fight your cellulite - fighting fit...


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Page 2: Fight your Cellulite - Fighting Fit · 2 Fight Your Cellulite — Ashley Heap ... they can’t get rid

2 Fight Your Cellulite — Ashley Heap

Time and time again I hear from clients that no matter what they do, they can’t get rid of cellulite from those troublesome areas around their bums, hips and thighs.

I’m sure at some point most people have felt like this, I know I have!

As cellulite affects around 85% of the female population, it is a predominant issue that has been researched thoroughly throughout the years. There have been many new cosmetic ‘cures’ released and marketed—most of which are invasive, very expensive, and have proven unsuccessful.

However, there has also been research done on lifestyle factors and the appearance of cellulite. Current research tells there is no cure for cellulite, but many things can be done to reduce or even eliminate the appearance of cellulite.

There are three factors I’m going to discuss that heavily impact on cellulite appearance. These are diet, exercise, and smoking.

Before explaining the lifestyle factors that play a part in cellulite appearance, it is important to understand what cellulite is.

Firstly, a small review of the skin micro anatomy is needed. The outermost layer of skin is referred to as the epidermis, under this is the dermis, which is richly filled with hair follicles, sweat glands, blood vessels, nerve receptors and connective tissue.

The next layer of tissue is the first of two layers of subcutaneous (beneath the skin) fat. In this first region of subcutaneous fat (the ‘areolar layer’), these fat cell chambers are arranged vertically in females. This creates openings for small amounts of fat to protrude into the dermis causing the dimpled appearance of cellulite.

There is also the possibility that cellulite can also result from a laxity (or weakening) in the connective tissue bands in the dermis that allows for the fat protrusions to occur.

Fight your Cellulite

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3 Fight Your Cellulite — Ashley Heap

It is a common misconception that the only way to rid your body of cellulite is by lengthy cardio sessions.

Cardio is fantastic for fitness but is not the answer for controlling cellulite.

This is why, although lower body fat percentage has been linked to a reduction of cellulite appearance, it is not the only factor in controlling it.

Since the subcutaneous layer rests on muscle, it has been proven that stronger muscles will aid in reducing the appearance of cellulite. Building stronger muscles is done by engaging in resistance training.

There are many benefits to resistance training such as building muscle, helping with injury prevention or aiding in recovery of injuries. On top of all these benefits it is also more mentally engaging to create a more enjoyable workout session and in which you are able to burn just as many calories as a cardio session—which will help you drop any unwanted body fat!

Lifestyle Factor #1 —Exercise

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We all know a healthy diet and lifestyle will lead to a healthy life.

Eating the right foods in the right quantity will not only keep our weight down but also help prevent common diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and heart attack.

When looking at diet in regards to cellulite, it is not only eating the right amount of food but also the type of food and drink you consume.

There are a couple of factors that are biggies in affecting the appearance of cellulite.


Ensuring you drink plenty of water every day to keep hydrated will play a major role in both optimal health and skin health.

Your skin dehydrates as you do, so if you feel thirsty it will mean your skin is feeling the same way. Once your skin becomes dehydrated it will lose the elasticity which helps hold your tissue cells tightly in place to reduce fat protrusion.


We all know alcohol is bad for us, but what you may not know is that it can increase the appearance of cellulite. This works in two different ways.

The more obvious one is that you are consuming excess calories that offer no nutritional value to your body and therefore possibly leading to weight gain. The other factor is that alcohol is a toxin which inhibits your body from running the way it should.

Not only does it dehydrate you but it also prevents certain vitamins and minerals in your body from doing their job—some which aid in fat burning.

The toxins in alcohol damage cells, including fat and skin cells which can lead to weakening of the structures in your subcutaneous layer—increasing fat protrusion.

Lifestyle Factor #2 —Diet

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Making sure you eat a wide variety of food to reach the target amount of nutrients you need each day is going to make a huge difference.

Our bodies need certain amounts of macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fats) each day. We also need a variety of vitamins and minerals which are found in different food groups.

In addition to this, certain foods can increase the appearance of cellulite by causing cellular damage and therefore not work the way your body intended. Foods that dehydrate your body will also create water retention, causing an enlargement effect on fat cells and further dimpling of the skin.

Foods that can cause these effects are generally foods that are high in calories, made up of bad fats, refined sugar, carbohydrates and loaded with salt.

Foods high in saturated and trans fats are generally high in calories and will result in weight gain, usually stored in your fat cells causing fat to protrude even further.

Some examples of foods to avoid are: • pizza• chips• ice-cream• sour cream• fast foods

Good fats are essential to maintain a healthy daily diet. There are many health benefits from them including reducing stress levels.

You are able to find healthy fats in foods such as: olives and olive oil, avocado, nuts, salmon and natural yoghurt.

Foods high in salt, will cause water retention.Some examples of foods to avoid are:• potato chips and crackers• cheese• smoked, cured, and processed meats (jerky, ham, chicken loaf, salami, and devon) • Vegemite and anchovies (both of these have health benefits, so keeping them in your diet in small quantities can be beneficial)

Some salt is needed daily to maintain optimal health. Salt only becomes an issue when it is in highly concentrated doses. Meat and other animal products naturally contain salt and you will also find some in bread.

