final campaign graduation project2016

Burke Echelmeier—Account Supervisor Yukima Anderson—Account Manager Brandon Caples—Account Coordinator Jenna Mae Thorne—Senior Account Executive Darien Barrett—Account Executive Julio Valdez—Assistant Account Executive Public Relations Campaigns Fall 2016 Recording Technology

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Burke Echelmeier—Account Supervisor Yukima Anderson—Account Manager Brandon Caples—Account Coordinator Jenna Mae Thorne—Senior Account Executive Darien Barrett—Account Executive Julio Valdez—Assistant Account Executive

P u b l i c R e l a t i o n s C a m p a i g n s F a l l 2 0 1 6

Recording Technology

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Table of Contents

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................... 3

INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................ 5

RESEARCH .................................................................................................................................................. 6

OBJECTIVES ............................................................................................................................................. 10

PROGRAMMING ..................................................................................................................................... 12

EVALUATION .......................................................................................................................................... 23

STEWARDSHIP ....................................................................................................................................... 28

CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................................................... 30

APPENDICES ........................................................................................................................................... 31

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Executive Summary ROPES Model

To reach our goal of increasing recruitment numbers as well as retention

numbers within the Recording Technology concentration of the Communications

Department, we based our campaign off of the ROPES Model. The ROPES Model is a

strategy used by PR practitioners to develop a clear and concise campaign. ROPES is

actually an acronym and stands for the five steps of the model: research, objectives,

programming, evaluation, and stewardship.

The first stage is research. Here we met with the client to get all of the

necessary background information, to get an understanding of the concentration,

where it currently stands and what their goals are. Within this step we develop

SWOT, PEST, and other forms of analysis to understand their position. We then

developed surveys and interviews for students and other faculty around campus to

find a baseline for the concentration. Based off of all of this research, we were able

to determine a proper plan of action for the campaign.

The next step is objectives. In this step we used a strategy called SMART

objective writing to develop our desired outcomes. Objectives are broken into two

types, impact and output objectives, and within the impact objectives are three sub

sections, informational, attitudinal, and behavioral.

The next step is the programming phase. In this phase, we come up with

events to generate awareness, determine our media usage, develop a budget, and an

event calendar. Using our objectives, we come up with events that would best suit

our target audience, while keeping in mind the goals we are trying to reach. Within

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each event, we try to plan everything from logistics, to audience, to budget, to a

contingency plan.

Stewardship is the next phase in the ROPES Model. Here we come up

strategies and techniques we use to evaluate the success of our programming events

and determine how well we reached our goals set up in the objectives phase. These

strategies are anything from website analytics to a post test.

The last phase of the campaign is the stewardship. In this phase we work to

gain the trust of everyone who donated and worked with us in hopes that they

continue to do just that. These five steps are the baseline for our campaign and they

were our guides in creating a successful campaign.

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Introduction About the Campaign

Our client is Mr. Bean, one of the two professors and the head of the

Recording Technology concentration within the Department of Communications at

Alabama State University. He came to us to pair with our group to develop a

campaign to increase recruitment numbers for the concentration as well as keep our

retention rate as high as possible. Mr. Bean and Mr. Kidd, the other teacher within

the concentration, came to us looking for help but to also get a different perspective

on how to effectively recruit for their program. Coming from other students within

the Communications Department we had different insight as well as a different

medium to relay the visions of the concentration. Working with Mr. Bean, we

believe we have created a blueprint that will lead to an increase in numbers and a

successful campaign.

About Recording Technology Recording Technology is one of six concentrations within the

Communications major. In the Recording Technology concentration, students get

hands on education on the tools, technology, and techniques used to produce music

in this day in age in music. The concentration has up to date equipment including

two fully functioning music studios, and teach the latest techniques to produce

music for all types of genres. The product put out by the students within the

concentration is second to none and is something to be recognized.

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Research Background Information (SWOT Analysis)

Strengths Weaknesses

More career opportunities in Recording Technology as opposed to music majors (Radio/TV sound, production, Entrepreneurship, etc.)

