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  • 8/6/2019 File Engleza


    l-a exQ.rVr[e h {'e.^rte\ , E n a l i .

    ' l \ n ^ r , l r ' - - -rKvu t J c

    u o Buyen he personwhoconducts he tronsaction. he buyercolls he supplier,visits he sfore, mokes he poynent ndeffects delivery.

    . User the octuol onsumer/user f the product

    3. Doyou hink hot one person ncryssumeus t one ole or mulfipleoles n he buyinggroup? ive axamples.

    4. Doyou hink hot roles differ occording o the product ype?5. Can he roles chonga s he purchosing rocess rogresses?6. Work n groups f three. Thinkoboutdecision okingn your omilywhen f comes

    to buying video omera. dentify roles ond ell yourportners bout t.

    4 7. The roles ore olmost he some or orgonizotions.n poirs discuss ho you hinkmightossume hem see key or accurote nswer).




    ?Ro.Iii :i

    iQo) dil-

    Who buys?ot ) \\:/

    Howdo youdecide o buy products?Is your decision ndividual r are here other people ontributing o it?

    Engel.Blockwell nd Miniqrd Consumer ehaviour, 990,describe ive roles hotmoybe oken by members f the buying entre- thegroup or the houffii?il

    n \ li1 -^0W,,=/Dt "g - l

    . fnifidfon the person who begins he process of considering purchose.Informationmay e gafhered y this person o help he decision.

    . Infllencer, the person who ottempts to persuode thers in the groupconcerning he outcome of the decision. nfluencers ypically gotherinformotion ndottempt o imposeheir choice riterio n he decision.

    . Decider. he individuol ith he power nd or finonciol uthority o moke heultimote hoice egarding hich roduct o buy.

    a. roufine esponsebehoviour

    I involves oconscious lanning,ut rother o powerful,persistent rge o buy something mmediotely.

    b. limited decisionmaking

    2. buying reguently urchosed ow-cost tems hot need erylittle seorch nd decision ffort. Products re purchosedolmost utomoticolly

    c. extensivedecision oking

    buying roducts ccosionally;nformotion othering nddeliberotion re necessory

    5 .

    d. mpulse uying

    4. the purchosenvolves nfqmilior,xpensive r infrequentlybought roducts;many riterio ore used o comporeolternotive ronds r choices; lot of time s dedicoted oinformotioneekinq nddecision okinq


  • 8/6/2019 File Engleza


    \2 .

    x ?


    "There's not so queer as folk"Yorkshire cying

    Tronslotion: There s nothing s stronge s people"


    1. Imogine ou ore o norketer in the outomobile ndustry. You wont o sotisfy yourcustoners' needs os much os possible; herefore you wont to understond ourcustomers etter ond discover ertoin helpfulbuying otterns.

    Work n poirs ndmcke p'wh'guestionseferring o the situotion bove; se oll he'wh'words ou know.

    o. .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . , . . . . .b. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .?c. ............................,...........?d. .........................................?

    e. .........................................?" t. .........................................?

    Doyou hink hot individualsnlywillbuy ourcars, r there may lsobe conponiesinterested n them?

    If organizotions uy he cors you produce, o they hove he some eosons s theindividuols?

    Answers o the questions ouhoveosked n 1. Theyore import_ontndenoble ou os

    a marketer to predict lhe consuner buying behaviour, hot is'the

    decisionprocesses ndocts of people nvolvedn buying nd using roducts".fn order to sotisfy their needs ond wonts, consumers oke different types ofdecisions Types f Consumer uying ehoviour).

    Work n poirs ond ry to predict whot kindof decisions hey ore.

    fn order to see if your guasswork os correct motch he following our buyingdecisions otegories ith their descriptions, hen provide xornples f products oreoch otegory:



  • 8/6/2019 File Engleza


    Consumer Behaviour

    The consumer uying decision rocess s. the organizotional uyilrg ecision rocess

    In both coses he buying ecision rocess s mode pof severol tages.Work n poirsond decide o whot of the two ypes eochdescription elongs.

    A. Problem ecoonitionIt occurs when buyers become wore hot there is a difference between odesired tate ond on octuol ondition. ometimes onsumers ight be unowore fa problem r o need hot they hove. Marketers use sokes ersonnel, dvertisingand pockogingo help rigger recognition f such needs r problems.

    B. Problem ecognitionOne or nore individuolsecognize hot o problern r need xists. This maycrise

    when o mochinemolfunctions r o firm is modifying n existing product orintroducing newone.

    C. Infornotion SeorchAfler recognizing he problem or need, he buyer seorches or informotionabout products hot willhelp esolve he problem r sotisfy he need.

    D. Develoo roduct oecificofionso solve he problemIt nequires uyers o ossess he problem r need ond determine what will benecessary o resolve r sotisfy t. During his stoge users ond nfluencers ftenprovide nformation ndadvice or developingroduct pacificoiions.

