final project of ee210

Final Project of EE210 Tianyu Li, Section 004 BLOCK 1 1. Purpose: To combine 2 input into one and to control the output voltage range from 10 mVpp to 400 mVpp. 2. Schematic of the circuit: 3. Supporting mathematical derivation:

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Page 1: Final Project of EE210

Final Project of EE210Tianyu Li, Section 004

BLOCK 11. Purpose:

To combine 2 input into one and to control the output voltage range from 10 mVpp to 400 mVpp.

2. Schematic of the circuit:

3. Supporting mathematical derivation:

4. Description/explanation of the function of the design:With the help of the potentiometer and fixed resistors, we can control the gain of the circuit. And each potentiometer can change the current go through the voltage source, we can change the gain of both sources respectively.

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5. Graphs/plots:*CH1: Right Channel (440Hz, 500mV)*CH2: Left Channel (3520Hz, 500mV)*CH3: Output of Block1Potentiometer at their maximum resistance:

Potentiometer at their minimum resistance:

Page 3: Final Project of EE210

BLOCK 21. Purpose:

To produce a variable gain for high audio frequency and low one.2. Schematic of the circuit:

3. Supporting mathematical derivation:No

4. Description/explanation of the function of the design:When the potentiometer is at its minimum value, the circuit acts as low pass. When the potentiometer is at its maximum value, the circuit acts as high pass

5. Graphs/plots:*CH1: output from Block1/input to Block2 (440Hz, 400mVpp)*CH2: output of Block2High pass

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Low pass


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BLOCK 31. Purpose:

Control the output of the block varied between 1.2Vpp and 0Vpp with a typical 400mVpp (absolute max 1.2Vpp) input.

2. Schematic of the circuit:

3. Supporting mathematical derivation:

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4. Description/explanation of the function of the design:When potentiometer is at its extreme (let’s say at its minimum value), the output is connected to input directly. So at this time Vout = Vin. When potentiometer is at the other extreme, the output is connected to ground directly. So at this time Vout = 0V.

5. Graphs/plots:Not required.

BLOCK 41. Purpose:

To create a voltage level meter and to light the LEDs2. Schematic of the circuit:

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3. Supporting mathematical derivation:

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4. Description/explanation of the function of the design:R1, R2, R3, R4, R5 are design to divide the voltage to produce the expected voltage level. The op-amps are used as comparators, which compare the voltage at the non-inverting terminal and the one at the inverting terminal. Since the input voltage varies from 0 to 400mVpp, with this design, LEDs will be lit respect to different voltage input. And the Rlimit is calculated with Vturn-on=3.3V given in the supplement.

5. Graphs/plots:

BLOCK 51. Purpose:

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To overcome the loading effect and work up to currents on the order of a couple tens of milliamps.

2. Schematic of the circuit:

3. Supporting mathematical derivation:

4. Description/explanation of the function of the design:The TDA7051A audio power amplifier chip (replaced with a voltage controlled source here) can overcome the loading effect.

5. Graphs/plots:*CH1: Output from Block 3 /Input to Block 5(440Hz, 600mVp)*CH2: Output of Block 5

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