field hockey play book hitting

Field Hockey Playbook The Hit Derek E. Pappas

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Page 1: Field hockey play book hitting

Field Hockey PlaybookThe HitDerek E. Pappas

Page 2: Field hockey play book hitting

Derek E. Pappas Copyright © 2010


Hit a pass that your teammate can receive-make your teammates job easier

Hit the ball at a target-goal, teammate, gap between the defense-direction

Hit the ball so that it arrives at a point on the field at the right time-space and time

Page 3: Field hockey play book hitting

Derek E. Pappas Copyright © 2010

The analysis of the golf swing is much more advanced than the analysis of field hockey hitting.

I have been studying the golf swing for 40+ years and the hockey hit for 33.

The fundamentals in golf are well understood. Not so in hockey.

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Derek E. Pappas Copyright © 2010

Al Pacino said in the movie Any Given Sunday "it is a game of inches".

Bad technique results in bad hits. I have watched a lot of games and I think that hitting can determine the outcome of some games.

Missed shots on goal

Raised crosses that result in a foul

Bad outlet passes that are intercepted

Bad passes directly into the top of the D that are off target that would have resulted in goal scoring chances

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Why hit the ball

Shoot on goal

Make a long pass across the field at speed

Relieve pressure by hitting the ball through the defense up the field

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Hit the ball smoothly on the ground

Hit the ball at the target

Hit the ball at the right pace

Hit the ball without any spin

Hit the ball at the right time

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Ever wonder about your hit?

Ball is 1 foot off of the ground


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Derek E. Pappas Copyright © 2010

“Good Technique is Not Enough” Lang Wedemeye

The coach’s responsibility is to create the environment in which players are placed under immediate pressure. The role of the coach is to help players understand the cues that allow them to apply the proper technique in game-like situations. We always hear there are no tactics without technique. Well, there is no technique without tactics. The use of the proper technique comes from decision-making ability in pressure situations.

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Derek E. Pappas Copyright © 2010

Playing under pressure Lang Wedemeye

On several occasions I have heard U.S. National Team coaches Bruce Arena and April Heinrichs mention that one of the biggest problems with our rising youth players, boys and girls alike, is that they do not have the ability to play effectively under pressure. The players’ technique breaks down when under pressure and their speed of play is not fast or accurate enough to create a flow in high-level games.

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Derek E. Pappas Copyright © 2010

Defining technique and skill Lang Wedemeye

Technique is the mechanism with which the body maneuvers itself to be able to complete an objective. If the objective is to pass the ball 15 yards to a teammate, the brain informs the body to maneuver itself in order to kick the ball in that direction.

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Derek E. Pappas Copyright © 2010

Defining technique and skill(cont.) Lang Wedemeye

How well the body adjusts to the demand determines how good the technique is, while how quickly the brain interprets the cues and the message sent to the muscles determines the speed of play. The better the technique, the greater the likelihood that the ball will go where we want it and how we want it played.

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Derek E. Pappas Copyright © 2010

What is the difference between technique and skill? Lang Wedemeye

As taught to me by the late Mike Berticelli in my first NSCAA National Course, technique is the mechanics behind solving a problem and skill is being able to solve the problem regardless of the mechanics. Skill is basically getting the job done no matter how it looks. But with better technique, the player’s success rate is heightened.

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Derek E. Pappas Copyright © 2010

Hitting “Do not’s”Under normal situations

Do not hit a bouncing ball

Do not hit an off target pass/shot

Do not hit the ball too fast or slowly

Do not hit the ball with side spin

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Derek E. Pappas Copyright © 2010

Hitting “Do’s”

Hit the back of the back

Position the ball in the correct position relative to your feet

Release/Sweep the stick through the ball

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Don’ts-under normal situations

Do not hit the top or bottom of the ball

Do not get the ball outside of your shoulders

Do not chop down on the ball uless it is deliberate to raise the ball for a shot on goal

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Derek E. Pappas Copyright © 2010

Fundamentals and pressure

The relative orientation of the stick should be maintained throughout the swing.

If the relative position of the stick is changed during the swing then the player will have to make a correction during the swing

Corrections are easier to make when there is no pressure on the player

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Derek E. Pappas Copyright © 2010

Fundamentals and pressure

Fundamentals hold up under pressure

Bad fundamentals cause bad hits under pressure

If you have good fundamentals then under pressure when the adrenalin is flowing you will hit the ball better

Under pressure bad fundamentals result in hits which are bouncing, miss the target, have side spin, are the incorrect speed

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Derek E. Pappas Copyright © 2010

Fundamentals and pressure (cont.)

