feudalism / feudal system by: daniela lacouture history class project 7.4

Feudalism / Feudal system By: Daniela Lacouture History class project 7.4

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Feudalism / Feudal system

By: Daniela Lacouture

History class project



• In the middle ages feudalism was the law of each place in Europe. This system was based were upper nobility class had control against lower class. After the fall of Rome, feudalism was a political, economical and military system, which provided defense against attacks, safety from wars and local conflicts.


c. 725The Frankish ruler Charles Martel, granting tracts of land to his nobles, lays the foundation for European feudalism        c. 1000The feudal knight of northern Europe, wearing armour of chain mail on a sturdy horse, becomes the fighting machine of the Middle Ages         

c. 1200The samurai provide military support for the shogun, in a system similar to feudalism at this same period in Europe(http://www.historyworld.net/timesearch/default.asp?keywords=feudalism+in+europe&sort2=&bottomsort=&topsort=&direction=&timelineid=&getyear=&viewtext=extended&conid=timeline&event_number=20&date=)

What was feudalism?

• Feudalism was a type of goverment based on contracts between lords and vassals. Was also way of exchanging land for military service. Started during the middle ages and lasted for 200 years. Feudalism was born to be the way of protection for people and lands of the monarchy.

Peasants can be seen here fulfilling their end of the serf-lord bargain. They are hard at working picking berries for their lord on his land.

Feudalism major accomplishments

• Feudalism accomplishments were: at that time there was no strong central goverment neither small security, but when fuedalism came, brought the basic need for justice and protection. William the conquer introduce feudalism in England after defeated Harold at the battle of hastings.

Feudalism difficulties

• People didn’t treat other people the same• There were a disease called epidemic• The hard work of a peasant • the peasant could not leav the land without

permision of the lord.• If the peasant hadded children they would also

need to work as a peasant too.• Serfes could not marry without lords permision• Everyone in their family needed to work.

Feudalism social importance

• The owner of the land is called fief and the worker of the land is called vassal.

• in the moment that was a bad understanding there was an accuser and an accused. The way to determ if the accused was guilty the accused needs to survive some proves.

• The serf needed to be loyalty to the noble or lord and needed to bring military protection

Impact of feudalism

• After the dead of Charlemagne, his grandsons founded over land.

• The consequences for dividing the empire in 3 parts was to became weak and eventually to the fall.


• For this topic was a little bit difficult to find all the information because of all the names were mentioned there. Some main topics of feudalism is more about how it would provide safety. But if you think about back then you would say the consequences people had were horrible because for a little reason you or get in big truble or get killed. All of the wars that were in that time. They needed to invent sonething that would control all those conflicts.


• The middle ages page.119• The new feudalism by Niholson- Lord, David• Google (www.historylearningsite.co.uk/feudalism .htm)• The world book enciclopedia (f) page.62,63,64• Google (www.middle-ages.org.uk/european-feudalism.htm) • Holt world history chapter 13 section 2 feudalism and monoralism• Google (http://library.thinkquest.org/10949/fief/hifeudal.html)• Google (http://www.portalplanetasedna.com.ar/crisis_feudal.htm)• Google (http://www.writework.com/essay/impact-feudalism) • Google(http://westernreservepublicmedia.org/middleages/feud_feudallw.htm)• Google( http
