final process book skate scad


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By Camille, Chris, Andy, and Piercen


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SKATE SCADA Contextual Research Project

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AcknowledgementThrough Contextual Research Methods instructed by Proffesor R. Cambell, an opportunity has arrisen for four InProffesor R. Cambell, an opportunity has arrisen for four In-dustrial design students here at The Savannah College of Art and Design, of which we have explored in depth in attempts to fully recognize the potential of the design opportunity at hand. This exploration is only possible by the open minded-ness and team work of our small design group, and the intil-lect and guidance of our overseer and proffesor, Mr. Cambell

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Table of Context Abstract

Introduction and Research Context

Data Collection Methods

Preliminary Findings

Data Analysis

Conclusions and Implications for Design




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Abstract:Purpose -

Findings -

To attempt by various means of ethnographic research to understand skateboards, skateboarding and skateboarding culture, so to recognize potential benefits and value that can be given to the community from design opportunities found within the context of skateboarding at SCAD and around downtown Savan-nah, GA. USA

By way of environmental, situational and interpersonal observation, our group aspires to gain a clear un-derstanding of our goal. Methods used include observational research, data documentation by means of pic-tures, video and sound recordings, and most importantly interviews conducted with both SCAD students and members of the SCAD/Savannah community.

Throughout our research, our focus developed and evolved throughout stages due to design opportuni-ties recognized throughout research. By the end, we had concluded that our findings pointed towards the potential opportunity for SCAD and its affiliates to utilize skateboard culture by means of collaborative classes within various majors and the possibility of a SCAD maintained skateboarding location

Skateboarding is a very much alive and growing culture in the United States, by pointing out design op-portunities within the SCAD Skateboarding demographic, SCAD can utilize an up and coming social activity to benefit it and its students proffesionally.

Methodology -

Originality / Value -

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Statement of PurposeThe intent of our research is to understand skateboarder culture in Downtown Savannah, GA to find collaborative opportunities with a focus on skateboarding.

- Who Skateboards?- What is Skate culture?- Is SCAD a good vessel for the amplification of skate culture?- What is the value for all participants?

Skateboarding and Skate culture

Research Questions

Research Topic

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DATA COLLECTION METHODS To gain an understanding of skateboarding and skateboard culture in and around SCAD and Savannah, GA, we took to the streets observing the sport, its participators, its arti-facts, and its effects on the community. At first it was simply taking pictures at the clos-est local skate park, Woody’s. Then we developed a range of profiles of potential inter-view subjects (see appendix). Then we moved on to interviewing not only skate-boarders themselves but members of the local community to help identify where the opportunity lay, would a skatepark in down-town Savannah hinder its quiet small city feel? Or could it be that an injection of fresh adrenaline into the community could do the opposite, making SCAD and Savannah more desirable by potential students and tourists?We interviewed nine different subjects to find out. We asked them a range of close ended questions about their opinions on skate-boarding, gave them some free thinking cards to sort, and asked some open ended questions about what they thought about potential opportunities with the sport here in Savannah.Savannah.

Ethnographic Research

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Closed Ended:• my opinion on skateboarding is...• my opinion on public art is...• what do you think about SCAD’s interaction with the community?• what potential value does a skate park hold?

We collected tons of data by means of face to face interviews, this gave us a good insight intot the varied opin-ions of different stake-holders here in Savannah.

Interview Questions:Open Ended:• What experiences have you had with skating/skateboarders?• In your opinion would a skate park be beneficial in downtown savannah?• Would you consider a sculpture garden an area of interest?• Do you consider a skate park or skating a form of art?• Do you skateboard?• What does skate culture mean to you?• What does skate culture mean to you?• What is/was your college major or personal interest?• How can your major or personal interest relate to skateboarding / skate parks?

