fgdc homeland security working group classification of this briefing is unclassified//fouo not for...

FGDC Homeland Security Working Group Classification of this briefing is UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO not for distribution Status Briefing to Coordination Group: Proposed Future Role October 13, 2009

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3 FGDC HSWG Charter (current) PURPOSE: “…to serve as the focal point for identification of geospatial metadata, information content, symbology, interface and other specifications, guidelines, and standards required to ensure that geospatial information technologies support the achievement of these strategic goals of homeland security.” “Another important function of the HSWG is to serve as a bridge between the Homeland Security (HLS) and Homeland Defense (HLD) geospatial domains.” SCOPE: “…identify geospatial information technologies, resources, standards and data applicable to homeland security. It will also identify and address unsatisfied homeland security-related geospatial needs…The HSWG will use nationwide coordination mechanisms between all levels of government to encourage appropriate participation in its activities and to fully inform relevant stakeholders about standards, data production, coordination activities, management planning, and training opportunities.” Responsibility: “…HSWG responsibilities fall into the broad mission areas of Policy Recommendations, Standards, and Coordination.” Membership: “The HSWG shall consist of representatives designated by: a) those Federal agencies that as part of their mission collect or finance the collection of geospatial data that are applicable to homeland security missions, and b) those Federal agencies that are legislatively mandated to directly apply these data (e.g. agencies specified in the National Response Plan and relevant Homeland Security Presidential Directives) in support of homeland security missions.”


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FGDC Homeland Security Working Group

Classification of this briefing is UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO not for distribution

Status Briefing to Coordination Group:Proposed Future Role

October 13, 2009

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FGDC Coordination Group Charter


Approved September 15, 2009 ?PURPOSE This Charter establishes the Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) Coordination Group, which is charged with the identification, prioritization, implementation, coordination, and oversight of strategies and tasks required to support the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) and to coordinate Federal geospatial programs to that end.

COORDINATION GROUP OBJECTIVES • Recommend establishment of Subcommittees and Working Groups to support the use and development of geospatial data and information across Federal geospatial programs in conjunction with public and private sector partners/stakeholders. Annually review and recommend to the FGDC Steering Committee for approval the work plans of Subcommittees and Working Groups. Review progress of Subcommittees and Working Groups regularly at standing meetings, and prescribe midcourse corrections when necessary.

SUBCOMMITTEES FGDC Subcommittees are comprised of members who share a common interest in specific types of geospatial data - typically those geospatial data associated with themes specified by OMB Circular A-16. Each Subcommittee focuses on issues that pertain to the completion and lifecycle management of data sets within the theme in which they are associated.

WORKING GROUPS FGDC Working Groups are comprised of members who share a common interest addressing issues which cross-cut or are pertinent to multiple themes.

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FGDC HSWG Charter (current)

PURPOSE: “…to serve as the focal point for identification of geospatial metadata, information content, symbology, interface and other specifications, guidelines, and standards required to ensure that geospatial information technologies support the achievement of these strategic goals of homeland security.”

“Another important function of the HSWG is to serve as a bridge between the Homeland Security (HLS) and Homeland Defense (HLD) geospatial domains.”

SCOPE: “…identify geospatial information technologies, resources, standards and data applicable to homeland security. It will also identify and address unsatisfied homeland security-related geospatial needs…The HSWG will use nationwide coordination mechanisms between all levels of government to encourage appropriate participation in its activities and to fully inform relevant stakeholders about standards, data production, coordination activities, management planning, and training opportunities.”

Responsibility: “…HSWG responsibilities fall into the broad mission areas of Policy Recommendations, Standards, and Coordination.”

Membership: “The HSWG shall consist of representatives designated by:a) those Federal agencies that as part of their mission collect or finance the collection of geospatial data that are applicable to homeland security missions, andb) those Federal agencies that are legislatively mandated to directly apply these data (e.g. agencies specified in the National Response Plan and relevant Homeland Security Presidential Directives) in support of homeland security missions.”

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HSWG “Membership”

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FGDC HSWG & DHS GWG Chronology

9/11 2001 Terrorists attack United StatesOct 2001 White House Office of Homeland SecurityNov 2002 Homeland Security Act

Jan 2003 Department becomes operationalMar 2003 Component agencies merge to form DHS

Dec 2004 Intel Reform & Terrorism Prevention Act- est. DHS Geospatial Management Office

2005* Geospatial Working Group (GWG) est. - Imagery / PNT / Standards / Tech SGs

2006* Geospatial Data Model (GDM) 2006* HLS Infrastructure Protection (HSIP) 2007* GDM/NIEM harmonization 2007* HIFLD Chartered 2008* Geo Concept of Operations GeoCONOPS 2008* GeoSegment Architecture 2008/9 GeoLOB Life Cycle HSPD-7 2009* Geospatial Information Infrastructure (GII) 2009* DHS S&T Symbology 2009 Imagery For The Nation (IFTN) matrix 2009* National Geospatial Policy 2009 Geospatial Profile/Segment Architecture 2010 Data Sensitivity

9/11 2001 Terrorists attack United States

Oct 2002 White House OHLS / FGDC meet - CG call for HSWG members

May 2003* HSWG Emg Mgmt Symbology SG 2003* National GRID Subgroup 2003* Coord: DISDI / HIFLD / UAIP

