
Communicated by P. Sablonni` ere Received November 17, 2010 Accepted July 12, 2011 on Approximation Jaen Journal Web site: jja.ujaen.es c 2011 Universidad de Ja´ en ISSN: 1889-3066 Jaen J. Approx. 3(1) (2011), 117–133 Unconditional convergence of wavelet expansion on the Cantor dyadic group Yuri Farkov, Ushangi Goginava and Tengiz Kopaliani Abstract In this paper we prove that wavelet expansions on the Cantor dyadic group G converge unconditianally in the dyadic Hardy space H 1 (G). We will do it for wavelets satisfying the regularity condition of H¨older-Lipshitz type. Keywords: wavelet expansion, Cantor dyadic group, unconditional conver- gence. MSC: Primary 42C40; Secondary 42B30. §1. Introduction Let us recall definitions of the dyadic field F and the Cantor dyadic group G. Denote by F 2 the field of order 2, with elements {0, 1}. Then the dyadic field F is the subset of jZ F 2 consisting of sequences x =(x j )=(...,x 2 ,x 1 ,x 0 ,x 1 ,x 2 ,... ), for which x j 0 as j → −∞. Addition on F is the coordinate-wise addition modulo 2 : (z j )=(x j )+(y j ) ⇐⇒ z j = x j + y j (mod 2), 117

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  • Communicated by

    P. Sablonniere

    ReceivedNovember 17, 2010AcceptedJuly 12, 2011



    Web site: jja.ujaen.es

    c 2011 Universidad de JaenISSN: 1889-3066

    Jaen J. Approx. 3(1) (2011), 117{133

    Unconditional convergence of wavelet

    expansion on the Cantor dyadic group

    Yuri Farkov, Ushangi Goginava and Tengiz Kopaliani


    In this paper we prove that wavelet expansions on the Cantor dyadic groupG converge unconditianally in the dyadic Hardy space H1 (G). We will do it forwavelets satisfying the regularity condition of Holder-Lipshitz type.

    Keywords: wavelet expansion, Cantor dyadic group, unconditional conver-gence.

    MSC: Primary 42C40; Secondary 42B30.

    x1. IntroductionLet us recall denitions of the dyadic eld F and the Cantor dyadic group G. Denoteby F2 the eld of order 2, with elements f0; 1g. Then the dyadic eld F is the subset ofQ

    j2Z F2 consisting of sequences

    x = (xj) = (: : : ; x2; x1; x0; x1; x2; : : : );

    for which xj ! 0 as j ! 1. Addition on F is the coordinate-wise addition modulo 2 :(zj) = (xj) + (yj) () zj = xj + yj (mod 2);


  • 118 Yuri Farkov, Ushangi Goginava and Tengiz Kopaliani

    while multiplication on F follows the rule

    (zj) = (xj) (yj) () zj =Xl+k=j

    xlyk (mod 2):

    Denote by the zero sequence in F. We see that for each x 2 F with x 6= there exists s(x) 2 Zsuch that

    xs(x) = 1 and xj = 0 for j < s(x):

    There is a non-Archimedean norm on F. Indeed, set kk = 0 and for each x 2 F with x 6= setkxk = 2s(x). Then

    kx+ yk maxfkxk; kykg and kx yk = kxkkykfor x; y 2 F. The Cantor dyadic group G can be dened as the additive group of the dyadic eld F,with the topology induced by k k. See Hewitt and Ross [8], Schipp, Wade, Simon [15], Taibleson [16],Golubov, Emov, Skvortsov [6] for development of the harmonic analysis on G.

    The setsUl := f(xj) 2 G j xj = 0 for j < lg; l 2 Z;

    form a complete system of neighbourhoods of and they satisfy the following properties:

    Ul+1 Ul,TUl = fg,

    SUl = G;

    each Ul is a compact open subgroup of G; each Ul is homeomorphic to the Cantor ternary set.The group G is a locally compact Abelian group. Denote by the Haar measure on G normalized

    so that (U) = 1 where U := U0. As usual, Lp(G), 1 p

  • Unconditional convergence of wavelet expansion on the Cantor dyadic group 119

    For any nonzero a, the multiplication-by-a map is an automorphism of G, with adjoint also multiplica-tion-by-a. Let be the automorphism of G which coincides with the multiplication-by-e1 (i.e.,(x)j = xj+1 for x = (xj) 2 G). Notice that takes U to the larger subgroup U1 and thatl(U) = Ul for all l 2 Z.