Better product than Full Sail University and Art Institute, according to professionals, at a much cheaper cost

Up to date on industry skills, instruments, and technology

Staff not only teaches, but are professionals in the field as well

Located in Montgomery. In the middle of many major music markets including New Orleans, Atlanta, and Nashville

Students are unaware of the Recording

Technology concentration Students are afraid to major in the field Lack of job opportunity Minimal University resources including

budget, website, and social media pages Students don’t like taking all the

communication classes required

Opportunities Threats

Social Media and a website creation Working hand in hand with Radio/TV for

student and concentration promotion More collaboration with other

departments on campus On campus events Reach students who are undeclared and

unaware of the Recording Technology concentration

Musicians want to pay less for the

recording of their music. Means there are fewer jobs and less pay

Production tools are more available to anyone. Means anybody can produce music to some extent

Other schools have this program outside of the Communications department

People are afraid to get into the Recording Technology concentration because of job security

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Background Research (PEST Analysis)

Political A new administration is in office now, so the industry is going to see some changes There will be more of an opportunity for entrepreneurship in this field due to policy changes

in our government Because of this, more entrepreneurial techniques and concepts should be added to curriculum Lower income taxes on major corporations will allow American music companies to use their

funds elsewhere, potentially opening up jobs

Economic Receives little to no funding for a budget from the University Entrepreneurship will have more potential in this industry With a current increase in the stock market, there are more job opportunities and more

consumer opportunities in general, which will benefit the industry With new policies, failed entrepreneurship will have less government bailout opportunities

Socio-Cultural The music industry is growing from a number of participants aspect, but dying in the business

aspect of the industry With more artists, that opens more opportunities for the industry but also means there is more

competition The stigma of the music industry by society may stray kids away from majoring in it Success in this field does not require a formal education or a degree anymore

Technology The increase of technology makes music production easier and the product sounds better Social media allows an artist to showcase their product anywhere, anytime, for cheap With production tools much more available to anyone, there is not as much of a need for a

studio or specific producers A good knowledge of recording technology and music production can separate one from

another due to the quality of product Technology for this industry continues to grow, opening new genres and sounds for future


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Background Research (Stakeholder’s Analysis)

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Primary Research The research phase is a very crucial part in the success of a campaign. It is

important to conduct effective primary research because you base the rest of your

campaign off of this step. The numbers you get from this step are the baseline

numbers. You make your objectives based off this information. Once you’ve

completed your programming phase, you compare the new evaluation numbers to

the baseline numbers to determine the success of the campaign.

As a group we decided the best ways to obtain the necessary information

would be to conduct a survey throughout campus and high schools in the state and

to interview other faculty and students. Our surveys were passed out throughout

the campus in places like the café and the dorms, but we specifically targeted

Freshman Orientation Classes and entry-level Communications classes. We decided

on this because these classes have the highest number of undeclared majors.

**See Appendix A for survey example p. 31

After gathering results of the surveys and interviews we noticed a few

trends. Only about 17% of the students were aware of the Recording Technology

concentration and 74% of students that said they wouldn’t major in this

concentration did so because they were afraid to due to lack of job opportunity. We

also determined many students didn’t want to take this concentration because they

wanted to do the music side of it without taking the other required Communications


**See Appendix B for survey results p. 32

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Objectives Impact Objectives

Informational Objectives

1. To increase the brand awareness of the Recording Technology concentration in

the Department of Communications at Alabama State University by 50% by

November 1st, 2016.

2. To increase social media interaction of the Recording Technology concentration

by 90% by November 1st, 2016.

3. To increase awareness of all prospective students by 40% by November 1st,


4. To increase student involvement in Recording Technology sponsored events by

50% by May 5th, 2017.

Attitudinal Objectives

1. To increase the interest of the Recording Technology concentration by 50% by

December 5, 2016.

2. To increase the use of Alabama State’s own technology and recording equipment

by prospective, current, and past students by 30% by May 5th, 2016.

Behavioral Objectives

1. To increase the number of students enrolled in the Recording Technology

concentration by 15% by January 10th, 2017.

2. To retain 95% students currently enrolled in the Recording Technology

concentration as well increase enrollment by 25% by August 2017.

3. To increase the number of commitments of high school students to the

Recording Technology concentration by 25% by May 2017.

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Output Objectives 1. To spread awareness of the Recording Technology concentration at Alabama

State as well as various high schools through surveys provided and

brochures by October 2016.