Corrections are not easy to make when the match is on the line and a smooth hit is required

The orientation will be changed if any of the following occurs

Rolling the hands

Swaying the body

Lifting the head up

Many other causes (see later slides)

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Derek E. Pappas Copyright © 2010

Fundamentals and pressure

Players with good fundamentals can deliver a proper hit under extreme pressure in match situations

on the ground, at the target, no/top spin, correct speed

Players with poor fundamentals will miss hit the ball under extreme pressure in match situations

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Derek E. Pappas Copyright © 2010

Fundamentals and pressure

The orientation in one or more axis will be changed if any of the following occurs

If the stick rotated around the axis of the stick

If the end of the stick is pulled in or pushed away from the player

If the stick moves above or below the plane at address

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Derek E. Pappas Copyright © 2010

FundamentalsHead moves towards ground for hard hits

Shoulders parallel to target and ball between shoulders

Take away-stick behind ball, sweep stick back along the ground and don’t change wrist position

Turn stick back with shoulders not the arms

Hips lead pulling torso and arms

Stay on plane and watch the spot where the ball was after the shot with a limited follow through

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Footwork/body posture

Take away


Pivot point/plane

weight shift


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2 v’s formed by thumb and for finger face right chin

Hands facing each other to work together

Right Hand coves top of grip

Hands are two fists holding the stick

Relax the hands when holding the stick

Right hand faces down the line towards the target

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Grip- don’t do this

Do not use a baseball grip where the hands are not facing each other

Do not hold the stick in fingers only

Do not wrap fingers aginst palm-wrap the fingers around the stick

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Hands and shoulders form a triangle

The triangle is maintained at the take away to waist high

The triangle compacts above the waist on the back swing, impact and follow through

If the triangle shape is maintained and the orientation of the triangle is not changed then the toe of the stick will point up at address, when the stick is pointing away

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Triangle (cont.)

If the triangle shape is maintained and the orientation of the triangle is not changed then the toe of the stick will:

point up at address

when the stick is pointing away from the target on the back swing

at impact

on the follow through when the stick is pointing at the target

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Toe of stick

The toe of the stick stays up the entire time

The toe of the stick should not change its orientation

Do not twist the stick around the handle

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End of stick is a pivot point-this is the point that should form the angle between the wrists and stick.

Do not use the point between the hands or the right for finger to form the angle. You will push the stick down and change the plane of attack

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Ball position relative to the feet

The ball is positioned somewhere between the middle of the feet and the left foot

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Shoulder turn

The shoulders rotate around the spinal column

The shoulders should turn as far as is possible physically and given the amount of time/space that the player has

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Hands stay a constant distance away from the body on take away because the triangle is maintained

Do not

pull hands towards the body

push hands away from the body

push hands down/up

twist hands

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Stick position

Toe up

Address-between feet

Back swing pointing away from target

Follow through-pointing towards the target

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In a natural position-same as when you are running

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Stationary hit

step into ball off of the right foot

pivot off of left foot and hit left

pivot off of left foot and pull ball to the right

Cross over moving left to right

Hit on the run off of left, right feet, optionally turning shoulders

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Footwork really refers to the relative position of the feet and ball

You adjust your feet and the ball to move your body into the correct position relative to the ball

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The body can be in motion running in a straight line, curl, forwards, backwards, cross over step, and in this case the player probably has to position the ball by placing the stick on the side of the ball opposite from the player to slow the ball down/”tee it up” or the player has to carry the ball by their right foot to allow the ball to travel forwards to the correct position at impact

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You do not want to position the ball outside your feet in normal sitations

This means when running down the field position the ball relative to your right foot so that at impact the ball is between your feet

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Derek E. Pappas Copyright © 2010

Cross over stepUsed for moving sideways and hitting the ball

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If you are running with the ball and want to hit it backwards to the left the ball will be outside your left foot and your shoulders will face to the left and you will hit to right center of the ball ont he equator

If you want to hit the ball to the right relative to the orientation of your feet you must rotate your shoulders and hands to hit the left center of the ball on the equator

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Derek E. Pappas Copyright © 2010

Hips and right elbow

Hips turn to generate power on the down swing

Right elbow is touching right side on down swing

Players who used this technique:

Berman. Delme, Michael Peters, Fabragas

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Derek E. Pappas Copyright © 2010

Hitting basics


pads of right hand on top of stick (cover the grip so you cannot see it)

bottom of left hand on top of right hand

stick at less than 45 degrees to ground

bend back into ground as flat as possible as you hit

bend left knee 90 degrees

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Hitting basics (cont.)

