fes! - evols at university of hawaii at manoa: home · r jr. ilv i i ii i! if 1 i! fsb i l-r-- v...

r Jr. ilv I , I ii I ! If 1 I ! fSB i L-r-- v r-- n. f r I f PRICE 5 CENTS. VOL. V.NO. 5. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 188(5. J8.uslutss Carfls. gdctrlistTntnts SMtrttstmcnts. Advertisements. THE DAILY Advertisements tosintss Carts. Pacific Commercial Advertiser 15 PUBLISITKO Every Morning Except Sundays. SUBSCRIPTIONS : Daily p. c. Advertiser, one year fo 00 Daily I. C. Auvketiskk, six mouths 3 00 Daily I. C. Auvebtisek, three months. 1 50 Daily P. C. Advebtibkr, per month 50 Wkkklt P. C. Advjertihicb, one year 5 00 F fclgu Subscription, W. P. C. A. (including postage) --. 50 Payable Invariably in Advance. Steamers for Sale. The undersigned begs to call the attention of steamship companies -- and others inter- ested to the following list of steam launches, tugs and other steamboats offered for sale br one of his correHpondents in Liverpool with the prices attached, and which on ac- count of the remarkably deprensed state of the shipping business will be-see- n to be ex- tremely low. Launches, tugi and small boats that can le brought on deck of a large steamer or nailing Teasel: New steel screw tug 48 feet x 10 feet x5 feet 8 in. with 10 horsa power engines nomi- nal, surface condensers, donkey pump, etc. Speed, 12 miles an hour. Price in Liver- pool, 1,050 or $5,250. 84,130. Wood Screw Passenger and Cargo Launch, built in 1885, pair of 6 in. cylinders, 8 in. stroke, speed about 10 miles; extra strong oak frames, pitch pine planking, cop- per fastened, dimensions 45.Cx9.6x4.ll, draft of water aft 3 feet. Price, 375. 2,304. A Steel Twin-Scre- w Steam Yacht, built in 1884, 2 pairs of vertical D A H P eagines of 16 H. P., four 6-i- cylinders, 8-i- n. stroke, speed 9 knots on consumption ofScwt. per hour, bunkers contain 6 tons. She has 11 sleeping berths; was built to go up the Nile; dimensions G5.2xl2.7.G.7 Price, 1,550. 2,309. A New Wood Screw Steam Launch, copper fastened, compound S C engines 6-i- n. and 12-i- n. 7-- in stroke, large multitubu- lar boiler, teak lagged, of 90 lbs. working pressure, dimensions 40.0x8.0x4.4. Price, 650. 2,301. Aa Iron Twin-Scre- w Steamer, built in 1879, for river passenger traffic, hull, engine and boiler lately overhauled at a cost of 167, speed 11 knots on a con9ump- - . . T - -- i 1 1 . ton OI aDOUt 4 ions per uay, uuumis vuu-tai- n 12 tons, dimensions 68.0x12.1x4.0. Price, 480. . 84,134. Steel Screw Tug, built in 1885, engines C S C 25 H. P. N. 11-i- n. and tubular boiler, 100 lbs. working pressure, boiler lagged, cylinders lagged with felt and mahogony, dimensions 70x12.8x0.2. Draft of water, 44 feet and 6 feet. Price, 1,850. LARGER' VESSELS. 2,293. An Iron Screw Steamer, now building, and classed 100 Al at Lloyd's, to carry 280 tons on 9.6 draft, bunkers contain 20 tons, speed 9 knots on a consumption of 3 tons per day, compound D A engines of 40 II. P., lS-i- n. and 30-i- n. cylinders-- , boiler of 80 lbs. working pressure, donkey engine And steam winch, dimensions 120.0x21.0x 10.6. Price, 4,600. 2,311. An Iron Screw Tug, built in 1885, classed Al at Lloyd's for towing purposes, two compound S C D A engines of 45 II. P., 16-i- n. and 30-i- n. cylinders, 22 stroke, speed 10 to 12 knots, dimensions 79.3xl5.9x S.3. Price, 3,500. .2,303. Au Iron Screw Steamer, built in 1885, and classed 100 Al, 565 tons register, And carries 1,120 tons D. W. on 15.0 draft, 2 common D A S C engines of 90 H. P., 25H-i- n. and 48-i-n. cylinders, 33-i- n. stroke, cylindrical multitubular boiler of 80 lbs. working pressure, bunkers contain 162 tons, coasuniption 8 tons per day, donkey engine and boiler, also 3 steam winches, dimen- - 2,294. An Iron Screw Steamer, built in 1885, and classed 100 Al at Lloyd's, 37 tons register, carries 350 tons on 10.6 draft, bunkers contain 50 tons, speed 13 H to 14 knots on consumption of 8 tons per day, compound S C eDpines of 80 II. P., 214-i- n, and 42-i- n. cylinders, 30-i- n. stroke, steel tubular boiler of 95 lbs, working pressure, donkey engine and 2 steam winches, dimen- sions 145.0x23.1x10.6. Price, 8,500.- - The above are only a few of s the steam vessels that are offered at sale in Great Britain at the present time. Almost any de-- - scription of steamer, and of any size de- sired, can now be purchased at very favora- ble rates. It is of course necessary that some responsible party in England should examine the condition of the steamers of- fered for sale before purchasing. 369 tf W. L. GREEN. E. E. MAYHEW, Contractor and Builder, 86 Hotl Street, Honolulu. II 1., Opposite Fashion Stables). F." O. BOX 315. BELL TELEPHONE &3. LIQUID BREAD. AX ABSOLUTELY VURE KX.TRACT OF MALT. A VALUABLE TOXIC AND REMEDIAL AGENT, INDORSED AND RECOMMENDED BY THE ENTIRE MEDICAL FRATERNITY. Of all medicinal preparations that have been put upon the market in recent years, the extract o. malthas proved itself one of the most valuable as a tonic or remedial beverage. It haa received the unqualified recognition and support of phv-siciaci- Sj and is freely prescribed by them In many cases, especially where the nervous or physical systeois have been Impaired by disease or over, x ork. The house of "DAVID NICHOLSON," of this city, has recently introduced a pure malt extract of high character, made at their request and under tfceir Miggestions by Mr. Adolphus Hi. soli, and which Is popularly known as "NICH- OLSON'S LIQUID BREAD," from its life-givin- g and healih-restorin- g properties. A ssmple sub- mitted to Dr. F. I,. James was made the subject of a chemical analysis by him, and the result of his Investigations are given in the appended cer- tificate: " It. Lotus, April 29, 13S4. "W. F.C0C1.T R. Esq., National Druggist Dear Kir: Having submitted the Nicholson malt ex- tract to examination, as requested, I take pleasure in reporting that I find it to be all that the pro- prietors claim for it. The results, assuown in the following summary, are necessarily only approxi- mate, but are suflicieiitly accurate for all practical purose-s- . "The specimens submitted consisted of an effervescing lluid, dark brown by direct and of a deep ruby color by transmitted light, resembling in general appearance and behavior a very supe- rior arti-i- e of porter. Its taste was, however, much milder and more pleasant than porter, be- ing somewhat sweeter than beer, the sweetness masked and covered by a very pleasant bitter, derived evidently from hops. The specific gravity of a sample fresh f om the bottle is 1.02:4 plus. Amount of extractive matter in 50 cubic centi- metres of the lluid is 3.36 grammes, or about 8 per cent. Amount c--f alcohol, per cent, is 2.84 plus. The extractive matter is apparently Identical with the "extractum maltls" of Trommer, or of the German I'harniacopoeia. It consists almost en- tirely of malt sugar, dextrine, being free from fatly acids, etc. The fluid contains a very large amount of diastase, as shown by the fact that it easily liquefies an equal bulk of gelatinous starch. This fact, Its low percentage of alcohol, its effer- vescence, Its delightful taste and odor, all combine to recommend Nicholson's malt extract as being a most nourishing beverage, and the best article of the sort that has ever come under my exami- nation. Respectfully, "FRANK L. JAMES, I"h. D., M. D." G. W. Macfaiiane & Co., Agents. The Irlisdon Iron & Locomotive Works, - CoruVr oi "ieaic-Mt- i Howard Streets,' -- SAN FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA W. H. TAYLOR-JO- S. President MOORE . .Superintendent OF STEAM MACHINERY, IN IUILDERS branches; fcteamboat, Steamship, Land Eug'nes and Boilers, High Pressure or Compound. STEAM VESSELS, of all kinds, built complete with Hulls of Wood, Iron or Composite. ORDINARY ENGINES compounded when ad- visable. STEAM LAUNCHES, Barges and Steam Tugs constructed with reference to the trade In which they are to be employed. Speed, ton- nage and draft of water guaranteed. SUOAB MILLS AND SUGAR-MAKIN- G MA- CHINERY made after the most approved plans. Also, all Boiler Iron Work connected therewith. WATER PIPE, of Boiler or Sheet Iron, of any size, made in suitable lengths for connecting tAirurliur rr Sliouta Vtnllpil. Vllllf'hpd alld Packed for shipment, ready to be riveted on the ground. iivni! 4 TtTVtr.TTvrs. noiler' Work and Water Pipe made by this establishment, Riveted by Hydraulic Riveting Machinery, that quality of work being far superior to hand work. SHIP WORK, Ship and Steam Capstans, Steam Winches, Air anu circulating .rumps, uuwe after the most approved pians. SOLE AGENTS and manufacturers for the Pa c fie Coast of the Heme Safety Boiler. TT?fiJs a in Pniims. for Irrigation or City Works' purposes, built with the cele- brated Davy Valve Motion, superior to any other pump. J S. WILLIAMS :. Honolulu (Agent for Hawaiian Islands ) . 22tise30-l- y 37 231 353 AVEH3AL0GH. NO. 1 FOltT STREET. Opposite Wilder fe Co.'s H. J. Molte, Propr. OPKX roil 3 A. If. TILL 10 P. V FIRST-fLIS- S LrXCDES, COFFEE. TEA, S0D.1 WATER, C1ACKU ALE, Ciga rs iiticl Tobaccos OF BEST BRANDS Plain and Fancy MPES personally selected from tbe Manuucturprs. and a Large Variety of BlCST QUALITY SMOKERS' ARTICX.ES. Lovers o BILLIARDS will find an Elegant EE1SWICS I CO, EILLIAF.D UM on the Premises- - The Pioprietor would be pleased to receive a call from his Friends and the Public generally who may desire a LUNCH, A SMOKE, OK A OASIE OF BILLIARDS. MONTHLY PAYMENTS. and Job Printing All accounts for Advertising At the lciUrl CouiraerclKl Adertle Offlee will from thla daw be preseu'.ed ft-- ? meat monthly. ' lIonoli March 3. 1885. ' L. (TiKLKT, o&n ar:;.KCK. Spruance, Stanley & Co., Importers and Johhers of Flu WHISKIES, WINES AKD LIQUORS, U FrHt St Ran Fraelt. 57 tf W Fulton Iron Works, HINCKLEY, SPIERS & HAYES, Of San FranrUe. All kinds of Machinery and Boilers. SpectiUO- -; REr BIOKKATlnO -- ' " ICR AND V CORLISS ENGINE, ABCOOK rn'ivi' 1IH. VACUUM ANU STKAJtf PUM PS, LLEV EIXYN IIKATKBS, JtTC., ETC. " " r S. I. Taylor. & Co- - Agents South Coaat Paper Mills. Proprietors Pioneer and San GeronUno Paper MlUi. 8TBAW TAPER. BOOK, MANILA, ETC. , Manufacturers and Dealers. 441 and 416 Clay street, Han Frsnctaco, t al iu jytiiiy l. I. HALL fc SOIST Commission Mercliaiits, NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO, SYDNEY. iy Dunham, Carrigaii & Co. HAEWAEE, IRON AND STEEL MERCHANT 8 San Francisco, Cal. Deminsc Palmer Milling Co., I m,Hrti,.. n ami 904 n&viM utreet. Hun Frf.nclsco Manufacturers of and Dealetstn Flour, Grains o all kinds, Oatmeal, Bran, Middlings, Com meal Ground and Rolled Barley, cracked Wheat Cracked Corn, Buckwheat Flour, Oil Cuke Meal, .ni.iti iiominy, is.ic., ' KLINE & CO., Importers of HATS and OAPS. Nos. 26 and 28 Battery Street, S. E. Cor. of Pine, 121a22-8- 8 SAN FRANCISCO. H. If. KtUS. 1. W. MUXES. ELLIS & MILLER Wholesale and Commission Dealers ID Hay. Grain and Feed 25 and 27 SPEAR STREET, Between Market and Mission, BAN FRANCISCO. Order Solicited. 3Jtc2iMy Wliittier, Fuller & Co., Manufacturers f PIONEER WHITE LEAD, , PACIIIC RUBBER PAINT, PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS , m4 AR- TISTS' MATERIALS, 21n3 Front fit., : t San Franelwo. 424-d29-- ly . American Exehange Hotel, Siuwmt Street, Opposite Wells, F;rgo A Co.'s Express, one door from Bank of California, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. This Hotel Is In tbe very center of the business portion of the city, and has been renovated and newly furnished throughout. But one block from tbe Oregon Steamship Company's off.ee. Tbe traveling public will nnd this to be the most con venlent, as well as the most comfortable and re- spectable llotel In the city. Board and Room, 1 and 91 33 per day rTloitS co,I bllth9 ,ree' Non but the most oh- - FREE COACH TO An1M THE HOTEL. MONTGOMERY 250(1 eel Proprietors. DR. C. PJ- - WEST'S FAMOUS ELECTRO MEDICAL BELT Cures all forms of d' ease with oot medi-iallya- li cine, espec ths forms of Impuri of the blood and sexual allnents either sex. Most powerful Belt and r only one In tbe world charged with water. Full directions sent with belt. Send to DR. C. N. WEST, No. 652 Market t., San Francisco, Cal. Sole Proprietor and Patentee. 351 A. F. niNZ. WM. PLAOKMANN. Y0L0 MILLS, NE. Corner Mission and Main Streets, SAN FRANCISCO, Cal. Telephone No. 568. Illnx Sc. Placeman a, Manufacturers of Extra Family, Graham, Rye. Buckwheat and Rice Flour; Rye, Oat, Corn and Feed Corn Meal; Sago, Tapioca, Farina, Buck- wheat Groats, Hominy, Cracked Corn, Pearl Bar- ley, Ground Feed, etc., etc. Dealers In Grain and Feed of all klals. Grinding done to order. 125 aog28 ly JUST RECEIVED AND FO& SALE AT- - Lowest" Market Kates, A Large Stock of the Most Favorite Brand of . BEAN DIES, WHISKIES, GENEVAS. SUERRIES. RKUMS, PORTS, MADEIRAS, ALES, STOUTS, And BKERS. LIQUEURS. ETC TIIISTI.K DEW WHISKY. (In casea and caalc,! . . FELLISOJT B.RASDTr X 7 and 10 yar old,) M K Ll'XI ER'S "KLEPIIAK-TViil- -- ANJ Biulweiser Lager Beer, For which we are the Sole Agenta In the Ha waiian lslauds, are particularly recoaamanded. Towu and Country Order Filled Promptly' and Satirction tinaran- - teed. Freeth. & 3?eacock. 23 Nuuanu street, Houolulo. II.I. Telephone No. 46. P-- O. Box 862. IIU UU1.U1CIID WENNER & 00. 93 Fort Street, ' Have on hand New Foreign and Homemade Jewelry. Watches, Bracelets, Necklets, mw7 Hofeoto,-CflOCK- S, ' . AniornamenU of all kinds. Silver atid Gold Plate, Elegant Solid Silver Tea I Set. Suitable for Presentation. ENGRA.VINO AND NATIVE JEWELRY A Specialty. Repairing: in all Its ranelie. y Hole Agepts for Kind's Kye Preservers. The Forest Meat 1 HOTKL ST., Opposite the Faahion Stables. Bornhold & Co. Proprietor. cn thn hut nnf ni futtnn these Islands af ford. Also, the very best Sausages niade. No discount from any other maker. Give us a WM. McCANDLESS, No. 6 Queen Street, FISH MAEKET. DEALER IN CHOICEST Beef, Veal, Mutton, Fish, Etc. Family and Shipping Orders carefully attended to. Live Stock furnished to vessels at short notice, and vegetables of ail kinds supplied to order. MtopoKtaaMarket G. J. WALLER, PROPRIETOR. Choieeitt Meats from Finest Herd Families and shipping supplied on SHORT NOTICE and at the Lowest Market Prices. All meats delivered from this market are thor-ougl- y chilled immediately after killing by means of a Bell-Colem- Patent Dry Air Refrigerator. Meat so treated retains all Its Juicy properties. ant la niT A RANTEEI TO KEEP LONGER AFTER DELIVERY THAN FRESHLY- - KILLED MEAT. H3-t- ! UNION Eire and Marine Insurance Co. Of Xew Zealand. CAPITAL, 10,000.000 Established an Agency at Having- - for the Hawaiian Islands, the un- dersigned are prepared to accept risks agiiinst Fire In dwellings, stores warehouse s and merchandise, on favorable terms. Marine risks on cargo, freights, bottomry, profits and commissions. Losses promptly adjusted A- - payable. 82-d- wtf WM. U. IRWIN fc CO. GREAT WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY. oO WALL STREET. NfcW VOitK fflhe above Coiupany having estab X hshed an Agency at Honolulu, for the Hawa- iian Islands, the undersigned is authorized to accept and write O.N Merchandise, Freights. Treasure, Commissions, and Hulls. At unei.i Rates. WM. C. IRWIN & CO., tf Managers for Hawaiian Islands ROYAL INSURANCE COMP'Y OF LIVERPOOL. CAPITAL. $10.0(10.000 UNLIMITED LIABILITY. lire Insurance oi all descriptions F will be eirectea at aioerate nates oi rrrrai um hv thn undershrnod. WM. G. IRWIN & CO. tf Managers for Haw. Islands C. O. BERGER, OENERAL AGENCY NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO., Assets $(50,000,000 CITY OF LONDON FIIiE INSURANCE COMPANY. (Limited). Capital.. 10,000,000 SOUTH BRITISH AND NATIONAL IN SURANCE CO. X IKE AKD MARINE. Combined Capital $20,000,000 HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE CO., Assets f, 500,000 COMMERCIAL INSURANCE COMFANY, FlBE ANI MAUIXE. Capital - 5200,000 MACXEALE & URBAN S -- A- FES! Fire Proof, Burglar Proof, Fire and Burglar Proof. TE CELEBRATED SPRINGFI. T ' 'AS MACHINE. Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co. C. O. BEEGEE, 100 rny29 HONOLULU, H. I. SUM FIRE OFFICE OF LONDON KSTrlfLf SHED EFFECTED UPON EVERY INSURANCES property at the current rates of premium. Total sum Insured in 1334 - - 318,599,316 Claims arranged by the local agents, and paid with promptitude and liberality. The Jurisdiction of the Local Tribiii.Mis recogulted. G. W. Macfarlane & Co., lOdlwtf Agents for the Hawaiian Lslanda. HELLER A I) HALBES Ice Cream Parlor Confectionery, Uluir Street, Lincoln Bltck. 'A fine assortment of CANDIES and CAKES always on hand. Parties TO PLANTERS. We have just received, by the steamer ALA- MEDA , a consignment of Automatic Trash Feeding Furnaces, For four and five foot furnaces, complete with grate bars, bearers and trash carriers. Machines of this make are now ii. successful operation at Spreckelsville, Makee ugar muin " plantations. PLANTERS AND OTHEItS T.na.i rafiitMi mil Knd examine the illincairu v v - above. For prices and further particulars ap- ply to Wm. ft. Irwin & Co., 295tf Atfcuts. wm FEES CO., Queen tf- - Edinburgh Streets, WKOU'SALR A KKTAIL Dealers i.. HAY AND OKA IN , Telephone No. 175. Goods delivered promptly. Island Orders Solicited. uf GRAHAM PAPER COMPANY, Nt. I.rtjli-- . Mo. Manufacture and Supply all kinds of Book. News, Flat and I,atl rapen, Binders' Board, Twine, Ete. W. G. RICHARDSON, RESIDENT AGENT, 205 Ieldestdorft Street.! Telephone No. 47. SAN FRANCISCO. N. B.Special Attention iftven to Large Contracts 53 tf Aw TELEPHONE 55 PNTERPEIS P PLANING MILL. Alakea. near 0,ueeu St. C. J. HARDEE, Proprietor. Contracting & Building. MOULDINGS AND FINISH AX.WAS ON HAND. FOR SALE Hard and Soft Stove wood, Cat and Split. 21-- tf Eastman's Royal Perfume ALOHA ! FOR SALE BY Benson, Smitli & Co. Sample bottle free. TRY IT. 68 tf J. LYONS. LYONS & COHEN, Auctioneers -- AND- General Commission Merchants Beaver Block, Queen St., Honolulu of Fnrnitnre. Stock, Real Estate Sales General Merchandise properly attended to. Sole Agrents lor iwrican & European MercliaiiJise. 191-t- f T. J. SPENCE, - Special Agent for the Michigan Portrait Co. Producers of the finest grade? of INDIA INK, WATER COLORS. CRAYON AND PASTEL PORTRAITS. OFFICE AT J. WILLIAM'S Photograph ttallery. 102 FORT STREET. Honolulu - Hawaiian Islands. Where a large variety of spec imens can be seen at all times. Mr. T. J. Spence will frequently visit the several Islands of the group, when he will be pleased to show specimens and take orders for same. 368tf C'laus Upreelcels. Wm. O. Irwin. CLAUS SPRECKELS & CO., BANKERS, HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. Druw Kxcha-ug- on the principal pans of the world. Will receive deposits on open account, make collections ana conduct a general banking and exchange business. Deposits beatlug Interest received In their fcav ing Department subject to published rules and regulatlo.is. 77oc3tf CI.ACS SraKOKBLS m. a. ikwim. WM. G. I&fIN & Co. IhhIou U AOKNTS. HOUen.- -- U.. x. tf M. PHILLIPS & Co., and Wholesale Dealera In Importers Boots, Shoes, Hats, Men's Furnish- ing and Fancy Goods. No. 11 Kaahumanu Htreet. Honolulu, II. I. lStf-w-tl H. HACKFELD & CO., COMMISSION AGENTS. GENERAL Queen St., Honolulu, H.I. F. BANN1NQ. W. MAKJITE-N- S. F OPKBOKI.T ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO., Commission Merchants. Importers Honolulu. H. I. H-t- f A. S. CLEGHORN & Co., and "Wholesale and Retail Importers General Merchandise, Corner Queen and Kaahumanu Sts. IS-- tf MACFARLANE & C0-- , XITI50EESAI,E DJKAEERS AND UEN T erai joDoers iu wxmxto iuu ultuuna. No. 12 Kaahumanu Street. H03i OLTTLTT. 19-- tf M. S. Grinbauni & Co., IMPORTERS OF Oeneral Merchandise and Commis sion Merchants, Honolulu, IF. I . No. 124 California street, San Francisco, Cal. 104-Jyl-- J. M. Oat, Jr., & Co., STATIONERS & NEWS DEALERS, Hawaiian Gazette Block. 27 Merchant St., Honolulu. II.I. 65 t THOMAS LINDSAY Manufacturing Jeweler, No. 60 NnUHiiu Street, 1Opposite Ho'.lister 4 Co, Honolulu, IT. I. Particular attention paid to repairing. 22tf AITVIN 11. IIASEMAN, BOOK BINDER, 2per Ruler and Blank Book Manufacturer. S" Bookbinding of all descriptions neatly and promptly executed, and at reasonable charge. Gazette Building, 27 tf MERCHANT STBEET. J. C. JOHNSON & CO., LEATHER, HARNESS, SADDLERY, FIREMEN'S EQUIPMENTS, 12 and 14 Pine street, San Francisco, Cal. Agents for Kirby's Santa Cruz Tanneries. Sole Harness and all other kinds of leather. I.",use8 ly DR. M. GOTO, Physician and Nnrjf eon. Leprosy, syphilis and skin disease a spec- ialty. Otlice. niauka of the residence of Hon Jas. Kean.Klng street, Kapalama, Honolulu. Office hours, 1 to 5 p. m. Suudays, 8 to 12 a. m. N. B. Parties on the other Islands can consult by leu ter. 263 OCt6208 NOTICL. R. JOSEPH SMITH WILL RUN FOR Dan.aoantntlpA fnr KiA district. Nortb Kn. All work In my line falthlully done. Plans and specifications made. Jobbing In all details done at short notice. Good work and low charges Is Uiy motto. - FRANK CERTZ, FQllmjorter and Manufacturer J Of all Descriptions of BOOTS & SHOES XT Orders from the other Islands solicited. No. 114 Fort St., Honolulu. tf H. J. N0LTE. 26-t- f 141-tf-d-- w supplied. ! Uala, Hawaii. M0-dw- tf