2. To add more information to the University's website about the Recording

Technology concentration by January 10th, 2017.

3. To send out one press release per month to the university's newspaper (The

Hornet Tribune) starting in October of 2016.

4. To spread awareness about the Recording Technology concentration through

social media accounts using hashtags and trending stories starting in October


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Programming Themes

When gathering our research, we realized one of the biggest problems with

our low numbers was due to lack of recognition. Only 17% of the population polled

was aware of our concentration. To combat this, we have come up new themes,

slogans, hashtags, key messages, logo, and even a mascot. The first step in gaining

this recognition and increasing awareness was rebranding these areas. Below is the

new look for the Recording Technology concentration:


- My ASU Sound

- Sounds of the Future


- #myasusound

- #soundsofmusic

- #asucommdept

- #asurecordingtech

- #asurectech

Key Messages:

- Recording Technology offers much more than just music

- Enabling entrepreneurs in the Recording Technology industry

- Without Recording Technology, there is no entertainment

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Mascot: Hugo the Hip-Hop Hornet

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Financial Planning Symposium

When: October 12, 2016 at 6 pm

Where: Student Union Theater on Alabama State campus

Who: Professors Emery and Akilah Kidd

Cost: Free

Event Overview: A free forum discussing planning for the future will be offered

by two of Alabama State’s professors, Emery and Akilah Kidd. At this symposium,

the two ex-stockbrokers will be discussing topics such as budgeting, student debt

reduction, wealth accumulation, entrepreneurship, and philanthropy. This event is

open to anyone who wants to get a better grasp on how to financially plan for the


Why: This event is a great opportunity to show students how attainable future

financial stability can be as well as marketing our brand, the Recording Technology

concentration of Alabama State.

**See Appendix C for flyer p. 33

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Listening Party

When: January 26, 2017 at 7 pm

Where: Facility 1 at Alabama State University

Who: Current Students as well as Past Alumni

Event Overview: The Listening Party is an open music forum open to any current

or past ASU students. Here students will be able to listen to and share music

prepared by their friends and classmates. After all the students have performed

their music, there is “open mic” time available for anybody else who has music

prepared and want to share it.

Why: This event provides a platform for the students to broadcast their talents to

anybody in attendance. This will help each student get exposure for their music, but

also generate awareness for the concentration. If students or the public hear and

like the product the students of the Recording Technology concentration put out,

they are much more likely to look into the concentration as an option for school.

**See Appendix D for flyer p. 34

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High School Pep Rallies

When/Where: We are touring around Montgomery to high schools in the Spring

’17 semester. Dates and locations are as followed:

- Jefferson Davis High School—February 3, 2017

- Booker T. Washington Magnet—February 17, 2017

- Sidney Lanier High School—March 10, 2017

- Loveless Academic Academy—March 24, 2017

- George Washington Carver High School—May 26, 2017

Who: Volunteering students in the concentration, Mr. Bean, Hugo the Hornet

Event Overview: Recording Technology students and professors will travel to

surrounding high schools and throw a pep rally at each of these high schools, hyping

the kids up about an upcoming event they have at their school. After the event, the

students have to ability to come up to a table set up by the Recording Technology

concentration and try out some equipment and technology the school has to offer.

Here the Recording Technology students can show the kids some basic techniques

as well as inform them about our concentration.

Why: We believe the recruitment process starts at the highs schools. It is

important to increase the awareness of our field here so they have the necessary

information available to choose our program as their college degree. We believe the

pep rally will not only showcase the talents of students in the program, but also

increase the hype about the program as a whole to these kids at an earlier age. The

post-party table set up will allow the kids a more personal setting so they can ask

questions and see what all the concentration has to offer.

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Social Media Challenge

When: Spring ’17 semester

Where: Social media (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter)

Who: Students of the Recording Technology concentration

Event Overview: Each student in the Recording Technology concentration will be

selected throughout the semester by one of the professors. Once they are selected,

they are to put up an original piece on their social media pages. These pieces will be

up for a 2 weeks for students to listen to. The number of retweets, likes, reposts, etc

will determine the winner of the event. At the end of the semester, the student

gaining the most exposure for their work will be awarded with things like shirts,

hats, community service hours, extra credit, etc.

