final lab report

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Department of Civil and Structural Engineering Civil Engineering (31072–2) CSE331 --- Air & Noise Pollution Studies October 2011 i Laboratory Report for Air Pollution Experiment 1a: Gas Pollutant Measurement Experiment 1b: Determination of Suspended Particulates Using HighVolume Sampler Student Name (ID) : Programme Code : 31072 2 Subject Code : CSE331 Air & Noise Pollution Studies Lecturer : Dr. H. Guo Date of Laboratory Test : 29Sep2011 Date of Report Submission : 14Oct2011

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Page 1: Final Lab Report

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Department of Civil and Structural Engineering Civil Engineering (31072–2) CSE331 --- Air & Noise Pollution Studies

October 2011 i


Laboratory  Report  for  Air  Pollution  

 Experiment  1a:  Gas  Pollutant  Measurement  Experiment  1b:  Determination  of  Suspended  Particulates  Using  High-­‐Volume  

Sampler    Student  Name  (ID)  :                    Programme  Code  :   31072  -­‐  2  Subject  Code  :   CSE331  Air  &  Noise  Pollution  Studies  Lecturer  :     Dr.  H.  Guo  Date  of  Laboratory  Test  :     29-­‐Sep-­‐2011  Date  of  Report  Submission  :  14-­‐Oct-­‐2011  

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The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Department of Civil and Structural Engineering Civil Engineering (31072–2) CSE331 --- Air & Noise Pollution Studies

October 2011 ii

 TABLE  OF  CONTENT  TOPIC   DESCRIPTIONS   PAGE    1.   Gas  Pollutant  Measurement  (Using  Teflon/Tedlar  Bag)  ....................................................  1  

1.1.   Objective  ............................................................................................................  1  1.2.   Apparatus  ...........................................................................................................  1  1.3.   Procedures  .........................................................................................................  1  1.4.   Sampling  location  ...............................................................................................  2  1.5.   Experiment  result  data  .......................................................................................  3  1.6.   Questions  and  Answers  for  experiment  1a  ........................................................  4  

2.   Determination  of  Suspended  Particulates  (Using  High-­‐Volume  Sampler)  .........................  5  2.1.   Objective  ............................................................................................................  5  2.2.   Apparatus  ...........................................................................................................  5  2.3.   Procedures  .........................................................................................................  5  

2.3.1.   Calibration  ..................................................................................................  5  2.3.2.   Sampling  .....................................................................................................  5  

2.4.   Experiment  result  data  .......................................................................................  6  2.5.   Questions  and  Answers  for  experiment  1b  ........................................................  8  


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October 2011 1 of 9

1. Gas  Pollutant  Measurement  (Using  Teflon/Tedlar  Bag)  

1.1. Objective         To  carry  out  spot  measurement  around  Polytechnic  University  by  means  of  sampling  bag  method  for  collecting  gas  pollutants  at  different  locations.    1.2. Apparatus    

1. Gas  analyzer  for  SO2,  NOX  and  CO  measurement.  2. Tedler  sampling  bag  3. Constant  flow  sampling  pump  4. Teflon  tubing  

 1.3. Procedures      

- Go  to  designated  sampling  location  (Fig  1  in  P.  2)  - Point  inlet  tubing  at  working  level  near  pollution  source.  - Let  the  sampling  pump  free  run  for  equilibrium  the  sampling  line  at  least  one  minute.  - Switch   off   the   pump.   Connect   Teflon   tubing   from   pump   bag   is   closed.   (Hold   bag   inlet  

fitting  and  turn  valve  body  for  either  open  or  close  the  valve).  - Switch  on  the  pump  for  desired  averaging  time  period,  after  time  finished.  - Switch  off  the  pump  again.  Closing  the  bag  valve  by  one  full  right  run.  Disconnect  tubing  

from  bag  inlet  fitting.  - Adjustment  of  the  sampling  flow  rate  for  desired  averaging  time  period  shown  below:  

-­‐     Averaging  time  period  (T)  =  5  minutes  -­‐     Sampling  bag  capacity  (V)  =  12  litres  -­‐     Total  volume  of  sample  must  not  greater  than  12  litres  -­‐     Flow  rate  (Q)  should  be  set  lower  than  V/T  =  2.4  LPM  -­‐     The  optimum  flow  rate  for  this  example  is  2  LPM  

- Go  to  anther  sampling  location  for  taking  gas  sample  again  - Bag  sample  should  be  taken  back  to  laboratory  for  further  analysis  as  soon  as  possible.  


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October 2011 2 of 9

1.4. Sampling  location  Fig  1   –  

Sampling  location  in  Campus                                

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October 2011 3 of 9

1.5. Experiment  result  data    Date   26th  September  2011  Weather  condition   Fine    Location  (Fig  1  in  P.  2)   1   2   3   4   5  Remarks    (Any  activity  takes  place  nearby?)  

