final form1

SECTION A (10 marks) (Time suggested: 15 minutes) Question 1 Read the text below. The first and last lines are correct. For the remaining line there is one grammatical error in each line. Underline the error. Then, write one word to correct the error in the space provided. An example has bee given. The correct word must not change the meaning of the sentence. There are no spelling and punctuation errors in this text. 1 Adding a pet to your family can be both a pleasant and unpleasant experience. It could be best to choose a pet that can fit into your lifestyle. Pet owners need to make time to their pets. It is a huge responsibility to feed, bathe and play for your pet. Pets need time to adapt to their owners and new environment. Sometimes, pets dirtied the carpet, claw at the curtains, dig away the lawn or chase the postman. Some pets can lived up to twenty years. Pet owners need to make sure they have the money, time and energy needed for raise a pet. Fortunately, some pet owners dump e.g : could (1) _____________ (2) _____________ (3) _____________ (4) _____________ (5) _____________ (6) ______________

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Final Examination Form 1 based on the PT3 format


Page 1: Final Form1

SECTION A(10 marks)

(Time suggested: 15 minutes)

Question 1

Read the text below. The first and last lines are correct. For the remaining line there is one

grammatical error in each line.

Underline the error. Then, write one word to correct the error in the space provided. An

example has bee given. The correct word must not change the meaning of the sentence.

There are no spelling and punctuation errors in this text.


Adding a pet to your family can be both a pleasant and unpleasant

experience. It could be best to choose a pet that can fit into your

lifestyle. Pet owners need to make time to their pets. It is a huge

responsibility to feed, bathe and play for your pet. Pets need time to

adapt to their owners and new environment. Sometimes, pets dirtied the

carpet, claw at the curtains, dig away the lawn or chase the postman.

Some pets can lived up to twenty years. Pet owners need to make sure

they have the money, time and energy needed for raise a pet.

Fortunately, some pet owners dump their pets in the dark alleys and

abandoned building when they find they are unables to look after their

pets. This is a very cruel act because if there are not rescued, they can

starve in death. Thus, it is important that you are prepared to be fully

committed to raising a pet before deciding to have one.

e.g : could

(1) _____________

(2) _____________

(3) _____________

(4) _____________

(5) _____________

(6) ______________

(7) ______________

(8) ______________

(9) ______________


(10 marks)

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SECTION B(30 marks)

(Time suggested: 40 minutes)

Question 2

Read the following text. Then, answer questions (11) - (20).


A Visit to Sayang HouseLast Saturday morning, the Caring Club members of SMK Sri Megah

organized another community service activity. After months of organizing fund-

raising activities, they had collected RM950.00 in cash and received donations of

blankets, pillows and mattresses from kind well-wishers.

The donations were given to Sayang House. It is an orphanage which was

set up y Ms Ananthi Sundram in 2002. The home relies on public donations to care

for the 40 children living there.

The President of the Caring Club presented Ms Ananthi with the donations.

However, that was not all the members had for the children. After a delicious treat

of a fast food lunch, the members organized some games such as musical chairs,

memory games and races.

Then, the members entertained the children with various performances. They sang

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Using the information from the text, complete the following graphic organizer.


A Visit to Sayang House

Organised by:

11) _________________________

Activities organised:

12) _______________________

13) _______________________

Background of Sayang House

18) Founder


19) Established in the year


20) Number of children cared for: _____________________


14) _____________________

15) _____________________

16) _____________________

17) _____________________

(10 marks)

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Question 3

Read the travel brochure below. Then, answer questions (21)-(29)



Admission: RM5 for adults, RM5 for children Traditional Peranakan townhouse Visitors will be entertained by tour guides who tell

tales of the past

Admission: RM5 for adults, RM2 for children Built around 1641 by the Dutch Believed to be the oldest Dutch building in the region Town Hall and Governor’s house Has a history and Ethnography Museum and a Literature Museum

inside its town square Fee includes admission into the museums and the governor’s



Admission: Free 18th century Dutch Residential House


Admission: By donation 1920’s Malay kampong house situated along Sungai Melaka See a collection of historical artefacts



Located 1km northwest of Chinatown

See beautiful traditional Malay-style house nearby


Fee: RM15 Boat ride along Sungai Melaka


Fee: RM25 per person (includes a guide) Two or three hour cycling tour around the city Starts at 8.30 p.m

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Question 21- 24: Based on the brochure, state whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE.

21) Stadthuys has two museums inside its town square. ____________ (1 mark) 22) Entry into the Baba-Nyonya Heritage Museum is by donation. ____________ (1 mark)

23) The Villa Sentosa is situated 1 km from Chinatown. ____________ (1 mark)

24) One can tour the city on a bicycle for only RM25. ____________ (1 mark)

Question 25-29: Read the brochure carefully and answer all the question below.

25) Where can visitors go to see an old Dutch residential house? _________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

26) Who would most likely sign-up for the Malacca Night Cycling tour? _________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

27) Fill in the table with an appropriate phrase from the brochure.