Why: This is another event that is free to put on and will help increase exposure for

our students and concentration. Again, once people see the kind of products being

put out by our students, it will gain credibility for our program.

**See Appendix E for flyer p. 35

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ASU vs AAMU Basketball Game Tipoff/Kickback

When: February 11, 2017 @ 4:30-6:00 pm & 10:30 pm-1:00 am

Where: Lockhart Gymnasium- Alabama State University

Cost: $10 for non Alabama State students

$7 for Alabama State students with student ID

Event Overview: To build some extra hype for the always intense Alabama State

Alabama A&M basketball game, we are holding a pregame “Tipoff” and post game

“Kickback” party. There are parties for these events already off campus, so we

thought we would bring the party to a place that will provide a safer, more

responsible place. Here at the party, the Recording Technology students will

provide the entertainment by DJing the event. Here we will have grill foods like hot

dogs and hamburgers, drinks, games and an energetic environment that will lead

straight into the game. The “Kickback” which will start directly after the game will

be more of a club vibe. The lights will be turned off, we will have lasers and other

forms of party lights, and our students will again, DJ that as well.

Money: This is the one event we have that will cost money to put it on. This is also

the one event we are using to try to raise money for future use. We will be selling

tickets like it says above, $10 for non ASU students, $5 for students. We will be

having students presell tickets to get money for the party for decorations and food.

We will also be looking to sponsors around the community to donate for our parties

as well. The money we make from tickets and food would be to cover our costs the

donors don’t get and to use for future use.

Why: This is one of the biggest, if not the biggest game of the year. We should take

advantage of the amount of people that show up to this game and use it to promote

our school, basketball team, and concentration through a memorable, fun

environment. I think these parties could be a huge success and could carry on for


**See Appendix F for flyer p. 36

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High School Touring with TRIO Program

When: Throughout the Spring ’17 semester

Where: We will be touring around Alabama in this order: Montgomery, Mobile,

Selma, Tuscaloosa, Huntsville, Birmingham, Auburn, Dothan, Montgomery

Who: Recording Technology students and professors with the TRIO recruitment


Event Overview: The TRIO Program is a recruitment program that we have at

Alabama State that targets lower income high school kids. They travel around the

state to schools in the major cities and counties and talk with these kids about the

options ASU has to offer. We would be tagging along with them to talk to the kids

and let the kids know about our program specifically.

Why: With a program like TRIO, already well known and already attending these

schools, its an opportunity we can use to pass our word out further around the high

school. Being the TRIO is already going, we would have free transportation around

the state.

**See Appendix G for touring map p. 37

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Bama State Sound Mobile App

What: This is a mobile app that can be downloaded by anybody, but it is designed

with our students in mind. This app is comparable to Soundcloud, but it is more

along the lines of an interactive portfolio or resume. With this app, students would

have their own account and main page. They can put whatever they feel would

benefit them on their page. They would also put all of their work they deemed

worthy on their page as well. Their account would have all of their information

right there, easily navigated for anybody to look up.

Why: When working in a field that uses so much innovation and technology, why

not incorporate that into something as necessary as a portfolio. Here the student

will be able to keep all of their work in one area. This will allow them to get to any

of their work quickly, and it allows the public the same thing. We think this would

be a good app to have when trying to get a job. If there are perspective job

opportunities, they can send a link to their page to the employer and they can view

their work as they please. They will also be able to keep up with anything else the

student uploads. We think this is a necessary tool to help our students out while

they are in school and after.

**See Appendix H for app icon p. 38

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Uncontrolled and Controlled Media

Uncontrolled Media:

- Press Releases

- Twitter #myasusound (content tagged by students)

- Facebook, My ASU Sound (page)

- Instagram #myasusound (content tagged by students)

Controlled Media:

- Alabama State Recording Technology webpage

- Cell phone app

- PSAs of tour and recruitment announcements

- Brochures (TRIO)

- Twitter (Content tweeted by our department)

- Instagram (Posts by our department)

- Facebook (Posts by our department)

Audience Participation:

- Financial Planning Symposium

- Alabama A&M Tipoff/ Kickback

- High school pep rallies with Hip-Hop Hornet (mascot)

- High school touring with TRIO

- Social Media Contest

- The Listening Party

- Bama State Sound Mobile App

- Posting content on social media with the hashtags

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Calendar We have developed a calendar that shows all meeting times and who we’ve

met with as well dates, future and past, for all of our events to be held. Some of the

dates (ASU v. AAMU game, Financial Planning Symposium, High School Pep Rallies)

are all set dates but the TRIO touring events are tentative to work with their

schedule and to figure out what works best for them.