    For any function f 2 L1(G) \ L2(G) the Fourier transform bf , dened bybf(!) = Z


    f(x)(x; !) d(x); ! 2 G;

    belongs to L2(G). The Fourier operator

    z : L1(G) \ L2(G)! L2(G); zf = bf;extends uniquely to all functions in L2(G).

    As usual, let R+ = [0;+1). We dene a map : G! R+ by

    (x) =Xj2Z

    xj2j1; x = (xj) 2 G:

    Take in G a discrete subgroup H = f(xj) 2 G j xj = 0 for j 0g. The image of H under is theset of non-negative integers: (H) = N. For every s 2 N, let h[s] denote the element of H such that(h[s]) = s: Note that h[1] = e1. As in Schipp, Wade, Simon [15] we set jxj := (x) for all x 2 G.

    The Walsh functions on G can be dened by

    Ws(x) = (x; h[s]); x 2 G; s 2 N:

    It is well known that fWsg is an orthonormal basis in L2(U).We recall that a collection of closed subspaces Vj L2(G), j 2 Z, is called a multiresolution

    analysis (an MRA) in L2(G) if the following hold:(i) Vj Vj+1 for all j 2 Z ;(ii)

    SVj = L

    2(G) andTVj = f0g;

    (iii) f() 2 Vj () f( ) 2 Vj+1 for all j 2 Z ;(iv) f() 2 V0 =) f(+ h) 2 V0 for all h 2 H;(v) there is a function ' 2 L2(G) such that the system f'(+h) j h 2 Hg is an orthonormal basis

    of V0:The function ' in condition (v) is called a scaling function in L2(G):

  • 120 Yuri Farkov, Ushangi Goginava and Tengiz Kopaliani

    For arbitrary ' 2 L2(G) we set'j;h(x) := 2

    j=2'(jx+ h); j 2 Z; h 2 H:We say that a function ' generates an MRA in L2(G) if the family f'(+h) j h 2 Hg is an orthonormalsystem in L2(G) and, in addition, the family of subspaces

    Vj = closL2(G)span f'j;h jh 2 Hg; j 2 Z;is the MRA in L2(G). If a function ' generates an MRA in L2(G), then it is a scaling function inL2(G). In this case the system f'j;h j h 2 Hg is an orthonormal basis of Vj for every j 2 Z and onecan dene an orthogonal wavelet in such a way that f j;h j j 2 Z; h 2 Hg is an orthonormal basisof L2(G).

    In the sequel, 1E stands for the characteristic function of a subset E of G.

    Example 1.1. The Haar wavelet on G can be dened by

    H(x) =


  • Unconditional convergence of wavelet expansion on the Cantor dyadic group 121

    If a 6= 0, then ' generates an MRA in L2(G) ([11]). In particular, for a = 1 and a = 1 the Haarfunction 1U and the displaced Haar function 1U ( + h[1 ]) are obtained respectively. If 0 < j aj < 1,then ' can be written in the form

    '(x) = (1=2)1U (1x)(1 + a


    bjW2j+11(1x)); x 2 G:

    In this case,

    (x) = a0 '(x+ h[1]) a1 '(x) + a2 '(x+ h[3]) a3 '(x+ h[2]):Also, when 0 < j bj < 1=2 the system f j; hg is an unconditional basis in all spaces Lp(G), 1 < p

  • 122 Yuri Farkov, Ushangi Goginava and Tengiz Kopaliani

    It is known that if ac 6= 0 then f j; hg is an orthonormal basis in L2(G), and if ac = 0 then f j; hg isa Parseval frame for L2(G) (see [4, 5]).

    The dyadic modulus of continuity of the scaling function ' satisfying the equation

    '(x) =2n1Xs=0

    as'(x+ h[s]) (1.1)

    is dened by the equality

    !('; ) := supfj'(x+ y) '(x)j : x; y 2 G; (y) 2 [0; )g; > 0:If ' satises !('; 2j) C2j , j 2 N, for some > 0, then there exists a constant C('; ) suchthat

    !('; ) C('; ) : (1.2)Denote by ' the supremum for the set of all values > 0 for which inequality (1.2) holds. Accordingto [3], if n = 2 then ' = log2(1=jb j), with b as in Example 1.2. Recently, for the cases n = 3 andn = 4 some values of ' have been calculated (see [13]). In particular, for n = 3 we have ' = log2 bwhere

    b =8

  • Unconditional convergence of wavelet expansion on the Cantor dyadic group 123

    Meyer (see [2], [12] or [7]) proved that expansions in the wavelets on the real line convergeunconditionally in H1 (R) and Lp (R) (1 < p

