film genres


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Page 2: Film Genres


In action films they tend to use a lot of high energy when it comes to conflicts within the action film. This is to make the piece of film more unique and authentic. Action is about conflict between a protagonist and antagonist in films.

Most popular films tend to use guns, knives etc. e.g. in the James Bonds films, you can guarantee that there is always bombs, guns etc. included in the film.

Some of the stunts you might see in an action film are things like fights, battles, explosions, two-dimensional ‘good guy’ heroes fighting the ‘bad guys’.

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The adventure genre is normally about stories that go on in the film. Even though all films have narrative, this is a different story that requires the storyline to be ‘they are going on a mission’ there are some famous quotes that are in films such as ‘we are off for an adventure!’.

Action and adventure can be combined into each other as a genre. Normally what you would find in an adventure film is missions, treasure hunts, searches etc.

Films that include adventure as a genre as The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, The Hunger Games: Catching Fire etc. These are adventure films.

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Comedy films are for to make people laugh. This is one of the popular genres as it’s a genre with a lot of creativity in to make it funny towards the audience. Not all people will find some scenes funny but most comedy films has a variety of sense of humour for everyone.

Something you may see in a comedy film is a scene where the characters are over exaggerating a type of situation. The language they might present of what's its based on. The type of story line whether if its something that is made to be surreal.

Films that are comedy are The 40-Year-Old Virgin, Anchorman, Borat, Don’t Mess With The Zohan, The Hangover, American Pie

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Dramas are seen to be serious and dramatic that portray real-life characters in real-life situations. Even though that are over the top and can be seen like this. Drama can be seen to be very serious so there isn’t any comedy, action etc.

Dramas don’t have any special effects made, as drama films are made to be seen from someone's point of view or a situation that could happen in real life as well as played out on the TV.

Type of films that are classed to be in this genre are The Godfather, Forest Gump, The Wold of Wall Street, 12 Years a Slave, Goodfellas, Fifty Shades of Grey and more.

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Horror films are seen as frightening and scary as they’re meant to give us a fright of our own individual fears depending on what type of horror it is. Even though horror films tend to scare us, it is still entertaining to watch as it is provoking us to watch it to see what happens at the end whether its good or bad.

In a horror film you might see monsters, zombies, paranormal activities/apperences, blood and gore etc. there are many different things that’s included in a horror. Sometimes horror films can also be combined with science fiction films.

The type of films that are classed as horrors are The Exorcist, A Nightmare on Elm Street, The Conjuring, Paranormal Activity, Let The Right One In and many more.

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Musicals and dance genres express a kind of setting based on the storyline. They produce a significant dance routine that fits in with the story of the song, but it doesn't’t have to be a dance routine it can also be someone singing in the film. There are many different films that represent musicals and dance in a certain way.

In musicals and dance genres, films can be easily spotted to be in that genre if they include singing and dancing s it’s the definition of dance and musicals.

Films that are classed in musical and dance genre are Saturday Night Fever, Grease, Singin’ In The Rain and many more.

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Science fiction is a genre that represents unreal life objects such as aliens. They present visionary and imaginary film characters and this can be anything to do with living on a different planet from Earth. They normally include special effects such as green screen to make the location look like its real even thought it’s a fantasy.

This genre can be combined with other genres such as horror, comedy, action etc. there are loads and because this is most popular they have different types of sci-fis movies to keep the audience interested

Films that are classed in this genre are Alien, E.T the Extra –Terrestrial, Star Wars, Avatar, Inception and many more.

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This type of genre is true based as they are normally set in the World War time but they can be made as a made up story. This type of genre is to make the audience feel the heartbreak of war when it broke through. You will normally see conflict between the antagonist and protaganist.

When you come to watch this genre you might find that you will notice it will be set on land, the sea, placed in airplanes, bombs, army type of costumes etc. They are also combined with other film genres but this is mainly aimed at action as there is conflict.

The type of films that are classed as this genre are Saving Private Ryan, Full Metal Jacket, Black Hawk Down, The Hurt Locker, The Longest Day and many more.

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• Western films are mostly popular in America but can be popular in the UK as well. Western films can show an historic story about what it used to be like years ago or it could be this day and age depending on what the story is about.

• When you come to watch a western you might witness the horses, dusty towns that look abandoned and in the middle of nowhere, cowboys and Indians are the main thing that appear in western movies.

• Western movies are called Once Upon a Time in the West, The Searchers, Django, Django Unchained, The Quick and the Dead and and many more.