**See Appendix I for calendar p. 39

Budget Recording Technology has a next to nothing budget which has posed a couple

of problems for the concentration in the past. Every dollar spent has to be raised by

us alone and it all has to be utilized as effectively as possible. Most of our events are

free due to budget constraints, but the “Tipoff/ Kickback” will cost and hopefully

raise money. What the donors do not cover, we will have to pay for and we took all

of this into account when developing our budget.

**See Appendix J for budget p. 42

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Evaluation Strategies for Impact Objectives Informational Objectives:

1.To increase the brand awareness of the Recording Technology concentration in the

Department of Communications at Alabama State University by 50% by November 1st,


Proposed Evaluation

- Ask Post Test Question (1):

1. Have you heard of the Recording Technology concentration at Alabama State University?

2.To increase social media interaction of the Recording Technology concentration by

90% by November 1st, 2016.

Proposed Evaluation

- Brandwatch (Social Media Listening)

- Cyfe (Social Media and Website Analytics)

- Google Analytics

- Twitter:

Followers Retweets Reach Mentions: @asusound Tags: #myasusound, #asurecordingtech, #asucommdept,

- Instagram:

Followers Likes Reach Tags #myasusound, #asurecordingtech, #asucommdept

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- Facebook:

Likes Followers Reach Mentions of ASU Recording Department Tags #myasusound, #asurecordingtech, #asucommdept

3.To increase awareness of all prospective students by 40% by November 1st, 2016.

Proposed Evaluation

- Track website traffic through Google Analytics and Cyfe

- Ask Post Test Question (4-6)

4. Have you been to the Alabama State’s Recording Technology page before?

5. Are you aware the Recording Technology concentration has its own page?

6. Are you aware of the features and opportunities the Recording Technology’s webpage offers?

4.To increase student involvement in Recording Technology sponsored events by 50%

by May 5th, 2017.

Proposed Evaluation

- Track and analyze attendance during each event held

- Ask Post Test Question (2-3)

2. Have you heard of any events on the Alabama State campus that is sponsored by the Communications Department or the Recording Technology concentration?

3. Have you attended any of these events?

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Attitudinal Objectives:

1.To increase the interest of the Recording Technology concentration by 50% by

December 5, 2016.

Proposed Evaluation

- Brandwatch

- Ask Post Test Questions (7-8):

7. Have you seen any social media pages for the Recording

Technology concentration?

8. Would you be willing to follow any of these accounts?

2.To increase the use of Alabama State’s own technology and recording equipment by

prospective, current, and past students by 30% by May 5th, 2016.

Proposed Evaluation

- Compare current usage to the usage after December 5th, 2016 - Track the usage by prospective, current, and past students - Ask Post Test Questions (9-10):

9. Did you know Alabama State has a recording studio and recording technology available for use?

10. Would you be interested in using the recording technology the school has to offer?

Behavioral Objectives:

1.To increase the number of students enrolled in the Recording Technology

concentration by 15% by January 10th, 2017.

Proposed Evaluation

- By tracking the number of current students enrolled and the number

of students enrolling in January 2017

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2.To retain 95% students currently enrolled in the Recording Technology

concentration as well increase enrollment by 25% by August 2017.

Proposed Evaluation

- By tracking the number of current students enrolled along with the

additional number of students enrolling by August 2017

3.To increase the number of commitments of high school students to the Recording

Technology concentration by 25% by May 2017.

Proposed Evaluation

- Ask Post Test Questions Through TRIO (11-13):

11. Are you interested in Alabama State University?

12. Are you aware of what the Recording Technology concentration

has to offer?

13. Would you consider majoring in this concentration at Alabama

State University?