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Page 1: FES! - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · r Jr. ilv I I ii I! If 1 I! fSB i L-r-- v r-- n. f r I f PRICE 5 CENTS. VOL. V.NO. 5. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, THURSDAY,



ilv I,I ii I ! If 1 I

! fSB i L-r--v r--n. f r I f


J8.uslutss Carfls.gdctrlistTntntsSMtrttstmcnts.Advertisements.THE DAILY Advertisementstosintss Carts.

Pacific Commercial Advertiser


Every Morning Except Sundays.


Daily p. c. Advertiser, one year fo 00Daily I. C. Auvketiskk, six mouths 3 00Daily I. C. Auvebtisek, three months. 1 50Daily P. C. Advebtibkr, per month 50Wkkklt P. C. Advjertihicb, one year 5 00F fclgu Subscription, W. P. C. A. (including

postage) --. 50

Payable Invariably in Advance.

Steamers for Sale.

The undersigned begs to call the attentionof steamship companies -- and others inter-ested to the following list of steam launches,tugs and other steamboats offered for salebr one of his correHpondents in Liverpoolwith the prices attached, and which on ac-

count of the remarkably deprensed state ofthe shipping business will be-see- n to be ex-

tremely low.Launches, tugi and small boats that can

le brought on deck of a large steamer ornailing Teasel:

New steel screw tug 48 feet x 10 feet x 5feet 8 in. with 10 horsa power engines nomi-nal, surface condensers, donkey pump, etc.Speed, 12 miles an hour. Price in Liver-pool, 1,050 or $5,250.

84,130. Wood Screw Passenger and CargoLaunch, built in 1885, pair of 6 in. cylinders,8 in. stroke, speed about 10 miles; extrastrong oak frames, pitch pine planking, cop-per fastened, dimensions 45.Cx9.6x4.ll, draftof water aft 3 feet. Price, 375.

2,304. A Steel Twin-Scre- w Steam Yacht,built in 1884, 2 pairs of vertical D A HP eagines of 16 H. P., four 6-i- cylinders,8-i- n. stroke, speed 9 knots on consumptionofScwt. per hour, bunkers contain 6 tons.She has 11 sleeping berths; was built to goup the Nile; dimensions G5.2xl2.7.G.7 Price,

1,550.2,309. A New Wood Screw Steam Launch,

copper fastened, compound S C engines6-i- n. and 12-i- n. 7-- in stroke, large multitubu-lar boiler, teak lagged, of 90 lbs. workingpressure, dimensions 40.0x8.0x4.4. Price,

650.2,301. Aa Iron Twin-Scre- w Steamer,

built in 1879, for river passenger traffic,hull, engine and boiler lately overhauled ata cost of 167, speed 11 knots on a con9ump- -

. . T - --i 1 1 .ton OI aDOUt 4 ions per uay, uuumis vuu-tai- n

12 tons, dimensions 68.0x12.1x4.0.Price, 480. .

84,134. Steel Screw Tug, built in 1885,engines C S C 25 H. P. N. 11-i- n. andtubular boiler, 100 lbs. working pressure,boiler lagged, cylinders lagged with felt andmahogony, dimensions 70x12.8x0.2. Draftof water, 44 feet and 6 feet. Price, 1,850.


2,293. An Iron Screw Steamer, nowbuilding, and classed 100 Al at Lloyd's, tocarry 280 tons on 9.6 draft, bunkers contain20 tons, speed 9 knots on a consumption of3 tons per day, compound D A engines of40 II. P., lS-i- n. and 30-i- n. cylinders-- , boilerof 80 lbs. working pressure, donkey engineAnd steam winch, dimensions 120.0x21.0x10.6. Price, 4,600.

2,311. An Iron Screw Tug, built in 1885,classed Al at Lloyd's for towing purposes,two compound S C D A engines of 45II. P., 16-i- n. and 30-i- n. cylinders, 22 stroke,speed 10 to 12 knots, dimensions 79.3xl5.9xS.3. Price, 3,500.

.2,303. Au Iron Screw Steamer, built in1885, and classed 100 Al, 565 tons register,And carries 1,120 tons D. W. on 15.0 draft,2 common D A S C engines of 90 H. P.,25H-i- n. and 48-i-n. cylinders, 33-i- n. stroke,cylindrical multitubular boiler of 80 lbs.working pressure, bunkers contain 162 tons,coasuniption 8 tons per day, donkey engineand boiler, also 3 steam winches, dimen- -

2,294. An Iron Screw Steamer, built in1885, and classed 100 Al at Lloyd's, 37 tonsregister, carries 350 tons on 10.6 draft,bunkers contain 50 tons, speed 13 H to 14

knots on consumption of 8 tons per day,compound S C eDpines of 80 II. P., 214-i- n,

and 42-i- n. cylinders, 30-i- n. stroke, steeltubular boiler of 95 lbs, working pressure,donkey engine and 2 steam winches, dimen-sions 145.0x23.1x10.6. Price, 8,500.- -

The above are only a few of s the steamvessels that are offered at sale in GreatBritain at the present time. Almost any de-- -scription of steamer, and of any size de-

sired, can now be purchased at very favora-ble rates. It is of course necessary thatsome responsible party in England shouldexamine the condition of the steamers of-

fered for sale before purchasing.369 tf W. L. GREEN.


Contractor and Builder,

86 Hotl Street, Honolulu. II 1.,

Opposite Fashion Stables).






Of all medicinal preparations that have been putupon the market in recent years, the extract o.malthas proved itself one of the most valuableas a tonic or remedial beverage. It haa receivedthe unqualified recognition and support of phv-siciaci- Sj

and is freely prescribed by them In manycases, especially where the nervous or physicalsysteois have been Impaired by disease or over,x ork. The house of "DAVID NICHOLSON,"of this city, has recently introduced a pure maltextract of high character, made at their requestand under tfceir Miggestions by Mr. AdolphusHi. soli, and which Is popularly known as "NICH-OLSON'S LIQUID BREAD," from its life-givin- g

and healih-restorin- g properties. A ssmple sub-mitted to Dr. F. I,. James was made the subjectof a chemical analysis by him, and the result ofhis Investigations are given in the appended cer-tificate:

" It. Lotus, April 29, 13S4."W. F.C0C1.T R. Esq., National Druggist Dear

Kir: Having submitted the Nicholson malt ex-

tract to examination, as requested, I take pleasurein reporting that I find it to be all that the pro-prietors claim for it. The results, assuown in thefollowing summary, are necessarily only approxi-mate, but are suflicieiitly accurate for all practicalpurose-s- .

