fig market’s analysis. introduction * background *objective *method


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Post on 26-Dec-2015




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Why is the figs.....?• Turkey is motherland of fig,• Turkey is the leader of the fig production and

export all around the world,• 30.000 family make fig farming,• 250.000 people are employed,

Why is the figs.....?By consuming 100 grams of dried figs (4-6 figs) about

10 % of the energy requirement,

7 % of protein requirement

17 % of Calcium,

30 % of Iron,

30 % of Magnesium as Recommended Daily Allowances are met.

Regarding vitamins, 5.2 % of Vitamin B1 and 4.5 % of Vitamin B2,

Dried fig fruits are low in fat and very low in sodium.

They contain no saturated fat or cholesterol and are a good source of phenolic

and pectic substances and may lower blood cholesterol levels and reduce the

risk of cancer and cardiovascular diseases.Source:European Directive no: 90/496 for Nutrition Information of foodstuffs.


To analyze product and market facilities for figs

Descriptive statistics

TARİŞ,FAO-STAT, Ministry Of Agriculture,

Statistics Of Undersecretariat Of Foreign Trade.


*Production & Consumption

*External Trade

*General Outlook

Production & Consumption

• Turkey is the second country with 65 000 ha fig plantation (15,53%) but covers the 28,78% (280 000 ha) of fig production of the whole world.• The most suitable ecological environment for fig farming is Menderes rivers basins in Aegean Region. Especially İzmir and Aydın are the important production areas.

• 95% of the businesses which are dealing with fig farming locates in rural areas. These different sized businesses contain tree havings from different numbers from 50 to 5000. Only during the fig harvest, extra labor force is needed and this needed lobor force is supplied mostly by low-income family members.

• At least half of these families needs extra 2 workers during harvest periods. Thereby, during harvest periods 30 000 agriculture labor have opportunity for employment.

years fresh fig


dried fig


1990 300,000 46,500

2000 240,000 48,675

2003 280,000 46,500

2004 280,000 55,631

• Dried fig as appetizers in international markets and also is used in the production of cakes, sorts of food, sliced bread, tucks and fruit mixtures

• Low-quality figs pectin• Scrap figs ethyl alcohol• And the seeds remaining while the ethyl alcohol is

produces pigment, cosmetic and medicine industry

• There is an increasing demand for consumption of figs in the world market and also in Turkey. This increase is parallel to the increase in health-care products market

• During Christmas, there is an increase in demand for dried fig in international markets and similar case occurs in Turkey durind Ramadan

• Dried fig is one of the main traditional export goods of Turkey.

• Until 1990s, Turkey’s dried fig export was below 50 million $. Then fig export had an increasing trend and reached the level of 80 million $ in 1995. And in year 2005, Turkey’’s dried fig export is 105 million $.

External Trade

years quantity (tones) value (*1000$)

1995 42,738 79,994

1996 35,972 69,334

2000 36,759 59,802

2001 39,284 66,216

2004 49,073 85,596

2005 52,573 105,038

• Approximately 15-20% of the figs produced in Turkey is exported.

• More than 80% of Turkey’s export is to the EU countries.

• In 2004&2005,

• France has the maximum levels of fig export with 8,923,763 and 9,012,705 kgs.

• Germany is the second (7,335,954 and 8,073,253 kgs respectively)

• And Italy is the third.

• In Turkey fig consumption per capita is about 150-200 gr.

• Food industry should be encouraged to use more figs as input.

• Providing a good level of the standards and qualities of export, is very important to stabilize high levels of export. Production capacity should have enough elasticity to cover the rising demand for high-quality products.

General Outlook

One of the main troubles in exports of our country, is the aflatoxin level.




• Marketing• The Supporting Policies• Pricing 

Table :The Purchasing Amount and Base Prices of Figs

YearsPurchasing Amount(ton)

Base Price(TL/kg)

1998/99 3,951 380.000

1999/00 11,228 600.000

2000/01 5,575 750.000

2001/02 2,572 1.650.000

2002/03 3,501 2.250.000




Policy Implications

Problems relative to…..

• Inventory

• Export

• Quality



• Turkey is the leader country in the production of dried and fresh figs.23, 6% of world production of fresh figs and 54, 3% of world production of dried figs is provided by Turkey. This product is very important for our country because it provides inputs of foreign currency and nutritious for human body.

• 83, 4% of the plant areas are highlands and slope areas, 30,000 farmer families are to make a living in that sector and 250,000 people are employed. Therefore figs production should be supported more.