Evaluation Strategies for Output Objectives 1.To spread awareness of the Recording Technology concentration at Alabama State

as well as various high schools through surveys provided and brochures by October


Proposed Evaluation

- Track surveys from high school students and ASU students

- Record/set dates of tours to high schools for spreading awareness

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2.To add more information to the University's website about the Recording Technology

concentration by January 10th, 2017.

Proposed Evaluation

- Recording Tech link - - Post articles and pictures on home page and social media

3.To send out one press release per month to the university's newspaper (The Hornet

Tribune) starting in October of 2016.

Proposed Evaluation

- Count number of press releases sent out

- Record press releases printed in ASU's news papers

- Record date of press release sent out

4.To spread awareness about the Recording Technology concentration through social

media accounts using hashtags and trending stories starting in October 2016.

Proposed Evaluation

- Set date and times for info about department through social media to be released

- Through hashtags and trending stories - Keep record of trending stories being released and hashtags being used - Record general mentions

**See Appendix K for Post Test example p. 43

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Stewardship Reciprocity

- Start the “Honored Hornet” retention program

Acknowledgment letter

Annual token of appreciation (keychain, magnet, luggage tag, etc.)

Special gift if they attend sponsored events (water bottle, umbrella,


Listed on our website under our “Donors” section

- Continue to promote students who have produced music through our

concentration via social media and our webpage.

- Recognize sponsors at their sponsored events. Also, list them as sponsors

on banners at the events.

- Send tickets to athletic events to each of the sponsors.


- Consistent interaction on social media sites such as events and


- Use the funds we receive from some of our social events to buy airtime with

a larger and broader media outlet.

- Promote “Social Media Challenge” not only on the Recording Tech social

media sites but to promote it on Alabama State home page.

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- Routine reports on the use of gifts from the Recording Tech’s/dean or chair

of department

- Send out letters of appreciation from Recording Tech to donors and


- Regular progress reports including a financial report, if appropriate

- Record and publish video releases during tours and events

Relationship Nurturing

- Open Communication via social media applications.

- Implement Rewards at events thrown during campaign

- Appoint advocates for the brand from various competitions hosted by the


- Set clear expectations and be aware of intended audience which are people

who have not declared a major or incoming freshman.

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The ultimate goal of this campaign was to increase recruitment numbers and

keep our retention rate high. To do this you need to inform the students that are

unaware of what the concentration has to offer and you accomplish this by

generating brand awareness and maximizing traction. I believe the campaign that

we put together and executed did just this.

Our research stage was thorough and concise, obtaining all the necessary

information from our client as well as collecting enough data from the student body

and other faculty members to set a solid baseline for further testing. Our objectives

were reasonable and obtainable. Our programming events, I believe, are very

practical and useful. They will generate exponential amounts of awareness if they

are executed like they should be. Our evaluation tactics are sound and cover all of

the measurable bases offered in our objectives phase. And our stewardship phase

shows promise in nurturing the relationships we have made from third parties

during this campaign.

When all five of these steps come together and get properly executed, I think

we can easily generate brand awareness for the Recording Technology

concentration and we will reach our ultimate goals for recruitment increase.

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Appendices Appendix A

(Sample Survey) 1. What is your sex? Male Female 2. What is your classification? Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior High School 3. Have you declared a major? Yes No 4. Did you know there was a Communications Department at Alabama State University? Yes No 5. Do you know the different concentrations the Communications Department has to offer? Yes No 6. Have you heard of the Recording Technology concentration at Alabama State University? Yes No 7. Are you familiar with what the Recording Technology concentration has to offer? Yes No 8. Do you know where the Recording Technology classes are held? Yes No 9. Did you know Alabama State has a recording studio and technology available for use? Yes No 10. If undeclared, would you be willing to major in Communications with a concentration in Recording Technology? Yes No 11. If you have declared a major, would you be willing to switch your major and major in Communications with a concentration in Recording Technology? Yes No