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FINDINGS FROM OBSERVATIONSWhen we first started gathering informa-tion, we were having a hard time tracking down where the skateboarding was going on in Savannah, this led us to Woody’s skatepark, a small mostly wooden ramp skatepark in southern Savannah. Here we got a lot of good pictures and video, as well as some good conversation with the well as some good conversation with the local skaters. The general opinion was that Savannah could benefit greatly from a better outlook on skateboarding, as well as a safe haven for skaters to practice their trade, and one that wasnt accessable only by car. Later, through observation of vari-ous locations through out Savannah, it was easily determinable that the urban environ-ment is not at all suited for skateboard cul-ture, in turn relaying skateboarding as something out of the ordinary, an alien thing to do here. This must be why skate-boarding is a lot of times seen as

something negative happening in the com-munity, because it is not understood by the majority population. Further observa-tion was focused moreso on the SCAD community, and we found that SCAD not only has many skateboarders in it’s student population, but even more students that respect and are affected by the fashion and attitude of skate culture. So why does SCAD and its community not embrace skate culture? It is determinable by means of the same community arguement as Sa-vannah, if something is not fully under-stood by a community, it is very unlikely that the activity be publicly acceptable much less be promoted by the communi-ties authorities. So how do we turn that around? Is there a way to utilize the poten-tial of skate culture and its subsidiaries and abolish negative connotation due to mis-communication and mistranslation?

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FINDINGS FROM INTERVIEWSThrough interviews with members of the Savannah and SCAD communities, we could uncover some great ways to further ex-plore our topic. The following are a few of our nine interviews in analyzed format:

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DATA ANALYSISNow that we had collected a range of observable data, it was time to synthesize it into a form where we can un-derstand, and use to develope design opportunities. We started by breaking down our interviews (see previous graphics) and using the interesting points, and restated points to develope some graphical data about what our control group generally thought about skateboarding and its direction in our context.

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DISCUSSION OF RESULTS By means of breaking our information down into charts, we can more easily discover where the public opinion is on skateboarding culture, its con-text here in Savannah, and what directions could potentially be taken to utilize said culture in a fun, constructive, proffesional way. From our research you can see that skateboarding, while being con-sidered dangerous, has alot of perks in its practice for a community. Public opinion has it that skate-boarding has the potential to better a community by means of giving a recreational activity for it’s youth. This activity, although sometimes given a destructive context, is much moreso respected as an up and coming sport. This brings us to the opinion on a publicly sanctioned skatepark in downtown Savannah. This idea is highly praised by all interviewies, and offers opportunities for col-laboration within SCAD artists and collaboration within the local community. A park would also be considered a learning tool for young people want-

ing to pick up a new hobby, as well as good expo-sure for brands that in turn could be good proffe-sional exposure for SCAD and its students. Thirdly the majority opinion on SCAD itself was found very high, and found to be extremely constructive for the surrounding community. This brings us to the cross-roads between the three, is there a way to use SCAD as a vessel for the professionaliza-tion of skateboard culture and fashion? What about collaborative efforts between SCAD and skateboard companies in the future? Is SCAD missing out on an untapped resource that is the proffesional skate industry? Our findings are start-ing to look this way.

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CONCLUSIONSThrough our ethnographic research, we have determined that by utilizing skateboarding and skateboard culture we can:

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On Learning:

Through-out the quarter, our team has become aquanited with an array of ethnographic research techniques, which we put to use and have devel-oped an understanding of the subject. Though working in a team can be stressful at times, and hard to orches-trate, our work would not have been capable without every member. Thank you Proffesor Cambell for guiding us through our process, we hope this subject can be further explored by future students.

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APPENDIX (1) Timeline

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APPENDIX (2) Interview Sheet 1

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APPENDIX (3) Interview Sheet 2

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APPENDIX (4) Overview Word Cloud

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Appendix (5) Profiles

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Our Contextual Research group is comprised of:

Camille Sakoda-Chang (Industrial Design)

Chris Befeld (Industrial Design)

Andy Vandenheuvel (Service Design)

Piercen Lawrence (Industrial Design)

Thank you. Thank you.