    E. Evaluotion f olternotivesTo evoluote products. buyers estoblish criteria for comporing hem. Thesecriterio are he characteristics r feotures hot the buyerswont.

    F. Search or products nd uooliersSearch octivitiesmoy nvolve ooking n conpany iles ond rode directories,contocting uppliers or informotion, oliciting roposals rom known endors,and examining atologues

    ndrcde publications.

    6. Purchosefn this stoge, he consumers hoose he productor brond o be bought. Productavoilability ay nfluence hichbrand s purchosed. ow, he buyer olso picksthe seller and other issues such os price, delivery, worranties, maintenoncecareement, nstallotion ndcredit arrangements re discussed ndsettled.

    H. Evoluote roducts elotive o specificotionsIf oll goes well, the seorch stoge will result in o list of several olternative

    products ndsuppliers. hey ore evoluated o determine hich nes if ony)meetthe product pecificotions eveloped efore.


  • 8/6/2019 File Engleza


    f. Post purchose voluotionAfter the purchose, he buyer begins voruotinghe product o oscentoin f itsoctuol performance meets expected evers. Many of the criteria used inevoluoting lternctives re opplied goin ow.The

    outcome f this stoqe s eifhersotisf ction r dissofsfoction.

    Decision okingesults n serecting he product nd he supplier rorn whom obuy.The octuol roduct s ordered ndspecific etoirs egarding erms, creditorrongements, elivery otes ond methods, nd echnical ssistonce re workedouf.

    K. Evaluote roduct ond supplier erformance

    The product's erformonce s evoluoted y comporingt with specificotions. hesupplier's erformance s olso evoluoted uring his stoge. The results of theevaluotion become eedbock for the other stoges ond influence uturepurchasing ecisions.

    READIN61. In your opinion hot nfluences onsumer uying ehaviour?2. Reod he followingext ond ill in the blank with the missing entences elow he

    text.3. Howwould ou describe he foctors hot influenced he rise n pet-food oles?


    The notion'smore han 100 milion dogs ond cots are eoting better thonevet.

    ... (1)'.... ots con east on pocific nockerer n crob eily or sordines ondchicken. n 1997,Americons pent g3.1 billion n dog ooi, $z.l billion n cotfood, but only9757 million nboby ood.

    .- (2)...' Experts suggest hot peopre re forming croser bonds with theirpets, n port becouse

    here ore more singre eopre iving rone nd more coupreswithout children.Both groups ove hosen o odopt pets o serve os componionsand ubstitute hildren... 3)....

    Becouse f these rends, higher-priced,morenutritious prenium pet foodsore tokingo larger pe?cenloge ut of the neorly $6 billionpet food morker. ..(4)...'. Soles of conned ourmet cot food rose 16.g% n 199g, cnd sares otspeciality et-food tores hot seil the premium et foods rose gTo n the someyea?.

    Pet ood morketers ove ecognizedhat consumens ant heorthier ood ortheir pets ond ore developing ewproduct o sotisfy hem. .. 5)....Mony remiumpet food products, uch os lomsdog ond cot foods ond Hills science Diefs ordogs ond cats, qre distribufed hrough veterinorions nd pet stores rqther thontraditionol supermorkets. remiumpet snacks re orsobecoming ore ond more

  • 8/6/2019 File Engleza


    Consuner ehaviour

    populor. Lick Your chops, o connecticut irm, morkets o line of cll-noturolveterinorion ested dog oods ond snocks n consultotion ith a French boker. ..(6)...

    o) rn oddition, he humon rend owords etter nutritionand itness has been exlendedto pets, whichore often considered onily menbers.

    b) Finolly, here is Frosty Pows, n ice ceom speciolly orrnuloted or dogs, whichcontains ess nilkand sugor hon ce cre-dm ode or humons.

    c) Although otol pet food soles havebeen lat in recent yeors, olesof premium oodsore growing.

    d) Todoy, American ogs ondineon meotloofmode rorn omb ndbrown ice ond inishoff the mealwith ce cream.

    e) Accordingly,he notion's eading et ood markefer, Rolston urina,offers o.N.E..opremium ry dog ood mode rom corn, ice, ond whole hicken; it & Trim,o low-colorie ood for overweight ogs; ond Unigue, line of gourmet onned ot foods.cornotion, nother eoding et-food marketer, ells o gourmet ot food ine under henome oncy eost.

    f) Whyore Amenicans ovishing uchottention on heir pets?


    ^ il F'il n the blonks ith he followingoncepts; hey al l represent ossible nfluenceson consumer uying ecision rocess:

    obility;ottitude: culture; demogrophicoctors; infornotion nputs; knowledge;leorning; evelof involvenent;mofive; otronogemotives; erception; personolfactor; pensonolifi psychologicol octors; selective exposure; selectivedistortion; selective etention; situotionol octors; sociol closs; sociol aciors;subcultures; ef erence roup; ole.