"The specimens submitted consisted of aneffervescing lluid, dark brown by direct and of adeep ruby color by transmitted light, resemblingin general appearance and behavior a very supe-rior arti-i- e of porter. Its taste was, however,much milder and more pleasant than porter, be-

ing somewhat sweeter than beer, the sweetnessmasked and covered by a very pleasant bitter,derived evidently from hops. The specific gravityof a sample fresh f om the bottle is 1.02:4 plus.Amount of extractive matter in 50 cubic centi-metres of the lluid is 3.36 grammes, or about 8 percent. Amount c--f alcohol, per cent, is 2.84 plus.The extractive matter is apparently Identical withthe "extractum maltls" of Trommer, or of theGerman I'harniacopoeia. It consists almost en-

tirely of malt sugar, dextrine, being free fromfatly acids, etc. The fluid contains a very largeamount of diastase, as shown by the fact that iteasily liquefies an equal bulk of gelatinous starch.This fact, Its low percentage of alcohol, its effer-vescence, Its delightful taste and odor, all combineto recommend Nicholson's malt extract as beinga most nourishing beverage, and the best articleof the sort that has ever come under my exami-nation. Respectfully,

"FRANK L. JAMES, I"h. D., M. D."

G. W. Macfaiiane & Co., Agents.

The IrlisdonIron & Locomotive Works,

- CoruVr oi "ieaic-Mt- i Howard Streets,' --


W. H. TAYLOR-JO- S. PresidentMOORE . .Superintendent

OF STEAM MACHINERY, INIUILDERSbranches; fcteamboat, Steamship,Land Eug'nes and Boilers, High Pressure orCompound.STEAM VESSELS, of all kinds, built complete

with Hulls of Wood, Iron or Composite.ORDINARY ENGINES compounded when ad-

visable.STEAM LAUNCHES, Barges and Steam Tugs

constructed with reference to the trade Inwhich they are to be employed. Speed, ton-nage and draft of water guaranteed.

SUOAB MILLS AND SUGAR-MAKIN- G MA-CHINERY made after the most approvedplans. Also, all Boiler Iron Work connectedtherewith.

WATER PIPE, of Boiler or Sheet Iron, of anysize, made in suitable lengths for connectingtAirurliur rr Sliouta Vtnllpil. Vllllf'hpd alldPacked for shipment, ready to be riveted onthe ground.

iivni! 4 TtTVtr.TTvrs. noiler' Work andWater Pipe made by this establishment,Riveted by Hydraulic Riveting Machinery,that quality of work being far superior tohand work.

SHIP WORK, Ship and Steam Capstans, SteamWinches, Air anu circulating .rumps, uuweafter the most approved pians.

SOLE AGENTS and manufacturers for the Pac fie Coast of the Heme Safety Boiler.

TT?fiJs a in Pniims. for Irrigation orCity Works' purposes, built with the cele-brated Davy Valve Motion, superior to anyother pump.

J S. WILLIAMS :. Honolulu(Agent for Hawaiian Islands )

. 22tise30-l- y

37 231 353



Opposite Wilder fe Co.'s

H. J. Molte, Propr.OPKX roil 3 A. If. TILL 10 P. V



Ciga rs iiticl TobaccosOF BEST BRANDS

Plain and Fancy MPES personally selected from

tbe Manuucturprs. and a Large Variety


SMOKERS' ARTICX.ES.Lovers o BILLIARDS will find an Elegant

EE1SWICS I CO, EILLIAF.D UMon the Premises- -

The Pioprietor would be pleased to receive a call

from his Friends and the Public generally

who may desire aLUNCH, A SMOKE, OK A OASIE OF



and Job PrintingAll accounts for AdvertisingAt the

lciUrl CouiraerclKl AdertleOfflee will from thla daw be preseu'.ed ft-- ?

meat monthly. 'lIonoli March 3. 1885. '

L. (TiKLKT, o&n ar:;.KCK.

Spruance, Stanley & Co.,Importers and Johhers of Flu


U FrHt St Ran Fraelt.57 tf W


Of San FranrUe.All kinds of Machinery and Boilers. SpectiUO- -;



S. I. Taylor. & Co- -

Agents South Coaat Paper Mills. ProprietorsPioneer and San GeronUno Paper MlUi.


Manufacturers and Dealers.

441 and 416 Clay street, Han Frsnctaco, t aliu jytiiiy

l. I. HALL fc SOISTCommission Mercliaiits,


Dunham, Carrigaii & Co.


San Francisco, Cal.

Deminsc Palmer Milling Co.,I m,Hrti,.. n ami 904 n&viM utreet. Hun Frf.nclsco

Manufacturers of and Dealetstn Flour, Grains oall kinds, Oatmeal, Bran, Middlings, Com mealGround and Rolled Barley, cracked WheatCracked Corn, Buckwheat Flour, Oil Cuke Meal,

.ni.itiiiominy, is.ic., '

KLINE & CO.,Importers of

HATS and OAPS.Nos. 26 and 28 Battery Street, S. E. Cor. of Pine,

121a22-8- 8 SAN FRANCISCO.

H. If. KtUS. 1. W. MUXES.

ELLIS & MILLERWholesale and Commission Dealers ID

Hay. Grain and Feed25 and 27 SPEAR STREET,

Between Market and Mission, BAN FRANCISCO.Order Solicited. 3Jtc2iMy

Wliittier, Fuller & Co.,Manufacturers f



TISTS' MATERIALS,21n3 Front fit., : t San Franelwo.

424-d29-- ly .

American Exehange Hotel,

Siuwmt Street,Opposite Wells, F;rgo A Co.'s Express, one door

from Bank of California,


This Hotel Is In tbe very center of the businessportion of the city, and has been renovated andnewly furnished throughout. But one block fromtbe Oregon Steamship Company's off.ee. Tbetraveling public will nnd this to be the most convenlent, as well as the most comfortable and re-

spectable llotel In the city.

Board and Room, 1 and 91 33 per dayrTloitS co,I bllth9 ,ree' Non but the most oh- -


MONTGOMERY250(1 eel Proprietors.


Cures all forms of d'ease with oot medi-iallya- li

cine, espec ths

forms of Impuri of the blood and

sexual allnents either sex. Most

powerful Belt and r only one In tbeworld charged with water. Full directions sentwith belt.

Send to DR. C. N. WEST, No. 652 Market t.,San Francisco, Cal.

Sole Proprietor and Patentee. 351


Y0L0 MILLS,NE. Corner Mission and Main Streets, SAN


Telephone No. 568.

Illnx Sc. Placeman a,Manufacturers of Extra Family, Graham, Rye.Buckwheat and Rice Flour; Rye, Oat, Corn andFeed Corn Meal; Sago, Tapioca, Farina, Buck-wheat Groats, Hominy, Cracked Corn, Pearl Bar-ley, Ground Feed, etc., etc.Dealers In Grain and Feed of all klals. Grinding

done to order. 125 aog28 ly



Lowest" Market Kates,

A Large Stock of the Most FavoriteBrand of .





TIIISTI.K DEW WHISKY.(In casea and caalc,! . .

FELLISOJT B.RASDTr X7 and 10 yar old,)



Biulweiser Lager Beer,

For which we are the Sole Agenta In the Ha

waiian lslauds, are particularly recoaamanded.

Towu and Country Order Filled

Promptly' and Satirction tinaran- -


Freeth. & 3?eacock.23 Nuuanu street, Houolulo. II.I.

Telephone No. 46. P-- O. Box 862.IIU UU1.U1CIID

WENNER & 00.93 Fort Street, '

Have on hand New Foreign and HomemadeJewelry.

Watches, Bracelets, Necklets,mw7 Hofeoto,-CflOCK- S, ' .

AniornamenU of all kinds.

Silver atid Gold Plate,Elegant Solid Silver Tea ISet.

Suitable for Presentation.


Repairing: in all Its ranelie.y Hole Agepts for Kind's Kye Preservers.

The Forest Meat 1

HOTKL ST., Opposite the Faahion Stables.

Bornhold & Co.Proprietor.

cn thn hut nnf ni futtnn these Islands afford. Also, the very best Sausages niade. Nodiscount from any other maker. Give us a


No. 6 Queen Street,


Beef, Veal, Mutton, Fish, Etc.

Family and Shipping Orders carefully attendedto. Live Stock furnished to vessels at shortnotice, and vegetables of ail kinds supplied toorder.



Choieeitt Meats from Finest Herd

Families and shipping supplied on SHORT

NOTICE and at the

Lowest Market Prices.

All meats delivered from this market are thor-ougl- y

chilled immediately after killing by meansof a Bell-Colem- Patent Dry Air Refrigerator.Meat so treated retains all Its Juicy properties.ant la niT A RANTEEI TO KEEP LONGERAFTER DELIVERY THAN FRESHLY--KILLED MEAT. H3-t- !

UNIONEire and Marine Insurance Co.

Of Xew Zealand.

CAPITAL, 10,000.000

Established an Agency atHaving- -

for the Hawaiian Islands, the un-

dersigned are prepared to accept risks agiiinst FireIn dwellings, stores warehouse s and merchandise,on favorable terms. Marine risks on cargo,freights, bottomry, profits and commissions.

Losses promptly adjusted A-- payable.82-d- wtf WM. U. IRWIN fc CO.




fflhe above Coiupany having estabX hshed an Agency at Honolulu, for the Hawa-iian Islands, the undersigned is authorized to acceptand write


Merchandise, Freights. Treasure,Commissions, and Hulls.

At unei.i Rates.

WM. C. IRWIN & CO.,tf Managers for Hawaiian Islands



CAPITAL. $10.0(10.000


lire Insurance oi all descriptionsF will be eirectea at aioerate nates oi rrrraium hv thn undershrnod.

WM. G. IRWIN & CO.tf Managers for Haw. Islands


NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO.,Assets $(50,000,000


Capital.. 10,000,000


Combined Capital $20,000,000


Assets f,500,000



Capital - 5200,000


S --A- FES!Fire Proof, Burglar Proof, Fire and

Burglar Proof.



Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co.

C. O. BEEGEE,100 rny29 HONOLULU, H. I.



EFFECTED UPON EVERYINSURANCES property at the current ratesof premium.

Total sum Insured in 1334 - - 318,599,316

Claims arranged by the local agents, and paid

with promptitude and liberality.

The Jurisdiction of the Local Tribiii.Mis recogulted.

G. W. Macfarlane & Co.,

lOdlwtf Agents for the Hawaiian Lslanda.


Ice Cream Parlor


Uluir Street, Lincoln Bltck.

'A fine assortment of CANDIES

and CAKES always on hand. Parties

TO PLANTERS.We have just received, by the steamer ALA-

MEDA , a consignment of

Automatic Trash FeedingFurnaces,

For four and five foot furnaces, complete withgrate bars, bearers and trash carriers. Machinesof this make are now ii. successful operation atSpreckelsville, Makee ugar muin "plantations.

PLANTERS AND OTHEItST.na.i rafiitMi mil Knd examine theillincairu v v -

above. For prices and further particulars ap-

ply to

Wm. ft. Irwin & Co.,295tf Atfcuts.

wm FEES CO.,

Queen tf-- Edinburgh Streets,


Dealers i..


Telephone No. 175.

Goods delivered promptly.

Island Orders Solicited.



Nt. I.rtjli-- . Mo.

Manufacture and Supply all kinds of

Book. News,Flat and I,atl rapen,

Binders' Board,Twine, Ete.


205 Ieldestdorft Street.!Telephone No. 47. SAN FRANCISCO.

N. B.Special Attention iftven toLarge Contracts 53 tf Aw



Alakea. near 0,ueeu St.C. J. HARDEE, Proprietor.

Contracting & Building.MOULDINGS AND FINISH


FOR SALE Hard and Soft Stove wood, Catand Split.

21-- tf


Royal Perfume ALOHA !


Benson, Smitli & Co.

Sample bottle free.TRY IT. 68 tf



Auctioneers-- AND-

General Commission Merchants

Beaver Block, Queen St., Honolulu

of Fnrnitnre. Stock, Real EstateSalesGeneral Merchandise properly attended to.

Sole Agrents lor

iwrican & European MercliaiiJise.191-t- f


Special Agent for the

Michigan Portrait Co.

Producers of the finest grade? of




J. WILLIAM'S Photograph ttallery.102 FORT STREET.

Honolulu - Hawaiian Islands.

Where a large variety of spec imens can be seenat all times. Mr. T. J. Spence will frequentlyvisit the several Islands of the group, when hewill be pleased to show specimens and take ordersfor same. 368tf

C'laus Upreelcels. Wm. O. Irwin.




Druw Kxcha-ug- on the principal pans of theworld.

Will receive deposits on open account, makecollections ana conduct a general banking andexchange business.

Deposits beatlug Interest received In their fcaving Department subject to published rules andregulatlo.is. 77oc3tf

CI.ACS SraKOKBLS m. a. ikwim.

WM. G. I&fIN & Co.IhhIou

U AOKNTS. HOUen.- -- U.. x. tf

M. PHILLIPS & Co.,and Wholesale Dealera InImportersBoots, Shoes, Hats, Men's Furnish-

ing and Fancy Goods. No. 11 Kaahumanu Htreet.Honolulu, II. I. lStf-w-tl



ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO.,Commission Merchants.Importers Honolulu. H. I. H-t- f

A. S. CLEGHORN & Co.,and "Wholesale and RetailImporters

General Merchandise,Corner Queen and Kaahumanu Sts. IS-- tf


XITI50EESAI,E DJKAEERS AND UENT erai joDoers iu wxmxto iuu ultuuna.

No. 12 Kaahumanu Street.H03i OLTTLTT. 19-- tf

M. S. Grinbauni & Co.,IMPORTERS OF

Oeneral Merchandise and Commission Merchants, Honolulu, IF. I.

No. 124 California street, San Francisco, Cal.104-Jyl--

J. M. Oat, Jr., & Co.,


Hawaiian Gazette Block.

27 Merchant St., Honolulu. II.I.65 t


Manufacturing Jeweler,No. 60 NnUHiiu Street,

1Opposite Ho'.lister 4 Co,

Honolulu, IT. I.Particular attention paid to repairing. 22tf


BOOK BINDER,2per Ruler and Blank Book


S" Bookbinding of all descriptions neatly andpromptly executed, and at reasonable charge.

Gazette Building,27 tf MERCHANT STBEET.




12 and 14 Pine street, San Francisco, Cal.

Agents for Kirby's Santa Cruz Tanneries. SoleHarness and all other kinds of leather.

I.",use8 ly

DR. M. GOTO,Physician and Nnrjf eon.

Leprosy, syphilis and skin disease a spec-ialty. Otlice. niauka of the residence of Hon Jas.Kean.Klng street, Kapalama, Honolulu. Officehours, 1 to 5 p. m. Suudays, 8 to 12 a. m. N. B.

Parties on the other Islands can consult by leuter. 263 OCt6208


R. JOSEPH SMITH WILL RUN FORDan.aoantntlpA fnr KiA district. Nortb Kn.

All work In my line falthlully done. Plans andspecifications made. Jobbing In all details doneat short notice. Good work and low charges Is

Uiy motto. -

FRANK CERTZ,FQllmjorter and Manufacturer J

Of all Descriptions of

BOOTS & SHOESXT Orders from the other Islands solicited.