Meaning Phrase

I. stories from long ago

(1 mark)

II. with a contribution

(1 mark

28) Why do you think visitors will be “entertained” when they visit the Baba-Nyonya Heritage Museum? _________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

29) What other place can visitors see while cruising along Sungai Melaka? Give a reason. _________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

5(10 marks)

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Question 30

You plan to visit Melaka and would like your friend to come along. In about 50 words, write a

message to your friend. In your message:

encourage him/ her to join you

give reasons to support your choice

add other relevant information to make your writing interesting.

Read the letter from Ginny to Swee Meng carefully and answer questions (21)-(30)


Dear ___________________,



(10 marks)

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SECTION C(20 marks)

(Time suggested: 20 minutes)Question 4Read the letter from Ginny to her friend, Swee Meng.


Dear Swee Meng,

I am so happy to hear from you. How are you and your family? I have been meaning to write to

you about our last conversation.

I know exactly how you feel because I used to forsake rest too. I was spending time too much

time staying connected with my friends and relatives through emails, text massages and instant

messenger. I did not get enough sleep at night so I ended up feeling tired and sleepy in the morning.

Here is what I did to overcome the problem. Firstly, I logged out from my email account,

instant messenger or a social networking site when I wanted to go to sleep. Your friends will also log

out if they see that you are not online.

Then, you should turn off any electrical devices in your bedroom. If you leave them switched

on, the glowing screens or dim lights can make it harder for you to fall asleep. Moreover, hearing the

pings coming from your devices in the middle of the night only makes matters worse.

I also think that you should make sleep a priority. Tell your friends that you will not answer

any calls and text massages, or reply to emails one hour before your bedtime. This will give you

enough time to prepare for bed. Your body and mind needs time to wind down as bedtime approaches.

Please try out these steps to a more peaceful slumber. A good night’s sleep is what your body

needs to boost energy so you can focus in school the next day.

I hope these tips will be useful to you. Please write soon.

Your friend,


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Question 31-39

31) Why was Ginny tired and sleepy in the morning?


( 1 mark)32) What will Swee Ming’s friends do if they see that she is not online?


( 1 mark)33) List two disadvantages of leaving your gadgets switched on in the bedroom.

i) ______________________________________________________________________

( 1 mark)

ii) ______________________________________________________________________

( 1 mark)

34) According to Ginny, what should be Swee Meng’s priority?


( 1 mark)35) Fill in the table with an appropriate word/phrase from the letter.

Meaning Word/ Phrase to stop having


a particular place___________________________________

connected to the computer ___________________________________

a good relaxing sleep ___________________________________


(4 marks)

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36) What should Swee Meng do one hour before bedtime?


( 1 mark)37) Why should Swee Meng have enough time to prepare for bed?


( 1 mark)

38) Why do you think Swee Meng should get enough sleep? Give two reasons.

i) ______________________________________________________________________

( 1 mark)

ii) ______________________________________________________________________

( 1 mark)

39) Give two other suggestions to help Swee Meng prepare for bedtime.

i) ______________________________________________________________________

( 1 mark)

ii) ______________________________________________________________________

( 1 mark)



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SECTION CLiterature Component: Poem

Question 5

Read the poem below carefully. Then answer question (40)- (43).


The River’s a wanderer A nomad, a tramp, He doesn’t choose one place To set up his camp.

The River’s a winder, Through valley and hill, He twists and he turns, He just cannot be still.

The River’s a hoarder, And he buries down deep,

Those little treasures, That he want to keep.

The River’s a baby, He gurgles and hums, And sounds like he’s happily,

Sucking his thumbs.

The River’s a singer, As he dances along,

The countryside echoes, The notes of his song.

The River’s a monster, Hungry and vexed, He’s gobbles up trees,

And he’ll swallow you next.

Valerie Bloom

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40) In stanza one, give one similarity between a wanderer, a nomad and a tramp?


(1 mark)

41) In stanza three, what does the phrase down deep refer to?


(1 mark)

42) In stanza four, what sounds does a river make?


(1 mark)

43) Do you think the river is the monster? Give a reason.



(2 marks)


( 5 marks)

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(Time suggested: 30 minutes)Question 6

The picture below shows the poor condition of the playground in your housing estate.

As the President of Earth Junior Club at your school, you are going to give a speech on “How

To Save Our Playground” in front of your teachers and your friends during the assembly.

Based on the picture given, write your speech.

When writing the speech, you should: Describe the condition of the playground. Express what you feel Suggest ways to maintain a clean and safe playground Write between 120 to 150 words.


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( 30 marks)

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Literature Component: Novel

(10 marks)(Time suggested: 15 minutes)

Question 7

Based on the novel Journey to the Centre of the Earth by Jules Verne, write about the moral

values that you gain from the characters in the story.

Your response must be not less than 50 words. Give examples from the novel to support

your answer.















( 10 marks)