  • 124 Yuri Farkov, Ushangi Goginava and Tengiz Kopaliani

    Theorem 1.5. Let be an orthogonal wavelet in L2(G). Suppose that satises the regularityconditions (1.3) and (1.4). Then convergence of wavelet expansion is unconditional in all spacesLp (G), 1 < p 0 and f be a function dened on G such thatZG

    f(x)d (x) = 0; (1.6)


    jf(x)j2d (x)1=2


    jf(x)j C2jxj(1+); x =2 U:Then f 2 H1(G) .Proof. Dene the functions

    fn(x) =f(x) fn(U)

    1n(U)(x); n = 0; 1; 2; ::;


    fn(U) =1



    is the average of f on n(U).First, we prove that

    kf fnk1 ! 0; (1.7)where k k1 := k kL1(G). Indeed, it is easy to show that

  • Unconditional convergence of wavelet expansion on the Cantor dyadic group 125

    kf fnk1 kf fn(U)k1 + kfn(U)1n(U)k1:Since

    kf f1n(U)kL1 =ZGnn(U)

    jf(t)jd (t) C2ZGnn(U)

    jxj1d (t)! 0 as n!1: (1.8)

    On the other hand from (1.6) we obtain

    fn(U)1n(U) =1n(U)


    f(t)d (t) ;

    kfn(U)1n(U)k1 ! 0 as n!1: (1.9)Combining (1.8) and (1.9) we obtain (1.7). Consequently, we can write

    fL1= f0 +


    (fn fn1):

    Now we prove that (2C)12n (fn+1 fn) is an atom, where the positive constant C will be denedbelow. It is evident that

    supp(fn+1 fn) n+1(U)and Z


    (fn+1(x) fn(x))d (x) = 0:

    Let Qn = n(U)nn1(U) for n = 1; 2; 3; :::: Then we have

    fn+1 fn = f1Qn+1 fn+1(U)1n+1(U) + fn(U)1n(U): (1.10)

    Also, it is easy to show that

    jfn(U)j = 1jn(U)j


    f(t)d (t)


    jf(t)jd (t)


    jxj1d (t) C212(1+)n: (1.11)

  • 126 Yuri Farkov, Ushangi Goginava and Tengiz Kopaliani

    From (1.10) and (1.11) we obtain

    kfn+1 fnk1 C22(1+)n + jfn+1(U)j+ jfn(U)j C22(1+)(n) + 2C212n(1+)= (21 + 1)C22n(1+) = C2n(1+): (1.12)

    Consequently, the functions



    2n+1(fn+1(x) fn(x)) = (2C)12n(fn+1(x) fn(x))

    are atoms.Now we prove that f0 2 H1. Note thatZ


    f0(x)dx = 0

    andkf0kH1(U) C 0kf0kL2(U) 2C 0C1:

    Hencekf0kH1(G) kf0kH1(U) 2C 0C1: (1.13)

    Combining (1.12) and (1.13) with the equality

    f = f0 +1Xn=1

    12C 2


    12C 2

    n(fn fn1)

    we obtain

    kfkH1(G) 2C 0C1 +1Xn=1


    2n C 00:

    Lemma 1.6 is proved.

    Corollary 1.7. Suppose that f is a function on G such thatZG

    f(x)d(x) = 0;




    andjf(x)j C22Njx+ y0j(1+) for x 2 Gn

    y0 +

    N (U

    for some > 0 and N 2 N. Then f 2 H1 and kfkH1 C:

  • Unconditional convergence of wavelet expansion on the Cantor dyadic group 127

    Proof. Let g(x) = f(x+ y0): Then we haveZG

    g(x)d(x) = 0;





    jg(x)j C22Njxj(1+) for x =2 N (U):Applying Lemma 1.6 for the function 2Ng(N (x)) we obtain that kfkH1 C which completes theproof.

    x2. Proof of the Main ResultProof of Theorem 1.4. Let = fj;k; j 2 Z; k 2 Hg be a sequence of numbers such that j;k 2f1; 1g : Denote

    Tf (x) :=X

    (j;k)2ZHj;k < f; j;k > j;k (x) ;

    where, as before,

    j;k (x) = 2j=2

    jx+ k


    We prove that there exists a constant C independent on and f 2 H1(G) such that kTfkH1 CkfkH1 : It is clear from the denition of H1(G) that the proof of Theorem 1.4 will be complete if forany dyadic atom a the following inequality

    kTakH1 c N ; j(k) 2 2Qg and A3 = f(j; k) : j > N ; j(k) =2 2Qg:

  • 128 Yuri Farkov, Ushangi Goginava and Tengiz Kopaliani

    We can write

    Ta (x) =

    0@ X(j;k)2A1




    1A (j;k < a; j;k > j;k (x))= I + II + III: (2.3)

    It is easy to show that

    j< a; j;k >j =ZQ

    a(x) j;k(x)dx

    = ZQ

    a(x)( j;k(x) j;k(y0))dx

    kakL1 supx2Q

    j j;k(x) j;k(y0)j supx2Q

    j j;k(x) j;k(y0)j: (2.4)

    For any x; y0 2 Q we have

    j(j(x) + k) + (j(y0) + k)j 2j jx+ y0j 2j (Q) :

    Thus from (1.4) it follows that

    j j;k(x) j;k(y0)j 2j=22j (Q)minf(1 + jj(x) + kj)1; (1 + jj(y0) + kj)1g: (2.5)

    Since j N we havejj(x) + j(y0)j 1



    (1 + jj(x) + kj)1 C(1 + jj(y0) + kj)1: (2.6)

    Using the fact

    k j;kkH1 = 2j2j=2k kH1 = 2j=2C; (2.7)from (2.4)-(2.7) we obtain

    kIkH1 XjN


    j < a; j;k > j k j;kkH1

    C (Q) XjN


    2j=22j2j=2 supx2Q


    (1 + jj(x) + kj)1+

  • Unconditional convergence of wavelet expansion on the Cantor dyadic group 129

    C (Q) XjN



    (1 + jj(y0) + kj)1+

    C (Q) XjN

    2j C: (2.8)

    Now, let us estimate III: From (1.3) we have

    j< a; j;k >j =ZQ

    a(x) j;kd (x)

    1 (Q)ZQ

    2j=2(1 + jj(x) kj)1d(x):

    Using the last inequality, from (2.7) we get

    kIIIkH1 X

    (j;k)2A3j < a; j;k > j k j;kkH1






    (1 + jj(x) + kj)1dx





    Xk: j(k)=22Q

    (1 + jj(x) + kj)1dx:

    Since x 2 Q and j(k) =2 2Q we have jj(x) + kj 2j (Q) andXk: j(k)=22Q

    (1 + jj (x) + kj)1 CX

    k: k>2j(Q)

    jkj1 C(2j (Q)):


    kIIIkH1 CXj>N




    C(2j (Q)) = C ( (Q))Xj>N

    2j = C: (2.9)

    Finally, we estimate II: Note that

    kIIkL2 kakL2 (Q)1=2 = 2N=2 (2.10)and Z


    II = 0: (2.11)

  • 130 Yuri Farkov, Ushangi Goginava and Tengiz Kopaliani

    On the other hand, from (1.3) we have the following pointwise estimate

    jIIj CXj>N

    Xk: j(k)22Q

    j < a; j;k > j2j=2(1 + j2jx kj)1


    Xk: j(k)22Q

    j < a; j;k > j21A1=20@X


    Xk: j(k)22Q

    2j(1 + jj(x) + kj)221A1=2 :

    The rst factor is at most kakL2 (Q)1=2 and we have

    jIIj (Q)1=20@Xj>N

    Xk: j(k)22Q

    2j(1 + jj(x) + kj)221A1=2 :

    Note that for xed j > N there are at most C2jN points k 2 H such that j(k) 2 2Q: On theother hand x =2 4Q and j(k) 2 2Q imply

    jj(x) + kj = 2j jx+ j(k)j C2j jx+ y0j:Thus

    II C(Q)1=20@Xj>N

    2jN2j(2j jx+ y0j)221A1=2 (2.12)

    Cjx+ y0j1((Q)1Xj>N


    Cjx+ y0j10@Xj>N


    1A1=2 Cjx+ y0j12N :

    From (2.10)-(2.12) and Corollary 1.8 we have


  • Unconditional convergence of wavelet expansion on the Cantor dyadic group 131


    The authors would like to thank the referee for helpful suggestions.


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    Yuri Farkov,Russian State Geological Prospecting University,23 Ulitsa Miklukho-Maklaya,Moscow 117997, [email protected]

  • Unconditional convergence of wavelet expansion on the Cantor dyadic group 133

    U. Goginava and T. Kopaliani,Institute of Mathematics,Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences,Tbilisi State University, Chavchavadze str. 1,Tbilisi 0128, [email protected]

    [email protected]