No. 114 Fort St., Honolulu.tf

H. J. N0LTE.26-t- f141-tf-d-- wsupplied.! Uala, Hawaii. M0-dw- tf

Page 2: FES! - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · r Jr. ilv I I ii I! If 1 I! fSB i L-r-- v r-- n. f r I f PRICE 5 CENTS. VOL. V.NO. 5. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, THURSDAY,




V.3&Hcrttstmcnis.THE DAILY ation. This is the same band withwhich Fountain had the fight on the9th instant, but with an addition to itsnumbers. It is feared there are otherbands in the mountains. No Indiansare rejorted killed.

El Paso, December 21st. Additionalparticulars of the fight between the reg-

ular troops and the Apaches in the vicin-

ity of Silver City, N. M., were brought toEl Paso to-d-ay by trains from the west.

will lead the anti-slve- r forces in theSenate.

An Oerau Lxpirs Hervice.It is officially annouaced that the

Anchor Line steamer City of Rome andthe steamer American of the NationalLine, two of the fastet-- t and best ap-

pointed ocean greyhounds, will form anexpress service between New York andLiverpool, comnencing in April. Whilethe service is to tj permanent, it is


Legion of Honor.At a meeting of Oceanic Council, No.

777, of the American Legion of Honor,held Tuesday evening, the election of offi-

cers for the ensuing term was held, result-ing in the following choice : Commander,Horatio O. Crabbe, Vice Com-

mander, Robert French; Orator, Chas.W. Hart ; Secretary, John C. White; Col-

lector, Heury Smith, Treasurer,J as. W. Maguire, This beingtlie annual meeting, quite a number oftbe companions attended to hear the re-jMr- ts

cf officers of the past term read.There were present visiting companionsfrom Hawaiian Council, No. 030, and alively interchange of thought and wisdomwas engaged in. The order as an insur-ance society is ramdlv prortsinK in the

vi .. r.

they are a dozen yeara old, coat Parent,

and Clotl ier no small amount of

us the perpltxing question is, " What will

? What will bin parents liU ?"

auswer is in a heavy stock of substantial


There are a thousand points about

clothing which are to be seen, not rtad





he like









that his





such vigor and life. Call and see our new stock

in a general way we have songht to ex

this thought in our clothing that the boy

not be a caricature of a little old man

infant lifd should not be dwarfted with

garments of maturity, but that there should

linger about his dress something of child-

like grace and simplicity. And it is this happy

as well as conscientious workmanship and

prices, which gives this part of our business


The Mutual Life Insurance Co.

-- OF-

started with speiial reference to the pro Itjected international and other exhibits,the American and Colonial ones in Lon-


next year, and those at Liverpooland Edinburgh.

Important Finautial Operation.The Berlin Bourse wis quiet but firm

during the week. Herr Bleicheroder hasissued a Russian five per cent loan,amounting to 20,000,000 roubles, whichwas subscribed for ten i lines over. HerrHo'-.seman- n, Director, of the DiscountCompany, has gone to London in con-

nection with a Cliinese railway loan of35,000,000. The Discount Company

propose to supply steel rails from theirDortmund factory.

Irish Affair.The London "Economist" says: The

Tories and Liberals have drawn nearertogether and have resolved to reject thecrude proposal of an independent IrishParliament. The British Parliament isstill master of itself. Mr. Parnell hasundertaken a hopeless and impossibletask in attempting to make eighty-fiv- e

members dictate to 554 members.A circular was recently sent to all the

Liberal members of the new Parliamentasking them to state their opinions onthe Irish Home Rule question. In theirreplies most of them avoid explicit statements, but the majority who express adefinite opinion are opposed to giving toan Irish Parliament control of tariffs andof police, and are in favor of confining thelegislative powers of such an establish-ment to matters of local government, thesame as in Great Britain. A number ofmembers insist that the unity of the em-

pire must overtop all efforts to conciliatethe Irish tenantry. . The replies showthat it is hopeless to expect from theLiberals any concession acceptable to theParnellites.

Gladstone and his colleagues in thelate Cabinet continue to exchange viewson the Irish question. They take nopains to conceal the fact of the existenceof grave difficulties in the wav of anagreement.

The fierce manifesto of the UlsterOrangemen is received with ridicule bythe Parnellites in London. They assertthat it represents the views only of aminority of one of the four provinces ofIreland, and that as small as that minority is now, it is daily Incoming smallerby the constant and gratifying adhesionsof Protestants to the national cause.

The members of the Scotch crofterparty are alarmed over the hostility displayed in many quarters to tl oroposition of home rule for Ireland. They expected that the proposition would beregarded as just, timely and necessary,and that it would be adopted withoutany formidable opposition. Then theybelieved th?t. as a logical sequence toIrish home rule, its benefits would beextended to Scotland. An importantmeeting of the party was held, at whichit was decided hereafter to act with theLiberals, relying upon Gladstone's knownapproval of agrarian reforms. The Highlands party, led by Dr. G. B. Clarkmember-elec- t for Caithness, advises thecrofters for the present to pay their rentsin every case where they are able to doso.Tlie Sharon Marriage Contract a

Forgery.The United States Circuit Court, in a

long decision, written by Judge Deady ofOregon and concurred in by JudgeSawyer in another long opinion, decidedthat the celebrated so-call- ed marriagecontract upon which Sarah AltViea Hill,or Sharon, relied as the main evidenceof her alleged marriage with the lateWilliam Sharon, was a forgery, and thatthe plaintiff in the case of Sharon againstHill is entitled to a judgment requiringthe defendant to deliver up the pre-

tended contract to Iks cancelled, and re-

straining her from introducing or using

'u0 mm ETvVIs the oldest active life Tnsurunee Company in

Is the largest Life Insurance Company in thethan 110,000.

Is tbe strongest financial Institution in the world, Its Assets amounting to more than iO3,875,000.

Is the safest company in which to insure, Its Kiu pliis alone, as computed by the New York standardof four and one-ha- lf per cent interest, amounting to more than $12,000,000.

Is the cheapest company in which to insure, its large'dtvidend returns reducing the cost of Insur-ance below that of any other company.

And is the best company m which to insure, as it combiues ull the advantages of ure, large and se-

lect membership, financial strength, absolute security, and the caeapest Insurance that is honestly possible under any contract which has a detinue value to tne nenenciary.

Tliis Companv Has Issued.Since Its organization more than 205,000 policies. '

Has returned to its policy holders in dividend" over (1C,000,C00.

Has returned in surrender values over ffi.1,000,000.

Has distributed among lis beneficiaries, in payment of death claims, endowments and annuities, ortrf87,000,000.

The total returned to policy holders is over f2 10,000.000, and It now holds as a guarantee for tbepayment of future claims, Cah Asset of 101,s75,000. , ,

It has no Nlorklioluers to claim any part of the profits. The assets and surplus all beiong tethe insured.

Its ratio of expenses to receipts is less than thtt of any other company.Its dividends to policy holders are greater than those of any other company.And the cost to th". insured Is therefore less than in any othereorapany.

I of Madagascar, giving an account of thei -

French attack upon the Hovas on hep-temb- cr

10th, outside, of Tamatav, saysthat jtfier seven bourn of desperate fight-

ing French were compiled to retirewith the loss of sixty men. Not a singleFrenchman succeeded in mounting theearthworks of the Hovas. The Hovasgained another victory over the Frenchat Sakalava. in the north. The Frenchcommander was killed and the armyfled in confusion, leaving forty dead onthe field. The Hova army returned toTamatav, where there was a great publicrejoicing over the defeat of the French.A banquet was given in honor of thevictorious troops.

dermnn.Aii!tri(ani Must Go.The Foreign Office at Berlin has noti-

fied Mr. Pendleton, the American Minis-ter, that it is intended to expel the German--

Americans residing at Schleswigwho emigrated to the United States be-

fore- becoming liable to military serviceand returned after .being naturalized.The recent order of expulsion of otherGerman-America- ns remains suspended.

Coal Nine Ihianter lu Wales.Dispatches' from Pont-y-Prid- d, Wales,

say seventy-fiv- e corpses have been re-

covered from the Ferndale pit, where theexplosion occurred. It is feared othersare buried in the debris. The scenes inthe vicinity of the mine are pitiful.

Fatal Accident at filte Slerced.A terrible accident, resulting in the al

most instantaneous death of two menand probably fatal injury of two others,occurred December 2Gth, at Lake Mer-

ced, one of the bodies of water from whichSan Francisco is supplied by the SpringValley Water Works Company. At thatpoint the company erected a building14G feet long by 35 feet in width, in whichwere placed the engines and pumps nec-essary for forcing the water throughpipes into the city. There were two largepumps capable of throwing 6,000,000gallons of water daily to an elevation of305 feet, and three sets of tubular boilers(six in all), fifty-si- x inches in diameter,sixteen feet long and five-sixteent- hs ofan inch thick. About o o'clock in theafternoon, one set of boilers explodedwith terrific force, blowing the buildingto atoms, scattering pieces of all theboilers in every direction, and leavingbut a mass of debris to mark the sceneof the awful accident.

xriienieut in Ilouiuauia.It is announced that the Queen of

Roumania will be confined in January,She has been childless since her marriage in 18G9, on account of which therewas a project on foot a few years ago fordivorcing her, but this the Pope discour-aged. If a boy should be born therewould be tremendous enthusiasm amongthe Roumanians, who idolize her, whilethey are indifferent to King Carl and hisPrussian relatives.

Tbe Cubans Hopeful of IndependenceThe n"" hat the Queen Regent of

Spain has granted amnesty to all politicaland press offenders in Cuba is known toevery Cuban in New York. ' The Cubanssay that it is a ' great triumph for theircause, as it goe3 to show that Christinais anxious to gain their affection andconfidence. They regard every concession made by the Spanish throne asmerely another stepping-storieth- at wilhasten their day of independence. Dr,J. M. Faraga, who was a colonel in thelate Cuban rebellion, said: "The causeof the insurgents looks brighter than ithas in a long time," but he would notsay whether the Cubans in New Yorkcontemplate sending an expedition. Hisposition as chief of the insurgents re-

quires the utmost reticence. AnotherCuban said that aid would be sent fromNew York in a short time.

Stanley's Congo Railway.' Stanley is elated at his success in securing capital for the Congo railway.The "Times" is disposed to throw coldwater on the project, but the money isthere and Manchester men are at' theback of it. Subscriptions to the stockwill be opened in New York, as well asin the thirteen capitals of Europe, so asto give the scheme an internationalcharacter, but the bulk of the funds willbe received in London, where the rail-way is registered and its control islocated.

Canadian Polities.A general election in the Dominion has

been decided on'. It is reported that SirJohn Macdonald fears to meet theHouse, owing to the hostilities of theFrench in the RieljB?uucr"the'knowledgejhftheh Parliament meets

(!,i- --1x

. 1 ! s . Tif inn ornl mid.government will be laid bare by a com-

mittee to be asked for. A convention of

Sir John's supporters to arrange a plat-

form will be held, and dissolution willbe declared as soon as Sir John returnsfrom England in January. Much excite-ment prevails in the provinces.

American Politics.The railroad lobby is working hard to

prevent the forfeiture of the grants to theCalifornia and Oregon and Oregon andCalifornia roads. At no time sinceApril, 1878, have the payments of dutiesof imports in silver coin been equal toone-ha-lf of one per cent. HereafterCleveland proposes to hold Senators amiRepresentatives responsible for the menthey recommend for appointment tooflice. Representative Bland will beChairman of the Committee on CoinageWeights and Measures. Cleveland, Bay-

ard and Manning have .expressed theirsympathy with the Chinese restrictionmovement. Speaker Carlisle has de-

cided to put Markham on the Committeeon Rivers and Harbors.- - Henley saystliat Cleveland has promised to sendTinnin's name to the Senate. JohnBigelow, recently appointed and con-

firmed as sub-Treasur- er at New York,has resigned that office. The Presidentha3 signed the bill giving a pension toMrs. Grant. McPherson of New Jersey

Pacific Commercial Advertiser




Per annum - f CO

ix months............ 3 W

P?r nifcntb 50c

c:"Suberlption Payable Always luAdvnuff.

Communications f all parti of tbe Kingdomwiii aiayn be very Acceptable.

Persons renlWuif Ui any part of tbe Coiled Statescan reruit tbe v.ncunt of subscription due by PostOflice money r.

Matter Intended for publlcatlou In tbe editorialcolumns sliouM be addressed to"

Kuitoa PAt-iri- c Commercial advkbtiskb.'Huslne.Hs c2inui.ioai!ons and advertisements

sbould be alur.-ssi- simplyP. C. AAVEKTIiEK,"

And not to individuals.

THEPaeific Commercial

It now for sale daily at tbe Fallowing Places:

i. M. OAT Jc CO Mercbant streetCRYSTAL HOA WOUKS Hotel streetN. F. BURGESS . ..King streetWOLF fc EDWAUDS...Cor King and Nnuanu stsC. J. MCCARTHY- - - Hotel street

Five Ceut per Copy.

THURSDAY January 7th.

We received full newspaier files fromthe Coast by the City of Sydney, fromwhich a summary of news has beeniomDiled. Our dates are to the 29th


December inclusive.


Tle City of Sydney Bring D;stes tobacember 39tli. '

Tlie Balkan War Ended,The members of the International

Commission have drawn v.p and signeda protocol, by the terms of which theBulgarians are to evacuate Pirot, andDrolon;rinr the armistice to the 1stof March. The protocol tias also beensigned by the Bulgarian and Servian delegates.

Peace seems to be assured in the Balkans. Prince Alexander accepts loyally

the military commissioners requiring theevacuation of Pirot. Turkey still with- -

holds her assent to the union of the twoBulgarias, but must eventually accept thepolicy of Europe. '

Prince Alexander entered Sophia December 20th, at the head of six regi-- .

ments of infantry, one regiment of cav-

alry and three batteries of artillery. Hewas received with great enthusiasm bythe inhabitants. The city was gaylydecorated with flags and to-nig- ht it isbrilliantly illuminated. Many transpa-rencies ; bearing patriotic inscriptionswere displayed at various points alongthe line of march. One of these read :

"Honor and glory to the victors of Sliv-nitz- a,

Dragoman pass, Tzaribrod andPirot."

Sixty thousand rifles, manufacturedby the Providence Tool Company, havearrived in Constantinople. These rifleswill be used to complete the arming of

the mobilized forces of Turkey.The Czar is about to reinstate Prince

Alexander of Bulgaria in his former rankin the Russian army. The presence of

Prince VarikofF ami other Russian off-

icers at Sophia makes a close alliance be-

tween Russia and Bulgaria. These factshave caused alarm among the friends ofTurkey. It is believed that the compactbetween the Czar and Prince Alexander,by which Russia recognized the Bulga-

rian union, is a prelude to a Russiancampaign in the Spring and the final dis-

memberment of the Turkish empire.The Balkan conference will reopen on

January 17th. Count Corti, the ItalianEmbassador, will make a motion in fa-

vor of the recognition of the Bulgarianunion, and will be supported by the Kns -

sian Embassador.AnotherTtioud.

Itisttnat Russia and Austriaaretecretly arming, and-th- at both thesecountries have sent orders to England forlarge quantities of stores for their re-

spective armies.President revy Re-Eleet- ed by the

STatioual Assembly.Grevy was ed President of the

French Kepublic by the joint vote of theSenate and the Chamber of Deputiesacting as the National Assembly. Theballoting was carried on amid great ex-

citement. Only five memlers of theKight cast ballots. Grevy's total major-

ity was 135.