Angle of attack of stick

sweep the stick back and though

point the stick at the target on the follow through

the end of the stick points at the center of your body at address, back swing prior to cocking wrists, and at follow through

Clip the ground-do not “chop wood”

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Hitting basics (cont.)

Practice sweeping the stick back and forth across the same spot between your feet.

position the ball between your feet to hit it

if the ball is outside of your left foot you should hit it left not straight with a block out (no wrist release)

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Hitting basics (cont.)

Hitting footwork

free hit step past ball and hit it

side ways cross over and hit

run around ball and hit (Craig Davies)

pull to right across body, rotate 90 degrees and hit

hit off of right foot

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Hitting basics (cont.)

Keep left arm against rib cage (put a sock underneath your left arm and hold it in place during the swing)

do not roll hands on the back swing (end of stick will point at target after a 1/4 swing which is wrong)

Little finger on left hand is a pivot point (not the index finger on the right hand)

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Derek E. Pappas Copyright © 2010

Hitting basics (cont.)

Toe of stick is always pointing up

Right hand is always vertical

Angle of wrists does not drop down on back swing

Hit against the left tricept

Hit the ball on the straight part of the stick

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GripFootworkPostureWeight shiftSweepHalf wayUpright

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StationaryNormalOff of right footOn the runLeft footRight footChoke up on StickArgie reverse stick hit

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Stationary hits

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Hitting fundamentals

turn shoulders on back swing

maintain triangle between shoulders and hands

hands face each other

top of left wrist touches bottom of right wrist

right elbow into side

hands by knees

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Derek E. Pappas Copyright © 2010

Hitting fundamentals

cover the top of the stick with the pad of your right hand

shoulders, hips, feet square

ball between feet-not outside left foot

back is flat not arched

right wrist is cupped

sweep stick back-don’t pick it up

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Derek E. Pappas Copyright © 2010

Hitting fundamentals

Left arm straight

Hands close to body

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Player Analysis

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Do’sSmeets has the ball behind/even with the right foot-knees bent

Hands are close to the body-eyes on the ball

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Derek E. Pappas Copyright © 2010

FootworkFootwork adjusted to the position of the ball

Ball even with the right foot

Ball will roll forward to the correct position on the downswing

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Right elbowRight elbow touching the right side of the body

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DownswingRight elbow still touching right side

Toe up

Wrist angle maintained

Left knee bent

Left arm straight

Push off of right foot!

Right knee bent

Hips turning

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Follow throughWhat happened?

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Dont’s Helicopter Elbow points straight back-flying elbow

Player has to loop stick

Ball outside of feet

Right hand in baseball position

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Right elbow faces target

Right elbow is facing 90 degrees to the target line because of the grip and helicopter swing

Right elbow is too close to left elbow

Hands roll over through the ball to release the stick

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Good: Elbow in side, hips turing, ball between feet, left arm straight, wrist flat.

Bad: stick off plane (dropped), left knee straightening, where is the weight (left or right foot)?

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World class playerGood: Low position, right knee very close to the ground-lunge postion, eye on spot where ball was hit.

Ball position at impact?

Baseball grip?

Weight on toes?

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Derek E. Pappas Copyright © 2010

Right hand seems to stay under the stick

Not pointing at the target line on release

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CompensationToe of stick at 45 degrees on follow through

Right side of body twisting down towards the ball instead of releasing through it-right hip should follow through towards the target

Hands roll over the ball.

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Don’t lift the stick up on the backswingEverything bent

Eyes on the ball

Why pull the stick in towards the body. Requires an adjustment on the downswing

Ball to far forward towards outside of left foot. Player will compensate in the next photo.

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Derek E. Pappas Copyright © 2010

CompensationToo upright-hands far away from body

Right foot swings in the opposite direction of the hips/stick to compensate for the ball being outside of the left foot.

Leaning back away from the ball.

Right leg twisting in the opposite direction NOT good for your left hipit band/knee in the long run

Left foot facing target-not 45

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HittingElbow in side

But shoulders have rotated faster than the arms

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Toe pointing to the left of the target.

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As a consequence the hands roll over the ball.

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Hitting follow throughPoint the stick at the target

Key arms straight

Keep the triangle intact

Let the arms overlap

Weight on left knee/foot

(not your toes)

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Common hitting mistakesmoving head, body, left wrist left/right or up/down

back curved-no vision-can see ground-not field

curve on ball

rotating wrists instead of maintaining triangle between shoulders and hands

right hand rotated counter clockwise-can see top of stick

Hit ground not back of ball

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Common hitting mistakes-rotating wrists on back swing

picking stick up

pivot point is not left little finger

bottom of right wrist not connected to top of left wrist

ball to left of left foot and not between feet

no weight transfer

weight on right foot not left

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Bad right hand gripBall is bouncing

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Out of planeFlying right elbow causes the stick to be out of plane (pointing straight up instead of at the ball)

Player must make an adjustment on the downswing

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Baseball grip

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Flying elbowStick pointing up and away from body.