No   No   No   No   No  

1.                         SO2     (ppb)   3.5   2.6     5.9   4.2  

2.                         NO   153.2   37.8     91.7   284.1  

3.                         NO2  (ppb)   60.4   33.3     38.6   57.9  

4.                         CO  (ppm)   917.5   550.2     893.7   2078.9              Date   26th  September  2011  Weather  condition   Fine    Location  (Fig  1  in  P.  2)   6   7   8   9   10  Remarks    (Any  activity  takes  place  nearby?)  

No   No   No   No    

1.                         SO2     (ppb)     3.2   2.9      

2.                         NO     29.6   63.6      

3.                         NO2  (ppb)     24.0   51.3      

4.                         CO  (ppm)     481.5   833.9                                    

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October 2011 4 of 9

1.6. Questions  and  Answers  for  experiment  1a    1. What  is  the  advantage  and  disadvantage  of  using  sampling  bag  for  collecting  gas  sample?    Answer:    The  advantages  of  using  sampling  bag  are  very  easy  and  convenience  to  collect  gas  sample.  This  method  can  easy   to  obtain   the  air  pollutants  without  using   complex  devices.  The  costs  of  using  sampling  also  lower  than  other  method.    The   disadvantages   of   using   sampling   are   fair   surface   inertness   and   indefinite   hold   time   when  collecting  gas  sample.  Human  error  may  sometimes  occur,  the  gas  sample  may  not  steady  for  such  a  short  time  to  collect  the  air.  When  collecting  trace  compound  in  atmosphere,  we  need  to  clean  the  tubing  every  time  we  use,  or  replace  the  tube  after  several  time  used.      2. Compare   the   measurement   results   at   different   locations   and   suggest   reasons   if   there   is  

variation  in  the  results?    Answer:    From   the   experimental   result   data,   It   is   easy   to   see   that   Location   4   and   5   have   a   higher   NO  concentration  than  other  locations.  The  reason  of  this  may  due  to  location  4  and  5  are  need  the  working  site  of  POLYU  and  also  a  highway  next  to  it.      This  also  prove  that  why  the  CO  value  is  much  higher  than  lcoation  2,7  and  8.  While  location  1  are  also  located  above  a  bus  stop  and  the  traffic  jam  of  Hung  Hom  Cross  Harbour  Tunnel.  CO  and  NO  are  higher  than  location  7  and  2  while  is  much  near  the  school  campus.    Result  finds  out  that  the  NO2  and  SO2  concentration  are  quite  similar  for  all  the  location  we  have  measured  in  this  laboratory.  Mostly  because  government  have  control  the  emission  of  these  two  pollutant.  These  are  only  based  emission  from  the  combusion  source.  

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October 2011 5 of 9

2. Determination  of  Suspended  Particulates  (Using  High-­‐Volume  Sampler)  

2.1. Objective    

1. To  calibrate  a  high-­‐volume  sampler  2. To  determine  the  mass  concentration  of  suspended  particulates  in  ambient  air  

 2.2. Apparatus    

1. High  volume  sampler  with  flow  recording  device  2. Differential  manometer  3. Analytical  balance  4. Orifice  calibration  unit  5. Glass-­‐fiber  filters  

 2.3. Procedures    2.3.1. Calibration    

- Assemble   the   high-­‐volume   sampler   with   a   clean   filter   in   place   and   run   for   at   least   5  minutes.  

- Shut  off  the  motor,  remove  the  filter,  and  attach  the  orifice  calibration  unit  in  its  place.  - Operate  the  high-­‐volume  sampler  at  a  series  of  different,  but  constant  airflows.    - Record   the   reading   of   the   differential   manometer   on   the   orifice   calibration   unit,   and  

record  the  reading  of  the  flow-­‐recording  device  attached  to  the  high-­‐volume  sampler.  - Convert   the   differential   manometer   reading   to   m3/min,   Q,   using   the   correlation   curve  

provided  by  the  manufacturer.  Plot  the  flow  recorder  device  reading  versus  Q.    2.3.2. Sampling    

- The   particulate   sample   has   been   collected   and   equilibrated.   Initial   filter   weight,   Initial  flow  rate,  Final  flow  rate  and  sampling  time  can  be  obtained  by  air  laboratory.  

- Weigh  the  filter  to  the  nearest  milligram  (final  weight).  - Convert  the  flow  rate  readings  to  actual  flow  rate  form  the  calibration  curve.  - Calculate  the  mass  concentration  of  the  suspended  particulates.  

