ore resources in the world with a phased capital investment in processing facilities expected to further increase production capacity. In order to increase the production safety level, to resolve all operating and constant improvement issues of health and safety management, Ferrexpo Poltava Mining created the Council of Industrial Safety, Labor Protection and Environment in 2008. The council has subsequently led the implementation of a safety strategy focused on reducing risks by involving top and mid-level management, chief specialists and experienced employees in the oversight and audit system. After a mapping process of key hazards, dedicated working groups were established to stimulate new safety initiatives, improve communication and awareness, monitor legislative compliance requirements and analyze root causes of safety incidents. This approach has led to a total avoidance of fatal or severe accidents since 2011, as well as a Taken together, creation of the Industrial and Labor Safety Administration at Ferrexpo Poltava Mining and broadening of industrial and labor safety functions aimed at developing safety culture encompassing all staff levels have had a marked effect. Ferrexpo Poltava Mining systematic approach to risk management since 2011 has led to a total avoidance of fatal, group or severe accidents as well as a 47 percent decrease in the number of lost time injuries. Commencing activities in 1970, Ferrexpo Poltava Mining is one of the leading Ukrainian iron ore producing and processing companies. Ferrexpo Poltava Mining has been shortlisted for the DuPont Safety and Sustainability Awards on the basis of the company’s achievements in cultural development in safety, social and environmental responsibility. 47% 10M TONS OF IRON ORE PELLETS DECREASE IN LOST TIME INJURIES for customers located predominantly in Central/ Eastern Europe and Asia annually FERREXPO POLTAVA MINING Ferrexpo Poltava Mining created the Council of Industrial Safety, Labour Protection and Environment, which has subsequently led the implementation of a safety strategy focused on reducing risks by involving: in the oversight and audit system. - Top and mid-level management - Chief specialists - Experienced employees 2008 Copyright © 2013 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. All rights reserved. The DuPont Oval Logo, DuPont TM , The Miracles of Science TM and all products denoted with a ® or TM are trademarks or registered trademarks of E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company or its affiliates.

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Post on 10-May-2015




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Commencing activities in 1970, Ferrexpo Poltava Mining is one of the leading Ukrainian iron ore producing and processing companies. Ferrexpo Poltava Mining has been selected as a finalist for the DuPont Safety and Sustainability Awards on the basis of the company’s achievements in cultural development in safety, social and environmental responsibility.


Page 1: Ferrexpo | DuPont Safety and Sustainability Awards 2013

A Swiss-headquartered resource company with major operations in Ukraine, Ferrexpo Poltava Mining is principally involved in the production and export of iron ore pellets critical to the manufacture of steel. Producing approximately ten million tons of iron ore pellets annually, Ferrexpo Poltava Mining exports iron ore pellets to Central and Eastern Europe and Asia. The company’s main asset comprises one of the largest iron ore resources in the world with a phased capital investment in processing facilities expected to further increase production capacity.

In order to increase the production safety level, to resolve all operating and constant improvement issues of health and safety management, Ferrexpo Poltava Mining created the Council of Industrial Safety, Labor Protection and Environment in 2008. The council has subsequently ledthe implementation of a safety strategy focused on reducing risks by involving top and mid-level management, chief specialists and experienced employees in the oversightand audit system. After a mapping process of key hazards, dedicated working groups were established to stimulate new safety initiatives, improve communication and awareness, monitor legislative compliance requirements and analyze root causes of safety incidents.

This approach has led to a total avoidance of fatal or severe accidents since 2011, as well as a

Taken together, creation of the Industrial and Labor Safety Administration at Ferrexpo Poltava Mining and broadeningof industrial and labor safety functions aimed at developing safety culture encompassing all staff levels have had a marked effect. Ferrexpo Poltava Mining systematic approach to risk management since 2011 has led to a total avoidanceof fatal, group or severe accidents as well as a 47 percent decrease in the number of lost time injuries.

Commencing activities in 1970, Ferrexpo Poltava Mining is one of the leading Ukrainian iron ore producing and processing companies. Ferrexpo Poltava Mining has been shortlisted for the DuPont Safety and Sustainability Awards on the basis of the company’s achievements in cultural development in safety, social and environmental responsibility.




for customers locatedpredominantly in Central/Eastern Europe and Asia



Ferrexpo Poltava Mining created the Council of Industrial Safety, Labour Protection and Environment,

which has subsequently led the implementation of a safety strategy focused on reducing risksby involving:

in the oversight and audit system.

- Top and mid-level management- Chief specialists- Experienced employees


Copyright © 2013 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. All rights reserved. The DuPont Oval Logo, DuPontTM, The Miracles of ScienceTM and all products denoted with a ® or TM are trademarks or registered trademarks of E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company or its affiliates.