fifth sunday in ordinary time

2741 Pali Highway Honolulu, Hawaii 96817 [808J 5es-310s ffi [email protected] &€ OFFICE HOURS: Tues-Thurs: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Mon, Fri & Sat: 9:00 am to 12:00 pm PASTOR Fr. Khanh Pham-Nguyen STAFF Deacon Ronald Choo Sister Marykutty Kottuppallil, MSMHC Rosemary Hashimoto, Secretary FAITH FORMATION CCD-Children Velma Guieb-Mamuad Youth & Confirmation Rosemary Hashimoto (interi m) R.C.I.A. Debbie Fujiyama Parish Scripture Groups Francis Jordan PARISH MINISTRIES Homebound & Bereantement Virginia Jordan & Helen Luke Hospitality TBA- (SaturdayVigil) Donald Yee (Sunday) Altar Senser Nicole Heafner Liturgical Music Leka Leaeno (Saturday Vigil) StanleyWong (Sunday) Lector Beverly Perry Holy Communion at Mass Jennifer Tamayo Sacrhty Celine Asato & David Tom Justice & Peace TBA - (Respect Life) TBA _ (ALoysius Food pantry) 794 - (Family Promise Hawaii) PARISH ORGANIZATIONS Pastorol Council Patricia Silva Steryoardlship / Discipleship Council Bernard Ho (interim) Finance Council James Solidum (interi m) Liturgy Cornmission TBA Buildins/ Planning Committee Loretta Chee & Richard Leong Social Felloutship Sui Kozuma & Kitchen Crew -I- VISITATIONOFTHESICK: Priest and Homebound Ministers are available to visit the infirm or hospitalized. Please contact the Parish. For sacramental emergency, call 595-3105 and press #2 BAPTISM: Sacramental preparation is required. If you are expecting or have a child to be baptized, please call the Parish offlce for more information MARRIAGE: The Diocese of Honolulu requires couples to marry in the Church to participate in the preparation for the Sacrament of Matrimony. Couples should contact the office for Marriage Preparation at least 6 months before the wedding FUNERAL ARRANGEMENTS: Kokua! Please contact your Church prior to making arrangements with a funeral home (Funerals on Tuesday, Thursday or Friday) PARISHIONERS: When changing address/telephone, or moving out of the Parish, please kindly notiff the office NEW PARISHIONERS: If you would like to become a parishioner of St. Stephen, please use forms available at the entrance of the Church or contact the office E KAMO MAI .:. WEEI(END fu{ASS::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::=: SATURDAY (Main Church )............ 4:OO pm SUNDAY (Chapet) ....7:15 am (Main Church) ... 9:3O am WEEKDAY MASS ,:,,,, Chapel of St. Catherine MOND.AY,,=- SATURDAY ..,.. ; r r i i. ; B :OO:rarm

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St. Stephen Catholic Church Sunday Bulletin


Page 1: Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

2741 Pali HighwayHonolulu, Hawaii 96817

[808J 5es-310sffi [email protected]&€

OFFICE HOURS:Tues-Thurs: 9:00 am to 5:00 pmMon, Fri & Sat: 9:00 am to 12:00 pm

PASTORFr. Khanh Pham-Nguyen

STAFFDeacon Ronald ChooSister Marykutty Kottuppallil, MSMHCRosemary Hashimoto, Secretary


CCD-ChildrenVelma Guieb-Mamuad

Youth & ConfirmationRosemary Hashimoto (interi m)

R.C.I.A.Debbie Fujiyama

Parish Scripture GroupsFrancis Jordan


Homebound & BereantementVirginia Jordan & Helen Luke

HospitalityTBA- (SaturdayVigil)

Donald Yee (Sunday)

Altar SenserNicole Heafner

Liturgical MusicLeka Leaeno (Saturday Vigil)

StanleyWong (Sunday)

LectorBeverly Perry

Holy Communion at MassJennifer Tamayo

SacrhtyCeline Asato & David Tom

Justice & PeaceTBA


(Respect Life)TBA _ (ALoysius Food pantry)



(Family Promise Hawaii)


Pastorol CouncilPatricia Silva

Steryoardlship / Discipleship CouncilBernard Ho (interim)

Finance CouncilJames Solidum (interi m)

Liturgy CornmissionTBA

Buildins/ Planning CommitteeLoretta Chee & Richard Leong

Social FelloutshipSui Kozuma & Kitchen Crew

-I-VISITATIONOFTHESICK: Priest and Homebound Ministers are available to visitthe infirm or hospitalized. Please contact the Parish. For sacramentalemergency, call 595-3105 and press #2

BAPTISM: Sacramental preparation is required. If you are expecting or have a

child to be baptized, please call the Parish offlce for more information

MARRIAGE: The Diocese of Honolulu requires couples to marry in the Church

to participate in the preparation for the Sacrament of Matrimony. Couples

should contact the office for Marriage Preparation at least 6 months before thewedding

FUNERAL ARRANGEMENTS: Kokua! Please contact your Church prior tomaking arrangements with a funeral home (Funerals on Tuesday, Thursday or Friday)

