ferry news 15 winter 2012

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  • 7/30/2019 Ferry News 15 Winter 2012






    ISSUE 15


    Since the BarholmArms closed a lotof people have

    expressed theirconcern about thebuilding becoming aneyesore.A lot of people have also been sayinghow worried they are now the SolwaySteel factory has closed and the impactthat is having on local shops, jobs andthe local economy in general.

    These are difcult times and with theseconcerns in mind, Creetown Initiativehave been looking at ways we mightsupport the local economy.

    We cant replace the jobs lost as a resultof the closure of Solway Steel, but theremaybe things we can do. One such thingis to look at a new use for the BarholmArms.

    Our idea is to create a retail space onthe ground oor which would be runby a co-operative of produce and craft

    makers. The type of things it would sellwould be very different from any shopwe have in the village and, becauseit would be run as a co-operative, itspreads the overheads, making it easierfor people to get involved. So if you area craft or produce maker and youreinterested in this idea, get in touch.

    But this is only part of the story; theretail space I have just describedwould operate between Easter andSeptember; the rest of the year it

    would be converted into a charity shop.The charity shop would be run for thebenet of local groups, sports clubs,youth groups, dance, drama any groupthats interested. So if you are a localcommunity group and this idea appeals,

    get in touch. It could be a great way tomake money for your group and its alsoa way of recycling locally.

    For the upper oors we are consideringa bunk-house. Essentially this is a place

    where visitors can get a cheap bed. Itwont compete with local hotels or B&Bs.Its a very basic, no frills bed for a nightat a cheap price. People who use bunk-houses dont do hotels or B&Bs. Theresno food provided; no luxuries, just abed. Bunk houses are very popular andattract a different type of visitor. Thebeauty is that other businesses get tosupply the other things these visitorsneed - food, drink, fuel and so on. Itsanother way of bringing more peopleinto the village.

    At the back of the Barholm we arelooking to build some work-shops, thesewould be cheap to rent and designed tohelp new businesses get started. So ifyoure looking to start a new businessand are looking for premises, let usknow.

    See p2 for the rest of this article...

    New Lease of Lifefor Barholm Arms

  • 7/30/2019 Ferry News 15 Winter 2012


    CreetownSilver BandChristmas seasonengagements as

    known at present:Friday November 30th, 7pm:Wigtown Christmas Lights.Thurs December 13th, 7.30pm:Concert Creetown Bandhall.Friday December 14th, 7.30pm:Isle of Whithorn.Sunday December 16th, 11am:Mochrum Church.Sunday December 16th, 7pm:Kirkcowan Church.

    SundayDecember23rd, 5pm:Cally Palace.

    The bandhas had another very busy

    summer and will not get muchrespite with the Christmasseason starting so early.

    We are still on the lookoutfor anyone of any agewho would like to learn toplay a brass instrument.Former players are verywelcome.

    Stuart McNab



    Creetown Car Clubwill now be known as

    Wheels4Creetown,but only the name ischanging; everything elseremains the same.The reason for this is, following notication of ourinfringements to the exclusive trademark of thename Greenwheels (June 2012) by a car club inthe Netherlands, we have been instructed to ceasethe use of, and any reference to GreenerWheels

    due to the similarity of name and a cause ofconfusion to members of the public.

    Wheels4Creetown are here for the wholecommunity to use* offering cars from 2.95 perhour, to as little as 130 for seven days plus thecost of any fuel used**.

    So whether you want a car for one hour, eighthours, 24 hours, a weekend, a week or anythingin-between, why not join the scheme and start tosave yourself money.



    *subject to insurance acceptance

    ** fuel is charged at cost price based on 50mpg(Grand Scenic) or 60mpg (clio).

    We insure them, tax them, repairthem and clean them You drive them.




    130 PER WEEK (7DAYS)


    The next stage is to developthe idea and to talk to people toestablish whether this will work.The lottery is supporting theidea with some development

    money. What we have to do isprove the idea works.

    Apart from what Ive described,the project will also createsome jobs - the facility will needpeople to run it, so it has lotsof potential. We are calling theproject Creetown EnterpriseCentre. We are keen to hearyour views, so please get intouch on 01671 820 654.

    Continued fromfront page...

  • 7/30/2019 Ferry News 15 Winter 2012



    This year, Galloway FisheriesTrust (GFT) carried outJapanese Knotweed control onthe Money Pool Burn and the

    Balloch Burn.This work was undertaken by an EU part fundedproject, named Controlling Invasives, RestoringBiodiversity (CIRB) in which GFT are one of veScottish partners involved, along with QueensUniversity in Belfast.

    The project began late 2010 and will run untilwinter of 2014. The control was primarily focusedin 2011 on the core rivers within Galloway,however this year we were able to include the twoburns in Creetown.

