fimpas presentatie engels


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Contains the pres. of the fisheries measures in protected areas (FIMPAS) project.


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Fisheries Measures in Dutch MPAs (27 October 2009)

Fisheries measures in marine N2000 sites in the North Sea

Hans Nieuwenhuis, Project leader N2000 North Sea

and Ton IJlstra,Project leader fisheries measures

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Fisheries Measures in Dutch MPAs (27 October 2009)Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality3

Overview presentation

I. Protecting Natura2000 sites in the North Sea (Hans Nieuwenhuis)

II. Implementing fisheries measures in these areas (Ton IJlstra)

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Fisheries Measures in Dutch MPAs (27 October 2009)Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality4

Sites to protectProtection is an essential part of European legislation (Birds & Habitats Directives) Areas are selected on the basis of scientific criteria Conclusion:

In the EEZ, the Dogger Bank, the Cleaver Bank and the Frisian Front qualify for protection under B&HD Within the 12 mile-zone there will be an expansion of North Sea Coastal Zone and protection of the Vlakte van de Raan

See next slides for locations of these sites

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Fisheries Measures in Dutch MPAs (27 October 2009)Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality5

Cleaver Bank Frisian Front

Dogger Bank

In the EEZ

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Fisheries Measures in Dutch MPAs (27 October 2009)Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality6

Vlakte van de RaanNorth Sea Coastal

Zone 2

Within the 12 mile-zone

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Fisheries Measures in Dutch MPAs (27 October 2009)Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality7

What do we want to protect in these areas?

• Imares report (August 2009) provides recommendations for conservation objectives:• Restoration of habitattypes H1110 (“sandbanks”) and 1170 (“reefs”)• Conservation of the quality of the areas for

• sea mammals (harbour porpoise, seals)• birds (e.g. great skua and the eider)• migratory fish (non-commercial fish)Extensive discussions with stakeholders!

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Fisheries Measures in Dutch MPAs (27 October 2009)Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality8

International co-operation

•Involvement of Coastal States• e.g. Trilateral cooperation aimed at common approach to

conservation objectives for Dogger Bank• Different stages of implementation in 3 member states • Ideally aimed at common proposals for fisheries measures

Involvement of Flag States• In FIMPAS project >> Part II of presentation

•Involvement of International institutions• ICES• European Commission• STECF• North Sea RAC

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Fisheries Measures in Dutch MPAs (27 October 2009)Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality9

Necessary conditions for protection• Approval of the designated sites by the European Commission by placement on the EU list (end of 2009)• Amendment of the Nature Conservation Act to extend its application to the Dutch Exclusive Economic Zone (spring 2010)•Hereafter, 5 Designation decrees in 2010 (+ public consultation procedure)•Investigation to establish whether any additional areas qualify for protection under B&HD or MSFD: decision by 2012• Taking fisheries measures >> part II of presentation

Approval of the European Commission for the measures in the 12 mile zone > Measures to be taken in 2010European Commission develops European regulation after Dutch proposals for measures in the EEZ > Measures in 2012-13

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Fisheries Measures in Dutch MPAs (27 October 2009)Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality10

Overview presentation

II.Protecting Natura2000 sites in the North Sea (Hans Nieuwenhuis)

II. Implementing fisheries measures in these areas (Ton IJlstra)

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Fisheries Measures in Dutch MPAs (27 October 2009)Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality11

What happened previously: June 2008: Private agreement between the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, NGOs and the fishery industry Request to Dutch Minister of Agriculture to organize the international process directed by ICES Following the German example, the EMPAS project

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Fisheries Measures in Dutch MPAs (27 October 2009)Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality12

Current state of affairs On October 6 the FIMPAS* contract was signed Fisheries sector and NGOs participate in FIMPAS FIMPAS project provides the ecologic, economic and marine biological knowledge to take measures

*FIMPAS = Fisheries Measures in Protected Areas

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Fisheries Measures in Dutch MPAs (27 October 2009)Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality13

Planning FIMPAS-project2009 2010 2011

1 2 3

1Kick-off (6 Oktober)

1st Workshop: data gathering

2nd Workshop: Conflict Analysis (conservation objectives vs fisheries techniques)

3rd Workshop: Management Options / measures + Socio-economic implications

ACOM Advice / Closing event – ICES




4 5


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Fisheries Measures in Dutch MPAs (27 October 2009)Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality14

Interaction Nature / Fisheries industry Fishing has a significant impact on the benthic ecosystem This applies to bottom trawling in particular Not all fisheries are damaging to the environment Therefore a conflict analysis is needed: when are fisheries (not) in conformity with the conservation objectives

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Fisheries Measures in Dutch MPAs (27 October 2009)Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality15

Basic Principles for policies

-Not to implement more restrictions than necessary-Protecting nature stimulates innovation en sustainability in fisheries sector-Allow fisheries where and when they are not in conflict with conservation targets-Measures are to be applied to all fishermen (also foreign)-Insight into the economic consequences is important-Regulation of fisheries activities through the CFP-Wide support from the stakeholders is crucial

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Fisheries Measures in Dutch MPAs (27 October 2009)Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality16

Intensity of fisheries on the Dutch North Sea

Smaller than 300 Hp

Larger than 300 Hp

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Fisheries Measures in Dutch MPAs (27 October 2009)Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality17

Developments in the Dutch North Sea fisheries sector

The number of fishing vessels has declined significantly in the past few years Pressure from society to make the sector more sustainable; use of new techniques such as the sum-wing, pulskor, longlining, flyshooten, hydro-rig and other experiments Conversion to new fishing techniques Current production costs require more cost-effective fishing techniques New developments such as labelling schemes Review of the CFP

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Fisheries Measures in Dutch MPAs (27 October 2009)Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality18

Measures in the Natura2000 sites Measures are yet unknown They depend on the advice from ICES and the support this gets from stakeholders Government wants to achieve the conservation objectives within a reasonable period Conservation of ecosystem values in these areas will stimulate more sustainable fisheries industry by establishing requirements for fishing techniques