Premier Brisson declined to competefor the Presidency. He urged the Re-

publicans to vote solidly for M. Grevy,and to give him the greatest possibleauthority to overpower the Bight.

Admiral Galiber, Minister of Marineand Colonies, has resigned.

A Cabinet meeting was held, at whichPresident Grevy presided. Prime Min-

ister Brisson was ill and did not attend.Brisson intends to resign and is not in-

clined to resume office. In the Senatethe Tonquin and Madagascar creditswere adopt ed by a vote of 225 to 61.

TUB French Whipped in Madagascar.A letter from Antanarivo, the capital


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is believed that in addition to theph'sician and privates killedi more than

half-doze-n citizens met their death atthe hands of the savages. Everybody isleaving the country, even the cowboysand ranchmen, and desolation and de-

population are met everj'where. Tlielarge ranches are left at the mercy of theIndians, who are well provided withammunition and seem determined tocarrv the war through the Winter.Several families have reached El Pasofrom the infested district, and dozens of

iswomen and children have been sent toother towns for safety.

The troops massacred were a part ofLieutenant Fountain's command, andwere scouring the territory in which thelate bloodv fiirht had taken place. Thevj owere shot at by the savages behindrocks and were killed in a few momenta.Other portions of the command, whichconsisted, all told, of thirty-fiv- e men,found dead bodies in numerous places,the result of the work of the Indiansseveral days previous. General Crook isnow known to be in favor of employingbloodhounds as auxilliaries to the armyin hunting down the savages, and willcommunicate with the higher authoritieswith the view of securing a number ofdogs.

Demixq, December 25th. The Indiansare still raiding the country on the Gila.It is reported that three herders werekilled near Carlisle yesterday and anumber of horses stolen. The Apachescrossed the Gila at 1 o'clock to-da-y, twomiles from Duncan, with the Lordsburgmilitia in hot pursuit. The military arealso following closely.

General Crook, commanding th troopsin Arizona, has applied for reinforce-ments. The country is in a very dis-

turbed state.

Miscellaneous.Corean troubles have again become se-

rious. Congressman McKenna will in-

troduce a bill providing for the manu-

facture of steel and heavy ordnance on

the Pacific and Atlantic coasts. Secre-

tary Whitney positively denies thathe indorsed the object of the re-

cent" meeting of silver men in NewYork, and has declared himself in favorof the suspension of silver coinage.John Hargreaves, a provision merchantof Liverpool, England, New York andChicago, is reported to have suspendedpayment, with liabilities estimated at$350.000. The Grand Orange Lodge of

Ireland has issued a manifesto stronglyopposing home rule. There was an animated debate on tlie silver question inthe United States Senate between Beckand Morrill. Congress has adjourneduntil January 5th. During the recessCarlisle will complete the committees.White cigarmakers are leaving Chicagofor San Francisco, where work is prom-ised them. Peace has been restoredat Madagascar. On the trial of BrigHampton, a Mormon, at Salt Lake City,direct evidence was given by one of hisaccomplices of an unsuccessful design toontrap Governor Murray. Judge Zanehas instructed the Grand Jury to useweapons if necessary to protect themselves in their duty. lifty cases ofcholera have occurred in the province ofVenice, twelve of which have provedfatal. Senator Payne was burned ineffigy at Canton, Ohio. Evarts is beingboomed for President. John Mageehas been committed for trial at Loudonfor attempted blackmail of the Prince ofWales. United States Minister Cox, atConstantinople, has begun negotiationswith the Porte for a naturalization treatyby which citizens of Turkey and theUnited States will have equal , rights inboth countries. The Poles in Detroit,Michigan, created another )dmfof the moh,a8 shot dead and manywejffrested. Austin, Texas, is wildly

two women. Admiral Galiaer, FrenchMinister of Marine and the Colonies, hasresigned. President Thompson, of theChase National Bank of New York, be-

lieves in the coinage of silver and de-

clares that the monometalists cannotcarry their point.

The United States revenue cutter Cor-wi- n

will be sent in search of the missingwhaler Amethyst, which had a crew offortv men on board. A disastrous stormis reported 'from the Canadian and New-Englan- d

coasts. Schaefer won the lastgame in the Chigaco billiard tourna-ment. Robert Girdwood, a wool brokerof Tanfield and Edinburgh, has sus-

pended payment. His liabilities are be-

lieved to amount to 150,000. Sir Am-

brose Shea has been appointed Governorof Newfoundland, being the first nativeand Catholic Governor since the days ofCabot. There are signs of more troublein the northern states of Mexico. TheLoyal Patriotic Union is being organizedin England as a rival of the Irish Na-

tional League. It is rumored that JohnBright will resign his seat in Parliament. f


It is rumored that cholera is raging inCayenne, the capital of French Guiana.

Cleveland's course in leaving theAustrian mission vacant is approved inEngland. The Berlin pipers want theGovernment to protect Germaninterestsin Madagascar. The jx?ople of Arizonaare very indignant at Governor Zulick'saction in asking for troops to protect theApaches. A gang of highwaymen madea bold attempt to wreck a SouthernPacific train on the Rio Grande bridge.

Clemenceau's recent speech on theTonquin credit lias caused much indig-nation in Germany.

S. Gr.391 jan!3

United States, having a membership of j

over 70,000. The membership of the two ;

Councils in this city is about 70, holdingHjlicies to the amount of $3.0,0X, at an

annual cost of say $1,000 for premiums orassessments. The order is destined to bethe cheapest medium of insurance, ami it

not only patronized by the poor, but bythe rich as well. The method for gainingadmission into the order is the same as inany ordinary insurance company.

A Small Blaze.Alxmt 7 o'clock Wednesday morning the

fire bells rung out for a lire which origi-nated in a heap of flammable rubbish be-

tween J. W. Luning's office on Merchantstreet and the rear of the building occupiedby (. llolloway, harness maker. Bothbuildings caught fire and are badly charred,but the progress of the flames was checkedwith buckets of water, the services of theFire Department not being required. It isfortunate that the fire happened duringdaylight. The consequences otherwisemight have been disastrous. The buildingsare owned by the Chief Justice and insured.

The City oi Sydney.The steamship City of Sydney arrived at

11 o'clock yesterday morning, 7 days and10 hours from San Francbco. It took anunusually long time to bring the .steamerfrom the lighthouse to the dock. Those onthe wharf thought at first the pilot was go-

ing to run her on to the Marine Railway.She brought two passengers for thisport ami had two hundred and twenty-fou- rin transit to Yokohama and Hongkong.The City of Sydney is now commanded byCaptain D. E. Friele, late Chief Officer onthe City of Tekin, and once in command ofthe steamship China. After taking onmails and passengers, she resumed herjourney shortly after S o'clock last evening.


AVedxesday, January Gth.. John Nelson, Ekinana and Ekeolewere each fined $5 and $1 costs fordrunkenness.

Chim Chun Yun and Ah Sam were re-

manded to the 7th instant on a charge ofassault and battery on O. J. Holt.

The regular monthly business meeting ofthe Honolulu Library and Heading-roo- m

Association will be held on Friday at 7:30o'clock p. m.


P fROYALPS&'o'if Jk NJ


Absolutely Pure.This powder never varies. A marvel of purity,

etrength and vholesomcness. More economicalthan Jhe ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in com-

petition w"th the multitude of low test, shortKCilh!Li-,,i- rr phosphate powders. SoLDOs:i,TIS

CAK8. ttOYAI UAEl-.- U 1 III'"- - " -

sd-- w t

Regular Cash Sale.

On Thursday, January 7th,At 10 a. m., at our salesrooms, will be sold at

miction, a full line of



Bags Ifo. 1 Sugar, Barrels Salmon, California Po-

tatoes. Cane and Wood Seat Chairs, Sewing Ma-

chines. A lot of

Fine New HarnessAnd a variety of


LYONS & COHEN, Auctioneers.


'HE REGULAR BUSINESS MEETING OFT the Honolulu Library and Reading RoomsAssociation will be held at their rooms FRIDAY,January Sth, at 7:30 p. m. A full attendance isdeired, as business of importance will come before the meeting. H. A. 1 ARM LLKK,



FURNISHED COTTAGE BY A MARRIKDV couple. Address F. A.," this ottice. tf

NOTICE.rpHE UNDERSIGNED, WnO IS DOINGJL business in rice, has sold his bakery, corner

of King and Maunakea streets, to Quong Ying Wo& Co. All amounts due him before Decembers,185, will be collected by him, and all debts to thatday paid at his oflice, King street, In Mr. J. Col-burn- 's

bonse. YIM QUON.Honolulu, January b, 1S5G. feb5


a ---7

of goods.

YOREthis country.

world, Its policW now in force amounting to more

WILD h:Ti9 .A sent,IIOXOLTJLU, H. I.

law, and all imitations and infringements

every- -



And Solicitor In Chancery. Office, Caupbcll'nBlock, second story, rooms 8 and . Entrance ouMerchant street, Honolulu, H. I. 405


Since Electricity has been applied for lighting purposes, all efforts of inventors lave .

been directed to construct a lamp for general domestic use. The reason why this prob-lem lias till now not been solved, is that none of the inventors could rid themselves of tbeidea of gau lighting, and that all have adhered to the system of producing the electricityin some central place, or by large machinery, instead of first laying down the principlethat a lamp which should ever become generally useful and popular, most be portablelike an oil lamp, and contain the generator of electricity in itself, i. e., iu the foot of tlielimp.

The Norman Electric Light Company has at last succeeded in completely realizingthis ideal of electric lighting, and there is no doubt that this most important inventionwill bring about a complete revolution in all branches of lighting.

Our Eiectric Lamp needs neither machinery, conductors, nor any expensive outlay,and is neither complicated or disagreeable in manipulation; all that is uecettsary is torefill it every four of live days with acid. The cost of lighting will be as cheap as gas ( 4cents per hour), and it has before the latter the immense advantage of neither producingheat, smoke nor carbonic acid, owing to which the air is not impured, and remains at thesame degree of temperature. It is further, absolutely inodorous, and does not nee? to bekindled by match or otherwise, but simply by turning the key, thus avoiding all danger ffire, explosion or suffocation, as in the case of gas, if the key is left open; and it mast b con-ceded that this advantage alone is invaluable. It is furtker preferable tn any known kii.dof lighting for the following reasons:

1. Its manipulation is ho simple that any child can keepit in order.2. That the lamp is portable, and can be removed like anv oil lame, from one tdaee

it in any Court as evidence of her allege.xcited over the outrage and murder ofto auoWJ.vr.

3. That , it neither requires the disagreeable fixing of the wick, or the cleaning of thecylinder, as iil " the case of oil lamps.

4. That the iis-Vj- 11 produced is a soft and most steely one; that it never flickers, andthe flame, though be'in'rclnal in power of lightingfo gas, can be regulated to any degree.

5. That every dangerl'lfiro in absolutely exclyed, as the light will extinguishif by any accident .4jirroundng the burner should be broken.

6. That it will burn, even in the stroifsl wind, completely unaffected, thuo btiaginvaluable for illuminations, lighting of garden! etc.

This lamp is constructed for the present in thK different sizes:A, small size. Height of complete lamp, 14 inctv es; weight, about 5 pounds; for light-

ing rooms, cellars, storage houses-- , powder magazines iVor similar places where explosivesare kept), coaches, illuminations, gardens, mines or anyV other industrial purpose. Price,Jtl. t I

Ter lamp delivered free to any part of the world. h13, medium size. Serves all domestic purposes for lighSQfJng rooms, bouses, etc. This

lamp is elegantly decorated, and has removable white ground .' glass globe.

Trice per lamp (inclusive of bronze foot and globe, richly iid elegantly constructed),2. delivered freo to any part of the world.

C, grand size for pailor, hall, saloon, public building, etc.- - iJthe lamp gives a mostbrilliant and steady light, has large removable white globe, decora-- , ied most tastefully,and the workmanship is both first-clas- s and elegant. Trice, 4.10.

Foot of lamp in either bronze, Japanese, faience or silver oxide.Any special size or design made to order. Estimates furnished.All lamps are ready Tor immediate use, and will be sent, securely packed fdV stronrwooden box, with printed directions for use, a quantity of chemicals sufficient for seve ,l

months' lighting, and one extra burner for size A, and two for sizes B and C. The ceces-- wsary chemicals can ber nrchased in any drug store, even in the smallest village.Every lamp is accompanied by a written guarantee for one year, and will be ex-

changed, or money refunded if the same should not give complete satisfaction.On all orders for six lamps and above, a discount of six per cent will be allowed. Noorders from abroad filled, unless accompanied by a remittance to cover the amount or

first-clas- s references on a New York or Philadelphia house. 'The best method of sending money is by draft on New York, which can be procured ofany banker, and everywhere, or enclose the amount in bank notes, gold coins or postace

stamps of any country of the world.All orders, tlie smallest as well as the most important, will receive the same particularattention, and will be forwarded without delay.

marriage. What the ultimate le"tfectof the decision may be it...iftpossible topredict, as it depenip0'n many con-tingencies, soinji which may neverarise, aiid'results of which, if theyJ5llQ"a'fise, can only be determined by

the Courts in which the questions maybe presented. So far as the UnitedStates Circuit Court is concerned, thedeath of Mr. Sharon has no effect. Inthat Court the theory adopted is that acase is decided at the moment the evi-

dence is all in, the arguments closed andthe case submitted for decision ; and al-

though the necessity for carrying outthat theory seldom arises, yet where thedeath of a party or any other interveningcircumstance would cause the filing of adecision at a later date, to defeat its ob-

ject, the decision is filed nunc pro tunc,as of the date when the case was sub-mitted.


I7. 5$. Troops Ambushed Settlers Slur-dere- d

A Reiffii of Terror.Deminu, N. M., December 20th. On

Saturday morning, near White House,northwest of Silver City, a Company ofthe Eighth United States Cavalry, TroopC, under Lieutenant Fountain, were am-bushed by the hostiles with disastrousresults. The following were killed in thefight which ensued : Surgeon Maddoxand Privates Collins, Gibson, Huttonand McMiller. Lieutenant Cabell andCorporal McFarland were slightlywounded. The Indians were dismountedand were twenty-on- e in number. Afterthe fight they headed west, and willprobably be next heard of in the neigh-lxrhoo- d

of Clifton, A. T., or on the reserv- -

D"Onr Electric Lamps are protected bywill be prosecuted.

ErAgents, salesmen on commission, and consignees for our lamps wantedwhere. No ppecial knowledge or capital reouired.

A fortune to be made by active persons.Address: THE NORMAN ELECTRIC LIGHT CO.,


NOTICE!ON. A PARTNER IN THE SEE WOHO Rice Co.. Ewa, has jriven power of attor-

ney to Ho Ye during his absence to China. HoVee will collect all amounts due Ho On, and willattend to his interest in said company.

. Honolulu, December COth. janS


,f.''.e-uc-i- ., .


Page 3: FES! - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · r Jr. ilv I I ii I! If 1 I! fSB i L-r-- v r-- n. f r I f PRICE 5 CENTS. VOL. V.NO. 5. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, THURSDAY,



J , v


Iyond tbe two mile limit, except by special barBY AUTHORITY. Sdnttsemrnts.LOCAL AND GENERAL.


GREAT CLEARANCE SALE!Valuable EeaJ Estate in the Business

Center of Honolulu

For Sale by Private Contract or at Public Auction.For Thirtv


TEMPLE OP FASHION,01 and 63 Fort Street.


GEEAT REDUCTIONIn Our Dry and Fancy Goods Department.




In Bond oxA very CHOICE LOT just received. The best in the market.