    The various locations within Creetown were allsprayed a total of four times between June andSeptember this year. This process will be repeatedfor at least another two years.

    For more information on the project, please referto our website www.gallowaysheriestrust.org, orcontact the Project Ofcer Neil Dalrymple at ourofce on 01671 403011.

    Creetown Knotweed Control




    A number of peoplehave called into theofce to ask what,

    if anything, wecould do to improvebroadband.Those who use the internetwill agree that the service is

    patchy; good one minute, poorthe next. The point is that goodbroadband helps business, and itcould bring jobs to the area.

    We dont know enough aboutbroadband to offer a solution,but what we can do is ask thosewho do.

    But...we need some statistics toillustrate what the problems are.So if you are having Broadband

    troubles or just want fasterdownload speeds, please let usknow.

    Its important that peoplecontact us so we can provethat there is an issue,so please email [email protected] withyour thoughts about localbroadband.


  • 7/30/2019 Ferry News 15 Winter 2012



    Red Squirrels

    Need YouRed Squirrels are one of the bestloved animals in the UK and theyhave one of their strongholds inour region.

    Many of us feed them andenjoy their acrobatic antics onpeanut feeders. However, thered squirrel is threatened byits north American cousin, thegrey squirrel through direct

    competition for food and habitat,but more crucially through thespread of the squirrelpox viruswhich is being carried by greysquirrels moving northwardsfrom England. This is harmlessto the greys but deadly to thereds as they have no resistanceto it. Scientists are working ona vaccine to treat Red Squirrelsbut this could take some timeto develop. In the meantime

    schemes to prevent the spreadof greys and the further loss ofreds are vital.

    The long-running Red Squirrelsin South Scotland (RSSS)project, set up to preserveour native red squirrels, hasnow merged with the SavingScotlands Red Squirrels (SSRS)project to form a national redsquirrel conservation schememanaged by the ScottishWildlife Trust in partnership

    with Scottish Natural Heritage,Forestry Commission Scotland,

    Scottish Land and Estates andRed Squirrel Survival Trust. Theproject also has a new projectofcer for south-west Scotland,Heinz Traut. Heinz will coverDumfries, Galloway and Ayrshireand will work with project ofcerKaren Ramoo based in theScottish Borders.

    RSSS are running a SquirrelpoxSurveillance Programmeinvolving landowners and

    Grey Squirrel Control Ofcers(GSCO). Blood samples aretaken from trapped greys andtested to see if they are carryingthe squirrelpox virus. Whereseropositive (pox carrying) greysare found, further targetedtrapping can be carried out inthat area to reduce the likelihoodof further spreading.

    To assist this programme RSSSalso have a Trap Loan Scheme

    where landowners can receivetraining and support to controlgrey squirrels. The new projectofcer is particularly keen tond people willing to carry outtrapping in the Newton Stewartarea as over 50 grey squirrelshave been trapped nearby inKilsture Forest and a recentsighting in Newton Stewart hasraised fears of them spreading tothis area.

    Another new scheme to assess

    the distribution of squirrels willinvolve putting out feeder boxes

    in designated areas tted withsticky pads under the lid. Thehairs left behind on the padwhen the squirrels lift the lid willbe analysed to determine whichspecies are feeding from theboxes. One hundred sites will bechecked throughout the regionand 400 feeder boxes will berequired for the scheme.

    If you are interested in helpingto construct boxes, pleasecontact Heinz on 07881 016495or [email protected].

    Another way to help is bysending in your sightings ofred and grey squirrels. Sick redsquirrels and dead squirrels,which can be sent for postmortem, should also be reported.Sightings should preferably bereported on the RSSS websiteat www.red-squirrels.org.uk oralternately by contacting Heinz.

    Pete Robinson

    N a t u r e & W i l d l i f e


    We are looking to start a youth drop-in for children andyoung people at the Pavilion in the park, on Tuesdayand Wednesday nights initially.Rather than a club with membership, it will be a place where youngpeople can socialise in a warm, safe, dry environment on these coldwinter nights. Please contact Amy at the Initiative if you are interestedin volunteering a few hours every few weeks to help supervise.

    Get in touch on 01671 820 654 or [email protected]


  • 7/30/2019 Ferry News 15 Winter 2012


    This issuesphotograph is from

    the cover of theCreetown Calendarfor 2013.

    How many of you know whatthe building behind the clocktower was, or what make of carfaces you, or the names of thetwo children on the right? Thecalendars are selling well, so ifyou want one for yourself, or tosend to relatives or friends, dont

    delay! By the time you read this,the Heritage Museum will haveclosed for the year, although wehope that copies will be availablefrom our local shops until nextyear.