2005 Geospatial Data Access Guidelines 2005 Data Sharing Subgroup 2006* ANSI 415: Emergency Mgmt Std

2007** Subgroups: Content/Guidance/Symb/Nat’l Grid

2007* DHS Geospatial Data Model review 2008/9 GeoLOB Life Cycle HSPD-7 review

Oct 2009** Rebaseline HSWG Approach

2010 FGDC Annual Report: 4 Goals

HSWG DHS / GWG* on-going activities * on-going activities

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HSWG Structure & 2010 Work Plan Goals

Subgroups• Content Subgroup – inactive• Guidance Subgroup – inactive• National Grid Subgroup – Tom Terry, DoD/Marine Corp• Symbology Subgroup – Bob Phillips, DHS USCG

FGDC 2009 Annual Report: Goals FY 20101. Review the Geospatial Data Model (GDM), including physical data model

implementations, GDM documentation, National Information Exchange Model (NIEM) integration, and development of automated Web-based tools intended to help users adopt the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) GDM and NIEM

2. Review the DHS-sponsored Homeland Security Symbology Standardization process and symbol set development

3. Participate in the NSDI Cooperative Agreements Program (CAP) initiatives that span or cross the homeland security mission.

4. National GRID

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HSWG Proposed Future Role:Information Exchange & Product Review

Charter: Purpose Membership Scope Lead Agency Responsibilities Procedures (quarterly meetings) Subgroups Coordination Mechanisms Reports Termination

Quarterly Meeting Agenda: (based on need to review Products or Member briefing)1. Intro/Updates (All)2. Product Update: GDM / Symbology / CAP Grant activities / National GRID (1.5 hrs)3. Member initiated HLS Brief (.5 hr)

Practical Approach Changes to: Awareness / Product Review Increase DoD participation

Open to other agency lead

Disband Subgroups (IPTs TBD)

Reports (limited work plans/annual)

Option: GeoLOB Funding – assumes FGDC requires specific Product Developed Apply “Task A – PC Cross Cutting Activities” to priority HSWG task

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FGDC Coordination Group Charter


Approved September 15, 2009 ?PURPOSE This Charter establishes the Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) Coordination Group, which is charged with the identification, prioritization, implementation, coordination, and oversight of strategies and tasks required to support the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) and to coordinate Federal geospatial programs to that end.

COORDINATION GROUP OBJECTIVES • Recommend establishment of Subcommittees and Working Groups to support the use and development of geospatial data and information across Federal geospatial programs in conjunction with public and private sector partners/stakeholders. Annually review and recommend to the FGDC Steering Committee for approval the work plans of Subcommittees, and Working Groups. Review progress of Subcommittees and Working Groups regularly at standing meetings, and prescribe midcourse corrections when necessary.

SUBCOMMITTEES FGDC Subcommittees are comprised of members who share a common interest in specific types of geospatial data - typically those geospatial data associated with themes specified by OMB Circular A-16. Each Subcommittee focuses on issues that pertain to the completion and lifecycle management of data sets within the theme in which they are associated.

WORKING GROUPS FGDC Working Groups are comprised of members who share a common interest addressing issues which cross-cut or are pertinent to multiple themes.

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Recommended New Working Group: The National Map (TNM)

WORKING GROUPS FGDC Working Groups are comprised of members who share a common interest addressing issues which cross-cut or are pertinent to multiple themes.

The National MapAs one of the cornerstones of the U.S. Geological Survey's (USGS) National Geospatial Program, The National Map is a collaborative effort among the USGS and other Federal, State, and local partners to improve and deliver topographic information for the Nation. It has many uses ranging from recreation to scientific analysis to emergency response. The National Map is easily accessible for display on the Web, as products and services, and as downloadable data.

The geographic information available from The National Map includes:orthoimagery elevation geographic names hydrography boundaries transportation structures land cover

The National Map is a significant contribution to the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) and currently is being transformed to better serve the geospatial community by providing high quality, integrated geospatial data and improved products and services including new generation digital topographic maps.

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Recommended New Working Group:The National Map (TNM)

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“NGAC will review and make recommendations on key geospatial policy and management issues, including transition recommendations, and issues related to national land parcel data, Imagery for the Nation, Geospatial LoB implementation, and strategies for The National Map.”

FGDC 2008 Annual ReportThe National Map = 8 referencesHomeland Security Working Group = 4 references*

FGDC WebsiteThe National Map = 267 items returnedHomeland Security Working Group = 92 items returned

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CAP GrantsThe NSDI Cooperative Agreements Program (CAP) is an annual program to assist the

geospatial data community through funding and other resources in implementing the components of the NSDI.

Some of the activities supported by the CAP include:• Establishing participation in The National Map

• The Building Data Stewardships for The National Map and the NSDI category assists organizations and consortia to develop stewardship agreements and capabilities that provide long-term maintenance of geospatial information that serves all sectors of the community needs.

• The vision for the NSDI includes the integration of all levels of government, including the processes for local data to feed into State holdings, which then feed into Federal programs, such as The National Map.

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Recommendation: Establish TNM Working Group

COORDINATION GROUP OBJECTIVES • Recommend establishment of Subcommittees and Working Groups to support the use and development of geospatial data and information across Federal geospatial programs in conjunction with public and private sector partners/stakeholders. Annually review and recommend to the FGDC Steering Committee for approval the work plans of Subcommittees, and Working Groups. Review progress of Subcommittees and Working Groups regularly at standing meetings, and prescribe midcourse corrections when necessary.

COORDINATION GROUP: Next Steps1. Consensus of CG for the establishment of The National Map Working Group?2. Proposed additional Work Group to SAOGI / ExCom