Foods that are high in sugar cause cell damage and put a lot of stress on your digestive system.

Some examples of food to avoid are:• chocolate• lollies• flavoured / sweetened yoghurt• muesli bars• soft drink and fruit juices• sandwich spreads (jam, peanut butter, Nutella)

Keeping your sugar consumption to natural sources of sugar is your best option. As your body needs some sugar every day, you can source this from foods such as fruit, sweet potato, honey and 100% maple syrup. (Be careful to buy actual maple syrup, not flavoured syrup.)

The bonus of these natural sugar sources is that they are all loaded with other vital vitamins and minerals.

Balanced and Varied Diet

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6 Fight Your Cellulite — Ashley Heap

One further lifestyle change that will drastically help with cellulite reduction is to stop smoking (or never start).

Smoking has so many detrimental and devastating effects on the human body.

Not only can it lead to many health problems within your respiratory system, it also puts a massive strain on your whole metabolic system, leaving you susceptible to many chronic health conditions.

In regards to cellulite, smoking damages skin cells creating less laxity and further opportunities for fat cells to protrude into the dermis, causing further dimpling on your skin.

Lifestyle Factor #3 —Smoking

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7 Fight Your Cellulite — Ashley Heap

I created the following

workout that aims to

reduce cellulite and

is simple enough to be

performed at any time

—in any location .


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8 Fight Your Cellulite — Ashley Heap

Start by standing with your feet apart, slightly wider than hip width, and your feet facing forward.

Put a resistance band around your knees. Push your hips back and lower your hips as close to parallel with your knees as possible.

Take a sideward step (keeping your feet facing forward). Walk 10 metres sideways and then return with your other leg leading.

Repeat 2 times.

Note: If you do not have a resistance band, you can start this without one. As you get stronger through this movement you can add or use a stronger band to increase difficulty.

Side Crab Walk (with resistance band)1Complete 5 rounds

of each exercise.

— Ashley

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9 Fight Your Cellulite — Ashley Heap

Start standing upright with your stomach tight. Lunge forward with your leading foot.

Lower straight down, keeping your back knee at a 90 degree angle and your front knee behind your toes.

Push through your front heel to stand back up.

Move your leading foot to the side and lower down keeping your leading leg straight and so your hips are parallel to your knees.

Push through your heel to stand back up.

Move your leading foot behind you and lower down, making sure you keep your back knee at a 90 degree angle and your front knee is behind your toes.

Repeat 5 times with each leading leg.

You can increase difficulty by adding weight in both hands by your side or holding weight at your chest height.

Around the World Lunge2

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10 Fight Your Cellulite — Ashley Heap

Start by lying on your stomach with your arms extended above your head.

Squeeze your stomach, back, buttocks and leg muscles to raise your chest, upper abdominals and legs off the ground.

Slowly lower back down to the starting position.

Repeat 10 times.

Superman (or Superwoman)3

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11 Fight Your Cellulite — Ashley Heap

Start with your feet slightly wider than hip width apart.

(You should remain with your torso no more forward than parallel with your shins and your weight in the heel of your foot for the duration of this exercise.)

Push your hips backwards and lower yourself so your hips are level with your knees.

Raise back up three quarters of the way.

Lower back into a full squat.

Return upright to complete the repetition.

Repeat 10 times.

You can increase difficulty by adding weight in both hands by your side or holding weight at your chest height.

Squat pulse4

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12 Fight Your Cellulite — Ashley Heap

Start with your feet hip width apart and your knees slightly bent.

Keeping your stomach tight and your spine in a neutral position. Push your hips backwards and lower your chest towards the ground until you feel a stretch in the back of your legs.

Push through your heels and squeeze your buttocks to raise your chest back up to the starting position.

Repeat 10 times.

To increase difficulty you can hold weight at your chest with your arms crossed over the added weight to keep it firmly in place.

Good Mornings5

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13 Fight Your Cellulite — Ashley Heap

Start by lying on your back with your knees bent. Make sure your knees are hip width apart.

Pushing through your heels and squeezing your buttocks, raise your hips up until your torso is in a straight line with your knees and shoulders.

Lower your hips back down to the ground.

Repeat 10 times.

To increase difficulty, you can raise one foot off the ground and repeat the movement 10 times on each leg. Alternatively, you can place your feet on a box, bench or chair and perform the exercise.

Pelvic Raise6

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For more of a challenge as you advance, you can add weight to any or all of these exercises.

The workout that has been supplied has to be one of my favourites for fighting the appearance of cellulite.

It works best in conjunction with a balanced full-body program. If you are unsure about other workouts you can complete, follow me on Facebook as I am always posting new workout ideas and recipes for you to enjoy.

For more complete help and support with your problematic areas and reaching your goals (whatever they may be), visit my website and sign up today for a free consultation.


1. Rossi, A.B.R., Vergnanini, A.L. (2000). Cellulite: a review. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology & Venereology, 14, 251-262.


Fight your Cellulite