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Appendix B (Survey w/ Results) 1. What is your sex? Male (38) Female (34) 2. What is your classification? Freshman (18) Sophomore (12) Junior (5) Senior (4) High School (33) 3. Have you declared a major? Yes (20) No (52) 4. Did you know there was a Communications Department at Alabama State University? Yes (42) No (30) 5. Do you know the different concentrations the Communications Department has to offer? Yes (19) No (53) 6. Have you heard of the Recording Technology concentration at Alabama State University? Yes (12) No (60) 7. Are you familiar with what the Recording Technology concentration has to offer? Yes (8) No (64) 8. Do you know where the Recording Technology classes are held? Yes (4) No (68) 9. Did you know Alabama State has a recording studio and technology available for use? Yes (12) No (60) 10. If undeclared, would you be willing to major in Communications with a concentration in Recording Technology? Yes (3) No (49) 11. If you have declared a major, would you be willing to switch your major and major in Communications with a concentration in Recording Technology? Yes (1) No (19)

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Appendix C

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Appendix D

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Appendix E

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Appendix F

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Appendix G

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Appendix H

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Appendix I

Element Date Who Year Status

Client introduction and team


August 24 ALL 2016

Client Meeting #1 August 26 ALL 2016

Group Meeting #1 August 26 ALL 2016 Research (Primary and Secondary) August 26th –

September 1st ALL 2016

Client Meeting #2 (primary

goals & ideas) September


DB 2016

**IRB Approval Letter September






Group Meeting #2 September


ALL 2016




ALL 2016

**Research Phase and Progress

Report/Memo Due September


BE 2016

Group Meeting #3 September


ALL 2016

Complete Surveys September


JV 2016

Create Objectives September


ALL 2016

Meeting w/ Dr. Okeowo September


BC 2016

Meeting w/ TRIO Director September


DB 2016

Student Interview- Recording

Tech, September


YA 2016

Group Meeting #4 (Objectives) September


ALL 2016



ALL 2016




ALL 2016

**Objective Phase and Progress

Report/Memo Due September


BE 2016

Group Meeting #5 September


ALL 2016

Programming Ideas September



ALL 2016

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Client Meeting #3 October


ALL 2016

Group Meeting #6 October


ALL 2016

Programming/Events/Theme October


ALL 2016

Group Meeting #7 October


ALL 2016

App Construction/




ALL 2016

Group Meeting #8 October


ALL 2016

*Account Team Presentation:

Objectives and

Programming Phase









**Objective and Programming Phase

and Progress Report/Memo Due October


BE 2016

Client Meeting #4 October


ALL 2016


PHASE October


– 21st

ALL 2016

Group Meeting #9 October


ALL 2016

* Account Team Presentation:

Evaluation Phase



ALL 2016

** Evaluation Phase

Report/Memo due October


BE 2016

Work on Stewardship phase October

31st –



ALL 2016

Group Meeting #10 November


ALL 2016

Group Meeting #11 November


ALL 2016

*Account Team

Presentation: Stewardship




ALL 2016

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Campaign Calendar Yukima Anderson – YA Jenna Mae Thorne – JT *Due in Class

Brandon Caples – BC Julio Valdez – JV **due via email: Dr. Byrd &

Mr. Bean

Burke Echelmeier – BE Darien Barrett – DB *** electronic and hardcopy


**Stewardship Phase

Report/Memo due November





Work on final presentation November


ALL 2016

Work on visuals for final





Group Meeting #12 November


ALL 2016

Finalize Campaign Details November


ALL 2016

Final Campaign Team

Presentation November


ALL 2016


***Campaign Proposal/Plan

Book due November


BE 2016

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Appendix J

Media and Public Relations

PR Research $00.00/hr. $00.00

PR Strategies and Tactics $00.00/hr. $00.00

Slogan Development $00.00/hr. $00.00

Campaign Logo Design $00.00/hr. $00.00

Visual Campaign Design $00.00/hr. $00.00

Media Management $00.00/hr. $00.00

Free Gifts/ Promotional Items

Key Chains ( 750 x $0.64 $480.00

Wrist bands ( 800 x $0.18 $144.00

T-shirts ( 144 x $3.24 $466.56

Recording Technology High School Tour (Alabama) w/ Trio Programs

Fuel Cost $00.00 $00.00

Pregame Tip-off/ After Party Slam (Tickets) $10.00 (non-student)

$5.00 (student)

Technical Equipment $00.00 $00.00

Microphone/speaker $00.00 $00.00


Chips $12.72/case

Drinks $10.98/case

Bottled Water $6.68/case

Candy $15.08/case


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Appendix K

(Post Test Example) 1. Have you heard of the Recording Technology concentration at Alabama State University?