Tlie undersigned have received instructions from MESSRS. G. W.MACFAKLANE A CO. to offer for sale at auction, at our salesroom?, on

MONDAY, January 25th,A-- t 12 o'clock ZSToon,

Unless previously disposed of by private sale,

The whole of that valuable city property known aa the BOOTH ESTATE,excepting only the comer lot owned by Mr. Jamea Olds, containing in all20,990 square feet, together with houses, stores and buildings thereto be-


This id the most compact and desirable piece of property ever offeredfor sale in Honolulu. Its main frontages are 75 feet 5 inches to Nuuanustreet, and 93 feet C inches to Hotel street. The rear front of the propertyextends from Nuuanu street, back of Messrs. Castle Jc Cooke's fine brickwarehouse and store, 172 feet 11 inches to Rose Lane, the side frontagealoDg the line of the Robinson lot to Hotel street being 142 feet 3 inches.

The value of this and the adjoining property might be greatly en-

hanced by carrying Rose Lane straight through to Hotel street. Accessis had to Hotel and Nuuanu streets from the rear and center of the estateby lanes long in use on the property itself.

Situated in the heart of the retail business quarter of the city, andhaving a large area of available building space unoccupied, this propertyholds out unusual inducements to capitalists as a permanent investment.The present annual incocie is $1,500, or 10 per cent on $13,000 ; but asthe leases expire Bhortly, thJ rental might be increased to S?fi,000 a yearwithout expenditure for repairs or additions to buildings. If the estatewere sold as a whole, however, by judicious and inexpensive improve-ments which a practical ye would suggest, even this large prospectiveincome might be very considerably added to.

The Nuuanu street frontage is occupied by a row of two-stor- y build-ings, the upper story being used as dwellings, and the first floor as stores,which are always in occupation. Restaurants and retail stores similarlyoccupy the frontage on Hotel street.

The old International Hotel is in the center of the property, and goeswith tho lot. It is used as a lodging house and pays handsomely.

Another advantage of this fine property as an investment is its excel- -

lent sanitary conditions. It is on the highest part of the city niakai ofBtMctania street, and is therefore easily drained.

The property, if not disposed of before date of sale, will be first putup as a whole in one lot. Failing a satisfactory purchaser, wo shall thenput it up iu lots, for which purpose it has been subdivided into sixteenlots. We shall offer these lots at the following upset prices, viz.:

Lot No. 1 $1,800Lot No. 2 1,800 .

Lot No. 3.' l.lJOOLot No. 4 "

1,VA)0U)t No. 5 1,500Lot No. 1.500Lot No. 7 8,500Lot No. 8 1,500Lot No. 9 1,500Lot No. 10 3,750Lot No. 11 3,750Lot No. 12 2,750Lot No. 13Lot No. 14) 11'000Lot No. 15 1,500IAlt No. 10 1,500

And upon the following favorable terms :

ONE THIRD CASH.Balance iu one, two and three years, with interest at 7 per cent per

anuum, secured by mortgage.We solicit an examination of this property, and confidently recom-

mend the investment as a permanent paying one, with greater contingen-cies for advancement than almost any other kid of property.

A Plau or I lie Property ran b aeeu at tbe Dice of

E. P. ADAMS & CO., Auctioneers.

-- :o:-






gain. heo two or more offer, tbe regular rateas per the above schedule must be accepted.

Licensed drivers ordered to return for passengersleft at any given point, may charge a fare andone-hal- f fare.

23J. Betweeu the hours of eleven (11) o'clock p.m. and five (." o'clock a. in. tbe above rates offare shall be doubled. !

24th. If any licensed vehicle shall be foundstarting in any place but on tbe appointed stand,the driver shall be liable to arrest by ny policeofficer unless said driver shall be under engage-ment; and no licensed driver will be permitted towait under engagement for a fare in tbe vicinityof any designated hack stand exept on the standitself. Nothing in this regulation, however, shall- -be construed to conflict with regulations 10, 11 and J12 aoove. , j

25th. Any licensed driver who, when in eliargeof a licensed carriage, dray or other vehicle, shalloe intoxicated, or who snail use insulting orabusive language, who shall demand more thanthe authorized fare, who shall neglect upon demand to show a card of rates of fare, or who shallcontravene any of the within rules, shall uponcomplaint to any of tbe police be arrested, andupon conviction be liable to tbe penalty set forthin .Section 1 1, of tbe act approved tbe fifth day ofAugust, A. D. 1882.

26th. No licensed driver shall leave bis vehicleat any wharf, public or private hU or entertain-ment, place of amusement or public assemblage,or liquor saloon.

27th. No licensed vehicle will be permitted tostand on any steamer wharf on the day of arrivalor departure of steamers.

23tb. Any licensed vehicle, horse or harnessfound in service at any time In an unsuitable orunsafe condition for performing the duties of com-mon carriers will render the owner or driver, orboth, liable to arrest and prosecution.

These rules shall have full force and effect ouand after January 1, 1886, and all former rules audregulations for tbesovernruentof licensed vehiclesare abolished.

CHAS. T. OULICK,Minister of the Interior.

Water 'ot!ce.From this date, till further notice, W. R. SEAL

ESQ., is alone authorized to collect water ratesand dues on account of the Honolulu WaterWorks.

He is fully empowered to give a good and suffi-cient receipt, and none other will be acknowl-edged.

All parties are requested when paying waterrates, to produce to the Receiver their lastreceipt.

This Regulation does not apply to any businessrelating to tbe Water Works, which now is, ormay hereafter be placed in the hands of the Attor-

ney-General for settlement.CHAS. T. G CLICK,

Minister of the Interior.Interior Office, November 5, 1835. 313 nootf

The Board of Immigration pro-poses to make arrangements forthe further importation ofJapanese immigrants into thisKingdom and would request thatall parties desirous of procuringthe service of such contract laborwill forward their applications toWm. G. Irwin & Co. the dulyappointed Agents of the Boardfor Japanese Immigration.

It is requested that these appli-cations be sent in without delayand that the parties orderingstate as definate as possible whattheir requirements will be for thenext six months, so that the nec-essary arrangements can be madefor the introduction of thesepeople.


Minister of Interior and PresidentBureau of Immigration.

Interior Oflice, Aug. 21, 1885.


ARBIVAI.S.Wsbnksbat, January 6th.

P M S 8 City of Sydney, Frlel, 7 daysand 15 hours from San Francisco

Stmr C R Bishop, Macauley, from Koolau'Stnir Kllauea He u, Weisbartb, from HamakuaScbr Kawailani, iroin KoolauSchr Sarah and Eliza, from KoolauSchr Llholiho, from Eleele, Kauai

DEPARTCRLS.Wednesday, January 6th.

P M S S City of Sydney (Am), D E Frlele, forHongkong, via Yokohama

Stmr Mokolii, for Molokai, at 5 p mSchr Luka. for KoholaleleSchr Caterina, tor Walmanalo

Vessel) Leaving? To-Xa- y.

Am bktne W n Dlruond, It C lloudlette, forSan Francisco

Stmr C R Bishop, Macaulay, for Hanalel andWaianae, at 8 a m

Schr Kawailani, for KoolauSchr Sarah and Eliza, for Koolau


From Sau Franciseo, per steamship City of Syd-ney, January 6 to: Chas 1 White, Nelson D White,and 34 passengers in transit.


The Pacific Mail steamship Australia, CharlesC. Brougb, was to leave San Francisco December31st for this port, en route to the Colonies. Shemay be expected to-da- y.

The schooner Kawailani brought J 00 bags rice,5 calves and 20 pigs from Koolau, Oahu, January6th, She leaves to-d-ay.

The schooner Sarah and Eliza brought 300 bagssugar and 170 bags rice from Koolau January 6th.

The British bark Conference sailed from New-

castle, N. S. W., November I6th, with coal for thisport, and the bark Virginia November 21st.

The tern W. S. Bownc is at the foot of Fortstreet discharging her coal.

The steamer C. R. Bishop brought 431 bagsiugar,493 bags rice, 161 bags rice bran and the foreand the main masts of the wrecked schoonerMarion from Koolau January 6th. She sails at S

o'clock this morning for Kauai, via Waianae.

The steamer Kilauea Uou brougbt 4,071 bagssugar and 25 "bead of cattle from Hamakua, Ha-

waii, January 6tn. Her sugar was put Into theOceanic Company's warehouse. She sails

with machinery for Hawi Sugar Mill,Hawaii.

The steamer Kilauea Hou towed off the sandybeach the steamer Ivy Holmes December 26th.Tbe latter vessel is not damaged at all, aud istunning along tbe Hamakua coast.

Tbe Oceanic Company's steamsh'p St. Paularrived at San Francisco at 10:30 p. m. December23th, and the Colon Steamship Company's RoyalMail steamship Mararoa arrived at 8 a. m. thefollowing morning. The St. Paul left three daysahead of the Mararoa.

The Pacific Mail steamship City of Sydney,"commanded by Captain D. E. Friele, arrived Inport January Cth. 7,1 days from San Francisco.Purser J. V. C. Comfort gives the following re-

port: Sailed from San Francisco December 29,

ISaS.and discharged pilot at 4:10 p. m. the sameday. Experienced tine weathar, smooth sea, andlight winds the entire passage; passed a three-maste- d

i schooner, painted white, and deeplyloaded, January 5th, steering southeast (I. e.. thisport). She bad 14 saloon and 20 steerage passen-gers, and 33,573 packages and 607,716 43 speciein transit for Hongkong.

A rna!e teacher hi wanted !v the Hoardof Education fur an Eng-lM- schol on theisland of Lanai.

On Tuesday lat, at llonohina, Hawaii.a native was'tiiled by the falling of a craneutetl for hoisting lumber.

Entries for the coining bicycle race w illbe open between 12 and 1 o'clock eai-- dayat the office of C. K. Miller.

The thank of the AivtkTisEK are duePurser Comfort of the teamhii City ofSydney for a late file of papers.

- Her Royal Hiyhne.s Princess Likelikewill be at home this afternoon at her residence, Waikiki, from 3 to o'clock.

At the San Francisco Stock an I BondExchange December 2th,o shar. - of Ha-

waiian Commercial Company w re sold at$10 2T.

Uemember that if you want a hack toring up Hawaiian Hotel Stables No. 32,and then you will not have to pay extrafor order ty telephone.

The barkentine Discovery .sailed fromSan Francisco December 28th for this portwith a cargo valued at $17,920. She hasthree head of live stock on loard.

The barkentine W. II. Dimond sails forSan Francisco at 12 o'clock noon to-da- y.

All letter marked per W. H. Dimond willbe forwarded from the Post Olhce.

Iolani College re-ope- ns on Monday nextfor a new term. Applications for admissionshould be made to the Dishop of Honoluluor the head master, Iiev. W. H. Barnes.

The Central Park Skating Kink will be ascene of attraction on Saturday eveningnext, when a bicycle race of ten miles willbe contested for by four local bicyclists.

ilis Excellency the Minister of Interiorcalls for tenders for boring an artesian wellat Kamalo, Molokai. They will be receiveduntil 12 o'clock noon on Wednesday, Jan-uary 13th.

The schooner John 1. North, Moore,Master, from Port Townsend for Hilo, Ha-

waii, put into San Francisco December 28thin a leaking condition. She left the formerplace December 12th.

Some of the sailors of the bark Lovspring,which arrived Monday after a long passagefrom New York, are suffering from scurvy.Three of them have been taken to theQueen's Hospital for treatment.

The steamship Australia was to have leftSan Francisco December 31st, and may belooked for any time after noon to-da- y. Shewill bring ten days mail and two dayslater news than the City of Sydney.

Yesterday afternoon the Roi'al Ha-

waiian Band gave its regular concert atthe Branch Hospital, Kakaako, for thebenefit of the lepers. The occasion wasmuch appreciated and enjoyed by the in-

mates.On Tuesday evening a fancy work box

and a bag of oranges were stolen from abuggy standing outside the residence ofMr. R. Mossman, Punchbowl street. Por-tuguese are supposed to be the depre-dators.

"The Church and the Home" is thetheme, and Dr. II'de the leader of theUnion service this morning at 11 o'clock atthe Bethel Union Church. This evening atFort-stre- et Church Rev. E. C. Oggel is tolead the meeting.

Mr. O. N. Denny of Portland, Oregon,was a through passenger by the steamshipCity of Sydney. He lias been appointedby the Corean Government Inspector Gen-

eral of Customs, and is en route for Seoul,the capital city of that kingdom.

Captain Winding's interest in the brig- -

j'antine Hesperian, which was recentlywrecked at Kahului, Maui, which had beenregularly issued t for nine years, was notcovered by insurance on the last voyage, sothat it is a total loss to its owner.

Mes srs. J. M. Oat & Co. have sent us amarch for piano entitled "The Wreath ofMaile," and composed by Rev. I. Goodell,Honokaa, Hawaii, which they have forsale. It is neatly gotten up, but the musicis commonplace and lacks originality.

The Oceanic steamship St. Paul arrivedin San Francisco December 23th, ten daysand eight hours from here, and the Unionsteamship. Mararoa arrived on the 29th,making the passage in seven days andeight hours. Bad weather was ex-

perienced.At 10 o'clock this morning Lyons &

Cohen will hold their regular cash sale.They will offer dry goods, clothing, bootsand shoes, groceries, cane and wood seatchairs, etc. Particular attention is calledto a full line of new harness 'and saddlesjust received.

Two handsome iron gates have beenerected on the beautiful premises of theKaakopua mansion on Emma street. Ifthe stone barricade which now fronts thegarden were removed and a neat iron railfence put up to match the gates it would bea great improvement.

There is every indication of a crowdedhouse at the Hawaiian Opera House onMonday evening next to witness the per-formance of "Forget-me-not- " by MissGenevieve Ward, Mr. W. II. Vernon, and"lady and gentlemen amateurs. Ticketscan le obtained at Wiseman's.

The attendance at the Union religiousservices last night at Fort-stre- et Churchwas very large. The interest manifestedwas very encouraging to those whq havethe meetings in charge. Pastor Cruzangave a brief, pointed address upon "Sowingand Heaping," and many others took part.Rev. II. Bingham led the morning meetingat the Bethel Union Church.

Lost His Hnncl.A very serious accident occurred yes

terday morning at the Hawaiian CarriageManufacturing Co.'s shop. Queen street,whereby a native named William Dull hadthe fingers and part of the left hand cutoff. He was at work at the planingmachine, and carelesslj' placed his hand onthe lumber when it was near to the knife,instead of waiting until it had passed it.The consequence was the hand slipped, j

with the result above stated. He was at I

once taken to the Queen's Hospital.

Kuiifbt of lj tlla.The regular meeting of Oahu Lodge, No.

l) Knights of Pythias, was held lat even-ing, when the following officers wereejected: P. C., C. J. McCarthy; C. C. Os-cs- .r

Branch; V. C, Charles T. Hoyt; Pre-late, C. W. Hart; K. of R. and S., J. C.White; M. of F., Henry Smith; M. ofF...T. R. Lucas; M. of A., James Collins;TIrustees, Messrs. David Dayton and HenrySmith.

or i ci--XHtlonal Library and Muam.

Tbe Library and Museum are closed until fur-ther notice, oa account of alterations.

By order of tbe Minister. J. S. WEBB,

Foreign Office, January 4, I ostf. 3t

Wanted.A male teacher for an English day school on the

island of Lanai. To a suitable person, board,residence aud the use wf a horse will be given, anda fair salary allowed.

Apply at the oflice of the Board of Education.January 6, 1486. UoSw'-- 'j

Teuden Vunited.Tenders for boring an artesian well at Kamalo,

on tbe Island of Molokai, will be received till 12

o'clock noon on Wednesday, January 13th, at theoffice of tbe Interior Department. All particularswill be furnished on application to tbe office ofthe Superintendent of Public Works.