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October 2011 6 of 9

2.4. Calibrate  a  high  volume  sampler  Particulate Measurement DataDate: 26 September 2011Class: 31069-2A&C/31072-2AOrifice Serial Number : 49A

Slope(m) 0.033576 Intercept(b) 0.028875 Y=mX+bTemperature: 298 Kpressure: 760 mmHg

Resistance Plate


Inch of Water(H) Pressure


(Y) Equal to Square Root of


(X) Actual Flow in CFM

Pressure Recorder Chart

Flow Rate in CFM

Corrected Chart Flow

Rate in CFM

18 12.3 2.196 64.547 56 35.06613 9.7 1.950 57.224 48 30.05710 7.8 1.749 51.226 33 20.6647 4.7 1.358 39.572 25 15.6555 2.9 1.066 30.899 21 13.150










0.00## 10.00## 20.00## 30.00## 40.00## 50.00## 60.00## 70.00##








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October 2011 7 of 9

2.5. Experiment  result  data    

Sampler  Model   PM  10  Initial  weight  of  filter(g),  Wi   4.5011  Final  weight  of  filter(g),  Wf   4.5858  Total  sampling  time  (min),  T   1221  Average  flow  rate,  Qavg  (CFM)   37.5  Corrected  flow  rate  (CFM)   15.4427  Corrected  flow  rate  (m3/min)   0.4370  Air  volume  sampled  (m3),  V   533.6117  Wf  –  Wi   0.0847  RSP  (µg/m3)   158.73    Note:  Qavg  =  (Qf  +  Qi)/2,  V  =  Qavg  x  T    The  mass  concentration  of  the  suspended  particulate  is  158.73  µg/m3    


  RSP(µg/m3)  =  [Wf-­‐Wi  x  106  ]  /  V       V  =  [Qi  +  Qf]  /  2]  x  T  

Where   Wi  =  Initial  weight  of  filter  (g)  

Wf  =  Final  weight  of  filer  (g)  

V  =  Air  volume  sampled  (m3)  

Qi  =  Initial  air  flow  rate  (m3/min)  

Qf  =  Final  air  flow  rate  (m3/min)  

T  =  Sampling  time  (min)  




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October 2011 8 of 9

2.6. Questions  and  Answers  for  experiment  1b    1. Particulate  concentration  by  the  high-­‐volume  method  has  been  doubled  because  of  several  

sampling  errors.  Suggest  some  of  these  errors.    Answer:    Particulate   concentration   by   the   high-­‐volume   method   has   been   doubled   because   of   several  sampling  errors.  These  errors  are  timing  of  each  step,  inherent  sources,  airflow  variation  etc.  Timing   of   each   step   cannot   be   counted   very   well.   Inherent   Sources   of   Error   may   be   occurring  inside  the  devices.  The  weight  of  material  collected  on  the  filter  represents  the  (integrated)  sum  of  the   product   of   the   instantaneous   flow   rate   times   the   instantaneous   particle   concentration.  Therefore,  dividing  this  weight  by  the  average  flow  rate  over  the  sampling  period  yields  the  true  particulate  matter  concentration  only  when  the   flow  rate   is  constant  over   the  period.  The  error  resulting  from  a  not  constant  flow  rate  depends  on  the  magnitude  of  the  instantaneous  changes  in  the  flow  rate  and  in  the  particulate  matter  concentration.  However,  such  errors  may  not  large,  but  we   can   be   greatly   reduced   by   equipping   the   sampler   with   an   automatic   flow   controlling  mechanism  that  maintains  constant  flow  during  the  sampling  period  to  solve  such  errors.                                            

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October 2011 9 of 9

2. Comparing   the   measurement   results   you   obtained   with   Hong   Kong   Air   Quality   Objective  (HKAQO).  

 Answer:    Refer  above  calculation,  we  found  that  the  concentration  of  Respirable  Suspended  Particulates  is  158.73  µg/m3.  Accordance  with  the  table  of  Hong  Kong  Air  Quality  Objectives,  the  average  value  of  RSP  is  180µg/m3  in  24  hours,  we  saw  that  the  concentration  of  RSP  were  taken  in  Polytechnic  University  were  lower  than  180µg/m3,  it  implied  that  the  air  quality  is  in  good  condition  when  we  were  taking  data  on  26-­‐September-­‐2011  .    The  following  factors  may  be  affect  the  concentration  of  RSP,    1. The  concentration  of  RSP  measured  

by  EPD  is  at  298K  and  101.325  kPa.  There  are  some  different  with  our  measurement.    

2. Location  of  High-­‐volume  Sampler  is  near  the  cross  habour  tunnel,  high  traffic  volumn  may  be  affect  the  result,  also  the  construction  site  which  is  near  us  may  be  increase  the  concentration  of  pollutant.