Yes No Maybe

2. Have you heard of any events on the Alabama State campus that is sponsored by the Communications Department or the Recording Technology concentration?

Yes No Maybe

3. Have you attended any of these events?

Yes No Maybe

4. Have you been to the Alabama State’s Recording Technology page before?

Yes No Maybe

5. Are you aware the Recording Technology concentration has its own page?

Yes No Maybe

6. Are you aware of the features and opportunities the Recording Technology’s webpage offers?

Yes No Maybe

7. Have you seen any social media pages for the Recording Technology concentration?

Yes No Maybe

8. Would you be willing to follow any of these accounts?

Yes No Maybe

9. Did you know Alabama State has a recording studio and recording technology available for use?

Yes No Maybe

10. Would you be interested in using the recording technology the school has to offer?

Yes No Maybe

11. Are you interested in Alabama State University?

Yes No Maybe

12. Are you aware of what the Recording Technology concentration has to offer?

Yes No Maybe

13. Would you consider majoring in this concentration at Alabama State University?

Yes No Maybe

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Appendix L

The Account Team

Burke Echelmeier, a senior communications

major with a concentration in public relations at

Alabama State University. He is originally from

Fulton, Missouri where he attended Fulton High

School. Before Alabama State he attended Wallace

Community College in Dothan, AL where he earned his

Associates degree. Burke pitches for the Hornets of

Alabama State where he won a SWAC Championship in his first year as a Hornet.

Burke plans to go to graduate school where he’ll earn his MBA with a focus on

investment management. He wants to get into stocks when he’s done with school,

hopefully as a Financial Advisor.

Jenna Mae Thorne, she is senior at Alabama State University.

Jenna Thorne is getting her degree in Communications PR with a

minor in physical education. Jenna is a transfer student from

Sierra College in California where she earned her Associates

degree in social science. Jenna Thorne was a member of Alabama

states collegiate softball team. Jenna Thorne has completed two

internships. Her first internship was with Damien Readus in the athletic advisement

office where she learned the in and outs of collegiate advising. Jenna has also

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interned with the sports information office on campus. Jenna Thorne plans to

graduate Fall 2016 and is looking into graduate school at Auburn University.

Yukima Anderson is a graduating senior majoring in

Communications with a concentration in Public

Relations. She is from Loachapoka, AL, a small town by

way of Auburn, AL. She has gained Public Relations,

Medical, and Business Marketing/Management

experience through various internships and job

opportunities. These areas of opportunities include interning for Girl Scouts of

Southern Alabama, Alabama House of Representatives in the Office of The House

Minority Leader, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services and the Student Conservation

Association. She has worked with Alabama State University’s Athletic Department as

a student assistant for German Bello and Reggie Barlow, an office assistant for Dr.

Gwendolyn Boyd and Kesha Howard in Alabama State University President’s Office.

Yukima also had the opportunity to gain experience in the medical field by working

in East Alabama Medical Center’s main lab as a Registration Representative/ Lab

Assistant, testing specimen and ordering accurate tests for physicians and patients.

Having come from an athletic family, Yukima hopes to become a successful sports

agent in the near future.

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Brandon Caples, a Senior Communications major

Public Relations Concentration attending Alabama State

University. In addition to being a full time student, he is

also a full time athlete for this institution after being

awarded a baseball scholarship. He was born and

raised in Tampa, Florida on October 20th 1994. He

picked up sports at an early age of 4-years-old, quickly became a lifestyle of his that

carried all the way up to college. Athletics has taught him many things and has given

him many skills such as punctuality, motivation, ability to cooperate, and being able

to perform under pressure; all skills that can be targeted, and used for a career in

Public Relation or any other field.

Julio Valdez, is senior Communications major with a

concentration in Public Relations at Alabama State.

Julio is currently in his last semester where he is a

graduate assistant for the Hornets baseball team, a

team he played on for four years prior. He will

become an assistant coach in the spring once he

graduates. Julio Valdez is from Oviedo, FL where he

attended Lake Howell High School. Julio also coaches and runs camps held by

Perfect Game and the Triton Rays. He wishes to continue his coaching career at

Alabama State University in years to come.

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