    The Heritage Museum has had ahard year, probably the hardestsince the foot and mouthcrisis because of the down-turn of visitor numbers to the

    area. But, thanks to the effortsof the volunteers who keep itopen, it has just about keptits head above the waters ofthese troubled nancial times.Its not such an enjoyable taskto be on duty when few, if any,people come in. Its always moreenjoyable when there are visitorsto welcome and show round.So Committee members arevery grateful for all our stalwart

    volunteers efforts. Fortunatelythere have been some lightermoments from time to time suchas the very busy Doors Openweekend, together with visitsfrom Girl Guides and our localschool. And new exhibits stillcome in. Among the latest is a

    gurnel - the biggest bradawlyou are ever likely to see! (Itslike a 4 ft length of telegraphpole with one end sharpened toa point and encased in iron). Itwas used to make holes in theriver bed for the upright poleswhich supported the salmonnets. David Hannay found thisone in a shed he was clearingout. Maybe you too could nda bit of local history which you


    donateto themuseum?

    It is alwayssad to losea goodfriend,and welost one inMrs. JeanBartlett

    who diedin October.She hadbeen oneof ourlongest

    serving volunteers and she willbe greatly missed.

    The Local History Group startedits year very well with a mostinteresting talk about BarholmCastle, past and present byMrs. Janet Brennan. This wasfollowed by a trio of speakers,John Cutland, Sheena Harveyand Nicholas McKie, who talkedabout local schools, and nodoubt brought back a host ofmemories for locals and in-comers alike. The next speakerwill be Tim Stephenson onthe geology of Creetown anddistrict, while it is hoped that avisit to Barholm Castle will alsobe made. Other speakers andtopics are being organised by

    the chairman, Robert McQuistan,who - dare we say it?- seemsto be quite enjoying carryingthe work started by JanetHannay. For anyone interested,revised copies of the historicalwalk round Creetown are nowavailable and could be obtainedthrough the Group. The originalwalk was planned by JohnCutland, but two revisions havebeen necessary as quite a few

    things have changed over thelast twenty years.

    Obviously this group is thriving!

    Andrew Macdonald


    The Way We Were...

    Creetown Initiative Ltdwould like to expressthanks to the Co-operative MembershipFund which hassupported the publicationof the Ferry News overthe last year.

  • 7/30/2019 Ferry News 15 Winter 2012


    Creetown Initiative has beenlooking into the development of

    a hydro scheme on Balloch Burnover the last couple of years.Extensive studies have taken place and weare now able to make a presentation to thecommunity of the proposed plans.

    We will be holding an open day in the Waverly Hallin which Creetown Initiative staff and directors,Balloch Wood Community Project volunteersand a hydro engineer will be on hand to talk youthrough the project. In addition, an artist will becommissioned to produce drawings of what thescheme will look like should it be installed.

    This is your opportunity to learn about thescheme and what it will mean for the community.Posters will be displayed throughout the villageand a notice placed in the Galloway Gazettenewspaper to advertise the event nearer the time.

    Following on from the open day, CreetownInitiative will be contacting every household in theParish to formally ask whether residents are insupport of the scheme.

    This ballot will be undertaken by a specialistcompany and we hope that everyone will take

    part so that we get a true picture as to whetherthe community is in support of a hydro schemerunning through Balloch Wood.

    We look forward to seeing you!


    The Creetown familyhalloween party had 40children and young people in

    attendance, all in fancy dress.Winners of the fancy dress were Charlie Ball,Kyle Moffat and Kayleigh Ross. Nicole and SianMcKeevor won the scarecrow competition,Atlanta Hill came second and Hollie Monteithcame third.

    Scary Creetown Characters

    As everyone knows we securedfunds to redevelop the park somemonths ago now.The idea is to replace the old play equipment,tarmac the car park area and to make someimprovements to the walks, tree and plantedareas.

    Well, everyone must be wondering whats goingon as nothing visible has happened so far...Unfortunately, a number of issues came up whichhad to be resolved, eg ownership, gas lines,issues with the pavilion and so on.

    Hopefully these issues have been dealt with and

    work should start soon.

    Well many said it would never happen,and in all honesty, those closely

    involved also had there doubts.But as you can see from the picture, the new

    pavilion is now built. Its a spectacular andattractive building and inside its even better,offering what will be some of the best facilities,if not the best facilities in the SouthernCounties League. Indeed, representatives fromSportScotland said it was a better facility than alot of league clubs have.

    However, the work isnt nished and we stillhave to raise funds to complete the tting out of

    the building.Hopefully weare getting

    there andwith luck thebuilding shouldbe up andrunning in theNew Year.