PARISHIONERS: When changing address/telephone, or moving out of theParish, please kindly notiff the office

NEW PARISHIONERS: If you would like to become a parishioner of St. Stephen,

please use forms available at the entrance of the Church or contact the office


.:. WEEI(END fu{ASS:::::::::::::::::::::::


SATURDAY (Main Church )............ 4:OO pm

SUNDAY (Chapet) ....7:15 am(Main Church) ... 9:3O am


Chapel of St. Catherine

MOND.AY,,=- SATURDAY ..,.. ; r r i i. ; B :OO:rarm

Page 2: Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

GOOD NEWSlsaiah 58:7-ro I I Corinthians z:r-5 / Matthew 5:13-16

When my daughter got her first job after college, I handed her a copy oflsaiah 57 so she would always remember she was blessed to have work and

thet she had a responsibility to care for those who were not as fortunate as

she. Without a word, she took the piece of paper, folded it, and put it in her


A few years later, she hasn't forgotten. When she was looking for a

position as a lawyer, she sought a firm that would take clients regardless oftheir ability to pay and that counted hours of volunteer legal (pro bono)

counsel in calculating her work hours. I was so proud. lt reminded me thathonoring our solidarity with the poor is a lifelong discipline.

We've been taught that calling attention to ourselves is a little suspect.

Our parents and good friends can call attention to our achievements, but we

can't. And yet, to-day's readings include the part of Jesus' Sermon on the

Mount that calls us the salt of the earth and the light of the world'

This isn'tthe kind of thing we're sup-posed to hide. ButJesus doesn't mean

we should brag or be prideful. Rather, we're to do what lsaiah tells us and

honor God by caring for the least among us. We're to follow Paul's example

and strive only to "know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ,

and him crucified."

The example of our lives shoulci be such that those who see us will know God

is working through his people. Our love and service to others is not for ourglory, but for God's.

How doyou let God's glory shine through?Mary Katha rine Dee ley su ndayb u lleti n @ ligu ori. o rg

ALCIYSIUS TOM FOOD r}I\NTRYSo far since December we have collected ry7 items. We will be taking the food pantry

items to St. John the Baptist to help with their outreach program to the homeless.



..your light must shine before others, that they may see your good deeds

and glorify your heavenly Father..."Matthew 5:t6

Saturday, February 8:

4:oo p.m. Mass: Parish families

Sunday, February 9:

7:15 a.m. Mass: + Gabriel cP wong

9:3o am Mass: Parish Families

Monday, February to:8 am Mass: + Al Tom

Tuesday, February tt:8 am Mass: Ginny Stahl (healing)

Wednesday, February rz:

8 am Mass: + George Perry

Thursday, February t3:

8 am Mass: Kathy Zeitner (healing)

Friday, February r4:

8 am Mass, + Mary Ogata

Saturday, February t5:

8 am Mass: Tony Baron (healing)

For the sick & homebound:ROLAND ALBARADO, MARGARET















Calven Chipchase, ll

Aloysius Tom

Cosmireo Rodriguez, Jr.

George Perry

Mary AndradeGraciano Macadangdang

William Chinn

Arthur WeeksAllan Young

Sergia SolidumMay TsangMary Nakagaki

Weekly 0fferings( Feb t & z, zot4)

,at 4 pm Mass

7t5 am Mass

93o am Mass




Total Offering zro57.z5

Don ationsiCol Iections

Votive Offering

Hall Use

Calendar donation




Maia{o for jonr faififu{n*w anlcw#nudgen*wi$!

Page 3: Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

F*braary g,aw{


Feb 9-5t. ValentineFeb t6-Class


Youth t-ClassYouth

-BasketballPa rish Scripture Croups

Wed. February tz

9:15 a.m. & 7:oo p.m.


Feb tt-6:30 p.m.

Freedom in Christ

Tuesday, Februarytt:6;34 p.*r. Fir:anre (ouncii fu1tg

Wednesday, February tz:$:3*-g:oo Eurharistic Ador"ation

Thursday, February t3:

7:c6 p.m. {Sun.) (hoir Practice

Next Weeh: Feb 15 I 16,2014

Altar server:

[Sat] -nnarian, [eorge, jP i'tou]e

[Sun] -z*chary Chcc, Nalu Aki


[Sat] - Rar:dy TomlTeresa Bryan

[Sun] . SweetiE PacarrolFrank Jcrdan


[Sat] - Kiisiyn & Maris l{s

[5un] - J*eit'Je*nifer Tarnayr:

Lorraine Albarado,&leriam Ladriliono

Collection Counting: Team 3

Church Cleaners: Carmen Rojas, Bea

Tom, Eandy Tom, Martha Chock, Marcyl'leafner, Mike Low, Tom Camacho


Lent is later this year, but things are none the less busy as we prepare for thisHoly Season. We rejoice in that two of our members have chosen to enter theCatechumenate and have been studying hard and preparing for theSacrarnents of the Church. We welcome them in the Rite of AccePtance nextweek at the 9:3o Mass. Please keep them in your prayers as they prepare forthe final step on March 9th.