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Falling away from the ballAs a result the players weight is on their right side instead of the left side at impact.

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Making spacePut the ball in a position away form the defender. Here the ball is outside of the players right foot. He will lean to the right to hit it.

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Right hand positionSlide the right hand up the stick to get ready for the hit

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Keep eyes on ball even after follow through

Follow through is too long

Twisting hands

Pivoting off of the end of the right hand (picking it up)

Pushing the left hand down on the back swing or follow through

Not bending ankles, back, knees

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Problems (cont.)

Holding the stick with a baseball grip

Cannot release right hand through the ball

If the ball is between the feet the stick will hit the top of the ball

If the ball is to the left of the body the sholders must turn on the follow through.

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Hitting drills

Hit the ball with one hand (left and right)

Hit the ball with feet together

Hit the ball off of left and right feet

Hit the ball and hit the ball left and right by changing hand position on the down swing

Hit the ball on the run

Cross by wing, shot on goal, pass forward

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Hitting drillsSwing stick backwards and forwards and sweep the stick across the same spot on the ground-Bulbir Singh 4 Oympic gold medals

Wall hitting-cement is ideal

Stand 1,5,10.20 yards from the wall

Right hand only on stick (maintain angle between stick and forearm)

Play tennis-hit ball against wall and stop it

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Hitting drills (cont.)

Move left, right, forwards, backwards and hit ball against wall

Hit off of left foot and right foot

Face wall

Stand 90 degrees to the wall

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Excercise 1

Bulbir Singh 4 time Olympic gold medalist for India

Swing stick back and forth and sweep over the turf on the same spot.

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Excercise 2

Marshall Page Rhodesia-one of the best fullbacks in the world in 1974

Position the ball half way between your feet and hit it against the wall-repeat

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Excercise 3

Moin Iqbal full back Pakistan 1952

Foot work-rotate right foot forwards and hit the ball to the left. Popular in the Netherlands and Germany. Stephan Blocher used this move.

Right hand pull and hit in one motion. Pul the ball to the right and slide hand up as the body rotates to the right, bend and hit the ball.

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Excercise 4

Steven Davies Australia

Foot work-run around the left of the ball and hit it laterally to the right. Choke up on the stick.

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Excercise 5

Gavin Featherstone GB 1970’s

While carrying the ball forwards look one direction and hit it in the other direction

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Excercise 6

Toen De Noor Nederlands

While carrying the ball forwards look use a very short quick hit with no follow through to pass the ball to a team mate. Hands make the action.

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Excercise 7

move the stick in a T

from address

to back swing pointing away from target

to impact position

to follow through pointing at target

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Excercise 8Neville Berman captain of South Africa 1974

put the ball 1 yard from the end line and shoot it in the goal. repeat with 10 balls

Move the ball in 1 foot - repeat

Move the ball to 1 foot from the end line - repeat

Put the balls on the 10 yard line

run and shoot from 3 feet, 2 feet, 1 foot from the end line

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Excercise 9

Neville Berman

Put 10 balls on the 25 yard line.

Dribble one ball to the top of the D and shoot

run back to the 25 and repeat

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Baseball grip

Ball is bouncing

Toe of stick is pointing sideways on follow through

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Slap shot

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Cross over step and hit

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Forearms touch on follow through

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Curl to the right and hit

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Eyes on target

Feet close together so that adjustments in aligntment to target can be made

Right hand is sliding up stick

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Back swing

Toe straight up

left arm straight

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Folow through problem

Left arm collapses

Stick is pointing way left of the target on the follow through

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When moving forwards in preparation of hitting the ball correct footwork is vital

Position the ball at or behind the right foot

The stick is angled over the ball

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Back swing

Feet are positioned together ball is between feet and rolling forwards

hands are close to the body

eyes on the ball

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Down swing

On the down swing the upper right arm is parallel to the upper body which is leaning forwards

The right arm against the right side retains the angle of the stick and wrists which delays the release of the stick

The delayed wrist release results in the maximum stick speed when hitting the ball

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Follow through

Left knee is still bent

hips turn

still bent-stay down

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Leaning backwards

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Leaning to the right

Right foot swinging behind left

The ball was outside of the shoulders and left foot.

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