    1. A ......s one hoi is unigueo o porticulor erson.2. ndividuolhorocterisfics uch soge, sex, ace, thnicity, ncome,

    fomily ife cycle, ndoccupotion.3. the externol ircumstonces r conditions hat exist when o

    consumer s moking purchose ecision.4' Monyospects f consumer uying acision are affected by the individuol's

    the inportonce nd ntensity of interest n a product n o porficulorsituotion.

    5. ...................peroting within individuols ortly determine people's generalbehoviour nd hus nfluence heir behoviour s consumers.

  • 8/6/2019 File Engleza


    6. ...................erception s the process f selecting, rganizing nd nferpretinginformotion nputs o producemecning.

    7. he sensotions eceived hrough ight, oste, heoring, mell, ndtouch.

    8. consumers elect some nputs ond gnore monyothers becouse hey do nothove the ability to be conscious f oil the inputs ct one tirne. Thisphenomenons colled

    9. .....'......'.......elective distortion is changing r twisting currently receivedinformation. This occurs when o person receives nformotion thot isinconsistent ith personal eelings r beliefs.

    10. n fhe phenomenon. person emembers nformotion nputs hotsupport personol eelings nd beliefsond orgets nputs hot do not.

    11. A ..."............s on internol energizing orce thot orients o person's ctivitiestowordsotisfying need r ochieving gool.12.Motives haf influence where person urchases roducts no regulor bosisore co|1ed..................

    13. ndividuals ory in theirperforming osks.

    - their competence nd efficiency in

    14. ".......".....efers ro chonges n o person's ehoviour oused y informotion ndexperience.

    15 . ....................s rnode p of two conponents: omilionity ith the product ndexpertise.

    16. ..------. ref ers to knowledge nd positive or negative eelings bout onobject onocfivity.

    17. .............-.--.ersonolitys orr he internor roits ond behoviourshot makeperson nique.f orises rom heredity and personol xperiences.

    18. The orces hot other people xert on buying ehaviour ne olled19. All of us occupy positions within groups, orgonizotions nd institutions.

    Associofed ith eoch position s o ............o set of actions ndqctivities hofo person n o porticulor position s supposed o perform, bosed on theexpectotions f both he ndividual nd urrounding eopla.

    2Q.A group ecomes ............hen n ndividuoldentifieswifh t so much hothe or she tokes on mony

    of the volues, ttitudes or behoviours f groupmembers.21. within oll societies, eople onk others nto higher or lowen osition f

    resPecl. ....................s on open roup f individuols hohove irnilor ociolronk.

    2?. ......................s everything n our surroundingshot is mode y humon eings.ft consists f fongibletems uch s oods, urniture, uildings, lothing, -ndtoofs,and ntcngible oncepts uch s educoti n,welfare, nd aws.

    23. A culture on be divided nto ..................ccordingo geogrophic egions rhumon honacteristics, ouchs cge or ethnic bockground.


  • 8/6/2019 File Engleza


    Consuner ehaviour

    B. Below re possible octors nfluencingrgonizationoluying ehoviour. ork n poirsond group hem occording o ihe cctegories hey belong o:

    oge; buying entre structure; competitive orces; cooperotion; onflict;economicconditions; ducotion evel; ob stqtus; ncome; ows;objectives; ersonality;power elotionships; urchosing olicies; egulotions; esources; echnologicolchonoes.

    C. Con you exploinbriefly how oll these foctors influence he organizotionol uyingbehoviour?

    INDiV{DU*LActivity: !Vo*-j!-groups-of-+our. Eoch group will choose one of the four types ofproduct shown elow ond conduct n nterview. our gool s to try to undenstond owthe product wos bought, he choice riterio used o evaluote ompeting ronds nd whoinfluencedhe choice.

    i1 . Motorcor(.1 Breakfast cereolDn-ff Foreign olidayiQ( Poirof jeons.

    Locole oneine whohos ccentlybought ne of these products ndosk heir consent ointerview hem. Prepore n inferviewschedule isting he topics you wont to cover.Belowore o number of issues ou moy wish to include.These ore guidelines nlypresented n rondom order. Your tosk is to choose hose topics you believe areimportont ond structure the interview n a logicol woy, ollowing he interviewee odiscuss ssues hot are rnportont o her or him.

    Guideline iscussion reos- Informotion earch how much nformotion osgothered, whotsources ere used?- Whot riggered he purchose?- How ongdid the decision-moking rocess oke? Whot were he sloges?- Who orms he decision-mckingnit?Whot oles id hey ploy?- What choice criterio did they usr-? Were different criterio used ot different

    stoges f the decision-moking rocess?- Howmony lternotives ere onsidered?





    Interpersonol Xndividuol