    Park Update

    Creetowns NewFootball Pavilion

    Hydro Open Day

  • 7/30/2019 Ferry News 15 Winter 2012


    Creative PlacesSummer ProgrammeDuring the summer holidays weorganised ve week-long artsworkshops for young people aged 3 16, funded by Creative Places and

    LEADER Dumfries and Galloway.Between 9th and 13th July we had Puppetryand Storytelling workshops with the companyVision Mechanics, from Edinburgh. The youngpeople were able to make their own puppets,write their own stories and songs and gave a nalperformance in the Balloch Woods, where theycreated a trail for their parents to follow.

    The second week saw young people participating

    in theatre workshops taught by the Scottish Youth

    Theatre from Glasgow. Workshops were split intoolder and younger age groups and there were twosharings of work on the Friday from each group,focusing on myths and legends from Creetown.

    Week three was the circus skills week with TheCircus House from Manchester. The young peoplelearnt how to ride uni-cycles, walk on a tightrope and stilts, spin plates, juggle and also theolder group learnt trapeze skills. We had over 40young people perform on the Friday afternoon to apacked audience of family and friends.

    YDance from Glasgow came down for the fourth

    week of workshops and taught street dance andcontemporary dance. The young people learnt4 whole dances, based on their own ideas andperformed them on the Friday afternoon.

    The fth week was especially for the younger

    children of the village, aged 3-6. Young childrensarts and performance group, Starcatchers,came down from Edinburgh for the nal week ofworkshops to teach lmmaking and creative play.By the end of the week the children had made andstarred in their own short lm about The Creatureof Creetown and it premiered to their families inthe Waverley Hall on 10th August.

    New Youth ClubMembersBoth Junior and Senior youth clubsreopened again in September aftertheir summer break.Many new members have joined both youth clubsand we are planning our next trips. There will bea trip to DGOne in Dumfries again in December

    to see this years pantomime; Snow White andthe Seven Dwarfs. In the new year the Juniorswish to go swimming and the Seniors would liketo go paintballing. Once the weather improves weintend to organise a trip up to Stirlingshire to BlairDrummond Safari Park and Deep Sea World inEdinburgh, for all youth club members!

    BadmintonWe have started running badmintonsessions in the Waverly Hall on

    Friday nights.There is a junior class for under 12s from 6pm7pm and an adult class for ages 12 plus from 7pm 9:30pm. Everyone is excelling well. Why notcome and join in the fun? 1 for junior class, 3for adult class.

    For information or queries about Junior Youth Clubplease contact Eddie on 01671 820568. If youhave any comments, ideas or questions aboutSenior Youth Club or about any events, issues oractivities affecting young people, please contactme on 01671 820654 or [email protected].

    Amy-Dee Tighe




  • 7/30/2019 Ferry News 15 Winter 2012






    TEL: 01671 820458

    MOB: 07809 713765

    To contribute to the Ferry News Letter, please contact Carolyn Stephensonon 01671 820216 or [email protected]

    Your input is vital so please do get in touch with any news, views, events or advertising.


    Printing the Ferry News is just oneway of expressing our commitment

    h i i k i

    Good foodserved all

    day.Greatgift ideasfor alloccasions!

    Open every day 10am-4pm

    up to 22nd December,

    re-opens 1st February 2013.

    The Ferry News is distributedfree of charge to residentsthroughout the entire Parish of

    Kirkmabreck.Copies are also made available in local businessesfor tourists and visitors to access.

    To enable the future production of the Ferry News,it is now imperative that Creetown Initiative Ltdreceives nancial support to cover the professionalartwork and printing costs.

    To help do this, advertising slots within themagazine will now be made available to localbusinesses. Example advertisement rates areprovided on the right.

    6cm x 4cm - 10

    4cm x 6cm - 10

    6cm x 6cm - 15

    6cm x 8cm - 20

    4cm x 8cm - 13

    12cm x 4cm - 20

    12cm x 6cm - 30

    12cm x 12cm - 60

    For other sizes please contact us to conrmthe cost (contact details at the bottom ofthis page).

    One year block booking recieves anautomatic 10% discount.

    Support the Ferry News

    C Morris Newsagents

    63 Victoria StreetNewton Stewart

    A large selection of cards,

    gifts, stationery and toys

    Tel: 01671 402636www.cmorrisnewsagents.co.uk

    Sunday 9th December10am - 4pm, Gem Rock Museum

    Showcasing the best of our regions quality producers,artists and makers.

    28+ arts, crafts and food stalls will be attending, so come along and pick up that specialChristmas gift! Christmas trees will be on sale in various sizes. Hot food and drinks willbe available throughout the day, as well as free admission to the Gem Rock Museum.

    CreetownChristmas Market