All tenders should be plainly marked on theoutside of the envelope, "Tender for Boring Arte-sian Well." CI I AS. T. G CLICK.

Minister of the Interior.Interior Oflice, January 7, 3t

300 Itewartl.A reward of Five Hundred Dollars will be paid

to any person who will give such information asmay lead to the detection of tbe party or partieswho robbed tbe Post Office on .Saturday night,the 2d instant. JNO. U. SOPER,

Marshal.Marshal's Office, January 4, 1886.

lteffulalions for Carriage nud Katesof Fare.

Vnder aud by virtue of the provisions of an Actentitled "An Act to Regulate the Carrying ofPassengers and Freight, and the Le tting to Hireof Carriages, Wagons, Carts, Drays and otherVehicles lu the District of Honolulu," amended&nd approved ou the 5th day of August, A. D.13J2, 1, Chas. f Gnllck, Minister of tbe Interiorof the Hawaiian Kingdom, do hereby make thfollowing Rules and Regulations to be observedby licensed carriers of passengers and freightIn the District of Honolulu:1st. Every licensed carriuge, dray or vehicle

must be numbered, ana mis numoer muni uvplaced on a conspicuous part of the carriage, drayor vehicle.

2d. Every licensed cwriage running at nightmust exhibit two lights, and the number of suchcarriage plainly shown on the glass of each lan-

tern, in figures not less than one and one-ha- lf (l.'f)Inches In height.

3d. Drivers of licensed vehicles must obey theorders of the police.

4th. No licensed carriuge will bo allowed tostand on the makai side of Queen street near theFish Market, and no two or more carriages will bo

allowed to stand abreast on any street.5th. On all stands set apart for licensed carriages

the horses must be headed parallel to the streetand close to the sidewalk.

Sth. No licensed horse and currKige must be leftwithout a proper attendant, or properly secured.

7th. No licensed carriage will be allowed to beleft on tbe street over night.8th. STANDS SKT APAUT FOR UCKJ1CD OARKIAOIlS.

No. I. Mauk i sidtf of Beret:iaiu street, east sideof Mounakea street.

No. I. MukalsiJeof Beretaniu street, from eastcorner of Nuuanii street.

No. 3. East side of Emma street, maukaof Ber-eta- nla

street.No. 4. Ml.uka side of Hotel street, from east

corner of Nuuanu street.No. 5. Munka side of Hotel street, corner of

Union street.No. 6. Makai side of Hotel street, opposite to

the entrance of Hawaiian Hotel.No. 7. Makai side of King street, opposite the

Chinese Theater, east of road to tbe Prison.No. 8. Makal slda of King street, east corner of

Maunakea street.So. . Makal side or King street, from west

corner of Bethel street.No. to. Makal side of King street, east from E.

O. Hall A Son's store.No. 11. Makal side of King street, east corner of

Richards street.No. 12. Makai side of King street, west from

Punchbowl street.No.' 13. Makal side of Merchant street, opposite

to Sailors' Home.No. 14. Makal side of Merchant street, east cor-

ner of Fort street.No. 15. Maukaslde of Queen street, opposite to

Fiau Market.No. 16. Makai side of Queen street, from east

corner of Nuuanu street.No. 1". Makal side of Queen street, from east

corner of Fort street.

9th. No more than ten carriages will be allowedon any one stand at any one time.

10th. Licensed carriages standing in front of theHawaiian Opera House shall align on tbe maukaside of Klug street.

11th. Licensed carriages standing upon the Es-

planade, near the Mail Steamer Dock, shall alignupon tbe mauka side of the street to tbe corner ofKilauea street, and mauka along tbe east side ofKllauea ctreet.

12th. Licensed carriages at the GovernmentBuilding shall enter on tbe eastern side o f thedrive, and align on tbe outer side of the circleawaiting their fare. ,

'. , KATK8 O FARE.13th. To or from any point in Beretaniu street

aud the harbor, and between Maunakea street andPunchbowl street, for each passenger, 10 cents.

14th. To or from any point betweeu the secondbridge. Nuuanu Avenue, and tbe harbor, and theReformatory School, on the Ewa road and theline of Victoria street, not exceeding one milefrom tbe starting point and not cou flictiug withRule 13, for each passenger, 25 cents. For eachpassenger to or from any steamer or sailing vesselto or from any point within the foregoing limits,2-- ceuts.

15th. Outside these limits, not exceeding twomiles from the starting poiut, for each person, 50

cents; beyond two miles. 25 cents per mile or frac-

tion thereof, for each passenger.16th. Children three years old or under, no

charge; over three years old and not more tbauten years old, half price. "'

17th. For all deteutious Of a licensed vehiclewhile under engagement within tbe ten (10; cvntlimit $1 50 per hour, Irrespective of the numbercf passengers ; beyoud the foregoing' limit, 1 perhour. For each vehicle attending a funeral. (3,

ISth. Time to be counted from the time of en-

gagement to tbe time 'of dismissal, and whencalled by the telephone the engagement com-mences with the receipt of tbe message. .Servicein answer to call by telephone nu,y be charged afare and one-hal- f.

19th. No extra charge shall be made to any pas-senger for ordinary band baggage.

20th. For any other tbau ordinary baud bug-gag- e,

each trunk or box, 25 cents.21st. Every licensed driver shall have a silver

r white metal badge, with his i. umber plainlyshown on it, as per sample at tbe Police St itiouHouse; said badge to be worn so as to be ;istiictlyseen upon the left breast. To injure uniformity,these badges will be furnished at lb Station Houseat cost price.)22. WHFJT ORDERED SPECIALLY FOR iAPIOLANI

l'AKK.One passenger, each way . $ 1 00Two passeugers, each wuy 1 50Tbre passengers, each way 2 00

'HKS ORDKRVTD SPECIALLY FOX THK PALI.One passenger, each way f 3 00Twt passengers, each way 4 00Tbr e passengers, each way 5 00

N J driver is compelled to take a single fare be

X)ays Only.THK

Duty 3?aid.



Aitbferd A AMltFerd,


ADVOCATES, ETC.OfHctj Honolulu Hale, adjoining the r-.-

Office. 2ti7dAwif

CECIL BROWN, ATTORNEV-AT-LA- AMi'ubltc, Campbell' Block, Mrtii4.ut


A. ItOSA,AT LAW ANII NOTARYATTORNEY with the Attorney General, J,M

olaut Hale, Honolulu, H. I. 6? turZo-li-u- t



Keal Etat la any pari or tb Kin jr.Bought, Hvld and Leased on CouamlaQiuLoans Negotiated and Legal iHteumenu Drawn.

Ho. 27 aCCRCUAKT HTBCCT,Gazette Block, Honolulu. li-t- f


Steam Candy Factory

.AND BAKERY.F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,

Pastry Cook and Baker.Hotel street. 78 tf Telephone 74


AND COMFORTABLE FURNISHEDNEAT at No. 3 Kawalabou lane, a few stepsfrom the Government building. A nail and wtecan also have comfortable furnished rooiat, ortwo rooms unfurnished, and accommodations tocook for themselves. MRS. VAI'.I



Real Estate SaleIN

HOIST OLULiXJ,Hawaiian Islands.

DESIRING A GOOD INVMsT1JARTIES the Hawaiian Islands wiil have arare opportunity in tbe purchase of tbe RoseRanch property, lately owned by Captain Ji.mesMakee, on the Island of Maui.

This estate comprises over eleven thousand (II,-00- 0)

acres of land held in fee simple, and aboutVrj fftc..-,ati'- (10.000) acres held under e to runsix years longw,J he stock on the estate com- -

prises about 3,800 bea(Vif wJM)red cattle, tnrlntug iuu yoke worKiug caiue ana tuu silica owand vO horses and luuie.

The buildings consist of a main dwelling house,guests' cottages, oflice, billiard room, chapel,dairy and beef houses, store, overseer's bouse,servants' quarters, etc., etc.

There are between three and four hundred thtn-san- d

trees on the estate of varieties of eucalyptus,acacia, cypress, Pride of India, cedar and cin-chona.

The cisterns for water are 12 in number, theargest capable of holding 15,000 barrels.

Steamers from Honolulu stop at the landing ofthe estate once a week. Tbe passage from li ouo-lu-lu

to the lauding is made in 12 hours by steamer.Hundreds of citizens of California and the Easternstates have experienced the hciltallty of tbe lateCaptain Makee, who will bear willing testimony totbe natural beauties of the estate and to tbe sa-

lubrity of tbe climate.ALSO TO BE HOLD,

The fine residence in the city of Honolulu belong-ing to the Makee estate, together with tbe furni-ture belonging to the bouse.

1 he sale of the above-name- d properties will beheld in the city of Honolulu MARCH 1. 18SC.

For further particulars apply toJOHN V. SPRECKELM BROS.,

San Francbico,And to

WM. O. IRWIN A CO.,411 marl d-- w Honolulu.



Hawaiian Opera House.

Great Fashionable EventOF THI$


January H "1886.

MISS GENEVIEVE WA3D,The leading tragic actress of the EugllHh-speU- o

. stage, and.

MB. W. H. VERNON.The popular London actor, win appear In the cele-

brated comedy drama of

" Forget-Me-Not.- "

Mrs. Captain Ilayley, Mrs, J. D. btrongr, Mr. IMontgomery Matber and Mr. Pike have kindlyvolunteered and will appear So some of the prin-cipal characters iu the drama,

Box oflice now open at the office of J. K. Wistman.

Marshal's Sale.

VIRTUK OP A WRIT OF EXECUTIONBY issued out of the Supreme Court, on tbe 14thday ot November, A. D. 1885, against A. K.

defendant, in favor of E. It. MILKS,plaintiff, for the sum of $170 94,1 have leviedupon and shall expose for sale, at the front en-trance of Aliiolanl Hale, iu Honolulu, Island ofOahu, at 12 m. o'clock of WEDNESDAY, the 3dday of February, A. D. 1386, to the li'ghest bid-der, all tbe right, title and interest of tbe said de-fendant, iu and to tbe following property, anienssaid judgment, interest, coHts aud my expenses bepreviously paid.

List of property for sale:All that certain piece or parcel of land situate in

Luakaba, Nuuanu Valley, Honolulu, Oabu. Com-mencing at makal west corner of large lot on Nuu-anu road, and running south 03 west, 3 chain59 5-- feet along road wall to slight angle. Thencesouth 61 west 2 chains 11 10-1- 2 teet along wall tomakal west corner of this lot. Thence ooutb 30'45', east 6 chains 56 7-- 12 feet along makal wall ofthis lot to slight angle; thence south 35 east 2chains 17 10-- 12 feet along wall to makai south cor-n- er

of this land. Thence N. 60 east chainsalong wall to makal wall of old lot at cast cornerof this lot. Thence north 20 15' west 3 chains62 8-- feet along wall to slifcht angle. Thencenorth 29.15, west 5 chains along old lot wall toplace of cemmencemeut, Including an area of5 2-- acres. J. H.bOPER,

Marshal.Honolulu, January 4, 1386.

Marshal's Sale.

VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF EXECUTIONBY out cf the supreme Court, on the 4thday ef January, A. JJ. HSd, against A. K. K UNU-IAKE-

defendant, in favor of C. F. WOLF,plaintiff, for tbe sum of f 2-- '0 6",' I have leviedupon and shall expose for sale, at the front en-trance of Alliolani Hale, In Honolulu. Island ofOahu, at 12 m. o'clock of WEDNESD VY, tbe 31day of February, A. D. 1886, to tbe highest bid-der, all the right, title and interest of the said A.K. KUNUIAKEA, defendant, in and to the follow-ing property, unless said Judgment. Interest,coHts and my expenses be previously paid. --

List of property lor sale:All that certain piece or parrel of land situate

in Luakaha, Nuuanu Valley, Honolulu, Oahu.Commencing at makai west corner of large lot onNuuanu road, and running south S3 west J chains59 5-- feet along road wall to slight angle; thencesouth 61 west 2 chains 11 feet along wall tomakai west corner of this loc Thence south 30"45 east, 6 chains 56 feet a'ong makai wall ofthis lot to Alight angle; thence boutb 35 east 2cb dns ,17 10-1- 2 feet along will to makal southcorner of this land. The lice N. 60 east h chainsalong wall to makal wall f old lot at east cornerof this lot. Thence north 20J 15' west, 3 cbaiurro- - o-- i- icti Biuiig u to uijfc ngieiirncenorth '29.15 west, 5 chains aIonsoldJ5uSklTTo placeof commencement, including an area of 6 2--

acres. J. 11. bOI'EIt,Marshal.

Honolulu. January 4, ISS-i- .


1 Mill Co. in favor of Loo Chit Sam, dated Jcnikary 1, 186, each for the amount of f 2,350, due Sep.temberl. 1SH6: not indorsed; have been lost De-

cember 30, 15. All persons are warned againstdiscounting said uotes. A. reward of f 5 will bepaid to the party who returns tae notes to ChuiauJt Co.

Honolulu, December 31,1 S86. lw

The Hawaiian Hotel Car-


be no extra charge for Carrluges ordered bytelephone. 42 tf


Popular Millineiy House,

104 Fort StreetThe largest and itrst assorted stock in the Kingdom. PR KHENTS SUITABLE FOR YOUNG

AXI OLD, MALE OH FKMALE. Toilet Boxes, Ilund Olasse.x, Woik Boxes, Jewel Cases, Collar andCiiiT Boxt-s- , etc., etc.


All colors, all kinds and all pries. Immense Htock of LADIES' HAN 1 SATCHELS, at prices thatwill Mtoniisli yon. Endless variety of Ladies' .fine Embroidered Handkerchiefs, Lace

Collars, Ficbns, .Si:k Handkerchiefs, etc,, etc., etc.

Th.e Millinei?v DepartmentIs complete, a!l the latest styles of Trimmed and Un trimmed Hats, Feathers, BirdM, OrnamentsWing, etc., at Prices to suit, ut the

Popular Millinery House,

ST. S. SACHS, Proprietor.

Rowell, Jackson & Webster,Civil aul Mecliauieal Engineer, Surveyor nnl DraugUfftineii.

Deslgus and estimates prepared, etc., for all kinds of Mechanical, Architectural and Civil En-gineering work.

Terms ReasonableConsulting aud Draughting Eooms in Campbell's Block. Entrance on Merchant street. AH or

ders promptly attended to. 303tX

Page 4: FES! - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · r Jr. ilv I I ii I! If 1 I! fSB i L-r-- v r-- n. f r I f PRICE 5 CENTS. VOL. V.NO. 5. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, THURSDAY,





i 1



The requirements for a Brandy likely to be of an? medical use are all present in that surpHfd byMessrs. J. E. Pellison A Co. Vide Public Health.

Uncolored, Unsweetened, Pure Old Brandy.Battled at Cognac, for Medicinal aud Domestic Uses, as Analysed.

'( call the attention of all readers to the following extract from the Analysts' Reports and




M. . W. McCHESjNtEY & SOfl

have received;-- 1.

Opinions of the Press: .

OFFER FOR SALEjuaooraiory, umuHui nuu, .1 ixvim.rn iuhik i, iaiuuuu, . . -- .

"This brandy is a pure grape spirit, remarkably rich in fragrant ethers; contains a large amount oftannin, derived from storing In oak casks, which imparts to line old branny one of its valuable medici-nal properties, and will be of the greatest value to the physician in those numerous cases where puretV n kpan.lv la Ka rv ,Bfril flf fill TTi atl

OfficesGeneral Businessv. J M bUC 1UV9 . ' ' .