Anointing of the Sick-February 11th, Tuesday

Father Khanh will offer Anointing of the Sick on the Feast of Lourdes after the

8:oo a.m. Mass. For those unable to participate at that time, the Diocese is

also providing an opportunity to receive the Sacrament on this Holy day: theBishop will celebrate Mass at the Cathedral at 6:oo p.m. and administer

Anointing of the Sick.

MOVIE NIGHT-"Song of Bernadette"

February 8th-after the 4 p.m. Mass * Dinner: 5:oo * Movie at 6:15 p.m.The Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes is February erth which marks the first apparition ofthe Blessed Virgin Mary in r85B to Marie Bernadette Soubirous. She appeared to her

r8 times and on March 25 announced to her, "l am the lmmaculate Conception."

Since then Lourdes has become a place of pilgrimage and many cures and

conversions have take place. The message of Lourdes is a call to personal conversion,

prayer and charity. Please sign up to bring something for dinner'


February 6th is the Feast of the Martyrs of Nagasaki. This year our Fellowships

will focus on the Martyrs of Asia as we learn of our heritage and the price that was

paid for our faith. Upcoming Fellowships will be St. Peter Calungsod a Filipino

catechist who was martyred in Guam, April z, the Chinese Martyrs in July 9th, theMartyrs of Korea, Septemberzoth.


Our special collection for this week is the Augustine Foundation, providing

financial aid through scholarships for Catholic education for our parishioners.


Special thanks to Sui Kozuma and those who helped prepare our treats forthe Chinese New Year.Mahalo to Marfie Gawat and all who helped cook and prepare for theFellowship last Sunday and to Gigi for the beautiful birthday cake forFather Khanh. ValLowforthe decorations and Guy Monahan & David Tom

for the technical help. Game could have been better, but great fellowship.


March gth-CCD students and teachers will have a Bake/Craft Sale after the

9:3o a.m. Mass. Proceeds will go toward Operation Rice Bowl, a Catholic Relief

Services offering for Lenten.

Page 4: Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

lv\onday,February 10St.Scholastica

1 Kings 8:J.-7,9-13Mark 6:53-56

Tuesdag,February 11

Oun Ladg of Lourdes

l Kings 8:22-23,27-30Mark 7:1-13

V'l e dnes day, F eb ruarg 1 2

l Kings 10:1-10MarkT:74-23

Thursday,February 13

l Kings 11:4-73MarkT:2L-30

Friday,February 145t. Cgnil E 5t. Methodius

1 Kings 17:29--32, 72:79Mark 7:31-37

Sdurday,February 15

I Kings 72:26-32, 13:33-34Mark 8:1-10

stlNDAY, February 16Sixth in Ordinarg Tirne

Sirach 15:15-20I Corinthians 2:6-70

Matthew 5:17-37

de ar PAD Rf,

1^\ My motlrcr is diuorced and remarried n a non-Catlnlic. Her firstV *oolage was fleuer annutted. Sfu says tLut tf th, can't take

Communion, there's no dfference between watching Mass on Wand going to Mass in a church. I think there is a dfference and thnt

shr needs to be going to Mass in a church with other Catholics.

What do you think?

It's a good sign that she's watching Mass on televisioninstead of skipping Mass altogether, but you're right.

Television Masses are a viable option for Catholics whoare physically unable to attend Mass, but if your mother isphysically able, it's a different matter. There's nothing like"being there" when it comes to worship, and by attendingthe liturgy with other Catholics every week and on holydays, she'll fulfill her obligation by virtue of baptism in"fully conscious and active participation" (Constitution onthe Sacred Liturgy lS acrosanctum Conciliurn),74).

Keep encouraging your mom to attend weekly Mass inperson, and also encourage her to contact her priest aboutstarting annulment proceedings. If the annulment is

granted and her current marriage is conualidated, she'll be

able to receive the Eucharist.Receiving Communion may be the privileged

encounter with God, but Mass is primarily for worshipingand giving thanks to God. By returning to Mass with otherCatholics now and eventually taking Communion, yourmom's faith life will clearly be enriched.

F r. Bob Lindsey, CSsR sundayb ulletin@liguori. org

Our Lady oflourdes I

The sound of Mary's words at Lourdes had "gone forth to the i

ends of the earth." They re-echoed the words of the vicar of her

Divine Son. For she spoke these words ("1 om the lmmaculate

Conception.'J only four years after Pius lX had declared infallibly

the dogma of the lmmaculate Conception.

"Our speech overflows with joy, and Our tongue with exultation.

We give, and We sholl continue to give, the humblest ond deepest

thanks to Jesus Christ Our Lord, because through His singulor fovor He i

has gronted lJs, unworthy though We be, to decree, ond offer this honor i

and gtory and proise to His Most Hoty Mother. Attfoir and immaculote, i

she hos crushed the poisonous head of the most cruel serpent and i

brougltt solvotion to the world. She is the praise of the Prophets ond i

Apostles, the honor of the Mortyrs, the crown ond ioy of all the Soints. I

She is the safest refuge and the most trustworthy hetper of oll who ore i

::onn":/ i