Ihe only two quail; es shipped "Seven and Ten Years Old" tan be had in one-dore- n cases.OF.

May Stli Per Mariposa, 1,754 Packages ;

May 22d-P- er Alameda, 1,922 Packages ;

To Arrive Per Consnelo, 332 Packages,

Ihe msgniUcent steamship

(Broci)(t. Commander.)

Will leave for the above port on or about

IDecemlDei' 15th,For freight or passage apply to


FREETH & PEACOCK:Sugars. Sole Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.111 a2l-d4wS6J. E. WISEMAN,HONOLULU, II- - I.

P. O. BOX 315. . TELEPHONE 172

(Established 17.;ASSORTED GROCERIES,


Grioceriesj Provisions and. FeedEAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS.

New Goods received by every packet from the Eastern States and Europe, fresh CaliforniaProduce by every steamer. All orders faithfully attended to, and Goods delivered to any part of thecity free of charge. Island orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Postomce Box No. l5Telephone No. 92. 76 aP17


la Barrels4Half Barrels,

And Boxes.

CUBEIn Half BarreLt

And Boxes.

1'OWDEKED 7la Boxes.

GOLDEN C (COFFEE)In Ualf Barrels

And Boxes

- r,

m:: f


The follawlntf various branches of business will

PiKLble the oublic on the Islands and from abroad WHICHto gain ceneral Information on all matters In the

Steam Navigation Oo.following department: AVill bo Sold av the Lowest IMavket Rates,Real Estate Department(.LIMITED.)

Bays anl Bella Keal Eatate in all parts of the 1886. Third-Yea- r of Publication. 1886THE HONOLULU

Klnardom. Teas.Values Ileal Estate and Property in city andiVT. TV McChesney & Son,suburbs.

lie nut and lease. Houses, Cottages, Booms andT o rim.


Attends to Iiiauramce, Taxes. Repairing and43 antl 4i Qnciru Ntreet, IBttnolulilyBATES Commaudt-- r ALMANAC km DIKECTOKI!





lrawa legal papers of every nature SearchesTitles, Kecords, btc- - Will run regulany to Maalaea, Maui, and Koua

and Kau, Hawaii.Employment DepartmentFinds Kmployment in all branches or inaiwiry

connocrtea witn tne isianus. - -


For the Year of Our Lord 1SSG, Containing anSTEAMER PLANTER,Soap.General Business Matters

Keep Books and Accounts, collect BUIb, loansor Invent Moneys. Penmanship, Enjcroaaln nd

(L1LINOE.) COMMERCIAL WORK.--ArtisticCotorPrinting.CommanderCAMERON....BLUE MOTTLED.

FAMILY LAUNDRY.PH0TO-ENGRAVIN- &all Kinds 01 mpyiug aone.

Urnniivri C1ra uml .if InnnrullfP. Astronomical, Civil & Ecclesiastic! Caleiul'rLeaves every Tuestlay at 5 p. m. for Nawiliwili,viu.l un.l Wulnica. Keturiiintc. will leave GLOSSED tASl

Nawlilwlll every Saturday at 4 p. in., ariiving atHonolulu every huuy at a a. m. FOR THE YEAR AN

Ad vertLienients and Correspondence attended to.Information of every description connected

with the Inlands coming from abroadanswered.

Custom House Broker.Salmon.

CASES !- - TINS. s i eameu iwalani, official and Business Directory of Honoluluun.h.nia will ttiwl thin Tifuurtment a niiecial

mm a

boneni. to them, as I attend to entering goodsthrough power of Attorney nd delivering the CASES 2- - TIN.s .lAiuiUMiiurtFREEMANsunie at a small cointmion. lOGETlIKR WITHWill run regularly to llamoa. Maul, and Kukui- -

siij.il li'.nt fur the "M LTUAIj LIKK baele, Ilouoaaa ami raaunau. uawnu.INHUKANCE COANY OK EV YORK,"


BARRELS.ttie Urgent, giandest ana aounaest insurauce Full Statistical and General InformationCorn:any in the world.

A1EST for the STEAMER C. It. BISHOP,.CommanderMACACLEV"tret Burliustou Hallway Route,

t a m. uriiit TravMra lf,itrn-lrifi- r hv rati in RELATING TO THE HAWN ISI-AND- S,Elour. orarr TTrtfiH v it An. m. for Waiauae,a ninrli'u will Hml thU route the luoHt comfortable Oahu, and Haualei and Kilauea. Kauai, Return- -and most delightful. The st- - iiery ts the grandest

't. i

If- -

.' .,1 A.

I, I


ij. j

t I

1 f

A ;

FAMILY" '.:a quarter sacks). ng, leaves 11 anal 1 every 'luesaay at p. m., anutouching at Waial la and Waiauae Wednesdays. Is now in Course of Publication. Will be Issued thegoing Kast, and with the PUIJMAJS

kiiTMiVd t'x list unrl ir.totl meals alonir the trip.and arriving at Honolulu same aay.RACER'S EXTRA "(I, naif sacks),ioUt attention from employees and reason.

First Week in January, 18SG.STEAMER JAMES MAKEE,able fare no route can ex.;ei tuis.

AGENT for the

llouslnln Royal Opera House. Cases Medium Bread.WEIR Commander

Hvaof rtaina anrl fttnP.liSA Vinvft bePll tO bv the Publishei'3 tOManagers ot llrat-claH-S companies abroad will Will run regularly to Kapaa, Kauai. ni-- A 4i;Q ATrivAn Avn lTPp.nTf.riv thft most useful and comirehen- -

address m for terms, etc. &Ji ClivV- - tllta alliiUXiil V - A.

sive work of the kind ever published in the Hawaiian Kingdom. ItT. R. FOSTER, President.

Lime and Cement. J. Ena. secretary. will be found invaluable to men 01 Dusiness, travelers anu wuhsib,and is guaranteed a wide circulation at Home and in Foreign Coun


Liaiiibei? and Coal,Doors, Sash;and Blinds. All kinds of BUILDERS' HARDWARE, Painta, Oils, OJaaa, MattlnfCorrugated Iron, Portland Cement : STEEL NAILS, much superior to Iron, and COM but littl


tries.Its Court and Official Calendar carefully corrected to the lates

DEPARTMENTS.Ileal Estate Broker.

a.Cm Hoae Broker.Slauey Broker.

Fire and IJfe Innuranee Agent.Employment Agent,

Ballrad Agrnt and

MANILA moment. . .Aud Articles of special value to the Islands have oeen prepared by

writers, which are well calculated to beget great interest in



STEAMER KINAU,(King, Commanner),

SISAL CORDAGE.their condition and prospect abroad.

General Business AgentkfvuT i r' i a w m 9 if a-- - 3 i i vi i i ." ail t.irai iiitiiio a a iUKKsL WM. KVAWVi is- j A.

fully solicited to make returns of their officers, Compiler's aimReed's Felt Steam Pipe being correctness and perieenon.

ADIiiEHi: , ,.

J. E. WISEMAN, Leaves Honolula as per following schedule. JAMES O. SPENCJCR,secretary and Treasurer.H. F. DILLINGHAM,

President and Manager.touching at Lahaiua, Aiaaiaea, make".kno vxuDthosTjuiinhnphat. IIllo and Keauhou: Advertising Space Limited Large Circulation

r.n,mninr nn 'MONDAY. October 12th. and8(i HONOLULU,! H. I. aud Boiler Covering. thence on the first Monday following the arrival Guaranteed.of the "Alameda" ana ".Mariposa, on me om

The" steamer Klnau will make the VOLCANOtoip ranhtn7 Vpiiiihnu on Wednesday morn


Successor' to DUliniCliain A Co. aud Samuel Xott.

Fort Stxeet : : : HonoluluOceanic Steamship Go. ing, giving tourist two days and two night at25 "A" TENTS, (suitable for camp-

ing and surveying parties.)IIS tf

the VOLCANO HOWhen the 8th and 22d of the month fall on

Mnnitur ihs k intin will iave that day.


' t 'f i .iis !



I '

t !

Ii i


m1 1

r f



n'ti i

f- ?:




- f! .




67 and 69 Hotel street. P. O. Box 297. Old and New Telephone, 240.

Kicur imnTi ti'st HEnKTVEn ON ICE. Fr:sh California Fruits. Fresh California FishALL CIIARUES.

Th. cinin will arrive in Honolulu SundayEUREKA ! mornings on Volcano trips. On H;lo trips, will. 1 Qutiirlnv -- :o:-

and a full line of Faucy and Staple Groceries. Goods delivered to all parts of the city free of cliargeleave lionoiuiu on iueutt, uu iciummorning.FOR SAN FRANCISCO,

The Al steamshipAND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. 75 ap!6PASSENGER TRAINS will connect with the

Kinau at Mahukona.T"V, rin.n xrTT.T. TfiTTll nt fTnnokala audWe have received a consignment o the most

Paauhau en down trips from Hito for PassengersEconomical aui Valuable Feed for allkinds of Stock, viz.:' ST'. 3?TJL," tf a signal is made irom tne snare. THE HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO.

COOKED LINSEED ilEAL.Have completed and offer for sale tne follow I tier Boilers, viz:Will leave Honolulu for the above port on

'', . or aboutIt Is the greatest Flesh former, Milk and

Butter producer In use.STEAMER LIKELIKE.

(Loreuzen, Commander;, IMPAIR COMPOUND STEEL BOILERS (WffiKa


Just received ex steamors

ALAMEDA and ST- - PAUL.Latest DCMisrii In





fjaniaai?y 15th, liumm irnnnli:1n peprv Mnndav at 5 P. if. torOil Cake Meal shows about 27 per rent, of nu

trltlva matter; this nearly 39 per cent. Kannakakai,Kahului, every week; Huelo, Hanaand Kipahulu. Keanae, Mokulau and Nuu everyother week. Returning, will stop at the abovetoo s. ol this meal la equal to 3V a. of oaU,

1 Combination Boiler, 12 ft. x 5 ft. G in.1 Combination Steel Boiler, 12 ft. x 4 ft., also

1 Second-Ha- ml Tubular Boiler, 12 ft. x 4 ft.

For freight or pa3ge apply to

Wm. Irwin & Co., or 318 ls. of corn, or to 76T ts. of wheat bran. ports, arriving DacK ssaiuraay mornings.Vor mails and passengers only.

For Sale in Lots to Suit.AGENTS. STEAMER KILAUEA HOU,Also, out Unrivalled MIXED FEED, as well as

our usual supply of the best kinds of io5-je27- -6 Apply to 'me iioiioiuiii --iron w orits JV(Welsbarth, Commander),Hay, Oats, Wheat, Corn, Etc., E win 1piv rtniliirl v for Paauhan. iCoholalele,

Ookala, Kukaiaa, Honohlna, Laupahoehoe, Haka- -Australian Mail Service.lan and onomeaLAINE & CO.

13 tf GEO. ENGELHaEDT,Formerly wllh Samuel Xott.

Importer and Dealer in



The new and splendid Al steamshipStoves, Chandeliers, Lamps, Crockery and Glassware.Will leave regularly for same ports as KilaueaBONE MEAL!!



All the Latest .Novelties in Fancy Goods Received by


BONE MEAL !! steamer mokolii. House Furnishing Hardware,Agate Iron and Tinware.

Agent for Hall's Safe and Lock Company.(McGregor, Commander?,

t n....M irmmiiilii rh Mondav at 5 v. m. forumico - - -Kaunakakal. Kamalo. Pukoo,Lahaina. Lanal.Moa- -

230-octl- -fiEvery Steamer.The undordixued are now prepared to re

ceive orders for this Celebrated Fertilizer

from the manufactory of Buck Ohlandt

Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will be dueat Honolulu from Sydney and Auckland

on or about

January 16th.And will leave for the abave port with mails audpassensrera on or about that date..

having bilKiUKFor freight or passage,ACCOMMODATIONS, apply to

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.,AGENTS.

Beaver Block : : : : Fort Street,Store formerly occupied by S. Nott. opposite Spreckels A Co.'s Bank. SOI nov3 86


nuLHalawa, v anau, reirituuu nuu aiukii.turning, leaves Pukoo Friday 6 a.m. for Honolulu,arriving Saturday morning.

0Mm The Company will not be responsible forany freight or packages unless receipted for, norfor personal baggage unless plainly marked. Notresponsible for money or jewelry unless placed Incharge of the Purser.

All possible care will be taken of Live Stock, butthe Company will not assume any risk of accident.

BAMTi. O. WILDER, PresidentS. B. ROSE, Secretary.

OFFICE Corner Fort and Qneen streets.6!Uly Mar 80

San Francisco:

The following ia a report of the compo-

nent parts, as obtained by Chemical LIGHT ! LIGHT !


No More Darkness.8.10 per centr -- s 'i .... -

Just received, ex MARTHA DAVIS, from Boston,One hundred dozen GENTS full fashionedsocks,--

a? Vx ittj and Auckland.Downer's Kerosene Oil."Morley's of London;'

Water..:,..Organw Mat "".

Silicioon Bfatter.limePhiwphoric Acid.Oxide of Iron . . .

Carbonic Acid. . .

Alkali Salts

29.18 ".4.65 "


. .85 "1.89

.52 "


. Standard Kerosene Oil.At 23 (euls per pnir. j

200 dozen LADIES COTTON HOSE, extra!long and silk clocked never excelle.l.

:. " ,....--:;--

Water White Kerosene Oil.



ness, with Stock, Lease, Goodwill, to ITSANG, who will pay all debts of the Arm and col-

lect all bills due.Honolulu. Pec. 26, 1883 dc.Ji


THE with lease, houses, oxeu, horses,and tools to Tong Sing Co. of Ewa, Waihele andWaipahu. The company will take possession of

the property from January 4, MSG, and all theliabilities of said property will be pal.t by under-tinne- d.

YOUNG KUAI.December 30, Jan8

"Louvre of Brussels;' j for hale byNitrogen 2.7 per cut.

Fort Street.U7 feb28 J. T. WATERH0USE.33C

The new and line Al steel sttaiuship

"MAEAEOA"lA the Union Steamship Company, Newrealand,

Will be due at Honolulu from San Franciscoor or about

January 22dUAnd will have prompt dispatch with malls andpassenger for the above Vorjs. SlPiRlOH AC-

COMMODATIONS,For freight or passage,

apply to

Wm. U. Irwin & Co.,AGFXTS.

Order8 Received will have Prompt

and Careful Attention. Stoves, Ranges and Housekecpiiif; Goods.VSTOR HOUSE.1NOTICE.N. CURRY & BROTHER,

AND DEALERS INIMPORTERS and Pistols, Colt, Winchester,Kennedy and Marlin Magazine Rifles. Remlns-to- n,

JSharps and Ballard Sporting Rifles. Aenisfor W. Greener, Colt, Parker and Remington

a . rA.,l,lA Pima CT t onrl Smith AriHE UNDERSIGNED INTENDS TO LEAVEI rHin& in Tnnnarv. All persons having Plumbing:, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Work

The underigned, proprietor of the AstorHouse, has reopened this favorite Restaurant,and solicits a share of public patronatf e, guaran-teeing first-clas- s meals and attendance.

Honolulu, Tec. 29, 18S5. jan2Jclaims against him are hereby notified to presentW. G. Irwin & Co.,

Agents or the Hawaiian Islands.85tf

'Wesson Pistols. N. CUBBY & BRO., 113 Han-som- e

street, Han Francisco, Cal. J3b lytbem for payment immeaiani.v. nuHonolulu, December 30, 1SS5. Jan8



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